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The maximum palaeotemperature of oil-bearing sandstones in the UpperTriassic in the eastern Ordos basin has been determined by using many methods including thevitrinite reflectance, fluid inclusion, apatite fission track, illite crystallinity, chlorite polytypeand diagenetic change of authigenic minerals. The thermal gradient in the Late Mesozoic wasabout 2.9-3.0℃/100m. The Upper Triassic was in a mature stage of organic matter andhydrocarbon began to be generated and migrated during this period. The palaeotemperatures ofoil-bearing sandstones were in the range of 88-110℃; those for the generation and migrationof oil ranged from 112 to 122℃. The thickness of the denuded strata overlying the UpperTriassic was 2465-2750m. The present burial depth of oil-bearing sandstones is generally from400 to 1200m. At a depth of ca. 1900m, the temperature may reach 140℃. Below this depth,organic matter was supermature and mainly generated gas.  相似文献   

The coal-bearing sequences of Barakar and Raniganj formations exposed in Bina and Jhingurdah open-cast collieries, respectively, are analysed for their macro- and miofloral content. The sediment successions primarily comprise of sandstones, shales, claystones and coal seams. In addition to the diverse glossopterid assemblage, four palynoassemblage zones, namely Zones I and II in Bina Colliery and Zones III and IV in Jhingurdah Colliery, have also been recorded in the present study. The megafossil assemblage from the Barakar strata of Bina Colliery comprises of three genera, namely Gangamopteris, Glossopteris and cf. Noeggerathiopsis. Palynoassemblage-I is characterised by the dominance of non-striate bisaccate pollen genus Scheuringipollenites and subdominance of striate bisaccate Faunipollenites and infers these strata to be of Early Permian (Artinskian) age (Lower Barakar Formation). The palynoassemblage has also yielded a large number of naked fossil spore tetrads, which is the first record of spore tetrads from any Artinskian strata in the world and has a significant bearing on the climatic conditions. The palynoassemblage-II is characterised with the dominance of Faunipollenites over Scheuringipollenites and is indicative of Kungurian age (Upper Barakar Formation). The megafossil assemblage from the Raniganj Formation of Jhingurdah Colliery comprises of five genera with 26 species representing four orders, viz., Equisetales, Cordaitales, Cycadales and Glossopteridales. The order Glossopteridales is highly diversified with 23 taxa and the genus Glossopteris, with 22 species, dominates the flora. The mioflora of this colliery is represented by two distinct palynoassemblages. The palynoassemblage-III is correlatable with the palynoflora of Early Permian (Artinskian) Lower Barakar Formation. The assemblage suggests the continuity of older biozones into the younger ones. The palynoassemblage-IV equates the beds with composition V: Striatopodocarpites–Faunipollenites–Gondisporites assemblage zone of Tiwari and Tripathi (1992) of Late Permian (Lopingian) Raniganj Formation in Damodar Basin. The FAD’s of Alisporites, Klausipollenites, Falcisporites, Arcuatipollenites pellucidus and Playfordiaspora cancellosa palynotaxa in this assemblage enhance the end Permian level of the Jhingurdah Top seam, as these elements are the key species to mark the transition of Permian into the Lower Triassic.  相似文献   

Sixty-five natural gas samples were collected from 19 oil-gasfields in the Qaidam basin, China. The chemical composition and carbon isotope values of the samples were measured, and the geochemical characteristics and origin of the natural gases were studied. The gases can be divided into biogenic gases, sapropelic oil-type gases, mixed type oil-type gases, coal-type gases and mixed gas. The δ13Ci values of the biogenic gases are very small and the C2+ contents of them are very low, ranging from -68.2‰ to -61.8‰ and 0.06% to 0.20% respectively. They have heavy δD and δ13Cco2> showing a CC>2 reduction pathway. They are distributed in the East depression region and derived from the Quaternary source rocks. The sapropelic oil-type gases have small δ13C2 values and high C2+ ranging from -36.6‰ to -28.6‰ and from 33.01% to 47.15% respectively. The mixed type oil-type gases have <5I3C2 values and C2+ contents varying from -28.6‰ to -24.8‰ and from 4.81% to 26.06% respectively. Both sapropelic oil-typ  相似文献   

