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A 400,000 year record of the paleomagnetic field has been acquired from 22 meters of middle to late Pleistocene fine-grained sediments from Summer Lake in south-central Oregon and Double Hot Springs in northwestern Nevada. The stratigraphy is based on 55 tephra layers, nine of which have been correlated with tephra layers from other localities on the basis of their distinct major- and trace-element geochemistry and their distinct petrography. The paleomagnetic samples carry a strong and stable magnetization that does not appear to have been affected by the inclination error commonly associated with the magnetization of sediments. The samples have accurately recorded the declination and inclination of the geomagnetic field at or near the time of deposition except for errors arising from rotations of discrete blocks of sediment predominantly about vertical axes. Errors introduced by this type of rotation were corrected by using paleomagnetic directions associated with correlated tephra layers. The Summer Lake paleomagnetic record suggests that secular variations occurred throughout the middle and late Pleistocene often maintaining the same waveform through several oscillations. The amplitudes of these variations were similar to those of Holocene variations, and the periods ranged from 15,000 years to greater than 100,000 years.  相似文献   

Cenozoic volcanism in the Great Basin is characterized by an outward migration of volcanic centers with time from a centrally located core region, a gradational decrease in the initial Sr87/Sr86 ratio with decreasing age and increasing distance from the core, and a progressive change from calc-alkalic core rocks to more alkalic basin margin rocks. Generally each volcanic center erupted copious silicic ignimbrites followed by small amounts of basalt and andesite. The Sr82/Sr86 ratio for old core rocks is about 0.709 and the ratio for young basin margin rocks is about 0.705. Spatially and temporally related silicic and mafic suites have essentially the same Sr87/Sr86 ratios. The locus of older volcanism of the core region was the intersection of a north-south trending axis of crustal extension and high heat flow with the northeast trending relic thermal ridge of the Mesozoic metamorphic hinterland of the Sevier Orogenic Belt. Derivation of the Great Basin magmas directly from mantle with modification by crustal contamination seems unlikely. Initial melting of lower crustal rocks probably occurred as a response to decrease in confining pressure related to crustal extension. Volcanism was probably also a consequence of the regional increase in the geothermal gradient that is now responsible for the high heat flow of the Basin and Range Province. High Sr isotopic ratios of the older core volcanic rocks suggests that conditions suitable for the production of silicic magmas by partial fusion of the crust reached higher levels within the crust during initial volcanism than during production of later magmas with lower isotopic ratios and more alkaline chemistry. As the Great Basin became increasingly attenuated, progressively lower portions of the crust along basin margins were exposed to conditions suitable for magma genesis. The core region became exhausted in low temperature melting components, and volcanism ceased in the core before nearby areas had completed the silicic-mafic eruption cycle leading to their own exhaustion of crustal magma sources.  相似文献   

Characteristic magnetizations from Middle Jurassic dacitic to andesitic subaerial volcanics (the Fulstone and Artesia Formations) in the Buckskin Mountain Range, western central Basin and Range Province, are well-grouped, generally display univectorial decays to the origin in demagnetization and have hematite blocking temperatures restricted almost entirely to above 620°C. Petrographic, rock magnetic and electron microprobe investigations confirm that nearly pure hematite is the essential magnetic phase (up to about 10 vol. %) occurring as a replacement of coarse titaniferous magnetite phenocrysts and fine groundmass particles, as a secondary alteration product of ferromagnesian phenocrysts and as a mobilized phase filling cracks and other open spaces. The presence of antipodal directions in each flow unit and in interbedded volcanoclastic units (some having retained magnetite as a major magnetic phase) and magnetite-dominated remanences in time-equivalent intrusives cutting the flows indicates that the volcanics acquired their hematite remanence, a faithful record of the geomagnetic field, in high-temperature, deuteric oxidation during and following their emplacement, not during a later thermal event such as regional metamorphism. The remanence is probably a thermochemical remanent magnetization, although part may be of thermoremanent origin.  相似文献   

