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《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1401-1417
The high-pressure (HP) Piaxtla Suite at Tehuitzingo contains peridotites, gabbros, and serpentinized peridotites, as well as granitoids and metasedimentary rocks. The HP mafic rocks are characterized by low SiO2 (38–52 wt.%) and high Mg# (~48–70), Ni (100–470 ppm), and Cr (180–1750 ppm), typical of cumulate compositions. Trace elements and rare earth element (REE) primitive mantle-normalized patterns display generally flat profiles, indicative of derivation from a primitive mantle with two distinct patterns: (1) gabbroic patterns are characterized by a positive Eu anomaly, low REE abundances, and slightly depleted high REE (HREE) relative to low REE (LREE), typical of cumulus olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase; and (2) mafic-intermediate gabbroic patterns exhibit very flat profiles characteristic of olivine and clinopyroxene as cumulus minerals. Their Nb/Y and Zr/TiO2 ratios suggest a subalkaline character, whereas low Ti/V ratios indicate that the Tehuitzingo cumulates are island arc tholeiitic basalts that resemble modern, immature oceanic, forearc magmas. These cumulates have high values of ? Nd(t) = 5.3–8.5 and 147Sm/144Nd = 0.18–0.23, which renders calculations of model ages meaningless. Our data are consistent with the Tehuitzingo arc rocks being part of a tectonically extruded Devonian–early Carboniferous arc developed along the west margin of Gondwana.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Atud diamictite in Wadi Kareim and Wadi Mobarak in the Eastern Desert of Egypt and the Nuwaybah formation in NW Saudi Arabia consist of poorly sorted, polymictic breccia, with clasts up to 1 m of granitoid, quartz porphyry, quartzite, basalt, greywacke, marble, arkose, and microconglomerate in fine-grained matrix. Stratigraphic relations indicate that the diamictite was deposited in a marine environment. Integrated field investigation, petrographic study and U–Pb SHRIMP zircon ages demonstrate that the Atud and Nuwaybah are correlative. The distribution of zircon ages indicate that ~750 Ma ages are dominant with a significant component of older materials, characterized by minor Mesoproterozoic and more abundant Paleoproterozoic and Neoarchean ages. Some matrix and metasedimentary clast zircons yield ages that are a few 10s of Ma younger than the age of the youngest clast (754 ± 15 Ma), suggesting Atud/Nuwaybah diamictite deposition ~750 Ma or slightly later, broadly consistent with being deposited during the Sturtian glaciation (740–660 Ma). The Paleoproterozoic and Neoarchean clasts have no source within the ensimatic Arabian–Nubian Shield. The distribution of the pre-Neoproterozoic ages are similar to the distribution of the pre-Neoproterozoic ages in Yemen and Saharan Metacraton, suggesting that these clasts have been transported hundreds of kilometers, maybe by ice-rafting. The Atud diamictite may represent important evidence for Cryogenian “Snowball Earth” in the Arabian–Nubian Shield.  相似文献   

Current reconstructions suggest that the Yucatan block has Gondwanan provenance and orient the Yucatan E–W in the Ouachita embayment where it overlaps southern Laurentia and Florida. Alternatively, if the Yucatan is oriented NE–SW, it fits neatly into the Ouachita embayment with minimal overlap. Furthermore, many of the V-shaped, magnetic anomalies in the Yucatan that are discordant in the E–W reconstruction can be traced across the Yucatan–Laurentian boundary in the NE–SW reconstruction: (a) NW-trending anomalies continue into southern Laurentia where they are associated with Cambrian mafic rocks in the southern Oklahoma and Reelfoot rifts and (b) NE-trending anomalies in the eastern Yucatan are parallel to those over Grenvillian rocks in the western Appalachians. Furthermore, Silurian plutons in the Maya Mountains of Belize that have no counterpart in Texas may be correlated with the Concord–Salisbury plutons in Carolinia, a terrane of Gondwanan provenance in the southern Appalachians. Nd isotopic data from the Chicxulub ejecta in the northern Yucatan block are similar to those in the Llano Grenvillian rocks and differ from those in Oaxaquia. These correlations suggest that much of the Yucatan is of Laurentian provenance and implies that the Laurentia–Gondwana suture crosses the Yucatan west of the Maya Mountains. In this scenario, the Ouachita embayment results from the formation of the Gulf of Mexico during the breakup of Pangea, rather than the Cambrian removal of the Argentine Cuyania terrane. Cambrian (515 Ma) paleomagnetic and faunal data are consistent with Cuyania forming either east of the Yucatan or off eastern Laurentia.  相似文献   