Sedimentary Characteristics of the Cretaceous in the Songliao Basin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The rupture of the lithosphere in Late Jurassic brought about the eruption of basaltic magma in the Songliao Basin. The evolution of the basin in Cretaceous progressed through six stages: pre-rift doming, extensional fracturing, fault subsidence, fault downwarping, downwarping and shringkage, resulting in the deposition of terrstrial facies nearly 10,000 m thick. There are different depositional sequences in these stages: the depositional period of the Early Cretaceous Shahezi and Yincheng Formations is the development stage of the down-faulted basin, forming a volcanic rock-alluvial fan-fan delta-lacustrine (intercalated with episodic turbidites)-swamp facies sequences; the period of the Early Cretaceous Dengluku Formation is the transformation stage of fault subsidence into fault downwarping of the basin, forming a sequence mainly of alluvial plain-lacustrine facies; the depositional period of the Early Cretaceous Quantou Formation-Late Cretaceous Nenjiang Formation is the downwarping stage of the basin, forming an alluvial plain-delta-lacustrine facies sequence; the period of the Late Cretaceous Sifangtai Formation-Mingshui Formation is the shringkage stage of the basin, forming again a sequence mainly of alluvial plain-alluvial fan and small relict lacustrine facies. These vertical depositional sequences fully display the sedimentary characteristics of a failed continental rift basin. Many facts indicate that the two large-scale lake invasions, synchronous with the global rise of sea level, which took place in the downwarping stage of the basin development, led to the connection between the lake and sea.  相似文献   

Elemental and organic geochemical studies have been carried out on the Gondwana sediments, collected from the outcrops of Permian and Jurassic–Cretaceous rocks in the Krishna–Godavari basin on the eastern coast of India, to understand their paleo and depositional environment and its implications for hydrocarbon generation in the basin. Amongst the studied formations, the Raghavapuram, Gollapalli and Tirupati form a dominant Cretaceous Petroleum System in the west of the basin. Raghavapuram shales and its stratigraphic equivalents are the source rock and Gollapalli and Tirupati sandstones form the reservoirs, along with basaltic Razole formation as the caprock. Major element systematics and X-ray diffraction study of the sandstones indicate them to be variably enriched with SiO2 relative to Al2O3 and CaO, which is associated, inherently with the deposition and diagenesis of the Gondwana sediments. Post-Archean Average Shale normalized rare earth elements in shales show enrichment in most of the samples due to the increasing clay mineral and organic matter assemblage. A negative europium and cerium anomaly is exhibited by the REE's in majority of rocks. Composed primarily of quartz grains and silica cement, the Gollapalli and Tirupati sandstones have characteristics of high quality reservoirs. The shales show a significant increase in the concentration of redox sensitive trace elements, Ni, V, Cr, Ba and Zn. The total organic carbon content of the shales ranges between 0.1 and 0.5 wt%. Programmed pyrolysis of selected samples show the Tmax values to range between 352–497 °C and that of hydrogen index to be between 57–460 mgHC/gTOC. The organic matter is characterized by, mainly, gas prone Type III kerogen. The n-alkane composition is dominated by n-C11–C18 and acyclic isoprenoid, phytane. The aromatic fraction shows the presence of naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene, chrysene and their derivatives, resulting largely from the diagenetic alteration of precursor terpenoids. The organic geochemical proxies indicate the input of organic matter from near-shore terrestrial sources and its deposition in strongly reducing, low oxygen conditions. The organic matter richness and maturity derived from a favorable depositional setting has its bearing upon the Gondwana sediments globally, and also provides promising exploration opportunities, particularly in the Raghavapuram sequence of the KG basin.  相似文献   

