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姜大膀  田芝平 《第四纪研究》2017,37(5):999-1008



王波  曹剑  吴立广 《第四纪研究》2019,39(4):1042-1054

末次冰盛期(Last Glacial Maximum,简称LGM)被认为是较适合用来估算气候系统响应对辐射强迫变化的古气候区间之一。理解LGM时期气候反馈过程有助于进一步限定气候敏感度的范围。本研究利用辐射核方法和参加第三次古气候模式比较计划(Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project Phase Ⅲ,简称PMIP3)的8个耦合模式资料,对比研究了LGM时期与abrupt4xCO2(4CO2)情景下的气候反馈特征。结果表明:全球平均而言,不同情景下温度反馈、水汽反馈和反照率反馈的强度存在显著差异,然而这一关系并不存在于云反馈过程中,这可能与情景间/模式间云反馈的不确定性相联系;在不同情景下,不同反馈过程强度也存在明显空间差异。温度反馈过程的差异主要来源于LGM时期大陆冰盖强迫引起的温度变化的高度空间不均一性和海陆分布改变引起的热带对流活动的变化;水汽反馈变化可能与海陆分布变化引起的沃克环流变化以及全球降温相联系;大陆冰盖和海冰存在是导致LGM时期地表反照率反馈增加的主要原因;而云反馈的差异可能与低云云量和模式间不确定性有关。LGM时期单独强迫数值试验将有助于进一步厘清不同气候状态下气候反馈过程差异的原因。



作为重要的自然源气溶胶, 东亚地区排放的沙尘气溶胶与天气气候的相互作用引发了科学界的广泛关注。中国黄土、高纬冰芯及北太平洋海洋沉积等众多地质记录显示, 末次冰盛期(LGM)沙尘沉降通量远大于工业革命前时期(PI), 表明该时期东亚沙尘循环显著加剧。然而, 仅根据这些较粗分辨率的有限点状地质记录, 很难全面认识LGM时期东亚沙尘循环的时空变化特征。本研究利用耦合沙尘循环过程的海气耦合模式CESM-CAM4-BAM, 分析LGM时期东亚沙尘循环的时空变化, 特别是季节变化。研究结果表明, 相对于PI, LGM时期黄土高原和北太平洋地区夏季沙尘沉降通量具有最大的增长率, 其绝对数值甚至超过PI时期的春季沙尘沉降通量, 揭示LGM时期东亚沙尘循环从春季向夏季进行扩张。通过对大尺度大气环流的分析表明, 该现象是我国北方地区受到西北风控制的季节延长, 以及北太平洋西风急流南移引起的夏季西风加强共同作用的结果。该结果预示着, 冰期时段夏季沙尘暴可能持续肆虐, 沙尘气溶胶的辐射反馈效应将对亚洲夏季风甚至北半球气候带来更加重要的影响。


A high‐resolution, multiproxy record encompassing the last glacial–interglacial transition is presented for Native Companion Lagoon, a coastal site in subtropical eastern Australia. Rates of aeolian sedimentation in the lake were established by trace element analyses of lacustrine sediments and used as a proxy for aridity. In conjunction with sediment moisture content, charcoal and pollen these provide a multi‐decadal record of palaeoenvironmental variability for the period 33–18 k cal. yr BP. Results indicate that the Last Glacial Maximum in eastern Australia spanned almost 10 k cal. yr, and was characterised by two distinct cold dry events at approximately 30.8 k cal. yr BP and 21.7 k cal. yr BP. Provenance of selected sediment samples by trace element geochemical fingerprinting shows that continental sourced aeolian sediments originated primarily from South Australia during these cold events and from sites in central Australia during the intervening time. Used in combination with a pollen record, the provenance of long‐travelled dust to mainland sites shows that the two cold events were characterised by frequent meridional dry southwesterly winds rather than zonal westerly airflow as previously believed. The intervening period was cool and humid, which we infer as being associated with more frequent southeasterly winds of maritime origin. These results lend support to previous research that indicates the Southern Hemisphere experienced a period of widespread climatic amelioration at the height of the last glacial known as the Antarctic Isotopic Maximum. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

