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Late Quaternary environments have been studied by pollen analysis of lake sediments from the savannas of the Colombian Llanos Orientales at 180 m elevation. The pollen record form Laguna El Pinal (4°08N, 70°23W), dated by 6 AMS radiocarbon dates, starts at 18,290 14C yr B.P. The record from Laguna Carimagua (4°04N, 70°14W), also dated by 6 AMS dates, starts at 8270 14C yr B.P. Both records show a landscape dominated by grassland savanna with only few woody savanna taxa, such as Curatella and Byrsonima, frequent fires, and little occurrence of forest and/or gallery forest along the rivers. The savanna ecosystem at the studied sites was relatively stable during the last 18,000 yrs, but minor changes in floral composition, and in the proportion of savanna/forest, have been recorded. Very little gallery forest and the non permanent lake conditions of Laguna El Pinal reflect the driest period, interpreted to reflect low rainfall rates and long dry seasons during the Last Glacial Maximum until 10,690 14 C yr B.P. During the Late Glacial, Laguna El Pinal was a permanent shallow lake, and changed into a lake with higher water levels during the Holocene, indicating wetter conditions. Expansion of regional gallery forest also started at around 10,690 14C yr B.P. Little vegetational change observed in Laguna Carimagua at 5570 14 C yr B.P., in combination with a simultaneous decrease of savanna observed in previously studied lakes, suggest a change to regional wetter conditions. Thus, the Holocene before 5500 14 C yr B.P. was somewhat drier than the following period until about 3850 14C yr B.P. In both records, Late Holocene lake deposits are incomplete. Shore vegetation of Laguna Carimagua always included a minor contribution of the palms Mauritia and Mauritiella. The marked increase of palms during the last c. 3800 yrs points to increased human impact on the vegetation under the wettest Holocene climate regime.  相似文献   

The geochemistry of ostracode shells and bulk carbonates in a 19-meter sediment core documents at century-scale resolution the evolution of water chemistry in Coldwater Lake, North Dakota, providing a continuous paleohydrologic record of Holocene climate change in the northern Great Plains. A combination of 18O, 13C, Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca in ostracode calcite aided by Sr/Ca in bulk carbonates are used to constrain the paleoclimatic reconstructions. A fresh-water phase in the early Holocene, indicated by the absence of Candona rawsoni and low concentrations of Sr/Ca in bulk carbonate, was followed by a sharp increase in salinity between 10800 and 8900 yr B.P. The climate was predominately dry during the late part of the early Holocene and most of the middle Holocene (8900–5000 yr B.P.), when the lake was very sensitive and recorded a series of dry and wet oscillations. Maximum salinity occurred around 5500 yr B.P. and was followed by a gradual decrease between 5000 and 2400 yr B.P. From 2400 yr B.P. the 18O, Mg/Ca, and Sr/Ca in the ostracodes indicate generally wet conditions interrupted by a series of lesser salinity and temperature oscillations lasting until 600 yr B.P. Ostracode geochemistry indicates that a warm and dry climate returned at about the time of the Little Ice Age (600–150 yr B.P.). Ostracode 13C shows a ong-term increasing trend during the Holocene, which suggests that lake productivity and atmospheric CO2 exchange made greater contributions to the hypolimnetic carbon pool as the lake became shallower with time.  相似文献   

A sedimentary blue-green algal record has been investigated through measurement of myxoxanthophyll and oscillaxanthin in two cores taken from deep and shallow sites in Lake Wabamun, Alberta, Canada (Longitudes 114° 26 and 114° 44 W; Latitudes 50° 30 and 50° 35 N). Blue-green algae have been a component of the algal flora of this lake throughout the Holocene period. Myxoxanthophyll and oscillaxanthin maxima occur in early Holocene sediments (ca. 9000 years BP), whereas oscillaxanthin concentrations are high between 7000 and 3800 years BP. High oscillaxanthin levels suggest that a phytoplankton assemblage, which included Oscillatoria spp., existed during this latter period and the lake was more eutrophic than at present. Decreases in the number of planktonic diatoms in the core from the deep site (Seba core) appear to be related to increased eutrophy, increased salinity, and sediment redistribution as well as possible competition with Oscillatoria. That the lake has been less productive during the last 2500 years in supported by the diatom record, the diatom: chrysophyte statospore (stomatocyst) ratio and concentrations of the blue-green algal pigments. In the core from the shallow site (Moonlight Bay) concentrations of blue-green algal pigments are initially high, which along with the diatom assemblage, indicates a younger basal age of the sediments. It is possible that benthic blue-green algae contributed significantly to sedimentary pigment concentrations in the Moonlight Bay core. Major fluctuations in the Osc: Myx ratio, particularly in the Seba core, casts some doubt upon the usefulness of this ratio, and suggests that it is not degradation-independent.  相似文献   

