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This paper presents new geochemical and geochronological data on the Neogene and Quaternary volcanic products from the area of Erzurum and Kars (Eastern Turkey).The affinity of most of the volcanic rocks concerned is calc-alkaline, with the exception of minor Quaternary alkaline rocks that outcrop in the Kars sector. Ages range from 8 m.y. to 1.3 m.y.The time-space distribution of the calc-alkaline volcanism in Eastern Turkey - NW Iran is characterized by a sudden northward jump, that occurred around 6 m.y. ago, from the Van-Erzurum Southern Belt to the Kars Northern Belt. Available data indicate that this northward migration of volcanism was due to changes in the subduction geometry of the Arabian plate under Eurasia.  相似文献   

Cretaceous volcanic rocks (SCV) are widely developed in the northern part of the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, northwest Iran. Based on the mineralogy, texture and geochemical composition these rocks are divided in two main groups, the first and main one situated in the central part of the study area and the second one in the northeast. The former is dominantly basalts, andesitic basalts, and andesites and the latter comprises andesite, trachy-andesite to acidic variants, with porphyritic to microlithic porphyry and vitrophyric textures. Beside the differences between these two groups, the chemical compositions all of these rocks show a calc-alkaline affinity and enrichment in LIL elements (Rb, Ba, Th, U, and Pb) and depletion in Nb, Ti, and Zr, as evident in spider diagrams normalized to primitive mantle. The rocks are particularly enriched in Rb and depleted in Nb and Ti, as well as displaying high Rb/Sr and Rb/Ba ratios and low ratios of incompatible elements such as Nb/U (<10; range, 0.6–9), Th/U (<2), and Ba/Rb (<20). The significant U enrichment relative to neighbouring Nb and Th in the mantle-normalized variation diagram is mainly a result of source enrichment by slab-derived fluids. Significantly lower Nb/U ratios are observed in arc volcanics. These low values are generally ascribed to the strong capacity of LILE and the inability to transfer significant amounts of HFSE via slab-derived hydrous fluid. The results of geochemical modelling suggest a mantle lithospheric source that was metasomatized by fluids derived from a Neo-Tethyan subducted slab during the Middle to Late Cretaceous in the northern part Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone.  相似文献   

Neogene alkaline basaltic volcanic fields in the western Pannonian Basin, Hungary, including the Bakony–Balaton Highland and the Little Hungarian Plain volcanic fields are the erosional remnants of clusters of small-volume, possibly monogenetic volcanoes. Moderately to strongly eroded maars, tuff rings, scoria cones, and associated lava flows span an age range of ca. 6 Myr as previously determined by the K/Ar method. High resolution 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages on 18 samples have been obtained to determine the age range for the western Pannonian Basin Neogene intracontinental volcanic province. The new 40Ar/39Ar age determinations confirm the previously obtained K/Ar ages in the sense that no systematic biases were found between the two data sets. However, our study also serves to illustrate the inherent advantages of the 40Ar/39Ar technique: greater analytical precision, and internal tests for reliability of the obtained results provide more stringent constraints on reconstructions of the magmatic evolution of the volcanic field. Periods of increased activity with multiple eruptions occurred at ca. 7.95 Ma, 4.10 Ma, 3.80 Ma and 3.00 Ma.  相似文献   

The Western Volcanic Zone in Iceland (64.19° to 65.22° N) has the morphological characteristics of a distinct Mid-Atlantic ridge segment. This volcanic zone was mapped at a scale of 1:36.000, and 258 intraglacial monogenetic volcanoes from the Late Pleistocene (0.01–0.78?Ma) were identified and investigated. The zone is characterized by infrequent comparatively large volcanic eruptions and the overall volcanic activity appears to have been low throughout the Late Pleistocene. Tholeiitic basaltic rocks dominate in the Western Volcanic Zone with about 0.5?vol.?% of intermediate and silicic rocks. The basalts divide into picrites, olivine tholeiites, and tholeiites. Three main eruptive phases can be distinguished in the intraglacial volcanoes: an effusive deep-water lava phase producing basal pillow lavas, an explosive shallow-water phase producing hyaloclastites and an effusive subaerial capping lava phase. Three evolutionary stages therefore charcterize these volcanoes; late dykes and irregular minor intrusions could be added as the fourth main stage. These intrusions are potential heat sources for short-lived hydrothermal systems and may play an important role in the final shaping of the volcanoes. Substantial parts of the hyaloclastites of each unit are proximal sedimentary deposits. The intraglacial volcanoes divide into two main morphological groups, ridge-shaped volcanoes, i.e., tindars (including pillow lava ridges) and subrectangular volcanoes, i.e., tuyas and hyaloclastite or pillow lava mounds. The volume of the tuyas is generally much larger than that of the tindars. The largest tuya, Eiríksj?kull, is about 48?km3 and therefore the largest known monogenetic volcano in Iceland. Many of the large volcanoes, both tuyas and tindars, show a similar, systematic range in geochemistry. The most primitive compositions were erupted first and the magmas then changed to more differentiated compositions. The ridge-shaped tindars clearly erupted from volcanic fissures and the more equi-dimensional tuyas mainly from a single crater. It is suggested that the morphology and structure of the intraglacial volcanos mainly depends on two factors, (a) tectonic control and (b) availability of magma at the time of eruption.  相似文献   