青藏高原东部末次冰期最盛期气候的花粉证据   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
唐邻余 《冰川冻土》1998,20(2):133-140
青藏高原许多湖泊钻孔、泥炭剖面等所揭示的花粉记录为重建当时的古气候提供了可靠的证据.应用这些资料探讨青藏高原东部末次最大盛冰期植被和气候.大约25~15kaBP前后西藏东南部、川西若尔盖及青海柴达木和可可西里地区,气候寒冷干燥,年均气温比现今低6℃左右,植被以荒漠草原为主;在青海湖地区森林退缩演变为草原植被;甘肃临夏气候冷湿,年均温比现在低5~6℃,发育山地暗针叶林  相似文献   

高杨  刘健  温琴  孙炜毅  宁亮  严蜜 《第四纪研究》2023,43(4):1042-1052

大西洋经向翻转环流(AMOC)的年代际变率对气候变化起着重要的调制作用。在现代气候背景下, 北大西洋涛动(NAO)加强能使AMOC增强, 但这种关系在更长时间尺度上是否成立尚不清楚。本研究利用TraCE-21ka模拟资料, 对比分析末次冰盛期(LGM)和全新世时期NAO对AMOC影响的异同。结果表明, LGM时期较全新世时期经向温度梯度偏强, NAO位置偏南, 这导致NAO与AMOC关系的不同: NAO的增强在LGM时期可以使AMOC增强, 而在全新世使AMOC减弱。具体地, 在LGM时期NAO的加强使北大西洋副极地气旋性环流增强, 其南支导致向北的高盐海水输送增加, 从而使北大西洋副极地区域密度升高, AMOC增强。与此同时, NAO正位相还能在中纬度激发异常的Ekman下沉流使AMOC加强。相反, 在全新世时期, NAO正位相导致北大西洋副极地地区气旋性环流减弱, 这导致中纬度向高纬度输送的高盐度海水减少, AMOC减弱。本研究表明NAO与AMOC的关系在很大程度上取决于不同气候背景下NAO的位置。


末次盛冰期华北平原古气候古环境演化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
华北平原宁晋泊南王庄剖面的^14C和光释光年代测定表明宁晋泊地区在末次盛冰期有连续的湖相沉积。依据孢粉、碳酸盐、有机碳含量(TOC)及C/N值的高分辨率分析与综合判识,末次盛冰期并不是一个持续的干冷时期,而是存在从凉湿-冷偏湿-冷干的波动变化过程。其中早期明显降温事件,可以与Heinrich事件2(H2)对比,说明全球降温的同步性。本研究说明末次盛冰期(20-16ka BP),在全球气候变冷的背景下,存在一个冬季风不断加强夏季风逐渐变弱的过程。  相似文献   

赵子荟  马文涛  张晓 《第四纪研究》2023,43(4):1029-1041

黑潮是北太平洋西部边界流, 能够携带西太平洋暖池热量向北输送, 影响中国海的水文循环及全球气候。本研究利用高分辨率区域海洋模式(ROMS), 模拟了现代及末次冰盛期(LGM)黑潮流量和流轴的三维结构。气候态分析再现了现代黑潮的流量, 在PCM-1阵列、PN测线和吐噶喇海峡的流量分别是23.8 Sv、28.0 Sv和28.2 Sv, 与观测结果接近。LGM模拟中以上3个断面流量分别为34.5 Sv、34.4 Sv和34.9 Sv, 流量明显增加。垂直结构显示末次冰盛期(LGM)时期黑潮主轴仍位于冲绳海槽内, 深度范围也比现代大。LGM时期黑潮进入冲绳海槽前受到海槛阻挡, 部分黑潮流向发生偏转, 使得琉球海流加强。LGM时期黑潮加强主要受副热带环流圈信风加强和风应力旋度减小造成的Sverdrup输送加强控制。黑潮上游北赤道流加强, 导致向北输送流量增加。研究结果可以帮助认识黑潮在全球水循环的重要作用。