We analyzed diatoms in a sediment profile from Laguna Zoncho in southern Pacific Costa Rica (lake elevation 1190 m asl, depth 2.6 m, area 0.75 ha) spanning some 3240 cal yr. Diatoms are common in the profile, which we subdivide into three zones. Zone C (3240–1020 cal yr B.P.) is dominated by Staurosira construens var. venter and Aulacoseira spp.; during this time, the lake was dilute and circumneutral. Benthic and acidophilous taxa increase gradually in the upper section of this zone. Zone B (1020–460 cal yr B.P.) almost totally lacks Aulacoseira, and instead is dominated by combinations of Eunotia minor, Encyonema lunatum, Gomphonema gracile, and Pinnularia braunii. Previous pollen and charcoal analysis indicates that this zone falls within the peak of prehistoric agricultural activity at the lake, but diatoms may also reflect climate change. During this period, the lake was likely shallower and more acidic, but not eutrophic. Finally, Zone A (460 cal yr B.P. to AD 1997) begins near a 1.5-cm tephra layer from nearby Volcán Barú; diatom assemblages are dominated by Aulacoseira spp., and suggest deepening of the lake and return to conditions similar to Zone C. This was a time of indigenous population decline and forest recovery in the Zoncho region, probably reflecting the impact of European diseases on the native population, although climate change and impacts of the tephra deposition cannot be wholly discounted.  相似文献   

A small lake, Kaksoislammi (60° 3830N, 24° 4550E), in southern Finland was studied for Cladocera, diatoms and pollen from a core which covers the entire Holocene. The diatom remains indicate a steady development from alkaliphilous taxa towards the dominance of acidophilous forms and lowering pH in the late Holocene. About 1800–1700 BP, dramatic changes took place in the microfauna, mainly the planktonic Cladocera. Bosmina longirostris, the dominant species, suddenly disappeared, and Daphnia, Chydorus sphaericus and Chaoborus increased. The change is simultaneous with a decline of the diatom-inferred pH to 4.8. It is probable that there was a sudden, profound change in predator-prey relationships. The acidity of the lake water probably increased to such a low level that it led to the disappearance of even the most acid-tolerant fish. Consequently invertebrate predators increased and quickly altered the species composition in the lake. There is also pollen evidence of the onset of Iron Age cultivation and grazing almost simultaneously with the faunal change. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that the sudden lowering of pH was indirectly caused by prehistoric human activity; possibly the acidic peatland surrounding the lake was disturbed.  相似文献   

