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通过对青藏高原东北部共和盆地泥炭沉积的粒度与地球化学元素分析, 重建了区域全新世千年尺度的气候变化过程. 结果显示: 10.0~8.6 cal ka BP区域暖湿程度逐渐增加, 但在8.6~7.1 cal ka BP气候相对寒冷干燥, 7.1~3.8 cal ka BP 暖湿程度总体上为全新世最佳, 但也出现明显的气候波动, 3.8~0.5 cal ka BP气候向冷干方向发展, 0.5 cal ka BP以来气候又逐渐转向暖湿. 这一特征与中国东部季风区的气候变化有很好的一致性. 此外, 区域全新世气候变化过程中存在10次千年尺度的寒冷事件, 并与高原冰芯、 湖泊、 泥炭和风成沉积记录的古气候变化, 甚至与北半球高低纬度的气候变化都具有良好的可比性. 因此, 认为区域全新世气候变化具有"季风模式"与"千年尺度震荡"的双重特点.  相似文献   

通过对共和盆地东部风成沉积的地球化学分析,并结合14C和OSL年代,重建了区域末次盛冰期以来气候变化过程。21 ka BP之前气候寒冷偏湿,21~15.82 ka BP为末次盛冰期(LastGlacial Maximum,LGM),气候极为寒冷干燥;15.82~9.5 ka BP气候转暖且偏干,其中14.5~13.6ka BP和11.9~9.5 ka BP气候明显冷干,分别为老仙女木时期(Oldest Dryas,OD)和新仙女木时期(Younger Dryas,YD),而15.82~14.5 ka BP和13.6~11.9 ka BP(BФlling-AllerФd暖期,B/A)相对温暖;9.5~7.2 ka BP暖湿程度明显提高,7.2~5.1 ka BP气候波动频繁,相对冷干和相对暖湿多次更替。5.1~2.7 ka BP暖湿程度基本稳定,之后气候趋于寒冷但湿度明显较大。这些气候变化过程与青藏高原大量的古气候信息记录具有良好的一致性,表明共和盆地气候变化与青藏高原气候变化的高度一致性。  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘地处现代亚洲季风影响的北界和中国干旱与半干旱气候的过渡地带,沉积物对气候变化敏感,是研究全新世高原冬夏季风系统对全球变化响应的理想地点。笔者根据粉尘搬运的动力学原理,利用温湿度组合、风力强度变化和粉尘源区收扩演变特点,分析了共和-贵德盆地全新世气候波动、区域环境变化以及冬夏季风关系等,主要取得了以下认识:(1)建立了大气粉尘的风力强度指数、粉尘搬运距离指数、大气湍流强度指数、春季近地面气温指数和有效湿度指数等估算方法。(2)全新世时期西南季风是影响共和-贵德盆地的主要夏季风系统,高原冬季风则是影响这个地区的主要冬季风,共和-贵德盆地近地面具有不同的风场演化模式。(3)共和-贵德盆地的全新世气候变化可划分为4个阶段:1大约6.5~4.2kaBP的全新世适宜期以湿度大幅增加、温度小幅升高的暖湿为特点。2在2.6~4.2kaBP期间出现了一次以冷干为特点、粉尘源区扩张、冬夏季风均减弱的环境恶化事件,这次恶化事件在高原季风系统的西北粉尘源区和亚洲季风系统的北方粉尘源区都同样存在。3大约1.2~2.6kaBP时期,粉尘源区收缩、环境好转,推测是夏季风小幅加强的时期。41.2kaBP以后,湿度增加、成壤强度先强后弱,总体环境趋于冷湿。  相似文献   

