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Airborne VLF data are routinely collected by The Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) as part of its bedrock mapping programme. In this paper we demonstrate that the novel Tensor VLF technique developed at Uppsala University and SGU can provide useful qualitative and quantitative information about the electrical conductivity distribution in the upper few hundred meters. Single transmitter scalar VLF maps emphasize those conductive structures that have dominant strikes in the direction of the transmitter. The tensor tipper (essentially the vertical magnetic field from currents along the strike direction) calculated from multiple transmitters is dependent only upon the underlying conductivity structure. Transformation of the tipper into the peaker (the horizontal divergence) has proven to enhance the lateral resolution while the transformation to the apparent resistivity can be used to discriminate different rock types. Two case histories from the application of VLF data are presented in this study. Two dimensional structures can be quantitatively modelled by modern inversion methods developed originally for deep electromagnetic MT soundings. Direct inversion of the real and imaginary parts of the tipper provides more quantitative information about the subsurface resistivity distribution.  相似文献   

One of the important factors influencing the accuracy of the numerical solution of 1D unsaturated flow equation (Richards’ equation) is the averaging method applied to compute hydraulic conductivity between two adjacent nodes of the computational grid. A number of averaging schemes have been proposed in the literature for homogeneous soil, including arithmetic, geometric, upstream and integrated means, as well as more sophisticated approaches, based on the local solution of steady state flow between the neighboring nodes (Darcian means). Another group of methods have been developed for the case when a material interface is present between the nodes. They range from simple arithmetic averaging to more complex schemes using the pressure- and flux-continuity conditions at the interface. In this paper we compare several averaging schemes for a number of steady and unsteady flow problems in layered soils. The first group of methods is applied in the framework of the vertex-centered approach to spatial discretization, where the nodes are placed at the material interfaces, while the second group is used with the cell-centered approach, where the material interfaces are located between computational nodes. The resulting numerical schemes are evaluated in terms of accuracy and computational time. It is shown that the averaging schemes based on Darcian mean principle [19] used in the framework of either vertex-centered or cell-centered approach compare favorably to other methods for a range of test cases.  相似文献   

The spatial‐temporal characteristics of mean annual daily maximum precipitation events in the upper Yangtze River basin in China are examined using a framework termed precipitation regional extreme mapping (PREM). The framework consists of regional analyses and mapping methods, which have the capability to assess the presence or absence of climate change. The findings confirm the homogeneous regions identified by Wang (2002) using a heterogeneity measure, where all three regions have heterogeneity less than 1.0. The Pearson type III (PE3) distribution was found to be acceptable for all three regions, while the generalized extreme‐value distribution performs better than PE3 for Region I (eastern portion of the upper Yangtze basin). Two indices, root mean square error and mean bias, were used to access the performance of the extreme map, and the results show that the map of extreme can predict precipitation for ungauged regions with acceptable accuracy. The regional frequency maps were used in conjunction with the Student's t‐test to identify the statistical significance of changes of extremes in precipitation. Results indicate that there have been no significant changes in maximum daily precipitation magnitudes over the past four decades, a finding that is valuable for the safe planning of major hydraulic projects and the management and planning of water resources in the upper Yangtze River basin. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An important first step in marine spatial planning and ecosystem-based management efforts is the creation of benthic habitat maps that allow scientists and managers to understand the distribution of living and non-living resources on the seafloor. However, the location of boundaries between and composition of habitats is highly dependent on the approach taken to integrate abiotic and biotic information. The purpose of this study was to test “top-down” and “bottom-up” approaches for integrating physical and biological data derived from commonly used sub-tidal benthic mapping tools to create a habitat map compatible with the US Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS). We found that a top-down framework, where we tested for differences in macrofauna assemblages among side scan sonar facies, defined two broad-scale and general habitats. Using the bottom-up approach, where patterns in abiotic and biotic variables were examined with multivariate statistics (BEST, LINKTREE, ANOSIM, SIMPER), we generated seven biotopes based on the macrofauna abundance, percent sand, water depth, and backscatter standard deviation that corresponded well to, but provided more fine-scale detail than the top-down habitats. We were able to use the statistical relationship between abiotic variables and macrofauna assemblages in the LINKTREE to predict the spatial distribution of assemblages over ∼50% of the study area. We created a local catalogue of biotopes specific to our study area that contributes to the CMECS library. In addition, we were able to fully map CMECS Geoform, Surface Geology, and Biotic Cover Components. This mapping effort represented real progress toward reconciling the “data density mismatch” between physical and biological mapping methods, and it provided further evidence that using a bottom-up methodology preserves species–environment relationships.  相似文献   

