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A paleoseismological study of the medieval Kamenka fortress in the northern part of the Issyk-Kul Lake depression, northern Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan, revealed an oblique slip thrust fault scarp offsetting the fortification walls. This 700 m long scarp is not related to the 1911 Kebin Earthquake (Ms 8.2) fault scarps which are widespread in the region. As analysis of stratigraphy in a paleoseismic trench and archaeological evidence reveal, it can be assigned to a major twelfth century a.d. earthquake which produced up to 4 m of oblique slip thrusting antithetic to that of the nearby dominant faults. The inferred surface rupturing earthquake apparently caused the fortress destruction and was likely the primary reason for its abandonment, not the Mongolian–Tatar invasions as previously thought.  相似文献   

Crimean water resources are limited, failing to fully meet the drinking and economic needs of the region. Over 50 years, the problems of water resources in Crimea were solved by using Dnieper water supplied through North-Crimean Canal; however, after the integration of Crimea into Russia, Ukraine suspended water supply. At the aggravation of political situation between Russia and Ukraine, the situation in the water-management sphere in the Republic of Crimea looks very complicated. The water-management problems of Crimea should be solved based on its own potential. Groundwater resources are the leading factor of sustainable development of Crimean Region at the present stage.  相似文献   

西藏中部的发震构造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西藏中部的发震构造是晚第四纪以来强烈活动的北东、北西和近南北向的活动断层及受其控制的地堑半地堑型盆地和拉分盆地,东西向缝合线和断层晚第四纪以来的运动性不明显,对地震活动没有明显的控制作用,活动断层的规模和晚第四纪以来的运动性质对地震的震级和数量有明显的的控制作用。8级地震的发生与拉分盆地内部张剪切断层与盆地一侧新活动幅度大的次级走滑断层的相互作用密切相关。  相似文献   

A structural hydrogeological model of the Crimea based on the assumption of the leading role of faults in groundwater distribution is discussed. Areas with intense submarine groundwater discharge are outlined. The existence of water streams related to the faults in the area of the Chernaya River, Mramornaya Gully, Varnautskaya Depression, Batiliman Bay, and Nikitskii Cape is substantiated. The sites for drilling hydrogeological wells are recommended.  相似文献   

简要综述了当前地震孕育系统复杂性的研究现状和进展,分析了经典动力系统演化过程中复杂性产生的原因。  相似文献   

Seismogenic mechanism of the Lancang and Gengma earthquakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seismogenic mechanism of the Lancang and Gengma earthquakes(俞维贤)(周瑞琦)(候学英)(周光全)SeismogenicmechanismoftheLancangandGengmaearth...  相似文献   

2015年1月14日乐山金口河M5.0地震发生在历史地震强度较低的川南山区与四川盆地交界一带。基于四川区域地震台网的震相报告与波形资料,采用双差定位法对地震序列进行重新定位,同时,采用CAP波形反演方法及HASH方法反演了主震及序列中8次ML≥2.0地震的震源机制解。另外,利用Coulomb3计算了主震发生后库仑应力改变量,得到的结果如下:①重新定位结果显示,金口河M5.0地震位于(103.18°E,29.32°N),震源深度16.6km,略深于波形反演结果(12km)。序列分布在NNW向天全-荥经断裂和NE向西河-美姑断裂的交汇部位,余震序列在空间上呈NE向展布。②M5.0主震的机制解为节面Ⅰ:走向350°/倾角46°/滑动角107°,节面Ⅱ:走向146°/倾角47°/滑动角73°,表现为走向NW(NNW)、中等倾角的逆冲型运动方式。序列中其余8次ML≥2.0余震大多以走向NE的逆冲型地震为主,个别为走滑或正断层类型。主震和大部分余震的节面方向不一致,主震节面方向与余震长轴方向也不一致。③主震后库仑应力改变量显示,余震主要发生在主震引起的库仑破裂应力增加的区域。综合分析推测,NNW向天全-荥经断裂为本次地震主震的发震构造,倾向NE的机制解节面Ⅰ指出了该断裂的几何产状;M5.0主震发生后,立即触发了其旁侧的NE向西河-美姑断裂,并激发了多次余震。  相似文献   