As part of a larger multi-institutional seismic monitoring experiment during June–August 1984 in the eastern Wasatch Plateau, Utah, data from a subarray of 20 portable seismographs were used to investigate seismicity in the East Mountain area, an area of active underground coal mining and intense microseismicity. Eight stations of the subarray were concentrated on top of East Mountain, about 600 m above mine level, at an average spacing of 2 to 3 km. The primary objective was the accurate resolution of hypocenters and focal mechanisms for seismic events originating at submine levels. Data from high-resolution seismic reflection profiles and drill-hole sonic logs yielded a detailed velocity model. This model features a strong velocity gradient in the uppermost 1 km, which has a significant effect on takeoff angles for first-arrivingP-waves from shallow seismic events. Two hundred epicenters located with a precision of ±500 m cluster within an area about 5 km in diameter and show an evident spatial association with four sites of longwall mining during the study period. A special set of foci rigorously tested for focal-depth reliability indicates submine seismicity predominating within 500 m of mine level and extending at least to 1 km, and perhaps to 2 km, below mine level. Continuous monitoring for a 61-day period (June 15–August 15) bracketed a 16-day mining shutdown (July 7–22) during which significant seismicity, comparable to that observed before the shutdown, was observed. Ten focal mechanisms for seismic events originating at or down to 2 km below mine level nearly all imply reverse faulting, consistent with previous results and the inferred tectonic stress field. Enigmatic events recorded with all dilatational first motions can be fit with double-couple normal-faulting solutions if they in fact occurabove mine level, perhaps reflecting overburden subsidence. If these events are constrained to occur at mine level, their first-motion distributions are incompatible with a double-couple source mechanism.  相似文献   

In the summer of 1984, a three-dimensional, high-resolution microearthquake network was operated in the vicinity of two coal mines beneath Gentry Mountain in the eastern Wasatch Plateau, Utah. During a six-week period, approximately 3,000 seismic events were observed of which the majority were impulsive, higher frequency (>10 Hz), short duration (<2–3 sec) events probably associated with the caving of the roof from a longwall operation. In contrast, 234 of the largest located events appeared to occur predominantlybeneath the mines to a depth of 2 to 3 km consistent with previous studies. The magnitudes of these events ranged from less thanM c 0 to 1.6. In addition to the unusual depths of these latter events, an anomalous aspect displayed by the events was an apparent dilatational focal mechanism suggesting a non-double-couple, possibly implosional source. Implosional events have been observed in other studies of mine seismicity; however, the generally inadequate instrumental coverage of the focal sphere has cast some doubt on the validity of such mechanisms. Previously suggested source mechanisms for such implosional events have included tensional failure through strata collapse, and a shear-implosional displacement mechanism. Shear failure must be involved in the failure process of the Gentry Mountain implosional events as evidenced by well-defined shear waves in the observed seismograms. Simultaneous monitoring in the East Mountain coal mining area to the south by the University of Utah revealed typical shear failure events mixed with implosional events. The observed double-couple, reverse focal mechanisms at East Mountain were similar to mechanisms determined in previous studies and a composite focal mechanism determined in this study for a sequence outside the mining areas. This suggested that the shear events within the mining areas are being influenced by the regional tectonic stress field. Thus in addition to the seismic events associated with caving of the roof from the longwall operation, there appear to be at least two other types of mining-induced seismic events occurring in the eastern Wasatch Plateau, both submine in origin: (1) events characterized by apparent non-double-couple possibly implosional focal mechanisms and well-defined shear waves; and (2) shear events, which are indistinguishable from tectonic earthquakes and may be considered mining triggered earthquakes. The small mining-induced stress changes that occur beyond a few hundred meters from the mine workings suggest both types of seismic events are occurring on critically stressed, pre-existing zones of weakness. Topography, overburden, method of mining, and mine configuration also appear to be significant factors influencing the occurrence of the implosional submine events.  相似文献   

