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海洋技术的发展与海洋开发的推进息息相关,而海洋开发在解决未来人类对资源的需求中具有举足轻重的地位。自60年代以来,世界人口以平均每年9200多万的速度增加,1990年已突破50亿,预计到2000年,世界人口将超过60亿。人口的急剧增长,使陆地资源开发面临枯竭的危险。开发海洋是人类摆脱资源枯竭困境的重要出路之一。因此,世界各海洋国家竞相制定海洋科技发展战略或海洋开发规划,提  相似文献   

21世纪是海洋的世纪,海洋已成为当代人类生存和发展的根本。海洋文化是人类文化体系中的一种特殊文化,它区别于人类的陆地文化,是人类与大海在长期的共生共处中产生的一种文化现象。文章在分别阐述海洋文化与海洋管理内涵的基础上,简要分析二者的关系,进而提出如何促进海洋文化与海洋管理相辅相成、和谐发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

我国海洋经济研究的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何翔舟 《海洋科学》2002,26(1):71-73
人类从事海洋经济活动已经有几千年的历史。传统的海洋经济活动主要是海洋捕捞业和海洋运输业,范围很小,发展缓慢。20世纪以来,特别是60年代以后,出现了海洋石油工业、海底固体采矿业、海水养殖业和栽培业等许多新兴产业,科学技术的发展使人类找到了第二生存空间。海洋资源的开发与海洋经济产业的拓宽,极大地鼓舞了人类追求未来更大消费欲望具有无限性资源依托的信心,但经济学家对于海洋经济的研究似乎还不及海洋经济活动现实。为此,本文主要就现实的海洋经济研究问题谈几点粗浅认识。  相似文献   

关于我国海洋开发与管理的思考丁龙生张希武谭业江(青岛市规划局)(一)海洋是生命的摇篮,海洋中有大量的动物、植物和物理、化学资源可供人类开发利用。本世纪初以来,随着陆地资源的逐渐枯竭和科学技术的高度发展,以及1982年《联合国海洋法公约》的签订,世界各...  相似文献   

合理开发利用海洋资源,是解决当今世界面临的人口、资源、环境等重大问题的主要途径。宁波市作为一个滨海城市,依托海洋发展经济具有悠久的历史。特别是改革开放以来,宁波的港口、海洋运输、海洋渔业等海洋传统产业得到了长足的发展,一批新兴的海洋产业——海洋生物、海洋化工、滨海旅游及海洋服务业正在崛起。海洋赋予宁波得天独厚的海洋区位优势  相似文献   

与海洋开发同步发展海洋观测技术李允武(国家海洋局海洋技术研究所)我国海洋产业正在高速发展。根据中国海洋报提供的统计数字,1980年至1990年的十年中,海洋主要产业总产值年增长率为17%,自90年代以来,年增长率提高到28%。1989年海洋主要产业总...  相似文献   

海洋产业是指人类在海洋和滨海地区开发利用海洋资源和空间进行经济生产活动而形成的产业。海洋产业的划分,可按传统产业发展顺序划分,也可按我国现行的一、二、三产业划分。按海洋产业发展顺序可划分为传统海洋产业(如海洋运输业、海洋渔业、海洋盐业等)、新兴海洋产业(如海洋油气业、滨海旅游业、滨海砂矿业及海洋服务业等)和未来海洋产业(如海洋能利用、海水化学资源开发业、海洋工程等)。随着现代海洋战略资源的不断发现和科技的迅速发展,世界上越来越多的国家把解决当代人类所面临的人口、资源、环境等三大问题的出路寄希望于海洋。尤其是一些临海的发达国家,不惜巨资,组织许多有成就的科学家投身于海洋战略研究和海洋开发规划的制定中,以谋求加速本国海洋开发的步伐。  相似文献   