Southern India occupies a central position in the Late Neoproterozoic–Cambrian Gondwana supercontinent assembly. The Proterozoic mosaic of southern India comprises a collage of crustal blocks dissected by Late Neoproterozoic–Cambrian crust-scale shear/suture zones. Among these, the Palghat–Cauvery Suture Zone (PCSZ) has been identified as the trace of the Cambrian suture representing Mozambique Ocean closure during the final phase of amalgamation of the Gondwana supercontinent. Here we propose a model involving Pacific-type orogeny to explain the Neoproterozoic evolution of southern India and its final amalgamation within the Gondwana assembly. Our model envisages an early rifting stage which gave birth to the Mozambique Ocean, followed by the initiation of southward subduction of the oceanic plate beneath a thick tectosphere-bearing Archean Dharwar Craton. Slices of the ocean floor carrying dunite–pyroxenite–gabbro sequence intruded by mafic dykes representing a probable ophiolite suite and invaded by plagiogranite are exposed at Manamedu along the southern part the PCSZ. Evidence for the southward subduction and subsequent northward extrusion are preserved in the PCSZ where the orogenic core carries high-pressure and ultrahigh-temperature metamorphic assemblages with ages corresponding to the Cambrian collisional orogeny. Typical eclogites facies rocks with garnet + omphacite + quartz and diagnostic ultrahigh-temperature assemblages with sapphirine + quartz, spinel + quartz and high alumina orthopyroxene + sillimanite + quartz indicate extreme metamorphism during the subduction–collision process. Eclogites and UHT granulites in the orogenic core define PT maxima of 1000 °C and up to 20 kbar. The close association of eclogites with ultramafic rocks having abyssal signatures together with linear belts of iron formation and metachert in several localities within the PCSZ probably represents subduction–accretion setting. Fragments of the mantle wedge were brought up through extrusion tectonics within the orogenic core, which now occur as suprasubduction zone/arc assemblages including chromitites, highly depleted dunites, and pyroxene bearing ultramafic assemblages around Salem. Extensive CO2 metasomatism of the ultramafic units generated magnesite deposits such as those around Salem. High temperature ocean floor hydrothermal alteration is also indicated by the occurrence of diopsidite dykes with calcite veining. Thermal metamorphism from the top resulted in the dehydration of the passive margin sediments trapped beneath the orogenic core, releasing copious hydrous fluids which moved upward and caused widespread hydration, as commonly preserved in the Barrovian amphibolite facies units in the PCSZ. The crustal flower structure mapped from PCSZ supports the extrusion model, and the large scale north verging thrusts towards the north of the orogenic core may represent a fold-thrust belt. Towards the south of the PCSZ is the Madurai Block where evidence for extensive magmatism occurs, represented by a number of granitic plutons and igneous charnockite massifs of possible tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) setting, with ages ranging from ca. 750–560 Ma suggesting a long-lived Neoproterozoic magmatic arc within a > 200 km wide belt. All these magmatic units were subsequently metamorphosed, when the Pacific-type orogeny switched over to collision-type in the Cambrian during the final phase of assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent. One of the most notable aspects is the occurrence of arc magmatic rocks together with high P/T rocks, representing the deeply eroded zone of subduction. The juxtaposition of these contrasting rock units may suggest the root of an evolved Andean-type margin, as in many arc environments the roots of the arc comprise ultramafic/mafic cumulates and the felsic rocks represent the core of the arc. The final phase of the orogeny witnessed the closure of an extensive ocean — the Mozambique Ocean — and the collisional assembly of continental fragments within the Gondwana supercontinent amalgam. The tectonic history of southern India represents a progressive sequence from Pacific-type to collision-type orogeny which finally gave rise to a Himalayan-type Cambrian orogen with characteristic magmatic, metasomatic and metamorphic factories operating in subduction–collision setting.  相似文献   

