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This paper contains a numerical study of the stability of resonant orbits in a planetary system consisting of two planets, moving under the gravitational attraction of a binary star. Its results are expected to provide us with useful information about real planetary systems and, at the same time, about periodic motions in the general four-body problem (G4) because the above system is a special case of G4 where two bodies have much larger masses than the masses of the other two (planets). The numerical results show that the main mechanism which generates instability is the destruction of the Jacobi integrals of the massless planets when their masses become nonzero and that resonances in the motion of planets do not imply, in general, instability. Considerable intervals of stable resonant orbits have been found. The above quantitative results are in agreement with the existing qualitative predictions  相似文献   

It is known that the extremely hot environments of Wolf-Rayet stars and novae support dust formation, although in some selected cases only. The similarities in the luminosities of these objects suggest similar mechanisms of dust formation. The situation is reviewed in terms of the number of ionizing photons available for hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen other than helium. The larger abundance of nitrogen in the ejecta modifies these numbers significantly. Simple calculations for neutral carbon atoms via recombinations show that a critical condition is required to be met with for this purpose. This can be understood as due to the strong UV fields which leave the grains positively charged. Further, the type of dust appears to be decided by the ingredients constituting the ejecta.  相似文献   

From a calculation of Roche densities in visual binaries, it is concluded that the stars in these systems would be tidally unstable at the time of formation if they were formed with their observed separations (semi-major axes). To avoid this difficulty, it is proposed that the visual binaries are formed by the disintegration of small clusters. Binaries formed this way are shown to have some interesting upper limits to their mass ratios. Comments are also made on the differences between the processe of star and planet formation.  相似文献   

We present a model for the formation of massive ( M ≳10 M⊙) stars through accretion-induced collisions in the cores of embedded dense stellar clusters. This model circumvents the problem of accreting on to a star whose luminosity is sufficient to reverse the infall of gas. Instead, the central core of the cluster accretes from the surrounding gas, thereby decreasing its radius until collisions between individual components become sufficient. These components are, in general, intermediate-mass stars that have formed through accretion on to low-mass protostars. Once a sufficiently massive star has formed to expel the remaining gas, the cluster expands in accordance with this loss of mass, halting further collisions. This process implies a critical stellar density for the formation of massive stars, and a high rate of binaries formed by tidal capture.  相似文献   

The expulsion of metal-rich grains from collapsing protostars is considered, and it is concluded that stars of mass greater than 21M could be significantly depleted in heavy metals during their formation.  相似文献   

It is shown that the infrared flux method for determining stellar effective temperatures (Blackwell and Shallis 1977; Blackwell, Petford and Shallis 1980) can be applied to cool carbon stars. Although the spectra of cool carbon stars are highly line blanketed, the spectral region between 3 and 4 μm (L-band in the infrared photometry system) is found to be relatively free from strong line absorption. The ratioR L of bolometric flux toL flux can then be used as a measure of effective temperature. On the basis of the predicted line-blanketed flux based on model atmospheres, with an empirical correction for the effect of 3 μm absorption due to polyatomic species (HCN, C2H2), it is shown thatR L is roughly proportional to T3 eff. The high sensitivity ofR L to Teff makes it a very good measure of effective temperature, and the usual difficulty due to differential line blanketing effect in the analyses of photometric indices of cool carbon stars can be minimized. It is found that the majority of N-type carbon stars with small variability (SRb and Lb variables) are confined to the effective temperature range between 2400 and 3200 K, in contrast to M-giant stars (M0 III - M6 III, including SRb and Lb variables) that are confined to the effective temperature range between 3200 and 3900 K. The effective temperatures based on the infrared flux method show good agreement with those derived directly from angular diameter measurements of 5 carbon stars. On the basis of the new effective temperature scale for carbon stars, it is shown that the well known C-classification does not represent a temperature sequence. On the other hand, colour temperatures based on various photometric indices all show good correlations with our derived effective temperatures. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Part I gives a survey of the drastic revision of cosmic plasma physics which is precipitated by the exploration of the magnetosphere throughin situ measurements. The pseudo-plasma formalism, which until now has almost completely dominated theoretical astrophysics, must be replaced by an experimentally based approach involving the introduction of a number of neglected plasma phenomena, such as electric double layers, critical velocity, and pinch effect. The general belief that star light is the main ionizer is shown to be doubtful; hydromagnetic conversion of gravitational and kinetic energy may often be much more important.In Part II the revised plasma physics is applied to dark clouds and star formation. Magnetic fields do not necessarily counteract the contraction of a cloud; they may just as well pinch the cloud. Magnetic compression may be the main mechanism for forming interstellar clouds and keeping them together.Part III treats the formation of stars in a dusty cosmic plasma cloud. Star formation is due to an instability, but it is very unlikely that it has anything to do with the Jeans instability. A reasonable mechanism is that the sedimentation of dust (including solid bodies of different size) is triggering off a gravitationally assisted accretion. A stellesimal accretion analogous to the planetesimal accretion leads to the formation of a star surrounded by a very low density hollow in the cloud. Matter falling in from the cloud towards the star is the raw material for the formation of planets and satellites.The study of the evolution of a dark cloud leads to a scenario of planet formation which is reconcilable with the results obtained from studies based on solar system data. This means that the new approach to cosmical plasma physics discussed in Part I logically leads to a consistent picture of the evolution of dark clouds and the formation of solar systems.  相似文献   

