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Geology of Ore Deposits - The PGE-bearing Vurechuaivench massif is part of the Paleoproterozoic Monchegorsk Complex, composed of layered rock series: gabbronorite, anorthosite, and norite....  相似文献   

对出露于山东新泰孟家屯2.7Ga的孟家屯岩组中石榴石石英岩(M08)、含十字石石榴石黑云母石英片岩(D242-Y2)和黑云斜长片麻岩(M03)(TTG质片麻岩)进行锆石Lu-Hf同位素分析。石榴石石英岩锆石核部176Lu/177Hf、176Hf/177Hf变化范围为0.001730~0.002546、0.281249~0.281360,锆石变质边部176Lu/177Hf、176Hf/177Hf变化范围为0.000123~0.002070、0.281241~0.281318;含十字石石榴石黑云母石英片岩锆石核部176Lu/177Hf、176Hf/177Hf变化范围为0.001334~0.002169、0.281226~0.281324,锆石变质边部176Lu/177Hf、176Hf/177Hf变化范围为0.000445~0.001375、0.281227~0.281309;黑云斜长片麻岩锆石176Lu/177Hf、176Hf/177Hf变化范围为0.000315~0.000847、0.281186~0.281265。孟家屯岩组石榴石英岩、含十字石石榴石黑去母石英片岩中碎屑(岩浆)锆石和黑云斜长片麻岩中岩浆锆石的εHf(t)分别为3.75~7.26、2.31~7.26和3.21~6.27,同时TDM1与其U-Pb年龄非常接近,表明它们起源于新生地壳的部分熔融。结合区域研究资料认为,2.7Ga是鲁西重要的一期构造岩浆热事件,也可能是华北克拉通重要的构造岩浆活动时期。变质沉积岩中许多变质增生锆石相对于核部岩浆锆石低176Lu/177Hf、高176Hf/177Hf,显示变质作用过程中石榴石的存在对锆石的Lu-Hf同位素体系有很大影响。  相似文献   

Formation of rhythmical layering in intrusive basic and ultrabasic rock bodies is explained in different ways, in particular, by the movement of microparticles (mineral clusters) of plagioclase and pyroxene within the basalt melt under the influence of thermal and gravitational forces. A model of cluster movement is proposed as a consequence of the forces appearing when ultrasonic elastic fluctuations pass through the melt. The model is based on fundamental dynamic equations. Depending on cluster density, wave parameters, and magmatic chamber size, in the melt there can form different combinations of rhythmically alternating layers of different composition.  相似文献   

The 1.4 Gyr anorthositic Nain complex was emplaced by multipleintrusion into Archean and Aphebian rocks whose metamorphicgrades range regionally from greenschist to granulite and whosetemperature at the time of emplacement was probably no higherthan 200–300 °C. Using experimental data on Ga-Cdand Hy-Ol-Qz equilibria, compositional studies allow the determinationof contact metamorphic pressures and temperatures for samplesover an area > 10,000 km2. The results indicate that forthese specimens temperatures ranged from 645° to 915 °Cand pressures ranged from about 3.7 to 6.6 kbar. Locally, originalgarnet porphyroblasts have partially reacted to produce symplectitesof cordierite+hypersthene, resulting in a corona-like texture.These textures and associated mineral zoning indicate that someof the specimens have experienced a polymetamorphic history.This poly metamorphism presumably resulted from the multipleintrusions of magmas of the Nain complex. The regional distributionof pressures appears systematic and suggests an arch in theancient pressure surfaces (paleo-isobars). This postulated arch,which trends WNW-ESE, roughly coincides with a proposed grabenstructure in the Conrad discontinuity based on gravity studies(Stephenson, 1974). The association of these two features canbe rationalized with a mechanism of incipient continental rifting.The emplacement of the unmetamorphosed northern Labrador anorthositemassifs in a non-orogenic environment of low temperature andmoderate depth suggests that the metamorphosed anorthositessouth of the Grenville Front may have been accidental participantsin a post-anorthosite Grenville orogeny and metamorphism.  相似文献   