Several Precambrian mafic–ultramafic complexes occur along the Cauvery Suture Zone (CSZ) in Southern Granulite Terrain, India. Their origin, magmatic evolution and relationship with the associated high-grade rocks have not been resolved. The Aniyapuram Mafic–Ultramafic Complex (AMUC), the focus of the present study in southern part of the CSZ, is dominantly composed of peridotites, pyroxenites, gabbros, metagabbros/mafic granulites, hornblendites, amphibolites, plagiogranites, felsic granulites and ferruginous cherts. The rock types in the AMUC are structurally emplaced within hornblende gneiss (TTG) basement rocks and are highly deformed. The geochemical signature of the amphibolites indicates tholeiitic affinity for the protolith with magma generation in island arc-setting. N-MORB normalized pattern of the amphibolites show depletion in HFS-elements (P, Zr, Sm, Ti, and Y) and enrichment of LIL-elements (Rb, Ba, Th, Sr) with negative Nb anomalies suggesting involvement of subduction component in the depleted mantle source and formation in a supra-subduction zone tectonic setting. Our new results when correlated with the available age data suggest that the lithological association of AMUC represent the remnants of the Neoarchean oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   

Euhedral, post-depositional albite from the Eastern and Western Alps, the western Carpathians and some Greek islands was examined petrographically and geochemically to gain insights into the nature of feldspar reactions in carbonate rocks. This study focuses on coarsely crystalline, homogeneously nucleated albite in order to avoid problems related to the presence of inseparable detrital material in fine-grained albite varieties. All albite samples show a very restricted compositional variability and are typically ≥ 99 mol% Ab component. Unit-cell parameters determined by Rietveld analysis are slightly more variable than previously accepted, but confirm high Al–Si ordering characteristic of low albite. The oxygen isotopic composition of albite ranges from + 19·4‰ to + 28·3‰ VSMOW. There is no direct relationship between the δ18O value and the inferred temperature of albite formation, nor is there one with stoichiometry. The coarse crystal size (up to several millimetres in diameter), petrographic evidence showing albite cross-cutting stylolites, greater abundance of albite in carbonate rocks subject to high-grade diagenetic or weak metamorphic overprinting and available fluid inclusion data suggest that albite precipitation is favoured at higher temperatures in carbonates than in sandstones. Pore fluids were invariably brines, as suggested by the inferred high positive δ18Ofluid values, the common association of albite-bearing carbonates and evaporites and reports of saline fluid inclusions in albite. The presence of authigenic albite may thus be a useful tracer of palaeobrine–carbonate reactions, particularly in deep-burial and incipient metamorphic settings.  相似文献   