The Pliocene-Pleistocene subaerial volcanic activity of the island of Sardinia developed from about five million years ago to the Pleistocene. Volcanism was mainly fissural, related to rifting of the Sardinian crustal block and connected to intraplate tensional tectonics involving at the same time the area of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Areally the most abundant rocks are basic, ranging in serial character from alkaline to subalkaline types. In some areas intermediate and salic lavas also occur; trachytic and phonolitic rocks are mainly associated with basalts of alkaline affinity, whereas rhyolites and dacites are mainly related to subalkalic basalts. K/Ar data show that lavas of different serial character (from alkalic to subalkalic) are produced on the island within the same time range, from about four to two million years; it is to be noted, however, that the early products (about 5 million years) are mildly alkalic in character whereas most of the youngest products (0.6–0.14 million years) are strongly alkalic.  相似文献   

From August 2016 to July 2017, a passive seismic survey was conducted in South Western Iran as a part of a pilot project aimed to improve the imaging in geologically complex areas. Passive seismic methods have shown to be a useful tool to infer the physical properties of the underground geological structures where traditional hydrocarbon exploration methods are challenging. For this purpose, a dense passive seismic network consisting of 119 three-component borehole seismic stations was deployed over an area of 400 km2 around the city of Dehdasht. This paper focuses on the details of the network design, which was devoted to high-resolution seismological applications, including local earthquake tomography and seismic attenuation imaging. In this regard, we describe the instrument types and the station installation procedures used to obtain high-quality data that were used to retrieve three-dimensional models of P- and S-wave velocity and P-wave attenuation in the area using tomographic inversion techniques. We also assess the network performance in terms of the seismic ambient noise levels recorded at each station site, and we revise the horizontal orientation of the sensors using surface waves from teleseismic earthquakes.  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks of the Sunda and Banda arcs range from tholeiitic through calcalkaline and shoshonitic to leucititic, the widest compositional span of mafic magmatism known from an active arc setting.Mafic rocks in our data set, which includes 315 new analyses of volcanic rocks from twelve Quaternary volcanoes, including Batu Tara in the previously geochemically unknown Flores-Lembata arc sector, are generally similar to those from other island arcs: most contain <1.3 wt. % TiO2 and 16–22 wt. % Al2O3, and have characteristically high K/Nb and La/Nb values. Abundances of P, Ba, Rb, Sr, La, Ce, Nd, Zr and Nb increase sympathetically with increasing K2O contents of mafic rocks but those of Na, Ti, Y and Sc vary little throughout the geochemical continuum from low-K tholeiitic to high-K leucititic rocks.Excluding Sumatra and Wetar, which possess mainly dacitic and rhyolitic volcanics, the Sunda-Banda arc is divisible into four geochemical arc sectors with boundaries that correlate with major changes in regional tectonic setting and geological history. From west to east, the West Java, Bali and Flores arc sectors each comprise volcanoes which become progressively more K-rich eastwards, culminating in the leucitite volcanoes Muriah, Soromundi and Sangenges, and Batu Tara, respectively. In the most easterly Banda sector, the volcanics vary from high- to low-K eastwards around the arc.Correlations between geochemistry and 87Sr/86Sr values show separate trends for each of the four arc sectors, believed to be the result of involvement of at least three geochemically and isotopically distinct components in the source regions of the arc magmatism.A dominant source component with a low K content and a low 87Sr/86Sr value, and common to all sectors, is probably peridotitic mantle. A second component, with low K content but high 87Sr/86Sr value, appears to be crustal material. This component is most apparent in the Banda sector, in keeping with that sector's tectonic setting close to Precambrian Australian continental crust, but it is also present to lesser extents in the West Java and Flores sectors.However, the most marked geochemical and isotopic variations shown by the arc volcanics are primarily due to the involvement of a third component, which is rich in K-group elements but has relatively low 87Sr/86Sr values. This component appears to be mantle-derived and is least overprinted by crustal material in the Bali sector volcanics where the Pb, Be, U-Th and O isotope characteristics of the rocks support the suggestion that their genesis has not involved incorporation of recently subducted, continent-derived sialic material.The high, regionally persistent, Th/U value (about 4.3) of the Sunda subarc mantle, obtained from U-Th isotopic data, suggests a close association could exist between the K-rich component and the southern hemisphere ‘DUPAL’ mantle isotopic anomaly.  相似文献   

