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It is proposed that some possible macroseismic epicenters can be determined quickly from the relationship that the microseismic epicenters located by instruments bear with faults.Based on these so-called macroseismic epicenters,we can make fast seismic hazard estimation after a shock by use of the empirical distribution model of seismic intensity.In comparison with the method that uses the microseismic epicenters directly,this approach can increase the preccision of fast seismic hazard estimation.Statistical analysis of 133 main earthquakes in China was made.The result shows that the deviation distance between the microseismic epicenter and macroseismic epicenter falls within the range of 35km for 88% earthquakes of the total and within the range of 35to 75km for the remaining ones.Then,we can take the area that has the microseismic epicenter as its center and is 35km in radius as the area for emphatic analysis,and take the area within 75km around the microseismic epicenter as the area for general analysis.The relation between the 66 earthquake cases on the N-S Seismic Belt in China and the spatial distribution characteristics of faults and the results of focal mechanism solution were analyzed in detail.We know from the analysis that the error of instrumental epicenter determination is not the only factor that gives effects to the deviation of the macroseismic epicenter.In addiditon to it,the fault size,fault distribution,fault activity,fault intersection types,earthquake magnitude,etc,are also main affecting factors.By sorting out ,processing and analyzing these affecting factors,the principle and procedures for quickly determining the possible position of the macroseismic epicenter were set up.Taking these as a basis and establishing a nationwide database of faults that contains relevant factors,it is possible to apply this method in practical fast estimation of seismic hazard.  相似文献   

The present study is devoted to the assessment of shaking intensities due to the September 17, 2003, earthquake occurring in the Khoito-Gol basin (southwestern flank of the Baikal Rift System). The instrumental and macroseismic data used here were acquired during an investigation into the impact of this seismic event. The highest intensity of shaking, VI, was recorded at Khoito-Gol, the human settlement that was the nearest to the instrumental epicenter. A nonuniform distribution of intensity was found for different directions from the epicenter. A scatter of as much as two intensity units was recorded at one settlement.  相似文献   

On the basis of newly collected and processed primary data we consider features of the macroseismic field and define the basic parameters of a unique earthquake, which happened in the eastern Gulf of Finland, which is very important for studying due to its epicenter location in the vicinity of St. Petersburg. In this work we present arguments in favor of its tectonic origin, but not karst-collapse origin and consider the tectonic position of the earthquake’s epicenter. In addition, the significance of the earthquake for seismic hazard assessment for the sites located in the nearest vicinity to strategically important objects in the territory of Russia is discussed.  相似文献   

选取了攀枝花近5年中763、DK-1地震仪记录较好的地震资料,用不同方法测算了地震台的面波震级台站改正值。经分析对比,认为“按震中距分离”计划得到的结果最好。列出了根据震中距求取面波台站改正值的实用简表,并用1999年2月763仪记录的41个地震、1999年1-8月DK-1仪记录的26个速报地震予以检验,地震震级准确率有明显提高。  相似文献   

1844年8月大关北地震是马边一永善地震带中历史上较强的一次地震,过去一直很少有人研究,以前的地震目录对此次地震有不同认识,本文拟通过查阅历史地震资料,实地考查这次地震的地面破坏情况以及询访当地居民,初步认为,1844年8月地震的震中应元亨一带,露级在7级左右,极震区烈度为IX度,与1974与大关-永善7.1级地震的宏观震中基本一致。  相似文献   

