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mau x¶rt; u a¶rt;u 8 ¶rt;nu mau ¶rt; uu mu u -ana¶rt; auu naa num mam u u na n, g, Sn u Sg mum ma¶rt;am¶rt;a ¶rt; uu mu. a¶rt;u lam mu aua u umau u mm u a amuu ¶rt; En.  相似文献   

Summary On the basis of temperature measurements in 190 boreholes we constructed a map of temperature distribution at a depth of 100 m below the terrain level and maps of temperature gradients in different depth intervals below the Earth's surface in the territory of the Bohemian Massif. Investigations were made into the effects of hydrogeological, geomorphological, structure geological and microclimatic factors on the subsurface temperature field in the Bohemian Massif together with an assessment of effects of these factors on heat flow determinations in shallow boreholes 100 – 200 m deep.
Резюме Нa основaнuu uзмеренuя mемnерamуры в 190 сквaжuнaх былa nосmроенa кaрma рaсnре?rt;еленuя mемnерamуры нa ?rt;лубuне 100 м nо?rt; nоверхносmью Землu u кaрmы ?rt;рa?rt;uенma mемnерamуры в рaзных nо?rt;nоверхносmных uнmервaлaх нa mеррumорuu Чешско?rt;о мaссuвa. Иссле?rt;овaлось осложненuе mеnлово?rt;о nоля у nоверхносmu Землu целым ря?rt;ом фaкmоров: эффекmы рельефa nоверхносmu Землu, ?rt;вuженuя nо?rt;земных во?rt;, mеnлоnрово?rt;носmu ?rt;орных nоро?rt;, мuкроклuмamuческuе эффекmы u ?rt;р. u влuянuе эmuх фaкmоров нa uзмеренuе mеnлово?rt;о nоmокa в не?rt;лубокuх сквaжuнaх (100 – 200 м).

n¶rt; auau uu ¶rt; mnu¶rt; n, n, g, Sg, m anmam anauu ¶rt; numa amu 2.6° ¶rt; 4.7° m aa amu uu (mau). aa, m m auum Sg(D) mam mua ¶rt; m n¶rt;u aum¶rt; uma a uu mu.  相似文献   

Wiese vectors, induction vectors, field separation and a physical-statistical approach were used to identify a zone of geoelectrical inhomogeneity near the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif. This zone seems to mark an important geological and tectonic boundary separating two different tectogenes.The spatial distribution of the induction characteristics along five profiles traversing the boundary suggests a general 3-D model of internal geoelectrical-geological structure for the region. Common reference transfer functions and corresponding in- and out-of-phase vectors calculated by relating the data at a particular station and a common reference station were also derived as a tool for mapping internal geoelectrical structure.  相似文献   

Summary Magnetic variations were recorded along three profiles crossing the southeastern margin of the Bohemian Massif. The data were processed in order to get induction vectors (Wiesevectors) and in-phase and out-of-phase induction vectors (Schmucker-vectors). Several events of field variations were separated into external and internal parts. The same events were also treated by a physical-statistical approach. Taking into account these results, we were able to delineate a zone of electrical inhomogeneity. It is in close relation to the Moravo-Silesian lineament. The depth of the internal anomalous field source was estimated at 20 to 25 km.
¶rt;a u uuau n uu n nu, nu — u. u¶rt;uu ( u), n u u n¶rt; u n u¶rt;uu ( ), n ¶rt;u n uau u u u n au ¶rt; uu-uuu ¶rt; u ¶rt;¶rt;u na¶rt; nu -uu . ¶rt; au uu a n a u n¶rt; 20–25 .

u¶rt;m mam m u¶rt;uu n n mau au u n¶rt; anama. am m auu u au am aua ¶rt;a, m m unam ¶rt; u¶rt;au ua aau mn¶rt;mu n.  相似文献   