The paper considers the results of an archeoseismological approach to studying the seismic history of Crimea based on recent publications, devoted to reconstructing strong seismic events in the 15th–18th centuries. The reliability of the references involved is analyzed. Reconstruction of the timeline of earthquakes in Crimea is related to two problems: determination of doubtless evidence of a strong earthquake and dating of such an event. The first problem can be solved mostly by careful field studies using the developed technique and with representative historical, literary, and folkloric material, whereas dating of events encounters considerable difficulties. The main difficulties and limitations of this generally progressive research field are shown, which are related to both objective and subjective factors. Objective factors include, in particular, large uncertainty in establishing the chronology of seismic events using not only folkloric, but also historical data. The efficient cooperation of historians and seismologists is complicated by many unresolved issues in the reconstruction of historic events in Crimea, which deprives seismologists of a reliable basis and forces historians to rely on seismological conclusions that are not always valid. Subjective factors are related to lack of scrutiny when using sources and hasty conclusions. In addition, data on geological and man-made destruction in historical sources are used insufficiently. Despite doubts on the reliability of chronologically dating earthquakes, successful application of the archeoseismological method in Crimea is confirmed by solid evidence of strong seismicity. Obviously, to solve the dating reliability problem, further research and more complete reconstruction of Crimea’s history are needed.  相似文献   

The Pontides are characterized by a series of Mesozoic-Cenozoic fold belts comprising a N-vergent foreland fold and thrust belt in the Western Pontides and a concave, upward-shaped fold belt in the Eastern Pontides. The curvature of the fold belt follows the Caucasus which may imply a phase of oroclinal bending. In order to test whether the fold curvature represents a phase of oroclinal bending, a paleomagnetic study has been carried out in the Eastern Pontides on late Cretaceous and middle Eocene volcanic and sedimentary rocks from 29 sites. Rock magnetic studies reveal medium-temperature components with an unblocking temperature of 400–580 °C, indicating pseudo-single domain titanomagnetite as the most abundant carrier of magnetic remanence in the middle Eocene rocks studied here. In the upper Cretaceous rocks, a high-temperature component with an unblocking range of 580–650 °C was isolated. Stepwise thermal and alternating field demagnetization isolated two components of remanent magnetization in middle Eocene rocks comprising a low unblocking temperature/coercivity component near the present field direction and a characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) component of Ds = 332.3°, Is = 49.9° (k = 33.3, α95 = 9.2°, N = 15 sites). A positive fold test at a 95% confidence level and a reversal test indicate a primary magnetization. Component analysis of the upper Cretaceous rocks identifies a stable ChRM Ds = 160.3°, Is = −45.0°, (k =  85.6, α95 = 6.0°, N =  8 sites) following removal of secondary remanence. Their ChRM direction passes fold and reversal tests at a 95% confidence level. Both the upper Cretaceous and middle Eocene paleomagnetic data from the Eastern Pontides and the Lesser Caucasus clearly demonstrate evidence of oroclinal bending that occurred contemporaneouslywith the convergence between Arabia and Eurasia in the Paleocene.  相似文献   

The Sary-Bulun archeological sites located along the Great Silk Route of medieval times are studied. The study revealed a number of the deformations of seismogenic origin: tilts, shifts, and collapse and lateral bends of walls as well as long fissures in corner parts of the rooms. Judging by archeological artifacts, the seismic event occurred at the end of the 12th–beginning of the 13th century AD. Judging by degree of damage, the intensity of this ancient earthquake was I ≥ VIII on the MSK-64. The source of the seismic oscillations was apparently located in the faults cutting the active Boz-Barmak anticline. The studied archeological sites are located on the western limb of this anticline structure. In the medieval period, the Sary-Bulun settlements were the largest metallurgic centers of the Issyk-Kul depression and, thus, they are of a great significance for studying industrial processes of that time.  相似文献   

The contamination of water flow in Soldatskaya Cave is studied. Groundwater of the cave was found to feature bacterial pollution. The distribution of bacterial cells over the karst system is examined. The contamination is shown to correlate with anthropogenic load. The major hydrodynamic and physicochemical characteristics of groundwater flow are evaluated, and their correlation with self-purification is demonstrated. Components of the karst water self-purification mechanisms are analyzed. The possibility to intensify karst water self-purification is considered.  相似文献   

