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Summary Ionospheric disturbances recorded at Genova are studied in relation to the corresponding geomagnetic disturbances. Storm time and disturbance daily variation are derived, as well as some characteristic features of ionospheric perturbations. Generally these perturbations are dealyed with respect to the corresponding geomagnetic disturbances: the mean time-lag referred to the whole day is of the order of 1h30m, but if thessc occurs in the morning or near noon the mean time-lag is nearly of 4h.The main results of this paper have been presented at the Symposium on Ionospheric Soundings in the IGY-IGC, held in Nice, France, on 11–16 December 1961 (and organized by the CIG-Committee of the URSI).  相似文献   

Daily variations in the intensities of atmospherics at 600 Hz and 6 kHz detected at the Lovozero observatory from June to December 2012 were studied. Under quiet geomagnetic conditions, daily variations of atmospherics are shown to be determined by both the waveguide parameters of the Earth’s ionosphere and the activity of storm centers. In summer, a broad daytime maximum of atmospherics flow N hr (the number of atmospherics per hour) is detected most likely due to the lightning activity in mid-latitude regions that are nearer to the observatory than the global storm centers. The daily variations in atmospherics mean amplitudes per hour A hr differ appreciably from the daily variations N hr, reflecting largely the changes in lighting conditions along signal propagation paths. The distribution function of the levels of atmospherics can be approximated by the following formula taken from publications: P(X) = [1 + (X/X 50) k ]?1, where k is a parameter that changes from 2.2 to 3.2 at f = 600 Hz and from 1.5 to 2 at f = 6 kHz under quiet geomagnetic conditions.  相似文献   

Based on the data obtained by the instruments of the Lovozero high-latitude observatory, the amplitude-frequency characteristics of atmospherics during the solar eclipse of March 20, 2015 were constructed. It was shown that no significant changes (beyond the limits of natural deviation) in the spectra of atmospherics were observed during the eclipse.  相似文献   

A preliminary collection of 43 palaeomagnetic samples (10 sites) from the miogeosynclinal and supposedly autochthonous Umbrian sequence in the Northern Apennines, Italy, was analysed by means of alternating magnetic fields and thermal demagnetization studies. The older group of samples, taken from the upper part of the Calcari Diasprini (Malm), the Fucoid Marls (Albian/Cenomanian) and from the basal part of the Scaglia Bianca (Early Late Cretaceous), all showed normal polarity directions and resulted in a mean site direction:D = 290.5°,I = +51.5°,α95 = 11°,k = 74,N = 4.The younger group of samples, taken throughout the Scaglia Rossa sequence (Latest Cretaceous/Middle Eocene) showed normal and reversed polarity directions. In contrast to the older group, the magnetic analysis of these samples resulted in a considerably less dense grouping of site mean directions. This presumably is due to inaccuracies introduced with the very large bedding tilt corrections that had to be applied to the samples of some sites. A tentative mean site direction for these Scaglia Rossa samples was computed as:D = 351°,I = +52.5°,α95 = 23.5°,k = 11.5,N = 5.Despite the low precision of the Scaglia Rossa result, the significant deviation between this Latest Cretaceous/Early Tertiary direction and the Late Jurassic/Early Late Cretaceous direction indicates a counterclockwise rotation of more than forty degrees. This rotation can be dated as Late Cretaceous.How far these data from the Northern Apennines apply to other parts of the Italian Peninsula has yet to be established. The timing of this rotation is not at variance with the data from other parts of Mediterranean Europe (Southern Alps, Iberian Peninsula) and from Africa. However, taking into account the preliminary nature of the results, the amount of rotation of the Northern Apennines seems to surpass the rotation angle which is deduced from the palaeomagnetic data for Africa.  相似文献   

Vicoforte is a small town in Northern Italy, which hosts a Cathedral with the world's largest elliptical dome. The name of the Basilica is “Regina Montis Regalis” and it is of extraordinary architectural and structural importance. The main objective of this study is the definition of the seismic hazard at the site of Vicoforte following a deterministic approach. Although Vicoforte is located in an area of moderate seismicity, the calculation of the most unfavourable seismic ground shaking scenarios is of great interest due to the importance of the Basilica and its vulnerability to even a moderate seismic excitation.The closest active faults to Vicoforte were identified in order to simulate the potentially most severe ground shaking scenarios compatibly with the tectonic and seismic setting of the region. Subsequently, numerical simulations were conducted through finite faults numerical models using two different approaches: the extended kinematic source model of Hisada and Bielak [24] and the stochastic method of Motazedian and Atkinson [38]. They, respectively, simulate the low and high frequency ranges of predicted ground motion. The numerical models used for the simulations were calibrated by a comparison between synthetic results and recorded data. A parametric study was finally carried out to identify the most critical fault rupture mechanisms.  相似文献   

