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The existence of partially ionized, diffuse gas and dust clouds at kiloparsec scale distances above the central planes of edge-on, galaxy discs was an unexpected discovery about 20 years ago. Subsequent observations showed that this extended or extraplanar diffuse interstellar gas (EDIG) has rotation velocities approximately 10–20 per cent lower than those in the central plane, and has been hard to account for. Here, we present results of hydrodynamic models, with radiative cooling and heating from star formation. We find that in models with star formation generated stochastically across the disc, an extraplanar gas layer is generated as long as the star formation is sufficiently strong. However, this gas rotates at nearly the same speed as the midplane gas. We then studied a range of models with imposed spiral or bar waves in the disc. EDIG layers were also generated in these models, but primarily over the wave regions, not over the entire disc. Because of this partial coverage, the EDIG clouds move radially, as well as vertically, with the result that observed kinematic anomalies are reproduced. The implication is that the kinematic anomalies are the result of three-dimensional motions when the cylindrical symmetry of the disc is broken. Thus, the kinematic anomalies are the result of bars or strong waves, and more face-on galaxies with such waves should have an asymmetric EDIG component. The models also indicate that the EDIG can contain a significant fraction of cool gas, and that some star formation can be triggered at considerable heights above the disc mid-plane. We expect all of these effects to be more prominent in young, forming discs, to play a role in rapidly smoothing disc asymmetries and in working to self-regulate disc structure.  相似文献   

We present new models for the formation of disc galaxies that improve upon previous models by following the detailed accretion and cooling of the baryonic mass, and by using realistic distributions of specific angular momentum. Under the assumption of detailed angular momentum conservation, the discs that form have density distributions that are more centrally concentrated than an exponential. We examine the influence of star formation, bulge formation, and feedback on the outcome of the surface brightness distributions of the stars. Low angular momentum haloes yield disc galaxies with a significant bulge component and with a stellar disc that is close to exponential, in good agreement with observations. High angular momentum haloes, on the other hand, produce stellar discs that are much more concentrated than an exponential, in clear conflict with observations. At large radii, the models reveal distinct truncation radii in both the stars and the cold gas. The stellar truncation radii result from our implementation of star formation threshold densities, and are in excellent agreement with observations. The truncation radii in the density distribution of the cold gas reflect the maximum specific angular momentum of the gas that has cooled. We find that these truncation radii occur at H  i surface densities of roughly 1 M pc−2, in conflict with observations. We examine various modifications to our models, including feedback, viscosity, and dark matter haloes with constant-density cores, but show that the models consistently fail to produce bulge less discs with exponential surface brightness profiles. This signals a new problem for the standard model of disc formation: if the baryonic component of the protogalaxies out of which disc galaxies form has the same angular momentum distribution as the dark matter, discs are too compact.  相似文献   

Galactic winds and mass outflows are observed both in nearby starburst galaxies and in high-redshift star-forming galaxies. We develop a simple analytic model to understand the observed superwind phenomenon with a discussion of the model uncertainties. Our model is built upon the model of McKee & Ostriker for the interstellar medium. It allows one to predict how properties of a superwind, such as wind velocity and mass outflow rate, are related to properties of its starforming host galaxy, such as size, gas density and star formation rate. The model predicts a threshold of star formation rate density for the generation of observable galactic winds. Galaxies with more concentrated star formation activities produce superwinds with higher velocities. The predicted mass outflow rates are comparable to (or slightly larger than) the corresponding star formation rates. We apply our model to both local starburst galaxies and high-redshift Lyman break galaxies, and find its predictions to be in good agreement with current observations. Our model is simple and so can be easily incorporated into numerical simulations and semi-analytical models of galaxy formation.  相似文献   

Void regions of the Universe offer a special environment for studying cosmology and galaxy formation, which may expose weaknesses in our understanding of these phenomena. Although galaxies in voids are observed to be predominately gas rich, star forming and blue, a subpopulation of bright-red void galaxies can also be found, whose star formation was shutdown long ago. Are the same processes that quench star formation in denser regions of the Universe also at work in voids?
We compare the luminosity function of void galaxies in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey, to those from a galaxy formation model built on the Millennium simulation. We show that a global star formation suppression mechanism in the form of low-luminosity 'radio-mode' active galactic nuclei (AGN) heating is sufficient to reproduce the observed population of void early types. Radio-mode heating is environment independent other than its dependence on dark matter halo mass, where, above a critical mass threshold of approximately   M vir∼ 1012.5 M  , gas cooling on to the galaxy is suppressed and star formation subsequently fades. In the Millennium simulation, the void halo mass function is shifted with respect to denser environments, but still maintains a high-mass tail above this critical threshold. In such void haloes, radio-mode heating remains efficient and red galaxies are found; collectively these galaxies match the observed space density without any modification to the model. Consequently, galaxies living in vastly different large-scale environments but hosted by haloes of similar mass are predicted to have similar properties, consistent with observations.  相似文献   

