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The paper describes algorithms of data processing using methods of wavelet analysis. The main integral transforms of 2-D data based on ideas of multiscale analysis and the Radon transform are examined. The latter belongs to the class of beamlet transforms. They are briefly characterized and their application is illustrated by simple geophysical examples.  相似文献   

The current version of a hardware-software system intended for monitoring the underground acoustic noise in the upper part of the Earth’s crust is described. The architecture of the hardware-software system is considered, and its component parts and the principle of their operation are described along with the algorithm of preliminary data processing. The amplitude-frequency characteristics of the channels are presented for a wide frequency range. The directional characteristics of the horizontal components of a magnetoelastic geophone are obtained from experimental measurements.  相似文献   

We propose a new type of earthquake precursor based on the analysis of correlation dynamics between geophysical signals of different nature. The precursor is found using a two-parameter cross-correlation function introduced within the framework of flicker-noise spectroscopy, a general statistical physics approach to the analysis of time series. We consider an example of cross-correlation analysis for water salinity time series, an integral characteristic of the chemical composition of groundwater, and geoacoustic emissions recorded at the G-1 borehole on the Kamchatka peninsula in the time frame from 2001 to 2003, which is characterized by a sequence of three groups of significant seismic events. We found that cross-correlation precursors took place 27, 31, and 35 days ahead of the strongest earthquakes for each group of seismic events, respectively. At the same time, precursory anomalies in the signals themselves were observed only in the geoacoustic emissions for one group of earthquakes.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the Earth’s electromagnetic field, a deep geoelectrical section, and the dynamics of earth conductivity. This analysis is based on MTS curves along directions that to a first approximation go along and across southern Kamchatka. It is shown that the longitudinal and transverse MTS curves are subject to the influence of local and regional geoelectrical inhomogeneities. The coast effect was studied by 3-D numerical modeling. The patterns we have found were used for interpretation of generalized MTS curves. The resulting parameters of the geoelectrical section were refined by reducing the longitudinal curve to the standard curve of apparent resistivity. The results from this interpretation are to be refined as more geoelectrical information is forthcoming. The dynamics of lithospheric conductivity were studied from data acquired during the 2005–2008 monitoring of magnetotelluric impedance in the range of periods between several hundred and several thousand seconds. The basis for the analysis was assumed to be the transverse impedance and its phase. The latter was found to exhibit anomalous bay fluctuations that might have been related to earthquakes. A possible origin of these anomalies is discussed.  相似文献   

The paper presents a review of investigations in the field of the theory and practice of the interpretation of geological and geophysical data with geodynamic models that were carried out mainly by researchers of the Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences. Evolutionary models of platform structures, passive continental margins, rift zones, and orogens are examined. The review presents formulations of inverse problems and results of interpretation for various regions, including sedimentary basins of the East European Platform, Atlantic Ocean margins, the Caucasus, the South Urals, and others.  相似文献   

台站设备故障响应和风险排除是地震监测工作的基本内容,针对其便捷性和高时效性要求,采用Java语言,开发基于Android平台的地震地球物理数据监控软件.该软件整合重庆市地震局监测工作中的各项业务需求,采用云服务、Tomcat服务器及百度地图等技术,实现了数据实时查看及历史数据波形浏览等功能,及时获取仪器设备工作状态,及...  相似文献   

笔者在工作中发现,使用地震台站、区域地球物理台网、国家台网地震地球物理监测数据库中同一台站、同一测项、相同时段监测数据绘制曲线,存在曲线不一致现象,分析认为,存在差异的原因主要是,数据经审核、反馈、处理,再次上传各库过程中未及时核对、及时发现、及时覆盖,省地震局区域地球物理台网需定时检查、同步各库数据。  相似文献   