赵珊茸  刘宇坤  徐畅 《地球科学》2022,47(4):1399-1414
斜长石双晶很常见,双晶律达10多种,但斜长石的各种双晶律在光学显微镜下不容易鉴别.基于背散射电子衍射(EBSD)技术,对产于大别山地区的3种岩石(花岗岩、闪长岩、变粒岩)中斜长石双晶进行了精确测定.3种岩石中均以卡-钠复合双晶(包括钠长石律、卡斯巴律、卡-钠复合律)为主,这种卡-钠复合双晶在光学显微镜下只表现为两个聚片...  相似文献   

WIEBE  R. A. 《Journal of Petrology》1979,20(2):239-269
Fine-grained anorthositic dikes are associated with a massiveleuconorite pluton (Cl = 15) which is exposed over an area ofabout 200 km2. Internally, the pluton shows little compositionalvariation; average plagioclase composition ranges from An52to An48. The dikes are nearly uniform in composition and similarto the estimated bulk composition of the pluton (55 per centSiO2). They therefore appear to represent the parental magmaof the leuconorite pluton. A small body of granite (10 km2) was emplaced within and priorto the complete solidification of the leuconorite. The graniticintrusion caused local deformation of the leuconorite and filter-pressingof its late stage interstitial liquids. These liquids occurin the younger hydrous granite as very finegrained, chilledpillows of nearly anhydrous Fe-rich diorite and granite. Mostof the pillows are diorites with approximately 55 per cent SiO2.On oxide plots these lie approximately on a plagioclase controlline passing through the composition of the leuconorite dikes.The entire group of chilled pillows ranges in composition from45 to 71 per cent SiO2 with a gap between 57 and 63 per centSiO2. On oxide plots they produce a smooth trend which is obliqueto and truncates the plagioclase control line. Variation inthe pillows can best be explained by late-stage liquid immiscibility. Fractionation in the interstitial magma was controlled earlyby crystallization of plagioclase and later by plagioclase pluspyroxene. Very late stage differentiation was controlled mainlyby liquid immiscibility and produced FeO- and SiO2-rich liquids.  相似文献   

石煜  王玉往  王京彬  周国超  王海 《地球科学》2022,47(9):3244-3257
东天山黄山东和黄山西镁铁-超镁铁岩是区域早二叠世大规模幔源岩浆作用的产物,赋存有两个大型岩浆铜镍硫化物矿床.黄山东和黄山西矿床的主要矿体均赋存于超镁铁岩中,其含矿超镁铁岩的成因机制研究对揭示区域铜镍硫化物成矿作用机制具有重要意义.本文对黄山东和黄山西含矿超镁铁岩进行了详细的电子背散射图像研究,发现其斜长石斑晶存在显著的不平衡结构,并系统进行了电子探针成分剖面分析.结果显示斜长石具有剧烈变化的成分环带,其中黄山东超镁铁岩斜长石An值介于48.6~75.6,黄山西含矿超镁铁岩斜长石An值介于44.9~79.2,表明两个矿床含矿超镁铁岩的母岩浆在侵位过程中发生过显著的成分变化.结合黄山东和黄山西镁铁-超镁铁杂岩体地质特征,本文认为高分异镁铁质岩浆的加入导致了低分异超镁铁质岩浆成分发生显著变化,致使岩浆硫化物熔离,以及黄山东和黄山西大型铜镍硫化物矿床的形成.   相似文献   

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology - The Upper Critical Zone of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa, has been divided into so-called cyclic units. Ideally, they should consist of (from the...  相似文献   

