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Understanding the role of forests on snowmelt processes enables better estimates of snow storages at a catchment scale and contributes to a higher accuracy of spring flood forecasting. A coniferous forest modifies the snowpack energy balance by reducing the total amount of solar shortwave radiation (SWR) and enhancing the role of longwave radiation (LWR) emitted by trees. This study focuses on changes in SWR and LWR at three sites with different canopy structure (Bohemian Forest, Czechia), including one site affected by the bark beetle (Ips typographus). Measurements of incoming and outgoing SWR and LWR were performed at all sites equipped with CNR4 Net Radiometers for three cold seasons. In addition to SWR and LWR, sensible and latent heat, and ground heat and energy supplied by liquid precipitation were calculated. The results showed that net SWR at the healthy forest site represented only 7% of the amount at the open site due to the shading effect of trees. In contrast, net LWR represented a positive component of the snowpack energy balance at the healthy forest site and thus contributed the most to snowmelt. However, the modelled snowmelt rates were significantly lower in the forest than in the open area since the higher LWR in the forest did not compensated for the lower SWR. The progressive decay of disturbed forest caused the decrease in mean net LWR from −3.1 W/m2 to −12.9 W/m2 and the increase in mean net SWR from 31.6 W/m2 to 96.2 W/m2 during the study period. These changes caused an increase in modelled snowmelt rates by 50% in the disturbed forest, compared to the healthy forest site, during the study period. Our findings have important implications for runoff from areas affected by land cover changes due to either human activity or climate change.  相似文献   

Hemispherical photographs of forest canopies can be used to develop sophisticated models that predict incident below canopy shortwave radiation on the surface of interest (i.e. soil and water). Hemispherical photographs were collected on eight dates over the course of a growing season to estimate leaf area index and to quantify solar radiation incident on the surface of two stream reaches based on output from Gap Light Analyser and Hemisfer software. Stream reaches were shaded by a mixed‐deciduous Ozark border forested riparian canopy. Hemispherical photo model results were compared to observed solar radiation sensed at climate stations adjacent to each stream reach for the entire 2010 water year. Modeled stream‐incident shortwave radiation was validated with above‐stream pyranometers for the month of September. On average, the best hemispherical photo models underestimated daily averages of solar radiation by approximately 14% and 12% for E–W and N–S flowing stream reaches, respectively (44.7 W/m2 measured vs 38.4 W/m2 modeled E–W, 46.8 W/m2 vs. 41.1 W/m2N–S). The best hemispherical photo models overestimated solar radiation relative to in–Stream pyranometers placed in the center of each stream reach by approximately 7% and 17% for E–W and N–S stream reaches respectively (31.3 W/m2 measured vs 33.5 W/m2 modeled E–W, 31.5 W/m2 vs. 37.1 W/m2N–S). The model provides a geographically transferable means for quantifying changes in the solar radiation regime at a stream surface due to changes in canopy density through a growing season, thus providing a relatively simple method for estimating surface and water heating in canopy altered environments (e.g. forest harvest). Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Process-based, distributed-area snowmelt runoff models operating at small scales are essential to understand subtle effects of climate change, but require data not commonly available. Temperature index models operating over large areas provide realistic simulations of basin runoff with operationally available data, but lack rigorous physically based algorithms. A compromise between the two types of models is required to provide realistic evaluations of basin response to environmental changes in cold regions. One adaptation that is uniformly required for snowmelt models is the use of remotely sensed data, either as input or in model validation. At a minimum, snowmelt forecasting models need to incorporate snowcover extent information, which is currently obtained operationally. As more remote sensing capabilities come on line, models should accept upgraded information on snow water equivalent; additional remotely sensed information on landcover, frozen soil, soil moisture, cloudiness and albedo would also be useful. Adaptations to the semi-distributed snowmelt runoff model (SRM) are underway to make it more physically based for use in large area studies. A net radiation index has been added to the model, which formerly used only a temperature (degree–day) index to melt snow from a basin's elevation zones. The addition of radiation to the SRM allows the basin to be subdivided into hydrological response units by general aspect (orientation) as well as elevation. Testing of the new radiation-based SRM with measured radiation from a small research basin is the first step towards large scale simulations. Results from the W-3 research basin in Vermont, USA are promising. In the radiation version, the factor that multiplies the degree–day index is estimated independently of model output and is held constant throughout the season, in contrast with the degree–day version, where the corresponding factor is allowed to increase throughout the season. Without calibrating or optimizing on this important parameter, the goodness-of-fit measure R2 is improved in two out of six test years when the radiation version of the SRM is used in place of the degree–day version in melt season simulations. When the accumulation of error is eliminated with periodic updating of streamflow, more significant improvement is noted with radiation included.  相似文献   