The geothermal field is mainly controlled by the regional tectonic framework characterized by alternationsof uplifted and depressed basement. and exhibits a similar zoned distribution of temperatures. In the upliftedarea the geothermal gradient (G) and terrestrial heat flow value(q) of the Cenozoic sedimentary cover are rela-tively high, with G=3.5-5.0℃/100m and q=63-84mW/m~2; whereas in the depressions they are rela-tively low, with G=2.7-3.5℃/100m and q=46-59mW/m~2. In the whole region, G=3.58℃/100m and q=61.5±13.4nW/m~2, indicating a comparatively high geothermal background and the presence of localgeothermal anomalies. A comparison of the results of mathematical simulation of the geothermal field with themeasured values shows a good agrecment between them. The geothermal difference between various tectonicunits is caused chiefly by the lateral and vertical variation of thermal properties of shallow crustal rocks. Thisphenomenon can be regarded as the result of redistribution of relatively uniform heat flows from the deep crustin the surficial part of the crust in the process of their upward conduction.  相似文献   

This paper is the continuation of the paper published in 1985, with the emphasis on the irregular components of natural gases from the Sichuan Basin—the isotopic compositions of C,H and S, the n-and iso-alkane predominance (C6-C13) of methane homologues, the compositional characteristics of benzene and methylbenzene, and the distribution and geochemical characteristics of organic sulfur-bearing compounds including thiophen, thio-alcohol, etc. It is considered that natural gases from the Sichuan Basin have different distributional characteristics in different layers and locations, suggesting that they are controlled by a combination of factors such as kerogen type, maturity of organic matter and wall-rock assemblage.
  1. The type of source material (or precursor) is a main factor affecting the geochemical characteristics of natural gases. T3x-h and P2l produce coal-series gases with type-III source material dominant. The C and H isotopic compositions of natural gases are heavier, the contents of C6H6 and C7H8 are high, C7H8/C6H6 < 1. the content of C4H4S is low, and the predominance in isoalkane (C6C13) is obvious. J1t. P1y. Z2b. etc. produce oil-series gases with type-I and -II kerogens dominant, indicating that the geochemical characteristics of natural gases are different from those described above.
  2. The maturity of organic matter is an important factor affecting the composition of natural gases.With increasing maturity of organic matter, the C and H isotopic compositions tend to become light. C1 and C2 isotopic values are nearly equal or even inverse, and C4H4S decreases in content.
  3. Wall-rock assemblage has apparent influence on the S isotopic composition. The Middle-Lower Triassic series belongs to sulfate-carbonate formations enriched in gypsum. Therefore, the (δ34S values of natural gases are relatively high (< 20 %.) against the lower values for other layers due to the absence of gypsum layers.

Being one of the largest gas fields ever discov-ered in the continental exploration of China , theKela-2 gas field in the Tari m basin has become afoundation for the reliable production of gas re-sources for the “West-to-East Gas Transmission”project . The Kuqa depressionis one of the most eco-nomically i mportant oil and gas prospecting districtsin the Tari mbasin, with a giant gas fieldfoundinitsnorthern central area . Many previous studies haveshown that the Paleogene Kuqa depression …  相似文献   

This study focuses on the thermodynamics of diagenetic fluid from the Eogene Xingouzui Formation which represents the most important reservoir in Field Oil T in the Jianghan Basin. The measured homogenization temperatures (110–139 °C) of fluid inclusions in diagenetic minerals fell within the range of 67 –155 °C at the middle diagenetic stage. The pressure of diagenetic fluid is estimated at 10.2 –56 MPa. The activity of ions in the fluid shows a tendency of Ca2+ > Mg2+ > Na+ > K+ > Fe3+ > Fe2+ for cations, and HCO 3 > SO 4 2− > F > Cl > CO 3 2− for anions. For the gaseous facies, there is a tendency of CO2> CO> H2S> CH4> H2. According to the thermodynamic calculations, the pH and Eh of the fluid are 5.86–6.47 and −0.73–−0.64V, respectively. As a result of the interaction between such a diagenetic fluid and minerals in the sediments, feldspars were dissolved or alterated by other minerals. The clay mineral kaolinite was instable and hence was replaced by illite and chloritoid. This project was jointly funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (49133080) and the Open Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