Analysis of sustained long-period activity at Etna Volcano, Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Following the installation of a broadband network on Mt. Etna, sustained Long-Period (LP) activity was recorded accompanying a period of total quiescence and the subsequent onset of the 2004–2005 effusive episode. From about 56000 events detected by an automatic classification procedure, we analyse a subset of about 3000 signals spanning the December 17th, 2003–September 25th, 2004, time interval. LP spectra are characterised by several, unevenly-spaced narrow peaks spanning the 0.5–10 Hz frequency band. These peaks are common to all the recording sites of the network, and different from those associated with tremor signals. Throughout the analysed time interval, LP spectra and waveforms maintain significant similarity, thus indicating the involvement of a non-destructive source process that we interpret in terms of the resonance of a fluid-filled buried cavity. Polarisation analysis indicates radiation from a non-isotropic source involving large amounts of shear. Concurrently with LP signals, recordings from the summit station also depict Very-Long-Period (VLP) pulses whose rectilinear motion points to a region located beneath the summit craters at depths ranging between 800 and 1100 m beneath the surface. Based on a refined repicking of similar waveforms, we obtain robust locations for a selected subset of the most energetic LP events from probabilistic inversion of travel-times calculated for a 3D heterogenous structure. LP sources cluster in a narrow volume located beneath the summit craters, and extending to a maximum depth of ≈ 800 m beneath the surface. No causal relationships are observed between LP, VLP and tremor activities and the onset of the 2004–2005 lava effusions, thus indicating that magmatic overpressure played a limited role in triggering this eruption. These data represent the very first observation of LP and VLP activity at Etna during non-eruptive periods, and open the way to the quantitative modelling of the geometry and dynamics of the shallow plumbing system.  相似文献   

Sediment from harbors of the Emilia-Romagna (Northern Adriatic Sea) were dredged and dumped in four disposal areas characterized by muddy bottoms. The long-term effects of the dumping on macrozoobenthic communities were investigated before and after 6 month, 8 month, 2 years and 4 years. The disposal of dredged material did not influence the granulometry and %TOC in the sediment, and no alterations in the structure of the macrobenthic communities were observed in the four areas. The lack of impact could be ascribed to the environmental characteristics and precautionary measures taken to minimize the effects of the dumping. It appears that: (1) the communities of the dumping areas are well adapted to unstable environments; (2) the sediments were disposed gradually and homogeneously over relatively large areas; Other factors that help to reduce the impact of sediment disposal are the low concentrations of contaminants in dredged materials and the similarity of sediment in the dredged and disposal areas. Off-shore discharge appears a sustainable strategy for the management of uncontaminated dredged sediments from the Northern Adriatic Sea harbors.  相似文献   

The change in the air temperature recorded at the Genoa University observatory over 155 years followed the change in the wind direction. A warming occurred both from 1838 to 1869 and from 1890 to 1950. The latter warm period was followed by a cooling in the 1950s, when the lowest mean annual temperature occurred. Generally, a warm period corresponds to a growth in the southern components of the ground wind direction; the increase in the southerly circulation in the Mediterranean yields increased stability in dry weather. Temperature-depth data measured in a geothermal borehole reflect this climate change. A comparison between the measurements and a synthetic temperature profile, based on the air temperature history recorded at the observatory, indicates that the average temperature prior to the meteorological time series was about 0.6 K higher than the average of the decade 1973-1982.  相似文献   

The records of VLF atmospherics over Calcutta and then over Kalyani (West Bengal) during the torrential rainfall, caused by violent monsoon and post-monsoon depressions, exhibit distinct long-period fadings both at day and night. Interesting results obtained from an analysis of round-the-clock atmospherics data and associated meteorological parameters are reported in this paper. A possible correlation between the severe meteorological activity with the solar geophysical phenomena was studied. The results are indicative of an interesting sequence of solar-terrestrial events. A tentative conclusion is reached, suggesting an origin of the fading from atmospheric gravity waves generated in the centre of activity of the depressions concerned.Currently at: Department of Physics, Serampore College, Serampore, 712 201 West Bengal  相似文献   

In 2007–2008, we installed on Mt. Etna two deep tilt stations using high resolution, self-leveling instruments. These installations are a result of accurate instrument tests, site selection, drilling and sensor positioning that has allowed detecting variations related to the principal diurnal and semidiurnal tides for first time on Mt. Etna using tilt data.  相似文献   

