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概述了网络故障诊断分析、Windows命令行检测工具以及网络故障的排除,并介绍了Windows的一些网络实用工具。  相似文献   

气象业务建设中网络故障及时排除   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1故障诊断1.1硬件连接故障网卡没有连接到主板上,网卡的电源灯和数据灯都不亮,设备管理器中检测不到网卡。网线没有连接好,网卡已经驱动,协议也添加,但仍然不能上网,观察网卡硬件连接,网卡只有一个灯亮,不闪烁。1.2利用系统自带工具进行网络诊断点击“开始→程序→附件→系统工  相似文献   

概述了网络故障诊断分析、Windows命令行检测工具以及网络故障的排除 ,并介绍了Windows的一些网络实用工具。  相似文献   

对气象信息网络中常见的故障进行归纳分析,总结出常见故障的诊断及排除方法。  相似文献   

对气象信息网络中常见的故障进行归纳分析 ,总结出常见故障的诊断及排除方法  相似文献   

近年来,局域网在气象系统广泛应用,常遇到各种故障,下面介绍一下网络故障的诊断和排除方法。  相似文献   

廖齐斌  谢筱惠 《广西气象》2004,25(B12):62-63
简明扼要的介绍了计算机房搬迁过程中所造成的网络故障及解决办法。  相似文献   

对实际工作中出现的一次电源板故障进行分析,提出检测流程和解决措施  相似文献   

由于自动站系统的特殊性,非常规故障较多,为了保证自动站通信畅通,做好自动站网络维护和安全防范是非常必要的.本文根据自动站网络传输常出现的问题,浅析了问题存在的原因,提出了有针对性的解决方法.  相似文献   

下投式探空资料对数值预报初始场影响的个例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对2000年8月加勒比海地区飓风Debby活动期间,连续2个时次中使用下投式探空资料同化分析后,利用英国气象局全球数值预报系统的数值预报分析场和背景场的对比分析,阐明了由于下投式探空资料的引入,较好地描述了实际大气的情况,为数值预报提供了较为接近实际的初始场,从而提高了数值预报的精度。其中以湿度场和风场的贡献为最大。  相似文献   

Continued global action on climate change has major consequences for fossil fuel markets, especially for coal as the most carbon-intensive fuel. This article summarizes current market developments in the most important coal-producing and coal-consuming countries, resulting in a critical qualitative assessment of prospects for future coal exports. Colombia, as the world’s fourth largest exporter, is strongly affected by these global trends, with more than 90% of its production being exported. Market analysis finds Colombia in a strong competitive position, owing to its low production costs and high coal quality. Nevertheless, market trends and enhanced climate policies suggest a gloomy outlook for future exports. Increasing competition on the Atlantic as well as Pacific market will keep coal prices low and continue pressure on mining companies. Increasing numbers of filed bankruptcies and lay-offs might be just the beginning of a carbon bubble devaluing fossil fuel investments and leaving them stranded. Colombia largely supplies European and Mediterranean consumers but also delivers some quantities to the US Gulf Coast, and to Central and South America. Future coal demand in most of these countries will continue to decline in the next decades. Newly constructed power plants in emerging economies (India, China) are unlikely to compensate for this downturn owing to increasing domestic supply and decreasing demand. Therefore, maintaining or even increasing mining volumes in Colombia should be re-evaluated, taking into account new economic realities as well as local externalities. Ignoring these risks could lead to additional stranded investments, aggravating the local resource curse and hampering sustainable economic development.

Key policy insights
  • The climate policies of most of Colombia’s traditional trade partners target steam coal as the more emission-intensive fossil fuel, with many countries implementing or considering a coal phase-out.

  • Coal exporters should re-evaluate their operations and new investments taking into account this new policy environment.

  • To prevent a race to the bottom among coal producers that would favour weak regulation, climate policy makers should also consider the local social and external costs of coal mining, including on health and the local environment.


为了解气象灾害下的网络信息传播模式,围绕"台风利奇马",对2019年8月4-20日从微博采集到的1 387 365条相关信息进行分析。结果表明:(1)台风"利奇马"事件在微博平台的发展趋势比较突出。事件爆发时间为2019年8月10日,台风登陆后媒体关注度迅速上升,将事态发展推向最高点;普通用户为台风"利奇马"灾害信息的主要传播群体,"@人民日报""@央视新闻"为此次事件的意见领袖;(2)词组"台风利奇马"被提及600万次以上,相关热词以地名、时间、灾情、救援、媒体、人物和情绪类词汇为主。微博热词反映了台风过程舆情的关注焦点,可以帮助决策部门快速识别灾害信息,监测台风发生及影响;(3)微博网友使用最多的表情为"爱心",达到168 471人次。74%的网友表达出对受灾地区的声援、关心和祈祷,负面情绪和观点较少;基于以上分析,结合多个历史台风案例,采用传播学中的拉斯韦尔5W模式,构建了台风事件的信息传播模式,揭示其发展的基本形态和规律,并给出舆情引导策略,为灾害性天气事件的公共服务和政府决策提供参考。  相似文献   

