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The Interference Imaging Spectrometer (IIM) onboard the first lunar satellite of China, Chang’E-1, has acquired 84% of the area between south and north latitude 70°. To contribute to its usability, this paper presents our preliminary experience in the use of IIM data. Firstly, we provide one practicable method for the on-orbit correction of the inhomogeneity of sensor response. Secondly, aiming at the problem that the spectral range of IIM does not cover the absorption peak of the mafic mineral completely, we explore a method to approximate the absorption band center for IIM data. A strong correlation between the absorption band center and the wavelength at which the first derivative equals to 0 (i.e., stagnation point) was revealed. Based on the corrected data and the correlation, the absorption band center of several large craters was mapped. The distribution of rocks and minerals shown in the map of absorption band center for Aristarchus and Copernicus is in agreement with previous studies but with much finer structure. Horizontal and vertical lithologic diversity was detected in Zucchius crater. This paper demonstrates the potential of IIM data for the identification of lunar rocks due to its high spatial and spectral resolution. In a future study we will produce a global map of the absorption band center with greater accuracy and it is expected that this global map will provide complementary information for other hyperspectral data such as SP on KAGUYA or M3 on Chandrayaan-1.  相似文献   

We develop a method based on the samples from Apollo and Luna landing sites to determine lunar TiO2 content with Chang’E-1 interference imaging spectrometer (IIM) imagery. By analyzing the nonlinear relationship between the optical and compositional parameters of lunar soil samples, the method employs two Support Vector Machines (SVMs) to estimate the titanium abundance of the lunar surface. Developed with the soil compositions of the Apollo and Luna sample-return stations, the RMS (root mean square) error of our method is 0.24 wt% TiO2, and the correlation coefficient of the TiO2 values and our predicted ones is 99.72 %. Compared with the other 3 models, the method proposed in this paper exhibits a good performance for determining the chemical composition of the lunar surface. TiO2 maps of Sinus Iridum, part of the Marius Hills plateau, and part of Mare Smythii are produced using our method, which could be useful for future lunar missions.  相似文献   

Because the solar wind (SW) flow is usually super-sonic, a fast-mode bow shock (BS) is formed in front of the Earth's magnetosphere, and the Moon crosses the BS at both dusk and dawn flanks. On the other hand, behind of the Moon along the SW flow forms a tenuous region called lunar wake, where the flow can be sub-Alfvénic (and thus sub-sonic) because of its low-density status. Here we report, with joint measurement by Chang’E-1 and SELENE, that the Earth's BS surface is drastically deformed in the lunar wake. Despite the quasi-perpendicular shock configuration encountered at dusk flank under the Parker-spiral magnetic field, no clear shock surface can be found in the lunar wake, while instead gradual transition of the magnetic field from the upstream to downstream value was observed for a several-minute interval. This finding suggests that the ‘magnetic ramp’ is highly broadened in the wake where a fast-mode shock is no longer maintained due to the highly reduced density. On the other hand, observations at the 100 km altitude on the dayside show that the fast-mode shock is maintained even when the width of the downstream region is smaller than a typical scale length of a perpendicular shock. Our results suggest that the Moon is not so large to eliminate the BS at 100 km altitude on the dayside, while the magnetic field associated with the shock structure is drastically affected in the lunar wake.  相似文献   

Xiaohui Gong  Ya-Qiu Jin 《Icarus》2012,218(2):807-816
According to the incidence and azimuth angles of the Sun during observations of Chinese Chang’E-1 (CE-1) lunar satellite, brightness temperatures (Tb) at different lunar local time observed by the CE-1 multi-channel radiometers, especially at the Sinus Iridum (i.e. Bay of Rainbow) area, are collected from the transformation between the principal and local coordinates at the observed site, which demonstrates the Tb distribution and its diurnal variation. Based on a three-layer radiative transfer model of the lunar media, the CE-1 Tb data at 19.35 and 37.0 GHz channels are applied to invert the physical temperatures of both the dust and the regolith layer at Sinus Iridum area, where might be the CE-3 landing site, at different lunar local times. The physical temperature variations with the lunar local time and other geophysical parameters of lunar layered media are discussed.  相似文献   

