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The Maggol Limestone of Ordovician age was deposited in the Taebaeksan (Taebacksan) Basin which occupies the northeastern flank of the Okcheon (Ogcheon) Belt of South Korea. Carbonate facies analysis in conjunction with conodont biostratigraphy suggests that an overall regression toward the top of the Maggol Limestone probably culminated in subaerial exposure of platform carbonates in the early Middle Ordovician (earliest Darriwilian). Elsewhere this subaerial exposure event is manifested as a major paleokarst unconformity at the Sauk-Tippecanoe sequence boundary beneath the Middle Ordovician succession and its equivalents, most in notably North America and North China. Due to its global extent, this paleokarst unconformity has been viewed as a product of second- or third-order eustatic sea level fall during the early Middle Ordovician. The Sauk-Tippecanoe sequence boundary in South Korea, however, appears to be a discrete marine-flooding surface in the upper Maggol Limestone. Strata beneath this surface represent by a thinning-upward stack of exposure-capped tidal flat-dominated cycles that are closely associated with multiple occurrences of paleokarst-related solution-collapse breccias. This marine-flooding surface is onlapped by a thick succession of thin-bedded micritic limestone that is eventually overlain by a Middle Ordovician condensed section. This physical stratigraphic relationship suggest that second- and third-order eustatic sea level fall may have been significantly tempered by regional tectonic subsidence near the end of Maggol deposition. The tectonic subsidence is also evidenced by the occurrence of coeval off-platform lowstand siliciclastic quartzite lenses as well as debris flow carbonate breccias (i.e., the Yemi Breccia) in the basin. With continued tectonic subsidence, a subsequent rise in the eustatic cycle caused drowning and deep flooding of the carbonate platform, forming a discrete marine-flooding surface that may be referred to as a drowning unconformity. This tectonic interpretation contrasts notably with the slowly subsiding carbonate platform model for the basin as has been previously suggested. Thus, it is proposed that the Taebaeksan Basin in the northeastern flank on the Okcheon Belt evolved from a slowly subsiding carbonate platform to a rapidly subsiding intracontinental rift basin during the early Middle Ordovician.  相似文献   

The NE/SW trending Ogcheon Belt formed during the Mesozoic by deformation and metamorphism of a sedimentary sequence which includes tillite formations of late Precambrian or Lower Palaeozoic age. In this study Rb-Sr isotopic data are reported from cm-scale sampling of clasts and matrix in these tillites, which underwent metamorphism at grades ranging from the biotite zone to the kyanite zone. Sr-isotopic disequilibrium between clasts and matrix persists up to the highest grade but in four out of five rocks the matrix samples approximate to isochrons (MSWD's<12). The mechanism for this selective isotopic equilibration is considered to be related to the metamorphic reactions in the matrix, which were probably accompanied by a substantial fluid flow. The matrix isochrons for three of the rocks, together with separated white micas from associated schists, suggest that metamorphism took place in the Trias, approximately 200 Myr ago. Metamorphism was followed by slow cooling and biotite closure temperatures were not reached until 190-150 Myr. — These results suggest that where high fluid/rock ratios can be demonstrated on independent petrological grounds, the analysis of small-scale whole-rock samples may allow effective Rb/Sr dating of metamorphism.  相似文献   

Metamorphic K-feldspar was found in the low-grade pelitic rocks from the Ogcheon metamorphic belt in South Korea. It occurs as extremely fine-grained crystals (5-15 mm in width and 15-25 mm in length) closely associated with fine-grained muscovite and biotite. Their micro structural relations by X-ray mapping analyses using an electron-probe microanalyzer strongly suggest that K-feldspar has grown directly from the matrix phases as a stable phase coexisting with muscovite and biotite during the Ogcheon metamorphism. The phengite component in muscovite indicates about 4.2 kbar at 400°C, suggesting intermediate P/T type of metamorphism. Muscovite separates of two size fractions, 2-4 and 4-8 mm, give K-Ar ages of 153.4±3.3 and 156.7±3.4 Ma, respectively. The biotite separate is 156.5±3.3 Ma in age. Coarse-grained biotite crystal (ca. 0.5 mm) often occurs and it was analyzed by 40Ar/39Ar method using a laser probe step heating technique. It gives a plateau age of 158.2±0.5 Ma that is the same as the K-Ar muscovite and biotite ages. These data, including the previous works, suggest that intermediate P/T type of Ogcheon metamorphic belt exhumed in Middle Jurassic with the dextral strike-slip fault movement.  相似文献   

