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干旱区防护林营造方式对沙漠化土地恢复能力的影响研究   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:11  
通过对防护林体系营造方式对沙漠化土地的恢复和重建能力的研究,发现固氮灌木树种对沙漠化土地肥力恢复的作用十分显著。采用工程措施与生物措施相结合的组合造林技术是恢复沙漠化土地肥力最有效的方法。在沙漠化土地上营造乔、灌混交防沙阻沙林带,可以明显地提高土壤的有机质和氮素水平。建立农田防护林网可以有效地改善土壤水环境和物理性质,并能增加土壤微生物,使土壤微生物的种群数量较荒漠化土地有较大幅度提高。土壤微生物的数量分布与种植植物的种类和人为经营强度有关。草田轮作是干旱区改土培肥的好形式,新开发荒漠地以第一年农作物+第二年牧草+第三年农作物的轮作制度较好。  相似文献   

This paper examines the utility of hyperspectral remote sensing to detect fresh and dry biomass, water content and plant area index of burned and unburned grassland in southern California. Contrary to many previously published reports, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI, a vegetation greenness index) was not a good indicator of any of these important biophysical properties in either the burned or unburned area, especially after regeneration. Rather, the water band index (WBI, an index of water status in vegetation) showed better promise of estimating these biophysical properties in this semi-arid ecosystem. Despite the post-regeneration similarities in visual and harvested values of these two areas, we found that the full range of hyperspectral reflectance in ‘visible to infrared’ (400–1000 nm) wavelengths when used in a cluster analysis can readily differentiate the burned and unburned areas. This demonstrates the utility of hyperspectral remote-sensing in mapping subtle features that may not be detectable from conventional remote-sensing indices (e.g. NDVI) alone.  相似文献   

浑善达克沙地春季风沙活动特征观测研究   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11  
刘树林  王涛  郭坚 《中国沙漠》2006,26(3):356-361
通过野外实验观测和室内分析整理的方法,对浑善达克沙地不同程度沙漠化土地的春季风沙活动特征进行了研究。结果表明:输沙率随风速增加成非线性增大;相同风速下,随着土地沙漠化程度的增加,输沙率成指数式增加;春季由于植被高度有限,覆盖度小于10%与覆盖度大于25%的沙地,对风场的响应,表现出明显不同的风沙流结构;不同程度的沙漠化土地上,发生风蚀搬运的物质组成也明显不同;研究区春季影响风沙活动的因素,主要是土地沙漠化程度,降水的迟早以及残存的灌木与多年生草本植物的多少等。  相似文献   

The study examines the changes in sub-Saharan's natural land cover resources for a 25 year period. We assess these changes in four broad land cover classes – forests, natural non-forest vegetation, agriculture and barren – by using high spatial resolution Earth observing satellites. Two sets of sample images, one ‘historical’ targeted at 1975 and a second ‘recent’ targeted at the year 2000, have been selected through a stratified random sampling technique over the study area, targeting a sampling rate of 1% in each of the strata. The results, presented at eco-region level and aggregated at sub-Saharan level, show a 57% increase in agriculture area at the expense of natural vegetation which has itself decreased by 21% over the period, with nearly 5 million hectares forest and non-forest natural vegetation lost per year. The impacts of these changes on the environment on one site and on the socio-economy on the other site are discussed and possible pressures on human well being are highlighted.  相似文献   

中国北方典型沙漠化地区沙漠化的对比研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
王涛 《中国沙漠》1989,9(1):113-136
选择了中国北方极端干旱、干旱和半干旱三个地带的沙漠化典型地区, 即, 新疆塔里木河下游阿拉干、内蒙阿拉善盟吉兰泰和河北省丰宁县坝上等地区进行对比研究, 以阐明不同地带沙漠化过程的成因、发展趋势及其防治措施, 并探索建立预测沙漠化发展趋势的数学模式。  相似文献   