1 Introduction1 .1 X rayprobesoftheblackholeregionofAGNX rayemissionoriginatesfromtheimmediatevicinityoftheblackhole .Thedetectionofluminous,hard ,power law likeX rayemission ,rapidvariability ,andtherecentdiscoveryofrelativisticeffectsintheiron Klineprofileprovidedexcellentevidenceforthepresenceofsupermassiveblackholes (SMBHs)inactivegalaxies.X rayobservationscurrentlyconstitutethemostpowerfulmeanstoexploretheblackholeregionofAGN .X raysatthecentersofAGNariseintheaccretion disk—coro…  相似文献   

Results from optical photometric observations of the PMS star V 1735 Cyg are reported. The star is located in the IC 5146 dark cloud complex—a region of active star formation. On the basis of observed outburst and spectral properties, V 1735 Cyg was classified as a FUor object. We present data from BVRI CCD photometric observations of the star, collected from March 2003 to January 2009. Plates from the Rozhen Schmidt telescope archive were scanned for a brightness estimation of the star. A sequence of sixteen comparison stars in the field of V 1735 Cyg was calibrated in BVRI bands. The data from photographic observations made from 1986 to 1992 show a strong light variability (ΔV=1m2). In contrast, the recent photometric data obtained from 2003 to 2009 show only small amplitude variations (ΔI=0m3). The analysis of existing photometric data shows a very slow decrease in star brightness—1m8 (R) for a 44 year period. The possibilities for future photometric investigations of V 1735 Cyg using the photographical plate archives is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

We present a photometric calibration of the SOHO/LASCO-C2 coronagraph based on the analysis of all stars down to magnitude V=8 that transited its field of view during the past 14 years of operation (1996?–?2009), extending the previous work of Llebaria, Lamy, and Danjard (Icarus 182, 281, 2006). The pre-processing of the images incorporates the most recent determination of the evolution of the LASCO-C2 performances. The automatic procedure then analyzes some 260?000 images to detect, locate, and measure those stars. Aperture photometry is performed using four different aperture sizes, and the zero points (ZPs) of the photometric transformations between the LASCO-C2 magnitudes for its orange filter and the standard V magnitudes are determined after introducing a correction for the color of the stars. A new statistical method (“bootstrap”) is introduced to assess the confidence intervals of the mean yearly value of the ZPs. The correction for finite aperture required to derive the calibration coefficient for the surface photometry of extended sources is based on the reconstructed image of bright saturated stars and a robust model for the growth curve. The global temporal evolution of the sensitivity of LASCO-C2 is compatible with a continuous decrease at a rate of ≈?0.56 % per year. However, it is better described by two separate linear variations with a discontinuity at the time of the loss of SOHO. After the resumption of normal operations in 1999, the linear decrease of the sensitivity amounts to ≈?0.35 % per year.  相似文献   

An intimate link between the structure of the sunspot's magnetic field contiguration and the behaviour of the Higgs field phase at large distances from spot's center is discussed within a U(1)-symmetric Yang-Mills-Higgs gauge theory. It is shown, in particular, that the total magnetic flux of standard sunspots can acquirediscrete values only. A conclusion is also arrived at that, in addition to standard sunspots (magneticvortices), a new sort of sunspots (magneticsources (sinks)), whose total magnetic flux iszero, could principally be observed on the Sun; the two sorts of spots are shown to stand in adual orcomplementary relation to each other. In this connection, finally, a question about the possible role of the divergence of electromagnetic potential — the field violating a gauge invariance of the theory — in physics of two-dimensional solar phenomena is briefly touched.  相似文献   

