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One important tool for water resources management in arid and semi-arid areas is groundwater potential mapping. In this study, four data-mining models including K-nearest neighbor (KNN), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS), and quadric discriminant analysis (QDA) were used for groundwater potential mapping to get better and more accurate groundwater potential maps (GPMs). For this purpose, 14 groundwater influence factors were considered, such as altitude, slope angle, slope aspect, plan curvature, profile curvature, slope length, topographic wetness index (TWI), stream power index, distance from rivers, river density, distance from faults, fault density, land use, and lithology. From 842 springs in the study area, in the Khalkhal region of Iran, 70 % (589 springs) were considered for training and 30 % (253 springs) were used as a validation dataset. Then, KNN, LDA, MARS, and QDA models were applied in the R statistical software and the results were mapped as GPMs. Finally, the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve was implemented to evaluate the performance of the models. According to the results, the area under the curve of ROCs were calculated as 81.4, 80.5, 79.6, and 79.2 % for MARS, QDA, KNN, and LDA, respectively. So, it can be concluded that the performances of KNN and LDA were acceptable and the performances of MARS and QDA were excellent. Also, the results depicted high contribution of altitude, TWI, slope angle, and fault density, while plan curvature and land use were seen to be the least important factors.  相似文献   

Performance of freshwater aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) systems in brackish or saline aquifers is negatively affected by lateral flow, density effects, and/or dispersive mixing, causing ambient groundwater to enter ASR wells during recovery. Two recently published ASR performance estimation methods are applied in a Dutch coastal area, characterized by brackish-to-saline groundwater and locally high lateral-flow velocities. ASR performance of existing systems in the study area show good agreement with the predicted performance using the two methods, provided that local vertical anisotropy ratios are limited (<3). Deviations between actual and predicted ASR performance may originate from simplifications in the conceptual model and uncertainties in the hydrogeological and hydrochemical input. As the estimation methods prove suitable to predict ASR performance, feasibility maps are generated for different scales of ASR to identify favorable ASR sites. Successful small-to-medium-scale ASR varies spatially in the study area, emphasizing the relevance of reliable a priori spatial mapping.  相似文献   

All the conventional techniques for the analysis of slope stability ranging from simple kinematic analysis using stereonets, to the various widely used limit equilibrium methods, to sophisticated numerical methods belong to a category that are generally known as the analytic approaches and thus are only able to consider a limited number of affecting factors and then solve the problem in details. In contrast, the systems approaches not only can examine the problem in its totality with a complete list of the components, but also can take the interactions between the factors into account. This paper presents a complete application of a well-known systems technique named the Interaction Matrix (IM) in ranking the instability potential of rock slopes of the Khosh-Yeylagh Main Road, Iran as the case study of the research. For this purpose, 15 stations have been selected and a relatively comprehensive database containing the fieldwork information has been constructed. Following the IM technique, the most important factors relating to the general environment and to the rock mass characteristics have been considered. Their reciprocal causes and effects have been analyzed in order to weight each parameter according to its degree of interactivity in the system. Then, the slope instability index has been calculated which refers to the inherent potential instability of each slope of the examined region. The final instability ranking has been presented for the investigated slopes in Khosh-Yeylagh Main Road based on a simple classification. The main aim of the study is to extend the use of systems approach and specifically the IM technique in slope stability analysis. Also, this research shows the importance of consideration of an approximately complete set of key parameters affecting the stability of rock slopes.  相似文献   

Deadwood is an indicator that addresses many parameters of naturalness and is becoming a general reference for natural forests. If there are enough of the different kinds of deadwood in a forest, then it is likely to be properly natural. Also, it is a practical indicator, representing the health and biodiversity of forests. The aim of this research was to find out how much deadwood should be present in different developmental stages in a natural forest as a reference. For this purpose, a natural forest ecosystem in Mazandaran province, north of Iran, which is located in Noshahr, was selected. Species, diameter and height of all (living and dead) trees in each area were assessed. Then, developmental stages were determined, and their map was produced. The amount of deadwood was determined in different stages. Results showed that all three stages (initial, optimal and decay stage) could be recognized in the studied beech stands. Deadwood rate varied and greatest volume and number of it occurred in decay and initial stages, respectively. The frequency and volume of deadwood depend on the pattern of natural disturbance, developmental stages and stand structure. The amount of deadwood within managed forests is open to debate and requires detailed knowledge about beech stands in local conditions. So, based on these results in natural forests of beech in north of Iran, deadwood volume between 4.9 and 54.3 m3 ha?1 or 1.1–9.6 % of total volume of wood could be considered as a reasonable amount and each developmental stage must be different.  相似文献   