Organic matter has been observed in cores of the Soultz-sous-Forêts granite (Alsace, France) at depths between 2158 and 2160 m, in a highly fractured and altered zone. The granite is overlain by a 1400-m-thick sedimentary cover containing petroleum (Pechelbronn oil field). The Soultz area is devoted to Hot Dry Rock geothermics thanks to a high geothermal gradient (up to 100 °C/km). During drilling operations, an artesian source produced oil in a fractured zone of the sedimentary cover (Buntsandstein). Its gas-chromatography and mass-spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis revealed the presence of normal alkanes (n-alkanes, i.e. linear hydrocarbons) centered on C17, branched alkanes with a major C19 peak, and few unsaturated hydrocarbons. The aromatic fraction is present in small amounts. In the Soultz granite, where it is altered, organic matter is exclusively associated with tosudite (interstratified clay mineral) which crystallized in plagioclase sites during a hydrothermal alteration episode. Organic matter has been later displaced and concentrated along veinlets in which illite and carbonates have crystallized during another hydrothermal alteration stage. The soluble organic matter analyzed by GC-MS is composed of aliphatic acids, n-alkanes with a bimodal C18 and C24-C25 centered distribution, alkylbenzenes and aromatic acids. Organic compounds in the granite would either originate from a single source (immature sediments) or from two sources (immature sediments and migration of the Pechelbronn oil). No real evidence was found to prove which hypothesis is the best one. The presence of organic matter in the granite shows the importance of fluid flows between the sedimentary cover and the granitic basement through major fractures. In addition, the impregnation of plagioclase pseudomorphs with organic matter is made possible due to their high interconnection degree and to the intergranular microfracturation of the granite. The succession of several hydrothermal events with different physico-chemical characteris- tics may also be inferred from the occurrence of organic matter found in association with neoformed clay minerals in the granite.  相似文献   

Reactive transport codes that use a Gibbs Energy Minimization (GEM) to solve chemical equilibria are uncommon. We present a new coupling of the Richards flow module of the Finite Element (FE) based OpenGeoSys code with the GEM based chemical solver GEMS3K. The coupled code is highly parallelized using an overlapping domain decomposition approach in combination with execution of multiple threads that solve chemical equilibria in parallel. FE reactive transport schemes are often affected by spurious concentration oscillations. We effectively suppress these oscillations with a linearized algebraic flux corrected transport (FCT) algorithm. An application example is presented which investigates the evolution of material interfaces in a deep geological repository for nuclear waste. The example uses all features of the new coupled code: flow and multi-component transport in variably saturated media, and a very complex chemical setup which makes extensive use of (non-linear) solid solution formulations for mineral phases.  相似文献   