通过对青藏高原东北部共和盆地典型古土壤—风成砂剖面的释光(OSL)年代测定和沉积物中微量元素的分析,重建了区域全新世千年尺度的气候变化过程。研究表明,除Co、Rb、Sr和Ba以外的12种微量元素所反映的气候变化规律较显著,其含量变化曲线上的峰值段对应于古土壤层而谷值段对应于风成砂层,这一现象可作为气候暖湿、冷干波动的标志;区域全新世气候变化可分为以下阶段:11.8~10.0 ka气候寒冷干燥,10.0~9.2 ka气候逐渐趋于暖湿,9.2~4.6 ka气候相对冷干,4.6~0.7 ka气候相对暖湿,0.7 ka以来气候明显寒冷干燥;区域全新世气候变化中存在8次寒冷事件,与青藏高原和北大西洋揭示的寒冷期具有明显的对应关系,表明共和盆地千年尺度的气候变化与全球气候变化具有一致性。  相似文献   

构造作用是影响地球深部内热向地表传输和热能再分配过程的关键因素之一。青藏高原东北缘共和盆地发现高温地热资源,其热源成因机制一直是研究焦点。为理解构造作用对地热资源分布的控制过程,本文选取共和盆地高温地热异常区,分析边界断裂构造性质、活动期次、演化历程,结合钻井、大地电磁和背景噪声成像地球物理异常特征,提出新生代构造演化和地热异常形成的耦合关系。认为:1)青藏高原东北缘共和盆地及周缘变形区形成于昆仑断裂和海源断裂大型活动左旋走滑作用的滑动消减带;2)共和盆地新生代以来经历中新世(12–6 Ma)旋转泛湖盆凹陷、上新世—第四纪(6–3 Ma)盆内张扭变形两期主要演化阶段;3)共和盆地上地壳发育的与高温相关的地球物理低速-高导异常层(Vs<3.2km/s,R<10Ω·m)是主导热源;4)上新世持续左旋走滑变形导致的岩石圈隆起变形是深部热能向浅层传输的主要动力学机制,浅部热能聚集成热过程至少延续到了3Ma;5)预测青藏高原东北缘与共和盆地具有类似构造演化性质的次生盆地具有高温地热资源发育的条件。  相似文献   

刘冰  靳鹤龄  孙忠 《冰川冻土》2012,34(2):403-410
青藏高原东北部共和盆地气候与环境变化文献分析认为:末次盛冰期(14 C年龄14ka BP或16cal ka BP之前)地层沉积主要为风成砂和黄土,冰缘地貌发育,气候寒冷干燥,植被可能为干旱荒漠或荒漠草原;末次冰消期(14 C年龄14ka BP或16 cal ka BP-Younger Dryas,缩写YD事件)地层发育古土壤,湖泊水位明显上升,并显著的捕捉到冷暖事件(Blling-Allerd,缩写B/A、YD)的信息,气候趋于温暖湿润,对应植被为荒漠草原;全新世8.5ka BP(14 C年龄)之前区域温度和湿度不同程度增加,湖泊水位较高,地层发育古土壤,植被为荒漠草原或干草原;8.5~7.0ka BP(14 C年龄)风成砂出现,古土壤发育中断,气候寒冷干燥,为全新世新冰期第一期;7.0~3.0ka BP(14 C年龄)古土壤显著发育,高水位湖面出现,水热组合达到全新世最佳,植被向干草原方向演化,但期间也存在千–百年尺度的冷事件(全新世新冰期第二期);3.0ka BP(14 C年龄)以来气候向温凉(寒冷)干燥方向发展.太阳辐射等外部因素变化并触发地球系统内部各个圈层之间相互作用是区域气候、环境变化的主要驱动力.同时,对研究现状进一步剖析,阐明其存在的问题,并提出气候、环境变化研究的发展方向.  相似文献   

