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热带气旋频数的短期气候预测水平评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
热带气旋频数的实况是一确定的整数, 而预测仍具一定的不确定性, 其实质是一区间, 即待评估的问题是预测区间与一确定整数的接近程度。针对待评估对象的这种特征, 定义了d指数、绝对误差 (E) 和技巧水平 (S) 3个评估参数, 分别从趋势预测、定量预测、相对于气候概率预测的技巧等方面客观地标度待评估方法的预测性能, 并对“九五”攻关前10年 (1988~1997年) 的业务预测性能进行了再评估:对7月TCF预测的d指数和E分别为0.9和0.8个、相对于气候概率 (即无技巧) 预测的技巧水平为-0.06; 8月的d、E、S分别为0.7、0.75个和0.13; 9月的d、E、S分别为0.65、0.9个和0.01;台汛期的d、E、S分别为0.3、1.7个和0.06; 全年的d、E、S分别为0.3、2.2个和0.07。  相似文献   

人工神经网络的短期气候定性预测方法研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
采用EOF方法将众多具有一定物理意义的环境场预报因子和序列周期因子进行降维去噪处理,并结合人工神经网络前馈网络模型,进行了影响广西热带气旋年频数和夏季(6~8月)降水量短期气候预测的定性预报建模方法研究。结果表明,该方法对于影响广西热带气旋的年频数及广西夏季降水量定性趋势具有很好的预报能力,可作为一种新的短期气候预测业务预报配套方法。  相似文献   

影响我国的热带气旋年频数预测   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国气象局《热带气旋年鉴》的热带气旋大风和降水资料集,确定了明显影响我国及华东和华南地区的热带气旋个例,并研制热带气旋年频数的预测方案,使得频数预测对防灾减灾更为实用。预测因子采用相关普查的方法,从1961—2000年前期的海表温度、海平面气压及200,500 hPa和850 hPa位势高度和风场中选出,所用的资料为NOAA ER SST和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料。在相关分析的基础上,构建因子时兼顾了因子的系统性的空间结构和时间的变化,并用主成分分析方法去除因子的多重共线性;在最优子集回归建模的基础上进一步对模型进行检验和优化。模型检验和2001—2008年回报试验说明各模型均对各自热带气旋频数 (TCF) 具有较好的预测能力。  相似文献   

影响中国降水的热带气旋的气候特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析影响中国降水的热带气旋的气候特征表明,1951—2005年影响热带气旋的频数呈减少趋势,近10年其频数最小;近55年来影响热带气旋中超强台风的频数显著减少;5—11月是热带气旋影响中国的主要时期,7—9月为活跃期。影响热带气旋的源地主要有3个,源地存在明显的年代际和季节变化。影响热带气旋的路径随季节变化有明显的南北移动。影响热带气旋的影响期约为5.6个月,近55年其影响期呈缩短趋势,夏秋季的影响天数较长,冬春季较短。影响热带气旋频次的空间分布呈带状分布,由东南向西北递减,中国台湾省受热带气旋影响最频繁。影响热带气旋的年平均降水量自东南沿海向西北方向逐渐减少。  相似文献   

影响普宁市热带气旋的气候特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张丽玲  黄卫 《广东气象》2010,32(5):26-28
统计分析普宁市1959~2008年的热带气旋相关资料得出:1)近50年普宁市受热带气旋影响的频率为3.18个/年,严重影响频率为1.98个/年,是热带气象灾害出现的高频区;2)热带气旋给普宁市带来的灾害以强降水为主,大风天气相对较弱势;3)近50年来影响普宁市的热带气旋呈减少的趋势;4)影响普宁的热带气旋中最多是在汕头以东区域登陆,占总数的48.4%。而严重影响普宁的热带气旋主要是在汕头-海丰登陆;造成6级以上大风或暴雨以上降水的,占该区域登陆并影响普宁的热带气旋的76.9%。  相似文献   