Sung Won Kim   《Gondwana Research》2005,8(3):385-402
An understanding of the Okcheon Metamorphic Belt (OMB) in South Korea is central to unraveling the tectono-metamorphic evolution of East Asia. Amphibole-bearing rocks in the OMB occur as calcsilicate layers and lenses in psammitic rocks, in the psammitic rocks themselves, and in the mafic volcanic layers and intrusives. Most amphiboles fail to show 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages; those that do have ages ranging from 132 to 975 Ma. The disturbed age pattern and wide variation in 40Ar/39Ar ages can be related to metamorphic grade, retrograde chemical reactions, excess Ar and amphibole composition. The oldest age (975 Ma) can be interpreted either as an old igneous or metamorphic age predating sedimentation or a false age caused by excess Ar. The youngest age of 132 Ma and the disturbed age pattern found in amphiboles from rocks located close to Jurassic granitoids are the result of retrograde thermal metamorphic effects accompanying intrusion of the granitoids. Some medium- or coarse-grained amphiboles in the calcsilicates are aggregates of fine-grained crystals. As a result, they are heterogeneous and prove to be readily affected by excess Ar. A disturbed age pattern in amphiboles from the calcsilicates occurring in the high-grade metamorphic zone may also be the product of excess Ar. On the other hand, the disturbed pattern of amphiboles present in the calcsilicates from the low-grade metamorphic zone could arise from both excess Ar and mixed ages. However, amphiboles from psammitic rocks and some calcsilicates in the high-grade metamorphic zone and in intrusive metabasites display real plateau ages of 237 to 261 Ma. The temperature conditions in the high-grade metamorphic zone were higher than the argon closing temperature for amphibole, and the amphiboles in this zone give plateau ages only when they are homogeneous in composition, lack excess Ar, and have not been thermally affected by intrusion of the granitoids. The unmodified 40Ar/39Ar ages prove rather younger than the age of the Late Paleozoic metamorphic event of 280 to 300 Ma, but they are close to muscovite K-Ar ages of 263 to 277 Ma. These 40Ar/39Ar amphibole ages are interpreted as the time of cooling that followed the main regional, intermediate-P/T metamorphic climax. The results demonstrate that interpretation of 40Ar/39Ar amphibole ages in an area subjected to several metamorphic events can be accomplished only by undertaking a thorough tectono-metamorphic study, accompanied by detailed chemical analysis of the amphiboles.  相似文献   

笔者等在充分调研的基础上,通过开展大量的野外勘察以及牙形石生物地层研究,结合露头和钻井资料对上扬子区中奥陶世牯牛潭组与十字铺组的定义与时空分布特征进行了系统的梳理与总结。结果表明:十字铺组为中奥陶世达瑞威尔期晚期(Dw3)的一套以页岩为主的地层,呈条带状近东西向分布于黔北、川东南及滇东北等地区。牯牛潭组是达瑞威尔期(Dw1—Dw3)的一套灰岩相沉积,与下伏和上覆地层的接触关系类型存在四种情况。在其中三种情况下,该组可能与上覆地层之间存在地层缺失。该组底、顶界穿时明显:底界主要介于Dw1晚期至Dw2早期之间,对应牙形石Lenodus antivariabilis带至Lenodus variabilis带;顶界最晚可达Dw3晚期,对应牙形石Pygodus anserinus带,最早仅到Dw1晚期(L.antivariabilis带)。在研究区该组主要分布于川东、重庆大部、黔北、黔东北、鄂西及湘西北地区。在部分地区,牯牛潭组上部可与十字铺组对比。  相似文献   

在粤西云开地区东冲组内发现以双壳类占绝对优势的中奥陶世动物群,包括双壳类:Praenucula cf.sharpei Babin and Gutierrez-Marco,P.sp.,Homilodonta regularis(Portlock),Similodonta similis(Ulrich),S.cf.cerys Cope,S.sp.,Trigonoconcha acuta Sanchez,Concavodonta sp.,Arcodonta sp.,Sthenodonta cf.eastii(Tata),S.sp.,Nuculites cf.cylindricus(Portlock),N.sp.,Phestia sp.,Cardiolaria? sp.,Inaequidens cf.davisi Pojeta and Gilbert-Tomlinson,I.sp.,Mytilarca? sp.,Cyrtodonta sp.,Modiolopsis spp.,Carminodonta sp.,Famatinodonta sp.等及若干未命名的新属,同层产出的还有三叶虫和腕足类等.双壳类化石个体小、丰度高、分异度高,以古栉齿类占绝对优势,该发现丰富了我国及世界中奥陶世双壳类动物群,为研究区中-上奥陶统的划分对比以及华南板块古地理重建增添了新的古生物学证据,特别是为研究双壳类的早期演化和奥陶纪早期双壳类辐射演化提供了关键信息.   相似文献   