KEN BLYTH 《水文研究》1997,11(10):1359-1375
The aim of FLOODNET is to provide a communications and data distribution facility specifically designed to meet the demanding temporal requirements of flood monitoring within the European Union (EU). Currently, remotely sensed data are not fully utilized for flood applications because potential users are not familiar with the procedure for acquiring the data and do not have a defined route for obtaining help in processing and interpreting the data. FLOODNET will identify the potential user groups within the EU and will, by demonstration, education and the use of telematics, increase the awareness of users to the capabilities of earth observation (EO) and the means by which they can acquire EO data. FLOODNET will act as a filter between users and satellite operation planners to help assign priorities for data acquisition against previously agreed criteria. The network will encourage a user community and will facilitate cross-sector information transfer, particularly between ‘flood experts’ and administrative decision makers. The requirement for two levels of flood mapping is identified: (1) a rapid, ‘broad-brush’ approach to assess the general flood situation and identify areas at greatest risk and in need of immediate assistance; (2) a detailed mapping approach, less critical in time, suitable for input to hydrological models or for flood risk evaluation. A likely networking technology is outlined, the basic functionality of a FLOODNET demonstrator is described and some of the economic benefits of the network are identified. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The KamIn information system (IS) created at the Kamchatka Branch of GS RAS to collect, store, and preprocess data on the wave perturbations in the atmosphere is described. The KamIn IS observation system and infrastructure are described in detail; they make it possible to select infrasonic signals that occur during volcanic eruptions on Kamchatka and in the northern Kurile Islands both in the operational and regular mode. The results of the IS performance in 2010–2016 are summarized.  相似文献   

根据地球物理观测台网日常监测工作需求,基于地震观测仪器自动监控软件数据源开发一款可视化软件,用于地球物理台网仪器状态监控。该软件可对仪器设备状态、网络状态、运行状态等进行实时监控,对采集数据中的无效数据、异常变幅、干扰、地震和限幅等监控结果进行报警提示,通过可视化窗口,将及时呈现全球及全国地震信息,并利用智能语音合成技术,实现仪器告警、地震速报信息的语音播报。  相似文献   

地球物理信号通常在多个尺度段表现尺度不变性,这些不变性起因于不同的地质、地球物理或成矿过程的自相似性. 利用这种在多个尺度段的尺度不变性可以设计多维分形滤波器,滤波所得信号表征了具尺度不变性的地质地球物理或成矿过程,可以用于成矿预测或环境评价. 本文研究了Walsh变换列率空间地球物理信号的列率功率谱密度与列率之间的分形与多维分形关系, 试验证实了大洋钻探、石油以及煤系地层地球物理测井资料在Walsh域的多维分形性质,提出了用于分解地球物理场,提取有用信号并用于矿产资源勘探或环境评价的多维分形W-A模型. 利用波列率域中的多维分形关系构造了W-A图解(W-A Plot). 借助W-A图解可以确定最小平方误差(LS)意义下Walsh功率谱变化的不同自相似性的频率分界点,从而用于设计W-A分形滤波器. 这种滤波器可将地球物理场分解成具有不同自相似性的局部场,并且保留原场的各向异性结构. 与通常使用的基于Fourier变换的滤波技术相比,W-A模型具有许多优点:W-A适用于检测地球物理信号中的突变、线性、环状、局部与纹理结构等弱信号. 同时,由于Walsh变换中只有简单的变号(加法与减法),其计算速度远快于建立在复数乘法之上的Fourier变换,所以W-A计算速度远快于Fourier域的滤波方法,可以用于地球物理信号的现场实时处理. 用加拿大Nova-cotia省西南地区的布格重力异常进行了W-A方法的试算,处理结果反映了地质、矿产分布规律,能够很好地进行矿产预测.  相似文献   

The possibility of determining parameters of complex geophysical processes is considered in terms of nonlinear dynamics. In accordance with modern approaches in the theory of nonlinear dynamic systems, the number of independent parameters controlling the behavior of a nonlinear system can be estimated from the available time realization of only one of these parameters. Model calculations showed that the dimension of the phase space of a dynamic system can be estimated from a sample of one variable. Experimental data on variations in the apparent electric resistivity (AER) and the relative vertical movement of the surface (RVMS) in a seismically active region are analyzed and the dimension of the dynamic system determining its behavior in the phase space is estimated. The resulting estimates of the embedding dimension m = 7?8 for AER variations and m = 6 for RVMS variations possibly characterize the complexity of the dynamic system describing the given fields. The method presented in the paper is also applied to the analysis of the degree of connectivity of different dynamic systems and their parameters. By the connectivity we mean the number of independent parameters simultaneously involved in the formation of the dynamic behavior of various physical fields. The model estimates demonstrate the possibility of such an approach. It is shown that variations in the AER in perpendicular directions are described by a general system of dynamic equations, whereas dynamic systems controlling the AER field and the RVMSs are interconnected only partially. The resulting dimension m = 12 estimated for the AER-RVMS system provides an estimate for the number of common controlling parameters: n = (8 + 6)?12 = 2. The methods and results presented in the paper are applicable to the construction of models of complex geophysical processes and the development and the development of new approaches and methods of identification of prognostic characteristics for the behavior of physical fields of various origins.  相似文献   

