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The prediction of non-linear seismic demand using linear elastic behavior for the determination of peak non-linear response is widely used for seismic design as well as for vulnerability assessment. Existing methods use either linear response based on initial period and damping ratio, eventually corrected with factors, or linear response based on increased equivalent period and damping ratio. Improvements to the original EC8 procedure for displacement demand prediction are proposed in this study. Both propositions may be graphically approximated, which is a significant advantage for practical application. A comparison with several other methods (equal displacement rule, EC8 procedure, secant stiffness and empirical equivalent period methods) is performed. The study is based on non-linear SDOF systems subjected to recorded earthquakes, modified to match design response spectra of different ground types, and focuses on the low frequency range that is of interest for most European buildings. All results are represented in the spectral displacement/fundamental period plane that highlights the predominant effect of the fundamental period on the displacement demand. This study shows that linearized methods perform well at low strength reduction factors but may strongly underestimate the displacement demand at strength reduction factors greater than 2. This underestimation is an important issue, especially for assessment of existing buildings, which are often related with low lateral strength. In such cases, the corresponding strength reduction factors are therefore much larger than 2. The new proposals significantly improve the reliability of displacement demand prediction for values of strength reduction factors greater than 2 compared to the original EC8 procedure. As a consequence, for the seismic assessment of existing structures, such as unreinforced masonry low-rise buildings, the current procedure of EC8 should be modified in order to provide accurate predictions of the displacement demand in the domain of the response spectrum plateau.  相似文献   

Common prestack fracture prediction methods cannot clearly distinguish multiplescale fractures. In this study, we propose a prediction method for macro- and mesoscale fractures based on fracture density distribution in reservoirs. First, we detect the macroscale fractures (larger than 1/4 wavelength) using the multidirectional coherence technique that is based on the curvelet transform and the mesoscale fractures (1/4–1/100 wavelength) using the seismic azimuthal anisotropy technique and prestack attenuation attributes, e.g., frequency attenuation gradient. Then, we combine the obtained fracture density distributions into a map and evaluate the variably scaled fractures. Application of the method to a seismic physical model of a fractured reservoir shows that the method overcomes the problem of discontinuous fracture density distribution generated by the prestack seismic azimuthal anisotropy method, distinguishes the fracture scales, and identifies the fractured zones accurately.  相似文献   

Prediction of the seismic rotational displacements of retaining wall under passive condition is an important aspect of design in earthquake prone region. In this paper, the pseudo-dynamic method is used to compute the rotational displacements of rigid retaining wall supporting cohesionless backfill under seismic loading for the passive earth pressure condition. The proposed method considers time, phase difference and effect of amplification in shear and primary waves propagating through both the backfill and the retaining wall. The influence of ground motion characteristics on rotational displacement of the wall is evaluated. Also the effects of variation of parameters like wall friction angle, soil friction angle, amplification factor, shear wave velocity, primary wave velocity, period of lateral shaking, horizontal and vertical seismic accelerations on the rotational displacements are studied. The rotational displacement of the wall increases substantially with increase in amplification of both shear and primary waves, time of input motion, period of lateral shaking and decreases with increase in soil friction angle, wall friction angle. The rotational displacements of the wall also increase when the effect of wall inertia is taken into account. Results are provided in graphical form.  相似文献   

A relevance vector machine(RVM) based demand prediction model is explored for efficient seismic fragility analysis(SFA) of a bridge structure. The proposed RVM model integrates both record-to-record variations of ground motions and uncertainties of parameters characterizing the bridge model. For efficient fragility computation, ground motion intensity is included as an added dimension to the demand prediction model. To incorporate different sources of uncertainty, random realizations of differen...  相似文献   

