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本文采用Okada及Steketee的断裂位错模型,从理论上计算了龙门山中央主断裂和前山断裂在汶川地震中逆冲和走滑错动形成的地表位移场,包括地表垂直和水平位移场的基本特征。并将计算结果与地震科考成果进行了比较,发现计算结果与现场地表变形考察结果在变化趋势上表现出一致性。同时通过计算揭示了断裂错动过程中离断裂一定范围内的地表位移场变化情况,计算结果表明断裂错动形成的地表垂直存在较大的空间不均匀性,且主要集中于断裂的端部即映秀、北川和青川附近,并且位移场在这些地方变化都较强烈。水平位移场主要集中于北川以北的地区,水平位移场的空间变化比较均匀。  相似文献   

By using the Yoshimitsu Okada and Steketee fault dislocation model,we calculated the vertical and horizontal displacements along the Yingxiu-Beichuan inverse fault and Guanxian-Anxian inverse fault along which the Wenchuan MS8. 0 earthquake occurred in 2008. Compared to the achievements of field surveying along the surface rupture zone,we found that our computational results are comparable to the real displacement variation trend. Furthermore,the computational results indicated that the surface displacement...  相似文献   

对走滑断层、逆断层破裂产生的动态库仑破裂应力变化进行了模拟计算,得到了动态库仑破裂应力变化的空间分布图像.分析结果显示,不同类型断层破裂所产生的动态库仑破裂应力变化,其分布图像有很大区别.  相似文献   

陈绍林  张怀  朱桂芝  石耀霖 《地震》2008,28(4):1-12
该文建立了百万网格的分层PREM地球模型, 利用并行有限元方法计算了自转速率快速变化所引起的全球附加的位移场和应力场。 计算模型中不仅考虑了地球的径向分层, 同时还考虑椭率和地形的影响。 利用数值试验的方法, 系统分析了地球自转速率变化为Δω/ω=2×10-10时所引起的全球应力分布特征, 研究表明椭率对地表各个应力分量的影响在千分之几, 而地形的影响则表现为径向应力与地形正相关, 且相同高度的地形在低纬度影响较大, 纬向和经向的应力大小分别与地形在SN向和EW向的地形梯度直接相关。  相似文献   

在分析兰州盆地及周边地震构造环境、深部地球物理特征及盆地结构构造特征的基础上,建立了马衔山北缘断层西段发震的三维地震构造模型.采用三维有限元方法计算了该断层段未来发生MS7.0地震在兰州盆地的变形影响.计算结果表明:地震产生的变形及地震应力在兰州盆地区内已有很大程度的衰减,在量值上从盆地西侧到盆地东侧总位移值从1.25 m降至0.3 m;盆地内部最大地震应力则基本保持在0.02 MPa左右,只在盆地边缘及高阶地前缘局部点达到0.2 MPa.地震应变在东、西盆地有明显的分异,但量值总体保持在10-5,只在局部异常点达到10-4,不会在盆地区内形成地表裂缝等破坏,对建筑结构的永久变形影响也较小.但应注意盆地边缘地貌单元分界处与断层附近的局部异常影响及其可能触发的次生灾害.  相似文献   

台湾是我国地震发生最为频繁的一个地区,一些地震学者研究过中国周边地区地震与中国大陆地震活动的关系,有研究认为台湾地区强震活动与大陆中强地震活动具有同期活跃的特点,这种板内地震与板缘地震同步活跃的特点表明,二地区可能具有同一个动力来源,可能是由于板缘地震所引起的应力调整对板内地震孕育所作出的贡献.  相似文献   

赵晓燕  盛书中  李翠芹  卜玉菲 《地震》2012,32(3):117-124
根据2010年4月14日玉树7.1级地震的震源破裂模型及余震目录, 本文计算了玉树地震产生的位移场和库仑破裂应力。 计算结果表明, 玉树地震导致应力变化以破裂带为中心高达正负1000Pa变化, 沿近东西方向应力增加, 巴彦喀喇山主峰断裂、 清水河断裂、 杂孕—楚玛尔河断裂东南段、 称多—曲麻莱—五道梁断裂、 冶多断裂中段, 扎那曲—着晓断裂、 莫云—结多断裂、 杂多—上拉秀断裂西北段处于应力增强区, 冶多断裂中段、 杂多—上拉秀断裂应力增强尤为显著, 高达1000 Pa之多, 应力的增加有利于这些断裂活动性增强。 而沿破裂带方向的断层如甘孜—玉树—风火山断裂带及玉树南—风火山南麓断裂西北段应力减小, 对这些地区后续地震的发生有一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

