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海上风电工程基础结构抗震性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨海上风电工程基础与结构体系的抗震性能,采用ANSYS程序建立了三种基础型式的风电塔架结构数值模型,先采用振型分解反应谱法计算了结构的地震响应,进而分别将传统地震动和最不利地震动作为输入地震动,分析了三种基础结构体系的最大地震响应。结果显示:风电结构属典型的长周期结构,基础型式对结构的振动周期影响明显,单立柱桩式结构振动周期最长,八桩承台结构振动周期最短。地震作用下,单立柱桩结构的顶端位移响应也最大;振型反应谱法与传统地震动作用下结构的响应满足现行建筑抗震规范的要求,但最不利地震作用下结构的位移响应偏大,不满足规范对位移的相关规定;组合三桩结构底部基础与结构连接处是应力集中区。海上风电工程结构抗震设计的重要性应引起充分重视。  相似文献   

Monopile foundations of offshore wind turbines modify the hydrodynamics and sediment transport at local and regional scales. The aim of this work is to assess these modifications and to parameterize them in a regional model. In the present study, this is achieved through a regional circulation model, coupled with a sediment transport module, using two approaches. One approach is to explicitly model the monopiles in the mesh as dry cells, and the other is to parameterize them by adding a drag force term to the momentum and turbulence equations. Idealised cases are run using hydrodynamical conditions and sediment grain sizes typical from the area located off Courseulles-sur-Mer (Normandy, France), where an offshore windfarm is under planning, to assess the capacity of the model to reproduce the effect of the monopile on the environment. Then, the model is applied to a real configuration on an area including the future offshore windfarm of Courseulles-sur-Mer. Four monopiles are represented in the model using both approaches, and modifications of the hydrodynamics and sediment transport are assessed over a tidal cycle. In relation to local hydrodynamic effects, it is observed that currents increase at the side of the monopile and decrease in front of and downstream of the monopile. In relation to sediment transport effect, the results show that resuspension and erosion occur around the monopile in locations where the current speed increases due to the monopile presence, and sediments deposit downstream where the bed shear stress is lower. During the tidal cycle, wakes downstream of the monopile reach the following monopile and modify the velocity magnitude and suspended sediment concentration patterns around the second monopile.  相似文献   

This paper compares the response of a jacket-supported offshore wind turbine (OWT) under wave loading, when (a) soil–structure interaction (SSI) is ignored and (b) SSI is considered. The jacket is placed in a water depth of 70 m and soil conditions off the west coast of India are used in the study. The rotor of the OWT is considered to be parked, under a survival average wind speed of 50 m/s, significant waver height Hs=16 m and peak spectral period Tp=18 s. The significance of includng SSI in OWT studies is investigated by means of pushover analyses and irregular-wave dynamic analyses. Modal studies are performed to determine the variation in the free-vibration response of the two cases. It is observed that ignoring SSI tends to over-estimate the ultimate strength characteristics of the OWT by 3–60% in various modes or increase the tower top displacement above serviceable limit. For dynamics analysis, the wave elevation is generated using wave superposition method. The JONSWAP wave spectrum is discretized using constant area method which introduces additional uncertainty. The analysis shows that approximately 200 frequencies are necessary using constant area method to capture the tail region appropriately. Also the statistical uncertainty in the generation of wave elevation for dynamic analyses is quantified by means of sample convergence studies. The results show that approximately 20–40 samples are required in order to obtain reasonable statistics.  相似文献   

Very large diameter steel tubular piles (up to 10 m in diameter, termed as XL or XXL monopiles) and caissons are currently used as foundations to support offshore Wind Turbine Generators (WTG) despite limited guidance in codes of practice. The current codes of practice such as API/DnV suggest methods to analysis long flexible piles which are being used (often without any modification) to analyse large diameter monopiles giving unsatisfactory results. As a result, there is an interest in the analysis of deep foundation for a wide range of length to diameter (L/D) ratio embedded in different types of soil.This paper carries out a theoretical study utilising Hamiltonian principle to analyse deep foundations (L/D2) embedded in three types of ground profiles (homogeneous, inhomogeneous and layered continua) that are of interest to offshore wind turbine industry. Impedance functions (static and dynamic) have been proposed for piles exhibiting rigid and flexible behaviour in all the 3 ground profiles. Through the analysis, it is concluded that the conventional Winkler-based approach (such as py curves or Bean-on-Dynamic Winkler Foundations) may not be applicable for piles or caissons having aspect ratio less than about 10 to 15. The results also show that, for the same dimensionless frequency, damping ratio of large diameter rigid piles is higher than long flexible piles and is approximately 1.2–1.5 times the material damping. It is also shown that Winkler-based approach developed for flexible piles will under predict stiffness of rigid piles, thereby also under predicting natural frequency of the WTG system. Four wind turbine foundations from four different European wind farms have been considered to gain further useful insights.  相似文献   

