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The accuracy of daily mean 2 meter air temperatures from five reanalyses are assessed against in-situ observations from Automatic Weather Stations in East Antarctica for 2005 to 2008.The five reanalyses all explain more than 70%of the average variance,and have annual root mean square errors(RMSE)between 3.4 and 6.9°C.The NOAA reanalyses,NCEP-1,NCEP-2and 20CRv2,have cool biases of 2.5,1.4 and 1.5°C,respectively.The ERA Interim and JCDAS reanalyses have warm biases of 1.7 and 2.0°C.All reanalyses generally perform better in the austral spring and worse in winter and autumn.They also show the best performance at an inland plateau site at 2800 m elevation,but are worst at Dome A,the summit of the East Antarctic ice sheet.In general,ERA Interim is superior to the other reanalyses,probably because of its 4D assimilation scheme.The three NOAA reanalyses perform worst;Their assimilation scheme is more constrained by limited observations and 20CRv2has less input data,assimilating only surface pressure observations.Despite deficiencies and limitations,the reanalyses are still powerful tools for climate studies in the Antarctic region.However,more in-situ observations are required,especially from the vast interior of Antarctica.  相似文献   

A vertical one-dimensional numerical model for heat transferring within the near-surface snow layer of the Antarctic Ice Sheet was developed based on simplified parameterizations of associated physical processes for the atmosphere, radiation, and snow/ice systems. Using the meteorological data of an automatic weather station (AWS) at Dome A (80°22′S, 70°22′E), we applied the model to simulate the seasonal temperature variation within a depth of 20 m. Comparison of modeled results with observed snow temperat...  相似文献   

Based on stake measurements conducted along the Chinese Antarctic traverse since Jan.1999,we investigated the characteristics of surface mass balance(SMB)and related climate consequences from Zhongshan Station to Dome A,East Antarctica.Spatial analysis suggests that post-depositional processes have a great impact on surface morphology;thus,the representativeness of a single measurement should be discussed in conjunction with local climate features.The comparison among snow accumulation,ice sheet thickness,surface elevation,and ice velocity indicates that the bedrock topography has an indirect connection with the SMB patterns through controlling the surface topography and local climate.The observation reveals that the Lambert Glacier Basin has been experiencing increasing mass input(4.5%),whereas the inland area has experienced a 6%loss,since 2005.An overall estimation of the SMB along the route is 71.3±44.3 kg m?2 a?1,but the annual and regional variation is considerable.Tendency analysis shows that there are four sections with different SMB patterns as a result of three moisture sources and surface climatic discrepancy in the Antarctic inland.This study is the first to identify four SMB patterns from the coast to the Dome area and should provide a valuable contribution to modeling and remote sensing on a continental scale.  相似文献   

Summary A possible relation between the 10-day geomagnetic activity, solar activity and temperatures as measured at the meteorological station Prague - Klementinum in 1932–1975 was sought. It was found that: 1) Kp correlates with the surface temperature in Prague substantially better than Wolf's number R. 2) The correlation between Kp and the surface air temperature is not very close, but is significant at the level p=0.9! 3) If the QBO phase is taken into account, the correlations for the January and February decades of the years 1956–1975 improve as in [27] (van Loon, Labitzke).  相似文献   

利用南极中山站至Dome A考察断面上3个自动气象站2005~2007年的观测资料和2008年夏季在中山站附近冰盖获取的湍流观测资料,应用空气动力学方法和涡动相关法计算分析了中山站至Dome A断面上近地层各种湍流参数(感热通量,潜热通量,湍流温度、湿度和速度尺度,地表粗糙度,大气稳定度及动量输送系数)的季节变化、日变...  相似文献   

Based on large set of observational data (for ∼100 years), it has been demonstrated that the air temperature at midlatitudes in the years close to solar activity maximum is on average higher than in other years by DT = 0.11–0.15 degrees at many meteorological stations. The DT parameter is negative and smaller in magnitude near the equator and poles. A correct (in the energetic sense) physical mechanism by which solar and geomagnetic activities affect the ground level air temperature has been proposed.  相似文献   

Using EISCAT data, we have studied the behavior of the E region electron temperature and of the lower F region ion temperature during a period that was particularly active geomagnetically. We have found that the E region electron temperatures responded quite predictably to the effective electric field. For this reason, the E region electron temperature correlated well with the lower F region ion temperature. However, there were several instances during the period under study when the magnitude of the E region electron temperature response was much larger than expected from the ion temperature observations at higher altitudes. We discovered that these instances were related to very strong neutral winds in the 110–175 km altitude region. In one instance that was scrutinized in detail using E region ion drift measurement in conjunction with the temperature observations, we uncovered that, as suspected, the wind was moving in a direction closely matching that of the ions, strongly suggesting that ion drag was at work. In this particular instance the wind reached a magnitude of the order of 350 m/s at 115 km and of at least 750 m/s at 160 km altitude. Curiously enough, there was no indication of strong upper F region neutral winds at the time; this might have been because the event was uncovered around noon, at a time when, in the F region, the E × B drift was strongly westward but the pressure gradients strongly northward in the F region. Our study indicates that both the lower F region ion temperatures and the E region electron temperatures can be used to extract useful geophysical parameters such as the neutral density (through a determination of ion-neutral collision frequencies) and Joule heating rates (through the direct connection that we have confirmed exists between temperatures and the effective electric field).  相似文献   