This paper investigates the processes governing bedrock bedform evolution in ice sheet and ice stream areas in central West Greenland, and explores the evidence for a cross‐shelf ice stream at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). To the east of Sisimiut the formation of streamlined bedforms with high elongation ratios and high bedform density has been controlled by geological structure and topography in slow‐flowing ice sheet areas. At the coast, the effects of regional flow convergence, caused by coastal fjord orientation, routed ice into the Sisimiut/Itilleq area where it formed an ice stream onset zone. This funnelled ice into an offshore trough (Holsteinsborg Dyb), resulting in a southwesterly regional ice flow direction and the formation of a topographically routed ice stream (Holsteinsborg Isbrae). To the south of this, striae and bedform evidence show that local valley glaciers initially flowed east to west across the coast, but were later redirected by the Itilleq Fjord ice which turned southwestward due to diffluent flow and deflection by Holsteinsborg Isbrae. Roches moutonnées in this area have low elongation ratios and high bedform density, but do not provide unequivocal support for ice streaming, as they are a product of both bedrock structure and changes in ice flow direction, rather than enhanced flow velocities. Cosmogenic surface exposure ages limit maximum ice sheet surface elevation to ca. 755–810 m above sea level in this region. Such ice thickness enabled Holsteinsborg Isbrae to reach the mid/outer continental shelf during the LGM, and to contribute to the formation of a trough mouth fan and the Outer Hellefisk moraines. Initial deglaciation across this region was driven by rising sea level and increasing air temperatures prior to the Bølling Interstadial at ca. 14.5 cal. ka BP. Between 12 and 10 cal. ka BP both increased air and ocean temperatures post the Younger Dryas, and peak sea‐level rise up to the marine limit, caused accelerated thinning and marginal retreat through calving, although dating evidence suggests ice streams remained along the inner shelf/coast boundary until at least ca. 10 cal. ka BP, their longevity maintained by increased ice thickness and ice discharge. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


史前人类与其生存环境,特别是与植被之间的相互作用一直是人们关注的焦点。气候变化与人类活动对植被覆盖格局的塑造均有重要影响,厘清植被分布及其植被变化背后的气候或人为因素,有助于更好地认识人类活动对植被环境的影响程度与范围。本研究对青藏高原松属(Pinus spp.)植被适生区分布动态历史进行了物种分布模型模拟,并结合环境考古学、古生态学等多学科方法,探究青藏高原松属植被分布变化历史及其驱动因素。结果表明,基于最大熵(MaxEnt)算法并结合R语言包ENMeval来优化参数设置的模型性能表现良好且稳健,较为准确模拟松属在青藏高原地区不同时期的适生区分布动态。高原上松属适生区在末次冰盛期(LGM)分布最小,仅在东缘的河谷局地;在全新世早、中期分布达到最大值,到全新世晚期部分区域分布缩小,高原东北部高度适生区向2500 m a. s. l.上下的低海拔谷地收缩,整体上与高原气候变化趋势大体一致。结合化石花粉、木炭等证据表明,全新世中晚期以前,人类对高原松属植被影响总体尚不显著;进入全新世晚期,农业技术的进步促使高原东北部人口快速增加,高原上现已发现的古遗址也高度集中在此。结合多项考古证据表明,人类对松属为代表的林木资源规模化开发行为开始显著干扰了当地植被,人类对松属等针叶林木材资源的利用可能是该地区树种向阔叶林树种演替的重要驱动因素之一。


A combined geomorphological–physical model approach is used to generate three‐dimensional reconstructions of glaciers in Pacific Far NE Russia during the global Last glacial Maximum (gLGM). The horizontal dimensions of these ice masses are delineated by moraines, their surface elevations are estimated using an iterative flowline model and temporal constraints upon their margins are derived from published age estimates. The equilibrium line altitudes (ELAs) of these ice masses are estimated, and gLGM climate is reconstructed using a simple degree–day melt model. The results indicate that, during the gLGM, ice masses occupying the Pekulney, Kankaren and Sredinny mountains of Pacific Far NE Russia were of valley glacier and ice field type. These glaciers were between 7 and 80 km in length, and were considerably less extensive than during pre‐LGM phases of advance. gLGM ice masses in these regions had ELAs of between 575 ± 22 m and 1035 ± 41 m (above sea level) – corresponding to an ELA depression of 350–740 m, relative to present. Data indicate that, in the Pekulney Mountains, this ELA depression occurred because of a 6.4°C reduction in mean July temperature, and 200 mm a?1 reduction in precipitation, relative to present. Thus reconstructions support a restricted view of gLGM glaciation in Pacific Far NE Russia and indicate that the region's aridity precluded the development of large continental ice sheets. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A geochemical and paleontological reconstruction of paleoproductivity, upwelling intensity and sea surface temperature (SST) off central Chile at 35°S (GeoB3359-3) reveals marked changes from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) through the Early Holocene. Surface-water productivity was determined by the interaction between the atmospheric (the Southern Westerlies) and oceanographic (the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, ACC) systems from the LGM through early Termination I (TI). The northward shift of the climate zones during the LGM brought the ACC, as the main macronutrient source, closer to the GeoB3359-3, SST lowered, and surface water productivity and accumulation rates of biogenic components enhanced. With the poleward return of the Southern Westerlies and the ACC, the subtropical high-pressure system became the dominant atmospheric component southward till 35°S during the late TI and Early Holocene and caused surface water productivity to increase through enhanced upwelling.  相似文献   

