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Here we present a statistical model of random wave,using Stokes wave theory of water wave dynamics,as well as a new nonlinear probability distribution function of wave height in shallow water.It is more physically logical to use the wave steepness of shallow water and the factor of shallow water as the parameters in the wave height distribution.The results indicate that the two parameters not only could be parameters of the distribution function of wave height but also could reflect the degree of wave heigh...  相似文献   

This study presents a finite-volume explicit method to solve 2D two-layer shallow water equations. This numerical model is intended to describe two-layer shallow flows in which the superposed layers differ in velocity, density and rheology in a two-dimensional domain. The rheological behavior of mudflow or debris flow is called the Bingham fluid. Thus, the shear stress on rigid bed can be derived from the constitutive equation. The computational approach adopts the HLL scheme, a novel approach for the purpose of computing a Godunov flux and solving the Riemann problem approximately proposed by Harten, Lax and van Leer, as a basic building block, treats the bottom slope by lateralizing the momentum flux, and refines the scheme using the Strang splitting to manage the frictional source term. This study successfully performed 2D two-layer shallow water computations on a rigid bed. The proposed numerical model can describe the variety of depths and velocities of substances including water and mud, when the hyperconcentrated tributary flows into the main river. The analytical results in this study will be valuable for further advanced research and for designing or planning hydraulic engineering structures.  相似文献   

In this paper, the formulations of the primitive equations for shallow water flow in various horizontal co-ordinate systems and the associated finite difference grid options used in shallow water flow modelling are reviewed. It is observed that horizontal co-ordinate transformations do not affect the chosen co-ordinate system and representation in the vertical, and are the same for the three- and two-dimensional cases. A systematic derivation of the equations in tensor notation is presented, resulting in a unified formulation for the shallow water equations that covers all orthogonal horizontal grid types of practical interest. This includes spherical curvilinear orthogonal co-ordinate systems on the globe. Computational efficiency can be achieved in a single computer code. Furthermore, a single numerical algorithmic code implementation satisfies. All co-ordinate system specific metrics are determined as part of a computer-aided model grid design, which supports all four orthogonal grid types. Existing intuitive grid design and visual interpretation is conserved by appropriate conformal mappings, which conserve spherical orthogonality in planar representation. A spherical curvilinear co-ordinate solution of wind driven steady channel flow applying a strongly distorted grid is shown to give good agreement with a regular spherical co-ordinate model approach and the solution based on a β-plane approximation. Especially designed spherical curvilinear boundary fitted model grids are shown for typhoon surge propagation in the South China Sea and for ocean-driven flows through Malacca Straits. By using spherical curvilinear grids the number of grid points in these single model grid applications is reduced by a factor of 50–100 in comparison with regular spherical grids that have the same horizontal resolution in the area of interest. The spherical curvilinear approach combines the advantages of the various grid approaches, while the overall computational effort remains acceptable for very large model domains.  相似文献   

Generally, the diffusive wave equation, obtained by neglecting the acceleration terms in the Saint-Venant equations, is used in flood routing in rivers. Methods based on the finite-difference discretization techniques are often used to calculate discharges at each time step. A modified form of the diffusive wave equation has been developed and new resolution algorithms proposed which are better adapted to flood routing along a complex river network. The two parameters of the equation, celerity and diffusivity, can then be taken as functions of the discharge. The resolution algorithm allows the use of any distribution of lateral inflow in space and time. The accuracy of the new algorithms were compared with a traditional algorithm by numerical experimentation. Special attention was given to the instability caused by the inflow signal which constitutes the upstream boundary condition. For the fully diffusive wave flood routing problem, all three algorithms tested gave good results. The results also indicate that the efficiency of the new algorithms could be significantly improved if the position of the x-axis is modified by rotation. The new algorithms were applied to flood routing simulation over the Gardon d'Anduze catchment (542 km2) in southern France.  相似文献   