The Qian-Gorlos earthquake, which occurred in the Songliao basin in Jilin Province in 1119 AD, was the largest earthquake to occur in NE China before the 1975 Haicheng earthquake. Based on historical records and surface geological investigations, it has been suggested previously that the earthquake epicenter was in the Longkeng area. However, other workers have considered the epicenter to be in the Halamaodu area based on the landslides and faults found in this region. No seismogenic structure has yet been found in either of these two regions. We tried to detect active faults in the urban areas of Songyuan City, where the historical earthquake was probably located. One of the aims of this work was to clarify the seismogenic structure so that the seismic risk in the city could be more accurately evaluated. The area was investigated and analyzed using information from remote sensing and topographic surveys, seismic data from petroleum exploration, shallow seismic profiles, exploratory geological trenches on fault outcrops, and borehole data. The geophysical data did not reveal any evidence of faults cutting through Cretaceous or later strata under the Longkeng scarp, which has been suggested to be structural evidence of the Qian-Gorlos earthquake. The continuous fault surfaces on the back edge of terraces in the Halamaodu area stretch for >3.5 km and were probably formed by tectonic activity. However, results from shallow seismic profiles showed that the faults did not extend downward, with the corresponding deep structure being identified as a gentle kink band. A new reverse fault was found to the west of the two suggested epicenters, which presented as a curvilinear fault extending to the west, and was formed by two groups of NE- and NW-trending faults intersecting the Gudian fault. Three-dimensional seismic and shallow seismic data from petroleum exploration revealed its distinct spatial distribution and showed that the fault may cut through Late Quaternary strata. Exploration boreholes and later geomorphological studies provided further proof of this. Based on these results and analysis, the Gudian fault was confirmed as having been an active fault since the Late Quaternary, with the possibility of earthquakes of magnitude >7 in the future. The Qian-Gorlos earthquake was most probably the result of breakage on one or two sections of this 66-km-long fault.  相似文献   

地震孕育过程的物理学研究展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了地震孕育过程的研究展望,提出了多尺度地震系统研究的复杂性及其新的探索方法,讨论了其演化过程的非线性机理和当前科学水平上地震虚报的必然性。  相似文献   

解读发震构造含义与判定原则   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过《中国历史强震目录》、《中国近代地震目录》、《中国地震台报告》、《中国地震详目》及部分地方台网测定的地震目录,初步分析了华南地区1000a以来中强地震(5.0≤M≤6?)的原地重复性,并从时、空、强三方面对地震原地重复特点做了统计分析。分析认为华南地区中强地震的发生具有较高的原地重复率,在时间、强度上都具有一定的规律性。这些规律的探讨对该地区地震区划及工程场地地震安全性评价具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

关于识别发震构造的思考与建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于地震活动是现代地质构造运动之产物,以及对我国及邻区现代构造条件的认识,指出了构造类比中值得关注的7个问题,提出了发震构造识别方法的新建议,其主要结果如下:(1)发震构造宜定义为,"在现代构造条件下,曾发生或可能发生地震的地质构造"。(2)我国及邻区的现代地质构造同第四纪以来的新构造运动是一脉相承,密不可分的。其中,①现代构造应力场具有明显的区域特征,而且从中更新世以来是基本稳定的;②组成我国大陆不同新构造类型的活动地块(构造单元)之间,存在包括地壳和上地幔横向非均匀性的构造格架差异;③大陆内部各活动地块之间,也存在不同的现代构造形变特征;④宜将中更新世的构造形迹作为与地震活动有关的现代构造形迹看待。(3)在进行构造类比时值得关注的问题有:①宜按活动断裂当前所处的发育阶段来评价其潜在地震;②断裂活动时代并非识别发震构造的充分条件,只有符合现代构造条件的粘~滑断裂,才应识别为大地震的发震构造;③只有同现代构造应力场相适应的先存构造,才可能孕育和发生地震;④对于某些单一断层参数与震级关系的统计结果,未考虑各地震构造区之间现代构造条件和断裂发育阶段的差异,则难以用于构造类比;⑤凡有新生代玄武岩(β6)出露的地段,有可能只发生6.5级以下的地震;⑥地震同地表断裂形迹之间没有必然的联系,尤其仅有断层物质特性分析或测年结果可用时,宜慎重对待为妥;⑦构造类比方法仅适用于识别与先存构造继承性活动有关的发震构造,对于活动地块内部新生或隐伏的发震构造仍无能为力。(4)对于发震构造识别方法的建议是:①以新构造单元为基础划分地震构造区;②按历史重演原则识别曾发生过地震的构造,即凡有较可靠中强以上地震震中、有小地震成丛或呈带分布、或有可信古地震遗迹的地段,均宜识别出符合现代构造条件的发震构造;③根据地震构造区内曾发生过不同震级档地震的构造标志,再按类比原则推断可能的发震构造;④综合评定地震构造区的极限地震,并以此作为区内发震构造最大潜在地震的阀限。  相似文献   