A 109.9 m ice core was extracted at a location about 300 m away from the Dome A summit(80°00′S,77°21″E) by the Chinese team of the International Trans-Antarctic Science Expedition(ITASE) during the 21st Chinese National Antarctica Research Expedition(CHINARE) in January 2005.Two independent methods were used for dating the ice core,volcanic event markers shown by prominent non-sea-salt sulfate(nss-SO42) and the Herron and Langway(H-L) firn densification model.Six promi-nent volcanic events(Agung 1963 AD,Tambora 1815 AD,Kuwae 1453 AD,Unknown 1259 AD,Taupo 186 AD and Pinatubo 1050 BC) were identified by comparison with other Antarctic ice cores.Based on the mean accumulation rates be-tween adjacent events,we estimate the age at the firn pore close-off depth(102 m) was 3516±100 a BP.This is the oldest close-off age ever reported from the Antarctic and the Greenland ice sheets.Calculations using the H-L model show that the age at the same depth is 3581±100 a BP.The two dating techniques differ by 65 years,or~1.8% of the record.We calculated the bottom age of the ice core as 4009±150 a BP using the volcanic dating method and 4115±150 a BP using the H-L model method.  相似文献   

Long time series of Antarctic sea ice extent(SIE) are important for climate research and model forecasting. A historic ice extent in the Ross Sea in early austral winter was rebuilt through sea salt ions in the DT401 ice core in interior East Antarctica. El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO) had a significant influence on the sea salt deposition in DT401 through its influence on the Ross Sea SIE and the transport of sea salt inland. Spectral analysis also supported the influence of ENSO with a significant 2–6 a periodicity band. In addition, statistically significant decadal(10 a) and pentadecadal(50–70 a) periodicities suggested the existence of a teleconnection from the Pacific decadal oscillation(PDO), which originated from sea surface temperature anomalies in the tropical Pacific Ocean. The first eigenvector of the empirical orthogonal function analysis(EOF1) showed lower values during the Medieval Warm Period(MWP), while higher values were found in the Little Ice Age(LIA). A higher frequency of ENSO events were found in the cold climatic stage. The post 1800 AD period was occupied by significant fluctuations of the EOF1, and PDO may be one of the influencing factors. The EOF1 values showed moderate fluctuations from 680 BC to 1000 AD, showing that the climate was relatively stable in this period.  相似文献   

The spatial structure of covariability in the surface air temperature records of the last 109 years is examined using factor analysis. From the results it is indicated that the Northern Hemisphere can be objectively divided into 15 regions with each region having a similar covariance structure of surface air temperatures. From such a division it is noted that warming is evident over 11 out of the 15 regions. The strongest warming is not, however, confined to specific latitudinal belts, for example, the tropics or the arctic, nor is the strongest warming confined to a specific continent. As a consequence of the coarse spatial dsitribution of available data, results should be considered preliminary.  相似文献   

Butyltin species were measured in sediments from coastal locations in the Gulf and Gulf of Oman. Both butyltin and phenyltin species were measured in biota samples from four countries in this region. With tributyltin (TBT) concentrations up to 60 ngSng(-1), some sediments could be classified as contaminated (i.e. TBT>1.3 ngSng(-1)), namely Dukhan (Qatar), the BAPCO industrial complex and Askar (Bahrain), and Hilf and the Raysut Port Area (Oman). Higher concentrations of total butyltins were found in oysters relative to fish, but ranging from 6.5 to 488 ngSng(-1) dry weight they are nonetheless relatively low. Diphenyltin and triphenyltin were found in some fish and bivalves from the Gulf, but not in biota from the Gulf of Oman. The environmental levels of organotin species are comparatively low by global standards and pose no immediate public health problems.  相似文献   

Chen  Jie  Huang  Wei  Zhang  Qiong  Feng  Song 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(8):1199-1208
The Mongolian Plateau(MP) is located in the eastern part of arid Central Asia(ACA). Climatically, much of the MP is dominated by the westerly circulation and has an arid and semi-arid climate; however, the eastern part of the MP is also influenced by the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM) and has a humid and semi-humid climate. Several studies have shown that precipitation variability in the MP differs from that in western ACA but is consistent with that in the EASM region. Here we use monthly precipitation data for 1979–2016 to characterize and determine the origin of the summer precipitation variability of the MP and the EASM region. The results show that the MP and the mid-latitude EASM region exhibit a consistent pattern of precipitation variability on interannual and decadal timescales; specifically, the consistent regions are the MP and North and Northeast China. We further investigated the physical mechanisms responsible for the consistent interdecadal precipitation variability between the MP and the mid-latitude EASM region, and found that the mid-latitude wave train over Eurasia, with positive(negative) geopotential height anomalies over the North Atlantic and ACA and negative(positive) geopotential height anomalies over Europe and the MP, is the key factor responsible for the consistency of precipitation variability in the MP and the mid-latitude EASM region. The positive anomalies over the North Atlantic and ACA and negative anomalies over Europe and the MP would enhance the transport of westerly and monsoon moisture to the MP and North and Northeast China. They could also strengthen the Northeast Asian low, enhance the EASM, and trigger the anomalous ascending motion over the MP which promotes precipitation in the MP and in the mid-latitude EASM region. Overall, our results help explain the spatial variations of paleo-precipitation/humidity reconstructions in East Asia and clarify the reasons for the consistency of the regional climate.  相似文献   