Late Cenozoic alkali basaltic lavas of the Lunar Crater Volcanic Field (LCVF), located in the center of the Great Basin of the Western U.S.A., contain a diverse suite of nodule samples of the lower crust and upper mantle. This paper documents a composite nodule from the Marcath flow in which an amphibole-bearing wehrlite (59% olivine, 30% clinopyroxene, 6% amphibole) is cut by a 6–9 mm wide vein of andesine-amphibolite (80% kaersutite, 15% andesine, 3% ilmenite). Aside from nodule-basalt reaction at the nodule exterior, there is little chemical variation either within or between individual grains of hydrous and anhydrous phases in the vein and host wehrlite. Furthermore, there is no systematic compositional zoning in the wehrlite relative to vein proximity. The whole-rock major and trace element composition of the vein is similar to a primitive (Mg/(Mg+Fe)=0.692) basaltic liquid and has Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, Mn, Na, K, Zr, Y and Sr contents similar to basalts observed in the LCVF. In contrast to the Sr isotopic equilibrium displayed by vein feldspar and vein amphibole, Sr isotopic disequilibrium is exhibited between the vein (0.70318(4)), wehrlite (0.70322(4)), and host basalt (0.70357(5) n=3). However, the Sr isotopic ratios of older LCVF basalts (0.7030–0.7038; n=14) overlap those of the vein and wehrlite, and the magmatic activity leading to vein and wehrlite formation could be related to this older phase of LCVF volcanism. Petrographic and geochemical evidence is not consistent with a metasomatic origin for the vein and instead supports the view that the vein originated by the intrusion into a wehrlite mass and subsequent crystallization of a relatively primitive alkali basaltic magma in the lower crust or upper mantle. The wehrlite contains olivine of FO71 and probably originated by crystal separation and accumulation from a relatively differentiated basaltic magma in the lower crust or upper mantle.  相似文献   

Explosive activity at Lathrop Wells volcano, Nevada, U.S.A. originated with weak Strombolian (WS) eruptions along a short fissure, and transitioned to violent Strombolian (VS) activity from a central vent, with lava effusion during both stages. The cause for this transition is unknown; it does not reflect a compositional change, as evidenced by the consistent bulk geochemistry of all the eruptive products. However, comparison of agglutinate samples from the early, WS events with samples of scoria from the later, VS events reveal differences in the abundance and morphology of groundmass phases and variable textures in the rims of olivine phenocrysts. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) examination of thin sections from the WS samples show euhedral magnetite microlites in the groundmass glass and olivine phenocrysts show symplectite lamellae in their rims. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) depth profiles of these symplectites indicate they are diffusion-controlled. The calculated DFe-Mg allows an estimation of the oxygen fugacity (fO2) and indicates an increased fO2 during eruption of the WS products. Conversely, the VS samples show virtually no magnetite microlites in the groundmass glass, a lack of symplectites in the olivines, and a lower calculated fO2. These microtextural features suggest that the Lathrop Wells trachybasalt experienced increased oxidation during WS activity. As magma ascended through the original fissure, exsolved bubbles were concentrated in the wider part(s) (the protoconduit) and this bubble flux drove convective circulation that oxidized the magma through exposure to atmosphere and recirculation. This oxidation resulted in groundmass crystallization of magnetite within the melt and formation of symplectites within the olivine phenocrysts. Bubble-driven convection mixed magma vertically within the protoconduit, keeping it fluid and driving Strombolian bursts, while microlite crystallization in narrower parts of the fissure helped to focus flow. Development of a central conduit increased the magma ascent velocity (due to a greater product volume in the later eruptive stages) and caused the shift in eruption intensity. Consequently, variations in microtextures of the Lathrop Wells products reveal how a combination of fluid dynamic and crystallization processes in the ascending magma resulted in different styles of activity while the products maintained a consistent bulk composition.  相似文献   

We describe two small scoria cone volcanoes, Hidden Cone and Little Black Peak (ages between ~320–390 ka), in the Southwestern Nevada Volcanic Field and discuss their eruption mechanisms and inferences about their plumbing systems. Cone-forming pyroclastic deposits are consistent with eruptive styles ranging from Strombolian to violent Strombolian, and lavas emanated from near the bases of the cones. The volcanoes are monogenetic (rather than polycyclic, as allowed by previous geomorphic interpretations). Vents at each volcano appear to coincide with pre-existing normal faults, consistent with observations at older, deeply eroded volcanoes in the region. The existence of these two volcanoes on a topographically high area (particularly Hidden Cone) provides evidence for short feeder dike lengths (~500 m at the surface). We infer that this short length reflects the small length scale of the mantle source region that was tapped to feed each volcano. Editorial responsibility: J Stix  相似文献   