The wind energy industry has been growing rapidly during the past decades.Along with this growth,engineering problems have gradually emerged in the wind power industry,including those related to the structural reliability of turbine towers.This study proposes a rapid seismic analysis methodology for existing wind turbine tower structures.The method is demonstrated and validated using a case study on a 1.5 MW tubular steel wind turbine tower.Three finite element(FE)models are developed first.Field tests are conducted to obtain the turbine tower's vibrational characteristics.The tests include(1) remotely measuring the tower vibration frequencies using a long range laser Doppler Vibrometer and(2) monitoring the tower structural vibration by mounting accelerometers along the height of the tubular structure.In-situ measurements are used to validate and update the FE models of the wind turbine tower.With the updated FE model that represents the practical structural conditions,seismic analyses are performed to study the structural failure,which is defined by the steel yielding of the tubular tower.This research is anticipated to benefit the management of the increasing number of wind energy converters by providing an understanding of the seismic assessment of existing tubular steel wind turbine towers.  相似文献   

对某个风电场的23座高桩-混凝土承台式海上风电塔进行了1年的强振监测,统计了其在台风、偏航冲击等作用力下的强振特性。监测数据分析发现:机舱对风向偏航时会引起塔筒强烈振动,且此类型强振现象持续时间达几十秒,有时振动加速度可超过10 m/s^2,每个月多达几百次;在某次台风作用下,塔筒的振动加速度接近10 m/s^2;施工船靠船时的碰撞引起塔筒的强振幅值接近15 m/s^2;通过分析风电塔1年运营期间的塔筒固有频率值,发现前3阶固有频率值、阻尼比未发现变化。监测结果表明:高桩-混凝土承台式风电塔在台风、机舱偏航,施工船碰撞时都会产生强烈振动。因此,机舱偏航和施工船碰撞引起风电塔的强振现象过于频繁发生,是风电塔疲劳损伤的重要因素。本文的研究成果可为此类型风电塔设计、运营安全监测及损伤诊断提供参考。  相似文献   

Journal of Seismology - Seismologists found a significant deterioration in station quality after installation of wind turbines (WTs), which led to conflicts between WT operators and seismic...  相似文献   

风电塔是一种顶部有较大偏心质量的高耸薄壁悬臂结构,以某1.5MW水平轴三叶片风电塔为研究对象,重点关注风电塔振动台试验缩尺模型设计。根据量纲分析理论和相似条件,基于模型质量分布和刚度分布等效原则,设计模型塔筒截面及附加质量,保证模型与原型结构自振频率和振型相似。通过对比分析模型动力特性测试结果与原型实测结果,验证了该模型设计方法的合理性,可为同类型风电塔振动台试验设计提供参考与依据。针对该柔性对称高塔模型在动力特性测试中出现的正交耦合振动及拍振现象也进行了详细阐述。  相似文献   

考虑离心刚化效应的旋转风力机叶片动力特性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
风机叶片的动力特性直接影响到风力发电机组整体的动力特性,对旋转叶片动力特性的研究是必要的。叶片在旋转过程中由于重力和离心力的作用,将会产生离心刚化效应,从而改变叶片自身的动力特性。基于空间面的概念,本文应用有限元理论计算了随时间和转速二维坐标变化的叶片节点轴力面和叶片的前三阶自振频率面,同时引入刚化系数的概念,定量地描述了叶片的刚化程度,并给出了频率修正公式,结果分析表明本文采用的方法可以模拟旋转叶片产生离心刚化效应后的动力特性,更准确地反映叶片的实际动力特性。  相似文献   

A wind turbine system equipped with a tuned liquid column damper(TLCD) is comprehensively studied via shaking table tests using a 1/13-scaled model. The effects of wind and wave actions are considered by inputting responseequivalent accelerations on the shaking table. The test results show that the control effect of the TLCD system is significant in reducing the responses under both wind-wave equivalent loads and ground motions, but obviously varies for different inputs. Further, a blade-hub-tower integrated numerical model for the wind turbine system is established. The model is capable of considering the rotational effect of blades by combining Kane’s equation with the finite element method. The responses of the wind tower equipped with TLCD devices are numerically obtained and compared to the test results, showing that under both controlled and uncontrolled conditions with and without blades’ rotation, the corresponding responses exhibit good agreement. This demonstrates that the proposed numerical model performs well in capturing the wind-wave coupled response of the offshore wind turbine systems under control. Both numerical and experimental results show that the TLCD system can significantly reduce the structural response and thus improve the safety and serviceability of the offshore wind turbine tower systems. Additional issues that require further study are discussed.  相似文献   