We present the results of a set of three-dimensional SPH-Treecode simulations which model the formation and early evolution of disc galaxies, including the generation and return of heavy elements to the interstellar medium by star formation. Starting from simple initial conditions which are given by a uniform density sphere of gas which is embedded in a dark matter halo and in solid-body rotation, we are able to form realistic disc galaxies, and find that an exponential gas disc is quickly formed. Star formation within this exponential disc naturally leads to the formation of abundance gradients which are in broad agreement with those observed, although they are slightly shallower than some observations.
We investigate the systematic effects of variation of mass, rotation and star formation parameters on the abundance gradients. We find that the abundance gradients are most sensitive to changes in the star formation parameters or rotation. Including a critical-density cut-off in the star formation law causes abundance gradients to be steepened.
Analysis of gas flows within the models shows radial flows which are a function of angle of azimuth around the galaxies, with alternating inward and outward flows. This motion is linked to the presence of a bar, whose strength is related to the amount of star formation in the models, and there is a gentle drift of mass inwards. The shallow abundance gradients may be linked to these radial flows.  相似文献   

We present observations ( B, R, K , Hα and H  i ) of six nearby low surface brightness galaxies (LSBGs). They show an astonishing amount of variety; while some systems appear smooth and featureless, others resolve into loose assemblies of gas clouds. We have derived rotation curves, gas surface density profiles and star formation thresholds for three of the galaxies.
The results have been used to test two ideas describing their star formation: one in which star formation depends solely on the H  i gas surface density, and one that depends on differential rotation. We find that a critical H  i surface density criterion in the range  2.6–12.6 × 1020 cm−2 (2.1–10.1 M pc−2)  best describes the star-forming ability of these galaxies on local and global scales. A critical gas surface density based on the rotation of the gas is also able to describe the results on a global scale for two of the three galaxies for which we were able to derive rotation curves.  相似文献   

We present observations of the stellar and gas kinematics for a representative sample of 24 Sa galaxies obtained with our custom-built integral-field spectrograph SAURON operating on the William Herschel Telescope. The data have been homogeneously reduced and analysed by means of a dedicated pipeline. All resulting data cubes were spatially binned to a minimum mean signal-to-noise ratio of 60 per spatial and spectral resolution element. Our maps typically cover the bulge-dominated region. We find a significant fraction of kinematically decoupled components (12/24), many of them displaying central velocity dispersion minima. They are mostly aligned and co-rotating with the main body of the galaxies, and are usually associated with dust discs and rings detected in unsharp-masked images. Almost all the galaxies in the sample (22/24) contain significant amounts of ionized gas which, in general, is accompanied by the presence of dust. The kinematics of the ionized gas are consistent with circular rotation in a disc co-rotating with respect to the stars. The distribution of mean misalignments between the stellar and gaseous angular momenta in the sample suggests that the gas has an internal origin. The [O  iii ]/Hβ ratio is usually very low, indicative of current star formation, and shows various morphologies (ring-like structures, alignments with dust lanes or amorphous shapes). The star formation rates (SFRs) in the sample are comparable with that of normal disc galaxies. Low gas velocity dispersion values appear to be linked to regions of intense star formation activity. We interpret this result as stars being formed from dynamically cold gas in those regions. In the case of NGC 5953, the data suggest that we are witnessing the formation of a kinematically decoupled component from cold gas being acquired during the ongoing interaction with NGC 5954.  相似文献   

In binary stellar systems, exoplanet searches have revealed planetary mass companions orbiting both in circumstellar and in circumbinary orbits. Modelling studies suggest increased dynamical complexity around the young stars that form such systems. Circumstellar and circumbinary disks likely exhibit different physical conditions for planet formation, which also depends on the stellar separation. Although binaries and higher order multiple stars are relatively common in nearby star-forming regions, surprisingly few systems with circumbinary distributions of proto-planetary material have been found. With its spectacular ring of dust and gas encircling the central triple star, one such system, GG Tau A, has become a unique laboratory for investigating the physics of circumsystem gas and dust evolution. We review here its physical properties.  相似文献   