The crystal size distributions (CSDs) of plagioclase and amphibolewere determined from andesites of the Soufrière Hillsvolcano, Montserrat. Plagioclase occurs as separate crystalsand as chadocrysts in large amphibole oikocrysts. The chadocrystsrepresent an earlier stage of textural development, preservedby growth of the oikocryst. Seventeen rock and eight chadocrystplagioclase CSDs are considered together as a series of samplesof textural development. All are curved, concave up, and coincident,differing only in their maximum crystal size. Three amphiboleCSDs have a similar shape and behaviour, but at a differentposition from the plagioclase CSDs. A dynamic model is proposedfor the origin of textures in these rocks. Crystallization ofplagioclase started following emplacement of andesite magmaat a depth of at least 5 km. A steep, straight CSD developedby nucleation and growth. This process was interrupted by theinjection of mafic magma into the chamber, or convective overturnof hotter magma. The magma temperature rose until it was buffered,initially by plagioclase solution and later by crystallization.During this period textural coarsening (Ostwald ripening) ofplagioclase and amphibole occurred: small crystals dissolvedsimultaneously with the growth of large crystals. The CSD becameless steep and extended to larger crystal sizes. Early stagesof this process are preserved in coarsened amphibole oikocrysts.Repetitions of this cycle generated the observed family of CSDs.Textural coarsening followed the ‘Communicating Neighbours’model. Hence, each crystal has its own, unique growth–solutionhistory, without appealing to mixing of magmas that crystallizedin different environments. KEY WORDS: Ostwald ripening; textural coarsening; oikocryst; CSD; texture  相似文献   

An early Archaean (>3·81 Ga) chromitite–ultramaficlayered body from the Ujaragssuit nunât area, west Greenland,may represent the Earth’s oldest chromitite. The layeredbody occurs as a large xenolith (800 m x 100 m) entrained withintonalitic gneisses and preserves primary igneous layering andtextures. New Re–Os and Pb–Pb isotope results supportthe view that it has been metamorphosed twice, in the earlyand late Archaean at 3·75 Ga and 2·8 Ga. Mineralchemistry and textures indicate that the chromite compositionspreserve two different evolutionary trends. There is a mainmagmatic trend in which Cr/(Cr + Al) ratios remain relativelyconstant but in which there is strong enrichment in Fe3+, Fe2+and Ti with progressive differentiation. This trend is a compositeof magmatic-liquidus, magmatic-cooling and subsolidus re-equilibrationprocesses. A second trend is defined by chromites from harzburgitesin the upper part of the layered body. These chromites showmagmatic replacement textures in which Fe-rich chromites arealtered to aluminous chromites. Chromites showing magmatic replacementtextures are thought to have formed by reaction with a late,interstitial melt during the solidification of the layered body.The close association between the Fe3+–Cr-chromites ofthe main trend and Al-rich chromites of the type found in otherArchaean megacrystic anorthosites suggest a magmatic-geneticrelationship between the two types of chromite. We propose thatanorthositic chromites form in an Fe-rich basaltic melt derivedfrom a komatiitic, boninitic or basaltic parent magma throughreaction between the melt and early-formed Fe-rich chromite. KEY WORDS: chromite; anorthosite; Archaean; Greenland; Re–Os  相似文献   

Results of an experimental programme on heterogeneous rock-like specimens of dental plaster confirm the pronounced role of tensile microcracks on brittle failure. Microbuckling of very small rock-columns formed amid closely located tensile cracks was observed as the key incident connecting stable phenomenon of tensile cracking to unstable phenomenon of shearing and subsequent macroscopic failure. Using the classical beam and buckling theories and considering geometry of the problem a new failure criterion is proposed. As a novel attempt, this new failure criterion relates the compressive strength of rock to three basic microstructural properties, i.e. degree of crystal interlocking, average Young modulus and average tensile strength of rock forming minerals.  相似文献   

A characteristic feature of the Partridge River intrusion of the Keweenawan Duluth Complex is the approximately fivefold to ninefold increase in the concentrations of incompatible elements in the lower zone compared with cumulates stratigraphically higher. The concentrations of incompatible elements decrease from the lower zone upward to steady state values, which is ascribed to variations in the proportions of trapped liquid rather than variable degrees of fractional crystallization of a single parental magma. The calculated average composition of trapped liquid using our algorithm is similar to typical Keweenawan low-alumina, high Ti---P basalts associated with the Duluth Complex but is different from the leading edge ferrodioritic liquid quenched in the chilled margin of the intrusion. This difference suggests that the chilled margin does not represent the original (parental) magma composition from which the whole intrusion solidified, and that the enrichment of incompatible elements may be related to the local flotation of magmatic suspensions. To test the latter hypothesis numerically, we have used heat-mass transfer models, assuming a sheet-like magma chamber, to calculate the parameters of the model that best reproduce the observed distribution of incompatible elements in a mush zone at the base of the Partridge River intrusion. The results indicate that a mush zone enriched in the incompatible elements is produced if the velocity of movement of the lower solidification front into the magma body was less than the floating velocity of the bulk crystal mush. The dynamic parameters that best reproduce the observed distribution of incompatible elements include a magma emplacement pressure of 2 kbar, critical crystallinities of 50–68% in the mush zone from which the liquid is being expelled, and an emplacement temperature of 1160°C for the initial magma.  相似文献   