The Ardekul (Zirkuh) earthquake (May 10, 1997) is the largest recent earthquake that occurred in the Ardekul-Ghaen region of Eastern Iran. The greatest destruction was concentrated around Ardekul, Haji-Abad, Esfargh, Pishbar, Bashiran, Abiz-Qadim, and Fakhr-Abad (completely destroyed). The total surface fault rupture was about 125 km with the longest un-interrupted segment in the south of the region. The maximum horizontal and vertical displacements were reported in Korizan and Bohn-Abad with about 210 and 70 cm, respectively; moreover, other building damages and environmental effects were also reported for this earthquake. In this study, the intensity value XI on the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS) and Environmental Seismic Intensity (ESI) scale was selected for this earthquake according to the maximum effects on macroseismic data points affected by this earthquake. Then, according to its macroseismic data points of this earthquake and Boxer code, some macroseismic parameters including magnitude, location, source dimension, and orientation of this earthquake were also estimated at 7.3, 33.52° N–59.99° E, ~ 75 km long and ~ 21 km wide, and ~ 152°, respectively. As the estimated macroseismic parameters are consistent with the instrumental ones (Global Centroid Moment Tensor (GCMT) location and magnitude equal 33.58° N–60.02° E, and 7.2, respectively), this method and dataset are suggested not only for other instrumental earthquakes, but also for historical events.  相似文献   

The year 2017 marks the 350th anniversary of the great 6 April 1667 Dubrovnik earthquake that caused extensive damage in a wide area around this old Dalmatian town (today in Croatia). This article presents the effects of the 1667 earthquake and examines the first few weeks following the catastrophe. Macroseismic data are reanalysed, for the first time available data are collected of the damage on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (the territory which was in the 17th century under the Ottoman reign) and a new map of macroseismic intensities is presented. This map is in good agreement with the macroseismic field modelled using the SAF (Strong Attenuation at Fault Zones) model. We highlight some problems in the collection of macroseismic information, which are mainly a consequence of the complex political situation in the areas affected by the earthquake. The 1667 earthquake heavily impacted Dubrovnik and the Dalmatian coast. This event is thought to be the biggest one in the history of Dalmatia and practically defines seismic hazard in the coastal area of Croatia. For this reason, the main goals in this article are the improvement of the epicenter location and the determination of the moment magnitude.  相似文献   

The Mw 5.7 earthquake that occurred on 12 May 1802 is the only one with Mw ≥ 5.5 located west of Lake Garda in the central-northern part of the Po Plain, Northern Italy, and the strongest event located in the seismic zone 907 of the ZS9 seismogenic zonation of Italy. Current parametric earthquake catalogs locate the event not far from important cities (e.g., Milan) and to sites where nuclear power plants were to be built in the 1980s or could be built in a near future. Although the earthquake parameters seemed sufficiently well constrained, a detailed investigation of documentary sources was performed, in repositories storing the documents of the Napoleonic departments to which the area affected by the earthquake belonged at that time. In the surviving archival series, we found the officers’ correspondence on all the administrative aspects raised by the earthquake. The newly collected records allowed the authors to significantly increase the number of macroseismic intensity data, including new observations in the most damaged area. The results have been then interpreted in terms of both Mercalli–Cancani–Sieberg and EMS98 macroseismic scales. The earthquake parameters were derived applying two different methods in order to get two independent estimates. Earthquake location is confirmed, although the still scarce data available in the area to the east of the epicenter do not permit to reduce the uncertainty to a minimum. According to the Boxer method, the magnitude is now slightly higher, and the source model shows a good agreement with the tectonic setting of the area.  相似文献   

Earthquake source parameters, seismological, geological, geophysical, geodetic, and macroseismic data are reported for the source zone of the Tohoku earthquake (M = 9) that occurred on March 11, 2011 near the eastern coast of Honshu Island. The seismotectonic position of the seismic source situated in the western Pacific active margin, distribution of epicenters and hypocenters of the main shock, foreshocks and aftershocks, features of the focal mechanism solutions, and directions of the horizontal and vertical offsets of the Island surface were studied to focus attention on the nature of deformation in the Honshu Region. The obtained data make it possible to establish intraplate and interplate components in the complex source of the earthquake. Relationships between seismic and geodetic manifestations were investigated. The Tohoku earthquake was suggested to be a great lithospheric structure.  相似文献   