It is well known that galaxies accumulating large quantities of gas undergo violent bursts of star formation. This is believed to be due to tidal interactions of galaxies leading to the infall of gas into their central regions. Bursts of star formation in this scenario are transitory phenomena and can be induced only by external sources.However, in some cases there is no direct evidence of tidal interactions in starburst galaxies.We discuss another possibility of bursting phenomena in galaxies connected with nonlinear feedback processes in mass-exchange between components of star-forming region. We consider a three-component model including cold clouds, warm gas and massive stars and take into account the delay processes in the transformation of hot gas ejected by massive stars and evaporated from cold phase, into the warm phase. Self-regulating mechanism of phase transition of small clouds into warm gas due to heating radiation of massive stars is also taken into account.The analysis of stability of the system shows that it could be unstable even in case of a small efficiency in the birth of massive stars. The evolution of unstable nonlinear perturbations leads to the development of self-sustained nonlinear oscillations of star formation.  相似文献   

富坚 《天文学进展》2011,(4):473-476
星际气体是星系中重子物质的重要组成部分,其中的分子气体(主要是分子氢H2)以及原子气体(主要是中性氢HI)对于星系中发生的各个物理过程至关重要。本文在前人的星系形成和演化的半解析模型基础上,加入了描述星系盘中分子气体和原子气体成分的物理模型,来研究分子气体和原子气体对于星系形成和演化所起的作用。我们主要使用了马普天体物理所Munich Group的L-Galaxies半解析星系形成模型,并借鉴了星系化学演化模型的方法,把半解析模型中的每一个星系盘分成了多个同心圆圈,然后在每个圈中分别追踪气体下落、分子气体和原子气体转化、恒星形成、金属增丰、超新星爆发加热冷气体等发生在星系盘上的物理过程,并且每个同心圈都是独立演化的。在我们的模型中,一个基本假设是每个时间步内气体都是以指数形式下落到星系盘上,并且直接叠加在已有的气体径向面密度轮廓之上,其中指数盘的标长rd正比于星系所在暗物质晕的维里半径rvir与旋转参量λ的乘积。我们的模型使用了两种描述分子气体形成的模型:一种是基于Krumholz等人解析模型的结果,其中分子气体的比例与局域气体面密度以及局域气体金属丰度相关;另一种是分子气体比例与星际压强相关的模型,根据Obreschkow等人的近似,分子气体的比例与气体面密度以及恒星质量面密度相关。由于恒星形成过程发生在星际巨分子云之中,并且根据Leroy等人的观测结果,恒星形成率面密度近似正比于分子气体的面密度,因此我们在模型中使用了与分子气体面密度相关的恒星形成规律。  相似文献   

We argue for implementing star formation on a viscous time-scale in hydrodynamical simulations of disc galaxy formation and evolution. Modelling two-dimensional isolated disc galaxies with the Bhatnagar–Gross–Krook (BGK) hydrocode, we verify the analytic claim of various authors that if the characteristic time-scale for star formation is equal to the viscous time-scale in discs, the resulting stellar profile is exponential on several scalelengths whatever the initial gas and dark matter profile. This casts new light on both numerical and semi-analytical disc formation simulations that either (a) commence star formation in an already exponential gaseous disc, (b) begin a disc simulation with conditions known to lead to an exponential, i.e. the collapse of a spherically symmetric nearly uniform sphere of gas in solid-body rotation under the assumption of specific angular momentum conservation, or (c) in simulations performed in a hierarchical context, tune their feedback processes to delay disc formation until the dark matter haloes are slowly evolving and without much substructure so that the gas has the chance to collapse under conditions known to give exponentials. In such models, star formation follows a Schmidt-like law, which for lack of a suitable time-scale, resorts to an efficiency parameter. With star formation prescribed on a viscous time-scale, however, we find gas and star fractions after ∼12 Gyr that are consistent with observations without having to invoke a 'fudge factor' for star formation. Our results strongly suggest that despite our gap in understanding the exact link between star formation and viscosity, the viscous time-scale is indeed the natural time-scale for star formation.  相似文献   