A collection of numerous crinoid pluricolumnals from the uppermost Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) of Tibet were derived from one biological species of crinoid. The specimens were collected from well‐lithified, bioclastic shelf limestones of the upper part of the Lower Chiatsun Group, Pygodus serra Biozone; coeval rocks of similar lithology outcrop at the summit of Everest. A new crinoid morphospecies, Segmentocolumnus (col.) hanshessi, is tentatively considered a ‘stem‐group cladid’, perhaps a dendrocrinid. The proxistele is broad and pentagonal in section with a broad, pentagonal axial canal; the mesistele of similar gross morphology is more slender with a regularly heteromorphic column and a similarly wide axial canal; the dististele is a terminal dendritic radice with a pentastellate axial canal. In the mesistele, the meric sutures correspond to the centres of the sides of the column, but in the dististele they occur in the angles. This range of morphologies would have led to their inclusion in at least two morphogenera if they had not been closely associated; as they belong to a single biological species, they have been ‘lumped’ together herein. This is a rare contribution to our knowledge of the early crinoids from a region outside Europe and North America. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The family Mesopsychidae Tillyard,1917 presently consists of ten described genera from the Early Permian to the Early Cretaceous of Australia,China,Kyrgyzstan,Russia,South Africa,Tajikistan,and Ukraine.Herein,a new genus and a new species of fossil mesopsychid,Epicharmesopsyche pentavenulosa gen.et sp.nov.,is described from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Inner Mongolia,China,supplementing the family-level diversity.The well-preserved,new material reveals many characters,including antennae,wing venation,shape and genitalia that increase our morphological understanding of the family,although unfortunately the mouthparts and most of the legs are not preserved.Diagnosis of the Mesopsychidae is emended to include a four-or five-branched MP in both the fore-and hind wings.This is the first documentation of a wing coupling structure in the Mesopsychidae,consisting of three to four frenula bristles on the humeral lobe at the base of the costal margin of both hind wings.Asymmetrical shape and size of the left and right wings on a specimen of E.pentavenulosa gen.et sp.nov.,seems to be a common condition for mesopsychid taxa from northeastern China.  相似文献   

The Dumugol Formation (Lower Ordovician) in the southern part of the Baegunsan syncline, South Korea, contains mixed siliciclastic and carbonate ramp deposits. The ramp sediments were frequently influenced by storm events resulting in tempestites of sandstone-mudstone couplets, bioclastic grainstones to packstones, flat-pebble conglomerates, a skeletal lag layer and laminated calcisiltites. All tempestites are characterized by an erosive to sharp base, poor grading and a transitional upper boundary. The difference in lithology of tempestites appears to have been controlled by the nature of substrates and by proximality. For example, laminated calcisiltites have developed on the shallow carbonate ramp, flat-pebble conglomerates are closely associated with nodular limestones on shallow and deep ramps, and thin skeletal lag layers from fossiliferous argillaceous sediments formed in a basinal setting. The stratigraphic succession of the Dumugol Formation represents an initial transgression followed by a regression. The vertical facies change records the transition from a shallow siliciclastic ramp to a deep carbonate ramp, to a basin, shallowing to a deep carbonate ramp, and to a shallow carbonate ramp. Storm effects are mostly well preserved in shallow to deep ramp deposits.  相似文献   

四川盆地东北部前陆褶皱-冲断带盐相关构造   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
以中、下三叠统嘉陵江组(T1j)和雷口坡组(T2l)含膏盐碳酸盐岩层系为界,可以将川东北地区划分为3个构造-层序组合,盐下构造-层序组合由震旦系-下三叠统飞仙关组组成,属于一套海相碳酸盐岩层系为主的沉积;盐层构造-层序组合由下三叠统嘉陵江组和中三叠统雷口坡组组成,属于一套含厚层膏盐的海相碳酸盐岩层系;盐上构造-层序组合由上三叠统须家河组和侏罗系、白垩系组成,属于一套陆相碎屑岩沉积。川东北地区发育了一套独特的构造变形样式,主要有基底卷入叠瓦冲断强变形带、基底卷入与盐层滑脱叠合变形带、隐伏盐相关构造滑脱变形带、双重构造、堆垛式三角带构造和背冲断块构造等。由于该区盐岩层厚度相对较薄,盐岩层系总体作为一个大型滑脱层系,控制川东北地区的构造变形。川东北地区主要构造变形机制包括区域挤压缩短作用、盐岩层塑性流动和滑脱作用、构造隆升和剥蚀作用、重力滑动和重力扩展作用等。川东北地区与三叠系盐岩层系有关的构造变形控制该区油气圈闭样式,有利于油气聚集和保存。  相似文献   