Long-term variations of solar wind parameters at 1 AU are correlated with sunspots for the time interval 1973 to 1993 (solar cycles 21, 22). Using theNear-Earth Heliosphere Data OMNI the plasma density, the magnitude of the interplanetary magnetic field, the solar wind velocity and the solar wind temperature show consistent long-term variations in each cycle (21 and 22) — pointing to specifictime-lags in the coupling between sunspots (and the underlying convection zone), the solar corona and the solar wind parameters at 1 AU (ecliptic).  相似文献   

The Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) effect represents a small spectral distortion to the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, caused by the Compton scattering of CMB photons by the hot gas of galaxy clusters. In an early stage of universe, the SZ effect generates \(\mu\)-type of distortions for the CMB spectrum. A \(\mu\)-type distortion is created between the double Compton scattering decoupling (\(z \sim 10^{6}\)) and the thermalization decoupling by the Compton scattering (\(z \sim 10^{5}\)). In this case, to describe the small spectral distortion of the CMB spectrum, we use the Bose-Einstein (\(\mu\)-type) distribution with a non-zero chemical potential. At present, it is interesting to investigate the effect of this spectral distortion on the integral characteristics of the Bose-Einstein (\(\mu\)-type) spectrum. The thermal radiative and thermodynamic functions are such integral characteristics. These functions are as follows: a) the total radiation power per unit area; b) total energy density; c) number density of photons; d) grand potential density; e) Helmholtz free energy density; f) entropy density; g) heat capacity at constant volume; h) enthalpy density; and i) pressure. Precise analytical expressions are obtained for the temperature dependences of these functions. Using the observational data obtained by the COBE FIRAS, PIXIE, PRISM, and Planck missions, the thermal radiative and thermodynamic functions are calculated. A comparative analysis of the results obtained with the results for the same functions of the CMB spectrum at \(T = 2.72548~\mbox{K}\) is carried out. Very small distortions are observed for the thermal radiative and thermodynamic functions. In the redshift range \(10^{5} < z < 3 \times10^{6}\), these functions are calculated. The expressions are obtained for new astrophysical parameters, such as the entropy density/Boltzmann constant and number density, created by the Bose-Einstein (\(\mu\)-type) spectrum.  相似文献   

We present large scale observations of C18O(1–0) towards four massive star forming regions: MON R2,S156,DR17/L906 and M17/M18. The transitions of H2CO(110–111),C18O(1–0) and the 6 cm continuum are compared in these four regions. Our analysis of the observations and the results of the Non–LTE model shows that the brightness temperature of the formaldehyde absorption line is strongest in a background continuum temperature range of about 3 – 8 K. The excitation of the H2 CO absorption line is affected by strong background continuum emission. From a comparison of H2 CO and C18 O maps,we found that the extent of H2 CO absorption is broader than that of C18 O emission in the four regions. Except for the DR17 region,the maximum in H2 CO absorption is located at the same position as the C18 O peak. A good correlation between intensities and widths of H2 CO absorption and C18 O emission lines indicates that the H2 CO absorption line can trace the dense,warm regions of a molecular cloud. We find that N(H2CO) is well correlated with N(C18O) in the four regions and that the average ratio of column densities is N(H2CO)/N(C18O) ~ 0.03.  相似文献   