Recent developments in seismic, magnetotelluric and geochemical analytical techniques have significantly increased our capacity to explore the mantle lithosphere to depths of several hundred kilometres, to map its structures, and through geological interpretations, to assess its potential as a diamond reservoir. Several independent teleseismic techniques provide a synergistic approach in which one technique compensates for inadequacies in another. Shear wave anisotropy and discontinuity studies using single seismic stations define vertical mantle stratigraphic columns. For example, beneath the central Slave craton seismic discontinuities at depths of 38, 110, 140 and 190 km appear to bound two distinct anisotropic layers. Tomographic (3-D) inversions of seismic wave travel-times and 2-D inversions of surface or scattered waves use arrays of stations and provide lateral coverage. In combination, and by correlation with electrical conductivity and xenolith petrology studies, these techniques provide maps of key physical properties within parts of the cratons known to host diamonds. Beneath the Slave craton, the discontinuity at 38 km is the base of the crust; the boundaries at 110 and 140 km appear to bound a layer of depleted harzburgite that is interpreted to contain graphite. To date, only some of these techniques have been applied to the Slave and Kaapvaal cratons so that the origin and geological history of the currently mapped mantle structures are not, as yet, generally agreed.  相似文献   

In this paper we present new macrofossils of semi-aquatic fern Family Marsileaceae consisting of leaves and leaflets from the upper Hauterivian- lower Barremian Pinilla de los Moros Formation, Salas de los Infantes village, Burgos province, north of Spain. The leaves show two elliptic to flabellate-shaped leaflets that are joined to a petiole. Leaflets present entire margins and dichotomous anastomosed vein pattern. Comparison between the studied leaves and other marsileaceous leaves indicates close similarities with Regnellites nagashimae species. These leaves were deposited in a related fluvial environment near to the place where semi-aquatic plants grew. The studied macrofossils constitute at present the earliest record of leaves of Family Marsileaceae in the Mesozoic of Eurasia at the moment.  相似文献   

In the densely populated semi-arid territory around Delhi, the water demand is rising continuously, while the surface- and groundwater resources are threatened by contamination and overexploitation. This is a typical scenario in many newly industrialising and developing countries, where new approaches for a responsible resources management have to be found. Bank filtration holds a great potential, thus being a low tech method and benefiting from the storage and contaminant attenuation capacity of the natural soil/rock. For this study, three field sites have been constructed to investigate bank filtration in different environments in and around the megacity with a main focus on inorganic contaminants. Hydraulic heads, temperature gradients and hydrochemistry of surface water and groundwater were analysed in three different seasons. Depending on site-specific conditions, distinct hydrogeological conditions were observed and both positive and negative effects on water quality were identified. Most concerning issues are the impact of anthropogenic ammonia, the mixing with ambient saline groundwater and the mobilisation of arsenic during the reductive dissolution of manganese- and iron-(hydr)oxides. Positive aspects are the dilution of contaminants during the mixing of waters from different sources, the sorption of arsenic, denitrification, and the precipitation of fluoride under favourable conditions.  相似文献   

We assessed the suitability of intertidal habitats for spawning by horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) at 12 proposed restoration sites identified by the United States Army Corps of Engineers along the shore of Jamaica Bay, a highly developed estuary in New York City. Based on beach geomorphology, we chose to quantify horseshoe crab activity at five of the sites during the May–July 2000 breeding season. Horseshoe crabs spawned intensively on small patches of suitable sand within larger areas of eroding shoreline with bulkheads and rubble fill. Small areas of sand behind grounded barges at Brant Point and Dubos Point had densities of over 100,000 eggs m−2, which was equal to or greater than the egg densities on longer, more natural appearing beaches at Spring Creek and Dead Horse Bay, or at a sand spit at Bayswater State Park. There were no significant differences in the percentage of Jamaica Bay horseshoe crab eggs that completed development when cultured using water from Jamaica Bay or lower Delaware Bay, a less polluted location. Only 1% of the embryos from Jamaica Bay exhibited developmental anomalies, a frequency comparable to a previously studied population from Delaware Bay. We suggest that the distribution and abundance of horseshoe crabs at our study areas in Jamaica Bay is presently limited by the availability of suitable shoreline for breeding, rather than by water quality. Restoration efforts that increase the amount of sandy beach in this urban estuary have a good likelihood of benefiting horseshoe crabs and providing additional value to migrating shorebirds that use horseshoe crab eggs as food.  相似文献   