An implicit solution procedure for the wave equation form of the shallow water equations is presented. Efficiency is achieved through a Taylor expansion procedure applied to a time-varying matrix. This procedure allows matrix decompositions to be replaced by back substitutions. Isoparametric quadratic Lagrangian finite elements are employed for the spatial discretization. The Taylor expansion method is compared to different implicit and explicit solution procedures in an application to the southern part of the North Sea.  相似文献   

将弹性波方程变换至Hamilton体系, 构造适用于弹性波模拟的高效显式二阶辛Runge-Kutta-Nyström (RKN)格式, 运用根数理论得到此格式的阶条件方程组. 通过给定系数的限定条件, 得到方程的对称解. 为了使时间离散误差达到极小,提出数值频率与真实频率比较,通过Taylor展开,得到关于辛系数的限定方程,求解方程组得到最小频散辛RKN格式. 对比分析时间演进方程的稳定性,得到使库朗数达到极大值的限定方程,求解方程组得到最稳定辛RKN格式. 发现此两种格式为同一格式. 新得到的辛RKN格式不依赖于空间离散方法,为了对比的需要,选取有限差分法进行空间离散. 在频散、稳定性分析中,与常见辛格式对比,从理论上分析了本文提出的格式在数值频散压制、稳定性提升等方面的优势, 数值实验进一步证实了理论分析的正确性.  相似文献   

A shallow flow generally features complex hydrodynamics induced by complicated domain topography and geometry. A numerical scheme with well-balanced flux and source term gradients is therefore essential before a shallow flow model can be applied to simulate real-world problems. The issue of source term balancing has been exhaustively investigated in grid-based numerical approaches, e.g. discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods and finite volume Godunov-type methods. In recent years, a relatively new computational method, smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH), has started to gain popularity in solving the shallow water equations (SWEs). However, the well-balanced problem has not been fully investigated and resolved in the context of SPH. This work aims to discuss the well-balanced problem caused by a standard SPH discretization to the SWEs with slope source terms and derive a corrected SPH algorithm that is able to preserve the solution of lake at rest. In order to enhance the shock capturing capability of the resulting SPH model, the Monotone Upwind-centered Scheme for Conservation Laws (MUSCL) is also explored and applied to enable Riemann solver based artificial viscosity. The new SPH model is validated against several idealized benchmark tests and a real-world dam-break case and promising results are obtained.  相似文献   





An open boundary condition is constructed for three dimensional primitive equation ocean circulation models. The boundary condition utilises dominant balances in the governing equations to assist calculations of variables at the boundary. The boundary condition can be used in two forms. Firstly as a passive one in which there is no forcing at the boundary and phenomena generated within the domain of interest can propagate outwards without distorting the interior. Secondly as an active condition where a model is forced by the boundary condition. Three simple idealised tests are performed to verify the open boundary condition, (1) a passive condition to test the outflow of free Kelvin waves, (2) an active condition during the spin up phase of an ocean, (3) finally an example of the use of the condition in a tropical ocean.  相似文献   

