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This paper studies the basis and nature of the long-term factors that may have influenced the electoral behavior of St. Petersburgers between 1989 and 1995 from the perspective of geography. Our analysis shows two distinct periods in St. Petersburgs recent electoral history marked by differing behavioral motivations of voters in the city. The first period was marked by only one ideological cleavage between marketers and hard-liners. In 1993 protest motivation managed to erode the predominance of ideology as the determining variable in voting behavior, and began to act as a new independent variable. This marked the beginning of the second period. Four major groupings of St. Petersburg electorate are described in terms of the basic ideological cleavages, party affiliations and geographical gravity centers.  相似文献   

Soloviev  A. A.  Kudin  D. V.  Sidorov  R. V.  Kotikov  A. L. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2022,507(1):925-929
Doklady Earth Sciences - Highly accurate observations of the Earth’s total magnetic field vector promptly derived from the data recorded at the “St. Petersburg” (Leningrad oblast)...  相似文献   

Unconsolidated sand, gravel and clay deposits near Beihai and in the Leizhou Peninsula in southern China form an unconfined aquifer, aquitard and a confined aquifer. Water and soil samples were collected from the two aquifers in the coastal Beihai area for the determination of chemical compositions, minerals and soluble ions. Hydrogeochemical modeling of three flow paths through the aquitard are carried out using PHREEQC to determine water–rock interactions along the flow paths. The results indicate that the dissolution of anorthite, fluorite, halite, rhodochrosite and CO2, and precipitation of potash feldspar and kaolinite may be occurring when groundwater leaks through the aquitard from the unconfined aquifer to the confined aquifer. Cation exchanges between Na and Ca can also happen along the flow paths.  相似文献   

This method of assigning weights based on expert opinion introduces bias when we are evaluating the relative importance of evidence values. In this paper, we used a prediction–area (P–A) plot method and content–area (C–A) fractal model to estimate the weight of each evidence map. In this paper, we used the content region (C–A) fractal model to divide the evidence maps to the threshold of the corresponding dimensions. The P–A plot approach is an objective data-driven approach for evaluating map weights. Using geochemical layer and remote sensing, hydroxyl layers as weight evidence maps are the highlights of this study. We use the P–A method from which we can evaluate the predictive ability of each evidence map with respect to the known ore occurrences. We used the P–A plot for weighting each evidence map and choosing the appropriate threshold for predictor maps in the Luchun area of Yunnan Province, China. The method adopted in this paper can improve the prediction efficiency of ore prospecting.  相似文献   

The stability of both natural and cut slopes in mountainous areas is a great challenge to highway constructions and operations. This paper presents a successful case study of stability analyses and protection treatments for high-steep cut soil slopes in an ancient landslide zone which was located at Km12+700 to Km15+000 along the Tehran?CChalus highway. This report has three parts. First, geotechnical investigations of in situ direct shear test, SPT tests and laboratory tests were implemented to get the subsurface profiles and the mechanical properties of the soil mass. Second, finite difference analysis was carried out to evaluate the stability of both the natural and cut slopes. Minimum safety factors and potential failure modes of cut slopes were obtained under both static and dynamic conditions. These results indicated that the ancient landslide could not be reactivated under the present climatic and morphological conditions, but there were some potential shallow failures in some cut soil slopes (failure actually occurred during excavation). Protection treatments and reinforcements were thus necessary. Third, the stability of the cut slopes was re-assessed by simplified Bishop limit equilibrium analysis (using Slide 5.0). Some potential failure zones were designed to be protected by back-anchored concrete retaining wall at the slope toe, rock bolts and frame beams on the slope face and planting grass on the slope face. Numerical analysis indicated that these protection measures could stabilize this remedial slope. These practical experiences may be of benefit for similar highway construction projects.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic modeling of the hydrothermal exposure of the rocks of the Bazhenov Formation resulted in revealing the equilibrium mineral associations at 50–350°C and the pressure of saturated water vapor. The calculation results show that mineral parageneses varied slightly with the increase of temperature. Thus, zeolites were characterized by the stilbite–laumontite–wairakite series; kaolinite, pyrite, dolomite, and brannerite were replaced by montmorillonite and/or albite, pyrrhotite, calcite, and uraninite, respectively. The modeling results were confirmed in experiments.  相似文献   

We explore the challenges of avalanche and debris flow hazard assessment for urban areas exposed in the Sakhalin region. Avalanches are a threat to more than 60 settlements in the region and debris flows to more than 30. Data are provided for avalanche and debris flow events that occurred in the Sakhalin region between 1928 and 2015. In this paper, the method for the design of hazard maps for snow avalanches and debris flows is described, providing the starting point for any planning constraints in general settlement planning schemes. These maps further allow conducting an assessment of avalanche and debris flow risk within a short time period for a larger territory and at minimum cost.  相似文献   