With the analysis of the sources and formation mechanism of the clay minerals in the sediment core from the Dalianhai lake in the Gonghe Basin,northeastern Tibet-Qinghai Plateau,clay mineral composition proxies,grain-size and carbonate contents have been employed for high-resolution study in order to reconstruct East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) over the northeastern Tibet-Qinghai Plateau during the lastdeglacial.The study also extended to establish a relationship between vegetation cover changes and erosion during the last 14.5 ka with pollen record and clay mineral proxies.Smectite/kaolinite and smectite/(illite+chlorite) ratios allow us to assess hydrolysis conditions in lowlands and/or physical erosion process in highlands of the Gonghe Basin.Before 12.9 Cal ka BP,both mineralogical ratios show low values indicative of strong physical erosion in the basin with a dominant cold and dry phase.After 12.9 Cal ka BP,an increase in both mineralogical ratios indicates enhanced chemical weathering in the basin associated with a warm and humid climate.The beginning of Holocene is characterized by high smectite/(illite+chlorite) and smectite/kaolinite ratios that is synchronous as with deposition of many peat laminae,implying the best warm and humid conditions specifically between 8.0 to 5.5 Cal ka BP.The time interval after 5.0 Cai ka BP is characterized by a return to high physical erosion and low chemical weathering with dry climate conditions in the basin.Comparing variations of clay mineral assemblages with previous pollen results,we observe a rapid response in terms of chemical weathering and physical erosion intensity to a modification of the vegetation cover in the basin.  相似文献   

对青藏高原北缘共和盆地沙珠玉河的尾闾湖达连海钻孔沉积柱(40.92 m)进行了~(14)C年代测定(10个控制点)和粘土矿物分析(按20cm/70 a间隔的分辨率)。沉积柱底部年龄为14.5 cal ka BP。根据沉积柱粘土矿物的类型、组合、比率指标综合分析,重建了共和盆地14.5 cal ka BP以来气候环境的演化历史。冰消期(14.5~10.0 cal ka BP)盆地气候总体特征表现为干冷,盆地物理风化强:早中全新世(10.0~5.0 cal ka BP)气候表现为温湿,盆地化学风化为主,气候最宜期发生在中全新世的6.0 cal ka BP前后;晚全新世(5.0~0.0 cal ka BP)气候表现为干冷,盆地物理风化盛行。末次冰消期以来,共和盆地粘土矿物记录的气候环境变化阶段与高原其它湖泊指标记录的阶段基本一致。共和盆地粘土矿物记录的气候环境兼有西风、季风模式的特征。  相似文献   

We present the first systematic hydrogeological analysis to grain insights on the evolution of the Gonghe Basin in North China. Two hundred and forty seven water samples were collected from the Gonghe East Basin, Gonghe West Basin and Chaka Basin. The three groundwater systems of Gonghe Basin from west to east display different geochemical signatures. Based on Na/Cl ratios and Langelier-Ludwig diagram, it is inferred that the groundwater recharge potential of the Gonghe East Basin is much prosperous than the other areas. The renewability of the aquifers in alluvial-proluvial fan of Wahonghe and Gonghe East Basin margin is much faster than in the other basins. The groundwater quality in Chaka Salt Lake,Shazhuyu and Qiabuqia River Valley plains is low due to strong evaporation and cation exchange. The groundwater quality of the phreatic aquifers in the Qiabuqia River Valley plain is further deteriorated by mixing of high-arsenic and high-mineralization water from the deep fault structures.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the surface and Holocene aeolian deposits in the southeastern Mu Us Desert, N. China, systematically analysing the evolution of the geochemical characteristics of aeolian sand–palaeosol sequences and their environmental significance. Our results indicate that the geochemical components of the Holocene aeolian deposits and surface deposits had the similar material sources, sediment transport and deposition processes in the study region, which were dominated by SiO2, Al2O3, and Na2O. In the weathering process of the Jinjie (JJ) profile, the Na, K, and Si presented the slight leaching and migration in general, while the other elements were relatively accumulated. The Holocene aeolian deposits and surface deposits incurred weaker geochemical weathering under cold and dry conditions and were only weakly leached, which implies a relatively arid environment in the Holocene epoch and the modern era. The weathering degree was controlled by the regional temperature and precipitation, and was probably more sensitive to the precipitation changes. In the sedimentary profile, the geochemical parameters and migration of elements demonstrated that there have been several alternating warm–wet and cold–dry intervals in the Mu Us Desert in the Holocene epoch; there were relatively warm and wet conditions prior to 4.6 ka, and it has been cold and dry since then. Six millennial‐scale dry events were recorded during the Holocene, which were not only accordant with the history of palaeoclimatic changes in the different latitudes and archives of the Northern Hemisphere, but also correspond to the millennial‐scale variation of cosmic radiation and solar activity during that period. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hot dry rock (HDR) is an important geothermal resource and clean energy source that may play an increasingly important role in future energy management. High-temperature HDR resources were recently detected in deep regions of the Gonghe Basin on the northeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, which led to a significant breakthrough in HDR resource exploration in China. This research analyzes the deep temperature distribution, radiogenic heat production, heat flow, and crustal thermal structure in the Qiaboqia Valley, Guide Plain, and Zhacanggou area of the Gonghe Basin based on geothermal exploration borehole logging data, rock thermophysical properties, and regional geophysical exploration data. The results are applied to discuss the heat accumulation mechanism of the HDR resources in the Gonghe Basin. The findings suggest that a low-velocity layer in the thickened crust of the Tibetan Plateau provides the most important source of constant intracrustal heat for the formation of HDR resources in the Gonghe Basin, whereas crustal thickening redistributes the concentrated layer of radioactive elements, which compensates for the relatively low heat production of the basal granite and serves as an important supplement to the heat of the HDR resources. The negative effect is that the downward curvature of the lithospheric upper mantle caused by crustal thickening leads to a small mantle heat flow component. As a result, the heat flows in the Qiaboqia Valley and Guide Plain of the Gonghe Basin are 106.2 and 77.6 mW/m2, respectively, in which the crust-mantle heat flow ratio of the former is 3.12:1, indicating a notably anomalous intracrustal thermal structure. In contrast, the crust-mantle heat flow ratio in the Guide Plain is 1.84:1, which reflects a typical hot crust-cold mantle thermal structure. The Guide Plain and Zhacanggou area show the same increasing temperature trend with depth, which reflects that their geothermal backgrounds and deep high-temperature environments are similar. These results provide important insight on the heat source mechanism of HDR resource formation in the Tibetan Plateau and useful guidance for future HDR resource exploration projects and target sites selection in similar areas.  相似文献   