This paper describes a general parallel multi-subdomain strategy for solving the weakly dispersive and nonlinear Boussinesq water wave equations. The parallelization strategy is derived from the additive Schwarz method based on overlapping subdomains. Besides allowing the subdomains to independently solve their local problems, the strategy is also flexible in the sense that different discretization schemes, or even different mathematical models, are allowed in different subdomains. The parallelization strategy is particularly attractive from an implementational point of view, because it promotes the reuse of existing serial software and opens for the possibility of using different software in different subdomains.We study the strategy’s performance with respect to accuracy, convergence properties of the Schwarz iterations, and scalability through numerical experiments concerning waves in a basin, solitary waves, and waves generated by a moving vessel. We find that the proposed technique is promising for large-scale parallel wave simulations. In particular, we demonstrate that satisfactory accuracy and convergence speed of the Schwarz iterations are obtainable independent of the number of subdomains, provided there is sufficient overlap. Moreover, existing serial wave solvers are readily reusable when implementing the parallelization strategy.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this work concerns the development and testing of an overland flow model based on the two‐dimensional fully dynamic shallow water equations. Three key aspects, fundamental to get accurate, efficient and robust computation of surface runoff at basin scale, are discussed by transferring the main findings obtained by the recent research on the topic of dam‐break wave and flood propagation in the context of rainfall–runoff modelling. In particular, attention is focused on the numerical flux and bottom slope source terms computation, on a numerical treatment of friction slope terms and on an algorithm for dealing with wetting/drying fronts. The performances of the numerical model have been preliminarily evaluated using experimental or ideal tests characterized by very critical conditions for the stability of a numerical model. Then, attention was focused on a real event occurred in a sub‐basin of Reno river in Italy to analyse the suitability of the model in simulating real flood situations. The numerical results highlight the good performances of the model in all the simulations discussed in the paper. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a nearly‐analytic central difference method, which is an improved version of the central difference method. The new method is fourth‐order accurate with respect to both space and time but uses only three grid points in spatial directions. The stability criteria and numerical dispersion for the new scheme are analysed in detail. We also apply the nearly‐analytic central difference method to 1D and 2D cases to compute synthetic seismograms. For comparison, the fourth‐order Lax‐Wendroff correction scheme and the fourth‐order staggered‐grid finite‐difference method are used to model acoustic wavefields. Numerical results indicate that the nearly‐analytic central difference method can be used to solve large‐scale problems because it effectively suppresses numerical dispersion caused by discretizing the scalar wave equation when too coarse grids are used. Meanwhile, numerical results show that the minimum sampling rate of the nearly‐analytic central difference method is about 2.5 points per minimal wavelength for eliminating numerical dispersion, resulting that the nearly‐analytic central difference method can save greatly both computational costs and storage space as contrasted to other high‐order finite‐difference methods such as the fourth‐order Lax‐Wendroff correction scheme and the fourth‐order staggered‐grid finite‐difference method.  相似文献   

The shallow water equations are used to model flows in rivers and coastal areas, and have wide applications in ocean, hydraulic engineering, and atmospheric modeling. These equations have still water steady state solutions in which the flux gradients are balanced by the source term. It is desirable to develop numerical methods which preserve exactly these steady state solutions. Another main difficulty usually arising from the simulation of dam breaks and flood waves flows is the appearance of dry areas where no water is present. If no special attention is paid, standard numerical methods may fail near dry/wet front and produce non-physical negative water height. A high-order accurate finite volume weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) scheme is proposed in this paper to address these difficulties and to provide an efficient and robust method for solving the shallow water equations. A simple, easy-to-implement positivity-preserving limiter is introduced. One- and two-dimensional numerical examples are provided to verify the positivity-preserving property, well-balanced property, high-order accuracy, and good resolution for smooth and discontinuous solutions.  相似文献   

Shallow water equations with a non-flat bottom topography have been widely used to model flows in rivers and coastal areas. An important difficulty arising in these simulations is the appearance of dry areas where no water is present, as standard numerical methods may fail in the presence of these areas. These equations also have still water steady state solutions in which the flux gradients are nonzero but exactly balanced by the source term. In this paper we propose a high order discontinuous Galerkin method which can maintain the still water steady state exactly, and at the same time can preserve the non-negativity of the water height without loss of mass conservation. A simple positivity-preserving limiter, valid under suitable CFL condition, will be introduced in one dimension and then extended to two dimensions with rectangular meshes. Numerical tests are performed to verify the positivity-preserving property, well-balanced property, high order accuracy, and good resolution for smooth and discontinuous solutions.  相似文献   

对于地震波在地球介质中传播的传播非线性而言,在求解n维非线性波动方程Canchy问题时,需要求解其对应的线性波动方程Cauchy问题和建立一些解的估计式。我们已经求得了其对应的线性波动方程Canchy问题解的表达式。在此基础上,本文应用函数空间L^1(R^n)、L^∞(R)的范数,建立了n维非线性波动方程对应的线性波动方程Cancny问题解的一个估计式,为求解n维非线性波动方程莫定了基础。  相似文献   