2008年10月5日在新疆乌恰地区发生的M_S6.8地震,微观震中位于乌恰县境内,距边境18km,宏观震中位于吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国努拉村,距新疆乌恰县伊尔克什坦口岸西南约7km处,极震区烈度达到8度(境外).我国境内Ⅶ度和Ⅵ度区面积分别为7354km~2和1031km~2.这次地震的发生与南北向的卡兹特阿尔特弧形断裂带的活动有关.震区建筑物遭到一定程度的破坏,地质灾害现象较明显.  相似文献   

In this work, the macroseismic effects of the Kultuk earthquake (M W = 6.3), which took place on August 27, 2008 in the southwestern closure of the Baikal Lake, are under consideration. The intensity of shocks in inhabited localities located in the epicentral zone reached 7–8 points on the MSK-64 scale. The earthquake was named after the local settlement of Kultuk, which was the mostly damaged area by the earthquake. The considered seismic event caused significant material damage (about 250 million rubles according to preliminary estimates). In inhabited localities of Southern Pribaikalie thousands of cases of damaged ovens and chimneys were registered. Some buildings were highly damaged and, accordingly, they are unfit for further use. The earthquake was the cause of numerous rockslides, rockfalls, and landslides on steep natural and artificial slopes. A macroseismic survey allowed us to establish the asymmetrical distribution of the intensity of shocks relative to the epicenter.  相似文献   

The earthquake of February 1 (January 21 in the Julian Calendar), 1725 was for a long time considered not only the earliest precisely dated historical seismic event in eastern Siberia, but also the most powerful earthquake for the entire period of recorded seismic events in the region: M = 8.2 (Novyi katalog…, 1977). The epicenter location (Stanovoy Upland) and the magnitude of the event were assessed on the basis of very scanty historical data, as well as using paleoseismogeological information. The February 1, 1725 event received the name “The Great East Siberian” earthquake and served for decades as decisive evidence for the assessment of the seismic hazard and seismic zoning of the northeastern flank of the Baikal rift zone. However, the solution of the focal parameters in the (Novyi katalog…, 1977) has caused serious doubts. In this paper a newly elaborated version is proposed that is based on a detailed reevaluation of the initially known macroseismic information, as well as additional historical data that previously had not come to the attention of seismologists. As the result, a different solution of the focal parameters (51.8° N; 113.0° E, eastern Transbaikalia) and a significantly lower magnitude (M = 6.0) compared with the parameters given in (Novyi katalog…, 1977) were obtained. The presented solution makes us more attentive to the estimates of seismic hazard in east Transbaikalia based on historical data, as well as to the historical data themselves.  相似文献   

The parametric catalogues of historical earthquakes in East Siberia contain large data gaps. Among these is a 15-year period in the late nineteenth century (1886–1901). This period was not covered by any of macroseismic catalogues known; neither acquisition nor systematization of macroseismic data was ever performed for that purpose. However, 15 years is a rather long period in which large seismic events may have occurred. The present paper deals with the previously unknown earthquake that occurred on November 13, 1898. The primary macroseismic data were taken from regional periodicals. On the strength of all the evidence obtained, the earthquake epicenter is localized in Western Transbaikalia, near the western end of the Malkhansky Range; the magnitude is estimated at M?=?5.9. The information about the large earthquake of November 13, 1898 provides filling significant gaps in knowledge for seismicity in Western Transbaikalia and a better understanding of seismic potential of faults therein. The obtained results show that the periods of seismic quiescence in catalogues may be related to insufficient information on seismicity of Eastern Siberia in the historical past rather than to the absence of large earthquakes.  相似文献   