The global growth in wind energy suggests that wind farms will increasingly be deployed in seismically active regions, with large arrays of similarly designed structures potentially at risk of simultaneous failure under a major earthquake. Wind turbine support towers are often constructed as thin‐walled metal shell structures, well known for their imperfection sensitivity, and are susceptible to sudden buckling failure under compressive axial loading. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of the seismic response of a 1.5‐MW wind turbine steel support tower modelled as a near‐cylindrical shell structure with realistic axisymmetric weld depression imperfections. A selection of 20 representative earthquake ground motion records, 10 ‘near‐fault’ and 10 ‘far‐field’, was applied and the aggregate seismic response explored using lateral drifts and total plastic energy dissipation during the earthquake as structural demand parameters. The tower was found to exhibit high stiffness, although global collapse may occur soon after the elastic limit is exceeded through the development of a highly unstable plastic hinge under seismic excitations. Realistic imperfections were found to have a significant effect on the intensities of ground accelerations at which damage initiates and on the failure location, but only a small effect on the vibration properties and the response prior to damage. Including vertical accelerations similarly had a limited effect on the elastic response, but potentially shifts the location of the plastic hinge to a more slender and, therefore, weaker part of the tower. The aggregate response was found to be significantly more damaging under near‐fault earthquakes with pulse‐like effects and large vertical accelerations than far‐field earthquakes without these aspects. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了在测震台址勘选中对规避风电机组这类新生的常见干扰源有定量参考依据,以减少盲目性,提高台址勘选效率,在野外开展了定量实验,取得了实地测试数据,并初步探讨了风电机组干扰源的振动衰减关系。研究认为,对于风电机组这类干扰源,测震基岩固定台站Ⅰ级环境地噪声水平的建议规避距离为800 m。  相似文献   

We present results of various circulation scenarios for the wind-induced three-dimensional currents in Lake Constance, obtained with the aid of a semi-spectral semi-implicit finite difference code developed in Haidvogel et al. and Wang and Hutter. Internal Kelvin and Poincaré-type oscillations are demonstrated in the numerical results, whose periods depend upon the stratification and the geometry of the basin and agree well with measured data. By solving the eigenvalue problem of the linearized shallow water equations in the two-layered stratified Lake Constance, the interpretation of the oscillations as Kelvin and Poincaré-type waves is corroborated.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the study of the dynamic response of a wind turbine installed close to seismic fault in an earthquake prone region of Greece. The investigation of the seismic behavior of the turbine is performed with response spectrum analysis using the elastic acceleration spectrum provided by the Greek National Aseismic Code for the project area, increased by 25% due to proximity to seismic fault, as recommended by the Code. Also, dynamic analysis is performed using the spectrum obtained from the assessment of seismic hazard at the site of the project (Local), for two typical cases of earthquakes of magnitudes Ms=5.8 and Ms=7.3 with epicentral distances of 1 km and 11 km from the test position, respectively. Finally, a time-history analysis is carried out using an artificial accelerogram obtained from the local spectrum envelope, for the site of the project, considering 1% damping ratio. The direct comparison of the response spectrum analysis results with the corresponding ones obtained from the dynamic and time-history analyses indicates that the implementation of the elastic acceleration spectrum is insufficient, although increased, and therefore it could be deduced that the current recommendation of the Greek National Aseismic Code to consider an increment of 25% on the elastic acceleration spectrum in regions close to seismic faults, requires review and further improvement.  相似文献   

为研究初始倾斜对风机塔结构动力可靠度的影响,利用高精度免棱镜全站仪实测某2 MW风力发电塔缩尺模型的初始倾斜缺陷,并通过ABAQUS软件分别建立倾斜以及无倾斜的有限元模型,开展结构在八度多遇近场随机地震动作用下的动力反应分析,随之采用Kriging插值模型结合子集模拟方法,计算两类模型在首次超越破坏准则下的抗震可靠度。研究结果表明:初始倾斜缺陷放大了结构塔顶侧移响应,在均值意义上,初始倾斜缺陷使得该风机塔缩尺模型的塔顶侧移增幅达7.8%;当侧移阈值达到6 mm时,所述两类模型的可靠度均接近于1,当设计阈值超过此数值时,模型初始倾斜带来的不利影响可忽略不计,而当设计阈值不足时,结构安全水准会因初始倾斜的存在而明显降低。因此,在风机塔可靠性设计中,建议对初始倾斜缺陷带来的可靠度下降这一因素加以考虑。  相似文献   