Sequence‐stratigraphic interpretations of the 4200 m‐thick Palaeoproterozoic (1700–1650 Ma) Mt Isa Group and underlying Surprise Creek Formation identify three unconformity‐bounded packages termed the Prize, Gun and Loretta Supersequences. Siliciclastic rocks of the Surprise Creek Formation and Warrina Park Quartzite comprise the Prize Supersequence. Rapid facies changes from proximal, conglomeratic fluvial packages to distal, fine‐grained and deep‐water, rhythmites characterise this supersequence. Conglomeratic intervals in the Mt Isa area reflect syndepositional movement along basin‐margin faults during the period of supersequence initiation. A major unconformity, which extends over a period of about 25 million years, separates the Gun and Prize Supersequences. In the Leichhardt River Fault Trough uplift and incision of Prize sedimentary rocks coincided with emplacement of the Sybella Granite (1671±8 Ma) and Carters Bore Rhyolite (1678±2 Ma) and the removal of an unknown thickness of Prize Supersequence section. Deep‐water, turbiditic rhythmites of the Mt Isa Group dominated the Gun and Loretta Supersequences. Tempestites are present over discrete intervals and represent times of relative shallowing. High accommodation and sedimentation rates at the base of the Gun Supersequence resulted in the deposition of transgressive nearshore facies (uppermost Warrina Park Quartzite) overlain by a thick interval of deep‐water, siltstone‐mudstone rhythmites of the Moondarra Siltstone and Breakaway Shale. With declining rates of siliciclastic sedimentation and shallowing of the succession, calcareous sediments of the Native Bee Siltstone prograded over the deeper water deposits. Two third‐order sequences, Gun 1 and 2, characterise these lower parts of the Gun Supersequence. An increase in accommodation rates near the top of the Native Bee Siltstone in Gun 3 time, resulted in a return to deep‐water sedimentation with deposition of dolomitic rhythmites of the Urquhart Shale and Spear Siltstone. The Pb–Zn–Ag ore‐hosting interval of the Urquhart Shale is interpreted to occur in progradational highstand deposits of the Gun 3 Sequence. In the Leichhardt River Fault Trough the Loretta Supersequence boundary forms a correlative conformity. Coarser grained and thicker bedded sediments of the Kennedy Siltstone comprise lowstand deposits at the base of this cycle. These sediments fine up into the transgressive, deep‐water, siliciclastic facies of the Magazine Shale, which in turn are truncated against the Mt Isa Fault.  相似文献   

The Tarim Basin is located in northwestern China and is the biggest basin in China with huge oil and gas resources. Especially the Lower to Middle Cambrian and Middle to Upper Ordovician possess the major marine source rocks in the Tarim Basin and have large shale gas resource potential. The Cambrian–Ordovician shales were mainly deposited in basin–slope facies with thicknesses between 30–180 m. For shales buried shallower than 4500 m, there is high organic matter abundance with TOC (total organic carbon) mainly between 1.0% and 6.0%, favorable organic matter of Type I and Type II, and high thermal maturity with RoE as 1.3%–2.75%. The mineral composition of these Cambrian–Ordovician shale samples is mainly quartz and carbonate minerals while the clay minerals content is mostly lower than 30%, because these samples include siliceous and calcareous shale and marlstone. The Cambrian and Ordovician shales are compacted with mean porosity of 4% and 3%, permeability of 0.0003×10?3–0.09×10?3 μm2 and 0.0002×10?3–0.11×10?3 μm2, and density of 2.30 g/m3 and 2.55 g/m3, respectively. The pores in the shale samples show good connectivity and are mainly mesopore in size. Different genetic types of pores can be observed such as intercrystal, intergranular, dissolved, organic matter and shrinkage joint. The reservoir bed properties are controlled by mineral composition and diagenesis. The maximum adsorption amount to methane of these shales is 1.15–7.36 cm3/g, with main affecting factors being organic matter abundance, porosity and thermal maturity. The accumulation characteristics of natural gas within these shales are jointly controlled by sedimentation, diagenesis, hydrocarbon generation conditions?, reservoir bed properties and the occurrence process of natural gas. The natural gas underwent short-distance migration and accumulation, in-place accumulation in the early stage, and adjustment and modification in the later stage. Finally, the Yulin (well Y1) and Tazhong (well T1) areas are identified as the targets for shale gas exploration in the Tarim Basin.  相似文献   