A physically based snow-evolution modelling system (SnowModel) that includes four sub-models: MicroMet, EnBal, SnowPack, and SnowTran-3D, was used to simulate eight full-year evolutions of snow accumulation, distribution, sublimation, and surface melt from glaciers in the Zackenberg river drainage basin, in north-east Greenland. Meteorological observations from two meteorological stations were used as model inputs, and spatial snow depth observations, snow melt depletion curves from photographic time lapse, and a satellite image were used for model testing of snow and melt simulations, which differ from previous SnowModel tests methods used on Greenland glaciers. Modelled test-period-average end-of-winter snow water equivalent (SWE) depth for the depletion area differs by a maximum of 14 mm w.eq., or ∼6%, more than the observed, and modelled test-period-average snow cover extent differs by a maximum of 5%, or 0·8 km2, less than the observed. Furthermore, comparison with a satellite image indicated a 7% discrepancy between observed and modelled snow cover extent for the entire drainage basin. About 18% (31 mm w.eq.) of the solid precipitation was returned to the atmosphere by sublimation. Modelled mean annual snow melt and glacier ice melt for the glaciers in the Zackenberg river drainage basin from 1997 through 2005 (September–August) averaged 207 mm w.eq. year−1 and 1198 mm w.eq. year−1, respectively, yielding a total averaging 1405 mm w.eq. year−1. Total modelled mean annual surface melt varied from 960 mm w.eq. year−1 to 1989 mm w.eq. year−1. The surface-melt period started between mid-May and the beginning of June and lasted until mid-September. Annual calculated runoff averaged 1487 mm w.eq. year−1 (∼150 × 106 m3) (1997–2005) with variations from 1031 mm w.eq. year−1 to 2051 mm w.eq. year−1. The model simulated a total glacier recession averaging − 1347 mm w.eq. year−1 (∼136 × 106 m3) (1997–2005), which was almost equal to previous basin average hydrological water balance storage studies − 244 mm w.eq. year−1 (∼125 × 106 m3) (1997–2003). Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To evaluate the interactive effects of snow and forest on turbulent fluxes between the forest surface and the atmosphere, the surface energy balance above a forest was measured by the eddy correlation method during the winter of 1995–1996. The forest was a young coniferous plantation comprised of spruce and fir. The study site, in Sapporo, northern Japan, had heavy and frequent snowfalls and the canopy was frequently covered with snow during the study period. A comparison of the observed energy balance above the forest for periods with and without a snow‐covered canopy and an analysis using a single‐source model gave the following results: during daytime when the canopy was covered with snow, the upward latent heat flux was large, about 80% of the net radiation, and the sensible heat flux was positive but small. On the other hand, during daytime when the canopy was dry and free from snow, the sensible heat flux was dominant and the latent heat flux was minor, about 10% of the net radiation. To explain this difference of energy partition between snow‐covered and snow‐free conditions, not only differences in temperature but also differences in the bulk transfer coefficients for latent heat flux were necessary in the model. Therefore, the high evaporation rate from the snow‐covered canopy can be attributed largely to the high moisture availability of the canopy surface. Evaporation from the forest during a 60‐day period in midwinter was estimated on a daily basis as net radiation minus sensible heat flux. The overall average evaporation during the 60‐day period was 0·6 mm day−1, which is larger than that from open snow fields. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pathways and fate of road deicing salt (NaCl) applied during the 1994–1995 winter were studied for a 14-km section of a major highway that crosses the Oak Ridges Moraine in southern Ontario. Total salt applications over the winter ranged from 29 to 74 kg m−1 of highway, and NaCl concentrations in snow banks adjacent to the roadway reached 9400 mg l−1 during the later stages of snow cover development. This salt was released to the ground surface during snowmelt. Sodium chloride (NaCl) loadings to soil from snow cover during the final melt phase were relatively uniform along the study section (3–5 kg NaCl m−1 of highway). However, the snowpack at all transects retained <50% of applied NaCl, and this shortfall probably reflected direct runoff and infiltration of saline meltwater from the road surface into the adjacent shoulder and right-of-way. Cation exchange with Ca2+ in near-surface soils most likely resulted in preferential retention of Na+ relative to Cl, although total storage of NaCl in upper soil horizons by winter's end was <15% of deicing salt applications. An environmental tracer (18O) was used to trace movement of saline meltwater through the unsaturated zone underlying the highway. Average meltwater particle velocities at a site underlain by loam soils were 0.02 m d−1, and ca. 280 mm of water was displaced below a depth of 1.86 m over a 78-day period in the spring and summer of 1995. Sodium ion and chloride ion concentrations in water sampled in late summer 1995 at depths >2 m exceeded 500 mg l−1 and 1000 mg l−1, respectively. Approximately 75% of the net flux of NaCl below the upper soil was retained in the 0–2.8 m depth interval at this site, and results from more permeable soils traversed by the highway indicate an even greater penetration of the annual NaCl application into the unsaturated zone along the moraine. This saline water likely recharges groundwater in this portion of the Oak Ridges Moraine.  相似文献   