Palaeolimnological and palynological records from climatically variable central Alberta, Canada, document periods of hypersaline lake conditions indicative of late glacial and early Holocene drought. The sensitivity of palaeolimnological indicators for inferring palaeoclimates is examined by comparing records from two sites at opposite ends of the regional precipitation gradient. Palaeosalinity is identified by the presence of Ruppia pollen, a hypersaline aquatic plant not presently growing in either lake, and diatom assemblages comprising both saline epipelic and planktonic species. Goldeye Lake (52° 27 N; 116° 12 W), in the relatively moist Rocky Mountain Foothills remained saline from its inception before ca 14500 years BP until ca 10400 years BP by which time pioneering forests had replaced tundra vegetation; however, freshwater planktonic diatoms dominated ca 12500 to 11500 years BP. However, dating problems endemic to the Foothills region make this chronology only tentative. Moore Lake (54° 30 N; 110° 30 N), in dry, east-central Alberta contained Ruppia only between ca 9000 and 6000 years BP. Freshwater diatoms dominated until ca 10000 years BP when they were succeeded by taxa characteristic of saline water. The lake remained saline until ca 6000 years BP. The late glacial period of palaeosalinity at Goldeye Lake occurred because the lake was surrounded by Cordilleran and Laurentide glacial ice, and therefore, cut off from moisture sources until the early Holocene by which time significant ice recession had occurred. Factors causing the second period of salinity remain unknown at this time. In contrast, by the early Holocene, Moore Lake was influenced by drought caused by high summer insolation induced by orbital fluctuations. Freshwater conditions were maintained through the Holocene in the Foothills region of west-central Alberta, but occurred consistently only over the last 4000 years in central and east-central Alberta. The warmer, drier climate during the early Holocene did affect lake levels in at least one headwater Foothills lake (Fairfax Lake — 52° 58 N; 116° 34 W). The severity of the drought increased in an easterly direction across the province.This publication is the fourth of a series of papers presented at the Conference on Sedimentary and Palaeolimnological Records of Saline Lakes. This Conference was held August 13–16, 1991 at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. Dr. Evans is serving as Guest Editor.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first paleolimnological study of the postglacial development of a marl and peat complex on the Canadian Precambrian Shield. Ring Lake (48° 46 N, 85° 51 W), situated within the carbonate glacial drift area of northwestern Ontario, originated about 9000 BP in a basin exposed by the retreating waters of proglacial Lake Superior. The development of Ring Lake was interpreted from pollen and diatom analysis of one sediment core from the littoral zone and another core from near the lake centre.The sequence of postglacial vegetation development parallels published accounts of forest history in northern Ontario. The predominant diatom throughout the littoral core was the alkaliphilous Cymbella diluviana. The central core was dominated by circumneutral and alkaliphilous species of Achnanthes Navicula, Fragilaria, and Cymbella, except in recent samples where acidophilous species of Anomoeoneis were common.Diatom-inferred (DI) pH shows that the early lake was alkaline because of drainage from base-rich tills. The presence of marl in the littoral core indicates deposition of calcareous materials until the site dried out during the Hypsithermal period. There is evidence that beaver activity around 5000 BP caused a temporary change in lake hydrology. A decline in DI pH over much of the postglacial reflects gradual exhaustion of carbonates in the drainage area. An increase in acidophilous diatoms in samples representing the past 3500 y is consistent with gradual acidification of the system and development of a littoral peatland in a cooler neoglacial climate.  相似文献   

The diatom stratigraphy of Holocene sediment cores from two Antarctic lakes (Mondsee, Tiefersee; 62° 10 S/58° 50 W) of King George Island was investigated. The diatom assemblages were dominated by cosmopolitan species. The flora was composed of three main components: 1) taxa of submersed bryophytic habitats, which also occur in the bryophilic diatom flora of southern South America; 2) species of various terrestrial habitats, including some specific subantarctic taxa; 3) species distributed in coastal inland waters influenced by sea-spray.Changes in sediment pattern and diatom species composition seemed to reflect climatic changes. At least three different core sections were distinguished in both lakes: Two sections rich in mosses occur between approx. 7000–4700 B.P. and from 3200 B.P. to present, in general resembling present day conditions. In between is a section of high allochthonous content with generally low diatom concentrations and rising percentages of aerophilic, halophilic and alkaliphilic diatoms. An increase of melt water discharge, possible sea-spray influence, and lake- level fluctuations are discussed.Three new taxa are described: Achnanthes metakryophila nov. spec., Achnanthes renei nov. spec., Navicula australomediocris nov. spec. The taxonomy of selected taxa is discussed.  相似文献   

Sediments from a 3 ha lake (75 °34.34N, 89 °18.55W) from the coastal region of northern Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada, contain discrete laminations in the deepest part of the basin. The laminations are varves as indicated by the correspondence between counts and thickness measurements of the couplets and 210Pb dating. A 14 cm core representing 150 years of sedimentation contained laminated couplets consisting of a lighter inorganic layer with a higher percentage of calcium and magnesium, alternating with fine darker bands, typically more cohesive, and comprising higher proportions of silica and carbon. A reddish oxidation zone with higher iron and aluminum frequently separates the laminations. The dark layer represents a biogenic component deposited in summer and is made cohesive by bacterial filaments among the other particles. The light inorganic layer represents clastic deposition from allochthonous sources. Deposition rates were relatively consistent through the core with an increase in varve thickness in the 1950s. Diatom concentrations in the sediments increased by two orders of magnitude in this century, with major increases in the 1920s and 1950s. The increase in varve thickness and diatom abundance coincides with an increase in summer melt percentage in an ice core from the Devon Island Ice Cap (Koerner, 1977). The relatively high sedimentation rate (0.15 cm yr-1) coupled with the consistency of deposition makes this lake a significant indicator for recent climate changes of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.  相似文献   