Three weeks prior to the commencement of Cassini's 4 year tour of the saturnian system, the spacecraft executed a close flyby of the outer satellite Phoebe. The infrared channel of the Visual Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) obtained images of reflected light over the 0.83-5.1 μm spectral range with an average spectral resolution of 16.5 nm, spatial resolution up to 2 km, and over a range of solar phase angles not observed before. These images have been analyzed to derive fundamental photometric parameters including the phase curve and phase integral, spectral geometric albedo, bolometric Bond albedo, and the single scattering albedo. Physical properties of the surface, including macroscopic roughness and the single particle phase function, have also been characterized. Maps of normal reflectance show the existence of two major albedo regimes in the infrared, with gradations between the two regimes and much terrain with substantially higher albedos. The phase integral of Phoebe is 0.29±0.03, with no significant wavelength dependence. The bolometric Bond albedo is 0.023±007. We find that the surface of Phoebe is rough, with a mean slope angle of 33°. The satellite's surface has a substantial forward scattering component, suggesting that its surface is dusty, perhaps from a history of outgassing. The spectrum of Phoebe is best matched by a composition including water ice, amorphous carbon, iron-bearing minerals, carbon dioxide, and Triton tholin. The characteristics of Phoebe suggest that it originated outside the saturnian system, perhaps in the Kuiper Belt, and was captured on its journey inward, as suggested by Johnson and Lunine (2005).  相似文献   

On its highly elliptical 24 h orbit around Venus, the Venus Express (VEX) spacecraft briefly reaches a periapsis altitude of nominally 250 km. Recently, however, dedicated and intense radio tracking campaigns have taken place in August 2008, October 2009, February and April 2010, for which the periapsis altitude was lowered to the 186–176 km altitude range in order to be able to probe the upper atmosphere of Venus above the North Pole for the first time ever in situ. As the spacecraft experiences atmospheric drag, its trajectory is measurably perturbed during the periapsis pass, allowing us to infer total atmospheric mass density at the periapsis altitude. A Precise Orbit Determination (POD) of the VEX motion is performed through an iterative least-squares fitting process to the Doppler tracking data, acquired by the VEX radioscience experiment (VeRa). The drag acceleration is modelled using an initial atmospheric density model (VTS3 model, Hedin, A.E., Niemann, H.B., Kasprzak, W.T., Seiff, A. [1983]. J. Geophys. Res. 88, 73–83). A scale factor of the drag acceleration is estimated for each periapsis pass, which scales Hedin’s density model in order to best fit the radio tracking data. Reliable density scale factors have been obtained for 10 passes mainly from the second (October 2009) and third (April 2010) VExADE campaigns, which indicate a lower density by a factor of about 1.8 than Hedin’s model predicts. These first ever in situ polar density measurements at solar minimum have allowed us to construct a diffusive equilibrium density model for Venus’ thermosphere, constrained in the lower thermosphere primarily by SPICAV-SOIR measurements and above 175 km by the VExADE drag measurements (Müller-Wodarg et al., in preparation). The preliminary results of the VExADE campaigns show that it is possible to obtain with the POD technique reliable estimates of Venus’ upper atmosphere densities at an altitude of around 175 km. Future VExADE campaigns will benefit from the planned further lowering of VEX pericenter altitude to below 170 km.  相似文献   

Turova  I.P.  Grigoryeva  S.A. 《Solar physics》2000,197(1):43-56
The ratios I(K 1)/I(H 1) and I(K 3)/I(H 3) were calculated from four semi-empirical models of sunspot umbra. We determined the dependencies of both ratios of such parameters as temperature gradient and atmospheric opacity. A certain influence on the expected ratios I(K 1)/I(H 1) and I(K 3)/I(H 3) can also come from the FIP effect provided it exists in the chromosphere above sunspot umbra. Theoretical and observed values of I(K 1)/I(H 1) and I(K 3)/I(H 3) are compared. It is shown that for one of the sunspots we observed, the values obtained for the ratio I(K 1)/I(H 1) cannot be explained in terms of existing umbra models.  相似文献   

