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用射电天文联合实验室紫金山天文台青海站13.7米望远镜,于1997年4月对97个水脉泽源做了CO(J=1-0)的巡测及部分成图观测,结果表明81个源的谱线适于作成协星体活动分析.经初步证认有外向流候选者33个,全部为首次给出高速范围.对其轮廓特点及与H2O脉泽辐射的关系作了简要讨论.CO高速气体和H2O脉泽的速度范围和峰值速度在多数情况下分别相符,这说明两者的激发可能相关.  相似文献   

We present a statistical analysis of a sky survey of interstellar H2O and OH masers. These masers can be classified into three categories: isolated H2O masers, isolated OH masers, and simple OH/H2O maser associations. The total number of sources in each category is of the same order of magnitude, and as an evolutionary phase they can maintain -105 yr. An improved radiative pumping mechanism is proposed. This model avoids some of the deficiencies of previous radiative models, such as shortage of exciting photons. The statistical results obtained from the survey can be interpreted by the new mechanism together with the evolutionary model in which the gravitational force of the central stellar objects is responsible for the HII region.  相似文献   

All galaxies with extragalactic H_2O maser sources observed so far are collected. With the 2MASS and the IRAS photometric data an infrared study is performed on those galaxies.By a comparison between the H_2O maser detected sources and non-detected sources in the infrared it is indicated that infrared properties in the IRAS 12-25μm and 60-100μm are important for producing H_2O masers in galaxies.It is also found that the H_2O maser galaxies with different nuclear activity types have rather different infrared properties mainly in the IRAS 12-60μm region.  相似文献   

H2O maser emissions have been found in external galaxies for more than 30 years. Main sciences associated with extragalactic H2O masers can be summarized roughly into three parts: maser emission itself, AGN sciences and cosmology exploration. Our work in this field focusses on two projects: X-ray data analysis of individual maser source using X-ray penetrability to explore maser host obscured AGN; multi-wavelength statistical properties of the whole published H2O maser sample. Here their nuclear radio properties were investigated in detail, based on their 6-cm and 20-cm radio observation data. Comparing the radio properties between maser-detected sources and non-detected sources at similar distance scale, we find that: (1) maser host galaxies tend to have higher nuclear radio luminosity; (2) the spectral index of both samples is comparable (~0.6), within the error ranges. In addition, for AGN-maser sources, the isotropic maser luminosity tends to increase with rising radio luminosity. Thus we propose the nuclear radio luminosity as one good indicator for searching AGN-masers in the future.  相似文献   

The Eddington ratio λ was derived for the entire maser host AGN sample, based on the intrinsic X-ray luminosity, the X-ray bolometric correction C X and the mass of central black hole. Further the [O III] bolometric correction C [O III] was estimated for our sample. Possible relations were also investigated between the maser luminosity and the bolometric luminosity – the Eddington ratio.  相似文献   

采用拱星包层物质轴对称分布的模型,计算了Mira星拱星包层的物质分布和速度场分布,并通过解统计平衡方程得到了OH18cm的四条谱线的反转区.模型假定辐射压来自中心星和尘埃本身的辐射.计算中考虑了中心星的辐射、OH分子与电子的碰撞、尘埃本身的辐射和微波背景辐射等抽运机制,计算结果基本上反映了观测到的OH脉泽的径向分布和角向分布等性质.  相似文献   

The combination of a time-dependent spherically symmetric hydrodynamic model of stellar atmosphere pulsation and a radiation transport code, which incorporates maser saturation theory, enabled us to synthesise maps and spectra of H2O maser emission from the circumstellar envelopes of long period variable stars. The synthetic maps and spectra compare favourably with observed 22, 321 and 325 GHz H2O maser emission. As is observed in H2O maser regions the peak emission occurs between 3–8 stellar radii from the star. The calculated H2O maser regions are in conditions of nH2 = 106 − 108 cm−3, assuming a fractional abundance of 10−4; kinetic temperatures of 550–3000 K; dust ensemble temperatures of 500–1200 K and an accelerating velocity field. The IR radiation field is explicitly included in the radiation transport model, incorporating the latest absorption efficiency data for silicates from Draine. We reproduce the features seen in high angular resolution MERLIN spectral line datacubes. This shows that a mass outflow model which extends the photosphere using pulsations and incorporates radiation pressure on silicate based dust particles can produce the observed data on small (10-mas) angular scales. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The large-scale distribution of interstellar H2O masers is given in this paper. Present results show that H2O masers can trace galactic spiral structure, and we also briefly discuss how to obtain a more accurate distribution of H2O masers from future observations.  相似文献   