The Eolian arc is located at the boundary between the converging African and European plates. Its volcanism is characterized by a marked evolution in a restricted time (less than 1 my). A progressive transition is observed from typical calc-alkaline series toward shoshonitic rocks produced by past and present activity (Vulcano and Stromboli). By comparison with circum-Pacific island arcs, the evolution of Eolian volcanism can be related to a rapid deepening of the Benioff zone. The occurrence of shoshonitic rocks and the continental nature of the crust on both sides of the plate boundary suggest that the Eolian arc is in a senile stage of evolution. Petrology and Sr isotopic data indicate a probable mantle source for Eolian volcanism.  相似文献   

Petrographic, geochemical and geochronological data on the volcanic sequences of the Sadah region (Yemen Arabic Republic — Y.A.R.) are presented and discussed. Two main volcanic units have been recognized in this area. The older unit (Trap Series) is characterized by alkaline and transitional basalts with minor differentiates. K/Ar age determinations on these rocks give values ranging from 30 to 22 m.y.B.P. The dominance of poorly evolved rock types indicates a fairly rapid ascent of the magmas. The feeding fissures are thought to be NNW-SSE trending fractures. This is deduced by the occurrence of many dykes cutting through the underlying basament which are comparable in both chemical composition and age range to those of the Trap Series. The younger unit (Al Harf Series) is made up of alkaline basalts whose K/Ar ages are around 10 m.y.B.P. and outcrops in a tectonic depression defined by NNW-SSE trending normal faults. The volcanism in the northern Y.A.R. extends from late Oligocene to late Miocene, and follows regional structures parallel to the present-day spreading axis of the Red Sea.  相似文献   

Using recently published radiometric dates of important horizons within the Etna succession, correlations are proposed with the Late Quaternary biostratigraphies of the Italian mainland and the Mediterranean sea floor. This enables palaeoclimatic, palaeohydrological and palaeogeographical conditions on Etna to be established at stages in the volcano's evolution. It is argued that several major volcaniclastic suites were formed through the operation of processes that were under complex environmental, rather than simple volcanological control alone. In particular it is suggested that certain episodes of phreatomagmatic and laharic activity cannot be related to episodes of more evolved magma production, but rather to times during which the environment, height and configuration of Etna favoured the eruption and emplacement of these deposits. The authors reiterate their explanation of the formation of the Valle del Bove through processes of massive slope failure and indicate that conditions favouring this occurred at an appropriate stage in the history of the volcano. It is concluded that on active basaltic volcanoes, especially those like Etna which are also high mountains, the explanation of more violent phases requires the consideration of both internal volcanological and external environmental and morphological variables and that this is particularly important when its development has been set within the context of Late Quaternary environmental change. Finally the implications of these findings for the assessment of hazard are considered.
Resumé Utilisant récemment des publications sur les datations radiométriques de couches importantes à l'intérieur de la succession de l'Etna, nous proposons d'établir des corrélations entre les biostratigraphies du Quaternaire Récent de la Péninsule Italienne et due fond marin Méditerranéen. Par ce procédé, nous pouvons établir les conditions paléoclimatiques, paléohydrologiques et paléogéographiques par stades selon l'évolution du volcan, capendant il faut tenir compte du fait que plusieurs suites volcaniclastiques majeures se sont formées à partir d'opérations de processus qui etaient eux-mêmes sous une complexe influence écologique plutôt que volcanologique seulement. Il est suggéré, en particulier, que certains épisodes d'activités phreatomagmatiquer et laharique ne puissent être reliés à des épisodes de production de magma plus elaborée, mais plutôt à des périodes pendant lesquelles le milieu, la hauteur et la configuration de l'Etna ont favorisé l'éruption et la localisation de ces dépôts. Les auteurs réitèrant leur explication sur la formation de la Vallée del Bove selon un processus de rupture radicale de pente et indiquent que les conditions favorables à ce dernier sont survenues à un stade opportun dans l'histoire du volcan. Ceci amènè à conclure que, sur des volcans basaltiques actifs comme l'Etna en particulier qui sont egalement des montagnes élevées, l'explication de phases plus violentes demande la consideration de facteurs volcanologiques internes d'une part, et morphologiques et écologiques externes d'autre part et que ceci est essential lorsque son développement a été fixé dans le contexte du changement de milieu au Quaternaire Recent. Enfin, il faut tenir compte de l'implication de ces résultats face aux incidences de risques.