Morphological and chemical studies on zircon grains from gabbro and granite of the Pingtan magmatic complex, Fujian Province, eastern China, show that there are three stages of zircon growth. The early stage of zircon growth is characterized by colorlessness, high transparence and birefringence, low and dispersive Ipr and Ipy, weak and homogeneous BSE brightness, lower Hf content and depletion of U, Th and Y; the middle stage is characterized by abruptly increasing lpy, progressively strong and sectoral-zoning BSE brightness, higher Hf content and enrichment of U, Th and Y with Th/U 〉 1; the late stage of growth is characterized by brownish color, poor transparence, low birefringence, highest Ipr and Ipy, middle and oscillatorily-zoning BSE brightness, highest contents of Hf, U and Y with Th/U 〈 1. The stages are considered to be formed in a deep magma chamber, ascent passage and emplacement site, respectively. Due to the more or less long residual time of the magma chamber, the difference in age between the early and late stages of zircon might be great enough to be distinguished, which can be attributed to tectonic constraint for the magnlatism.  相似文献   

Most phenocryst populations in volcanic rocks, and those preservedin shallow-level igneous intrusions, are clustered (variouslyreferred to as clots, clumps or glomerocrysts). These clustersof crystals are the building blocks that accumulate to formthe high-porosity, touching crystal frameworks from which igneouscumulates form. Examination of touching crystal frameworks inolivine- (komatiite cumulates and experimental charges) andplagioclase-dominant crystal populations (Holyoke flood basalt,Connecticut, USA) reveal complex, high-porosity, clustered crystalarrangements. Olivine touching frameworks in komatiite flowsare interpreted to form in hundreds of days. Plagioclase frameworksare calculated to have formed in less than 17 years for a crystalgrowth rate of 1 x 10-10 mm/s to less than 3 years for a growthrate of 5 x 10-10 mm/s based on crystal size distributions.The origin of crystal clusters is likely to involve either (ora combination of) heterogeneous nucleation, remobilization ofcumulate mushes or crystals sticking together during settlingand/or flow. The spatial distribution pattern of clustered crystalframeworks from both natural and experimental examples constrainsfields on spatial packing diagrams that allow the identificationof touching and non-touching crystal populations, and furtherimprove our understanding of crystal packing arrangements andcluster size distributions. KEY WORDS: cumulates; CSD; komatiite; basalt; spatial packing; textural analysis  相似文献   

火山岩实验矿物的结晶形态及其生长动力学机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文对我国福建,江西,河南等地某些典型玄武岩和部分安山岩以及意大利维苏威火山的白榴响岩质玄岩进行了熔融,结晶,淬火实验研究,总结了斜长石,白榴石,橄榄石,斜方辉石,单斜辉石和磁铁矿等实验矿物的形态特征,探讨了微晶矿物,骸晶矿物和维晶矿物的生长学机制,阐述了矿物晶体形态与结晶温度,生长速度及熔浆SiO2含量的关系。  相似文献   

The Susong complex zone is a relatively low-grade metamorphic unit located in the southern part of the Dabie orogen and preserves a variety of metasedimentary rocks, mostly with epidote–amphibolite facies. However, their depositional age, provenance and tectonic setting of sedimentary protolith remain controversial due to the lack of fossils, precise dating and integrated geochemical investigation. This study has conducted whole-rock elemental, and zircon U-Pb SHRIMP dating and Lu-Hf isotope ana...  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Among the rich REE–Nb ores of the upper ore horizon of the Tomtor deposit, under the Jurassic deposits (borehole 324, interval 47–62 m), ultrapotassiс...  相似文献   