Metacarbonate rocks (including marble and skarn deposits) at Bahrah area are confined to a Precambrian island-arc suite made up mostly of massive basalts and volcaniclastics aligned in a NE-trending belt. The marbles are either pure (almost made up of calcite) or contain considerable amounts of tremolite, actinolite, epidote, and diopside. Garnet-bearing rocks at Bahrah area are classified into garnetiferous marble and skarn calc-silicate assemblages that are described here for the first time. The calc-silicates become more abundant when the marble becomes interbedded with foliated metabasalt. Such contact is delineated by an epidote zone of variable thickness. Microscopically, the skarns are enriched in Ca-bearing minerals such as grossular garnet, epidote, titanite, diopside, and augitic salite. There are evidence that calc-silicate skarns were formed due to a thermal effect of a concealed underground shallow granitic intrusion. The basaltic rocks furnished Mg2+, Fe2+, Ti4+, and Al3+ that were first concentrated in the epidote zone. This was followed by pervasive replacement of epidote by large idiomorphic garnet (grossularite) that attains up to ~1.5 cm wide. It is evident that diopside is earlier than garnet with no replacement fabrics between the two minerals. Two types of titanite (sphene) can be distinguished: The first is secondary in the metabasalt host where titanite develops after titanomagnetite during regional metamorphism (i.e., metamorphic). On the other hand, the second type of titanite is found in the garnet-bearing calc-silicate skarn where it is typically euhedral with no link to any opaque phase and it is believed to be formed due to the event of superimposed thermal metamorphism (i.e., metasomatic). There are several evidence of the thermal metamorphic effect such as distinct granoblastic and annealing textures and K-metasomatism and formation of phlogopite at the expense of tremolite in the marble, in addition to poikiloblastic hornblende in the metabasalt host with distinct recrystallization. Also, there are some evidence of shearing such as brecciation along microshear planes, microfolding, introduction of fine euhedral pyrite, and presence of injected silica postdating crystallization of garnet in the calc-silicates.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the stability of the earthen roadbed built in the warm and ice-rich permafrost region. The varying thermal regime of the subgrade and the ongoing settlement of the roadbed were observed at field. The temperature data demonstrate that in warm and ice-rich permafrost regions, adoption of earthen roadbed results in warming of the underlying permafrost. It is primarily because the earthen roadbed traps the warm-season absorbed heat in the natural ground. In addition, the carried heat of the earthen roadbed that was constructed in warm season propagates downward to warm the underlying soil. The warming permafrost layer promotes the roadbed settlement, which was mostly linearly developed in the past five service years. A comprehensive analysis for the varying thermal regime and the ongoing settlement shows that the unfrozen water liberated from the warming, undrained layer experiences consolidation. The deformation of the undrained soils is mainly responsible for settlement of the roadbed. In comparison, the temperature variation of this warming permafrost layer is found to be less beneath roadbeds protected by thermosyphons or crushed rock revetments. The installation of thermosyphons into the earthen roadbed is recommended to prevent the further degradation of the underlying permafrost.  相似文献   

The earthquake catalogue of the European area, 1901–1985, with unified magnitudes, has been used for the preparation of epicentre maps of the Mediterranean area. Epicentres have been plotted on three sheets for different magnitude ranges,M B (orm B ) 5, 0,M S (orm B ) = 4.4–4.9,M S (orm B ) 4.3, according to the estimated levels of homogeneity. The first map (M 5) enables an objective comparison of seismicity over the whole Mediterranean area. The other two maps are complementary without the guarantee of completeness. Epicentres define the position of principal earthquake zones and levels of earthquake activity. The maps also serve as the starting point for further data processing. Graphs illustrating the time variation of earthquake activity in the whole area and the mean magnitude-frequency relationships are included.  相似文献   

The composition and origin of the Visean–Serpukhovian deposits in the southern part of the Moscow Syneclise have been characterized based upon generalizations of our own results and analysis of published and unpublished data. The levels of karst-influenced rocks correspond to the shallowest biogenic carbonate organogenic-clastic sediments of the initial and final phases of the eustatic cycle, i.e., the early transgression (transgressive system tract) and the late regression (the second half of the high-standing tract). Alluvial sands of the Oka River have been found in the karst cavities. A generalized model of the sequence has been proposed and a sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the studied section has been carried out.  相似文献   

Buildings are often composed of materials with a porous structure. Moisture in the masonry has a destructive impact caused by cycles of drying–wetting and freezing–thawing. A new sensor principle for monitoring moisture in the masonry is presented herein. This sensor utilizes changes in the thermal conductivity of porous structures when they are filled with moist air, water, or ice depending on the existing thermodynamic conditions. Herein, the “hot-ball” method is used to measure the thermal conductivity. The moisture sensor is prepared for porous material corresponding to the parent material, whether it is rock, brick, or concrete. This parent sample is taken from a borehole drilled into the wall. Methodology for moisture sensor calibration is also presented. Sensors were placed in the masonry walls of St. Martin’s Cathedral tower in the North, South, and West orientations. The sensors were placed in the plaster and bricks at depths up to 60 mm in the wall surface, just below the window sill. The temperature–moisture regime was monitored from August 19th, 2011 to March 30th, 2012. Changes in temperature and moisture were then correlated with meteorological data.  相似文献   