The Guelph esker (Ontario, Canada) consists of a sinuous, steep-sided and segmented ridge which comprises poorly sorted, matrix-supported sands and gravels. These sands and gravels were probably deposited during the sliding bed stage which has been observed by others in closed-conduit hydraulic experiments. The poor sorting probably resulted from a high concentration of bed-material load in the lower part of a subglacial tunnel, sorting being restricted to that produced by particle collisions. Inclusive graphic standard deviation is characteristically large for the sands and gravels, indicating that virtually all sizes available were in transport. The overall grain size distribution shows a characteristic undulatory shape on arithmetic probability paper, mostly because of selective removal of pebble gravel and granule sizes. This poorly sorted fades is believed to be diagnostic of transport in a subglacial tunnel flowing full of water, and may be used to identify subglacial conditions in other eskers. Deltaic sands and gravels occur downcurrent of the esker and contain a greater diversity of structures; climbing-ripple cross-laminae, parallel laminae and massive structure, deposited in large-scale foresees at the end of a subglacial tunnel. These deltaic sands and gravels grade distally into outwash sands and gravels.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1471-1489
The Plat Sjambok Anorthosite crops out near Prieska Copper Mines in the Namaqua–Natal Province of southern Africa. It is a massif-type anorthosite, previously regarded as a late-tectonic intrusion and part of the ca. 1100 Ma bimodal Keimoes Suite. Our new ion probe U–Pb zircon data show that the Plat Sjambok massif intruded at 1259 ± 5 Ma, before the 1220 Ma Namaqua collision events and is thus approximately 150 million years older than the Keimoes Suite. Despite the proximity to Prieska Mines, the anorthosite is located in the Kaaien Terrane close to the Brakbos Fault, which is the boundary with the Areachap Terrane in which Prieska Mines is situated. We dated the Nelspoortjie Tonalite, the main country rock of the Plat Sjambok Anorthosite, by laser ablation ICPMS at 1273 ± 13 Ma. Both intrusions thus originated concurrently with the 1286–1241 Ma volcanic rocks of the Areachap Group, which developed in a subduction-related arc setting, prior to its collision with the Kaaien Terrane and Kaapvaal Craton. Metamorphic zircon rims in the Plat Sjambok Anorthosite give an age of 1122 ± 7 Ma, a time that corresponds to a quiet period in the Areachap Terrane. We propose a tectonic model in which formation of the Nelspoortjie Tonalite and Plat Sjambok Anorthosite was driven by intrusions from the mantle into a back-arc related tensional environment within the Kaaien Terrane, possibly situated above an Archaean crustal tongue. This led to heating in a thickened crustal setting in which the tonalite originated as a partial melt of amphibolite. The anorthosite then formed as a mixture of mantle-derived gabbro and Archaean crustal rocks, which explains the 2100–2600 Ma zircon–Hf crustal residence ages and the Sm–Nd trend towards an old crustal source. The anorthosite and its country rocks were only juxtaposed with the Prieska Copper Mining District by late-tectonic uplift and transpressional movements on the Brakbos Fault towards the end of the Namaqua tectogenesis.  相似文献   

Cities worldwide are becoming tourism destinations and tourism is at the centre of urban economic production built around networks and connections. Attractions within the city are driving regional economies. However, there is little information about the practices of the city by tourists and residents and how they change the understanding of the place as city and destination. Research still focus on reasons for tourists to be attracted to a city and their impacts. Yet, how this infusion is conceptualized in the touristified city remains unanswered. The objective of this paper is to conceptualize specific tourism trends in the urban context, where boundaries are becoming less visible and where network hospitality is an enabler of urban infusion. This concept paper is structured to correspond with the research propositions, an investigation of the infusion in the global city.  相似文献   

Geochemical compositions of lower crustal and lithospheric mantle xenoliths found in alkali basaltic lavas from the Harrat Ash Shamah volcanic field in southern Syria place constraints on the formation of the Arabian–Nubian Shield in northern Arabia. Compositions of lower crustal granulites are compatible with a cumulate formation from mafic melts and indicate that they are not genetically related to their host rocks. Instead, their depletion in Nb relative to other incompatible elements points to an origin in a Neoproterozoic subduction zone as recorded by an average depleted mantle Sm–Nd model age of 630 Ma.Lithospheric spinel peridotites typically represent relatively low degree (< 10%) partial melting residues of spinel lherzolite with primitive mantle compositions as indicated by major and trace element modelling of clinopyroxene and spinel. The primary compositions of the xenoliths were subsequently altered by metasomatic reactions with low degree silicate melts and possibly carbonatites. Because host lavas lack these signatures any recent reaction of the lherzolites with their host magma can be ruled out. Sm–Nd data of clinopyroxene from Arabian lithospheric mantle lherzolites yield an average age of 640 Ma suggesting that the lithosphere was not replaced since its formation and supporting a common origin of the Arabian lower crustal and lithospheric mantle sections.The new data along with published Arabian mantle xenolith compositions are consistent with a model in which the lithospheric precursor was depleted oceanic lithosphere that was overprinted by metasomatic processes related to subduction and arc accretion during the generation of the Arabian–Nubian Shield. The less refractory nature of the northern Arabian lithosphere as indicated by higher Al, Na and lower Si and Mg contents of clinopyroxenes compared to the more depleted nature of the south Arabian lithospheric mantle, and the comparable low extent of melt extraction suggest that the northern Arabian lithosphere formed in a continental arc system, whereas the lithosphere in the southern part of Arabia appears to be of oceanic arc origin.  相似文献   