Preliminary design of offshore wind turbines requires high precision simplified methods for the analysis of the system fundamental frequency. Based on the Rayleigh method and Lagrange's Equation, this study establishes a simple formula for the analysis of system fundamental frequency in the preliminary design of an offshore wind turbine with a monopile foundation. This method takes into consideration the variation of cross-section geometry of the wind turbine tower along its length, with the inertia moment and distributed mass both changing with diameter. Also the rotational flexibility of the monopile foundation is mainly considered. The rigid pile and elastic middle long pile are calculated separately. The method is validated against both FEM analysis cases and field measurements, showing good agreement. The method is then used in a parametric study, showing that the tower length Lt, tower base diameter d0, tower wall thickness δt, pile diameter db and pile length Lb are the major factors influencing the fundamental frequency of the offshore wind turbine system. In the design of offshore wind turbine systems, these five parameters should be adjusted comprehensively. The seabed soil condition also needs to be carefully considered for soft clay and loose sand.  相似文献   

The dynamic response of a wind turbine on monopile is studied under horizontal and vertical earthquake excitations. The analyses are carried out using the finite element program SAP2000. The finite element model of the structure is verified against the results of shake table tests, and the earthquake response of the soil model is verified against analytical solutions of the steady‐state response of homogeneous strata. The focus of the analyses in this paper is the vertical earthquake response of wind turbines including the soil‐structure interaction effects. The analyses are carried out for both a non‐homogeneous stratum and a deep soil using the three‐step method. In addition, a procedure is implemented which allows one to perform coupled soil‐structure interaction analyses by properly tuning the damping in the tower structure. The analyses show amplification of the ground surface acceleration to the top of the tower by a factor of two. These accelerations are capable of causing damage in the turbine and the tower structure, or malfunctioning of the turbine after the earthquake; therefore, vertical earthquake excitation is considered a potential critical loading in design of wind turbines even in low‐to‐moderate seismic areas. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Magnetic instabilities play an important role in the understanding of the dynamics of the Earth's fluid core. In this paper we continue our study of the linear stability of an electrically conducting fluid in a rapidly rotating, rigid, electrically insulating spherical geometry in the presence of a toroidal basic state, comprising magnetic field BMB O(r, θ)1ø and flow UMU O(r, θ)1ø The magnetostrophic approximation is employed to numerically analyse the two classes of instability which are likely to be relevant to the Earth. These are the field gradient (or ideal) instability, which requires strong field gradients and strong fields, and the resistive instability, dependent on finite resistivity and the presence of a zero in the basic state B O(r,θ). Based on a local analysis and numerical results in a cylindrical geometry we have established the existence of the field gradient instability in a spherical geometry for very simple basic states in the first paper of this series. Here, we extend the calculations to more realistic basic states in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the field gradient mode. Having achieved this we turn our attention to the resistive instability. Its presence in a spherical model is confirmed by the numerical calculations for a variety of basic states. The purpose of these investigations is not just to find out which basic states can become unstable but also to provide a quantitative measure as to how strong the field must become before instability occurs. The strength of the magnetic field is measured by the Elsasser number; its critical value c describing the state of marginal stability. For the basic states which we have studied we find c 200–1000 for the field gradient mode, whereas for the resistive modes c 50–160. For the field gradient instability, c increases rapidly with the azimuthal wavenumber m whereas in the resistive case there is no such pronounced difference for modes corresponding to different values of m. The above values of c indicate that both types of instability, ideal and resistive, are of relevance to the parameter regime found inside the Earth. For the resistive mode, as is increased from c, we find a shortening lengthscale in the direction along the contour BO = 0. Such an effect was not observable in simpler (for example, cylindrical) models.  相似文献   

对典型矩形高层建筑进行风洞试验,根据试验结果计算了各风向角下的等效静风荷载和风振响应,同时采用《建筑结构荷载规范》(GB50009-2012)计算方法对该建筑正交角度下的风荷载进行计算,结合风洞试验风荷载与规范计算结果,研究典型矩形高层建筑等效静风荷载和加速度响应分布规律。结果表明:结构基底风致响应最不利角度并非完全出现在正交角度,风洞试验楼层风荷载整体趋势与规范计算结果相同,数值上存在差异,宜以风洞试验结果为准,该结构的顶层加速度响应小于高规限值,舒适度满足要求。  相似文献   

Wind-induced vibration control of bridges using liquid column damper   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The potential application of tuned liquid column damper (TLCD) for suppressing wind-induced vibration of long span bridges is explored in this paper. By installing the TLCD in the bridge deck, a mathematical model for the bridge-TLCD system is established. The governing equations of the system are developed by considering all three displacement components of the deck in vertical, lateral, and torsional vibrations, in which the interactions between the bridge deck, the TLCD, the aeroelastic forces, and the aerodynamic forces are fully reflected. Both buffeting and flutter analyses are carried out. The buffeting analysis is performed through random vibration approach, and a critical flutter condition is identified from flutter analysis. A numerical example is presented to demonstrate the control effectiveness of the damper and it is shown that the TLCD can be an effective device for suppressing wind-induced vibration of long span bridges, either for reducing the buffeting response or increasing the critical flutter wind velocity of the bridge.  相似文献   

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