The data on the geological structure of different guyots on the Marcus-Wake rise with cobalt-bearing Fe–Mn crusts are discussed. Crusts are represented by three-layer aggregates composed of one lower phosphatized (I-1) and two upper non-phosphatized (II and III) layers. Fe-vernadite and Mn-feroxygite are the major ore minerals in all studied crusts and their layers. Small contents of vernadite, asbolane–buserite, and goethite are registered. Crusts of guyots on the rise are characterized by a stable concentration of heavy and rare metals (Cotot, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Mo, and Cd) independently of their latitudinal location.  相似文献   

Northern Thessaly may represent an important seismic gap within the broader Aegean Region, with major faults bordering the ESE–WNW trending Late Pleistocene–Holocene Tyrnavos Basin. In order to obtain information about the characteristics of past earthquakes and improve our knowledge on the seismic potential of the investigated area, historical and archaeological observations are analysed and compared with the results of palaeoseismological trenches excavated across one of the major bordering structures, the Tyrnavos Fault. The former data clearly document (i) a strong seismic activity affecting the area during the last 2–3 ka and (ii) the occurrence of recent earthquakes not included in the seismic catalogues. Also, the sedimentological, structural and chronological data (TL, OSL and AMS) obtained from the palaeoseismological trenches indicate Late Pleistocene to Holocene morphogenic activity of the Tyrnavos Fault, characterised by vertical co-seismic displacements of 20–40 cm and possible return periods of a few thousands of years. Advantages and limitations in using historical and archaeoseismological data are discussed, as well as the problems arising from analysing low slip-rate faults.  相似文献   

Agricultural practices in semi-arid parts of southwestern Australia have increased recharge and raised groundwater levels. As a result, land salinization has occurred. Managers aim to address the problem by reducing recharge, but it is not known whether all recharge is regular and seasonal or whether a substantial component is episodic (i.e. occurs in irregular pulses). Approaches that reduce regular recharge may not be effective at reducing recharge that is episodic. Water balances were used to assess the potential for recharge to be episodic at 53 sites throughout Western Australia. The results show that, for the conditions modeled, a substantial proportion of the recharge in drier parts of the agricultural areas occurred episodically, and that direct episodic recharge could be as important in some semi-arid areas as in arid regions. Therefore, mean annual rainfall is not a strong predictor of the ratio of episodic to total recharge at a site. The model indicates that in agricultural areas, most significant and episodic recharge events occurred over just a few days in winter months, when rainfall was dominated by frontal systems. However, substantial episodic recharge also resulted from large storms during the months of January, February, and March. The implication is that it will be difficult to reduce recharge substantially, and thus control salinity, as long as agriculture relies heavily on shallow-rooted winter-growing plants. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

An artificial neural network model (ANN) and a geographic information system (GIS) are applied to the mapping of regional groundwater productivity potential (GPP) for the area around Pohang City, Republic of Korea. The model is based on the relationship between groundwater productivity data, including specific capacity (SPC) and its related hydrogeological factors. The related factors, including topography, lineaments, geology, and forest and soil data, are collected and input into a spatial database. In addition, SPC data are collected from 44 well locations. The SPC data are randomly divided into a training set, to analyse the GPP using the ANN, and a test set, to validate the predicted potential map. Each factor??s relative importance and weight are determined by the back-propagation training algorithms and applied to the input factor. The GPP value is then calculated using the weights, and GPP maps are created. The map is validated using area under the curve analysis with the SPC data that have not been used for training the model. The validation shows prediction accuracies between 73.54 and 80.09?%. Such information and the maps generated from it could serve as a scientific basis for groundwater management and exploration.  相似文献   

The determination of electrophoretic mobility and zeta potential was used as a diagnostic tool, alongside kinetic experiments, to delineate between three plausible mechanisms for the heterogeneous oxidation of Fe(II) by dissolved oxygen. One of these mechanisms is dependant on the positive surface charge that exists on Fe(III) (oxy)hydroxide surfaces at pH values below the Iso-Electric Point (IEP). However, this mechanism can be disputed as catalysis is observed on Fe(III) (oxy)hydroxide surfaces above the IEP despite a negative zeta potential. As well as an IEP shift an overall reduction of the magnitude of the zeta potential is observed in samples of field Fe(III) (oxy)hydroxide collected from the Taff Merthyr mine water treatment site in South Wales, UK. Low zeta potentials determined in mine water treatment systems will have beneficial effects for particle coagulation and settling in passive mine water treatment systems.  相似文献   

Jahani  Ali  Saffariha  Maryam 《Natural Hazards》2022,110(2):881-898
Natural Hazards - Trees are generally harmed by multitude factors consisting of ecological condition and anthropogenic pressures in the cities. This study compares the multilayer perceptron (MLP)...  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - This paper addresses aspects of a baseline geothermal exploration of the thermally quiescent Elbe Zone (hosting the cities of Meissen and Dresden) for a...  相似文献   

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