The InterPACIFIC project was aimed at assessing the reliability, resolution, and variability of geophysical methods in estimating the shear-wave velocity profile for seismic ground response analyses. Three different subsoil conditions, which can be broadly defined as soft-soil, stiff-soil, and hard-rock, were investigated. At each site, several participants performed and interpreted invasive measurements of shear wave velocity (Vs) and compression wave velocity (Vp) in the same boreholes. Additionally, participants in the project analysed a common surface-wave dataset using their preferred strategies for processing and inversion to obtain Vs profiles. The most significant difference between the invasive borehole methods and non-invasive surface wave methods is related to resolution of thin layers and abrupt contrasts, which is inherently better for invasive methods. However, similar variability is observed in the estimated invasive and non-invasive Vs profiles, underscoring the need to account for such uncertainty in site response studies. VS,30 estimates are comparable between invasive and non-invasive methods, confirming that the higher resolution provided by invasive methods is quite irrelevant for computing this parameter.  相似文献   

Diurnal variations supply only four frequencies with sufficient power to be useful, giving an overall frequency ratio of only 4. Also only permanent observatories supply sufficient accurate data, and their distribution on the Earth is very irregular. More importantly, the assumption implicit in deep conductivity determinations, that the conductivity is a function of depth only, breaks down because of near surface conductivity anomalies.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between the phonon conductivity at room temperature (K N ) and the seismic parameter () for silicate minerals is suggested. The considerations are based on the Debye model of thermal energy transport phenomena in solids and on the seismic equation of state for silicates and oxides given byAnderson (1967). The semiempirical relationship is the formK N = 0.430.82 where is in km2/s2 andK N in mcal/cm s K, and the empirical relationship isK N =(0.528±0.006) –(8.18±2.11). The laboratory data on thermal and elastic properties for several silicates were taken fromHorai andSimmons (1970).  相似文献   

Assessment of deep buried basin/basement relationships using geophysical data is a challenge for the energy and mining industries as well as for geothermal or CO2 storage purposes. In deep environments, few methods can provide geological information; magnetic and gravity data remain among the most informative and cost‐effective methods. Here, in order to derive fast first‐order information on the basement/basin interface, we propose a combination of existing and original approaches devoted to potential field data analysis. Namely, we investigate the geometry (i.e., depth and structure) and the nature of a deep buried basement through a case study SW of the Paris Basin. Joint processing of new high‐resolution magnetic data and up‐to‐date gravity data provides an updated overview of the deep basin. First, the main structures of the magnetic basement are highlighted using Euler deconvolution and are interpreted in a structural sketch map. The new high‐resolution aeromagnetic map actually offers a continuous view of regional basement structures and reveals poorly known and complex deformation at the junction between major domains of the Variscan collision belt. Second, Werner deconvolution and an ad hoc post‐processing analysis allow the extraction of a set of magnetic sources at (or close to) the basin/basement interface. Interpolation of these sources together with the magnetic structural sketch provides a Werner magnetic basement map displaying realistic 3D patterns and basement depths consistent with data available in deep petroleum boreholes. The last step of processing was designed as a way to quickly combine gravity and magnetic information and to simply visualize first‐order petrophysical patterns of the basement lithology. This is achieved through unsupervised classification of suitably selected gravity and magnetic maps and, as compared to previous work, provides a realistic and updated overview of the cartographic distribution of density/magnetization of basement rocks. Altogether, the three steps of processing proposed in this paper quickly provide relevant information on a deep buried basement in terms of structure, geometry and nature (through petrophysics). Notwithstanding, limitations of the proposed procedure are raised: in the case of the Paris Basin for instance, this study does not provide proper information on Pre‐Mesozoic basins, some of which have been sampled in deep boreholes.  相似文献   