本文对陕北榆林地区土地沙漠化划分了四种类型及描述了沙漠化土地分布的特点,并对这一地区的沙漠化土地进行了防治区划,为全区制定综合农业区划提供科学依据。沙漠化是土地在自然和人为因素作用下,植被和土壤逐渐衰退破坏导致沙地出现的过程。当今,沙漠化迅速发展和扩大的特征是以人口的迅猛增长及滥用土地为主要标志,它所带来的对人类生活及环境的威胁,正越来越引起人们的重视。陕北地区是我国沙漠化严重地区之一,研究其发生发展的历史和现状,预测其发展趋势,从而制定沙漠化土地的治理区划,对本区沙漠化土地整治和预防具有重要意义。  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠地区沙漠化过程及其发展趋势   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
朱震达 《中国沙漠》1987,7(3):16-28
塔克拉玛干沙漠处于内陆盆地,在极端干旱多风的气候条件下,丰富的冲积、冲积-湖积沙物质在风力作用形成面积广大、形态复杂的流动性沙漠,它是在中更新世至全新世时期逐渐形成。然而,以自然因素为主形成的沙漠,同样亦存在着沙漠化问题。塔克拉玛干沙漠地区的沙漠化土地约有28266平方公里,占总土地面积的9.2%,其中历史时期形成占65.1%,现代形成的占34.9%。该区历史时期沙漠化过程多发生在南部和东部沙漠中河流下游的绿洲地段,由于河流改道(自然的或人为的),潜水面下降,造成古耕地和居民点废弃,形成沙漠化土地,在北部,塔里木河两岸和天山南麓一些洪积、冲积扇前缘,则由于河道迂移或人为的垦区长期不合理灌溉,地下水位上升,土壤严重次生盐渍化,不能耕种而废弃。沙质干河床或废弃的垦区受到风力作用成为沙漠化土地。塔克拉玛干沙漠地区近百年来由于人为因素的干扰,对自然资源利用不当,破坏了脆弱的生态系统或对水资源利用不当而引起现代沙漠化过程的加剧。当然,也有局部地区是沙丘前移入侵的结果。根据沙漠化土地的形成可以划分三种类型:1.沙丘前移入侵型;2.沙丘活化型;3.戈壁风沙流型。  相似文献   

The effect of intensive grazing and browsing of domestic stock and wildlife on the number of species and abundance of vegetation was investigated in the Hoanib River catchment, north-western Namibia. The seasonal abundance of ground cover, bare earth, canopy cover, annual grass, perennial grass and annual forbs were measured in each of the focus-study areas. In three of the focus areas where the ranges of both domestic stock and wildlife were restricted either by fencing or water availability, impact on the vegetation was greatest. The final focus area was a more ‘open range’ system that allowed for the free movement of wildlife. Under these conditions the species abundance and availability of browsing and grazing was greater than the other focus areas during both the wet and dry seasons. However, very little difference in abundance and availability of vegetation was observed between focus areas in both seasons regardless of landuse. There is generally a low abundance of perennial grasses and browse species affording the ecosystem little resistance and resilience to disturbance caused by grazing and drought.  相似文献   