武威盆地位于青藏高原东北缘北祁连山与龙首山之间的河西走廊东端,全新世期间处于北东向挤压环境中。野外地质调查发现,武威盆地内部发育有两组走向近于垂直的正断层,即北西西走向和北东走向的正断层。光释光测年结果表明,两组正断层在0.70 ka、0.49~0.18 ka发生了两期构造活动。分析结果认为,北西西走向正断层是由武威盆地内部坟门山隆起持续隆升所产生的垂直于地层层面的差异应力作用所形成;北东走向正断层可能是盆地两侧近东西走向左旋走滑断裂控制下形成的张性破裂(T破裂),也不排除是由在青藏高原北东向挤压作用下,与挤压应力相垂直方向上的伸展作用形成。因此,晚全新世期间武威盆地的构造变形受到青藏高原东北缘构造的控制。  相似文献   

Pollen evidence from sediment cores at Hurleg and Toson lakes in the Qaidam Basin was obtained to examine vegetation and climatic change in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The chronologies were controlled by 210Pb and 137Cs analysis and AMS 14C dating. Pollen assemblages from both lakes are dominated by Chenopodiaceae (∼ 40%), Artemisia (∼ 30-35%) and Poaceae (∼ 20-25%), with continued occurrence but low abundance of Nitraria, Ephedra, and Cyperaceae. Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae (A/C) pollen ratios from two lakes show coherent large oscillations at centennial timescale during the last 1000 yr. A/C ratios were high around AD 1170, 1270, 1450, 1700 and 1920, suggesting that the vegetation was more “steppe-like” under a relatively moist climate than that during the intervening periods. Wet-dry climate shifts at the two lakes (2800 m asl) are in opposite phases to precipitation changes derived from tree-ring records in the surrounding mountains (> 3700 m asl) and to pollen and snow accumulation records from Dunde ice core (5300 m asl), showing that a dry climate in the basin corresponds with a wet interval in the mountains, especially around AD 1600. This contrasting pattern implies that topography might have played an important role in mediating moisture changes at regional scale in this topographically complex region.  相似文献   