We present the results of studying the spectral and photometric variability of the luminous blue variable star V532 in M33. The photometric variations are traced from 1960 to 2010, spectral variations—from 1992 to 2009. The star has revealed an absolute maximum of visual brightness (1992–1994, high/cold state) and an absolute minimum (2007–2008, low/hot state) with a brightness difference of ΔB ≈ 2.3 m . The temperature estimates in the absolute maximum and absolute minimum were found to be T ∼ 22000 K and T ∼ 42000 K, respectively. The variability of the spectrum of V532 is fully consistent with the temperature variations in its photosphere, while both permitted and forbidden lines are formed in an extended stellar atmosphere. Broad components of the brightest lines were found, the broadening of these components is due to electron scattering in the wind parts closest to the photosphere. We measured the wind velocity as a difference between the emission and absorption peaks in the PCyg type profiles. The wind velocity clearly depends on the size of the stellar photosphere or on the visual brightness, when brightness declines, the wind velocity increases. In the absolute minimum a kinematic profile of the V532 atmosphere was detected. The wind velocity increases and its temperature declines with distance from the star. In the low/hot state, the spectral type of the star corresponds to WN8.5h, in the high/cold state—to WN11. We studied the evolution of V532 along with the evolution of AGCar and the massive WR binary HD5980 in SMC. During their visual minima, all the three stars perfectly fit with the WNL star sequence by Crowther and Smith (1997). However, when visual brightness increases, all the three stars form a separate sequence. It is possible that this reflects a new property of LBV stars, namely, in the high/cold states they do not pertain to the bona fide WNL stars.  相似文献   

We present relative astrometric and photometric measurements of visual double stars made in 2013–2015, with PISCO2 installed at the 76-cm refractor of Côte d'Azur Observatory in Nice (France). Our observing list contains orbital couples as well as double stars whose motion is still uncertain. Most of the observations were done in 2015, but some other observations of wide couples were done in 2013–2014 (0.3% of the total of the observations). Three different techniques were used for obtaining measurements: lucky imaging, speckle interferometry and the direct vector autocorrelation method. From our observations of 2837 multiple stars, we obtained 5182 new measurements with angular separations in the range of 0 $$ {}^{{\prime\prime} } $$ .1–32 $$ {}^{{\prime\prime} } $$ and an average accuracy of 0 . 018 $$ {0}^{{\prime\prime} }.018 $$ . The mean error on the position angles is 0°.8. Most of the position angles were determined without the usual 180° ambiguity with the application of the direct vector autocorrelation technique and/or by inspection of the Lucky images or the long integration files. We managed to routinely monitor faint systems ( m V 9 11 $$ {m}_V\approx 9-11 $$ ) with large magnitude difference (up to Δ m V 4 . 5 $$ \Delta {m}_V\approx 4.5 $$ ). We have thus been able to measure 21 systems containing red dwarf stars that had been poorly monitored since their discovery, from which we estimated the stellar masses thanks to Gaia measurements. We also measured the magnitude difference of the two components of 1079 double stars with an estimated error of 0.2 mag. Except for a few objects that are discussed, our measurements are in good agreement with the ephemerides computed with published orbital elements, even for the double stars whose separation is smaller than the diffraction limit. Thanks to good seeing images and with the use of high-contrast numerical filters, we have also been able to obtain 196 measurements with an angular separation smaller than the diffraction limit of our instrumentation, and consistent with those obtained with larger telescopes. We also report measurements of the 164 new double stars that we found in the files obtained during the observations. Finally, from a study of the DR3 Gaia release, it is shown that all the objects of the Tycho Double Star Catalog that we did not resolve in 2015 are probably false detections by Tycho.  相似文献   

After computing theH-functions for 21 different phase functions corresponding to various combinations of \(\bar \varpi \) 1=?1/?and \(\bar \varpi \) 2=?2/?along with 15 values of ?, variations of equivalent widths with phase angle have been obtained for these cases for lines with Lorentz profile with the continuum albedo ? c =0.99. It is found that: (i) The absolute values of equivalent width at any phase angle are Inversely related to the value of phase function for that angle; (ii) The usual inverse phase effect occurs whenever the phase function has a maximum at α=0 and a dip somewhere between α=0 and α=180; (iii) Whenever the phase function has minima at α=0 and α=180 one obtains an incipient inverse phase effect at large phase angles; and (iv) The total variations are larger for weaker lines.  相似文献   