New geochemical data of the crater-facies Tokapal kimberlite system sandwiched between the lower and upper stratigraphic horizons of the Mesoproterozoic Indr avati Basin are presented.The kimberlite has been subjected to extensive and pervasive low-temperature alteration.Spinel is the only primary phase identifiable,while olivine macrocrysts and juvenile lapilli are largely pseudomorphed(talc-serpentinecarbonate alteration).However,with the exception of the alkalies,major element oxides display systematic fractionation trends; likewise,HFSE patterns are well correlated and allow petrogenetic interpretation.Various crustal contamination indices such as(SiO2+Al2O3+Na2O)/(MgO+ K2O) and Si/Mg are close to those of uncontaminated kimberlites.Similar La/Yb(79-109) of the Tokapal samples with those from the kimberlites of Wajrakarur(73-145) and Narayanpet(72-156),Eastern Dharwar craton,southern India implies a similarity in their genesis.In the discriminant plots involving HFSE the Tokapal samples display strong affinities to Group II kimberlites from southern Africa and central India as well as to ‘transitional kimberlites' from the Eastern Dharwar craton,southern India,and those from the Prieska and Kuruman provinces of southern Africa.There is a striking similarity in the depleted-mantle(TDM) Nd model ages of the Tokapal kimberlite system,Bastar craton,the kimberlites from NKF and WKF,Eastern Dharwar craton,and the Majhgawan diatreme,Bundelkhand craton,with the emplacement age of some of the lamproites from within and around the Palaeo-Mesoproterozoic Cuddapah basin,southern India.These similar ages imply a major tectonomagmatic event,possibly related to the breakup of the supercontinent of Columbia,at 1.3-1.5 Ga across the three cratons.The ‘transitional'geochemical features displayed by many of the Mesoproterozoic potassic-ultrapotassic rocks,across these Indian cratons are inferred to be memories of the metasomatising fluids/melts imprinted on their source regions during this widespread event.  相似文献   

The geochemical composition of sandstones in the sedimentary basin is controlled mainly by the tectonic setting of the provenance, and it is therefore possible to reveal the tectonic setting of the provenance and the nature of source rocks in terms of the geochemical composition of sandstones. The major elements, rare-earth dements and trace elements of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic sandstones in the Lanping Basin are studied in this paper, revealing that the tectonic settings of the provenance for Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in the Lanping Basin belong to a passive continental margin and a continental island arc. Combined with the data on sedimentary facies and palaeogeography, it is referred that the eastern part of the basin is located mainly at the tectonic setting of the passive continental margin before Mesozoic, whereas the western part may be represented by a continental island arc. This is compatible with the regional geology data. The protoliths of sedimentary rocks should be derived from the upper continental crust, and are composed mainly of felsic rocks, mixed with some andesitic rocks and old sediment components. Therefore, the Lanping Mesozoic-Cenozoic Basin is a typical continental-type basin. This provides strong geochemical evidence for the evolution of the paleo-Tethys and theb asin-range transition.  相似文献   

Based on the compositions and distributions of biomarkers in thirty-five representative oil samples, oils from the Tarim Basin of northwestern China are mainly divided into two oil families. One oil family contains relatively low amounts of C15-C20 isoprenoid hydrocarbons and shows pristane predominance with Pr/Ph ratios ranging from 1.50 to 3.00. The GC/MS analytical data of these oils show the occurrence of abundant hopanes, and low concentrations of steranes and tricyclic terpanes with hopanes/steranes ratios from 6.25 to 12.24 and tricyclic terpanes/hopanes ratios from 0.03 to 0.24. These oils contain low drimane relative to homodrimane (C15/C16 < 1.0) and abundant rearranged bicyclanes in bicyclic sesquiterpanes. They are dominated by low carbon number (C19-C21) compounds in the tricyclic terpanes, and are rich in rearranged hopanes, C29Ts and an unknown C30 compound in pentacyclic triterpanes. These geochemical characteristics suggest that the oils were generated mainly from terrigenous organic matter. The other oil family shows remarkably different biomarker compositions and distributions. The oils revealed Pr/Ph ratios of about 1.0, high drimane/homodrimane ratios (>1.0), low hopanes/steranes ratios (0.65–2.50), high tricyclic terpanes/hopanes ratios (0.30–2.00) and a dominant peak at C23 in tricyclic tepanes, suggesting a marine organic origin. Oil-source rock correlation indicates that these two oil families seem to have been derived from Mesozoic Jurassic-Triassic terrestrial source rocks (shales and coal seams) and Lower Paleozoic Ordovician-Cambrian marine source rocks, respectively.  相似文献   