We modelled the thickness and seismic anisotropy of the subcrustal lithosphere from the variations of P-wave delay times and the shear-wave splitting observed at seismological observatories and portable stations in the western part of the Bohemian Massif. The Saxothuringian lithosphere is characterized by a total thickness between 90 and 120 km, the Moldanubian lithosphere is generally thicker –120-140 km, on the average. The subcrustal lithosphere of both units is characterised by divergently dipping anisotropic structures and the suture between them is marked by a lithosphere thinning to about 80km. Within the subcrustal lithosphere a complex structure of the transition of both units extends to about 150 km toward the south. We suggest that the Saxothuringian-Moldanubian suture has created a zone of mechanical predisposition for the Tertiary Ohe (Eger) Graben, as well as for the occurrence of earthquake swarms in the region. Most earthquakes occur within the brittle part of the upper crust above the crossing of the suture between the Saxothuringian in the north and the Moldanubian and the Tepl´-Barrandian in the south, with the tectonically active Mariánské Lázn fault.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents the first results of stress determinations in the Bohemian Massif utilizing televiewer data from deeper boreholes. The televiewer survey was originally carried out by Geological Survey Ostrava for the purpose of studying fractures and bedding in coal basins to depths of 2 km. A reinterpretation of the amplitude logs reveal a large number of stress-induced borehole elongations (breakouts) which occur in a direction perpendicular to the maximum horizontal principal stress (SH). The breakout analysis in the Upper Silesian, Meno and Kladno Basins indicates a dominant NW-SE direction of SH which is consistent with the pattern of stress orientation in Western Europe. The NE-SW trend observed in the Plze Basin is less reliable. A model for stress magnitude determinations is formulated as a linear programming problem. If the a priori information on rock strength properties is limited, it reduces to explicit formulas for stress regime estimates. The model is applied to data from the Upper Silesian Basin for which a compressional stress regime is derived.  相似文献   

Summary The radiogenic heat production of rock samples from boreholes in the Bohemian Massif has been calculated from gamma-radiometric determinations of Th, U and K contents. The results, in general, fit the heat flow distribution on the territory of Czechoslovakia[1]. The values of heat production are in the range from 1.1µW m3 in the eastern part to 4.4µW m3 in the north-western part of the Bohemian Massif.  相似文献   

Summary The records of the first series of the North-Italian aftershock series from the period May–August 1976 at the stations Prhonice and Kaperské Hory were analyzed from the point of view of the verification of the travel-time tables used for the interpretation of near earthquake seismograms and of the determination of the short-period body wave magnitudes for near shocks. Also the time-energy distribution was investigated for a 90 days period.  相似文献   

Aric  K.  Duma  G.  Gutdeutsch  R. 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1976,114(6):1105-1108
Summary The magnitudesM and maximum intensitiesI 0 of 66 earthquakes which occurred in the period from 1901 to 1973 in the eastern alpine area are compared with those of 62 earthquakes occurred in Friuli, northern Italy between 6 May and 15 September 1976. The average focal depth of the Friuli events is about 10 km. The existing empirical relation betweenM andI 0 for this area is improved by many new data.  相似文献   

mam mm ua a na Pn, Pg, Sn u Sg nu¶rt;u u au -ma. aa, m ¶rt; amu 5° m numa ua¶rt;a ¶rt;am mu a na n au ma¶rt;amu u mu anmau , uu m n u ma¶rt;am¶rt;a. am nmau a uu m anmau mmu aua.  相似文献   

The Variscan Bohemian Massif is disrupted by the NW-SE striking Elbe Fault System in its northern part. The increased tectonic activity associated with this structure is manifested by increased seismicity in the eastern part of the Sudetes. With the use of a temporary local seismic network, the total number of micro-earthquakes located in this region increased to 153 for the period 1996–2003. The local magnitudes vary between −0.6 and 1.8 and the seismic energy was often released in swarm-like sequences. Five seismic events with well-defined P-onset polarities at five or six stations enabled the estimation of focal mechanisms. The present-day activity of the WNW-ESE to NNW-SSE fault systems is discussed on the basis of source mechanisms, the alignment of the epicentres, as well as morphological and geological evidence. The majority of the recent seismic activity is concentrated in a 40–60 km wide zone of a generally NW-SE trend. This structure represents a regional zone of weakness within the SE termination of the Elbe Fault System, defined by a mesh of interconnected faults, of which many are deep-seated and highly permeable and some are associated with light to moderate historical earthquakes. Both in the areas due south and due north of this zone the present-day seismic activity is very low. The increased tectonic activity can be interpreted as a result of the abundance of suitably oriented faults and their interconnection into major fault systems, the proximity of the Outer Carpathian indentor and the Cainozoic volcanic and associated recent post-volcanic activity. The similar character of swarms and their coincidence with the post-volcanic activity in the southeastern part of the Elbe Fault System and in some focal zones of the western Bohemian seismically active area suggests that overpressurized fluids may represent a potential swarm-triggering mechanism.  相似文献   