The opinions of two papers carried in the journal "Seismology and Geology" are discussed in the paper.One is that the Tangshan fault is a high-angle,west-dipping and thrust with strike-slip fault.The other is that the Fuzhuang-Xihe fault distributed on the east side of Tangshan city is the seismogenic fault that caused the Tangshan earthquake.For the former opinion,it needs to explain the relationship between the active style of the thrust Tangshan fault and the formation genesis of a Quaternary depression along the west side of Tangshan city.For the latter opinion,if the Fuzhuang-Xihe fault is the seismogenic fault of the Tangshan earthquake,it needs to explain the genesis relationship between this west-dip slip fault zone and the strike-slip surface fissure zone that extends through Tangshan city.And it needs more evidence exclude the possibility that the surface rupture belongs to the rupturing of a secondary structure.This paper suggests doing more work on the active fault that controls the Caobo Quaternary depression.  相似文献   

Seismotectonic zonation studies in the Tell Atlas of Algeria, a branch of the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary, provide a valuable input for deterministic seismic hazard calculations. We delineate a number of seismogenic zones from causal relationships established between geological structures and earthquakes and compile a working seismic catalogue mainly from readily available sources. To this catalogue, for a most rational and best-justified hazard analysis, we add estimates of earthquake size translated from active faulting characteristics. We assess the regional seismic hazard using a deterministic procedure based on the computation of complete synthetic seismograms (up to 1 Hz) by the modal summation technique. As a result, we generate seismic hazard maps of maximum velocity, maximum displacement, and design ground acceleration that blend information from geology, historical seismicity and observational seismology, leading to better estimates of the earthquake hazard throughout northern Algeria. Our analysis and the resulting maps illustrate how different the estimate of seismic hazard is based primarily on combined geologic and seismological data with respect to the one for which only information from earthquake catalogues has been used.  相似文献   

—?The procedure developed by Kijko and Sellevoll (1989, 1992) and Kijko and Graham (1998, 1999) is used to estimate seismic hazard parameters in north Algeria. The area-specific seismic hazard parameters that were calculated consist of the b value of the Gutenberg–Richter frequency–magnitude relation, the activity rate λ(M) for events above the magnitude M, and the maximum regional magnitude M max. These parameters were calculated for each of the six seismogenic zones of north Algeria. The site-specific seismic hazard was calculated in terms of the maximum possible PGA at hypothetical engineering structures (HES), situated in each of the six seismogenic zones with coordinates corresponding with those of the six most industrial and populated cities in Algeria.  相似文献   

The Troodos ophiolite formed during the Late Cretaceous (Turonian) in a spreading setting above a northerly-dipping subduction zone. Palaeomagnetic data establish that the ophiolite experienced a 90° anticlockwise palaeorotation that occurred during the Late Cretaceous-Early Eocene interval During this period, the ophiolite was stranded adjacent to a generally south-facing continental margin, the remnants of which are preserved in south-west Cyprus (Mamonia Complex), southern Cyprus (Moni melange) and in northern Cyprus (Kyrenia Range). A review of field evidence from these Mesozoic basin margin units shows that strike-slip played a critical role in their Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary deformation while magnetic and gravity surveys support the existence of major lineaments preserved at depth beneath these areas. Thus, in agreement with available palaeomagnetic data from mainland Turkey and Africa, the rotated crustal unit is believed to be relatively small with its boundaries probably located in the vicinity of Cyprus. In the favoured palaeorotation model, a small supra-subduction zone oceanic crustal unit was rotated about a pole located close to the exposed ophiolite complex. Fragments of the northern continental margin became attached to the rotating microplate along strike-slip lineaments and were then carried southward to their present position. In the light of the regional tectonic setting, it was probably the oblique consumption of crust beneath the ophiolite and/or a collision outside the present area of Cyprus that provided the necessary driving force for the palaeorotation.  相似文献   

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