The past few hundred years have seen large fluctuations in atmospheric 14C concentration. In part, these have been the result of natural factors, including the climatic changes of the Little Ice Age, and the Spörer and Maunder solar activity minima. In addition, however, changes in human activity since the middle of the 19th century have released 14C-free CO2 to the atmosphere. Moreover, between c. 1955 and c. 1963, atmospheric nuclear weapon testing resulted in a dramatic increase in the concentration of 14C in the atmosphere. This was followed by a significant decrease in atmospheric 14C as restrictions on nuclear weapon testing began to take effect and as rapid exchange occurred between the atmosphere and other carbon reservoirs. The large fluctuations in atmospheric 14C that occurred prior to 1955 mean that a single radiocarbon date may yield an imprecise calibrated age consisting of several possible age ranges. This difficulty may be overcome by obtaining a series of 14C dates from a sequence and either wiggle-matching these dates to a radiocarbon calibration curve or using additional information on dated materials and their surrounding environment to narrow the calibrated age ranges associated with each 14C date. For the period since 1955 (the bomb-pulse period), significant differences in atmospheric 14C levels between consecutive years offer the possibility of dating recent samples with a resolution of from one to a few years. These approaches to dating the recent past are illustrated using examples from peats, lake and salt marsh sediments, tree rings, marine organisms and speleothems.  相似文献   

The renormalization group (RG) approach is a powerful theoretical framework, more suitable for upscaling strong heterogeneity than low-order perturbation expansions. Applications of RG methods in subsurface hydrology include the calculation of (1) macroscopic transport parameters such as effective and equivalent hydraulic conductivity and dispersion coefficients, and (2) anomalous exponents characterizing the dispersion of contaminants due to long-range conductivity correlations or broad (heavy-tailed) distributions of the groundwater velocity. First, we review the main ideas of RG methods and their hydrological applications. Then, we focus on the hydraulic conductivity in saturated porous media with isotropic lognormal heterogeneity, and we present an RG calculation based on the replica method. The RG analysis gives rigorous support to the exponential conjecture for the effective hydraulic conductivity [Water Resour. Res. 19 (1) (1983) 161]. Using numerical simulations in two dimensions with a bimodal conductivity distribution, we demonstrate that the exponential expression is not suitable for all types of heterogeneity. We also introduce an RG coarse-grained conductivity and investigate its applications in estimating the conductivity of blocks or flow domains with finite size. Finally, we define the fractional effective dimension, and we show that it justifies fractal exponents in the range 1−2/dα<1 (where d is the actual medium dimension) in the geostatistical power average.  相似文献   

The methods and results of electromagnetic soundings (EMS) performed in the transition zone from the Moscow syneclise to the Voronezh anteclise in the vicinity of the MSU geophysical base are considered. This base is located in the village of Aleksandrovka in the Yukhnov district of Kaluga area. The composite EMS curves characterizing rock complexes composing the sedimentary cover are constructed, and changes in these complexes within the specified transition zone are traced. The standard curves of magnetotelluric (MT) and magnetovariational (MV) soundings are constructed from the results of long-term measurements at the ALX observation point located at the Moscow State University’s (MSU) geophysical base. The maps of thickness and total longitudinal conductance of the sedimentary cover are constructed from the results of interpretation of MT data obtained in the region. A conductor in the consolidated Earth’s crust is identified within the Voronezh anteclise. Prospects for further investigations of the region are associated with the tracing of the crustal conductor within the Voronezh anteclise, as well as with the organization of an observatory at the MSU’s geophysical base in order to perform long-term measurements of the electromagnetic (EM) and other geophysical fields.  相似文献   

Interactions between very/extremely low frequency (VLF/ELF) waves and energetic electrons play a fundamental role in dynamics occurring in the inner magnetosphere. Here, we briefly discuss global properties of VLF/ELF waves, along with the variability of the electron radiation belts associated with wave-particle interactions and radial diffusion. We provide cases of electron loss and acceleration as a result of wave-particle interactions primarily due to such waves, and particularly some preliminary results...  相似文献   