A finite volume MUSCL scheme for the numerical integration of 2D shallow water equations is presented. In the framework of the SLIC scheme, the proposed weighted surface-depth gradient method (WSDGM) computes intercell water depths through a weighted average of DGM and SGM reconstructions, in which the weight function depends on the local Froude number. This combination makes the scheme capable of performing a robust tracking of wet/dry fronts and, together with an unsplit centered discretization of the bed slope source term, of maintaining the static condition on non-flat topographies (C-property). A correction of the numerical fluxes in the computational cells with water depth smaller than a fixed tolerance enables a drastic reduction of the mass error in the presence of wetting and drying fronts. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed scheme are assessed by comparing numerical results with analytical and reference solutions of a set of test cases. Moreover, to show the capability of the numerical model on field-scale applications, the results of a dam-break scenario are presented.  相似文献   

一个近似的VTI介质声波方程   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
声学近似是提高各向异性介质准纵波数值模拟和偏移处理计算速度的有效方法之一.为了获得VTI(具有垂直对称轴的横向各向同性)介质声波方程,根据VTI介质的精确相速度表达式,用待定系数法简化其中的根号项,得到一个近似相速度公式,由此公式通过反Fourier变换推导出一个时间二阶、空间四阶偏微分方程.定量相速度计算表明,当Thomsen参数ε=δ(即相应介质为椭圆各向异性介质)时,由该方程所确定的相速度是精确的;当ε≠δ时,该方程所确定的相速度随ε和δ差值的增大逐渐增加.该方程所确定的最大相速度百分比相对误差当ε=0.1、δ=0.2时为0.13%,当ε=0.8、δ=0.3时为-1.65%.有限差分数值模拟算例表明该方程是一个纯准纵波方程,其数值模拟波场快照中没有准横波.  相似文献   

A multilayer lattice Boltzmann (LB) model is introduced to solve three-dimensional wind-driven shallow water flow problems. The multilayer LB model avoids the expensive Navier–Stokes equations and obtains stratified horizontal flow velocities as vertical velocities are relatively small and the flow is still within the shallow water regime. A single relaxation time BGK method is used to solve each layer coupled by the vertical viscosity forcing term. To increase solution stability, an implicit step is suggested to obtain flow velocities. The main advantage of using the LBM is that after selecting appropriate equilibrium distribution functions, the LB algorithm is only slightly modified for each layer and retains all the simplicities of the LBM within the high performance computing (HPC) environment. The performance of the parallel LB model for the multilayer shallow water equations is investigated on CPU-based HPC environments using OpenMP. We found that the explicit loop control with cache optimization in LBM gives better performance on execution time, speedup and efficiency than the implicit loop control as the number of processors increases. Numerical examples are presented to verify the multilayer LB model against analytical solutions. We demonstrate the model’s capability of calculating lateral and vertical distributions of velocities for wind-driven circulation over non-uniform bathymetry.  相似文献   

基于可分离小波理论,由一维Daubechies尺度函数的张量积构造二维Daubechies小波基,并将它作为GPR波动方程求解的插值函数,导出了二维Daubechies小波有限元GPR方程离散格式;通过引入转换矩阵,实现小波系数空间与雷达场值之间转换.引入自由度凝聚技术,有效解决了小波有限元求解中小波单元内部自由度过多的问题,节约了计算量并方便与传统有限元法耦合.然后,详细阐述了Daubechies小波有限元联系系数计算方法,有效解决了小波有限元求解偏微分方程的难点与核心问题.最后,以两个典型GPR模型为例,对比了Daubechies小波有限元与传统有限元的雷达正演剖面图与单道波形图,结果表明:在相同的剖分方式及节点数目条件下,Daubechies小波有限元的紧支性与正交性一定程度上提高了求解效率,它与有限元法求解结果能较好地吻合,验证了Daubechies小波有限元算法的正确性.  相似文献   

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