Two basaltic fragments dredged from a volcanic seamount in the Sicilian continental slope of the Strait of Sicily show petrochemical features typical of within plate alkalibasaltic lavas and K/Ar age of about 10 m.y. The data represent the first volcanic evidence of Upper Miocene tensional tectonics in this sector of the African plate.  相似文献   

Major element chemistry, K/Ar ages and trace element data are reported for volcanic rocks from the Voras volcanic complex of Central Macedonia (Greece). Petrological data show that the Voras volcanic rocks consist essentially of intermediate members of the high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic series, the most abundant rock types being high-K andesites and dacites, latites and trachytes. K/Ar ages determined on selected samples show values ranging between 5.0 and 1.8 m.y., indicating that the Voras volcanism was active from Pliocene up to the Lower Pleistocene. The high Th, Hf, Ba and LREE shown by some representative samples together with their strongly fractionated light and heavy REE patterns and the absence of significant negative Eu anomalies indicate a magma genesis by low degrees of partial melting of a source enriched in large ion lithophile elements, leaving a garnet-bearing and plagioclase-free residue. This source is believed to be represented by a mantle garnet peridotite enriched in incompatible elements. The geotectonic significance of the K-rich volcanism of the Voras area is discussed within the general framewoek of the late Tertiary tectonic evolution of the Aegean area and its emplacement is related to the distension tectonic movements which have affected the boundary area between the Macedonian microplate and the European craton since the Neogene.  相似文献   

The Canary Islands consist of seven basaltic shield volcanoes whose submerged portion is much more voluminous than the subaerial part of each island. Like so many other volcanic oceanic islands, the indicative deposits of explosive felsic volcanism are not a common feature on the Canary archipelago. Hitherto, they have only been documented from the central islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife, which are the largest volcanic complexes of the islands. On the other Canary Islands, the presence of felsic rocks is mostly restricted to intrusions and a few lava flows, generally within the succession in the oldest parts of individual islands. In this paper, we present a detailed stratigraphic, lithological and sedimentological study of a significant felsic pumice deposit on the island of El Hierro, referred here as the Malpaso Member, which represents the only explosive episode of felsic volcanism found on the Canary Islands (outside of Gran Canaria and Tenerife). The products of the eruption indicate a single eruptive event and cover an area of about 15 km2. This work provides a detailed stratigraphic and chronological framework for El Hierro, and four subunits are identified within the member on the basis of lithological and granulometric characteristics. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of an explosive eruption in a setting where the activity is typified by effusive basaltic events. Given the style and the spatial distribution of the Malpaso eruption and its products, a future event with similar characteristics could have a serious impact on the population, infrastructure and economy of the island of El Hierro.  相似文献   

杨芬  金明培  赵家本 《中国地震》2007,23(2):175-183
本文使用前兆群体异常信息提取的方法,即应用前兆群体非均匀度ID和前兆综合信息量S数学分析,以及相关计算软件,对滇西地震预报实验场及邻区(N24~28°,E98~102°)的断层形变和地下流体各种监测手段的多台项观测资料进行了系统计算分析。研究结果表明:多台多测项前兆群体异常的映震效果优于多台单测项前兆群体异常的应震效果;前兆群体异常与中强地震的对应关系较好,且一组前兆群体异常一般会对应2次以上中强地震,显示了前兆群体异常与地震成组对应关系,而不是以往单次前兆与单个地震一一对应关系。  相似文献   

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