Chemo-dynamical models have been introduced in the late eighties andare a generally accepted tool for understanding galaxy evolution. Theyhave been successfully applied to one-dimensional problems, e.g. theevolution of non-rotating galaxies, and two-dimensional problems,e.g. the evolution of disk galaxies. Recently, also three-dimensionalchemo-dynamical models have become available. In these models thedynamics of different components, i.e. dark matter, stars and amulti-phase interstellar medium, are treated in a self-consistent wayand several processes allow for an exchange of matter, energy andmomentum between the components or different gas phases. Some resultsof chemo-dynamical models and their comparison with observations ofchemical abundances or star formation histories will be reviewed.  相似文献   

We calculate chemical evolution models for four dwarf spheroidal (dSph) satellites of the Milky Way (Carina, Ursa Minor, Leo I and Leo II) for which reliable non-parametric star formation histories have been derived. In this way, the independently-obtained star formation histories are used to constrain the evolution of the systems we are treating. This allows us to obtain robust inferences on the history of such crucial parameters of galactic evolution as gas infall, gas outflows and global metallicities for these systems. We can then trace the metallicity and abundance ratios of the stars formed, the gas present at any time within the systems and the details of gas ejection, of relevance to enrichment of the galaxies environment. We find that galaxies showing one single burst of star formation (Ursa Minor and Leo II) require a dark halo slightly larger that the current estimates for their tidal radii, or the presence of a metal-rich selective wind that might carry away much of the energy output of their supernovae before this might have interacted and heated the gas content, for the gas to be retained until the observed stellar populations have formed. Systems showing extended star formation histories (Carina and Leo I), however, are consistent with the idea that their tidally-limited dark haloes provide the necessary gravitational potential wells to retain their gas. The complex time structure of the star formation in these systems remains difficult to understand. Observations of detailed abundance ratios for Ursa Minor strongly suggest that the star formation history of this galaxy might in fact resemble the complex picture presented by Carina or Leo I, but localized at a very early epoch.  相似文献   

We have constructed a family of simple models for spiral galaxy evolution to allow us to investigate observational trends in star formation history with galaxy parameters. The models are used to generate broad-band colours from which ages and metallicities are derived in the same way as the data. We generate a grid of model galaxies and select only those that lie in regions of parameter space covered by the sample. The data are consistent with the proposition that the star formation history of a region within a galaxy depends primarily on the local surface density of the gas but that one or two additional ingredients are required to explain the observational data fully. The observed age gradients appear steeper than those produced by the density dependent star formation law, indicating that the star formation law or infall history must vary with galactocentric radius. Furthermore, the metallicity–magnitude and age–magnitude correlations are not reproduced by a local density dependence alone. These correlations require one or both of the following: (i) a combination of mass dependent infall and metal enriched outflow, or (ii) a mass dependent galaxy formation epoch. Distinguishing these possibilities on the basis of current data is extremely difficult.  相似文献   

This review presents recent results on protoplanetary disks obtained from angularly resolved observations. Observations with mm arrays show that disks are in Keplerian rotation, with radius as large as 1000 AU. Optical images show disks to be flared. Both type of observations imply the dust in disk has evolved and grown from interstellar dust. Measurement of the gas temperature from CO isotopes indicate temperature gradient, consistent with the disk flaring and heating by the central star. Disks which appear to have started to dissipate their initial gas content have also been discovered, but their very diverse aspects leaves the dissipation process unclear. Current data mostly concern the outer disk (>50 AU), although near-IR interferometry has started to unveil the innermost regions (<1 AU). The next generation of instruments (MIDI on VLTI, ALMA) will allow to probe the intermediate regime, where planet formation is expected to occur.  相似文献   

The galaxy populations in present-day clusters are distinctly different from those of the field, indicating that environment plays a strong role in galaxy evolution. This review discusses some of the recent observations of moderate to high redshift clusters. A consistent picture of galaxy evolution in clusters appears to be emerging, which includes a population of galaxies which formed early in the cluster history, as well as field galaxies which have had their star formation truncated upon falling into the cluster potential. Galaxy interactions probably play an important role in exhausting star formation in some of these galaxies. However, there is significant variation in the populations of different cluster samples, with substantial evidence that some galaxies have their star formation terminated more gradually. This suggests that different mechanisms may dominate in different clusters, perhaps because of the recent merging history of the clusters. We also present a recent analysis of population gradients in clusters which suggests that the observed evolution in cluster populations is consistent with a scenario where changing infall rates drive the fraction of star forming galaxies in clusters, rather than a changing physical mechanism within the cluster. Thus, galaxy populations may provide a fundamental measure of the growth of large scale structure. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