我们从对Orion-KL星云中OH1665MHz脉泽的单基线干涉观测的分析中,提出一种新的外流模型,即多重分离的旋转膨胀环.这种模型与观测结果是一致的.通过对24km单基线观测得到的19个OH1665MHz脉泽斑点的相对位置图进行分析、统计、拟合和计算,得到这19个OH1665MHz脉泽斑点分别分布在三个旋转膨胀环上.这三个旋转膨胀环的视距分别为3".81,5".87,6".0;对应的环半径分别为1742,2720,2766AU;径向膨胀速度分别为7.07,16.4,26.4kms-1;旋转运动的切向线速度分别为1.55,1.23,1.21kms-1.  相似文献   

Extragalactic H2O megamasers are typically found within the innermost few parsecs of active galaxy nuclei (AGN) and the maser emission is considered to be excited most likely by the X-ray irradiation of the AGN.We investigate a comprehensive sample of extragalactic H2O masers in a sample of 38 maser host AGN to check potential correlations of the megamaser emission with parameters of the AGN,such as X-ray luminosity and black hole (BH) masses.We find a relation between the maser luminosities and BH masses,LH2O∝ M3.64-0.4 BH,which supports basically the theoretical prediction.The relation between the maser emission and X-ray emission is also confirmed.  相似文献   

本文介绍了陕西天文台守时用氢原子钟(H2)的改进、分项误差、准确度及在国际时间局(BIPM)公报中取权情况.H2自1991年开始连续运转至今已两年多了。1991年3月开始每月向BIPM报送数据,1991年9月开始取权1.H2是我国唯一的一台在BIPM公报上取权的氢钟.  相似文献   

The southern maser site OH 300.969+1.147 has been studied using the Long Baseline Array of the Australia Telescope National Facility. The 1665- and 1667-MHz hydroxyl ground-state transitions were observed simultaneously. A series of maps with 0.1-arcsec spatial resolution, at velocity spacing  0.09 km s−1  , and in both senses of circular polarization reveals 59 small diameter maser spots. The spots are scattered over 2 arcsec, coincident with a strong ultracompact H  ii region, at a distance of 4.3 kpc. 17 Zeeman pairs of oppositely polarized spots were found, all yielding magnetic field estimates towards us (negative), ranging from −1.1 to −4.7 mG, with a median value of −3.5 mG. Excited state masers of OH at 6035 and 6030 MHz at this site also display Zeeman pairs revealing a magnetic field of −5.0 mG. Weak methanol maser emission is intermingled with the OH masers, but there is no detectable closely related water maser. The consistent magnetic field direction found within this site is a striking feature of several other maser sites associated with strong H  ii regions studied in comparable detail. We interpret the site as a mature region nearing the end of the brief evolutionary stage that can support maser emission.  相似文献   

The observational results of the Nobeyama 45-m SiO maser survey and the Arecibo 305-m OH maser survey are assembled for an analysis of the distribution and kinematics of late-type stars in the Galactic plane.It is found that neither SiO maser stars nor OH maser stars show any concentration to the spiral arms,which imply that they do not belong to the arm population and quite possibly they are low-mass stars in late stage of evolution.A rotational curve is also derived for these objects and a few features which may be real are discussed and compared with those derived from planetary nebulae and AGB stars.  相似文献   