地震前兆观测数据处理系统   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
作者用Visual foxpro开发的《地震前兆观测数据处理系统(台站版)》是专门为地震台站的需要而设计的,系统用登录表单的方式来选择形变、流体学科的4种观测手段,通过不同的菜单,不但能完成前兆观测资料的日常处理,又能完成资料入库、资料解释、资料预处理等工作,从而帮助台站观测人员及时分析处理本区的观测资料,做好地震短临预报工作。  相似文献   

CDMA无线数据传输在地震监测系统中的应用   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
在网络发展迅速的今天,利用CDMA无线网络进行的数据传输在地震领域已经开始了新的应用.在固定地震台的地震监测、地震台址的选测、野外流动地震台遥测等方面,CDMA无线数据传输已成为地震台组网的一种新的技术途径.  相似文献   

地震监测预警和预测预报是当前地球科学及相关学科所面临的最艰巨的问题之一,是关系到人类社会安全与国计民生的亟待攻克的科学难题.为进一步提高地震预测科学研究水平,推进地震监测预测能力建设,我国于世纪之交提出了建立地震立体观测体系的战略发展思路,并希望突破三维地球物理场获取能力瓶颈,发展地球多圈层耦合模型,通过卫星观测获取全...  相似文献   

简要介绍地震地形变观测系统的组成及地形变观测技术的发展,指出不同观测技术的时空特点,光纤和长基线应变仪等新技术的优点以及不同地形变观测技术进行联合观测的可行性和方法优势。通过对日本岐阜县安装的1500 m臂长应变仪与GNSS地球观测网(GEONET)中的连续观测站获取的应变进行比对的实例分析,得出从连续观测站获取的水平应变去趋势后与应变仪得到的连续应变结果基本一致,地震会引起应变异常,应变仪对环境因素的影响更敏感。实际工作中应注意发展优势观测技术,进行观测技术和研究方法的融合、提高监测密度,增强时空分辨率,提升地震前兆特征识别能力,更好地为科学防震减灾服务。   相似文献   

利用吉林省6个地电场台站的数据,对地电场观测中的观测系统干扰进行分析,以期对地电场台站观测人员的日常观测有所帮助,有助于地震地电场异常的识别判定。  相似文献   

200海里以外大陆架划界技术及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文讨论了法律意义的大陆架与科学意义的大陆边缘的异同,介绍了扩展200海里以外大陆架的两条公式线、两条限制线和海脊规则等主要的外大陆架划界技术方法,论述了运用这些划界规则的条件和标准,并指出了我国东海部分海域外大陆架划界案的基本原则、科学基础、法律依据和外部界限.  相似文献   

为实现地磁台站场地勘选指标的快速计算和勘选报告的在线保存与查询,提高地磁台站勘选数据处理效率,降低人工处理数据错误率,在现有地磁数据处理软件功能的基础上设计开发地磁台站勘选数据处理系统,以提高勘选的工作效率。  相似文献   

新型数据采集分析系统及其在工程振动中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍了针对地震工程和土木工程实验的需求而开发的数据采集分析系统(DAQ-PI-32,VI-BAN2.40)的功能、原理及使用方法。该系统具有通道多(16-32)、精度高(16Bit分辨率)、动态范围大等特点。配套软件VIBAN2.40的功能基本涵盖了振动实验、振动监测、结构及构件力学性能实验等对数据处理的需求,主要功能包括FFT分析、加窗、滤波、功率谱、反应谱、传递函数、相关分析、倒谱以及场地谱比(H/V)等。该系统的主要特点是在窗口操作界面下,实现信号的快速浏览和简易快速谱分析,通过VIBAN2.40可实现数据分析与绘图同步完成,大大提高了工作效率。该系统为地震和工程振动工作者提供了强有力的工具。  相似文献   

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