In 2000, China agreed to share with African countries its experience in the field of investment promotion relating to the establishment and management of special economic zones. The Eastern Industry Zone was subsequently established. Of the various zones being built in Africa, Ethiopia's perhaps represents one of the biggest challenges to both the Chinese developers and the host government alike. Utilising insights from evolutionary economic geography and the work of Albert Hirschman, this article seeks to analyse the progress thus far in the Ethiopian SEZ. Spatially discrete, unfocused in terms of clustering and with few linkages to the wider economy, what impact, if any, the development of this zone will have on Ethiopia's structural transformation is discussed. The implications for Ethiopia's wider investment in industrial parks as part of its developmental state project is also drawn out.  相似文献   

Two major causes of global sea level rise such as thermal expansion of the oceans and the loss of landbased ice for increased melting have been claimed by some researchers and recognized by the IPCC.However, other climate threat investigators revealed that atmosphere-ocean modeling is an imperfect representation, paleo-data consist of proxy climate information with ambiguities, and modern observations are limited in scope and accuracy. It is revealed that global warming and polar ice-melt although a reality would not contribute to any sea level rise. Floating-ice of the polar region on melting would reoccupy same displaced volume by floating ice-sheets. Land-ice cover in the polar region on melting can reduce load from the crust to activate elastic rebound that would raise land for its isostatic equilibrium.Such characteristics would not contribute to sea level rise. Equatorial bulge, polar flattening, elevation difference of the spheroidal surface between equator and pole with lower in the pole, strong gravity attraction of the polar region and week gravity attraction of the equatorial region, all these phenomena would play dominant role in preventing sea level rise. Palaeo-sea level rise and fall in macro-scale(10-100 m or so) were related to marine transgression and regression in addition to other geologic events like converging and diverging plate tectonics, orogenic uplift of the collision margin, basin subsidence of the extensional crust, volcanic activities in the oceanic region, prograding delta buildup, ocean floor height change and sub-marine mass avalanche. This study also reveals that geophysical shape, gravity attraction and the centrifugal force of spinning and rotation of the earth would continue acting against sea level rise.  相似文献   

The time of termination of orogenesis for the southern Altaids has been controversial. Systematic investigations of field geology, geochronology and geochemistry on newly discriminated mafic–ultramafic rocks from northern Alxa in the southern Altaids were conducted to address the termination problem. The mafic–ultramafic rocks are located in the Bijiertai, Honggueryulin, and Qinggele areas, stretching from west to east for about 100 km. All rocks occur high-grade gneisses as tectonic lenses that are composed of peridotite, pyroxenite, gabbro, and serpentinite, most of which have undergone pronounced alteration, i.e., serpentinization and chloritization. Geochemically, the rocks are characterized by uniform compositional trends, i.e., with low SiO2-contents (42.51–52.21 wt.%) and alkalinity (Na2O + K2O) (0.01–5.45 wt.%, mostly less than 0.8 wt.%), and enrichments in MgO (7.37–43.36 wt.%), with Mg# = 52.75–91.87. As the rocks have been strongly altered and have a wide range of loss-on-ignition (LOI: 0.44–14.07 wt.%) values, they may have been subjected to considerable alteration by either seawater or metamorphic fluids. The REE and trace element patterns show a relatively fractionated trend with LILE enrichment and HFSE depletion, similar to that of T-MORB between N-MORB and E-MORB, indicating that the parental melt resulted from the partial melting of oceanic lithospheric mantle overprinted by fluid alteration of island-arc origin. The ultramafic rocks are relics derived from the magma after a large degree of partial melting of oceanic lithospheric mantle with superposed island arc processes under the influence of mid-ocean-ridge magmatism. LA-ICP MS U–Pb zircon ages of gabbros from three spots are 274 ± 3 Ma (MSWD = 0.35), 306 ± 3 Ma (MSWD = 0.49), 262 ± 5 Ma (MSWD = 1.2), respectively, representing the formation ages of the mafic–ultramafic rocks. Therefore, considering other previously published data, we suggest that the mafic–ultramafic rocks were products of south-dipping subduction, most probably with a slab window caused by ridge subduction, of the Paleo-Asian Ocean plate beneath the Alxa block in the Late Carboniferous to Late Permian before the Ocean completely closed. This sheds light on the controversial tectonic history of the southern Altaids and supports the concept that the termination of orogenesis was in the end-Permian to Triassic.  相似文献   

