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In CO2 geological storage (CGS) context, the evolution of the caprock sealing capacity has received increasing attention, particularly on a geological time span (thousands of years). At this time scale, geochemical reactions may enhance or weaken the caprock quality. It is widely recognized that, for the reservoir, geological heterogeneities affect the concentration and spatial distribution of CO2, and then affect the extent of gas–water–rock interactions, which in turn alters the hydrogeological properties of the reservoir. However, much less attention of these effects has been paid to the caprock. In this study, we presented and applied a novel approach to evaluate the effects of permeability and porosity heterogeneities on the alteration of minerals, the associated evolution of the caprock sealing efficiency and the containment of supercritical CO2 (scCO2) within the caprock. Even though this is a generic study, several conditions and parameters such as pressure, permeability, and mineral composition, were extracted from a caprock layer of the Shiqianfeng Formation in the Ordos Basin demonstration site in China. For the sake of simplification, a 2-dimensional model was designed to represent the caprock domain. We firstly generated an appropriate heterogeneous random field of permeability with the average permeability taken from the uppermost mudstone layer of the Shiqianfeng Formation, and then the heterogeneity in porosity was incorporated using a joint normal distribution method based on the available data. Homogeneous mineral compositions of the reservoir and caprock were used in all simulations. Simulations of three cases were performed, including a homogeneous case, a case with only permeability heterogeneity and a case with both permeability and porosity heterogeneities. The results demonstrate dramatic influences of permeability and porosity heterogeneities on the migration of scCO2 within the caprock, the alteration of minerals, and therefore the evolution of the caprock sealing quality. Specific to the data used in this study, hydrogeological heterogeneities facilitated the overall penetration of scCO2 within the caprock and promoted the alteration of minerals, thereby weakening the caprock sealing efficiency over the simulation time.  相似文献   

It has been proved to be one effective means to reduce emissions of CO2 to mitigate the worsening global climate change through lots of projects and tests about CO2 geological storage. The sites that are suitable for CO2 geological storage include coal seams that can not be mined, deep saline aquifers, oil fields, and depleted gas fields. The emission of CO2 from fuel combustion is about 3.54 Gt in China in 2003, which is the second biggest in the world. Because the energy consumption in China mainly depends on fossil fuels for a long time in the future, China will become a country with the biggest emission of CO2 in the world, which will make China have to reduce the emissions of CO2 by some methods including geological storage. Based on lots of information about the reserves of coal seam methane and the rank of coal in the 68 coal basins in China, the total CO2 storage capacity in these coal basins was estimated according to the recovery coefficient and exchange ratio of CO2 to CHa.The total storage capacity in deep saline aquifers can be regarded as the total quantity of CO2 that can be dissolved in the saline aquifers at the depth from 1000m to 3000m under ground. The quantity can be estimated by multiplying the solubility of CO2 in the saline water and the volume of the appropriate aquifers. According to the reserve and quality of crude oil in 46 main oil basins in China, the CO2 storage capacity and the quantity of enhanced oil were calculated. The storage capacity of depleted gas fields can be derived from the reserve and depth of the gas fields. The total CO2 geological storage capacity is about 196.2 Gt CO2 that is as against 55.4 times the CO2 emission from fuel combustion in China in 2003. According to the results of the finished projects and tests about CO2-EOR and CO2-ECBM, the CO2 geological storage capacities in coal seams, deep saline aquifers, oil fields and depleted gas fields will be estimated.  相似文献   

为减少CO2地质储存数值模拟计算时间和增强计算规模,文章提出基于OpenMP和动态内存分配的方式,重构TOUGH2-ECO2N数值模拟器。通过耗时评估可知,模拟器的主要耗时部分为状态方程计算、组建矩阵方程和方程求解。基于此,在遵循OpenMP并行化原则下,采用动态内存分配、处理跳转语句和算法内部的相关性,以及函数内部参数优化等措施,完成了多相流模拟器的并行化。计算试验结果表明,并行化模拟器算法正确、执行效率高,且具有加速效果良好的特点。针对中小规模的模型对比试验,4核的加速比可以达到2.28倍。  相似文献   