The paleohydrological evolution of several high altitude, saline lakes located in the southernmost Altiplano (El Peinado and San Francisco basins, Catamarca province, NW Argentina) was reconstructed applying sedimentological, geochemical and isotopic techniques. Several playa lakes from the San Francisco basin (26° 56 S; 68° 08 W, 3800-3900 m a.s.l.) show evidence of a recent raise in the watertable that led to modern deposition of carbonate and diatomaceous muds. A 2 m - long core from El Peinado Lake (26° 29 59 S, 68°05 32 W, 3820 m a.s.l.) consists of calcitic crusts (unit 3), overlaid by an alternation of macrophyte-rich and travertine clast- rich, laminated muds (unit 2), and topped by travertine facies (unit 1). This sedimentary sequence illustrates a paleohydrological evolution from a subaerial exposure (unit 3) to a high lake stand (unit 2), and a subsequent smaller decrease in lake level (unit 1). The 13Corganic matterrecord also reflects the lake transgression between units 3 and 2. Although there is a general positive correlation between 18Ocarbonate and salinity proxies (Na, Li and B content), the large data dispersion indicates that other factors besides evaporation effects control chemical and isotopic composition of lakewater. Consequently, the oxygen isotopic composition cannot be interpreted exclusively as an indicator of salinity or evaporation ratio. The degassing of CO2 during groundwater discharge can explain the enriched 13C values for primary carbonates precipitated. The carbon budget in these high altitude, saline lakes seems to be controlled by physical rather than biological processes.The Altiplano saline lakes contain records of environmental and climatic change, although accurate 14C dating of these lacustrine sediments is hindered by the scarcity of terrestrial organic material, and the large reservoir effects. Sedimentologic evidence, a 210Pb-based chronology, and a preliminary U/Th chronology indicate a very large reservoir effect in El Peinado, likely as a result of old groundwaters and large contributions of volcanic and geothermal 14C-free CO2 to the lake system. Alternative chronologies are needed to place these paleorecords in a reliable chronological framework. A period of increased water balance in the San Francisco basin ended at about 1660 ± 82 yr B.P. (calendar yr U/Th age), and would correlates with the humid phase between 3000 and 1800 yr B.P detected in other sites of the southern Altiplano. Both, 210Pb and preliminary U/Th dating favor a younger age for the paleohydrological changes in El Peinado. The arid period reflected by subaerial exposure and low lake levels in unit 3 would have ended with a large increase in effective moisture during the late 17th century. The increased lake level during deposition of unit 2 would represent the period between AD1650 - 1900, synchronous to the Little Ice Age. This chronological framework is coherent with other regional records that show an abrupt transition from more arid to more humid conditions in the early 17th century, and a change to modern conditions in the late 19th century. Although there are local differences, the Little Ice Age stands as a significant climatic event in the Andean Altiplano.  相似文献   

Sedimentary diatom frustules and chironomid remains, in addition to the chemical stratigraphy of 32 elements and organic pollutants such as resin acids, PCB, DDT and its metabolites, were studied from core samples taken from Lake Jyväsjärvi in Central Finland (64° 14 N, 25° 47 E). The sediment profile covered over 200 years, with the oldest samples representing a period of very low human interference. The town of Jyväskylä was established on the lake shore in 1837, and the lake received untreated municipal wastewater from the town up until, 1977. A paper mill started operations in 1872 and began discharging effluent into Lake Jyväsjärvi. In recent years this effluent loading has been reduced. Based on the biological and chemical properties of the sediment strata, five developmental phases were distinguished and named as follows: (1) a pre-industrial phase (approximately up until the 1860s); (2) a phase of early changes in the lake ecosystem (from the 1870s to ca. 1940s); (3) a phase of increasing eutrophication (from ca. 1950 to ca. 1965); (4) a phase of severe pollution (from ca. 1966 to the early-1990s); and (5) a phase of recovery, which proceeded more quickly during the late-1990s following long-term hypolimnetic aeration. It was estimated that the ecological status of the lake changed from good to moderate during the second phase. Due to the poor chemical status of the lake (including increased concentrations of harmful substances) and the pronounced changes in diatom and chironomid communities, the ecological status from 1950 to the early-1990s was classified as bad. The present ecological status, after a slow recovery of about 20 years, can be classified as moderate/poor. Chemical analysis of the sediment revealed that some elements (C, N, P, S, Ba, Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni and Zn) followed the known history of municipal waste water discharge into the lake, but Hg, Cr and persistent organic pollutants had different stratigraphies, and therefore mainly originated from other sources. Pronounced changes in profundal benthic communities (chironomids) started about 80 years later than those in diatoms, but later changes in chironomid assemblages were greater than those in diatoms.  相似文献   