Despite a long history of investigation, critical issues regarding the last glacial cycle in northwest Europe remain unresolved. One of these refers to the extent, timing and dynamics of Late Devensian/Weichselian glaciation of the North Sea Basin, and whether the British and Scandinavian ice sheets were confluent at any time during this period. This has been the result of the lack of the detailed sedimentological data required to reconstruct processes and environment of sediments recovered through coring. This study presents the results of seismic, sedimentological and micromorphological evidence used to reconstruct the depositional processes of regionally extensive seismic units across the North Sea Basin. Thin section micromorphology is used here to provide an effective means of discriminating between subglacial and glacimarine sediments from cored samples and deriving process‐based interpretations from sediment cores. On the basis of micromorphology, critical formations from the basin have been reinterpreted, with consequent stratigraphic implications. Within the current stratigraphic understanding of the North Sea Basin, a complex reconstruction is suggested, with a minimum of three major glacial episodes inferred. On at least two occasions during the Weichselian/Devensian, the British and Scandinavian ice sheets were confluent in the central North Sea. Whilst micromorphology can provide much greater confidence in the interpretation of Late Quaternary offshore stratigraphic sequences, it is noted that a much better geochronology is required to resolve key stratigraphic issues between the onshore and offshore stratigraphic records. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

青藏高原末次冰期最盛时的冰川与环境   总被引:40,自引:12,他引:40  
施雅风  郑本兴 《冰川冻土》1997,19(2):97-113
在16-32kaBp的末次冰期最盛时,青藏高原较现代降温7℃左右,降水为现代的03-70%。极地型冰川广泛分布,高原内部平衡线较下降值减至500-300m以内,高原东部,南缘及西缘可能以亚极地型冰川为主,并有小部分温冰川,平衡线下降800m以至100-1200m。初步统计,包括周围高山在内冰川面积在35×10^4km^2左右,为现代冰川的7.5倍,冰储量相当于全海平面变化24.2cm。其时,多年冻  相似文献   

By comparison with the Northern Hemisphere, there is a paucity of high-resolution, continuous records extending into the Last Glacial Maximum from the Southern Hemisphere. With specific reference to coastal eastern Australia, there are long records of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental variability available from the tropical north and temperate south. However, there are significant spatial gaps between such records: in particular, until relatively recently, little attention had been paid to the subtropics. This review paper summarises understanding of regional paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic variability in coastal eastern Australia during the termination of the Last Glacial Stage, with the aim of highlighting gaps in the current state of knowledge. Recommendations for future research are prioritised to answer knowledge gaps in understanding climate variability in eastern Australia between ca 33–18 kyr BP.  相似文献   

The current issue of global warming and the role of the ocean in global exchange of CO2 increases the interest in solid budgets of marine carbonate production and dissolution. The present study utilizes grain‐size composition of pelagic sediments in order to trace spatial and temporal variability of carbonate sedimentation in the South Atlantic for the Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 19–23 cal kyr BP). A decrease in grain size (e.g. sand content, mean grain size of coarse carbonate silt) indicates increased carbonate dissolution as a result of increased fragmentation of calcareous microfossils. The spatial grain‐size pattern suggests a threshold water depth below which a gradual grain‐size decrease becomes increasingly rapid. This water depth is considered as the sedimentary lysocline. For the Holocene time slice, a constant, gradual decrease of foraminifer carbonate of about 5–10% per 1000 m water depth above the lysocline gives evidence for supra‐lysoclinal dissolution. The water depth of the lysocline for the Holocene is tied to the interface of North Atlantic Deep Water and Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) (ca 4100 m). Submarine ridges which restrict intrusion of AABW into the Angola Basin cause an asymmetry in carbonate preservation across the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge. The lysocline was reconstructed at ca 3100 m for the LGM. These data suggest that the ca 1000 m rise of the lysocline eradicated the Holocene east–west asymmetry.  相似文献   