Organic matter from the Lower Paleozoic strata on the northern margin of the Tarim Basin of China contains abundant alkylcyclohexanes.The n-alkylcyclohexanes show the even(C16-C20) and odd (C17-C21) carbon number predominance and smooth distribution,and the methyl-n-alkylcycolhexanes the odd carbon number predominance(C17-C21) and smooth distribution,which may be related to their depositional environments and organic precursors.There are some differences in carbon number distribution between the two series of monocyclic alkanes and the n-alkanes marked by smooth distribution.The genetic relationship between the three series of compounds needs to be further studied.  相似文献   

本文建立了一种干旱背景下坳陷湖盆全新的沉积充填模式,即“洪水—河漫湖”沉积模式.在干旱背景下,物源区的河流主要表现为季节性的洪水,大多数河流都消失在荒漠中,河水主要以地表蒸发、植被生态消耗、地下渗流、河流终端湖以及河漫湖等形式排泄,坳陷湖盆内并未形成统—大面积的汇水中心和湖相沉积.这种背景条件下,湖盆的沉积充填特征明显不同于经典的坳陷湖盆和浅水湖盆沉积.下白垩统泉头组四段沉积时期,松辽盆地具有气候干旱、地势平坦、生物单调贫乏等特征,盆地南部存在5大沉积体系及7条主要的水系.除在盆地西部古龙凹陷地区河流汇水形成小范围浅水湖泊外,在盆地南部主要为“洪水—河漫湖”的河流相沉积.坳陷湖盆“洪水—河漫湖”沉积具有以下特点:①全盆地没有统一的汇水中心,因而缺乏大面积分布的湖相和三角洲沉积;②河流表现为季节性的洪水,部分河流由于地形变缓,并未进入汇水中心,而是消失在荒漠中,河流相为盆地沉积充填的主要类型;③湖盆具有多物源、多漫湖、满盆含砂的沉积特点;④河漫湖与河流在空间分布上存在3种关系,即河流终止于河漫湖、河流穿过河漫湖、河流绕过河漫湖等.坳陷湖盆“洪水—河漫湖”是—种中—新生代陆相坳陷湖盆沉积充填的新模式,具有重要的理论和实践意义.  相似文献   

The genetic analysis of the deep-buried reservoirs of the Lower Paleozoic carbonate rocks in the Tarim basin is a difficult task involving many factors. Firstly, the object of study is carbonate rocks, which have undergone a long term of modification. Secondly, the rocks are deeply buried with depths of 3800-7000 m in the Tarim basin. The primary reservoir properties formed in the deposition have been strongly modified during the deep burial process. Concurrently, the different burial depths in different areas result in diversities of burial temperature, pressure, underground water, hydrochemistry and various physicochemical changes, which further lead to differences in the diagenetic type, diagenetic property, diagenetic degree and their impacts on the reservoir properties. The Lower Paleozoic Cambrian and Ordovician carbonate reservoirs in the Tarim basin can be grouped into four types, i.e., paleo-weathered-crust reservoirs, reef reservoirs, buried karst reservoirs and dolomite reservoirs. This paper  相似文献   

1. Introduction The Tianshan Mountains is a typical intercontinental orogenic belt in the world. From late Carboniferous to Permian, the old Tianshan formed during the tectonic amalgamation of the Tarim block, Tianshan block and Siberia craton (Carroll et al, 1990). Mid-Cenozoic basalts are widely distributed in both the Tuyon basin of southwest Tianshan and its western part of Tianshan in Jierjisi in late Cretaceous-Paleogene period, which indicates the activation of the old Tianshan.…  相似文献   

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