The snowcover energy balance is typically dominated by net radiation and sensible and latent heat fluxes. Validation of the two latter components is rare and often difficult to undertake at complex mountain sites. Latent heat flux, the focus of this paper, is the primary coupling mechanism between the snow surface and the atmosphere. It accounts for the critical exchange of mass (sublimation or condensation), along with the associated snowcover energy loss or gain. Measured and modelled latent heat fluxes at a wind‐exposed and wind‐sheltered site were compared to evaluate variability in model parameters. A well‐tested and well‐validated snowcover energy balance model, Snobal, was selected for this comparison because of previously successful applications of the model at these sites and because of the adjustability of the parameters specific to latent heat transfer within the model. Simulated latent heat flux and snow water equivalent (SWE) were not sensitive to different formulations of the stability profile functions associated with heat transfer calculations. The model parameters of snow surface roughness length and active snow layer thickness were used to improve latent heat flux simulations while retaining accuracy in the simulation of the SWE at an exposed and sheltered study site. Optimal parameters for simulated latent heat flux and SWE were found at the exposed site with a shorter roughness length and thicker active layer, and at the sheltered site with a longer roughness length and thinner active layer. These findings were linked to physical characteristics of the study sites and will allow for adoption into other snow models that use similar parameters. Physical characteristics of wind exposure and cover could also be used to distribute critical parameters in a spatially distributed modelling domain and aid in parameter selection for application to other watersheds where detailed information is not available. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There are many areas of uncertainty when solving the inverse problems of snow water equivalent (SWE) reconstruction. These include (i) the ability to infer the Final Date of the Seasonal Snow (FDSS) cover, particularly from remote sensing; (ii) errors in model forcing data (such as air temperature or radiation fluxes); and (iii) weaknesses in the snow model used for the reconstruction, associated with both the fidelity of the equations used to simulate snow processes (structural uncertainty) and the parameter values selected for use in the model equations. We investigate the trade-offs among these sources of uncertainty using 10,000 station-years worth of data from the western US SNOTEL network. Model structural and parameter uncertainty are eliminated by using a perfect model scenario i.e. comparing results to modelled control runs. The model was calibrated for each station-year to ensure that the model simulations reflect reality. Results indicate that for a temperature index model, a ±5 days error in FDSS gives a median −25%/+32% error in maximum SWE. A 1 °C air temperature bias produces a SWE error larger than a 5 days error in the FDSS for 50% of the 10,000 cases. Similarly, a 5 days error in FDSS could be accounted for by a net radiation error of 13 W m−2 or less during the melt period, in 50% of cases. Mean absolute errors of 1 °C or more are typically reported in the literature for air temperature interpolations at high elevations. Observed solar radiation during the melt season can differ by 30 W m−2 over relatively short distances, while estimates from reanalysis (NARR, ERA-Interim, MERRA, CFSRR) and GOES satellites typically span more than 40 W m−2. Using data from both MODIS sensors (Terra & Aqua) at all snow covered points in the western US, a consecutive 5 days gap in imagery at time of FDSS is likely to occur only 5–10% of the time. This work shows that errors in model forcing data are at least as important, if not more, than image availability when reconstructing SWE.  相似文献   