Since 1985, samples with a total weight of more than 14,000 kg, mainly from three key sections in western and northwestern Hunan, South China, have been processed for conodonts. In strata older than the late Late Cambrian paraconodonts have proved useful for stratigraphic subdivision and correlation. Thirteen conodont zones are proposed in the Middle Cambrian through lowermost Ordovician. The correlation between these zones and those of North China, western U. S.A., western Newfoundland, Canada, and Iran is discussed. In ascending order, these 13 zones are as follows: The Gapparodus bisulcatus-Westergaardodina brevidens Zone, Shandongodus priscus-Hunanognathus tricuspidatus Zone, Westergaardodina quadrata Zone, Westergaardodina matsushitai-W. grandidens Zone, Westergaardodina lui-W. am Zone, Westergaardodina cf. calix-Prooneotodus rotundatus Zone, Proconodontus tenuiserratus Zone, Proconodontus Zone, Eoconodontus Zone, Cordylodus proavus Zone, Cordylodus intermedius Zone, Cordylodus lindstromi Zone, and  相似文献   

Ordovician graptolite faunas of Peru are restricted to a short interval in the Middle to basal Upper Ordovician, found in three regions of the country. All Peruvian graptolite faunas are strongly dominated by shallow water elements of the Atlantic Faunal Realm, represented largely by Didymograptus s. str. and Aulograptus, but a number of faunal elements of the pandemic isograptid biofacies have recently been discovered in the Sandia Region of SE Peru. Peruvian graptolite faunas are reviewed and the new records from the Sandia Region are discussed in detail. The faunas from the Purumpata and Iparo members of the San José Formation range in age approximately from the Undulograptus austrodentatus Biozone to the Holmograptus lentus Biozone (early to middle Darriwilian). The faunas provide a better understanding of faunal composition and diversity in this region and help to correlate shallow water and deeper water graptolite faunas from this time interval. Biserial graptolites are rare in most samples and usually indeterminable, but a single identifiable specimen of Undulograptus austrodentatus was found, indicating a level close to the base of the Darriwilian. A number of specimens of the genera Isograptus and Arienigraptus from the Sandia Region represent pandemic graptolite faunas of the isograptid biofacies, described for the first time from this region. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The identification and interpretation of drowning events in the geologic record can aid significantly to the reconstruction of the depositional, tectonic and eustatic history of a study area and often improve reservoir and seal prediction in carbonate rocks. The differentiation between drowned platforms showing a record of continuous deepening and those with a record of exposure followed by rapid deepening remains, however, problematic. The Zhujiang carbonate platform (Liuhua 11-1 field, South China Sea) study shown here provides an example of an integrated approach combining high-resolution geochemistry, microfacies analyses and foraminiferal biostratigraphy in order to improve the reconstruction of environmental conditions prior, during and after platform demise and drowning. The Zhujiang carbonate platform displays the following vertical succession of four facies types i) skeletal grain facies with a miogypsinid/lepidocyclinid-dominated fauna deposited in a moderately deep (< 50 m), oligotrophic back-reef setting; ii) in situ corals in patch-reef facies in an oligotrophic lagoon (< 10 m); iii) rhodoid facies with in situ red algal crusts, dominated by Heterostegina sp. and spiroclypeids, possibly capped by a subaerial exposure surface. Well-rounded rhodoids representing a mesotrophic lagoon dominate the upper portions of the rhodoid facies; iv) pelagic marine shales of the Hanjiang Formation burying the carbonate platform after drowning. This facies succession, in combination with geochemical evidence suggests a deepening-upward trend. This trend might have been interrupted by transient subaerial exposure but no evidence for meteoric diagenesis was found at the drowning unconformity topping the carbonate platform. Instead, microfacies analyses suggest that platform demise may be related to progressive changes in environmental conditions, including increasing nutrient-levels and/or decreasing temperature up-core towards the drowning unconformity. These findings are of significance for those concerned with Miocene carbonate factories and, more specifically, the demise of carbonate platforms in general.  相似文献   