The evidence of east-west compression in northeast Japan has been reported by many investigators on the basis of geodetic, geologic and geomorphic data, but its origin still remains far from understood. In the present study we have proposed a mechanical model of tectonic loading at convergent plate boundary zones, and demonstrated its validity through the numerical simulation of internal stress fields in northeast Japan with realistic 3-D geometry of plate interfaces. At convergent plate boundary zones, in general, a part of plate convergence is consumed by steady slip along plate interfaces, and the remaining part by inelastic deformation (seismic faulting, aseismic faulting, and active folding) of overriding plates. Such a plate boundary process to be called ``partial collision' can be quantitatively described by introducing a collision rate defined as c = 1 − steady slip rate at plate interfaces/plate convergence rate. By this definition, we can simply represent the mechanical process of partial collision, which includes total subduction (c = 0) and total collision (c = 1) as two extreme cases, in terms of steady slip rates at plate interfaces. On the basis of elastic dislocation theory, first, we numerically computed the internal stress fields in northeast Japan produced by the total subduction of the Pacific plate beneath the North American plate, however the computed stress pattern was opposite in sense to observations. Then, we computed the internal stress fields by taking c = 0.1 on average, and succeeded in reproducing the observed east-west compression in northeast Japan. This indicates that the concept of partial collision is essential to understand the mechanism of intraplate tectonic loading.  相似文献   

Using the digital telemetric seismic waveform data of Chengdu and Kunming, this article studies the focal mechanism solutions and the apparent stress values of a large number of small earthquakes, and then analyzes the dynamic variation of regional stress fields and the spatio-temporal distribution of apparent stress values. The annual variation values of the azimuth of average principal stress field before the May 12, 2008 M_S8.0 Wenchuan earthquake in the Sichuan-Yunnan region were 58° from 2003 to 2004, 85° from 2003 to 2005,61° from 2006 to 2007 and 90° from 2006 to April 2008 respectively. In recent years, deflection or disturbances occurred in the azimuth of the average principal stress field in the Sichuan-Yunnan region. Analysis shows that this may be related to the change of stress field states of crustal blocks before and after the December 26, 2004 M_S9.0 Sumatra earthquake and the 2008 M_S8.0 Wenchuan earthquake. The ratio of thrust-type earthquakes in the Sichuan-Qinghai block was on the higher side in the period from 2006 to 2007, and the source faulting type of the regional moderate and small earthquakes had changed before the M_S8.0 Wenchuan earthquake. The change of state of the stress field is consistent with the changes in block displacement fields revealed by GPS data and the crustal shortening velocity vertical to the Longmenshan fault zone. Based on the radiation energy calculated from all bands of the seismic waveform, the value of apparent stress σ_app is obtained. The fluctuation shape of the fitting trend of the apparent stress is related to the intensity of regional seismicity. It reveals that the micro-dynamic fluctuation process of the regional stress value is similar to the azimuth transition of the regional principal compressive stress field, which can be used to probe for pregnant physical processes. Areas with a higher value of apparent stress σ_app are possible areas of potential seismic risk. It can be seen from the spatial distribution of the medium and short-term apparent stress σ_app before the M_S8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, the Longmenshan fault zone is in a low stress distribution area, and the relatively high apparent stress is in the peripheral area. These images may show medium and short-term locking phenomena near the seismogenic tectonics of the M_S8.0 Wenchuan earthquake. For example, changes with time of the focal parameter consistency of the sub-blocks in Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces, continual increase of thrust-type earthquakes in the Sichuan-Qinghai block and the appearance of spatial distribution areas of high apparent σ_app stress. The work on this aspect was continued after the M_S8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, and the results seem to be shown a clearer relationship between these phenomena and future great earthquakes.  相似文献   