Petrology of the Partridge River Intrusion, Duluth   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Drill core DDH-221 was drilled for the Minnamax Project by AMAX Exploration, Inc., as part of the exploration for Cu-Ni sulfidesin the basal rocks of the northwestern margin of the DuluthComplex. The drill core intersects 525 m of the Partridge RiverIntrusion before passing into the Virginia Formation footwall.The rocks in the drill core comprise plagioclase and olivinecumulates, with troctolite and olivine gabbro as the most commonrock types. Sulfide- and oxide-bearing gabbros are present inthe lowest 100 m of the core where decreases in the crystalsizes of plagioclase and olivine, and the appearance of ophitictextures adjacent to the footwall, indicate that the chilledmargin of the intrusion has been preserved (Chalokwu & Grant,1990). The concentrations of incompatible elements in the wholerocks and the iron contents of olivine and pyroxenes all increasesharply in the lowest 100 m of the drill core (Chalokwu &Grant, 1990), and are interpreted as the downward increase inintercumulus liquid now preserved as intercumulus phases, andthe reaction of this liquid with olivine and pyroxenes. Mass, balance calculations for rocks containing widely differentvolumes of intercumulus phases show that the intercumulus liquidwas a chemically uniform ferrodiorite that can be derived fromKeweenawan high-alumina olivine tholeiite by plagioclase (An63),clinopyroxene (En50Fs10Wo40), and olivine (Fo71) fractionation. Initial 87Sr/86Sr values for plagioclase range between 0–704764and O-706335, with the highest values occurring adjacent tothe footwall Virginia Formation, and the lowest at intermediatedepths in the core. These variations are similar to 87Sr/86Srvalues reported earlier by Grant & Moiling (1981) From theadjacent core DDH-295, although the values are all greater thanpublished initial ratios for the least altered Keweenawan lavas.We attribute the isotopic variations in core DDH-221 to isotopicheterogeneities in the Partridge River Intrusion magmas, andto limited assimilation of the Virginia Formation within 50m of the footwall. Rare-earth and other trace elements in the intercumulus liquidfrom core DDH-221 have similar distributions to the same elementsin Keweenawan basic to intermediate lavas. We conclude that the rocks of the Partridge River Intrusionsampled in drill core DDH-221 comprise a mechanical mixtureof cumulus plagioclase and olivine and intercumulus liquid thatwere not in equilibrium with each other, and that the intercumulusliquid was broadly consanguineous with Keweenawan high-aluminaolivine tholeiite lavas, but was modified to a greater extentby assimilative exchange with continental crust. After emplacement,the crystal-liquid mixture was modified by flotation of thecumulus plagioclase out of the basal zone, and by limited —but not ubiquitous — assimilation of footwall VirginiaFormation.  相似文献   

The Nikanbetsu peridotite complex, Hokkaido, Japan, is composedof mainly fertile lherzolite, which shows several lines of evidencefor incipient partial melting in the spinel–plagioclasefacies. There are petrological, textural and mineral chemicalvariations in plagioclase-free and -bearing lherzolites fromthe base to the top of the complex within the total thicknessof 1400 m. Two-pyroxene and spinel symplectites occur only atthe base of the complex. Mass-balance calculations on theirbulk compositions suggest that they lost the Al component frompyropic garnet. The Wo content of orthopyroxene cores continuouslyincreases, whereas the Al content decreases from the base upward.Ca–Na zoning patterns of plagioclase in the plagioclaselherzolites characteristically change from W-shaped patternsat the base to oscillatory patterns in the upper part of thecomplex. These lines of petrological, textural and mineral chemicalevidence indicate that incipient partial melting occurred everywherein the complex, with an increase in the degree of melting fromthe base toward the top, in proportion to a monotonous riseof the equilibrium temperature from 1100°C to 1250°C.The systematics of plagioclase zoning provides evidence forsimultaneous incipient partial melting, melt migration, decompressionand melt crystallization in the ascending upper-mantle rocks. KEY WORDS: melt migration; oscillatory zoning; partial melting; plagioclase lherzolite; symplectite  相似文献   

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