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Focal depths of earthquakes in the Baikal region: A review   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Conditions and specific features in the determination of the focal depths of the earthquakes in the Baikal region are considered. Particular attention is given to the procedure of relocation of the hypocenters in accordance with the programs based on the method of minimization of rms residuals in the seismic wave traveltimes, which is widely used at present. The advantages and shortcomings of this approach are demonstrated. The available determinations of the source depths are reviewed, and examples for the interpretation of the results are presented. The averaged depth distribution of the hypocenters shows that the strongest seismic activity is observed in the depth range 10–20 km. The bottom of the seismically active layer corresponding to the level, above which 90% of sources are located, lies at a depth of 25 km. The trend of the deepening of seismic sources is observed at the northeast flank of the rift zone, where seismic activity involves the lower part of the crust.  相似文献   

Macroseismic earthquake parameters of historical events have been reassessed in the framework of the update of the Earthquake Catalogue of Switzerland ECOS-09. The Bakun and Wentworth method (Bakun and Wentworth 1997) has been used to assess location, magnitude, and, when possible, focal depth. We apply a two-step procedure. Intensity attenuation is assessed first by fitting a model with a logarithmic and a linear term, using a set of 111 earthquakes. The magnitude range is 3 and 5.8. Then, intensity to magnitude relation is developed. A subset of the 111 events, all having an instrumental moment magnitude, was used to perform this intensity to magnitude calibration. Five final calibration strategies were developed based on different intensity calibration datasets, regionalized or non-regionalized models, and fixed or variable source depth. The final assessment of the macroseismic earthquake parameters is based on an expert judgment procedure, using the results derived from all five strategies, and taking into consideration the historical knowledge available for the particular earthquake. A bootstrap procedure has been applied to assess the uncertainty of parameters. Indicative lower and upper bounds of uncertainty are derived from distributions of location and magnitude for a number of events, obtained through bootstrap sampling of the intensity field and of the single intensity values. The final uncertainties are given in terms of parameter uncertainty classes already used in previous versions of the earthquake catalogue of Switzerland.  相似文献   

Most large earthquakes of magnitude 6.0 in California during 1852–1987 appear to show a southeast-to-northwest tendency of epicenter migration. This finding is consistent with earlier findings ofSavage (1971) for a relatively few large earthquakes along the west coast of North America, and ofWood andAllen (1973) for smaller events along the San Andreas fault in central California. The average speed of migration is approximately 130 km/yr, which is within the range of speeds observed for other major seismic zones in the world. The epicenter migration in California may be the result of some small but broad-scaled episodic strain changes associated with creep waves induced by magma injections at the East Pacific Rise and propagating northwestwardly along a broad transform boundary between the Pacific and North American plates at subseismogenic depths as proposed bySavage (1971).  相似文献   

Source parameters of the earthquakes of the Baikal rift system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dynamic parameters of the earthquake source—the seismic moment, the moment magnitude, the source radius, the stress drop, and the amplitude of displacement—are determined by the amplitude Fourier spectra of the body shear waves (S-waves) for 62 earthquakes of the Baikal rift system with the energy class of K P = 9.1–15.7. In the calculations I used the classical Brune model. The seismic moment of the earthquakes being investigated changes from 3.65 × 1011 N m to 1.35 × 1018 N m, and the radii of earthquake sources vary from 390 m to 1.84 km. The values of the drop in stress Δσ grow with an increase in the seismic moment up to 1.7 × 108 Pa. For the group of weak earthquakes (M w = 1.7–3.3), extremely low values of the drop in stress 103–104 Pa are observed. The maximum amplitude of displacement in the source amounts to 5.95 m. The empirical equations between the seismic moment and the other dynamic parameters of the source are determined. The regional dependence of the seismic moment and energy class is obtained: log M 0 ± 0.60 = 1.03K P + 3.17. The character of the relationship between the seismic moment and the corner frequency indicates that the classical scaling law of the seismic spectrum for the earthquakes in question is not fulfilled. The obtained estimates of the dynamic parameters are in satisfactory agreement with the published data concerning the analogous parameters of the other rift zones, which reflects the general regular patterns of the destruction of the lithosphere and the seismicity in the extension zones of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