Seismic demand of plan-asymmetric structures: a revisit   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In view of the recognition of the importance of the interdependent behavior of strength and stiffness of walltype structural elements,the seismic demand of plan-asymmetric systems is revisited.Useful strength distribution strategies,i.e.,’Center of Strength-Center of Mass(CV-CM) coinciding’ and ’Balanced Center of Strength-Center of Resistance(CVCR)’ are adopted.Design charts for the seismic demand of classical uni-directionally and bi-directionally asymmetric systems are developed in a simple unified format.A conceptual framework is also outlined to conveniently apply the design charts.Illustrations are included to explain the use of the current recommendations in practical design.The study also highlights the relative performance of ’CV-CM coinciding’ and ’Balanced CV-CR’ criteria.  相似文献   

It is well known that the solution of the forced vibration of a N-DOF dynamical problem is very cumbersome when conditions which allow the equations to uncouple do not exist. In the literature several techniques were proposed to overcome the problem, but they were mainly focused on a particular problem in turn. So, we deemed it useful to search for a unifying procedure able to deal with different sources of non-linear behaviour introducing only minor changes in the operation flow. In this respect, attention is paid to the Alternating Frequency/Time domain method (AFT) which draws its robustness from the speed and switching capabilities of the Fast Fourier Transform; moreover, taking advantage of the pseudo-force concept, we can arrive at a solution method featuring greater generality and able to solve different non-linear dynamical problems by means of specialization of the same conceptual framework (G-AFT or Generalized AFT). In the first section of the paper the theoretical background is discussed in detail and the proposed algorithms are presented. In the second one, several examples of technical relevance are documented and solved, highlighting the efficiency, convergence and accuracy of the presented algorithm. For cases such as an 11-storey building or a block simulated power plant we introduce the soil-structure interaction effect by means of non-proportional damping; the responses computed either by direct frequency analysis or by iteration are compared with existing solutions or with time domain solutions determined through the Newmark β method. An original example prepared by the authors and fully referenced is finally worked out in order to show the capability of the method when Coulomb damping is taken into account; this effect covers a significant practical relevance in the base isolation field.  相似文献   

随机噪声的影响在地震勘探中是不可避免的,常规的随机噪声压制方法在处理中往往会破坏具有时空变化特征的非平稳有效地震信号,影响地震数据的准确成像.当前油气勘探的目标已经转变为“两宽一高”,随着数据量的增大,对去噪方法的处理效率也提出了更高的要求.因此,开发高效的非平稳地震数据随机噪声压制方法具有重要意义.预测滤波技术广泛用于地震随机噪声的衰减,本文基于流式处理框架提出一种新的f-x域流式预测滤波方法,通过在频率域建立预测自回归方程,运用直接复数矩阵逆运算代替迭代算法求解非平稳滤波器系数,实现时空变地震同相轴预测,提高自适应预测滤波的计算效率.通过与工业标准的FXDECON方法和f-x域正则化非平稳自回归(RNA)方法进行对比,理论模型和实际数据的测试结果表明,提出的f-x域流式预测滤波方法能更好地平衡时空变有效信号保护、随机噪声压制和高效计算三者之间的关系,获得合理的处理效果.  相似文献   

在系统介绍反应位移法原理和计算流程的基础上,结合某电站具体工程进行了不同截面形式地下沟道的反应位移法抗震分析.概述了沟道设计分析过程的参数化实现方法,其中采用五点法实现了沟道中应力到内力的转化.对不同截面形式沟道的内力分布进行了具体的分析研究,绘制了截面的内力包络图,通过内力计算给出了配筋方案.计算得出的规律可以为地下沟道设计与施工提供依据,推动反应位移法在地下结构抗震分析中的应用.  相似文献   

利用文献[2]推荐的方法得到了不同地震组合情况下的等效地震影响系数,将其与传统的钢筋混凝土框架结构震害预测方法相结合,得到两次地震作用对建筑物所造成的损伤,进而得到了该类建筑物的群体震害预测结果。结果分析表明,接连两次地震对建筑物的累积破坏作用显著。最后以福建省泉州市规划区范围内的钢筋混凝土框架结构群体震害预测为例,证明了该方法具有简便实用的特点。  相似文献   