Summary The mean annual cycle of the net energy flux through the sea surface and of the heat storage are investigated in detail using observations of the Light Vessel LV Elbe 1 for the period 1962-1986 in the German Bight and at Ocean Weather Ship OWS Famita for the period 1965-1978 in the central North Sea. The investigation confirms the general geographical picture of the heat budget of the German Bight that shows a net loss to the atmosphere by a long-term mean of -15 W m-2. The radiative surface input of 113 W m-2 is balanced by -62 W m-2 net back radiation, -51 W m-2 of latent heat flux and -15 W m-2 of sensible heat flux. The heat advection calculated as the residual of the heat storage rate and surface energy balance is 16 W m-2. The mean annual cycles of heat storage and surface energy balance are nearly equal, and the temperature variations are mainly driven by local heat input. The small differences build up the annual advection cycle. Warm water advection occurs from October to April and cold water advection in summer from May to September. The seasonal advection variability is extreme in winter and summer, and the ranges slow down in spring and autumn, when the sign of the heat balance changes. The OWS Famita is situated also in an area of net energy loss to the atmosphere, showing a long-term annual mean loss of -16 W m-2. The surface radiation input of 105 W m-2 is mainly balanced by outgoing long wave back radiation of -60 W m-2 and a latent heat flux of -49 W m-2. A minor contribution to the heat balance is the sensible heat flux of -12 W m-2. Warm water advection occurs in winter and spring. Variability is greater than at LV Elbe 1. Calculated monthly fluxes show the dominance of the energy gain of incoming solar radiation. Net long-wave radiation is nearly constant with time. The sensible heat flux serves as a heat source only at LV Elbe 1 from May to June. The latent heat flux is a loss term all the year. The heat storage cycle is nearly equal to the surface energy balance at LV Elbe 1 ; the differences are more irregular at OWS Famita. The temperature variations are mainly driven by local heat input. The simplified one-dimensional balance holds generally for the heating period in both regions, although for some months the magnitude of the advection is up to a third of the net surface fluxes or the storage rate. At LV Elbe 1 from April to December, the heat budget is dominated by local dynamics. At OWS Famita the advective contribution is less than 30% of net surface heat input from May to October. The dominance of solar radiation in determining the surface heat fluxes, and the annual cycles of the storage rate in phase justify the use of one-dimensional models as a first approximation of the temperature dynamics in these regions. Comparisons of simulations of the temperature cycle at both sites with observations give sufficient precision during most parts of the seasonal cycle. Suitable data sets to drive and validate these models are now available and different models should be tested.
Advektive beitr?ge zur w?rmebilanz der deutschen bucht (feuerschiff elbe 1) und zur w?rmebilanz der zentralen nordsee (Wetterschiff Famita)
Zusammenfassung Untersucht wurde der mittlere Jahresgang vom W?rmeeintrag durch die Meeresoberfl?che und vom W?rmeinhalt der Wassers?ule. Dazu wurden Messungen aus der Deutschen Bucht vom Feuerschiff Elbe 1 für die Jahre 1962-1986 und Messungen in der zentralen Nordsee vom Wetterschiff Famita für die Jahre 1965-1978 verwendet. Die Untersuchung best?tigt das generelle Bild einer W?rmeabgabe an die Atmosph?re von -15 W m-2 im langj?hrigen Mittel für die Deutsche Bucht. Die kurzwellige Einstrahlung von 113 W-2 wird durch -62 W m-2 langwellige Ausstrahlung, -51 W m-2 latenten W?rmefluβ und -15 W m-2 sensiblen W?rmefluβ nahezu balanciert. Die berechnete W?rmeadvektion als Residuum aus W?rmeinhalt und Nettow?rmefluβ an der Meeresoberfl?che betr?gt 16 W m-2 Der Jahresgang des W?rmeinhaltes und der Jahresgang des Nettow?rmeflusses an der Oberfl?che sind fast gleich, so daβ der Temperaturjahresgang haupts?chlich durch den lokalen W?rmeeintrag gesteuert wird. Kleine Abweichungen hiervon bestimmen den Jahresgang der W?rmeadvektion. Warmwasseradvektion tritt von Oktober bis April auf. Kaltwasseradvektion liegt im Sommer von Mai bis September vor. Die Variabilit?t der W?rmeadvektion ist im Winter und Sommer am gr?βten, w?hrend die Variabilit?t im Frühjahr und Herbst geringer ist, wenn sich das Vorzeichen der W?rmebilanz ?ndert. Das Wetterschiff Famita befindet sich ebenfalls in einer Region, in der W?rme an die Atmosph?re abgegeben wird. Die W?rmeabgabe betr?gt -16 W m-2 im langzeitlichen Mittel. Die kurzwellige Einstrahlung von 105 W m-2 wird haupts?chlich durch -60 W m-2 langwellige Ausstrahlung, -49 W m-2 latenten W?rmefluβ und -12 W m-2 sensiblen W?rmefluβ balanciert. Warmwasseradvektion tritt im Winter und Frühjahr auf. Die Variabilit?t der W?rmeadvektion ist gr?βer als bei Feuerschiff Elbe 1. Die berechneten monatlichen Energieflüsse zeigen, daβ die solare Einstrahlung den Jahresgang der W?rmebilanz dominiert. Die effektive Ausstrahlung ist nahezu konstant. Die sensible W?rme wirkt nur bei Feuerschiff Elbe 1 von Mai bis Juni als W?rmequelle. Der latente W?rmefluβ ist w?hrend des gesamten Jahres negativ. Für Feuerschiff Elbe 1 ist der W?rmeinhalt der Wassers?ule mit dem Energieeintrag an der Oberfl?che in Phase, w?hrend bei Wetterschiff Famita Differenzen auftreten. Die Temperaturvariationen sind haupts?chlich durch den lokalen W?rmeeintrag bestimmt. Diese vereinfachten Verh?ltnisse gelten für beide Regionen, obwohl für einige Monate die W?rmeadvektion bis zu einem Drittel des Nettow?rmeflusses an der Oberfl?che betragen kann. Bei Feuerschiff Elbe 1 wird die W?rmebilanz von April bis Dezember durch die lokale Dynamik bestimmt. Bei Wetterschiff Famita ist die W?rmeadvektion von Mai bis Oktober kleiner als 30% vom Oberfl?cheneintrag. Die Dominanz der solaren Einstrahlung für die W?rmebilanz an der Oberfl?che und der phasengleiche Jahresgang des W?rmeinhaltes rechtfertigen es, eindimensionale Wassers?ulenmodelle für die Region zu verwenden, um die Dynamik der Temperatur zu berechnen. So zeigt der Vergleich von simulierten und gemessenen Temperaturjahresg?ngen an beiden Positionen eine ausreichende Genauigkeit über weite Teile des Jahres. Damit stehen neben der gezeigten W?rmebilanzabsch?tzung zwei Datens?tze zur Verfügung, um Modelle zu betreiben, zu validieren und verschiedenartige Modelle zu vergleichen.