Changes in microfossils (diatoms, chrysophytes, chironomids and cladocera remains), geochemistry and deposition of atmospheric pollutants have been investigated in the sediment records of the alpine lake Gossenköllesee (Tyrol, Austria) spanning the last two centuries. The sediment records were compared with seasonal and annual air temperature trends calculated for the elevation (2417 m a.s.l.) and the geographical position (47° 1346N, 11° 0051E) of the lake, and with precipitation records available since 1866 from Innsbruck. Temperature trends followed a 20–30 year oscillation between cold and warm periods. Regarding long-term changes, temperature trends showed a U-shaped trend between 1780 and 1950, followed by a steep increase since 1975.Physical, geochemical, and organic parameters were not controlled by air temperature. Among the biological records only diatoms and chrysophytes reacted to air temperature changes: the relative abundance of planktonic diatoms increased during warm periods and changes in mean annual alpine air temperature explained 36.5% of their variation. The relation between abundance of seasonal stomatocyst types and air temperature varied on two different time scales: while summer stomatocysts were influenced by short term temperature fluctuations, the autumn stomatocysts were affected only by the long term changes. Other biological parameters exhibited a constant species composition (chironomids, pigments) or changes were small and independent of temperature (cladocera). Spheroidal carbonaceous fly-ash particles, and trends in Pb and Cr indicated increasing deposition of atmospheric pollutants but had no detectable effects on the biological parameters either. In respect to temperature variations over the last 200 years, this alpine lake is much less sensitive than expected and has thus to be regarded as a well buffered site. However, temperature alone is not sufficient to understand changes in species composition and other biogeochemical processes with unknown historical patterns might have affected species composition more strongly.  相似文献   

Changes in the diatom assemblages preserved in a sediment core taken from a small lake located north of arctic treeline on the western Taimyr Peninsula, Russia, were examined in order to investigate late Holocene (i.e., ca 5000 cal yr BP to present) climatic and environmental changes within the region. Early diatom assemblages were dominated by benthic Fragilaria taxa and indicate a transitional phase in the lake history, most likely reflecting lake development and environmental change associated with treeline retreat to the south of the study site. Concurrent with pollen and macrofossil evidence of a vegetation shift to shrub tundra in the catchment basin at ca 4200 cal yr BP, an increase in cold-water taxa, followed by little change in diatom assemblages until ca 2800 cal yr BP, suggests that conditions were relatively cool and stable at this time. The last 2000 years of the Middendorf Lake record have been marked by fluctuating limnological conditions, characterized by striking successional shifts between Fragilaria pinnata and Aulacoseira distans var. humilis. Recent conditions in Middendorf Lake indicate an increase in diatom taxa previously rare in the record, possibly associated with twentieth-century climatic warming. The Middendorf Lake record indicates that significant limnological change may occur in the absence of catchment vegetation shifts, suggesting late-Holocene decoupling of aquatic and terrestrial responses to climatic and hydrological change. Our study results represent one of the few paleoecological records currently available from northern Russia, and highlight the need for further development of calibration data sets from this region.  相似文献   

Diatoms preserved in the sediments of Lake C2 (82°50 N, 76°00 W), a high arctic meromictic lake, track changes in the lake's salinity which have occurred as the basin was isolated from the sea. An assemblage dominated by marine taxa, such as Chaetoceros species, Nitzschia cylindrus and Diploneis spp., was replaced by a Cyclotella kuetzingiana var. planetophora dominated freshwater flora. A brief brackish period separates the two assemblages. Relatively little floristic change occurred within either the marine or freshwater periods, indicating rather stable environmental conditions, except that rheophilous diatoms fluctuated in relative abundance during the lacustrine phase, perhaps tracking past changes in discharge from inflowing streams. These may reflect periods of warmer, wetter environmental conditions.This is the eighth in a series of papers published in this issue on the Taconite Lakes Project. These papers were collected by Dr R. S. Bradley.  相似文献   