Groundwater samples from six wells and various species of plants from soils developed on ophiolites were collected from an arid area (AlKhod area, Oman) and analyzed for trace elements including rare earth elements (REEs). The distribution patterns of REEs in plants indicated an enrichment in middle REEs (MREEs?=?Sm to Dy) and heavy REEs (HREEs?=?Ho to Lu), when they are normalized to the REE composition of the Post Archean Australian Shale (PAAS), with a significant negative anomaly in Ce and a positive anomaly in Eu. Compared to Oman ophiolites, the REEs in different species of plants are depleted in Ce and enriched in MREEs and slightly enriched in light REE (LREE?=?from La to Nd). Relative to PAAS, the distribution of REEs in groundwaters revealed similar patterns to the REE distribution in plants. The distribution patterns of REEs in plants relative to those in waters are nearly flat. These patterns suggest that the transfer of REEs from soil solutions to the groundwaters in Oman occurs without any significant fractionation.  相似文献   

Goat Paddock in northern Western Australia is a ~5 km-diameter impact crater of Eocene age excavated in gently dipping Proterozoic sandstones. Roughly radial gorges formed by post-impact erosion provide cross-sectional views of the wall and rim zone. The predominant structural theme is one of synclinal rim folding with broad zones in which bedrock strata were deformed by impact to steep, vertical and overturned attitudes. Impact breccia is found craterward of deformed bedrock, on top of it, and downdropped into fault troughs roughly concentric to the crater. The bedrock?–?breccia contact is sharp in some places and gradational in others. In at least one section, the entire mass of upturned bedrock and breccia was displaced radially over essentially undisturbed bedrock, as indicated by slickensides on the horizontal contact. Talus deposits are similar to breccia, but show rough size sorting and clast orientation that dips steeply craterward, indicating that the talus formed as slides down the oversteepened crater wall immediately after crater formation. Shatter cones in some clasts indicate that allogenic material is incorporated in these deposits. Suevite, characterised by ropy flow textures, and by microclasts of quartz with planar deformation features, planar fractures, and of vesiculated silica glass, was found overlying deformed bedrock at a point where the surface of the bedrock forms a nearly horizontal bench midway up the crater wall. The crater was at least partially filled by later sediments, represented by bedded conglomerate close to the crater wall grading inward to sand, silt and mudstone recovered by drillholes on the crater floor. Some of the talus and conglomerate occupy re-entrants in the crater walls, suggesting an original scalloped outline to the crater. Two drillholes, one central and one halfway to the wall, both reached brecciated sandstone after penetrating 210 m of lake sediments. Goat Paddock has a flat floor with no indication of a central uplift and a depth/diameter ratio of ~0.073. This crater form, coupled with the modification of the crater walls by slumping and the scalloped outline of the crater rim suggests that Goat Paddock bridges the two traditional classes of impact crater: simple and complex.  相似文献   

The further development of Peyve’s concept of deep faults in the Earth’s crust and brittle part of the lithosphere is discussed. Three aspects are accentuated in this paper: (1) the modern definition of the term deep fault; (2) the parameters of deep faults as ruptures of the geological medium and three-dimensional, often boundary, geological bodies; and (3) reactivation of deep faults, including the development of this process in real time. Peyve’s idea of deep faults readily fitted into the concept of new global tectonics (plate tectonics). This was facilitated, first of all, by the extensive efforts made to elaborate Peyve’s ideas by a large group of researchers at the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GIN RAS) and other scientists. At present, the term deep fault has been extended and transformed to cover three-dimensional geological bodies; the geological and geophysical properties and parameters of these bodies, as well as their reactivation (recurrent activation) in real time, have been studied.  相似文献   

According to isotopic analysis of rocks of the Reft gabbro–diorite–tonalite complex (Middle Urals), gabbro and related diorite and dikes and vein-shaped bodies of plagiogranitoids, crosscutting gabbro, are similar to the depleted mantle substance in εNd(T) = 8.6–9.7 and εHf(T) = 15.9–17.9. Their model Hf ages are correlated with the time of crystallization. Here, the tonalites and quartz diorites constituting most of the Reft massif are characterized by lower values: εNd(T) = 3.7–6.0, εHf(T) = 11.1–12.7, and T DM values significantly exceeding the age datings. This is evidence that Neoproterozoic crustal rocks were a source of parental magma for these rocks. The primary 87Sr/86Sr ratio in rocks of both groups is highly variable (0.70348–0.70495). The data obtained allow us to reach the conclusion that the Reft gabbro–diorite–tonalite complex was formed as a result of nearly synchronous processes occurring in the crust and the mantle within a limited area.  相似文献   

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