红层是古地磁学的重要研究对象之一。以往对河湖相红层的古地磁研究较多,而对于风成红层的研究较少。因 此,对于风成红层剩磁记录是否可靠等基本问题仍然缺乏清晰的认识。文章对江西信江盆地上白垩统圭峰群塘边组风成 红层和河口组河流相红层开展了古地磁研究,并通过对比风成红层与河流相红层的古地磁结果,探究风成红层剩磁记录 的可靠性及不同沉积过程对古地磁记录的影响。逐步热退磁实验结果显示仅有19% 的塘边组风成红层分离出稳定的特征 剩磁,而且其强度衰减曲线为凸形,表明特征剩磁为碎屑赤铁矿携带的原生剩磁。其平均方向为Ds=15.6 °, Is=28.9 °, n= 25, κ=13.0, α95=8.3 °;对应的古地磁极为Latitude=70.7 °, Longitude=245.6 °, A95=6.8 °。该古地磁极与赣州地区河湖相红层 的古地磁极及华南晚白垩世的古地磁极位置一致,表明风成红层的剩磁记录是可靠的。河口组河流相红层绝大部分样品 未能分离出稳定的特征剩磁。磁化率各向异性结果显示塘边组和河口组为沉积组构。岩石磁学结果表明,载磁矿物为赤 铁矿和磁铁矿。通过对塘边组风成红层的薄片观察和红度值比较等进一步研究表明,颗粒粒度和胶结程度可能对红层剩 磁记录的稳定性有一定影响。  相似文献   

深水沉积具有良好的油气勘探前景,近年来已成为沉积学研究的前缘和油气工业界关注的焦点。以共和盆地下三叠统为例,通过野外剖面的详细观察描述,结合室内镜下薄片鉴定与粒度分析,对深水沉积类型、沉积特征、垂向组合、成因机制以及沉积模式进行系统研究。共和盆地早三叠世深水沉积类型主要有滑塌型深水重力流沉积、底流沉积以及深水悬浮沉积,其中滑塌型深水重力流沉积又可识别出滑塌沉积、砂质碎屑流沉积与浊流沉积三种类型。滑塌沉积常见以同沉积褶皱为代表的多种软沉积物变形构造;砂质碎屑流沉积以块状砂岩为主,内部可见砂质团块、泥砾或泥质撕裂屑,块状砂岩顶底与相邻岩层均为突变接触;浊流沉积普遍发育正粒序,可见不完整的鲍马序列,底面常见多种类型的底模构造;底流沉积发育多种牵引流沉积构造。研究区软沉积物变形构造类型丰富,其中滑塌层内的软沉积物变形构造主要在斜坡滑塌过程中形成;未发生滑塌层内的软沉积物变形构造主要因地震使沉积物发生液化作用及流体化作用而形成。在综合分析盆地构造背景、深水沉积分布规律、重力流触发机制的基础上,建立了共和盆地早三叠世滑塌型重力流主导的深水沉积模式。滑塌型重力流主要由地震以及火山事件触发,水道化的地...  相似文献   

红层是古地磁学的重要研究对象之一。以往对河湖相红层的古地磁研究较多,而对于风成红层的研究较少。因 此,对于风成红层剩磁记录是否可靠等基本问题仍然缺乏清晰的认识。文章对江西信江盆地上白垩统圭峰群塘边组风成 红层和河口组河流相红层开展了古地磁研究,并通过对比风成红层与河流相红层的古地磁结果,探究风成红层剩磁记录 的可靠性及不同沉积过程对古地磁记录的影响。逐步热退磁实验结果显示仅有19% 的塘边组风成红层分离出稳定的特征 剩磁,而且其强度衰减曲线为凸形,表明特征剩磁为碎屑赤铁矿携带的原生剩磁。其平均方向为Ds=15.6 °, Is=28.9 °, n= 25, κ=13.0, α95=8.3 °;对应的古地磁极为Latitude=70.7 °, Longitude=245.6 °, A95=6.8 °。该古地磁极与赣州地区河湖相红层 的古地磁极及华南晚白垩世的古地磁极位置一致,表明风成红层的剩磁记录是可靠的。河口组河流相红层绝大部分样品 未能分离出稳定的特征剩磁。磁化率各向异性结果显示塘边组和河口组为沉积组构。岩石磁学结果表明,载磁矿物为赤 铁矿和磁铁矿。通过对塘边组风成红层的薄片观察和红度值比较等进一步研究表明,颗粒粒度和胶结程度可能对红层剩 磁记录的稳定性有一定影响。  相似文献   