Lago de Zirahuén (19° 26 N, 101° 44 W) lies within a montane basin in highland Michoacán, Mexico at 2075 m a.s.l. The lake basin has high recreational value and is promoted as a tourist attraction. Four short (<1 m), sediment–water interface cores were used to investigate Late Holocene environmental change. The cores span approximately the last 1000 years, based on 210Pb dating, AMS 14C dating and tephrochronology. Cesium-137, Americium-241 and tephra layers from Volcan Paricutín (AD 1943–1952) and Volcan Jorullo (AD 1759–1774) provide independent age markers. Cores were analysed for diatoms, magnetic susceptibility and heavy metals (iron, lead, manganese, copper and zinc). Drier climate around 1000 years BP is tentatively inferred from the diatom assemblage and is concordant with other regional records. Increased soil erosion between ca. AD 1100 and AD 1550 may be associated with Pre-Hispanic settlement in the basin, but there is no archaeological evidence to support this. A period of catchment stability occurred during the early Colonial Period, ca. AD 1550–1750. The dramatic decline in the indigenous population following the Spanish Conquest in 1521 may have promoted vegetation recovery on the basin slopes. After the mid-18th century, a significant change in diatom species composition is observed along with an increase in soil erosion, as inferred from the magnetic susceptibility profile. Concentrations of copper and lead also increased. These changes are associated with the establishment of a copper smelting industry in the basin and increased Colonial agricultural development. Recently, tourist developments and commercial agriculture have impacted on the basin. The diatom flora has changed dramatically in the last 20 years, apparently in response to the onset of cultural eutrophication. The palaeoenvironmental evidence suggests that the lake is responding rapidly to land use intensification in the basin, which may have implications for future developments.  相似文献   

Diatoms, organic matter and magnetic susceptibility in a 10-m-long sediment sequence from coastal Lake Lilaste, Latvia, were analysed to evaluate Holocene environmental changes related to past sea-water intrusions. Lake Lilaste is located ~1 km from the present sea coast in an area with a low uplift rate and a threshold altitude of 0.5 m a.s.l. It was thus considered to be an appropriate site to study the influence of past sea level fluctuations on the lake and its sediments. Variations in diatom community composition, along with sediment lithostratigraphy, show that a shallow, nutrient-rich freshwater lake existed there during the early Holocene. The first brackish-water diatoms appeared concurrent with a sea level rise ca. 8700 ± 50 cal a BP, but long-term, intermittent inputs of brackish water were observed between 6700 ± 40 and 4200 ± 80 cal a BP. During those time spans, diatoms indicate increased nutrient concentrations and high conductivity, a consequence of occasional mixing of brackish and freshwater that promoted biological productivity. Lilaste was isolated from the sea at 4200 ± 80 cal a BP, after which a stable freshwater environment, dominated by planktonic diatoms such as Aulacoseira ambigua, A. granulata, A. islandica and A. subarctica, was established. At 400 ± 50 cal a BP, planktonic diatoms were gradually replaced by Fragilaria spp., indicating the beginning of anthropogenic impact. The reconstructed relative water-level curve from the lake coincides with the eustatic sea level curve from 6800 ± 40 cal a BP onwards. There was a distinct increase in abundance of brackish-water diatoms when the sea level reached the threshold of Lilaste, which at that time was probably about 3 m lower than the present sea level. According to radiocarbon-dated shifts in the diatom community composition, the Litorina Sea transgression was a long-lasting event (ca. 2200 years) in the southern part of the Gulf of Riga, where the land uplift rate was near zero. It culminated more than 1000 years later than at other sites with higher uplift, in the northern part of the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Amarga Lagoon, lat. 50°29 S and long. 73°45 S, it is located at the Torres del Paine National Park, Chile. The physical, chemical, and biological features of the lake were studied. According to salinity, the lake is mesosaline. Sodium and chloride were the dominant ions. Nitrogen was potentially limiting for phytoplankton growth. One Cyanophyceae species andArtemia were the predominant species in the plankton.Artemia provided abundant food for flamingoes.  相似文献   