李小春  袁维  白冰 《岩土力学》2016,37(6):1762-1772
随着社会的发展,人类对化石能源的依赖导致大量的CO2排入大气层,从而引起全球变暖、海平面上升等一系列全球性气候问题。CO2地质封存是当前CO2减排最有前景的技术,但大量的CO2注入地层易诱发相应的力学问题:地表隆起变形、盖层完整性受损、断层活化等。因此,为了降低CO2地质封存带来的安全风险,理论分析、数值模拟和响应面方法等手段被应用于此类力学问题的分析中。由于数值模拟方法能够解决大尺度范围内复杂几何模型的多场耦合问题,数值模拟成为当前在CO2地质封存力学领域中应用最广泛的方法。因此,对CO2地质封存若干力学问题的数值模拟方法进行了全面的综述。首先,简要介绍了多孔介质的温度-渗流-力学-化学(THMC)多场耦合原理,并对数值模拟解决多场耦合问题的方法进行了归类。然后,详细总结了数值模拟在解决CO2地质封存力学问题方面的国内研究进展。最后,讨论了数值模拟方法在此类力学问题方面的应用缺陷,并提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

Geological storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the options envisaged for mitigating the environmental consequences of anthropogenic CO2 increases in the atmosphere. The general principle is to capture carbon dioxide at the exhaust of power plants and then to inject the compressed fluid into deep geological formations. Before implementation over large scales, it is necessary to assess the efficiency of the process and its environmental consequences. The goal of this paper is to discuss some environmental mineralogy research perspectives raised by CO2 geological storage.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a pressure-monitoring method to warn any possible CO2 leakage by monitoring pressure change at the upper layer of storage reservoirs within injection wells. The monitoring method is tested with two problems under various scenarios. With a current pressure detection limit, the proposed pressure-monitoring technique can be widely applicable wherever a permeable upper formation exists above the CO2 storage reservoir and is effective even in offshore storage sites wherever conventional monitoring methods for onshore sites cannot be applied. Meanwhile, the method is limited to apply during injection and is subject to any possible pressure dampening.  相似文献   

The paper is motivated by the long‐term safety analysis of the CO2 geological storage. We present a methodology for the assessment of the geomechanical impact of progressive rock dissolution. The method is based on the use of X‐ray tomography and the numerical dissolution technique. The influence of evolution of the microstructure on the macroscopic properties of the rock is analysed by using periodic homogenization method. The numerical computations show progressive degradation of all components of the stiffness (orthotropic) tensor. Moreover, the evolution of associated mass transfer properties (as tortuosity and conductivity tensors), by using the periodic homogenization method, is also calculated. The correlation between the mechanical parameters and the transfer properties during the dissolution process is presented. The results show that the highest increase of the hydraulic conductivity (in direction Y) is not associated with the highest decrease of Young modulus in this direction. Moreover, the highest decrease of Young modulus (in the direction X) is not associated with percolation in this direction. Finally, an incremental law to calculate settlement, in case of a rock with evolving microstructure, is proposed. The solution of the macroscopic settlement problem under constant stress and drained conditions showed that the geomechanical effects of the rock dissolution are rather limited. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

深部咸水层二氧化碳地质储存场地选址储盖层评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深部咸水层CO2地质储存属于环保型工程项目,开展地质评价来确定良好的储盖层是实现CO2地质储存长期、有效、安全封存的首要前提。储层地质评价内容主要包括储层的物理性质及其注入能力等;盖层地质评价内容主要包括盖层发育特征及封闭能力等。在规划选址到工程选址的不同阶段,储盖层评价的内容和对象应根据不同阶段的目的依次提高精度和量化程度。通过国内深部咸水层CO2地质储存工程场地选址阶段划分,结合储盖层地质评价的主要内容,初步建立了储盖层适宜性评价指标及其分级标准,对国内深部咸水层CO2地质储存工程场地选址中的储盖层地质评价及适宜性评价工作具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

CO2地质封存可以减少化石燃料燃烧排放的CO2量,有效减缓温室效应。储层渗透率可以决定CO2通道的形成,进而改变其在储层中的运移规律,因而是影响CO2地质封存的重要因素。根据研究区基本地质数据、三维地震勘探结果和统计规律确定了渗透率的分布情况,运用储层多相流模拟软件TOUGH2-MP分析了渗透率的非均质性对CO2地质封存的影响。结果表明:(1)渗透率的分布情况对CO2储存量和注入压力的影响很大,相比于均值模型,CO2的注入总量明显减少,到达最大允许压力积聚所需的时间要比均质模型短;(2)在保证注入速率和压力积聚不超过允许最大值的双重要求下,定压和定量两种注入方案都有待改进,建议考虑如人工压裂等工程措施;(3)渗透率的非均质性使得CO2晕呈现出不规则扩散,经过20年的注入,其最大扩散距离约800m,比均质情况下小150m,须做好相应的监测工作。  相似文献   