Research on abrupt paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental change provides a scientific basis for evaluating future climate. Because of spatial variability in monsoonal rainfall, our knowledge about climate change during the mid-to lateHolocene in southern China is still limited. We present a multi-proxy record of paleoclimatic change in a crater lake, Lake Shuangchi. Based on the age-depth model from 210 Pb, 137 Cs and AMS14 C data, high-resolution mid-to late-Holocene climatic and environmental r...  相似文献   

Predominantly laminated lake sediments from a saline closed‐basin lake on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau were investigated using a multi‐proxy approach (14C‐accelerator mass spectrometry dating, smear‐slide analysis, loss on ignition, grain size, X‐ray diffraction, elemental concentration, ostracod assemblages, stable isotopes of ostracod shells) to trace the regional environmental and climatic history in the Lateglacial and Holocene. Before about 15 cal. ka BP, small saline water bodies probably filled the basin under unstable cold and harsh environmental conditions. Soon after about 14.9 cal. ka BP, a relatively deep saline lake was established, probably as a result of runoff from melting snow, ice and frozen ground in the lake's catchment. Large changes in flux of aeolian material to the lake were recorded during this initial period of formation of Lake Kuhai. Highest lake levels, a low sediment accumulation rate and less saline conditions were maintained between about 12.8 and 7.1 cal. ka BP when the aeolian influx diminished significantly. After about 7.1 cal. ka BP, the aeolian influx remained at a moderate level apart from a strongly increased dust delivery to the lake between about 6.1 and 5.4 cal. ka BP and a minor short‐lived period of slightly enhanced aeolian influx at about 2.7 cal. ka BP. The strongly enhanced dust input to the lake between 6.1 and 5.4 cal. ka BP represented the largest influx of aeolian material to Lake Kuhai during the entire Holocene. However, evidence for climatic deterioration during this period is not seen at most other palaeoclimate sites on the Tibetan Plateau, but instead a significant increase in aridity has been recorded at numerous sites in the northern foreland of the Tibetan Plateau and on the Chinese Loess Plateau. The large dust input to Lake Kuhai between 6.1 and 5.4 cal. ka BP probably did not result from a severe climate deterioration on the Tibetan Plateau itself, but from the pronounced aridity in its northern and eastern foreland. In contrast, the increase in dust influx about 2.7 cal. ka BP seems to correspond to a brief warming spell recorded at other sites on the Tibetan Plateau too. A slight increase in lake level and decrease in salinity after about 0.6 cal. ka BP suggests a slightly higher effective moisture during the final lake stage, accompanied by a somewhat larger dust influx. This apparent contradiction possibly results from enhanced human activities on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the last 600 years. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Palaeoshorelines, highstand lacustrine sediments and lakeshore terraces are preserved around saline lakes in the arid Qaidam Basin. Previous research indicates that the chronology of a mega‐paleolake in the Qaidam Basin during the late Pleisotocene is controversial. Here we report quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) age estimates of highstand lacustrine sediments, shoreline features and geomorphic exposures that contribute to a revision of the lake level history of Gahai and Toson lakes in the north‐eastern Qaidam Basin, on the northeastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP) margin. The results imply that: (i) high lake levels at Gahai and Toson lakes based on quartz OSL dating occurred at 85–72, 63–55, 31, 5.4 and 0.9–0.7 ka, probably corresponding to periods of warm and wet climate; (ii) periods of high lake levels are almost synchronous with other lakes on the QTP (e.g. Qinghai and Namco lakes), with the highest late Pleistocene levels occurring during Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 5; and (iii) highstand phases on the QTP are out of phase with those of low‐latitude lakes in the southern hemisphere, possibly driven by solar insolation variability in the low‐latitude region. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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