登陆华南热带气旋过程降水分析   总被引:15,自引:11,他引:15  
首先利用1990~1999年台风年鉴上的过程降水分布图进行分析,总结归纳出登陆华南地区的热带气旋过程明显降水(≥50mm)相对于热带气旋登陆后路径分布有五种类型,并研究了降水分布型与热带气旋活动特征之间的关系;另外,利用卫星观测的向外长波辐射(OLR)资料,将热带气旋作为一个整体来研究探讨它在海洋和陆地上的降水分布和演变特征,弥补了以往对热带气旋降水的研究只局限于陆地降水的不足.本工作试图为过程降水分布的动力释用预报提供一定的指标.  相似文献   

对1981年~2001年在华南登陆并影响广西的共22个登陆时强度都在11级或以上的热带气旋作一较系统的统计分析,得出近20年来强热带风暴及台风对广西的降雨影响,及其自身的衰减特征,以及衰减速度主要取决于环流形式的影响等结论。  相似文献   

The landfall of tropical cyclones in the eastern part of China falls in the category of small probability events. Constructing a step function with intervals adequately divided can help reflect the non-linear distribution of conditional probability for a landfall event. For the prediction of landfall event probability, factors applying the step function in transformation are superior to the standardized factors that are linearly related. The prediction scheme discussed in the work uses transformation factors of step function to formulate prediction models for tropical cyclones making landfalls in eastern China, through screening with non-linear correlative ratios and REEP analysis. Classified models for statistic-synoptics, statistic -climatology and statistic-dynamics have been constructed using initial field data and numerical prediction output. Forecasting skills have been improved due to ensemble of predictions using these classified models. As shown in forecasting evaluations and experiments, the scheme is capable of predicting tropical cyclones that make landfalls in eastern China.  相似文献   

Based on composite analysis and numerical simulations using a regional climate model (RegCM3), this paper analyzed the impact of the LHF anomaly in the tropical western Pacific on the precipitation over the south of China in June. The results are as follows. (1) Correlation analysis shows that the SC precipitation in June is negatively correlated with the LHF of the tropical western Pacific in May and June, especially in May. The SC precipitation in June appears to negatively correlate with low-level relative vorticity in the abnormal area of LHF in the tropical western Pacific. (2) The LHF anomaly in the tropical western Pacific is a vital factor affecting the flood and drought of SC in June. A conceptual model goes like this: When the LHF in the tropical western Pacific is abnormally increased (decreased), an anomalous cyclone (anticyclone) circulation is formed at the low-level troposphere to its northwest. As a result, an anomalous northeast (southwest) air flow affects the south of China, being disadvantageous (advantageous) to the transportation of water vapor to the region. Meanwhile, there is an anomalous anticyclone (cyclone) at the low-level troposphere and an anomalous cyclone (anticyclone) circulation at the high-level troposphere in the region, which is advantageous for downdraft (updraft) there. Therefore a virtual circulation forms updraft (downdraft) in the anomalous area of LHF and downdraft (updraft) in the south of China, which finally leads to the drought (flood) in the region.  相似文献   

南海热带气旋路径集合预报试验   总被引:6,自引:14,他引:6  
利用3种不同模式的初始资料,通过它们生成得到16个不同的初始场,分别对2004年南海及其周边地区9个热带气旋个例进行集合预报试验,最后筛选得到了7个南海热带气旋初值集合成员,由此初步探讨了南海热带气旋初值集合成员的生成方法。结果表明,采用不同模式的初始资料生成得到初值集合成员的方法用于集合预报,对南海热带气旋路径预报有一些明显的改进。  相似文献   

With the data from the Tropical Cyclone Yearbooks between 1970 and 2001, statistical analyses were performed to study the climatic features of landfall TCs (noted as TCs hereafter) in China with particular attention focused on landfall frequency, locations, sustaining, decaying, transition, intensification and dissipation etc. The results indicate that the sustaining periods of TC over land are quite different for different landfall spots, and increased from Guangxi to Zhejiang. The most obvious decreasing of TC intensity occurs mainly within 12 hours after landfall. The stronger a TC is,the more it decays. The areas over which TCs are dissipated can be in Heilongjiang, the northernmost, and Yunnan, the westernmost. Besides, Guangxi is an area with high dissipating rate and subject to TC dissipation as compared with the other coastal regions.  相似文献   