History of Star Formation and Chemical Enrichment in the Milky Way Disk   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Based on a physical treatment of the star formation law similar to that given by Efstathiou, we have improved our two-component chemical evolution model for the Milky Way disk. Two gas infall rates are compared, one exponential, one Gaussian. It is shown that the star formation law adopted in this paper depends more strongly on the gas surface density than that in Chang et al. It has large effects on the history of star formation and gas evolution of the whole disk. In the solar neighborhood, the history of chemical evolution and star formation is not sensitive to whether the infall rate is Gaussian or exponential. For the same infall time scale, both forms predict the same behavior for the current properties of the Galactic disk. The model predictions do depend on whether or not the infall time scale varies with the radius, but current available observations cannot decide which case is the more realistic. Our results also show that it would be inadequate to describe the gradient evolution along the Gala  相似文献   

康熙 《天文学进展》2005,23(2):135-143
基于目前流行的冷暗物质等级成团理论的星系形成的半解析模型取得了很大进展.在引入一系列合理的关于重子物质物理过程的假设,如气体冷却、恒星形成率、超新星能量反馈以后,结合N体数值模拟,星系形成的半解析模型一方面能较成功地预言许多与观测符合的近邻星系的性质,如光度函数、星系的两点相关函数、Thlly-Fisher关系、星系团中椭圆星系的颜色一星等关系等;另一方面还能较成功地预言宇宙的恒星形成历史,以及一部分高红移星系的性质,如Lyman-Break星系的数目随红移的分布.但是最近一些观测表明,半解析模型在高红移预言的大质量星系较少,且红星系数目也较观测少.重点讨论半解析模型成功与不足之处,并指出解决这些问题可能的途径。  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2000,44(4-6):249-256
We are studying star formation effects on the properties of the ISM in low metallicity environments using mid-infrared (MIR) and far-infrared (FIR) observations of starbursting dwarf galaxies taken with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) and the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO). Effects of the hard pervasive radiation field on the gas and dust due to the dust-poor environments are apparent in both the dust and gas components. From a 158 μm [CII] survey we find enhanced I[CII]/FIR ratios in dwarf galaxies and I[CII]/I(CO) ratios up to 10 times higher than those for normal metallicity starburst galaxies. We consider MIR observations in understanding the star formation properties of dwarf galaxies and constraints on the stellar SED. Notably, the strong MIR [NeIII]/[NeII] ratios reveal the presence of current massive stellar populations <5 My old in NGC 1569, NGC 1140 and IIZw40. The MIR unidentified infrared bands (UIBs) are weak, if present at all, as a general characteristic in low metallicity environments, revealing the destruction of the smallest carbon particles (e.g. PAHs) over large spatial scales. This is confirmed with our dust modeling: mass fractions of PAHs are almost negligible compared to the larger silicate grains emitting in the FIR as well as the small carbon grains emitting in the MIR, which appear to be the source of the photoelectric gas heating in these galaxies, in view of the [CII] cooling.  相似文献   

Stellar populations contain the most important information about star cluster formation and evolution. Until several decades ago, star clusters were believed to be ideal laboratories for studies of simple stellar populations(SSPs). However, discoveries of multiple stellar populations in Galactic globular clusters have expanded our view on stellar populations in star clusters. They have simultaneously generated a number of controversies, particularly as to whether young star clusters may have the same origin as old globular clusters. In addition, extensive studies have revealed that the SSP scenario does not seem to hold for some intermediate-age and young star clusters either, thus making the origin of multiple stellar populations in star clusters even more complicated. Stellar population anomalies in numerous star clusters are well-documented, implying that the notion of star clusters as true SSPs faces serious challenges. In this review, we focus on stellar populations in massive clusters with different ages. We present the history and progress of research in this active field, as well as some of the most recent improvements, including observational results and scenarios that have been proposed to explain the observations. Although our current ability to determine the origin of multiple stellar populations in star clusters is unsatisfactory, we propose a number of promising projects that may contribute to a significantly improved understanding of this subject.  相似文献   

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