We are proposing a hypothesis that earthquake swarms in the West Bohemia/Vogtland seismoactive region are generated by magmatic activity currently transported to the upper crustal layers. We assume that the injection of magma and/or related fluids and gases causes hydraulic fracturing which is manifested as an earthquake swarm at the surface. Our statements are supported by three spheres of evidence coming from the western part of the Bohemian Massif: characteristic manifestations of recent geodynamic activity, the information from the neighbouring KTB deep drilling project and from the 9HR seismic reflection profile, and the detailed analysis of local seismological data. (1) Recent manifestations of geodynamic activity include Quaternary volcanism, rich CO 2 emissions, anomalies of mantle-derived 3 He, mineral springs, moffets, etc. (2) The fluid injection experiment in the neighbouring KTB deep borehole at a depth of 9 km induced hundreds of micro-earthquakes. This indicates that the Earth's crust is near frictional failure in the western part of the Bohemian Massif and an addition of a small amount of energy to the tectonic stress is enough to induce an earthquake. Some pronounced reflections in the closely passing 9HR seismic reflection profile are interpreted as being caused by recent magmatic sills in the crust. (3) The local broadband seismological network WEBNET provides high quality data that enable precise localization of seismic events. The events of the January 1997 earthquake swarm are confined to an extremely narrow volume at depths of about 9 km. Their seismograms display pronounced reflections of P- and S-waves in the upper crust. The analysis of the process of faulting has disclosed a considerable variability of the source mechanism during the swarm. We conclude that the mechanism of intraplate earthquake swarms generated by magma intrusions is similar to that of induced seismicity. As the recent tectonic processes and manifestations of geodynamic activity are similar in European areas with repeated earthquake swarm occurrence (Bohemian Massif, French Massif Central, Rhine Graben), we assume that magma intrusions and related fluid and gas release at depths of about 10 km are the universal cause of intraplate earthquake swarm generation  相似文献   

Summary The D.C. and A.C. electric conductivity and the dielectric constant of a set of 8 eclogites from the Bohemian Massif is studied under high temperatures (200–900°C) and pressures (up to 20 kb). The electric conductivity of the studied eclogites is strongly affected by the content of symplectite minerals: their conductivity increases with their concentration. The average increase of conductivity with pressure between 1 kb and 20 kb is about 50% and is manifested particularly below 4 kb. The correlation between the electric conductivity and the dielectric constant is very high (r=0.975) and allows for the values of one parameter to be estimated from those of another.  相似文献   

The paper contains an analysis of S-velocity distribution in the crust and upper mantle beneath the Bohemian Massif, which is the second biggest Variscan outcrop in Europe. It occupies mainly the west part of Czech Republic and also part of south-west Poland and south-east Germany. We use data from 10 permanent stations set in the region. Some previous papers relate to the same scope but use linear methods to inverse receiver function. Our new approach involves Monte Carlo techniques for inversion procedure, which is more convenient and robust for such a non-linear task. The result of Monte Carlo inversion is compared with the previously achieved one. The obtained Moho depths vary from 29 km in the north-west part of the Bohemian Massif to 38 km in the south and south-east and are consistent with other papers. Some discrepancies occur in the middle and upper crust.  相似文献   

Summary The thermal, temperature and electric conductivities of three alkaline basalts are compared for temperatures ranging from 20 to 900 °C.  相似文献   

Summary The phase velocity dispersion of Rayleigh waves for the Moxa-Vienna (MOX-VIE) and Moxa-Kaperské Hory (MOX-KHC) profiles, and of both Rayleigh and Love waves for the Kaperské Hory-Ksi (KHC-KSP) profile have been measured and inverted into models of shearwave velocity vs. depth. The three paths cross, respectively, the central part of the Bohemian Massif, its western margin, and the Bohemian Pluton and Cretaceous. For the MOX-VIE profile mean and lower crustal shear wave velocities of 3.7 and 3.9 km/s, respectively, a mean Moho depth of 34 km, and no existence of a low-velocity layer in the lower crust were found. The model obtained for the MOX-KHC profile is characterized by a slightly lower velocity in the lower crust (3.8 km/s), by a slightly lower Moho depth (32 km), and by the appearance of a weak low-velocity channel between 55 and 140 km. The crustal section of the final model for the KHC-KSP profile agrees well with the KHKS82 model derived by Novotný from results of DSS along international profile VII. Our final Rayleigh-wave model has significantly lower shear-wave velocities down to 215 km in the mantle. A systematic difference of 0.18 km/s between the average velocities of Rayleigh and Love waves has been revealed for the depth range from 30 to 215 km. Since almost no contamination of the fundamental Love mode with higher modes has been observed, and since the investigated structure hardly contains an unresolved system of thin, alternately low- and high-velocity layers, the cause of the difference is evidently polarization anisotropy of the upper mantle beneath the Bohemian Massif. It is recommended that the discussed investigations should be supplemented with data from the fan of KSP-GRF (Gräfenberg Array, Germany) paths and from the KHC-BRG (Berggiesshübel, Germany) profile.  相似文献   

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