Investigation and understanding of the present-day geodynamic situation are of key importance for the elucidation of the laws and evolution of the seismic process in a seismically active region. In this work, seismic moments of nearly 26000 earthquakes with K p ≥ 7 (M LH ≥ 2) that occurred in the southern Baikal region and northern Mongolia (SBNM) (48°–54°N, 96°–108°E) from 1968 through 1994 are determined from amplitudes and periods of maximum displacements in transverse body waves. The resulting set of seismic moments is used for spatial-temporal analysis of the stress-strain state of the SBNM lithosphere. The stress fields of the Baikal rift and the India-Asia collision zone are supposed to interact in the region studied. Since the seismic moment of a tectonic earthquake depends on the type of motion in the source, seismic moments and focal mechanisms of earthquakes belonging to four long-term aftershock and swarm clusters of shocks in the Baikal region were used to “calibrate” average seismic moments in accordance with the source faulting type. The study showed that the stress-strain state of the SBNM lithosphere is spatially inhomogeneous and nonstationary. A space-time discrepancy is observed in the formation of faulting types in sources of weak (K p = 7 and 8) and stronger (K p ≥ 9) earthquakes. This discrepancy is interpreted in terms of rock fracture at various hierarchical levels of ruptures on differently oriented general, regional, and local faults. A gradual increase and an abrupt, nearly pulsed, decrease in the vertical component of the stress field S v is a characteristic feature of time variations. The zones where the stress S v prevails are localized at “singular points” of the lithosphere. Shocks of various energy classes in these zones are dominated by the normal-fault slip mechanism. For earthquakes with K p = 9, the source faulting changes with depth from the strike-slip type to the normal-strike-slip and normal types, suggesting an increase in S v . On the whole, the results of this study are well consistent with the synergism of open unstable dissipative systems and are usable for interpreting the main observable variations in the stress-strain state of the lithosphere in terms of spatiotemporal variations in the vertical component of the stress field S v . This suggests the influence of rifting on the present-day geodynamic processes in the SBNM lithosphere.  相似文献   

We useP andS times listed in the International Seismological Summary to relocate 23 historical earthquakes (1927–1963) reported as occurring at or below 670 km. In all cases, our relocated hypocenters are shallower than the starting depths; furthermore, all events converge to 691 km or less, with a precision estimated at ±10 km. This study upholds the results of Stark and Frohlich, who had usedpP–P times of post-WWSSN earthquakes to constrain reliable hypocentral depths to no greater than 684 km. In particular, we reject Rothé's claim that a 1963 event in the vicinity of New Guinea occurred at a depth of more than 780 km.  相似文献   

Summary In Table I the authors give a list of known deep-focus earthquakes in the eastern Mediterranean. Fig. 1 shows that their epicenters generally lie in the zones of active volcanoes, as in the regions surrounding the Pacific Ocean; however, their coincidence with positive gravity anomalies is less evident.
Zusammenfassung In Tabelle I geben die Verff. eine Liste der ihnen bekannten Tiefenbeben im ?stlichen Mittelmeer. Fig. 1 zeigt, dass deren IIerde im Allgemeinen in den Zonen der t?tigen Vulkane liegen, ?hnlich wie in der Umgebung des Pazifischen Ozeans. Dagegen ist deren Zusammenfallen mit positiven Schwereanomalien weniger doutlich.

Riassunto Gli AA. hanno raccolto nella Tab. 1 l'elenco dei terremoti profondi a loro noti del bacino mediterraneo orientale. La Fig. 1 mostra che in generale gli epicentri relativi sono distribuiti nelle zone dei vulcani attivi, analogamente a quanto accade ne'le regioni dell'Oceano Pacifico. Per contro, la connessione con le anomalie gravimetriche positive risulta meno evidente.