在人口膨胀、资源短缺和污染问题日益突出的今天,海洋开发受到沿海各国的高度重视。把海洋开发纳入国家发展战略,是1990年联合国第45届大会决议向世界沿海各国发出的倡议;1998年被联合国确定为国际海洋年,主题是“海洋———人类未来的财产”。改革开放以来,我国与世界各国的经济联系不断增强,海洋已成为我国融入世界经济的重要通道之一。因此,海洋开发将我国发展战略的重要组成部分,具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。一、海洋开发关系到21世纪我国的可持续发展海洋比陆地的面积要大得多,其中蕴藏着丰富的生物资源…  相似文献   

对海洋药物研究开发的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着地球人口的增多和陆地资源的日趋缺乏,人类需要探索新的领域、开发新的资源,海洋以其广阔和丰富的资源而成为现代科学开发的重点。自60年代以来,人类从认识海洋、探索海洋转向研究、开发、利用海洋。30多年中,随着现代电子、生物、遥感、海洋工程  相似文献   

海洋是全球生命支持系统的基本组成部分,人类的生存和发展与海洋息息相关。因此,许多沿海国家均把开发利用海洋作为国家重要发展战略。20世纪80年代以来,尤其是《联合国海洋法公约》生效和海洋新秩序的建立,进一步促使沿海国家更加关注海洋性基础研究的发展,把其作为海洋科技发展计划、规划的重要内容。随着全球变化研究的推进,一些多学  相似文献   

现阶段,正大力提倡以人为本、构建和谐社会,其真正意义就是建设公平、合理和有序的社会;建设以人为本,全面、协调与可持续发展的新型社会;建设人与自然、人与社会、人与人之间和谐相处的社会.21世纪,经济的可持续发展早已提到议事日程上来,尤其是海洋经济的可持续发展问题受到高度重视.在此契机之下.以人为本,人海关系和谐的思想,必将对现阶段海洋经济可持续发展发挥着重大的理论和实践指导意义.  相似文献   