The uncertainty in the seismic demand of a structure (referred to as the engineering demand parameter, EDP) needs to be properly characterized in performance‐based earthquake engineering. Uncertainties in the ground motion and in structural properties are responsible for EDP uncertainty. In this study, sensitivity of EDPs to major uncertain variables is investigated using the first‐order second‐moment method for a case study building. This method is shown to be simple and efficient for estimating the sensitivity of seismic demand. The EDP uncertainty induced by each uncertain variable is used to determine which variables are most significant. Results show that the uncertainties in ground motion are more significant for global EDPs, namely peak roof acceleration and displacement, and maximum inter‐storey drift ratio, than those in structural properties. Uncertainty in the intensity measure (IM) of ground motion is the dominant variable for uncertainties in local EDPs such as the curvature demand at critical cross‐sections. Conditional sensitivity of global and local EDPs given IM is also estimated. It is observed that the combined effect of uncertainties in structural properties is more significant than uncertainty in ground motion profile at lower IM levels, while the opposite is true at higher IM levels. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Seismic velocity analysis in the scattering-angle/azimuth domain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Migration velocity analysis is carried out by analysing the residual moveout and amplitude variations in common image point gathers (CIGs) parametrized by scattering angle and azimuth. The misfit criterion in the analysis is of the differential-semblance type. By using angles to parametrize the imaging we are able to handle and exploit data with multiple arrivals, although artefacts may occur in the CIGs and need to be suppressed. The CIGs are generated by angle migration, an approach based on the generalized Radon transform (GRT) inversion, and they provide multiple images of reflectors in the subsurface for a range of scattering angles and azimuths. Within the differential semblance applied to these CIGs, we compensate for amplitude versus angle (AVA) effects. Thus, using a correct background velocity model, the CIGs should have no residual moveout nor amplitude variation with angles, and the differential semblance should vanish. If the velocity model is incorrect, however, the events in the CIGs will appear at different depths for different angles and the amplitude along the events will be non-uniform. A standard, gradient-based optimization scheme is employed to develop a velocity updating procedure. The model update is formed by backprojecting the differential semblance misfits through ray perturbation kernels, within a GRT inverse. The GRT inverse acts on the data, subject to a shift in accordance with ray perturbation theory. The performance of our algorithm is demonstrated with two synthetic data examples using isotropic elastic models. The first one allows velocity variation with depth only. In the second one, we reconstruct a low-velocity lens in the model that gives rise to multipathing. The velocity model parametrization is based upon the eigentensor decomposition of the stiffness tensor and makes use of B-splines.  相似文献   

针对20多个现役结构,以基于力的抗震设计方法所求基底剪力与直接基于位移的抗震设计方法所求基底剪力相等为原则,回归给出了直接基于位移的抗震设计中基底剪力的调整系数。在此基础上,通过进一步分析,提出了直接基于位移可靠度的抗震设计中层间目标位移代表值的确定方法。最后,总结给出了直接基于位移可靠度的抗震设计步骤。  相似文献   

A theoretical fault‐slip model has been developed for predicting the notional peak displacement demand (PDD) of earthquakes based on a limiting natural period of 5 s, for application in stable continental regions (SCRs). The developed theoretical expression is simple and robust. Importantly, it envelops predictions arising from a number of existing empirical and seismological (stochastic) models included in the comparison. The notional PDD prediction has been made initially for hard rock crustal conditions and at a reference source–site distance of 30 km. Factors have accordingly been introduced to correct for different distances and geological conditions in completing the PDD prediction model. Assuming displacement‐controlled behaviour, the predicted notional PDD may be compared with the displacement capacity of a structure, or component, for purposes of seismic stability assessment. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Located at the North-Eastern part of Algeria (Tellian Atlas), Constantine has crucial administrative, economic, scientific and cultural importance. It has continuously experienced significant urban evolutions during the different periods of its history. The city is located in an active seismic region within Algeria and has been struck in the past by several moderate and strong earthquakes. The strongest earthquake recorded since the beginning of instrumental seismology took place on October 27, 1985 with a magnitude M \(_\mathrm{S}=\) 5.9. Constantine presents a high seismic risk, because of its dense housing and high population density (2,374 inhabitants/km \(^{2})\) . This requires a risk assessment in order to take preventive measures and reduce the losses in case of potential major earthquake. For this purpose, a scenario based approach is considered. The building damage assessment methodology adopted for the Algerian context is adapted from HAZUS approach. In the present case, the effective Algerian seismic code response spectrum (RPA 99/2003) is considered as a seismic hazard model. The prediction of the expected damages is performed for a set of almost 29,000 buildings.  相似文献   