A simple mixing model demonstrates that chemical variations in Cascade surface waters reflect flow from three general zones: alpine areas, forested colluvial slopes, and seasonally saturated areas. The chemistry of weathering solutions in alpine portions of the Williamson Creek catchment (North Cascade Range) results from alteration of plagioclase, hornblende, and biotite to kaolinitic material and vermiculite. Surface and shallow groundwater in forested portions of the catchment reflect these reactions, dissolution of small quantities of carbonate, and biologic activity. Both at-a-point and downstream chemical variations are explained quantitatively by the volume of water that originates in each of the hydrogeochemical source areas. Water from the forested colluvial slopes is most significant on an annual basis. However, summer low-flow is a mixture of colluvial waters and dilute solutions from the alpine zone, whereas 10 to 30 per cent of peak flow in snowmelt and rainstorms is produced from seasonally saturated areas. Poor concentration/discharge (C/Q) correlations, typical of Cascade rivers, result from mixing of significant C/Q relations for water leaving each source area. Model predictions could be substantially improved by better data for the effects of temperature, water-contact time, and biologic cycling on the chemistry of soil water from forested zones.  相似文献   

The Clarno Formation (mostly Eocene) of central Oregon, U.S.A., was formed as North America moved westward over subducting Pacific Ocean crust. The Clarno is a volcanic and volcanogenic assemblage whose flow rocks show: a calc-alkaline pattern on a Harker diagram, K2O-SiO2 diagram, alkali-SiO2 diagram, and AFM diagram; and a pattern transitional between calc-alkaline and tholeiitic on a SiO2-FeO*/MgO diagram. Its basalts are chemically similar to those of intra-oceanic island arcs (e.g., K2O of 0.30%), but subaerial deposition of the entire formation plus differentiation to rocks of high SiO2 and alkali contents indicate that the Clarno was formed on a continental margin. Comparison of the Clarno with other Pacific-margin volcanic suites indicates that the Clarno was formed on thin (20–30 km) continental crust overlying a subduction zone of about 120 km depth.  相似文献   

Concerns about the efficiency and economic soundness of the Kansas groundwater monitoring program led to a systematic redesign of this network, a tentative phase of which is presented in this study. The objectives of this paper include monitoring of major aquifers within each groundwater management district at a spatially more uniform level of accuracy, elimination of redundant measurements and optimization of the information gained from each observation well. The theory of regionalized variables is employed to estimate the amount of spatial variability of the water table, on which the network design is based. This study shows that it is not practical to attempt to reduce the already existing level of uncertainty uniformly throughout the various districts; to do so would tremendously increase the cost of well monitoring, which is already very high. Assuming that the currently existing network is satisfactory for the State's objectives, a reduced network consisting of one well every 6.4 km is equally satisfactory. The reduced network yields district-wide maps that do not differ significantly from those produced using the present network and at the same time it reduces the already-existing network by 18–47%. Therefore, adoption of a rearranged square well network is recommended, which is reduced to a 6.4-km spacing to achieve both a uniform level of information about the water table and a minimum required accuracy.  相似文献   

A series of trenches about a metre deep, 20 to 30 m wide, and as much as 2 km in length occurs in central Wisconsin, along the east shore of proglacial Lake Wisconsin. They are interpreted to be collapse trenches formed when shore ice melted after being buried beneath an expanding outwash plain.  相似文献   

The Canyon Mountain ophiolite, Oregon, is exceptional in lacking sheeted dikes, basaltic pillow lavas, and sediments that are characteristic of many other ophiolites. Instead, the uppermost portion of the complex consists of a significant volume of plagiogranites, which, in addition to minor basalts, intrude a large section of keratophyres believed to be of volcanic origin. The trend of intrusive rocks and of bedding in the keratophyres is mostly parallel to layering in the underlying gabbroic cumulates and to contacts between units in the remainder of the ophiolite. It is suggested that the plagiogranites, basalts, and keratophyres comprise a sill complex. Both the plagiogranites and the keratophyres are similar, respectively, to low-K2O plutonic and extrusive rocks of island arcs. The mineralogy and penetrative deformation structures of the ultramafic and some of the gabbroic rocks of the ophiolite indicate greater depth of formation, related to magmatism and diapirism above a Benioff zone. Radiometric age dates of plagiogranites confine the minimum age of the complex to the Early Permian. The Canyon Mountain ophiolite may thus be correlative with other fragments of a Lower Permian arc terrane throughout northeastern Oregon which were chaotically mixed during renewed subduction in middle to late Triassic time.  相似文献   