The maser site OH 323.459−0.079 has been studied using the Long Baseline Array of the Australia Telescope National Facility. Simultaneous observations of the 1665- and 1667-MHz hydroxyl ground-state transitions yielded a series of maps at a velocity spacing of 0.18 km s−1, in both senses of circular polarization, with tenth-arcsec spatial resolution. Many small-diameter maser spots were detected within a 2-arcsec region. Pairs of spots with the same position, but with right- and left-hand circular polarization offset in frequency, reveal Zeeman splitting. Six pairs were found, and in four cases, the pairs at 1667 and 1665 MHz mutually corroborate the derived values of magnetic field and (central) kinematic velocity. Over the whole site, magnetic field estimates range from +1.47 to +4.13 mG with a median value of +2.5 mG. The excited state of OH at 6035 MHz also displays Zeeman pairs revealing a similar magnetic field, and we show that the most prominent of these pairs coincides with the most prominent pair at 1665 and 1667 MHz.
We also compared the morphology and kinematics at 1665 and 1667 MHz with those of maser emission from the excited state of OH at 6035 MHz and from methanol at 6668 MHz. All three varieties of masers appear intermingled, and associated with an ultracompact H  ii region. In many respects we find that OH 323.459−0.079 is similar to W3(OH), one of the few other maser sites yet studied in comparable detail.  相似文献   

We present the results of our monitoring of the semiregular variable HU Pup in the 1612, 1665, and 1667-MHz OH lines and the 22.235-GHz H2O line. The maser emission in the 1612-MHz satellite line has been detected from this source for the first time. Strong variability of the emission has been observed in all three OH lines, including the radial-velocity drift of the two most intense features. Zeeman splitting components have been found. The longitudinal magnetic field strength has been estimated to be 1.0, 1.6 and 2.7, 3.2 mG in the 1665 and 1667-MHz lines, respectively. Our OH and H2O observations have revealed fairly stable structures in the masing region and have allowed us to estimate the variability period of the maser emission (~1.5 yr). A possible model of the maser source in HU Pup is discussed.  相似文献   

We present the results obtained with a radiative transfer model to investigate the excitation of OH molecules. Maser pumping efficiencies are estimated from the model and compared to the value calculated using recent OH far-infrared (FIR) observations with ISO and OH maser data. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

本文简要总结了自1990年8月至1994年1日在紫金山天文台13.7米射电望远镜上进行的水脉泽源的观测,观测结果汇集为表1和图1。在所有435个观测对象中共观测到195个水脉泽源,其中108个为新探测到的 本文对观测仪器和数据处理亦作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

The effect of quasi-resonance energy transfer in collisions between H2 and H2O molecules in H2O maser sources is investigated. New data on the state-to-state rate coefficients for collisional transitions for H2O and H2 molecules are used in the calculations. The results of ortho-H2O level population inversion calculations for the 22.2-, 380-, 439-, and 621-GHz transitions are presented. The ortho-H2O level population inversion is shown to depend significantly on the population distribution of the para-H2 J = 0 and 2 rotational levels. The possibility of quasi-resonance energy transfer in collisions between H2 molecules at highly excited rotational-vibrational levels and H2O molecules is considered. The quasi-resonance energy transfer effect can play a significant role in pumping H2O masers in the central regions of active galactic nuclei and in star-forming regions.  相似文献   

We analyze the line shape for emission peaks of H2O maser sources associated with star-forming regions by using the spectra obtained with the RT-22 radio telescope at the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory. For five sources, we found the line profile of emission peaks to be asymmetric. In all cases, the left (high-frequency) line wing is higher than the right wing. Our analysis of the line shape yielded additional information on the structure and evolution of the maser sources under study. In G43.8-0.1, the emission feature was found to split up into two components. To explain the evolution of the 16.8 km s?1 line in NGC 2071, we propose a model in which the line-of-sight velocity gradient changes under the effect of a (non-shock) wave. The observed short-duration flares of individual emission features in W75N can emerge due to a chance projection of the numerous clumps of matter involved in Keplerian motion onto each other.  相似文献   

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