Gravitational accretion accumulates the original mass.This process is crucial for us to understand the initial phases of star formation.Using the specific infall profiles in optically thick and thin lines,we searched the clumps with infall motion from the Milky Way Imaging Scroll Painting(MWISP) CO data in previous work.In this study,we selected 133 sources as a sub-sample for further research and identification.The excitation temperatures of these sources are between 7.0 and 38.5 K,while the H_2 column densities are between 10~(21) and 10~(23) cm~(-2).We have observed optically thick lines HCO~+(1-0) and HCN(1-0) using the DLH 13.7-m telescope,and found 56 sources with a blue profile and no red profile in these two lines,which are likely to have infall motions,with a detection rate of 42%.This suggests that using CO data to restrict the sample can effectively improve the infall detection rate.Among these confirmed infall sources are 43 associated with Class O/I young stellar objects(YSOs),and 13 which are not.These 13 sources are probably associated with the sources in the earlier evolutionary stage.In comparison,the confirmed sources that are associated with Class O/I YSOs have higher excitation temperatures and column densities,while the other sources are colder and have lower column densities.Most infall velocities of the sources that we confirmed are between 10~(-1) to 10~0 km s~(-1),which is consistent with previous studies.  相似文献   

The Lyman-alpha Solar Telescope(LST) is one of the three payloads onboard the Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory(ASO-S) mission. It aims at imaging the Sun from the disk center up to 2.5 R_⊙ targeting solar eruptions, particularly coronal mass ejections(CMEs), solar flares, prominences/filaments and related phenomena, as well as the fast and slow solar wind. The most prominent speciality of LST is the simultaneous observation of the solar atmosphere in both Lyα and white light(WL)with high temporospatial resolution both on the solar disk and the inner corona. New observations in the Lyα line together with traditional WL observations will provide us with many new insights into solar eruptions and solar wind. LST consists of a Solar Corona Imager(SCI) with a field of view(FOV) of 1.1 –2.5 R_⊙, a Solar Disk Imager(SDI) and a full-disk White-light Solar Telescope(WST) with an identical FOV up to 1.2 R_⊙. SCI has a dual waveband in Lyα(121.6 ± 10 nm) and in WL(700 ± 40 nm), while SDI works in the Lyα waveband of 121.6 ± 7.5 nm and WST works in the violet narrow-band continuum of 360 ± 2.0 nm. To produce high quality science data, careful ground and in-flight calibrations are required.We present our methods for different calibrations including dark field correction, flat field correction, radiometry, instrumental polarization and optical geometry. Based on the data calibration, definitions of the data levels and processing procedures for the defined levels from raw data are described. Plasma physical diagnostics offer key ingredients to understand ejecta and plasma flows in the inner corona, as well as different features on the solar disk including flares, filaments, etc. Therefore, we are making efforts to develop various tools to detect the different features observed by LST, and then to derive their physical parameters,for example, the electron density and temperature of CMEs, the outflow velocity of the solar wind, and the hydrogen density and mass flows of prominences. Coordinated observations and data analyses with the coronagraphs onboard Solar Orbiter, PROBA-3, and Aditya are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2000,44(7-9):563-568
The evidence is reviewed that the Broad Line Region (BLR) probably has two distinct components located at about the same distance from the central black hole. One component, BLR II, is optically-thick, low-ionization emission at least some of which arises from a disc and the other, BLR I, is probably optically-thin emission from a more spherically symmetric halo or atmosphere. The high Fe II/Hβ ratios seen in Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s) are not due to strong Fe II emission, as is commonly thought, but to unusually weak Balmer emission, probably caused by higher densities. NLS1s probably differ from non-NLS1s because of the higher density of gas near the black hole. This produces a higher accretion rate, a denser BLR, and a view of the central regions that is more face-on.  相似文献   

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