We investigate the glacial climate conditions in the southeastern Carpathian Basin (Vojvodina, Serbia) based on the reconstruction of malacological palaeotemperatures and results from a high-resolution regional climate simulation. Land snail assemblages from eight loess profiles are used to reconstruct July temperatures during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The malacological reconstructed temperatures are in good agreement with the simulated LGM July temperatures by the Weather Research and Forecast model. Both methods indicate increasing temperatures from the northwestern towards the southeastern parts of the study area. LGM aridity indices calculated based on the regional climate model data suggest more arid conditions in the southeastern parts compared with more humid conditions in the northwestern parts. However, for present-day conditions, the moisture gradient is reversed, exhibiting more humid (arid) conditions in the southeast (northwest). An explanation for the reversed LGM aridity pattern is provided by an analysis of the prevailing wind directions over the South Banat district (Serbia). The prevailing moist northwesterly winds during summer are not able to compensate for the annual lack of moisture induced by the dry winds from the southeast that are more frequent during the LGM for the other seasons.  相似文献   

以区域自然地理及地质历史分析为基础,以环境同位素及大陆盐化咸水后期变化为实证依据,重塑了末次盛冰期以来河北平原第四系地下水流模式演变。研究发现,末次盛冰期以来河北平原第四系地下水流系统经历3个演变阶段:(1)距今18~15ka的低海平面时期,接受持续补给,地下水得到充分交替,发育穿透达到或接近第四系底界的区域水流系统;(2)距今15~12ka的海平面急剧抬升期,地形势差减弱,发育穿透第三含水层组的早期中间水流系统,与此同时区域水流系统趋于停滞;(3)距今2.5ka以来,现代河流地貌成形,高位河床与低位河床及河间低地的势差成为主要驱动力,发育穿透第一及第二含水层组的晚期中间水流系统。随着海平面抬升,后期发育的水流系统切割前期水流系统的一部分并叠置其上。因此,现今河北平原第四系的地下水流系统乃是不同演变时期地下水流系统的时空四维集合体。其他濒海平原,乃至侵蚀强度随时间减弱的内陆盆地,都有可能出现类似图景。距今12ka前后形成的大陆盐化咸水,由上升水流带到浅部,导致浅层咸水以及土地盐渍化,乃是河北平原水资源利用及生态与环境保护的关键性不利因素。  相似文献   

The evolution of Ancient Silk Road(ASR) was deeply influenced by late Holocene moisture changes in Arid Central Asia(ACA). Nevertheless, controversies in Holocene moisture change pattern of ACA and poorly–constrained age models of related studies have made the discussion about late Holocene moisture changes in ACA and their influences on the evolution of ASR difficult. Recently, a high–resolution age model during the late Holocene was established for Kalakuli Lake, a small glacier lake located in the core area of ACA. A thorough rock magnetic investigation was carried out on Kalakuli Lake sediments based on this age model. The magnetic mineral assemblage of Kalakuli Lake sediments is still dominated by primary magnetite despite minor diagenetic effects. Comparisons of rock magnetic records to parameters previously used as indicator of glacier fluctuations suggest that clastic input to Kalakuli Lake was high(low) and magnetic grain size is relatively larger(smaller), when glaciers on Muztagh Ata advanced(retreated). The ARM/SIRM ratio, a magnetic grain size proxy, is directly related to lake hydrodynamics, which are ultimately controlled by glacier fluctuations on Muztagh Ata as the result of regional moisture changes. Late Holocene moisture changes indicated by the ARM/SIRM ratio are consistent with cool/wet and warm/dry oscillations indicated by the unweighted average of biomarker hydrogen isotopic data of the C_(26) and C_(28) n–alkanoic acids in a previous study about Kalakuli Lake, most moisture change records of the core area of ACA and winter insolation of the Northern Hemisphere, but opposite to Asian monsoon evolution. Given Asian monsoon and the westerlies are mutually inhibited, we propose that late Holocene moisture changes in the core area of ACA were controlled by the intensity of Asian monsoon versus the westerlies under the governance of solar insolation. Generally increased moisture since the late Holocene indicated by the ARM/SIRM ratio favored cultural exchange and integration between the western and the eastern Eurasia, which paved the way for the formation of ASR. Coincidence between significant increase in moisture at ~200 BC suggested by the ARM/SIRM ratio and the formation of ASR indicates moisture as an important factor that facilitated the formation of ASR. The onsets of three prosperity periods of ASR in the history generally correspond to periods when moisture was relatively high, nevertheless, stagnant periods of ASR do not coincide with periods when moisture was relatively low in the core area of ACA. Disorganized correlations between stagnant periods of ASR and moisture changes in the core area of ACA suggest that moisture is not the decisive factor influencing the evolution of ASR.  相似文献   

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