Pulsation of the Sun with a period of P0 ≈ 160 min discovered about two decades ago, is still waiting explanation. In view of the hypothesis about its cosmological origin, and attempting to find signature of this P0 periodicity among other (short-period variable) stars, the pulsation frequencies of δ Sct stars are subjected to specific analysis. With a confidence level ≈ 3.8σ it is found that the frequency v0 = P0−1 ≈ 104 m̈Hz, within the error limits, appears indeed to be the most “resonant” one for the total sample of 318 pulsating stars of δ Sct type (the most commensurable, or “synchronizing”, period for all these stars occurs to be 162 ± 4 min). We conjecture that a) the P0 oscillation might be connected with periodic fluctuations of gravity field (metrics), and b) the primary excitation mechanism of pulsations of δ Sct stars, reffected by this “ubiquitous” P0 resonance, must be attributed perhaps to superfast rotation of their inner cores (their rates tend to be in near-resonance with the “universal” v0 frequency). The arguments are given favouring a cosmoogical nature of the P0 oscillation.  相似文献   

X-ray dim isolated neutron stars are peculiar pulsar-like objects,characterized by their Planck-like spectrum.In studying their spectral energy distributions,optical/ultraviolet(UV) excess is a long standing problem.Recently Kaplan et al.measured the optical/UV excess for all seven sources,which is understandable in the resonant cyclotron scattering(RCS) model previously addressed.The RCS model calculations show that the RCS process can account for the observed optical/UV excess for most sources.The ?at spe...  相似文献   

Most stars reside in binary/multiple star systems; however, previous models of planet formation have studied growth of bodies orbiting an isolated single star. Disk material has been observed around both components of some young close binary star systems. Additionally, it has been shown that if planets form at the right places within such disks, they can remain dynamically stable for very long times. Herein, we numerically simulate the late stages of terrestrial planet growth in circumbinary disks around ‘close’ binary star systems with stellar separations 0.05 AU?aB?0.4 AU and binary eccentricities 0?eB?0.8. In each simulation, the sum of the masses of the two stars is 1 M, and giant planets are included. The initial disk of planetary embryos is the same as that used for simulating the late stages of terrestrial planet formation within our Solar System by Chambers [Chambers, J.E., 2001. Icarus 152, 205-224], and around each individual component of the α Centauri AB binary star system by Quintana et al. [Quintana, E.V., Lissauer, J.J., Chambers, J.E., Duncan, M.J., 2002. Astrophys. J. 576, 982-996]. Multiple simulations are performed for each binary star system under study, and our results are statistically compared to a set of planet formation simulations in the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn system that begin with essentially the same initial disk of protoplanets. The planetary systems formed around binaries with apastron distances QB≡aB(1+eB)?0.2 AU are very similar to those around single stars, whereas those with larger maximum separations tend to be sparcer, with fewer planets, especially interior to 1 AU. We also provide formulae that can be used to scale results of planetary accretion simulations to various systems with different total stellar mass, disk sizes, and planetesimal masses and densities.  相似文献   

We examine the structure of cool magnetic spots in the photospheres of evolved stars, specifically asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars. We find that the photosphere of a cool magnetic spot will be above the surrounding photosphere of AGB stars, which is the opposite of the situation in the Sun . This results from the behaviour of the opacity, which increases with decreasing temperature, which again is the opposite of the behaviour of the opacity near the effective temperature of the Sun . We analyse the formation of dust above the cool magnetic spots, and suggest that the dust formation is facilitated by strong shocks, driven by stellar pulsations, which run through and around the spots. The presence of both the magnetic field and cooler temperatures makes dust formation easier as the shock passes above the spot. We review some observations supporting the proposed mechanism, and suggest further observations to check the model.  相似文献   

We investigate the behaviour of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars between metallicities   Z = 10−4  and 10−8. We determine which stars undergo an episode of flash-driven mixing, where protons are ingested into the intershell convection zone, as they enter the thermally pulsing AGB phase and which undergo third dredge-up. We find that flash-driven mixing does not occur above a metallicity of   Z = 10−5  for any mass of star and that stars above  2 M  do not experience this phenomenon at any metallicity. We find carbon ingestion (CI), the mixing of carbon into the tail of hydrogen-burning region, occurs in the mass range  2 M  to around  4 M  . We suggest that CI may be a weak version of the flash-driven mechanism. We also investigate the effects of convective overshooting on the behaviour of these objects. Our models struggle to explain the frequency of Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor (CEMP) stars that have both significant carbon and nitrogen enhancement. Carbon can be enhanced through flash-driven mixing, CI or just third dredge-up. Nitrogen can be enhanced through hot bottom burning and the occurrence of hot dredge-up also converts carbon into nitrogen. The C/N ratio may be a good indicator of the mass of the primary AGB stars.  相似文献   

We address in this work the general features of a possible compact stars composed by elementary fermions beyond the quark level. The locus of these hypothetic objects in the mass-radius plane is constructed for the maximum mass (minimum radius) of the sequence of models in terms of a compositeness scale only, and in fact this approach applies for any composite model postulating fermions at or beyond the preon level. We point out a constraint on the preon mass arising from the applicability of the General Relativity structure equations, leading to the questioning of the hypothesis of light preons if the preon scale is high, provided classical compact objects are enforced. Some remarks on the existence of superdense stars of astrophysical and primordial origin are made and discussed.   相似文献   

The notion of death line of rotating pulsars is applied to model of oscillating neutron stars. It is shown that the magnetosphere of typical non-rotating oscillating stars may not contain secondary plasma to support the generation of radio emission in the region of open field lines of plasma magnetosphere.  相似文献   

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