Two major causes of global sea level rise such as thermal expansion of the oceans and the loss of landbased ice for increased melting have been claimed by some researchers and recognized by the IPCC.However, other climate threat investigators revealed that atmosphere-ocean modeling is an imperfect representation, paleo-data consist of proxy climate information with ambiguities, and modern observations are limited in scope and accuracy. It is revealed that global warming and polar ice-melt although a reality would not contribute to any sea level rise. Floating-ice of the polar region on melting would reoccupy same displaced volume by floating ice-sheets. Land-ice cover in the polar region on melting can reduce load from the crust to activate elastic rebound that would raise land for its isostatic equilibrium.Such characteristics would not contribute to sea level rise. Equatorial bulge, polar flattening, elevation difference of the spheroidal surface between equator and pole with lower in the pole, strong gravity attraction of the polar region and week gravity attraction of the equatorial region, all these phenomena would play dominant role in preventing sea level rise. Palaeo-sea level rise and fall in macro-scale(10-100 m or so) were related to marine transgression and regression in addition to other geologic events like converging and diverging plate tectonics, orogenic uplift of the collision margin, basin subsidence of the extensional crust, volcanic activities in the oceanic region, prograding delta buildup, ocean floor height change and sub-marine mass avalanche. This study also reveals that geophysical shape, gravity attraction and the centrifugal force of spinning and rotation of the earth would continue acting against sea level rise.  相似文献   

We analyze pervasive and discontinuous deformation associated with small faults in a quartz–syenite body in southern Israel. The analysis includes detailed mapping, measurement of in-situ mechanical rock properties and microstructural study of the faults. The mapped faults have 1–100-m-long horizontal traces, consisting of linked, curved segments; the segmented nature of the faults is also apparent at the 1–10 mm scale. The observed deformation features are breccia, as well as intra- and inter-granular fractures; these features are accompanied by reduction of the Young modulus and uniaxial strength of the host rock. The deformation features are zoned from a central fault-core through a damage-zone to the protolith at distances of 0.05–0.06 the fault length. Shear strains up to 300% were calculated from measured marker lines displacements and distortion in proximity to the faults. We argue here that the fault-related deformation during fault propagation is manifested by highly localized deformation in a process zone having a width of 0.001–0.005 of the fault length (fault-related deformation due to subsequent slip along the existing faults is analyzed in Part II). The observed self-similarity of the discontinuities over five length orders of magnitude and the outstanding lack of tensile microcracks suggest fault initiation and growth as primary shear fractures.  相似文献   