Continuous monitoring of distal gas emanations at Vulcano,southern Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The increasing activity of Vulcano Island (Italy) since 1985 led to the initiation of continuous geochemical monitoring of the lateral soil gas emissions. On the basis both of their relative geochemical characteristics and of local considerations, three gaseous components were selected for monitoring, namely CO2, He and 222Rn. Monitoring has been performed by means of specific analysers. Gases extracted from a water well located at the foot of the active cone were selected for monitoring, on the basis of their geochemical and isotopic characters that indicate their genetic link with central high temperature fumarolic gases emitted at the crater. Very strong variations of gas composition can be observed within one day (from 1 to about 94% for CO2). Some variations display a daily character and can be correlated with that of atmospheric pressure. The three monitored gases are highly correlated, suggesting very high kinetics of gas transfer in the system. Because of these considerable variations of chemical composition, bulk concentrations obviously are not suitable for monitoring at Vulcano. However, the evolution with time of ratios such as 222Rn/CO2 and He/CO2 (the latter being corrected for atmospheric contamination) supplies numerical parameters that the expected to characterize the intensity of the degassing process. A new input of magmatic gases, that would lead to an increase in the 222Rn/CO2 and He/CO2 ratios, should therefore be detected by such a monitoring station.  相似文献   

An eddy covariance (EC) station was deployed at Solfatara crater, Italy, June 8–25, 2001 to assess if EC could reliably monitor CO2 fluxes continuously at this site. Deployment at six different locations within the crater allowed areas of focused gas venting to be variably included in the measured flux. Turbulent (EC) fluxes calculated in 30-min averages varied between 950 and 4460 g CO2 m−2 d−1; the highest measurements were made downwind of degassing pools. Comparing turbulent fluxes with chamber measurements of surface fluxes using footprint models in diffuse degassing regions yielded an average difference of 0% (±4%), indicating that EC measurements are representative of surface fluxes at this volcanic site. Similar comparisons made downwind of degassing pools yielded emission rates from 12 to 27 t CO2 d−1 for these features. Reliable EC measurements (i.e. measurements with sufficient and stationary turbulence) were obtained primarily during daytime hours (08:00 and 20:00 local time) when the wind speed exceeded 2 m s−1. Daily average EC fluxes varied by ±50% and variations were likely correlated to changes in atmospheric pressure. Variations in CO2 emissions due to volcanic processes at depth would have to be on the same order of magnitude as the measured diurnal variability in order to be useful in predicting volcanic hazard. First-order models of magma emplacement suggest that emissions could exceed this rate for reasonable assumptions of magma movement. EC therefore provides a useful method of monitoring volcanic hazard at Solfatara. Further, EC can monitor significantly larger areas than can be monitored by previous methods.  相似文献   

A preliminary statistical analysis of the space-time distribution of small seismic events in the volcanic area of Phlegraean Fields, south-central Italy, was done on the basis of a catalogue of earthquakes recorded by the local seismic stations in the period January 1, December 31, 1983.The non-random character of the sequence has been tested by matching the observed time-dstribution of seismic events with the theoretical Poisson process.A clustered occurrence of seismic events seems to be the main cause of the departure from a Poisson process as the inter-arrival times distribution clearly shows.Furthermore, the non-random behaviour of the events space-time distribution mainly due to quiescient and clustered recursive seismic phases could be studied by using the method proposed byVon Seggern et al. (1981). The analysis and the space-time diagrams confirm the swarm-type character of the entire seismic sequence.  相似文献   

Aeolian sand transport was studied at the Lanphere Dunes, a coastal dune complex in northern California, by comparing slipface advance rates with transport predicted based on local wind data. The slipfaces of a 2·5 m high transverse ridge and 10 m high parabolic dune were monitored over a period of three months to estimate sand discharge. The study was performed during the dry season, which has the maximum sand‐driving potential. Over the three month study period, average sand discharge was 12·5 m3 per m width per year at the transverse ridge and 8·8 m3 per m width per year at the parabolic dune. A method was developed for modelling slipfaces that are sinuous and where sediment transport rates are not constant across the width of the slipface. Field measurements were used to generate three‐dimensional representations of dune slipfaces. Periodic measurements over the course of three months were used to compute the volume of displaced sediment. Theoretical sand transport was computed from local wind data using the Bagnold model and compared with the observed transport rates. Predicted rates were substantially lower than observed rates. Wind velocities rarely exceeded the threshold velocity. Discrepancies between the observed and predicted values appear to be caused by a combination of wind data recording procedures and differences between wind velocities at the anemometer location and the site where sand transport was measured. Wind data collected by weather bureaux have been utilized in numerous studies for modelling sediment transport. Such data typically have sample intervals of one hour or greater and are often averaged prior to reporting. The effect of averaging was investigated by comparing sand transport estimates based on daily average wind velocities with those based on the original hourly observations. The daily average data were depleted of high velocity winds and sand transport estimates were accordingly much lower than those based on the hourly data. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