J. W. POMEROY  K. DION 《水文研究》1996,10(12):1591-1608
Predicting the rate of snowmelt and intercepted snow sublimation in boreal forests requires an understanding of the effects of snow-covered conifers on the exchange of radiant energy. This study examined the amount of intercepted snow on a jack pine canopy in the boreal forest of central Saskatchewan and the shortwave and net radiation exchange with this canopy, to determine the effect of intercepted snow and canopy structure on shortwave radiation reflection and extinction and net radiation attenuation in a boreal forest. The study focused on clear sky conditions, which are common during winter in the continental boreal forest. Intercepted snow was found to have no influence on the clear-sky albedo of the canopy, the extinction of short wave radiation by the canopy or ratio of net radiation at the canopy top to that at the surface snow cover. Because of the low albedo of the snow-covered canopy, net radiation at the canopy top remains positive and a large potential source of energy for sublimation. The canopy albedo declines somewhat as the extinction efficiency of the underlying canopy increases. The extinction efficiency of short wave radiation in the canopy depends on solar angle because of the approximately horizontal orientation of pine branches. For low solar angles above the horizon, the extinction efficiency is quite low and short wave transmissivity through the canopy is relatively high. As the solar angle increases, extinction increases up to angles of about 50°, and then declines. Extinction of short wave radiation in the canopy strongly influences the attenuation of net radiation by the canopy. Short wave radiation that is extinguished by branches is radiated as long wave, partly downwards to the snow cover. The ratio of net radiation at the canopy top to that at the snow cover surface increases with the extinction of short wave radiation and is negative for low extinction efficiencies. For the pine canopy examined, the daily mean net radiation at the snow cover surface became positive when daily mean solar angles exceeded 22° in late March. Hence, canopy structure and solar angle control the net radiation at the snow cover surface during clear sky conditions and will govern the timing and rate of snowmelt. Models of intercepted snow sublimation and forest snowmelt could beneficially incorporate the canopy radiation balance, which can be extrapolated to stands of various canopy densities, coverage and heights in a physically based manner. Such models could hence avoid ‘empirical’ temperature index measures that cannot be extrapolated with confidence.  相似文献   

The ability to predict vegetation cover effects on thermal/water regimes can enhance our understanding of canopy controls on evapotranspiration. The Simultaneous Heat and Water (SHAW) model is a detailed process model of heat and water movement in a snow–residue–soil system. This paper describes provisions added to the SHAW model for vegetation cover and simulation of heat and water transfer through the soil–plant–air continuum. The model was applied to four full years (May 2003–April 2007) of data collected on sparse grassland at Nalaikh in north‐eastern Mongolia. Simulated soil temperature and radiation components agreed reasonably well with measured values. The absolute differences between simulated and measured soil temperatures were larger at both the surface layer and deeper layer, but relatively smaller in the layer from 0·8 to 2·4 m. Radiation components were mimicked by the SHAW model with model efficiency (ME) reaching 0·93–0·72. Latent and sensible heat fluxes were simulated well with MEs of 0·93 and 0·87, respectively. The vegetation control on evapotranspiration was investigated by sensitivity experiments of model performance with changing leaf area index (LAI) values but constant of other variables. The results suggest that annual evapotranspiration ranged from 16 to ? 22% in response to extremes of doubled and zero LAI. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