Balch Graduate School of the Geological Sciences: Contribution No. 454.  相似文献   

A re-assessment of the historic seismicity of the central sector of the Colombian Eastern Cordillera (EC) is made by revision of bibliographic sources, by calibration with modern instrumental earthquakes, and by interpretations in terms of current knowledge of the tectonics and seismicity of the region. Throughout the process we have derived an equation to estimate Mw for shallow crustal earthquakes in Colombia using the length of isoseismal VIII, LVIII:
We also derived an equation to evaluate Mw for Colombian crustal earthquakes using the rupture length, L, estimated generally from the aftershock distribution of strong earthquakes:
We calculated average attenuation parameters for intermediate depth and shallow earthquakes that may be used, combined with other observations, to estimate the focal depth of historical events. Our final picture shows three distinct regions of the Colombian Eastern Cordillera (EC) where historical earthquakes are distributed. (a) The southern sector, from the Páramo de Sumapaz down to the Colombian Massif where the largest crustal earthquakes have occurred (1827, M 7 3/4; 1967, Mw = 7.0). (b) The central sector, between the Páramo de Sumapaz and Tunja with moderate to large earthquakes associated to the reverse faults on the piedmonts (the 1805 earthquake, M 6 3/4, on the western flank, and the 1743, 1923 and 1995 with M 6 1/2, 6 3/4, and 6.5, respectively, on the eastern flank). (c) The northern sector, to the north of Tunja, which is characterized by recurrent earthquakes probably associated with major reverse faults in the axial zone (e.g., 1646, I0 = VIII; 1724, M 6 3/4; 1755, I0 VIII; and 1928, M 5 3/4). Two events appear to be related to the axial faults to the south of Bogotá: those in 1644 (M 6) and 1917 (M = 7.1). The 1785 earthquake might have been an intraplate event in the subducting plate under the EC. Events in 1616 and 1826, which caused damage along the axial zone of the Cordillera near Bogotá, have no historical records precise enough to allow the estimation of their location and size, but their epicentres are probably not farther than some tens of kilometers from Bogotá.  相似文献   

Taking the northeastern Fujian area as an example, we provide some new technological ideas and contents for the historical earthquake investigation of significant engineering construction sites. ① Make sure the integrity of earthquake materials with reference to the regional histories of culture and disasters; ② Evaluate the influence of historical earthquakes on the basis of actual records, review and identify the epicenter location and magnitude of destructive earthquakes. The research by the new technological ideas will endue the investigation of historical earthquakes with new meanings in the cultural phylogeny and credible time domain, so as to make the results of historical earthquake research more scientific. The aim of the paper is to improve the level of historical earthquake investigation for a better service to the engineering construction.  相似文献   

Experimental data show that in East Siberia resistivity curves, irrespective of their trends, are affected by galvanic (local) distortions. The preliminary step of the magnetotelluric data processing is to obtain a steady shape of resistivity curves reflecting a true deep section. For this purpose statistical averaging and different criteria of impedance rejecting were used. The available MTS curves were normalized by level to the global magnetovariation curves. Two-dimensional modelling was performed from several sublatitudinal profiles crossing the Baikal rift zone. Three-dimensional models based on two-dimensional modelling and on induction vector distribution have been computed via programs of M. N. Yudin. Following other researchers, two conductive layers are distinguished: i) the mid- and low crustal and ii) the mantle one, with the layer surface uplifted from 100–110 km depth in the southern Baikal rift zone to 60–70 km northeastwards along the eastern Baikal coast. The top of this layer seems to correspond to the asthenospheric roof. The asthenosphere deepening in southern BRZ is likely to be related to a decrease in the asthenospheric bulge width and an increase in the rate of lithospheric thickening with mantle degasing. The origin and evolution of the Baikal rift is considered, proceeding from the model of passive rifting with regard to a long-existing lithospheric inhomogeneity between the Siberian platform and the Sayan-Baikal folded area.  相似文献   

邓辉  董非非 《地震学报》2020,42(4):491-503
通过对赣南地区历史地震资料系统地调查研究,以地域人文背景、史志记载情况等为切入点,综合考证历史地震记载的完整性,并在充分挖掘可用信息的基础上,对公元412年、1603年、1847年和1888年等历史地震事件进行了甄别和参数核定。研究表明,公元1500年之后赣南地区的地震记载相对较连续;区内地震活动呈自东南向西北逐渐减弱的趋势,且地震主要分布在NE或NNE向主干断裂附近,以及主干断裂与NW向断裂的交接复合地区;原地重复发生地震的频率相对较高。该结果可用于修定新版地震目录、开展重大建设项目工程场地的地震安全性评价及历史地震调查等工作中,为区域地震活动性研究、防震减灾规划决策等提供基础依据。   相似文献   