SH evaluation in Po Plain region is revisited with a view to: ( $a)$ updating available seismic source and ground motion attenuation models with recent data and testing the sensitivity of the results, ( $b)$ exploiting available non-stationary models to check their predictive performance at particular sites and, ( $c)$ handling the ground motion hazard generated by composite fault systems. Update of area source models and GMPEs does not strongly affect SH evaluated at representative sites, while usefulness of predictions derived from non-stationary models needs to be assessed on a site-by-site basis. A hybrid (deterministic-probabilistic) approach seems to be a promising tool for assessing site-specific hazard contributed by composite sources.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that four large sector collapses have affected the NW flank of the Stromboli volcano in the past 13 ka, alternating with growth phases, in order to contribute to the evaluation of the critical conditions which trigger lateral collapses, a reconstruction of the geometry of each collapse of the volcano edifice in the four stages that preceded the relative collapse events is also presented, and a computation of the landslide volume. This reconstruction is based on new field data plotted in three dimensions. Prior to the initial 13-ka collapse, the volcano was 1125±100 m high above sea level. The collapse had a volume of 2.23±0.87 km3, whereas the pre-collapse volcano volume was 218.8±7.7 km3. The next edifice that failed was 900±70 m high a.s.l. The collapse volume was 1±0.54 km3, with a precollapse volcano volume of 201.4±5.4 km3. The edifice then grew to 1000±60 m a.s.l. The third collapse had a volume of 1.08±0.39 km3 and occurred within a volcano with a volume of 209.1±4.6 km3. This was followed by a new growth phase followed by the last collapse with a volume of 0.73±0.22 km3. The volcano volume was about the same as the present one. The present active crater zone is at 780 m a.s.l. in the first three collapses, sliding surfaces cut the main magma conduit. In the last collapse, the upper scarp coincided with the conduit location. Dyking along a main NE-trending weakness zone across the volcano summit exerted a lateral force for collapse inception. The decrease of the landslide volumes with the age, and the concentric scarps of the four collapses, suggest that the younger sliding planes tended to become more superficial and to decrease the areal extent. This is interpreted as due to: (a) successively weaker eruptive products from dominantly lavas to dominantly pyroclastics; and (b) the feedback effects between collapses and dykes that injected along the lateral segments of the first collapse slide plane.  相似文献   

This study uses stable isotopes and major ions to examine the seasonal evolution of penitentes on the surface of Tapado Glacier, in the Norte Chico region of the Chilean Andes. A snow pit was sampled in November 2011, and penitentes were sampled during the summer (December 2011 and January 2012). The major ion load of the winter snowpack is dominated by Ca2+ (60%), SO42? (16%) and NO3? (13%), and there is little influence from marine air masses at the site, with most SO42?, Mg2+, Ca2+ and Na+, derived from non‐sea salt sources. During the early ablation season we observe increases in stable isotope ratios and major ion concentrations (particularly lithic ions Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+) in the upper reaches of penitentes, which is attributed to sublimation and the aeolian deposition of dust particles. In the late‐summer, melt replaces sublimation as the dominant ablation process and results in smoothing of the stable isotope profile and the elution of major ions within the penitente snow and ice matrix. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates research addressing the subject of the earthquake-induced surface effects by means of a multidisciplinary approach: tectonics, neotectonics, seismology, geology, hydrogeology, geomorphology, soil/rock mechanics have been considered. The research is aimed to verify in areas affected by earthquake-triggered landslides a methodology for the identification of potentially unstable areas. The research was organized according to regional and local scale studies. In order to better emphasise the complexity of the relationships between all the parameters affecting the stability conditions of rock slopes in static and dynamic conditions a new integrated approach, Rock Engineering Systems (RES), was applied in the Northern Apennines. In the paper, the different phases of the research are described in detail and an example of the application of RES method in a sample area is reported. A significant aspect of the study can be seen in its attempt to overcome the exclusively qualitative aspects of research into the relationship between earthquakes and induced surface effects, and to advance the idea of beginning a process by which this interaction can be quantified.  相似文献   

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