This paper gives a new insight into the linear dynamic behavior of one-storey eccentric systems, with particular attention devoted to provide a comprehensive physically-based formulation of the maximum corner displacement magnification, which involves three contributions (translational response, torsional response and their combination). It is shown that the largest magnifications, which mainly occur for the class of torsionally-flexible systems, are due to the translational contribution which is caused by the shift of the fundamental period of the eccentric system with respect to that of the equivalent not-eccentric system. A simplified method for the estimation of the maximum corner displacement under seismic excitation, based on the physical properties of the eccentric system, is finally proposed.  相似文献   

The determination of displacement demands for masonry buildings subjected to seismic action is a key issue in the performance-based assessment and design of such structures. A technique for the definition of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) nonlinear systems that approximates the global behaviour of multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) 3D structural models has been developed in order to provide useful information on the dependency of displacement demand on different seismic intensity measures. The definition of SDOF system properties is based on the dynamic equivalence of the elastic properties (vibration period and viscous damping) and on the comparability with nonlinear hysteretic behaviour obtained by cyclic pushover analysis on MDOF models. The MDOF systems are based on a nonlinear macroelement model that is able to reproduce the in-plane shear and flexural cyclic behaviour of pier and spandrel elements. For the complete MDOF models an equivalent frame modelling technique was used. The equivalent SDOF system was modelled using a suitable nonlinear spring comprised of two macroelements in parallel. This allows for a simple calibration of the hysteretic response of the SDOF by suitably proportioning the contributions of flexure-dominated and shear-dominated responses. The comparison of results in terms of maximum displacements obtained for the SDOF and MDOF systems demonstrates the feasibility and reliability of the proposed approach. The comparisons between MDOF and equivalent SDOF systems, carried out for several building prototypes, were based on the results of time-history analyses performed with a large database of natural records covering a wide range of magnitude, distance and local soil conditions. The use of unscaled natural accelerograms allowed the displacement demand to be expressed as a function of different ground motion parameters allowing for the study of their relative influence on the displacement demand for masonry structures.  相似文献   

宁夏测震台网的大震应对改进方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
5.12汶川大地震后,根据现行测震台网运行中暴露出的一些问题,就仪器及服务器机柜加固,通讯信道备份,测震虚拟台网的组建,测震台网中心备份等方面提出了一些改进方案,以保证宁夏数字化地震观测台网在大震来临时或出现突发事件时仍然能够正常运行。  相似文献   

One of the most important tasks in seismology and applied geophysics is the identification of the different kinds of waves that form a seismic record by means of polarization analysis. In particular, this involves the extraction of body waves (linear polarization) or surface waves (mostly elliptical polarization) from a set of seismic data and which forms a key point in several studies.  相似文献   

5·12汶川大地震后,根据现行测震台网运行中暴露出的一些问题,本文就震后流动观测台网的组建,大震限幅及测震台网中心备份3方面提出了改进方案,以保证云南省数字化地震观测台网在大地震来临时仍然能够正常运行。  相似文献   

本文提出了强震成因的外核对流上升体顶托说,根据强震前时纬残差的大振幅摆动的观测结果,在一些假定之下,可估算得到外核上升流的速度可达到100 m/s,比板块运动要快8个量级,它可能是整个地球内部最快的一种运动,是震、旱、涝等天灾的肇因.强震三要素预测的先后顺序是:震级、震中、和发生月季.2010年两次强震预测的三要素有1~2项预测准确,看来此强震预测三步法可以继续试验.  相似文献   

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