A detailed gravity survey over the Chattolanee Baltimore Gneiss Dome in the Maryland Piedmont suggests that the dome is an arched recumbent fold. The Baltimore Gneiss, which cores the dome, has a negative density contrast with the surrounding Cambro-Ordovician marbles and schists and is coincident with a large minimum in the simple Bouguer gravity. Three north-south profiles, which cut across the east-west-trending surface exposure of the dome were modeled two-dimensionally. The models suggest that the Baltimore Gneiss is thickest and tightly folded in an inverted V shape to the east and thinner and broadly arched to the west. It is also possible to fit the gravity data with a mushroom-shaped body at the easternmost profile, which could suggest a diapiric origin for the dome, but this interpretation is not favored based on geological arguments. The Baltimore Mafic Complex, located to the south of the Chattolanee Dome, can be modeled as an approximately 1 km thick slab with a subhorizontal base, suggesting that it is a thrust sheet. By analogy with the Phoenix Baltimore Gneiss Dome, mapped by Crowley [2], the Cambro-Ordovician sediments surrounding the Chattolanee Dome may also be involved in the recumbent folding which would suggest that the dome was formed during the Ordovician Taconic orogeny.  相似文献   

In the southern San Juan Basin, New Mexico, strata of Permian and younger age dip gently toward the center of the basin. Most previous investigators believed that recharge to these strata occurred by precipitation on the outcrops and groundwater flowed downdip to the north and northeast. Recent water-level measurements in an undeveloped part of the basin near Prewitt, New Mexico, show that groundwater at shallow depths in alluvium and bedrock flows southward, opposite to the dip direction, and toward a major ephemeral drainage in a strike valley. North of this area, groundwater in deep bedrock aquifers does appear to flow northward. This information suggests that there are two groundwater circulation patterns; a shallow one controlled by topography and a deeper one controlled by geologic structure.Significant amounts of recharge to sandstone aquifers by infiltration through outcrops is unlikely due to the near-vertical exposures on cliffs, the gentle dip of the strata, and small annual precipitation. Numerical model results suggest that recharge to bedrock aquifers may be from downward leakage via aquitards over large areas and leakage from narrow alluvial aquifers in the subcrop area. The recharge mechanism is controlled by the hydraulic conductivity of the strata.As the flow path is controlled by hydraulic conductivity contrasts, geologic structure, and topography, contamination movement from surface impoundments is likely to be difficult to predict without a thorough hydrogeological site investigation.  相似文献   

The 10-km diameter Mule Creek caldera is the youngest felsic eruptive center in the Mogollon-Datil volcanic field of southwestern New Mexico. The caldera forms a topographic basin surrounded by a raised rim. The caldera wall is well displayed on the south and west sides of the structure where it dips 20–30 degrees toward the center of the basin. Mudflow breccia fills the caldera and is banked up against the caldera wall. Post-caldera porphyritic quartz latite domes and flows crop out along the ring-fracture zone. The caldera is superimposed upon an older volcanic complex of flow-banded rhyolite and porphyritic andesite lava. The Mule Creek caldera probably originated by explosive eruption of about 10 km3 of pumice and ash, in part preserved in the matrix of the mudflow breccia. Periods of explosive volcanism during the deposition of mudflow breccia are documented by tuffaceous beds interbedded with the breccia. A thin rhyolite ash-flow sheet originated in the caldera and overlies the mudflow breccia. The youngest felsic rocks around the caldera are (1) domes and flows of crystal-rich porphyritic quartz latite of variable mineralogy, interpreted as a defluidized magma, and (2) widespread crystal-poor, flow-banded rhyolite, dated at 18.6 m.y., which is not directly related to the caldera sequence. The Mule Creek caldera and other volcanic features farther south represent the only documented overlap of felsic volcanism with early stages of Basin-Range tectonism in the Mogollon-Datil field.  相似文献   

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