One of the main purposes of the International Seismological Centre (ISC) is to collect, integrate and reprocess seismic bulletins provided by agencies around the world in order to produce the ISC Bulletin. This is regarded as the most comprehensive bulletin of the Earth’s seismicity, and its production is based on a unique cooperation in the seismological community that allows the ISC to complement the work of seismological agencies operating at global and/or local-regional scale. In addition, by using the seismic wave measurements provided by reporting agencies, the ISC computes, where possible, its own event locations and magnitudes such as short-period body wave m b and surface wave M S . Therefore, the ISC Bulletin contains the results of the reporting agencies as well as the ISC own solutions. Among the most used seismic event parameters listed in seismological bulletins, the event magnitude is of particular importance for characterizing a seismic event. The selection of a magnitude value (or multiple ones) for various research purposes or practical applications is not always a straightforward task for users of the ISC Bulletin and related products since a multitude of magnitude types is currently computed by seismological agencies (sometimes using different standards for the same magnitude type). Here, we describe a scheme that we intend to implement in routine ISC operations to mark the preferred magnitudes in order to help ISC users in the selection of events with magnitudes of their interest.  相似文献   

A procedure is proposed for the reconfiguration of the macroseismic planes relative to earthquakes that, being characterized by a reduced number of points of observed intensity due to a lack of information, or having the epicenter very close to the coastline, are characterized by an incomplete distribution of observed intensity levels. The design of a plurality of virtual areas, through which a distribution of intensity consistent with an anisotropic model of attenuation is depicted, allows a reliable determination of macroseismic parameters of the same seismic event.  相似文献   

Coherency of the source model of the 1991 Racha earthquake in the Greater Caucasus with different data types is analyzed. Authors, when interpreting macroseismic data, accept complex nature of macroseismic effects generation but, nevertheless, consider that its spatial distribution follows certain regularities. First time in the practice, method of evaluation of the mecroseismic material completeness is proposed based on the intensity attenuation along with distance. It is demonstrated the character of macroseismic intensity attenuation can be used for verification of the source model elements constructed based on other seismological data. Dependence of the macroseismic effect distribution on azimuth in near field of the 1991 Racha earthquake is recognized.  相似文献   

Isoseismal maps drawing by the kriging method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Macroseismic intensity, a useful measure of earthquake effects, is still applied in a wide range of seismological applications like seismic hazard assessments, attenuation relationships, etc. Isoseismals represent the spatial distribution of macroseismic intensities and their shapes depend on source properties, lithosphere structures, tectonic line orientations, site geology and topography. The applications ask for both the higher number of isoseismal maps and their standardization and homogenization. The point kriging gridding method for an automatic computer drawing of isoseismal maps was delivered. Smoothing rates and numerical parameters used in the kriging algorithm were tested on macroseismic data of Greek earthquakes representing different tectonic and geomorphological regimes. The optimum kriging default option was defined. Its application for four Greek earthquakes is presented and discussed from viewpoint of a broad use in recent macroseismology. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

发生在孕震区周边地块上的临震预滑和震颤现象,对破坏性地震预测有一定前兆意义,是值得地震学界关注的问题。选取2008年5月12日汶川M_W 7.9地震发生前,临夏和湟源地震台分量应变仪记录与临夏、恩施和西安地震台数字地震仪记录以及临夏和周至地震台深井水位仪记录,分析发现,在临震前数天至数小时,上述各地震台不同学科观测仪器均记录到一些"跃变"和"震颤"震相。文中试图以颗粒物理原理,来认识不同距离、不同台站、不同学科的观测仪器在临震前相近时间段内记录的低频和高频震相,可能是不同地块在临震前发生预滑错动后激发的预滑震相Xp和地下气体在裂隙内流动激发的震颤震相Tp。观测结果表明:2008年5月8日03时至主震发生,各地震台所处地块在相近时段内逐次发生次数不等的预滑错动,其中1—2次较大错动可在噪声背景中被识别;各地震台预滑错动方向指向或背向主震震中。据此认为:汶川M_W7.9地震前,上述各地震台所处地块在不同大小、不同方向的力链驱动下,发生指向或背向主震震中的临震预滑现象。  相似文献   

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