In this study, we used an energy balance model and two simple methods based on readily available data to identify the processes driving the point-scale energy and mass balance of the snowpack. Data were provided from an experimental site located at 3200 m. All models were evaluated by comparing observed and modelled snow water equivalents. Performances are variable from one season to the next and the energy balance model gives better results (mean of root mean square error, RMSE = 25 mm and r2 = 0.90) than the two simplified approaches (mean of RMSE = 54 mm and r2 = 0.70). There are significant amounts of snow sublimation but they are highly variable from season to season, depending on wind conditions (between 7 and 20% of the total). While the main source of energy for melting is net radiation, the amount of heat brought by sensible heat flux is significant for two of the most windy snow seasons.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz Associate editor not assigned  相似文献   

P. MARSH  J. W. POMEROY 《水文研究》1996,10(10):1383-1400
Models of surface energy balance and snow metamorphism are utilized to predict the energy and meltwater fluxes at an Arctic site in the forest–tundra transition zone of north-western Canada. The surface energy balance during the melt period is modelled using an hourly bulk aerodynamic approach. Once a snowcover becomes patchy, advection from the bare patches to the snow-covered areas results in a large spatial variation in basin snowmelt. In order to illustrate the importance of small-scale, horizontal advection, a simple parameterization scheme using sensible heat fluxes from snow free areas was tested. This scheme estimates the maximum horizontal advection of sensible heat from the bare patches to the snow-covered areas. Calculated melt was routed through the measured snowcover in each landscape type using a variable flow path, meltwater percolation model. This allowed the determination of the spatial variability in the timing and magnitude of meltwater release for runoff. Model results indicate that the initial release of meltwater first occurred on the shallow upland tundra sites, but meltwater release did not occur until nearly two weeks later on the deep drift snowcovers. During these early periods of melt, not all meltwater is available for runoff. Instead, there is a period when some snowpacks are only partially contributing to runoff, and the spatial variation of runoff contribution corresponds to landscape type. Comparisons of melt with and without advection suggests that advection is an important process controlling the timing of basin snowmelt.  相似文献   

River supercooling and ice formation is a regular occurrence throughout the winter in northern countries. The resulting frazil ice production can obstruct the flow through intakes along the river, causing major problems for hydropower and water treatment facilities, among others. Therefore, river ice modellers attempt to calculate the river energy budget and predict when supercooling will occur in order to anticipate and mitigate the effects of potential intake blockages. Despite this, very few energy budget studies have taken place during freeze-up, and none have specifically analysed individual supercooling events. To improve our understanding of the freeze-up energy budget detailed measurements of air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed and direction, short- and longwave radiation, and water temperature were made on the Dauphin River in Manitoba. During the river freeze-up period of late October to early November 2019, a total of six supercooling events were recorded. Analysis of the energy budget throughout the supercooling period revealed that the most significant heat source was net shortwave radiation, reaching up to 298 W/m2, while the most significant heat loss was net longwave radiation, accounting for losses of up to 135 W/m2. Longwave radiation was also the most significant heat flux overall during the individual supercooling events, accounting for up to 84% of the total heat flux irrespective of flux direction, highlighting the importance of properly quantifying this flux during energy budget calculations. Five different sensible (Qh) and latent (Qe) heat flux calculations were also compared, using the bulk aerodynamic method as the baseline. It was found that the Priestley and Taylor method most-closely matched the bulk aerodynamic method on a daily timescale with an average offset of 8.5 W/m2 for Qh and 10.1 W/m2 for Qe, while a Dalton-type equation provided by Webb and Zhang was the most similar on a sub-daily timescale with average offsets of 20.0 and 14.7 W/m2 for Qh and Qe, respectively.  相似文献   

