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A scheme for the fractionation and concentration of suspended particulate matter (SPM) from natural waters has been tested. This scheme involves the sequential use of three fractionation techniques—sieving, continuous flow centrifugation and tangential flow filtration to collect gram amounts of SPM over the entire particulate and colloidal size range. The separation scheme is able to process large samples (ca. 1001), within reasonable times (ca. 1 day) and the apparatus is portable. Reproducibility and potential artifacts introducing during the fractionation and concentration of SPM, particularly when tangential flow filtration is used, are discussed. It has been shown that there is a systematic increase in the content of organic carbon, Mg, Ca, Na, K, Cu and Zn with decreasing particle size, highlighting the importance of the colloidal ( < 1 μm) fraction.  相似文献   

Artificial reefs can enhance habitat heterogeneity, especially in seabed degraded by bottom-dredging and trawling. However, the trophodynamics of such reef systems are not well understood. This study provided baseline data on trophic relationships in the benthic environment associated with artificial reefs in late spring and mid summer of subtropical Hong Kong, using fatty acid profiles as an indicator. Data from sediments collected at the reef base, materials from sediment traps deployed on top and bottom of the reefs, total particulate matter from the water column and oyster tissues from reef surface were subjected to principal component analysis. Results showed variations of fatty acid profiles in the total particulate matter, upper sediment trap and oyster tissue samples collected in the two samplings, indicating seasonal, trophodynamic changes within the reef system. The wastes produced by fish aggregating at the reefs can also contribute a source of biodeposits to the nearby benthic environment.  相似文献   

During four surveys at spring and neap tides in July and November 2005, continuous observations were conducted at four stations adjacent to the Changjiang (Yangtze River) mouth. The observation times lasted for 26 h that covered two consecutive semidiurnal cycles. Resuspension events and subsequently enhancements of suspended particulate matter (SPM) were commonly observed within a tidal cycle. Although nutrients (SiO32−, NO3, and PO43−) were primarily governed by salinity, their statistically significant correlations with SPM could always be extracted after partial correlation analysis. Three parameter (salinity, SPM, nutrients) regressions generally produced better results of simulating nutrient concentrations than two parameter (salinity and nutrients) regressions, although compared to the latter, the former R2 values were elevated by no more than 13%. The partial correlation between SPM and a specific nutrient could be either positive or negative in different surveys, suggesting SPM influenced the nutrients in different ways under various conditions. The minor (albeit statistically significant) impacts of highly dynamic SPM on nutrients might be ascribed to the short duration time of resuspension events and estuarine mixing process, together with the complex nature of circulation in the Changjiang plume seawater.  相似文献   

The levels of selected organic markers, including 17 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 16 of which are classified as priority pollutants by the US-EPA and perylene, aliphatic hydrocarbons (total and linear alkanes) and petroleum biomarkers (hopanes and steranes), were measured in suspended particulate matter (SPM) of the Mundaú-Manguaba estuarine-lagoon system (MMELS) in northeastern Brazil and the Paraíba do Sul River (PSR) estuary in southeastern Brazil, both of which are affected by sugarcane agriculture and urbanization. A total of 33 surface water samples of SPM were collected (22 from the MMELS and 11 from the PSR). The ∑16PAH ranged from 221 to 1243 ng g−1 in the MMELS and from 228 to 1814 ng g−1 in the PSR. Hopane and sterane concentrations in the PSR were higher than in the MMELS due to the input from petrogenic sources in PSR. The contributions of higher plants were also observed by n-alkane analyses. The PAH isomeric ratios indicated that the SPM from MMELS showed characteristics of combustion from biomass or petroleum and PSR was associated to petrogenic input, either from combustion or from unburned petroleum. Three sampling sites located near to the sugarcane plant and mouth of the rivers showed higher PAH concentrations and may largely be considered as highly contaminated. However, levels of n-alkanes and petroleum biomarkers in both study areas were relatively low.  相似文献   

Monitoring and modeling of the distribution of suspended particulate matter (SPM) is an important task, especially in coastal environments. Several SPM models have been developed for the North Sea. However, due to waves in shallow water and strong tidal currents in the southern part of the North Sea, this is still a challenging task. In general there is a lack of measurements to determine initial distributions of SPM in the bottom sediment and essential model parameters, e.g., appropriate exchange coefficients. In many satellite-borne ocean color images of the North Sea a plume is visible, which is caused by the scattering of light at SPM in the upper ocean layer. The intensity and length of the plume depends on the wave and current climate. It is well known that the SPM plume is especially obvious shortly after strong storm events. In this paper a quasi-3-D and a 3-D SPM transport model are presented. Utilizing the synergy of satellite-borne ocean color data with numerical models, the vertical exchange coefficients due to currents and waves are derived. This results in models that for the first time are able to reproduce the temporal and spatial evolution of the plume intensity. The SPM models consist of several modules to compute ocean dynamics, the vertical and horizontal exchange of SPM in the water column, and exchange processes with the seabed such as erosion, sedimentation, and resuspension. In the bottom layer, bioturbation via benthos and diffusion processes is taken into account.Responsible Editor: Jörg-Olaf Wolff  相似文献   