Essentially, this paper aims at considering how the ocean regionalisation may be implemented focusing on the principle of sustainable development, on the subsequent criteria designed by the inter-governmental organisation framework, and on the approaches from the scientific literature. In this respect, a model is proposed, according to which two main stages are identified: (i) the stage of the modern approach to the ocean, which was operated by the modern society and was supported by the culture of modernity; (ii) the stage of the post-modern approach, which has been triggered by the converging inputs from the changes in society and nature. The watershed between these two stages may be located in the 1970s. The investigation may be carried out considering a triangular relationship between (i) the changing ocean reality (ontological dimension), (ii) the representation of this reality (semiological dimension), and (iii) the building up of signified, consisting in theories, meta-theories and values (epistemological and ethical dimensions). In this framework, special relevance is attributed to the interaction between science and policy.Moving from this basis, how ocean regionalisation had been conceived by oceanography, geography and law is considered focusing on the implications that have arisen in terms of ocean management. Analysis is essentially focused on three questions: (i) how much the conceptual implications of the approach to the ocean regional scale have been underestimated, and how ample the political consequences have been; (ii) why the political designs referring to this spatial scale of the ocean, which have been carrying out since the 1970s, have been marked by a lack of consistency of the legal framework with the prospect of operating sustainable management programmes; (iii) whether, and what kind of, discrepancy has solidified between the legal framework, provided by the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and the ecosystem-oriented approach to the ocean, designed by the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED).These considerations lead to identify three cardinal needs. First, the need to try lessons from the Regional Seas Programme of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) by carrying out a critical analysis of the conceptual background and methodological endowment which it was based on, and of the subsequent political outcomes. Secondly, an increasing need for scientific approaches supported by the consideration of the ocean as a bi-modular system consisting in ecosystems and organisational patterns, being both modules subject to the impacts from global change and globalisation. Thirdly, a need to design and operate a more effective interaction between science and policy, and, as far as science in itself is concerned, the need to design a more epistemologically-sound interaction between natural and social disciplines.Moving from this discussion, it is proposed to distinguish the mere ocean area, where the organisational patterns have not yet created a real ocean system, from the ocean region, which differently has acquired the features of an ocean system. These two kinds of spaces may be found in the coastal milieu, extending up to the outer edge of the continental margin, in the deep-ocean, extending seawards from the continental margin, or they may extend across the continental margin and the deep-ocean. Where it is agreed that ocean reality may evolve on the basis of these two reference patterns, the following sequence of conceptual mises-au-point and statements may be considered.
The ocean area—This kind of ocean space may solidify in those areas where the ocean is frequented and used in the traditional ways without benefiting from a well-designed organisational pattern. Human presence and resource uses have brought about spatial differentiation but not such a real cohesion which may be only achieved by adopting an organisational plan.
The ocean region—This occurs only where an ocean area is endowed with such an organisational framework that allows the pursuit of clearly pre-determined objectives in terms of environmental, resource management, and economic development. This is the product of an extensive human interaction with the ocean ecosystem, and of a substantial political approach to the ocean milieu.
Where it is agreed that ocean reality may evolve on the basis of these two reference patterns, the following sequence of conceptual mises-au-point and statements may be considered:
The ocean region and regional strategy—At the present time, ocean regions may be found only in quite limited parts of the ocean world.
The final objective—Where the decision-making centres conform their programmes and actions to the principles and guidelines from UNCED, the objective of each ocean region should be the pursuit of sustainable development on the regional scale.
Sustainable region—This occurs where the regional organisation is primarily based on the protection of the ecosystem integrity, where economic development operates through the optimisation of resource usage, and where social equity, including the access to the natural and cultural heritage of the ocean environment, is guaranteed.
Ocean regionalisation—When an individual ocean is subject to the organisational forces that lead to the creation of regions, it can be stated that an ocean regionalisation has occurred.
Global change—Ocean regionalisation should be viewed as one of the most important consequences of the global, environmental and social change that characterises the present phase of society.
Globalisation—The setting up of a transport and communication global network, together with the associated establishment of global production and consume patterns, of market strategies and social behaviour, may be regarded as the cardinal set of socio-economic factors, which ocean regionalisation is going to increasingly depend on.
Enlargement of the geographical approach—The development of ocean regions encourages to set up effective inter-disciplinary approaches, that primarily should focus on: (i) the consistency of the regional organisation with the regional objectives; (ii) the consistency of the ocean resource use with the protection of the ecosystem, primarily the safeguard of its biodiversity, productivity and resilience; and (iii) the configuration and functions of the decision-making system in guiding regional organisation.
Ocean region and ecosystem—The most desirable conditions in terms of optimal ocean organisation on the regional scale occur where the spatial extent of the ocean, which is encompassed by an individual regional management programme, fully coincides with the spatial extent of an ocean ecosystem, or with a set of contiguous ecosystems.
Decision-making systems—The more the co-operative process between decision-making systems operating in contiguous ocean regions develops, the greater the potential for a holistic political approach to the oceans becomes. The spatial consequences deriving from the interaction between the decision-making centres are of peculiar interest.

Article Outline

1. A background issue
1.1. The legal reason
1.2. The scientific reason
2. The modern ocean regionalisation
2.1. The initial approach
2.2. The mature approach
2.2.1. Complication of surface regionalisation
2.2.2. Rise of seabed regionalisation
2.2.3. Interaction between ocean and atmosphere regionalisation
3. The post-modern ocean regionalisation
3.1. Interaction between policy and law
3.1.1. First pattern, wide holistic approach
3.1.2. Second pattern, limited holistic approach
3.2. The coastal perspective
3.2.1. The 200 m isobath
3.2.2. The outer edge of the continental margin
3.3. The ocean region designs
3.4. Signifiers, signs and signified in the post-modern context
3.5. Newly designed ocean regions
3.6. In the search for a conceptual track
4. A post-modern forum
4.1. Ocean reality
4.2. Language and representation
4.3. Policy and ethics
4.4. Tracing lines and zoning
There is an African proverb that says: ‘The earth is not ours, it is a treasure we hold in trust for our children and their children.’ And I hope my generation and yours will be worthy of this trust.Kofi AnnanKey note speech to the 97th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York, March 1st, 2001