With the OLR data,the landfall and activity of tropical cyclones(TC) in southern China over a 20-year period(1975~1994) are studied.The result shows that the variation of the monthly anomalous OLR is somewhat teleconnected with the TC activity in southern China.The former is used to predict short-term climate for the latter over months with frequent or no TC influence.To some externt,the relationship between the TC activity in southern China and the monthly mean OLR anomalies is dependent on the climatological location of the subtropical high in northwestern Pacific region.  相似文献   

By statistical research on the occurrence pattern of severe convective weather in Jiangsu province under the influence of tropical cyclones within a 10-year period (from 2001 to 2010), this paper discovers that among different severe convective weather, the occurrence frequency of short-range heavy precipitation is the highest, thunderstorms and gales come in second, and general thunderstorms rarely happen, while hailstorms and tornadoes never occur. The statistical results also showed that within the research period there are 21 tropical cyclones (TCs) affecting the Jiangsu area and most of them are in the stage of weakening to tropical depressions. Moreover, through studying indices for relevant cases of severe convection, it is discovered that their thresholds are lower than that of previous research, which indicated that convective instability and energy accumulation can easily lead to severe convective weather eventually due to the influence of TCs.  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of the relationship between the tropical cyclone genesis frequency and large-scale circulation anomaly in NCEP reanalysis, large-scale atmosphere circulation information forecast by the JAMSTEC SINTEX-F coupled model is used to build a statistical model to predict the cyclogenesis frequency over the South China Sea and the western North Pacific. The SINTEX-F coupled model has relatively good prediction skill for some circulation features associated with the cyclogenesis frequency including sea level pressure, wind vertical shear, Intertropical Convergence Zone and cross-equatorial air flows. Predictors derived from these large-scale circulations have good relationships with the cyclogenesis frequency over the South China Sea and the western North Pacific. A multivariate linear regression (MLR) model is further designed using these predictors. This model shows good prediction skill with the anomaly correlation coefficient reaching, based on the cross validation, 0.71 between the observed and predicted cyclogenesis frequency. However, it also shows relatively large prediction errors in extreme tropical cyclone years (1994 and 1998, for example).  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONEversincethe1940抯,thetropicalcyclone(TC)hasbeenviewedasapointvortexorrigidvortex.Thepredictionissummedupasoneforairflowintheambientfield.Themethodusuallysucceeds.Thesteeringtheoryfortheairflowbecomesitstheoreticalfoundation.Thoughwithsomesuccess,theactualtrackofTCmovementcanbemuchdeviatedfromthesteeringcurrent,asseeninroutineforecastpractice.Withoutmuchchangesintheambientsteeringcurrent,theTCcanhaveunexpectedchangesinthedirection,speedofmotionorintensity.Atypicalexamplewo…  相似文献   

In this paper,the observational data from Marine and Meteorological Observation Platform(MMOP)at Bohe,Maoming and buoys located in Shanwei and Maoming are used to study the characteristics of air-sea temperature and specific humidity difference and the relationship between wind and wave with the tropical cyclones over the South China Sea(SCS).The heat and momentum fluxes from eddy covariance measurement(EC)are compared with these fluxes calculated by the COARE 3.0 algorithm for Typhoon Koppu.The results show that at the developing and weakening stages of Koppu,both these differences between the sea surface and the near-surface atmosphere from the MMOP are negative,and data from the buoys also indicate that the differences are negative between the sea surface and near-surface atmosphere on the right rear portion of tropical cyclones(TCs)Molave and Chanthu.However,the differences are positive on the left front portion of Molave and Chanthu.These positive differences suggest that the heat flux is transferred from the ocean to the atmosphere,thus intensifying and maintaining the two TCs.The negative differences indicate that the ocean removes heat fluxes from the atmosphere,thus weakening the TCs.The wind-wave curves of TCs Molave and Chanthu show that significant wave height increases linearly with 2-min wind speed at 10-m height when the wind speed is less than 25 m/s,but when the wind speed is greater than 25 m/s,the significant wave height increases slightly with the wind speed.By comparing the observed sensible heat,latent heat,and friction velocity from EC with these variables from COARE 3.0 algorithm,a great bias between the observed and calculated sensible heat and latent heat fluxes is revealed,and the observed friction velocity is found to be almost the same as the calculated friction velocity.  相似文献   

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