A parameterization scheme has been developed to describe the effects of a tall forest on the mean structure of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). The main advantage of the scheme is that dynamical and thermodynamical effects of a forest surface can be simulated satisfactorily using only a coarse-grid resolution within numerical models. Thereby, the canopy layer is parameterized as a quasi-subgrid phenomenon. This makes it possible to study meteorological phenomena within the ABL in a very economical way (with respect to computational time) whereby, nevertheless, more detailed information concerning the forest surface is taken into account than could be done using the same grid resolution and quite simple assumptions describing the canopy, e.g., the effective roughness.The applicability in numerical models is shown by using a slightly modified two-dimensional version of the mesoscale model FITNAH. For comparison, simulations with a high numerical grid resolution within the canopy have been carried out.Model results reproduce the known meteorological phenomena in forested areas, e.g., a stable thermal stratification near the surface during the day, and at night, a neutral — or slightly unstable condition — and, in general, reduced windspeed within the canopy layer.Diurnal variations and spatial distributions of temperature and humidity are found to be similar for both cases. Also, a thermally-induced local circulation system in the vicinity of a large clearing has been simulated satisfactorily.A comparison of the calculated results verifies that the parameterization scheme is quite suitable for simulating the effects of plant canopies on the distributions of meteorological variables in the ABL.  相似文献   

中国水稻气象情报服务系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国水稻气象情报服务系统是一个全国水稻物候和产量动态监测系统。它以我国现行水稻气象监测网数据为信息源,通过系统内有机联系的三类功能模块和若干数据文件,实现对气象旬报的改错、补报和换算;自动建立中近期配套的预测模式,完成包括显示、打印、填图等形式的服务。本文简要介绍了本系统的功能、软件结构和模式组建等研究成果。  相似文献   

公众订阅气象服务短信行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着移动电话在中国的普及,气象服务短信已经成为气象信息传播的三大主要手段之一。基于课题组2009年的调查数据,运用非参数检验、Logistic回归、判定数模型对公众订阅气象服务短信行为进行了研究。结果表明:不同性别、不同居住地、不同年龄、不同学历、不同收入的公众在订阅气象服务短信行为上均存在显著差异,公众对天气预报能否节省费用的认可度、收入、居住地、预报准确性和性别等因素显著影响短信订阅行为,其中公众对天气预报能否节省费用的认可度与公众收入是最重要的影响因素,如果公众认为天气预报能节省费用则其订阅气象服务的概率会提高59.1%,同时公众收入越高,其订阅气象服务的概率越高,月收入每增加一个层次(问卷所设计的层次),订阅气象服务短信的概率可提高23.1%。本研究对于提高气象服务短信订阅率,进而进一步提升公众气象服务效益有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

苹果品质与气象条件关系的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
余优森  蒲永义 《气象》1991,17(3):22-26

气象结构化数据包含地面小时数据、地面分钟数据等多种数据种类,在分析和调用中需要利用时间属性和空间属性。随着数据量日益增大,高并发、复杂统计条件下的查询与统计对数据库的效率要求十分严苛。在此背景下,传统的关系型数据库逐渐难以满足实时应用需求。本文使用不同类型的分布式数据库和关系型数据库,结合气象业务使用场景,探索多种类型下数据库的使用性能,研究不同场景的性能差异与不同数据库架构框架之间的关系,以提高数据服务实时响应能力。  相似文献   

云南省森林火险气象等级区划研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以云南省为研究区,采用防火期内插值到每个格点的月平均降水量、月平均气温、月平均风速、月平均蒸发量、月平均相对湿度5个气象因子,以及栅格化的云南省树种和土地利用分布作为火险区划因子,通过将其标准化并赋予各因子不同的权重,利用ARCGIS的分析计算功能,对云南省防火期内进行森林火险气象等级划分,并以历史林火统计结果作为验证。从区划结果来看,12月至次年5月森林火险气象等级的发展趋势符合云南的实际情况。通过对照历史林火统计结果,该结果能反映云南省大部地区在防火期不同月份的森林火险气象等级分布规律  相似文献   

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