1. A background issue

A palpable gap may be found in the present political approach to the ocean, and in the relevant scientific backgrounds. It has taken shape between the conceptual sense of the ocean sustainable development, on the one hand, and the approach to the ocean on the regional scale, on the other. The sustainable development concept leads to pursuing three goals contextually: (i) ecological integrity, specifically referring to the genetic, species and ecosystem diversity; (ii) economic efficiency, basically implying the replacement of the conventional concept of economic growth with that of human development; (iii) social equity, essentially meant as the safeguard of the cultural values and the preserving of rights of future generations. This broad objective design assumes ecological diversity as the prerequisite to pursue any other goal, namely economic efficiency and social equity [1]. As a result, where the regionalisation of the ocean is set up for management purposes, the ecological features and processes should be considered as the attributes to be considered first. Nevertheless, apart from some specific cases, which have not influenced the ocean governance as a whole, this approach has not been operated.This is due to two concurrent reasons. First, a reason rooted on the legal approach to the ocean. As is well known, at the present time, any approach to the regional scale of ocean management is based on the legal frameworks provided by the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Nevertheless, is should be wondered whether the Convention background design had been marked by some basic lack, and whether and how policy has been influenced. Secondly, a reason rooted in a lack of scientific approach to ocean regionalisation. It should be wondered whether science had been able to provide adequate conceptual frameworks, and empirical approaches, to the ocean governance on the regional scale (Fig. 1).  相似文献   

Human activities in ocean environments have resulted in significant impacts to ocean health and diminishing returns to society from these ecosystems. In response, there have been increasing calls for implementing ecosystem-based approaches to ocean planning and management. Such approaches require consideration of the complexity of human relationships with ecosystems including their social, cultural, political, and economic dimensions in order to develop and implement management viable strategies. This article reviews progress in spatial research on human activities and social dimensions of ocean environments and explores the promise this research has for enhancing ecosystem-based ocean planning. A global review reveals growth in the number and sophistication of research on social dimensions of oceans, with an increasing focus on new tools and technologies that involve stakeholders in the production, maintenance, and use of data in planning processes. Notably, most research is undertaken in the developed rather than the developing world, pointing to possible discrepancies in the capacity and resources required to engage this research. There is promising, albeit limited, evidence for the successful use of social data and applied research approaches in ecosystem-based ocean planning initiatives. This review shows that spatial research on the human dimensions of the ocean environments has much potential to engender a more comprehensive understanding of these complex seascapes, and to aid in planning processes aimed at achieving sustainable social and ecological outcomes.  相似文献   

Intense studies of upper and deep ocean processes were carried out in the Northwestern Indian Ocean (Arabian Sea) within the framework of JGOFS and related projects in order to improve our understanding of the marine carbon cycle and the ocean’s role as a reservoir for atmospheric CO2. The results show a pronounced monsoon-driven seasonality with enhanced organic carbon fluxes into the deep-sea during the SW Monsoon and during the early and late NE Monsoon north of 10°N. The productivity is mainly regulated by inputs of nutrients from subsurface waters into the euphotic zone via upwelling and mixed layer-deepening. Deep mixing introduces light limitation by carrying photoautotrophic organisms below the euphotic zone during the peak of the NE Monsoon. Nevertheless, deep mixing and strong upwelling during the SW Monsoon provide an ecological advantage for diatoms over other photoautotrophic organisms by increasing the silica concentrations in the euphotic zone. When silica concentrations fall below 2 μmol l−1, diatoms lose their dominance in the plankton community. During diatom-dominated blooms, the biological pathway of uptake of CO2 (the biological pump) appears to be more efficient than during blooms of other organisms, as indicated by organic carbon to carbonate carbon (rain) ratios. Due to the seasonal alternation of diatom and non-diatom dominated exports, spatial variations of the annual mean rain ratios are hardly discernible along the main JGOFS transect.Data-based estimates of the annual mean impact of the biological pump on the fCO2 in the surface water suggest that the biological pump reduces the increase of fCO2 in the surface water caused by intrusion of CO2-enriched subsurface water by 50–70%. The remaining 30 to 50% are attributed to CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Rain ratios up to 60% higher in river-influenced areas off Pakistan and in the Bay of Bengal than in the open Arabian Sea imply that riverine silica inputs can further enhance the impact of the biological pump on the fCO2 in the surface water by supporting diatom blooms. Consequently, it is assumed that reduced river discharges caused by the damming of major rivers increase CO2 emission by lowering silica inputs to the Arabian Sea; this mechanism probably operates in other regions of the world ocean also.  相似文献   