The ongoing glacier shrinking in the Himalayan region causes a significant threat to freshwater sustainability and associated future runoff. However, data on the spatial climatic contribution of glacier retreat is scanty in this region. To investigate the spatially distributed glacier surface energy and mass fluxes, a two-dimensional mass balance model was developed and applied to the selected glaciers of the Chandra basin, in the Upper Indus Basin, Western Himalaya. This model is driven by the remote sensing data and meteorological variables measured in the vicinity of the Chandra basin for six hydrological years (October 2013 to September 2019). The modelled variables were calibrated/validated with the in-situ observation from the Himansh station in the Chandra basin. We have derived air temperature (Ta ) spatially using the multivariate statistical approach, which indicates a relative error of 0.02–0.05°C with the observed data. Additionally, the relative error between the modelled and observed radiation fluxes was <10.0 W m−2. Our study revealed that the Chandra basin glaciers have been losing its mass with a mean annual mass balance of −0.59 ± 0.12 m w.e. a−1 for the six hydrological years. Results illustrated that the mean surface melt rate of the selected glaciers ranged from −5.1 to −2.5 m w.e. a−1 that lies between 4500 and 5000 m a.s.l. The study revealed that the net radiation (RN) contributes ~75% in total energy (FM ) during the melt season while sensible heat (HS) , latent heat (Hl) , and ground heat (HG) fluxes shared 15%, 8%, and 2%, respectively. Sensitivity analysis of the energy balance components suggested that the mass balance is highly sensitive to albedo and surface radiations in the study area. Overall, the proposed model performed well for glacier-wide energy and mass balance estimation and confirms the utility of remote sensing data, which may help in reducing data scarcity in the upper reaches of the Himalayan region.  相似文献   

This paper describes a point surface energy balance model which runs within the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet package. The study incorporates a large amount of previous energy balance work and presents it in a useable form. The core model calculates the net shortwave and longwave radiation fluxes, the turbulent sensible and latent heat fluxes and the surface melt rate at a point on a melting ice or snow surface, from hourly inputs of incoming shortwave radiation, vapour pressure, air temperature and wind speed data. The latitude, longitude, slope angle, aspect, elevation, local temperature lapse rate, albedo and aerodynamic roughness of the study site, and the elevation of the meteorological station, can all be specified in the model. An output file containing the hourly and daily rates, and the totals of the energy fluxes is generated. The main advantages of the model are: first, that it requires only a PC or laptop computer running standard Microsoft Windows software, enabling it to be used at a desktop or in the field; and second, that it can be adapted quickly to different sites, meteorological data formats and other application requirements. Model calculations are compared with measured surface melt rates at five points on Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland, over a 115 day ablation period. Allowing for differences in shading between the meteorological station and the glacier, the root mean square error of the calculated melt rates is 2·0 mm day−1 water equivalent melt (mean error +1·2 mm day−1), for measured melt rates in the range 23 to 42 mm day−1 water equivalent melt. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Seasonal snowpack dynamics are described through field measurements under contrasting canopy conditions for a mountainous catchment in the Japan Sea region. Microclimatic data, snow accumulation, albedo and lysimeter runoff are given through the complete winter season 2002–03 in (1) a mature cedar stand, (2) a larch stand, and (3) a regenerating cedar stand or opening. The accumulation and melt of seasonal snowpack strongly influences streamflow runoff during December to May, including winter baseflow, mid‐winter melt, rain on snow, and diurnal peaks driven by radiation melt in spring. Lysimeter runoff at all sites is characterized by constant ground melt of 0·8–1·0 mm day−1. Rapid response to mid‐winter melt or rainfall shows that the snowpack remains in a ripe or near‐ripe condition throughout the snow‐cover season. Hourly and daily lysimeter discharge was greatest during rain on snow (e.g. 7 mm h−1 and 53 mm day−1 on 17 December) with the majority of runoff due to rainfall passing through the snowpack as opposed to snowmelt. For both rain‐on‐snow and radiation melt events lysimeter discharge was generally greatest at the open site, although there were exceptions such as during interception melt events. During radiation melt instantaneous discharge was up to 4·0 times greater in the opening compared with the mature cedar, and 48 h discharge was up to 2·5 times greater. Perhaps characteristic of maritime climates, forest interception melt is shown to be important in addition to sublimation in reducing snow accumulation beneath dense canopies. While sublimation represents a loss from the catchment water balance, interception melt percolates through the snowpack and contributes to soil moisture during the winter season. Strong differences in microclimate and snowpack albedo persisted between cedar, larch and open sites, and it is suggested further work is needed to account for this in hydrological simulation models. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A spatially distributed, physically based, hydrologic modeling system (MIKE SHE) was applied to quantify intra‐ and inter‐annual discharge from the snow and glacierized Zackenberg River drainage basin (512 km2; 20% glacier cover) in northeast Greenland. Evolution of snow accumulation, distribution by wind‐blown snow, blowing‐snow sublimation, and snow and ice surface melt were simulated by a spatially distributed, physically based, snow‐evolution modelling system (SnowModel) and used as input to MIKE SHE. Discharge simulations were performed for three periods 1997–2001 (calibration period), 2001–2005 (validation period), and 2071–2100 (scenario period). The combination of SnowModel and MIKE SHE shows promising results; the timing and magnitude of simulated discharge were generally in accordance with observations (R2 = 0·58); however, discrepancies between simulated and observed discharge hydrographs do occur (maximum daily difference up to 44·6 m3 s?1 and up to 9% difference between observed and simulated cumulative discharge). The model does not perform well when a sudden outburst of glacial dammed water occurs, like the 2005 extreme flood event. The modelling study showed that soil processes related to yearly change in active layer depth and glacial processes (such as changes in yearly glacier area, seasonal changes in the internal glacier drainage system, and the sudden release of glacial bulk water storage) need to be determined, for example, from field studies and incorporated in the models before basin runoff can be quantified more precisely. The SnowModel and MIKE SHE model only include first‐order effects of climate change. For the period 2071–2100, future IPCC A2 and B2 climate scenarios based on the HIRHAM regional climate model and HadCM3 atmosphere–ocean general circulation model simulations indicated a mean annual Zackenberg runoff about 1·5 orders of magnitude greater (around 650 mmWE year?1) than from today 1997–2005 (around 430 mmWE year?1), mainly based on changes in negative glacier net mass balance. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Long-term measurement of carbon metabolism of old-growth forests is critical to predict their behaviors and to reduce the uncertainties of carbon accounting under changing climate. Eddy covariance technology was applied to investigate the long-term carbon exchange over a 200 year-old Chinese broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest in the Changbai Mountains (128°28′E and 42°24′N, Jilin Province, P. R. China) since August 2002. On the data obtained with open-path eddy covariance system and CO2 profile measurement system from Jan. 2003 to Dec. 2004, this paper reports (i) annual and seasonal variation of F NEE, F GPP and R E; (ii) regulation of environmental factors on phase and amplitude of ecosystem CO2 uptake and release Corrections due to storage and friction velocity were applied to the eddy carbon flux.