借鉴国外CO2地质储存潜力与适宜性调查评价工作程序,在充分考虑我国复杂的地质背景、CO2地质储存研究现状等因素的基础上,将我国CO2地质储存潜力与适宜性评价工作划分国家级潜力评价阶段、盆地级潜力评价阶段、目标区级潜力评价阶段、场地级评价阶段、灌注、监测运行期评价阶段,按评价精度由低到高,分称为CO2地质储存潜力与适宜性评价E、D、C、B、A级;并对我国CO2地质储存潜力与适宜性进行了E级评价,即运用层次分析-模糊指数法对我国陆相沉积盆地进行了初步筛选,并对其储量进行了计算,认为我国陆上沉积盆地深部咸水含水层是最主要的CO2地质储量场所。  相似文献   

Geological storage of CO2 (known as geological sequestration) is increasingly seen as a viable strategy to reduce the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. China has become one of the largest emitters of CO2 in the world. Therefore, alongside other emissions reductions measures, the deployment of geological storage projects to capture CO2 in China is essential. This paper focuses on the establishment of qualitative and quantitative assessment methods for site-scale suitability of CO2 geological storage in deep saline formation systems. This is based on numerical modelling prior to the development a specific geological storage project, providing a more accurate selection of preferential sites from a list of potential storage locations. However, the detailed design of specific geological storage projects was not con?sidered.  相似文献   

We present a contribution on the risk of hydraulic fracturing in CO2 geological storage using an analytical model of hydraulic fracturing in weak formations. The work is based on a Mohr–Coulomb dislocation model that is extended to account for material with fracture toughness. The complete slip process that is distributed around the crack tip is replaced by superdislocations that are placed in the effective centers. The analytical model enables the identification of a dominant parameter, which defines the regimes of brittle to ductile propagation and the limit at which a mode‐1 fracture cannot advance. We examine also how the corrosive effect of CO2 on rock strength may affect hydraulic fracture propagation. We found that a hydraulically induced vertical fracture from CO2 injection is more likely to propagate horizontally than vertically, remaining contained in the storage zone. The horizontal fracture propagation will have a positive effect on the injectivity and storage capacity of the formation. The containment in the vertical direction will mitigate the risk of fracturing and migration of CO2 to upper layers and back to the atmosphere. Although the corrosive effect of CO2 is expected to decrease the rock toughness and the resistance to fracturing, the overall decrease of rock strength promotes ductile behavior with the energy dissipated in plastic deformation and hence mitigates the mode‐1 fracture propagation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

深部咸水层CO2地质储存地质安全性评价方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
CO2地质储存工程属于环保型工程项目,地质安全性是影响CO2长期封存的首要因素。深部咸水层CO2地质储存地质安全性影响因素主要包括盖层适宜性、场地地震安全性、水文地质条件、地面场地地质条件四个方面,其中盖层适宜性是CO2安全储存的最关键因素,场地地震安全性和水文地质条件次之,而地面场地地质条件也是影响工程施工的重要因素。本文基于CO2地质储存的地质安全性影响因素分析,建立了层次分析结构的地质安全性评价指标体系,并初步计算了评价指标的权重;提出可以利用模糊综合评价方法进行深部咸水层CO2地质储存地质安全性综合评价,为中国深部咸水层CO2地质储存的地质安全性评价方法和安全选址指明了方向。  相似文献   

CO2深部咸水层地质封存被认为是减缓温室效应的一种有效的工程技术手段。针对神华鄂尔多斯105 t/a CO2捕集与封存(CCS)示范项目,用数值模拟方法对CO2在地层中的运移过程进行了详细地刻画,分析了CO2的流动迁移、地层压力积聚过程及地层封存潜力。数值模型不但可以为工程的顺利进行提供技术支撑,而且可以节省人力财力。首先,根据实际监测数据对模拟参数进行校准,得到了合适的压力拟合曲线,确定了主要的水文地质参数。然后,对为期3 a的CO2续注工程进行预测,详细分析了CO2的晕扩散、溶解情况、地层压力变化情况、储层封存潜力等。得到如下结论:CO2在3 a内的最大迁移距离约为350 m;水裂可以有效提高CO2的注入性;隔离层能有效防止CO2逃逸。研究表明,尽管鄂尔多斯盆地属于低渗咸水层仍然能够有效安全地封存CO2。  相似文献   