根据龙门山断裂带中段及邻区的主要构造特征,同时考虑地壳速度结构和构造运动的深浅部差异,建立该地区的二维接触有限元模型,数值模拟了长期构造过程中断裂带位移和应力的时间演化过程。结果显示:①汶川—茂县断裂、映秀—北川断裂、灌县—安县断裂的逆冲速率与实际观测结果基本一致,映秀—北川断裂逆冲性质最强,巴颜喀拉块体和断裂带区域呈水平缩短与增厚抬升趋势,四川盆地保持相对稳定;②断裂带附近岩体大小主应力比随深度增加而减小,总体上与实际测试结果相符,且主应力轴方向和倾角与利用震源机制解反演得到的构造应力场特征亦较为接近;③龙门山断裂带中段区域构造应力场呈低态稳定—应力累积—临界稳定的阶段式演化过程,与该区所处的应力累积—地震发生—应力再累积的地震活动特征相呼应。此外,仅根据地表调查和震前GPS观测所揭示的断裂活动速率评价活动断裂区的地震危险程度具有一定局限性,需结合其深部动力学过程和区域应力状态进行综合分析。  相似文献   

利用有限元方法,在三峡水库172m试验性蓄水后发生胡家坪MS4.1地震的大背景中,建立了三峡库首区三维线弹性有限元模型。计算得到了172m水位相对于蓄水前库首区地壳8km深度处的等效应力场,与该地区同期流动重力场异常分布特征基本一致。在此基础上,将蓄水后等效应力场的变化与胡家坪MS4.1地震对比后发现,本次地震发生在等效应力递增区与递减区的梯度带上。分析认为,这样的地段等效应力变化明显,是应力应变积累和构造活动强烈的部位,加之处于仙女山断裂的北端段,容易促使断裂失稳错动而引发地震活动。  相似文献   

国内震害调查表明我国农村房屋在地震中破坏严重,主要原因是农村自建房屋大都缺乏基本抗震措施.近年来有关部门针对农村房屋的抗震性能提出一些改进措施,但这些措施实际抗震效果如何,除了极少数通过模型试验验证外,很少得到验证.本文建立了砌体结构非线性有限元分析模型,以一幢农宅为研究对象,通过地震时程反应来再现其在地震作用下的破坏状况.研究表明本文提出数值模型能够较好的模拟砌体结构在地震中破坏过程,发现结构抗震薄弱部位.通过对三种模型对比分析表明圈梁和构造柱可以有效提高砌体结构整体抗震性能,但对局部破坏影响不大,需要在以后抗震设计中加以考虑.  相似文献   

1927年古浪8级地震的破裂习性及破裂机制的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1927年古浪8级地震是继1920年海原8.5级地震之后发生在海原一祁连山断裂带上的另一次特大地震。对这次地震的破裂习性,前人的研究结果存在较大分歧。本文在多探槽揭露和地面追踪调查基础上,结合相关的历史资料分析后,认为本次地震是由构成古浪推覆体的天桥沟一黄羊川断裂、皇城双塔断裂冬青顶断裂段以及武威一天祝隐伏断裂等共同作用的结果。对古浪推覆体平面和剖面变形机制的有限元数值模拟结果显示,其应力和应变的集中区主要分布在天桥沟一黄羊川断裂西段、皇城一双塔断裂冬青顶一带以及武威一天祝隐伏断裂和古浪一双塔断裂所在的古浪峡一带,这与地震地表破裂带的展布是一致的,同时也进一步说明了1927年古浪8级地震是该推覆体整体活动的结果。  相似文献   

在青海玉树地震之后,有大量路基出现由于液化而导致的病害问题。以青海S308线结古—曲麻莱段公路路基变形为例,通过FLAC3D数值模拟软件还原该路基在地震中的变形破坏过程,得出如下结论:(1)无地下水情况下,边坡出现明显塑性屈服的振动强度是0.6g,塑性屈服首先发生在填土厚度较薄的路基两端。(2)若砂土完全饱水,随振幅的增加,饱和砂土层液化趋势逐渐增强。振幅小于0.3g时砂土层没有液化。振幅为0.4g时5s以后砂土层出现液化;振幅大于0.5g以后,从振动的开始就出现了液化。(3)下伏饱和砂土的路基动力破坏机理为:饱和砂土层近地表处屈服屈服区在饱和砂土层中向中部扩展饱和砂土层屈服贯通饱和砂土层完全屈服填土后部首先破坏填土破坏区在填土-砂土界面向下扩展填土后部地表屈服开裂破坏区在填土内扩展。至最终破坏时,填土中后部大范围开裂屈服,但填土前部依然保持完整。  相似文献   