Detrital volcanic and vein quartz, accompanied by felsic volcanic debris, occur as minor constituents in the Ordovician subduction‐related mafic volcanics of the Molong Volcanic Belt. In the western province of the Molong Volcanic Belt, detrital quartz is present in the three episodes of the mafic Volcanics. Volcanic quartz occurs in allochthonous limestone blocks in the Bendigonian Hensleigh Siltstone overlying the Mitchell Formation. The second volcanic episode (the Fairbridge Volcanics) commenced after a hiatus of approximately 20 million years and lasted around 10 million years from Darriwilian to Gisbornian time. Locally derived vein quartz, volcanic quartz and felsic detritus are concentrated at the bases of autochthonous Wahringa and Yuranigh Limestone Members of the volcanics and are extensive and abundant in basal beds of the regional Eastonian limestone body that transgressed over an eroded volcanic centre at Cargo. This early Eastonian debris, deposited early in an 8 million‐year volcanic hiatus preceding the final Ordovician Bolindian volcanism, establishes a pre‐Eastonian age for mineralisation at Cargo. It is inferred that the pauses in volcanism were preceded by magmatic fractionation, intrusion and hydrothermal activity and followed by erosion, subsidence and deposition of autochthonous limestones. Minor occurrences of vein and volcanic quartz are found in Bolindian volcanogenic sediments of the third volcanic phase. It is concluded that hydrothermal vein formation (and mineralisation by inference) was associated with pauses in volcanic activity throughout the Middle to early Late Ordovician over a wide area in the western province, culminating in the mineralisation at Cargo and Copper Hill near Molong. Volcanism in the eastern province of the Molong Volcanic Belt was continuous from at least Darriwilian to latest Ordovician time. Here, detrital hydrothermal vein quartz and volcanic quartz and felsic detritus are distributed through late Middle and early Late Ordovician turbidites of the Weemalla Formation. The possible existence of cycles in the source area like those of the Fairbridge Volcanics is masked by the distal nature of these deposits. Vein formation occurred in both provinces from late Middle Ordovician to early Late Ordovician, long before the formation of the world‐class mineral deposit at Cadia associated with the latest Ordovician Cadia Monzonite.  相似文献   

The first definitive evidence for a late Middle to early Late Ordovician age for the Jindalee Group comes from identification of conodonts, including Periodon aculeatus, preserved in chert from an exposure northeast of Cootamundra, New South Wales. In the Grenfell area, the Hoskins Chert, a constituent formation of the Jindalee Group, also yields conodonts of the same general age, although no diagnostic species have been recognised. Conodonts found in the Jindalee Group, along with a distinctive fossil flora of probable cyanobacterial filaments, are similar to those of the Mugincoble Chert in the vicinity of Parkes. Age correlation of the Jindalee Group with the Girilambone Group is confirmed by the newly found conodonts, but at a much more precise level than previously inferred. However, the tectonic settings of the Jindalee and Girilambone Groups might have been quite distinct, with the Jindalee Group forming in an intra‐arc rift and the Girilambone Group depositing in the backarc Wagga Marginal Basin.  相似文献   

New trilobite material and the first graptolites from outcrop are described from the Am5 member of the Amdeh Formation near Al Fleij in northeast Oman. The sediments in which these faunas occur are interpreted as distal-shelf deposits with storm beds packed with brachiopods and orthoconic nautiloids. The deposits and its faunas are considered of late Darriwilian age and younger than the shallower-water Am5 deposits known from other outcrops. No palynomorphs could be recovered to confirm this due to the increased burial temperature the Al Fleij area has experienced.The trilobites are of considerable palaeo-biogeographic interest as few faunas of this age are known from the Arabian Plate, though their preservation precludes the establishment of new species. They include Isabelinia aff. glabrata, Liomegalaspides sp., Neseuretus tristani, Neseuretinus sp. and the deeper-water forms, Cyclopyge cf. C. bohemica, Arthrorhachis sp. and Brachypleura sp. The graptolites are pendent Didymograptus spp. of later Darriwilian type.Rare elements of the conodonts Nordiora, Amorphognathus and Microzarkodina have been recovered from shell beds that occur interbedded with the faunas. They too indicate a late Darriwilian age and differ from richer, restricted, shallow-water faunas known from the Am5 at other locations, and the more cosmopolitan shelf fauna from the Ayim Member of the Rann Formation of the United Arab Emirates.A coarser, 80 m-thick, terrestrial sequence containing igneous pebbles, included in the Am5 in the 1980s, is shown from the occurrence of fossil plants to be of Permian age and probably equivalent to the Basal Saiq Clastics of Jabal al Akhdar.  相似文献   

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