为使解析模型可以更加科学准确地描述储层中多相流体的迁移机制与压力演化规律,提高解析计算与分析的精度。首先将储层中的流场划分为3个区域,然后根据渗流体积守恒方程反演储层中两相流体混合渗流区的各相流体饱和度,进而将总流度直接引入到达西公式中得到了一个适用于两相流的广义达西公式,据此推导出了一个更为精确的表征储层流体压力演化规律的解析模型。最后,通过案例分析,将该解析模型的计算结果与既有文献的显式积分解及TOUGH2/ECO2N的数值解进行对比,验证了该模型的可靠性及相比于既有文献的显式积分解在计算精度方面的优越性。此外,计算结果也表明,该解析模型虽然是在稳态流的假定条件下得到的,但对于实际储层流体压力演化的全过程均具有很强的表征能力,这主要归因于该模型可科学准确地确定饱和度,因此,可以在工程中推广应用。  相似文献   

目前,我国在CO2地质埋存的试验研究才刚刚开始,其研究方法与研究思路需要不断探索。本文立足于吉林油田大情字井区块,从储层埋存潜力、埋存体稳定性及水文地质条件三个方面对试验区实施CO2地质埋存工程进行评价。通过对注CO2层段的储层砂体有效厚度、空间展布范围、储层物性及储层微观结构,以及在此基础上,对各砂体横向和垂向上的连续性、砂体间的连通性等等方面的分析和评价,试验区具备一定的埋存潜力,其有效储层厚度平均为273m;同时对试验区盖层的封盖性、断裂的稳定性及井筒的密封性三方面的评价,建立试验区埋存体稳定性评价体系。研究表明,试验区具备厚层泥岩封盖层、盖层内断裂不发育且比较单一以及储层内广泛发育隔夹层,可以有效地对CO2的运移或渗漏实施封盖和遮挡;另外,结合试验区矿化度、水化学成分的研究表明,试验区与邻近区域存在明显的矿化度分带特点、水化学成分也相对较单一以及含水层和隔水层均较发育。在一定程度上说明,试验区目的层段具有相对独立的地下水水体环境,比较有利于适合注入CO2,并进行地质埋存。通过这三方面的研究,建立大情字井区块适合CO2地质埋存的埋存格架,为该区实现CO2长期有效安全埋存奠定基础。  相似文献   

Underground land use can play a significant role in future concepts of energy and gas storage and requires an improved understanding of the parameters of potential storage formations (saline aquifers), for instance of porosity and permeability, and also of mineralogical and gas compositions. This study aims at providing data examples and calculating vertical spatial variations through variogram analyses of important North German geological reservoirs from Dogger, Rhaetian, Middle Buntsandstein, and Rotliegend (Sub)Groups and Formations, focusing on the western part of the North German Basin. Vertical correlation lengths of porosity and permeability data range between 0 and 30 m, while most results are calculated at approximately 2–4 m and do not show relevant differences among the evaluated formations. In the majority of the regarded formations, the Kozeny–Carman relationship between porosity and permeability is supported as long as low porosity and permeability values are excluded from the evaluation. Mineral percentages varied significantly among the evaluated sediments. Besides quartz, ankerite is the main compound in the Dogger Group, while feldspars and clay minerals were more frequent in the Rhaetian, Middle Buntsandstein, and Rotliegend sediments. Methane was the main gas compound in the reservoirs, followed by nitrogen, ethane, and carbon dioxide. This study serves as preparatory work to allow for the parameterization of geological models and a subsequent simulation of fluid transport to evaluate (long-term) safety and impacts of geothermal and gas storage projects.  相似文献   

中国CO2地质埋存关联技术的现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李小春  方志明 《岩土力学》2007,28(10):2229-2233
CO2地质埋存是减少CO2净排放量的有效措施之一。CO2地质埋存技术在发达国家已有十几年的研究历史。目前,我国这方面的研究工作刚刚起步,因此,很有必要对我国CO2地质埋存的技术现状进行调查。CO2地质埋存过程主要包括3个要素:从发电厂或者工业生产过程中回收CO2;将CO2运送到埋存场地;CO2注入与埋存。其中的很多技术在现有工业以及石油、天然气开采等行业中已经存在。对我国现有工业以及石油、天然气开采等行业中涉及到的CO2回收、运输以及注入与埋存等技术的现状进行了初步调查,并与国外进行对比。结果表明,我国CO2地质埋存技术现状与国外存在一定的差距,但还是有一定的技术基础,尤其是在CO2回收与注入方面有一定的实践经验。  相似文献   

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