At two locations in the Atlantic Ocean (DSDP Sites 367 and 530) early to middle Cretaceous organic-carbon-rich beds (“black shales”) were found to have significantly lower δ15N values (lower15N/14N ratios) than adjacent organic-carbon-poor beds (white limestones or green claystones). While these lithologies are of marine origin, the black strata in particular have °15N values that are significantly lower than those previously found in the marine sediment record and most contemporary marine nitrogen pools. In contrast, black, organic-carbon-rich beds at a third site (DSDP Site 603) contain predominantly terrestrial organic matter and have C- and N-isotopic compositions similar to organic matter of modern terrestrial origin.The recurring15N depletion in the marine-derived Cretaceous sequences prove that the nitrogen they contain is the end result of an episodic and atypical biogeochemistry. Existing isotopic and other data indicate that the low15N relative abundance is the consequence of pelagic rather than post-depositional processes. Reduced ocean circulation, increased denitrification, and, hence, reduced euphotic zone nitrate availability may have led to Cretaceous phytoplankton assemblages that were periodically dominated by N2-fixing blue-green algae, a possible source of this sediment15N-depletion. Lack of parallel isotopic shifts in Cretaceous terrestrially-derived nitrogen (Site 603) argues that the above change in nitrogen cycling during this period did not extend beyond the marine environment.  相似文献   

The aquatic vegetation of ?í?ov Lake in the Danube floodplain, which is listed in the Ramsar Convention, was investigated to address three main questions: (1) how have landscape composition and the structures of the lake and its buffer zone changed from the mid-20th century; (2) how have species richness and the abundance of the aquatic macrophyte assemblage in this lake ecosystem changed over the last 34 years; and (3) which landscape metrics can best explain these temporal changes for floating-leaved macrophytes? Two methodological approaches, remote sensing and botanical field surveys, were applied. Historical (1949, 1970, 1990) and contemporary (2006) aerial photographs were analysed to determine land cover. Landscape configuration and structure were analysed using eight landscape metrics selected in advance to measure spatio-temporal changes and the fragmentation of the lake ecosystem and its corresponding buffer zone. The species diversity, abundance and distribution of true aquatic macrophytes were surveyed eleven times in five survey stretches between 1973 and 2007.At the landscape level, a decrease in the area covered by floating-leaved macrophytes, as well as an increase in open water surface and fragmentation of the land cover classes in the lake ecosystem, were recorded from 1949 to 2006. Overall, 30 true aquatic macrophytes were found from 1973 to 2007. Species richness did not change considerably, but the abundance of aquatic species fluctuated over the years. Three groups of true aquatic vegetation, based on common structural characteristics, were found in 1973–1983, 1989–2002, and 2004–2007 over the last 34 years. The landscape metrics NP, PD, LPI, and SHDI, which all express patterns of landscape fragmentation mostly indicate temporal changes in floating-leaved macrophytes.  相似文献   

The results of numerical modeling of the geomagnetic secular variation by the method of the Giant Gaussian Process (GGP) are presented and compared with the information derived from the presentday databases for paleointensity. The variances of the positions of the virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) calculated from the synthetic and experimental data (Brunhes epoch, effusive rocks) are nearly similar, which supports the validity of the theoretical model. The average value of the virtual axial geomagnetic dipole (VADM) calculated from the PINT world database on paleointensity and the Sint-2000 model is lower than VADM calculated by the GGP model; at the same time, the estimates based on the archaeomagnetic data give the VADM value slightly above the model prediction. The largest difference is observed in the variances of VADM, which is for all the three databases noticeably higher than the value calculated from the GGP model. Most probably, this is due to the contribution of the neglected measurement errors of VADM.  相似文献   

Summary Two different spectral methods have recently been used to model the flow driven by harmonic loads in a Newtonian mantle with laterally variable viscosity. The first method, by Zhang and Christensen (1993), transforms the problem with a general three-dimensional viscosity into a series of standard spherically symmetric problems. A different approach has been chosen by Martinec et al. (1993). Their method is based on integral formulation of the problem. The solution, which corresponds to a minimum of the dissipative energy, is found by means of the gradient search. We have tested the efficiency and numerical behaviour of both methods. The results of our tests favour the former method which is found more accurate and significantly faster than the gradient algorithm.  相似文献   

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