塔里木河下游沙漠化特征及其发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
近年来,由于塔里木河中上游截流,造成下游长期断水,生态环境的劣变导致沙漠化的迅速发展,并日趋严重。因而引起有关方面的极大关注,保护和恢复绿色走廊已被提到议事日程。一些研究者[1-8],从不同的角度,对绿色走廊的现状与未来进行了广泛有益的讨论。本文根据有关的资料,着重从风沙活动规律与活动强度方面,讨论塔里木河下游绿色走廊沙漠化的现状及其发展变化特征。结果表明;细沙和粉细沙是该地地表物质的主要组成部分(约占95%以上),在极端干旱的气候条件下,特别是在河流长期断流以及人为地强烈破坏天然植被之后,风沙活动的频率和强度均有较大程度的增加,已经成为严重的沙漠化地区,应该尽快地采取有效的防护措施。从沙丘移动速度的计算值(1米高的单个新月形沙丘移速为7.74米/年)来看,在近期甚至在一个相当长的时期内,还不致由于库鲁克库姆沙漠的移动而导致绿色走廊的覆灭,重演古楼兰的历史。目前由于沙漠化而造成直接危害地段(如阿拉干等)只是绿色走廊的几个缺口,而大部分地段上的天然植被仍能有效地起到防风固沙作用。因此,保护现有的天然植被是控制沙漠化发展的关键,合理解决塔里木河全流域用水,调整农、林、牧业生产比例,是恢复绿色走廊生态平衡的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文依据呼伦贝尔沙地自然状况和生态建设工程的实际情况,按照统筹规划的原则,将呼伦贝尔沙地划分为5个治理区:沙地樟子松林治理区、森林-草原过渡带沙地综合治理区、北部沙地治理区、中部沙地治理区、西部零散沙地治理区;提出了6种适合呼伦贝尔沙地的治理模式:沙地樟子松封育模式、灌-草方格状混播模式、植苗造林治沙模式、机械沙障与灌-草混播模式、樟子松野生大苗移栽固沙模式、高立式沙障治理模式;针对5个治理区内的不同立地类型,提出了相应的优化治理模式。  相似文献   

Pastoral production around artificial watering points in semi-arid environments affects the density and composition of plant communities. In the Kalahari desert of southwestern Africa, bush encroachment is often regarded as the major form of land degradation resulting from pastoral production around watering points. We investigated the OvaHerero pastoralists’ perceptions of the extent of vegetation change since the establishment of artificial watering points in the northern Kalahari desert of Namibia, and related this to ecological data on vegetation change. We determined the utility of woody vegetation to pastoralists’ livelihoods in terms of provision of construction material, fuel wood and browse. We quantified local knowledge of cattle browse consumption and correlated this with field data. We also assessed the purposes for which major livestock types were used. Our results showed that: (1) pastoral knowledge of bush encroachment and browse consumption was consistent with concurrently collected field data, (2) the current level of bush encroachment was perceived to be beneficial for pastoral production, and (3) cattle played an important role in the production of milk and milk by-products for domestic use, and served as a source of cash income, while sheep and goats were primarily kept for meat consumption. This result contrasts with historical studies that mainly portray cattle as a symbol of social status among OvaHerero pastoralists.  相似文献   

樟子松在甘肃干旱区的适应性及发展潜力研究   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
通过对樟子松在甘肃干旱区的适应性进行研究分析得出:樟子松的耐旱性强于当地主要防护林树种二白杨和沙枣;也较常绿乡土树种侧柏、油松、刺柏、青海云杉适应性强,并表现出明显的生长优势。对樟子松的生长量、移栽造林技术、光合速率、蒸腾强度、水分利用效率、耐盐性、物候期等进行研究的结果表明:樟子松能适应甘肃干旱区气候、自然生态环境条件;同时长势也优于原产地,是优良的防风固沙造林树种,能抗病虫害、可作为用材林树种,改造当地"小老头树"防护林等,其发展潜力大,应大力发展。  相似文献   