A total of 1008 samples were collected from the eight major riverine runoff outlets in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) during 2005-2006 to estimate the fluxes of total organic carbon (TOC) to the coastal ocean off South China. The average dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration was 1.67 mg/L with a range of 1.38-2.13 mg/L. Concentrations of particulate organic carbon (POC) ranged from 2.66-4.12% of total suspended particulate matter (SPM). The fluxes of TOC and SPM from the PRD via the eight outlets were 9.2 x 10(5) and 2.5 x 10(7)tons/yr, respectively. Temporal variations in POC and DOC were observed at all outlets due to the large variability in runoff levels because of the seasonality of rainfall, and the riverine discharge amount was an important factor controlling TOC flux. The net contribution of organic carbon from the PRD to the coastal ocean represented approximately 0.1-0.2% of total organic carbon transported by rivers worldwide.  相似文献   

During two sampling seasons we analyzed on weekly basis fatty acid (FA) composition of seston fraction <130 μm and zooplankton fraction >130 μm, and compared them using a multivariate canonical correlation analysis (CCA). Besides, we evaluated a possible impact of water temperature and inorganic nutrients on FA composition of the seston and the zooplankton.In spite of significant differences in percentages of several individual FAs, we found very strong canonical correlation (cross-correlation, 1-week lag) between FA composition of the seston and the zooplankton. The most important factor, providing the overall canonical cross-correlation between FA profiles of the seston and the zooplankton fractions was eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5ω3, EPA). FA composition of the zooplankton fraction had comparatively poor correlations with taxonomic composition of the zooplankton. Thus, seasonal variations of FA composition of the zooplankton were determined primarily by seasonal changes in FA composition of the seston, rather than by taxonomic differences of FA profiles between rotifers, cyclopoids and cladocerans. FA composition of the seston was strongly affected by its taxonomic composition, namely by that of phytoplankton. According to CCA, the highest factor loadings pertained to diatoms interacting with their marker acids, including EPA, and cyanobacteria and greens, interacting with their marker acids. Ciliates and small rotifers composed considerable and sometimes major part of the seston biomass, but according to CCA their contributions to seasonal variations of the total FA profile of the seston were insignificant. This finding indirectly support the conclusion of the other authors, that the main source of FAs presented in ciliates and rotifers must be sought in algae and that they do not modify FA composition of food consumed, apart from repackaging it.Water temperature was the principal environmental parameter which drove the overall variations of FA composition. Factor loadings for the inorganic nutrients were comparatively negligible. The main contribution in the seasonal variation of FA composition of the seston was given by negative interaction between water temperature and percentage of EPA in the seston.  相似文献   

Green-lipped mussels (Perna viridis) were collected from seven fish culture zones (FCZs) in Hong Kong and analyzed for okadaic acid (OA). A conventional HPLC method was modified by incorporating a proteinase K digestion step. Results suggest that a higher recovery (2.5 times higher) of OA was obtained from spiked samples after the addition of 1.08 mg proteinase K in comparison with samples incubated without the proteolytic enzyme. For the hepatopancreas (HP) of individual field-collected mussels, the additional digestion step can enhance OA extraction by 3.1 times. Spatial and temporal variations in OA concentrations in the mussels from various FCZs were investigated. The highest concentration of OA in mussel HP samples was 1164.9 ng/g HP wet wt. With respect to OA concentrations in whole mussel tissues from seven sites and four seasonal samplings, the concentrations were between 70.0 and 131.0 ng/g wet wt., which did not exceed the generally recognized international regulatory criteria (>200 ng/g) for OA.  相似文献   

Green-lipped mussels (Perna viridis) were collected from seven fish culture zones (FCZs) in Hong Kong and analyzed for okadaic acid (OA). A conventional HPLC method was modified by incorporating a proteinase K digestion step. Results suggest that a higher recovery (2.5 times higher) of OA was obtained from spiked samples after the addition of 1.08 mg proteinase K in comparison with samples incubated without the proteolytic enzyme. For the hepatopancreas (HP) of individual field-collected mussels, the additional digestion step can enhance OA extraction by 3.1 times. Spatial and temporal variations in OA concentrations in the mussels from various FCZs were investigated. The highest concentration of OA in mussel HP samples was 1164.9 ng/g HP wet wt. With respect to OA concentrations in whole mussel tissues from seven sites and four seasonal samplings, the concentrations were between 70.0 and 131.0 ng/g wet wt., which did not exceed the generally recognized international regulatory criteria (>200 ng/g) for OA.  相似文献   