Aerogeophysical and seismological data from a geophysical survey in the interior of East Antarctica were used to develop a conceptual tectonic model for the Lake Vostok region. The model is constrained using three independent data sets: magnetic, seismic, and gravimetric. A distinct change in the aeromagnetic anomaly character across Lake Vostok defines a crustal boundary. Depth to magnetic basement estimates image a 400-km-wide and more than 10-km-deep sedimentary basin west of the lake. Analysis of teleseismic earthquakes suggests a relatively thin crust beneath Lake Vostok consistent with predictions from kinematic and flexural gravity modelling. Magnetic, gravity, and subglacial topography data reveal a tectonic boundary within East Antarctica. Based on our kinematic and flexural gravity modelling, this tectonic boundary appears to be the result of thrust sheet emplacement onto an earlier passive continental margin. No data presently exist to date directly either the timing of passive margin formation or the subsequent shortening phase. The preserved thrust sheet thickness is related to the thickness of the passive margin crust. Because a significant amount of time is required to erode the thrust sheet topography, we suggest that these tectonic events are Proterozoic in age. Minor normal reactivation of the thrust sheet offers a simple mechanism to explain the formation of the Lake Vostok Basin. A low level of seismicity exists in the vicinity of this tectonic boundary. The existence of a crustal boundary in the Antarctic interior provides new constraints on the Proterozoic architecture of the East Antarctic craton.  相似文献   

The minimum winter temperature series for the United States Gulf Coast for 1799–1988 (190 values) was subjected to Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis. Significant periodicities in the QBO region (T-2–3 years) and atT=3.7, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 12.9, 15.5 and 22 years were detected. Some of these were present in the first half only (1799–1893) while others in the latter half only (1894–1988), indicating a transient nature. Also, more than 50% of the variance was random. Many of the significant periodicities are seen in other geophysical parameters. Some may be harmonics of the 11-year sunspot cycle and the 22-year Hale magnetic sunspot cycle.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the spatial distribution, temporal variations trend and oscillation for the surface air temperature variations during 1957—1993 in the Antarctic and its surrounding area were analyzed. The results show that the short-time climate change in the Antarctic is complex both temporally and spatially. The Antarctic is by no means the strongest responding region to the global greenhouse effect. There is a distinguished difference in the trends of the temperature changes for the Antarctic and global mean, which could not be explained simply by the global greenhouse effect. Project supported by the National Antarctic Key Project of China (85-905).  相似文献   

正Fog and haze are two kinds of weather phenomena.Fog is referred to as water droplets suspended in the air near earth’s surface,which reduces the visibility to less than 1 km.A fog consisting of ice crystals is called ice fog.Haze is the particles suspended in the air that reduce visibility by scattering the light,and is usually a mixture of aerosol and photochemical smog.Fog and haze usually coexist.The occurrence and evolution of haze and fog are closely related with meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

Investigation of amino acid racemization in fossil bones and teeth from the Olduvai Gorge region, Tanzania, indicates that aspartic acid racemization can be used to date samples which are less than ~80,000–100,000 years old in this area. In older samples, significant secondary aspartic acid is apparently present and thus these samples have lower than expectedD/L aspartic acid ratios. Isoleucine in older samples, however, is apparently syngenetic with the samples, so the epimerization of isoleucine to alloisoleucine can be used with certain limitations to date fossil bones and teeth from the older stratigraphic sections in the Olduvai region.  相似文献   

东亚地区矿物尘气溶胶直接辐射强迫的初步模拟研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
为研究东亚地区矿物尘气溶胶的直接辐射效应,在区域气候模式RegCM3中加入起尘方案、建立矿物尘气溶胶输送模式,并将其辐射过程加入区域气候模式的辐射方案.通过对2001年3月~2002年3月的模拟发现:中国西北和蒙古国年平均地表起尘率在1μg/(m2·s)以上,最大达到90μg/(m2·s)是东亚地区最主要的矿物尘气溶胶源地;东亚地区矿物尘气溶胶柱含量最大值达5g/m2,出现在塔克拉玛干沙漠和秦岭地区;气溶胶大气顶直接辐射强迫基本呈现大陆上为正、海洋上正负均有的分布特征,区域平均辐射强迫在春夏秋冬分别为1.08, 0.88, 0.37,0.40W/m2,短波辐射强迫在陆上为正、海上正负均有,长波辐射强迫均为正值;四季的地表辐射强迫分别为-5.64, -2.25, -1.37, -1.87W/m2;辐射强迫数值对矿物尘气溶胶单次散射反照率的变化较敏感.  相似文献   

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