LAI and soil temperature determined the seasonal and annual dynamics of FGPP and RE separately. VPD and air temperature regulated ecosystem photosynthesis at finer scales in growing seasons. Water condition at the root zone exerted a significant influence on ecosystem maintenance carbon metabolism of this forest in winter.

The forest was a net sink of atmospheric CO2 and sequestered −449 g C·m−2 during the study period; −278 and −171 gC·m−2 for 2003 and 2004 respectively. F GPP and F RE over 2003 and 2004 were −1332, −1294 g C·m−2. and 1054, 1124 g C·m−2 respectively. This study shows that old-growth forest can be a strong net carbon sink of atmospheric CO2.

There was significant seasonal and annual variation in carbon metabolism. In winter, there was weak photosynthesis while the ecosystem emitted CO2. Carbon exchanges were active in spring and fall but contributed little to carbon sequestration on an annual scale. The summer is the most significant season as far as ecosystem carbon balance is concerned. The 90 days of summer contributed 66.9, 68.9% of F GPP, and 60.4, 62.1% of R E of the entire year.


Snowpack water equivalent (SWE) is a key variable for water resource management in snow-dominated catchments. While it is not feasible to quantify SWE at the catchment scale using either field surveys or remotely sensed data, technologies such as airborne LiDAR (light detection and ranging) support the mapping of snow depth at scales relevant to operational water management. To convert snow depth to water equivalent, models have been developed to predict SWE or snowpack density based on snow depth and additional predictor variables. This study builds upon previous models that relate snowpack density to snow depth by including additional predictor variables to account for (1) long-term climatologies that describe the prevailing conditions influencing regional snowpack properties, and (2) the effect of intra- and inter-year variability in meteorological conditions on densification through a cumulative degree-day index derived from North American Regional Reanalysis products. A non-linear model was fit to 114 506 snow survey measurements spanning 41 years from 1166 snow courses across western North America. Under spatial cross-validation, the predicted densities had a root-mean-square error of 47.1 kg m−3, a mean bias of −0.039 kg m−3, and a Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency of 0.70. The model developed in this study had similar overall performance compared to a similar regression-based model reported in the literature, but had reduced seasonal biases. When applied to predict SWE from simulated depths with random errors consistent with those obtained from LiDAR or Structure-from-Motion, 50% of the SWE estimates for April and May fell within −45 to 49 mm of the observed SWE, representing prediction errors of −15% to 20%.  相似文献   

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