Groundmass perovskite has been dated by LA-ICPMS in 135 kimberlites and related rocks from 110 localities across southern Africa. Sr and/or Nd isotopes have been analysed by LA-MC-ICPMS in a subset of these and integrated with published data. The age distribution shows peaks at 1,600–1,800, 1,000–1,200, 500–800 and 50–130 Ma. The major “bloom” of Group I kimberlites at ca 90 ± 10 Ma was preceded by a slow build-up in magmatic activity from ca 180 Ma. The main pulse of Group II kimberlites at 120–130 Ma was a distinct episode within this build-up. Comparison of the isotopic data with seismic tomography images suggests that metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) with very low ε Nd and high 87Sr/86Sr, (the isotopic signature of Group II kimberlites) was focused in low-Vs zones along translithospheric structures. Such metasomatized zones existed as early as 1,800 Ma, but were only sporadically tapped until the magmatic build-up began at ca 180 Ma, and contributed little to the kimberlitic magmas after ca 110 Ma. We suggest that these metasomatized volumes resided in the deep SCLM and that their low-melting point components were “burned off” by rising temperatures, presumably during an asthenospheric upwelling that led to SCLM thinning and a rise in the ambient geotherm between 120 and 90 Ma. The younger Group I kimberlites therefore rarely interacted with such SCLM, but had improved access to shallower volumes of differently metasomatized, ancient SCLM with low 87Sr/86Sr and intermediate ε Nd (0–5). The kimberlite compositions therefore reflect the evolution of the SCLM of southern Africa, with metasomatic-enrichment events from as early as 1.8 Ga, through a major thermal and compositional change at ca 110 Ma, and the major kimberlite “bloom” around 90 Ma.  相似文献   

The Miocene borate deposits of western Turkey are associated with extensive medium- to high-K calc-alkali ignimbritic volcanism and a differentiated comagmatic alkaline trachybasalt–trachydacite lava suite. Ignimbritic air-fall and reworked pumiceous clastic materials are intimately associated with lake sediments that host the borate deposits. Local ignimbritic volcanism is considered the primary source of the B for the Kirka borate deposit in this area. Comparison of the geochemical composition of Turkish ignimbrites associated with borates (`fertile' ignimbrites) with those that do not (`barren' ignimbrites), exhibit a number of features that might prove useful in the exploration for borates in similar volcanic domains. In particular, `fertile' ignimbrites are (a) generally a high-K calc-alkali suite, well-evolved and fractionated (K/Rb is low, <200) with a high-silica rhyolitic bulk composition, (b) exhibit a combined high content of B, As, F, Li and Pb, with high B/La (>1) and B/K (>0.001) ratios, and (c) a mildly fractionated REE pattern (LaN/YbN∼2) and large positive Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu*∼0.1). Other apparent discriminants involving both compatible and incompatible elements (relative to major silicate phases) are largely a function of different degrees of partial melting and fractionation. It is suggested that the initial source of the B (and other associated elements) was from LIL-rich fluids released by the progressive dehydration of altered oceanic crust and pelagic sediments in a subduction zone. The absence or presence of sediments in a segmented subduction zone may influence the variable lateral distribution of borates in active margins on a global scale. Once the crust has become enriched in B via previous or contemporary subduction-related calc-alkali magmatism, the effect of tectonic environment, climate and hydrothermal activity influence the local development of the deposits.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the possible impact of hydraulic fracturing (fracking), employed in the exploitation of unconventional shale gas and tight gas reservoirs, on groundwater, which is the most important source of drinking-water in Germany and many other European countries. This assessment, which is part of an interdisciplinary study by a panel of neutral experts on the risks and environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing, is based mainly on data obtained from three ExxonMobil drilling sites in northern Germany. First, the basic technical aspects of fracking and its relevant water fluxes are explained. The type, purpose and fate of the constituents of the fracking fluids are discussed. The chemicals used in the fracking fluids are assessed with regard to their hazardous properties according to the Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP regulation) and the German “Water Hazard Classes”. Contamination of groundwater by ingredients of fracking fluids may occur from under ground or may result from above-ground accidents associated with the transport, storage and handling of hazardous substances used as additives in fracking fluids. The degree of groundwater contamination cannot be predicted in a general way. Therefore, different dilutions of the fracking fluid in groundwater are considered. It is shown that the concentrations of most ingredients resulting from a 1:10,000 up to 1:100,000 dilution of the fracking fluid in groundwater are below health-based reference values such as the limit values of the European Drinking Water Directive, the WHO Guideline Values for Drinking-water Quality, and other health-based guide values for drinking-water. Regarding the salinity of fracking fluids, a dilution of 1:1,000 is sufficient to reach concentrations which are acceptable for drinking-water. From the human-toxicological point of view, the constituents of flowback water are more problematic with respect to drinking-water produced from groundwater than those of the fracking fluids. The few reliable data which have become available, as well as hydrogeological considerations, point in the direction of considerable salt concentrations and toxic constituents, e.g., Hg, As, Pb, Zn, Cd, BTX, PAHs, or even radioactive elements. The identification and assessment of reaction products and metabolites, which are produced as a result of the fracking operation and the metabolic activity of microorganisms, are important topics for further research. The recommendations include the need for a better understanding of the environmental impact of fracking operations, especially with regard to the development of sustainable rules for planning, permission, performance and management of fracking, and for the monitoring of groundwater quality around fracked drilling sites.  相似文献   