A monthly comparative study of mesozooplankton biomass and composition between a eutrophic Pearl River estuarine site (WE) and a mesotrophic coastal-oceanic site (EO) in Hong Kong waters was conducted to examine the response of mesozooplankton to nutrient-rich riverine discharge. Although the annual average mesozooplankton biomass was higher at WE than at EO, they were not statistically significant. Variations of mesozooplankton biomass at both stations followed similar trends of Chl a concentrations, with the exception of July at WE where mesozooplankton biomass was low but total Chl a was high. This mismatch may be due to the high flushing effect of the Pearl River discharge in summer and a time lag in mesozooplankton population growth. On the other hand, the composition of mesozooplankton was significantly modified by riverine discharge and eutrophication conditions. While small copepods dominated at both sites, the eutrophic estuarine water had a high abundance of barnacle and polychaete larvae, while cladocerans, bivalve larvae, gastropod larvae and chaetognaths mainly occurred at EO. Eutrophication increased the top-down role of copepods in the grazing community, revealed by an increase in the percentage of copepods in the total metazoan mesozooplankton, especially during the period of high river discharge. Moreover, mesozooplankton diversity at the two stations was similar, and they both showed relatively higher diversity during autumn and winter and lower diversity during summer, especially at WE. These results suggest that, despite high nutrient and Chl a concentrations in estuarine waters, mesozooplankton biomass were not enhanced compared to coastal waters with no river impact, possibly due to poor food quality and increased predation in the eutrophic estuarine waters.  相似文献   

Green-lipped mussels, Perna viridis, and Manila clams, Ruditapes philippinarum were sourced from “clean” sites in the Hong Kong region, depurated in a laboratory using uncontaminated filtered seawater for 8 days, and transplanted to a suspected gradient of chemically polluted sites in Hong Kong. After 14- and 28-days of field exposure, several antioxidant parameters including glutathione S transferase (GST), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and glutathione (GSH) were quantified in gill and hepatopancreas tissues. Whole body tissue concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCs) were determined in pooled site samples. Chemical analyses indicated that: (a) clams had higher levels of PAHs, PHCs, DDTs and PCBs, whereas mussels had higher hexachlorocyclohexane (HCHs) and there was no difference between species for dieldrin and remaining OCs; (b) Kat O should not be continued as a “clean” reference site for Hong Kong, because of the levels of contaminants measured and (c) PAH concentrations in the current survey were similar to those previously measured. Toxicological conclusions were: (a) antioxidant responses were different between species; (b) CAT and GST have highest utility in clams for field use in Hong Kong, whereas CAT in both gill and hepatopancreas tissue showed most potential in mussels; (c) significant induction of antioxidant responses over day 0 (excluding GPx in both tissues, and GST in mussel hepatic tissue); (d) groups of contaminants do not consistently induce antioxidant responses and (e) organochlorines and PCBs correlated significantly with CAT and GST in clam hepatopancreas and with CAT in mussel gill and hepatic tissue. Multivariate statistical techniques indicated little relationship between the site patterns for antioxidant responses and the contaminant gradients identified in body burden analysis.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of particulate organic matter (POM) in surface water and 63–200 μm-sized microphytoplankton collected at the fluorescence maximum were studied in four sites in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean), a marine area influenced by the Rhone River inputs, in May and November 2004. Some environmental (temperature, salinity) and biological (POM, Chlorophyll a and phaeopigments contents, phytoplankton biomass and composition) parameters were also analysed. Significantly different C and N isotopic signatures between surface water POM and microphytoplankton were recorded in all sites and seasons. Surface water POM presented systematically lower δ13C (∼4.2‰) and higher δ15N (∼2.8‰) values than those of microphytoplankton, due to a higher content of continental and detrital material. Seasonal variations were observed for all environmental and biological parameters, except salinity. Water temperature was lower in May than in November, the fluorescence maximum was located deeper and the Chlorophyll a content and the phytoplankton biomass were higher, along with low PON/Chl a ratio, corresponding to spring bloom conditions. At all sites and seasons, diatoms dominated the phytoplankton community in abundance, whereas dinoflagellate importance increased in autumn particularly in coastal sites. C and N isotopic signatures of phytoplankton did not vary with season. However, the δ15N of surface water POM was significantly higher in November than in May in all sites likely in relation to an increase in 15N/14N ratio of the Rhone River POM which influenced surface water in the Gulf of Lions. As it is important to determine true baseline values of primary producers for analysing marine food webs, this study demonstrated that C and N isotopic values of surface water POM cannot be used as phytoplankton proxy in coastal areas submitted to high river inputs.  相似文献   

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