A Wind stress–Current Coupled System (WCCS) consisting of the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) and an improved wind stress algorithm based on Donelan et al. [Donelan, W.M., Drennan, Katsaros, K.B., 1997. The air–sea momentum flux in mixed wind sea and swell conditions. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 27, 2087–2099] is developed by using the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF). The WCCS is applied to the global ocean to study the interactions between the wind stress and the ocean surface currents. In this study, the ocean surface current velocity is taken into consideration in the wind stress calculation and air–sea heat flux calculation. The wind stress that contains the effect of ocean surface current velocity will be used to force the HYCOM. The results indicate that the ocean surface velocity exerts an important influence on the wind stress, which, in turn, significantly affects the global ocean surface currents, air–sea heat fluxes, and the thickness of ocean surface boundary layer. Comparison with the TOGA TAO buoy data, the sea surface temperature from the wind–current coupled simulation showed noticeable improvement over the stand-alone HYCOM simulation.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of the deep ocean circulation on the characteristics of the ocean as a reservoir, age distributions of the material whose source and sink are at the ocean surface are calculated using an idealized vertical two-dimensional model of the ocean. The results show that the large-scale vertical circulation of the deep water accelerates the renewal of deep water and reduces the average age of the material. It is also shown that the multi-layered structures of the deep circulation are more realistic than the one-layered structure and promote the renewal of the deep water.  相似文献   

海洋工程人因可靠性研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈刚  张圣坤 《海洋工程》2000,18(4):6-12
海洋结构物在其生命周期的设计、建筑和工作等阶段中发生的灾害性事故(船舶和海洋平台的碰撞、搁浅、腐蚀病劳破坏、沉船、火灾、爆炸等)大多与人为错误和组织错误(HOE有关,据统计,大约60%~90%的事故意 由HOE引起,因此海洋工程中进行人因可靠性分析研究很有必要,在全面回顾近年来各国在这一领域的研究现状,分析和总结人因可靠性评估(HRA)研究方法的基础上,重点介绍了失效模式及影响分析(FMEA),事  相似文献   

Sound sources and levels in the ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The standard definitions found in the American National Standards on Acoustics are applied to common sound sources used in both underwater acoustics research and naval sonar system operation. Recommended metrics are quantified for both continuous and transient sources of sound. Standard definitions are reviewed with theoretical sound source models. Requisite metrics are derived and applied to examples of energy sources of sound, such as transients from a small omnidirectional explosive, an air gun, a light bulb, and a dolphin click. A generic quantitative model of surface ship sonar system emissions is developed. Active sonar transmissions are analyzed with the requisite quantitative metrics required to characterize these emissions. These results should be useful in environmental assessments, biological experiments, and the sonar system design.  相似文献   

The mathematical framework for turbulent transport in the ocean is reasonably well established. It may be applied to large-scale fields of scalars in the ocean and to the instantaneous or continuous discharge from a point. The theory and its physical basis can also provide an interpretation of passive scalar spectra. Spatial variations in the rate of turbulent transfer can be related to the movement of the center of mass of a scalar and to a formulation in terms of entrainment. The relative dispersion of a scalar with respect to its center of mass and the streakiness of the concentration field within the relative dispersion domain need to be considered. In many of these problems it is valuable to think in terms of simple models for individual streaks, as well as overall statistical properties.  相似文献   

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