The St.16 core obtained from the Academician Ridge of Lake Baikal in eastern Siberia may span about 260 000 years, and some physical properties of the core samples are closely related to aquatic paleoproductivity and climatic change. The median of grain size, grain density, and water content fluctuate synchronously. They also are connected with change in the abundance of biogenic silica (diatoms). The physical parameters indicate that there were high aquatic productivity periods around interglacial periods (MIS 5 and 7; 70 000-125 000 yr B.P. and 180 000-250 000 yr B.P.). Comparatively large clastics were transported from outside of the lake through various routes (ice rafting, etc.) in addition to fluvial routes during the glacials or 'stadials. There are ca. 20 000 yr, 40 000 yr and 100 000 yr periods in the variations of physical properties. These are related to the three Milankovitch parameters of solar insolation.  相似文献   

The late Quaternary diatom record from subalpine Crowfoot Lake, Banff National Park, Alberta (lat. 51° 61N; long. 116° 31W) has been analyzed. Results are related to independently inferred vegetation and climate changes. No diatoms were found in the basal diamict that predates 11330 14C yr BP. Very few occur until ca. 10 10014 C yr BP probably due to the short time between de-glaciation and an advance of the Crowfoot Glacier during the Younger Dryas Chron. Initial pioneering species were characteristic of alkaline water and calcareous organic sediments. They appeared as sediments became organic and laminated suggesting increasing water clarity, and as the Pinus-dominated forest expanded and the climate warmed. After ca. 9060 14C yr BP diatom numbers increased rapidly, reaching a maximum prior to the Mazama tephra; they remained high until ca. 3500 14C yr BP. The period between ca. 9060 and 3500 14C yr saw timberline elevation increase and the dominance of xerophytic taxa. These are consistent with early to mid-Holocene warmth and aridity. Diatom productivity reflects the warm climate and presumably longer ice-free season, a stable catchment and transparent water. Decreases in diatom productivity coincide with a vegetation change with reduction of xerophytic taxa and the appearance of a closed Picea-Abies forest, hence a cooler, wetter climate at ca. 4100 to 3500 14C yr BP. The diatom numbers during the Neoglacial were of the same magnitude as prior to ca. 9060 14C yr BP. Small species of Fragilaria (overwhelmingly Fragilaria construens v. venter) became extremely dominant during the period of high diatom productivity, and remained so thereafter. Recovery of the lake appears to have been rapid after deposition of the Mazama tephra. Maximum occurrence of Cyclotella radiosa occurred ca. 8000 14C yr BP during the warm early Holocene and may reflect this warmer climate, a longer ice-free season than presently, perhaps less turbid water, or it may reflect a subtly higher nutrient status of the lake water. The diatom record of Crowfoot Lake has responded with sensitivity, particularly in terms of productivity, to the Holocene vegetation and climate changes.  相似文献   

We assess Holocene environmental change at alpine Lake Njulla(68°22N, 18°42E, 999 m a.s.l.) innorthernmost Sweden using sedimentary remains of chironomid head capsules anddiatoms. We apply regional calibration sets to quantitatively reconstruct meanJuly air temperature (using chironomids and diatoms) and lake-water pH(using diatoms). Both chironomids and diatoms infer highest temperatures(1.7–2.3°C above present-day estimates, includinga correction for glacio-isostatic land up-lift by0.6°C) during the early Holocene (c.9,500–8,500 cal. yrs BP). Diatoms suggest a decreasing lake-waterpH trend (c. 0.6 pH units) since the early Holocene. Usingdetrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA), we compare the Holocenedevelopment of diatom communities in Lake Njulla with four other nearby lakes(Lake 850, Lake Tibetanus, Vuoskkujávri, Vuolep Njakajaure) locatedalong an altitudinal gradient. All five lakes show similar initial DCCA scoresafter deglaciation, suggesting that similar environmental processes such ashigh erosion rates and low light availability associated with high summertemperature appear to have regulated the diatom community, favouring highabundances of Fragilaria species. Subsequently, the diatomassemblages develop in a directional manner, but timing and scale ofdevelopment differ substantially between lakes. This is attributed primarily todifferences in the local geology, which is controlling the lake-waterpH. Imposed on the basic geological setting, site-specific processessuch as vegetation development, climate, hydrological setting andin-lake processes appear to control lake development in northernSweden.  相似文献   

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