中国北方沙漠化现状及发展趋势   总被引:31,自引:8,他引:23  
通过研究,对中国北方沙漠化的现状及趋势得出如下结论:(1)中国北方沙漠化土地的面积为33.4万平方公里,其中已经沙漠化了的土地为17.6万平方公里,潜在沙漠化土地为15.8万平方公里。在已经沙漠化的土地中,属于沙质草原沙漠化发展的土地占42.2%,固定沙丘活化的占52.2%,沙丘前移入侵的占5.5%。(2)按其成因来看,以草原过度农垦为主的占25.4%,以过度放牧为主的占28.3%,以过度樵柴为主的占31.8%,其他则系水资源利用不当和工矿交通建设破坏植被所形成,风力作用下沙丘前移所形成的沙漠化土地仅占5.5%,可见在沙质地表和干旱多风气候条件下沙漠化发展的主要因素是人为作用,因此,调整现有土地利用结构,合理利用资源便是防止沙漠化发展的基本途径.(3)从沙漠化发展程度来看,在已经沙漠化的土地中严重沙漠化土地占19.3%,强烈发展中的沙漠化土地占34.7%,正在发展中的沙漠化土地占46.0%。特别是农牧交错的草原农垦区沙漠化的发展大部分是在50年代以来所形成,更应引起注意.(4)从发展趋势来看,根据50年代末与70年代末航空相片的对比分析,25年来沙漠化土地增加了3.9万平方公里,平均每年扩大1,560平方公里,这些扩大的土地是沙质草原的农垦和固定沙地农垦、樵采及过牧所引起的沙丘活化。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯地区退耕还林造林模式研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过对鄂尔多斯地区退耕还林造林模式的研究,在造林技术方面总结出先进适用又符合当地实际的造林模式。其中,①风沙区造林模式:旱柳、柠条防风固沙林,杨树、沙柳、柠条防风固沙林,柠条、紫穗槐防风固沙林;②丘陵沟壑区造林模式:油松+沙棘,沙棘+柠条,油松+山杏;③干旱硬梁区造林模式:柠条两行一带式植苗造林、旱柳、沙柳防风固沙林、榆树、柠条防风固沙林,取得了显著成效。造林实践表明,3a后保存率达100%,造林成活率大于70%的造林面积准格尔旗占84%、鄂托克旗占82%,生长状况优良。说明采用的造林模式是成功的,可以直接指导退耕还林等项目的建设和可供毗邻地区生产造林借鉴。  相似文献   

农牧交错带不同人工植被下荒漠化土壤肥力的变化   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
研究了陕北农牧交错带荒漠化土地上种植人工植被后,在不同的植被恢复类型和生长状态下土壤物理、化学和生物学性状的特征。结果表明,随着人工植被的建立与生长,土壤肥力总体趋于好转,土壤理化性质得到显著改善,土壤质地变细,微生物数量增加,土壤酶活性增强;同时,使流动沙地向半固定、固定沙丘方向转化。但随着植被盖度和植被种类的不同,不同样地土壤肥力差异很大;多年生乔木林改良土壤肥力的潜力最高,耕作粗放的农地土壤肥力有所下降。  相似文献   

蒙古国是中蒙俄经济走廊的重要区段,但面临严重的荒漠化问题,区域经济社会发展受到严重威胁,而蒙古国中部草原地区是主要的荒漠化新扩展区,正经历强烈的草原风蚀沙漠化过程。以戈壁苏木贝尔省首府乔伊尔市为研究区,利用自建自动气象观测站(2019年5月—2020年7月)、集沙仪观测站(2019年8月—2020年8月)及当地气象站(1990—2018年)数据,对当地风蚀沙漠化的风动力条件、风沙流输沙及其他影响因素等基本特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1) 乔伊尔市具有强劲的风动力条件,年输沙势可达735.96 VU,合成输沙势为428.76 VU,合成输沙方向为SSW(195.06°),风向变率指数为0.58,属高风能环境、中等变率双峰风况。(2) 临界起沙风速因受土壤水分和植被盖度的共同影响而随季节变化,夏季最高,冬季最低,春季与秋季居中,且相差较小。(3) 地表具有强烈的风沙活动,年风沙流输沙通量可达2.135 t·m-1·a-1,Owen最大输沙量模型适于该区风沙流模拟。研究结果对于蒙古国中部草原区防沙治沙和生态恢复具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