朝鲜史料记载的中国地震   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
整理和讨论了朝鲜王朝时期(1392 ~1910年)主要历史文献《朝鲜王朝实录》、《承政院日记》和《日省录》中有关中国地震的史料.新增1483年12月30日(明成化十九年十二月初一)北京地震和1810年黑龙江省宁古塔(宁安)地震.提出清康熙二十四年乙丑春(1685年)北京顺义地震的佐证.  相似文献   

The results of rock magnetic studies in four subaeral cis-Baikalian sections of different ages and geneses are described in detail. The similarities and distinctions in the formation of the magnetic properties of the sediments are established based on the analysis of the magnetic hysteresis parameters. The mechanisms responsible for the dissimilarity of the magnetic characteristics of the rocks in the different sections are identified. The variations in the composition, concentration, and particle size of the grains of magnetic fraction as a function of climate, geomorphologic factors, and volcanism are demonstrated.  相似文献   

历史地震损失重建是地震损失预测的一种方法,也是用于区域地震风险分析模型验证的一种手段。在介绍了历史地震损失重建一般方法的基础上,对方法中等效全损住宅比例估计方法以及住宅结构地震易损性指数的估计方法进行了重点分析,给出了这两个关键参数的可选择的多种估计方法。  相似文献   

印度和欧亚陆-陆板块碰撞造就的青藏高原地震活动十分频繁.但由于地理因素限制,青藏高原内部地震台站分布稀疏,因此全球地震台网很难监测青藏高原内部发生的小型地震活动.本文通过对北京大学布设的流动台阵自2007年1月至2008年3月地震记录的分析,精确定位了拉萨周边地区的79个区域小震,发现了两个可能是受到岩浆或地下水活动影响而形成的震群,以及拉萨附近一条近期比较活跃的断层,并给出了全球台网对于该地区地震定位误差的估计.  相似文献   

The historical earthquake data is one of the important foundations for seismic monitoring, earthquake fore-cast and seismic safety evaluation. However, the recognition of earthquake is limited by the scientific and techno-logical level. Therefore, the earthquake can only be described using perfect earthquake catalogue after the seismo-graph is invented. Before this time, the earthquake parameters were determined according to the earthquake disas-ter on the surface and the written records in history, and the earthquake level was measured using earthquake in-tensity.  相似文献   

The paper presents data of electrical conductivity monitoring for the upper crust obtained with the use of a controllable electromagnetic source by the dipole, vertical electromagnetic, and transient electromagnetic sounding methods, as well as variations in the geomagnetic field and the Lake Baikal water level. With the help of spectral, spectral time, and multivariate analyses, main spatial and temporal patterns of variations in geophysical parameters are determined. The present study revealed anomalous effects in the behavior of the canonical coherence (parameter K) and aggregated signal (parameter A) and other anomalous variations in geophysical parameters related to earthquakes in the Baikal rift zone.  相似文献   

河北省唐山地区小地震目录完整性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用基于G—R关系的交互式分析方法,研究最小完整性震级Mc的分布特征,由此确定河北省唐山老震区不同震级下限完整目录的起始时间,发现唐山老震区1970年以来ML 2.7以上地震目录较为完备。  相似文献   

北京地区小震活跃与首都圈地区中等地震活动关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过研究北京地区的小震活跃与首都圈地区中等地震活动的关系,发现1999年到2003年间频度异常与首都圈地区Ms4.0以上地震具有一定对应关系,但频度异常对未来地震地点判定的意义不大,需要将北京地区小震频度异常和首都圈及附近地区小震活动的有序性特征有机结合起来,才能更好地把握中等地震发生的时间和地点,最后指出,频度异常指标具有一定的时间性特征。  相似文献   

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