Aeromagnetic and field data suggest that meta‐igneous rocks exposed on the south coast of central Victoria at Waratah Bay, Phillip Island, Barrabool Hills and inland near Licola, are continuous—beneath Bass Strait—with Proterozoic/Cambrian igneous rocks in King Island and Tasmania. This correlation is supported by a pre‐Early Ordovician unconformity above gabbro protomylonite at Waratah Bay, age equivalent to the Tasmanian Tyennan unconformity. Cambrian volcanics at Licola and unusual features of the Melbourne Zone sequence indicate that Tyennan continental crust extends north as basement to the central Victorian portion of the Lachlan Fold Belt. In contrast, adjacent parts of the Lachlan Fold Belt in Victoria contain conformable sea‐floor sequences that span the Early Cambrian to Late Ordovician, with no evidence of either Cambrian deformation or underlying continental basement. The block of Tyennan continental crust beneath central Victoria—the Selwyn Block—is fundamentally different, and has influenced temporal and spatial patterns of sedimentation, deformation, metamorphism and plutonism. Palaeogeographical reconstructions suggest that the block was a submarine plateau that lay outboard of the Australian craton, upon which a condensed Ordovician sequence was deposited. The sequence above the Selwyn Block unconformity at Waratah Bay is similar to widespread post‐Tyennan sediments in western Tasmania. During Late Ordovician and Early Silurian deformation, the Selwyn Block protected much of the overlying sedimentary sequence. Instead, shortening was focused into the Stawell and Bendigo Zones to the west. These zones were sandwiched between the Selwyn Block and the Australian craton in a ‘vice’ scenario reminiscent of some Appalachian orogenic events. The region above the Selwyn Block was downwarped adjacent to the overthrust Bendigo Zone as a foreland deep, into which a conformable clastic wedge of sediment was deposited in Late Ordovician to Devonian time, prior to final Middle Devonian deformation. The Selwyn Block includes the Cambrian calc‐alkaline Licola and Jamieson Volcanics that are correlated with the Tasmanian Mt Read Volcanics. In Victoria, these form a basement high controlling the unusual down‐cutting thrusts in the overlying Melbourne Zone and explaining the major structural vergence reversal between the Melbourne and Tabberabbera Zones. The Selwyn Block has exerted some control on the timing, chemistry and distribution of post‐orogenic granites, and on central Victorian gold mineralisation. Reactivated faults in the block influenced deposition, and continue to control the deformation of the portions of the Otway and Gippsland Basins that lie above it.  相似文献   

A few years ago, a new relative sea-level curve for northwest Germany was constructed for the entire German North Sea coast. It is characterised by several suspected sea-level fluctuations. To test this curve for local effects, it was broken down into five relative sea-level curves representative for five coastal sections. The relative sea-level curves were corrected for tidal effects and also, a rough first correction for compaction was applied. The five curves all differ from the original curve and from each other. Most of the suspected sea-level fluctuations in the original curve cannot be supported and are discussed as data-artefacts or local effects. Around AD 800–1000 all curves show stagnation or drop of sea-level. Thus, this signal is discussed as of over-regional stratigraphic meaning. This study is a first step (1) to show that several curves are needed to demonstrate the Holocene sea-level history of such a big area as the entire German North Sea coast and (2) to establish reliable relative sea-level curves for the German North Sea coast. Further research is necessary to apply detailed corrections especially with respect to compaction-prone data and to improve the individual curves.  相似文献   

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