日本兵库县南部地震灾害及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文叙述了日本兵库县南部地震的灾害特点,分析了灾害严重的原因及地震灾害以对政治、社会、经济、科学研究的影响,总结了应汲取的经验和教训。  相似文献   

To understand when oxygen-depleted waters occur, how they develop and when they dissipate in inner Tokyo Bay, realistic simulations were attempted with fine spatial and temporal resolution by applying realistic time dependent external forcing. A 3D hydrodynamic model was driven by time-dependent external forcing factors/parameters such as solar radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, and fluvial discharge, under the open boundary conditions of 1995. A simulated time series of salinity and temperature agreed fairly well with observed data, except in summer. The model failed to reproduce the development of the surface mixed layer in summer. Several sensitivity analyses on the external forcing parameters such as wind velocity and vertical diffusivity were conducted to reproduce the mixed layer. However, changing these parameter values did not improve the model results.  相似文献   

To understand precursory phenomena before seismic fault sliP,this work focuses onearthquake nucleation process on a fault plane through numerical simulation.Rate and statedependent friction law with variable normal stress is employed in the analysis.The resultsshow that in the late stage of nucleation process:(1)The maximum slip velocity ismonotonically accelerating;(2)The slipping hot spot(where the slip rate is maximum)migrates spontaneously from a certain instant,and such migration is spatially continuous;(3)When the maximum velocity reaches a detectable order of magnitude(at least one orderof magnitude greater than the loading rate),the remaining time is 20 hours or longer,andthe temporal variation of slip velocity beyond this point may be used as a precursoryindicator;(4)The average slip velocity is related to the remaining time by a log-log linearrelation,which means that a similar relation between rate of microseismicity and remainingtime may also exist;(5)when normal stress variation is taken int  相似文献   

汶川、 芦山地震前后四川地区应力场时空演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张致伟  阮祥  王晓山  王宇航  祁玉萍 《地震》2015,35(4):136-146
基于四川地区2000年1月~2014年6月ML≥3.0地震震源机制解, 首先分析了四川地区各次级地块和不同断裂带的地震震源机制类型及整体应力场特征, 其次以汶川8.0级、 芦山7.0级地震为例, 研究两次强震发生前后四川各次级地块的主压应力时空演化特征。 获得的主要认识为: ① 四川各次级地块的地震震源机制比较紊乱, 反映了块体内部构造的复杂性, 而断裂带的地震震源机制则相对比较单一, 与其运动类型一致; ② 四川各次级地块及断裂带的整体应力方向比较一致, 优势方位呈现NW和NWW向, 倾角接近水平; ③ 汶川8.0级、 芦山7.0级地震发生前, 震中所在的龙门山断裂带中南段及川青地块的主压应力方位均出现过较好的一致性, 而在芦山地震后, 龙门山断裂带及川青、 川中地块的主压应力优势方位则转变为NE向。  相似文献   

The November 14, 2001 Ms8.1 Kunlun Mountains earthquake in northern Tibet is the largest earthquake occurring on the Chinese mainland since 1950. We apply a three-dimensional (3-D) finite element numerical procedure to model the coseismic displacement and stress fields of the earthquake based on field investigations. We then further investigate the stress interaction between the Ms8.1 earthquake and the intensive aftershocks. Our primary calculation shows that the coseismic displacement field is centralized around the east Kunlun fault zone. And the attenuation of coseismic displacements on the south side of Kunlun fault zone is larger than that on the north side. The calculated coseismic stress field also indicates that the calculated maximal shear stress field is centralized around the east Kunlun fault zone; the directions of the coseismic major principal stress are opposite to that of the background crustal stress field of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau. It indicates that the earthquake relaxes the crustal stress state in the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau. Finally, we study the stress interaction between Ms8.1 earthquake and its intensive aftershocks. The calculated Coulomb stress changes of the Ms8.1 great earthquake are in favor of triggering 4 aftershocks.  相似文献   

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