Longitudinal (linear) sand dunes of the Simpson and Strzelecki dunefields in eastern central Australia present a paradox. Low levels of activity today stand in contrast to luminescence dating which has repeatedly shown deep deposits of sand on dune crests dating to within the late Holocene. In order to investigate the nature of dune activity in the Simpson–Strzelecki dunefield, vegetation and sand mobility were investigated by detailed vegetation survey and measurement of rippled area and loose sand depth of dunes at three sites along a climatic gradient. The response of both vegetation and sand movement to inter-annual climate variability was examined by repeat surveys of two sites in drought and non-drought conditions. Projected plant cover and plant + crust cover were found to have inverse linear relationships with rippled area and the area of deep loose sand. No relationship was found between these measures of sand movement and the plant frontal area index. A negative exponential relationship between equivalent mobile sand depth on dune surfaces and both vascular plant cover and vascular + crust cover was also found. There is no simple threshold of vegetation cover below which sand transport begins. Dunes with low perennial plant cover may form small dunes with slip faces leading to a positive feedback inhibiting ephemeral plant growth in wet years and accelerating sand transport rates. The linear dunefields are largely within the zone in which plant cover is sufficient to enforce low sand transport rates, and in which there is a strong response of vegetation and sand transport to inter-annual variation in rainfall. Both ephemeral plants (mostly forbs) and crust were found to respond rapidly to large (> 20 mm/month) rainfall events. On millennial time-scales, the level of dune activity is controlled by vegetation cover and probably not by fluctuations of wind strength. Land use or extreme, decadal time-scale, drought may destabilise dunes by removing perennial plant cover, accelerating wind erosion.  相似文献   

2010年8月,选择腾格里沙漠东南缘1964年、1981年和1990年建立的人工固沙区为对象,以流动沙丘和邻近的天然植被区为对照,利用根钻取样法研究了不同年代固沙植被区根系的3.0 m剖面的分布特征。结果表明:单位土地面积上<1 mm的活根、全部活根、<1 mm的死根和全部死根的重量密度和长度密度在不同样地间存在着显著差异(p<0.05);流沙、1990年、1981年、1964年固沙区和天然植被区全部活根重量密度分别为2.9±2.2、164.7±46.5、461.3±83.6、440.4±81.8 g·m-2和350.0±132.5 g·m-2,5个样地全部死根重量密度分别为4.9±2.8、58.7±16.8、390.9±57.9、492.5±252.2 g·m-2和214.4±29.9 g·m-2;根长密度也表现为相似的变化趋势。单位土壤体积的根系重量密度和长度密度随着土层加深而递减,植被区0~1.0 m土壤层活根的累积重量密度和长度密度在全部活根中的比例均超过70.0%,其中以天然植被区最大,流沙区则不超过25%;死根也表现为相似的趋势,只是比例有所降低。根鞘占全部根系生物量的比例非常不稳定,流沙区的最大,为94.3%,而1981年植被区的只有0.5%,1964年、1990年固沙区和天然植被区分别为29.9%,70.3%和58.9%。  相似文献   

干旱区沙漠化土地逆转植被的时空格局及其机制研究   总被引:25,自引:13,他引:12  
在无灌溉条件下, 干旱区沙漠化土地实现逆转和植被的恢复的降水量要在160mm左右, 而方法是沙漠化土地逆转成败的关键之一。明沙嘴采取的从沙源上风向边缘开始的人工辅助措施加封育的治沙实践证明, 减少人为干预, 主要利用自然力的作用, 能达到流沙固定, 植被增加, 沙漠化土地逆转的目的。人工辅助措施加封育后植被群落在经历约20a的由简单到复杂演变的同时, 种的个数、类型、密度、空间格局等方面都发生了一系列的变化。  相似文献   

黄土高原西部兰州市郊植被的水环境响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过调查兰州南北两山及周边地区的植被类型、生长状况以及土壤水分等因子,分析了植被的生长与气候环境的关系,对在兰州地区造林绿化的适应性以及各地植被分布的类型、特征进行了深入的分析。结果表明,年降水量是决定植被生长状况最关键的因子,兰州市周边地区的植被分布状况基本是东部稍好于南部,南部显著好于北部。东部和南部植被以乔木为主,北部以耐旱灌木为主。不论乔木和灌木,保障土壤含水量常年处于5%以上是人工造林可持续发展的底线。  相似文献   

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