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白鹤滩水电站坝区深部破裂岩体地应力演化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩刚  赵其华  彭社琴 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):583-0589
还原深部破裂岩体赋存地应力场演化过程,研究深部破裂岩体成因、形成年代及发展演化趋势。以岩体深部破裂特征为基础,结合构造演化、河谷演化及浅生改造理论,采用数值模拟方法,从地应力场变化及应变能释放角度解释深部破裂形成演化过程。研究表明,宽谷期大规模夷平作用使深部破裂赋存应力场发生根本性改变,与现今应力场趋于一致,但并未导致深部破裂形成;侧向卸荷是深部破裂形成的主要原因,侧向卸荷导致主应力减小,但方向维持不变,当侧向临空面出现,伴随应变能释放,NW向结构面拉张形成具有继承性的NW向深部破裂;错动带的差异回弹形成残余拉应力,导致NE向新生性深部破裂形成;深部破裂形成地质年代应大致对应于Ⅲ级阶地形成初期,即Q2晚期~Q3早期阶段  相似文献   

It is well understood that, in studying the mechanical and hydromechanical behaviour of rock joints, their morphology must be taken into account. A geostatistical approach has been developed for characterizing the morphology of fracture surfaces at a decimetre scale. This allows the analysis of the spatial variability of elevations, and their first and second derivatives, with the intention of producing a model that gives a numerical three‐dimensional (3D) representation of the lower and upper surfaces of the fracture. Two samples (I and II) located close together were cored across a natural fracture. The experimental data are the elevations recorded along profiles (using recording steps of 0.5 and 0.02 mm, respectively, for the samples I and II). The goal of this study is to model the surface topography of sample I, so getting estimates for elevations at each node of a square grid whose mesh size will be, for mechanical purposes, no larger than the recording step. Since the fracture surface within the sample core is not strictly horizontal, geostatistical methods are applied to residuals of elevations of sample I. Further, since structural information is necessary at very low scale, theoretical models of variograms of elevations, first and second derivatives are fitted using data of both that sample I and sample II. The geostatistical reconstructions are computed using kriging and conditional simulation methods. In order to validate these reconstructions, variograms and distributions of experimental data are compared with variograms and distributions of the fitted data. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

用5种圆盘试件的劈裂试验确定岩石断裂韧度   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
张盛  王启智 《岩土力学》2009,30(1):12-18
用5种不同形状的圆盘试件测定了大理岩张开型断裂韧度。5种圆盘试件分别为平台巴西圆盘、带有中心圆孔的平台巴西圆盘、人字型切槽巴西圆盘、直切槽巴西圆盘和圆孔切槽平台巴西圆盘。加载模式是对径压缩劈裂。介绍了试件的制作方法,提出了用每种圆盘确定断裂韧度的公式。结果表明,含有切槽圆盘的断裂韧度值在0.78~0.91 MPa•m1/2之间,不含切槽圆盘测得的值在1.01~1.04 MPa•m1/2之间。有3种含有切槽圆盘测得的断裂韧度值比较稳定,其中孔槽式平台巴西圆盘能够制作理想的宽度较小的切槽。  相似文献   

桂林-永福断裂北段断层岩显微构造研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
桂林—永福断裂北段是桂北大断裂带的典型构造区,具有代表性。文章对该断层岩从微观的角度来研究,在塑性变形显微构造和微观运动学特征中可看出,矿物普遍发生细粒化,并发生动态重结晶。各种运动学标志如微观的S-C面理、旋转残斑系、云母鱼、不对称褶皱和微型小断层等都十分清楚且互相吻合。研究表明,韧性剪切带的运动学特征指示上盘向西下滑,为一正滑型的韧性剪切带。这一结果和宏观研究一致,也为该断裂的整体研究提供了有力的证据。  相似文献   

王雪辉  刘卫 《地质与勘探》2019,55(5):1268-1275
为分析反倾边坡倾倒变形影响因子敏感性差异,本文采用数值模拟与灰色关联相结合的方法进行研究。首先将边坡几何特征参数、岩体物理力学参数、岩层力学参数定为反倾边坡第一级倾倒变形影响因子,并从各一级因子中进一步划分出边坡坡度、岩层倾角、岩层柔度等12个次级影响因子;然后对各二级影响因子分别选取11个水平数,并将12个二级影响因子、11级水平数随机组合成11套数值模拟方案,采用UDEC进行各方案数值模拟分析;最后采用灰色关联理论以坡顶倾倒变形水平位移为参考序列对12个二级影响因子进行关联度计算,并进一步分析出了3个一级影响因子敏感性大小。研究结果表明:(1)12个二级影响因子对倾倒变形影响最大的是岩层倾角;(2)三个一级影响因子中几何特征参数对倾倒变形影响最大,岩层层理力学参数对反倾边坡变形影响次之,岩块物理力学参数对反倾边坡变形影响最小。  相似文献   

某水电站进水口高边坡开挖的变形响应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对西南某大型水电站高达近106 m的人工进水口垂直高边坡,通过现场跟踪施工的地质调查工作,系统研究了复杂地质条件和高地应力环境下岩石高边坡大坡比、强开挖所表现的变形响应,揭示了此类边坡变形响应的基本规律及特殊表现。研究表明:高边坡开挖过程中,边坡的变形与开挖过程有较强的同步性。变形主要受开挖卸荷影响,随着开挖的进行,坡体的变形随开挖面的远离表现出总体衰减,最终稳定的响应特征。变形可归纳为3种性质,即浅表松弛型、协调渐变型和回弹错动型,总体以浅表松弛型为主等。  相似文献   

基于P-CCNBD试样的岩石动态断裂韧度测试方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苟小平  杨井瑞  王启智 《岩土力学》2013,34(9):2449-2459
预裂的人字形切槽巴西圆盘(Pre-cracked chevron notched Brazilian disc,简称P-CCNBD)是将人字形切槽巴西圆盘(cracked chevron notched Brazilian disc,简称CCNBD)的切槽尖端再稍加切削制成直裂纹前沿的试样。利用霍普金森压杆对P-CCNBD砂岩试样进行径向冲击,完成I型动态断裂试验后再做数值分析得到岩石的动态断裂韧度。为了验证数值模拟的可靠性,先进行了无限平面中一条有限尺寸裂纹表面受冲击拉伸作用的动态有限元分析,结果表明,数值模拟的结果与Shi得到的结果非常吻合。将试验-数值法和他人的准静态法分别确定的砂岩的动态起裂韧度进行对比,两种方法得到的结果有一定的差异。采用试验-数值法,将比较成熟的直裂纹巴西圆盘(cracked straight-through Brazilian disc,简称CSTBD)和P-CCNBD两种试样测得的结果进行对比,两者吻合较好。得到的动态起裂韧度都有随着加载率的增加而增大的加载率效应。分析了准静态法的缺陷,认为试验-数值法得到的结果更为合理。  相似文献   

A lot of experiments on electromagnetic emissions (EMEs) have been reported under axial compressive fracture, shear fracture, indentation fracture and stick–slip (friction) in lab and blasting in situ, but there are rare reports on the in-lab experimental work on EMEs during dilating fracture of a rock which is helpful in studying and understanding EMEs related to slow earthquakes and the earthquakes due to volcanic activities and water level changes of reservoirs. Therefore, in the present paper in order to check whether there are detectable EMEs during dilating fracture of a rock in lab, dilating fracture experiments were conducted. The dry cuboid specimens of initially intact granodiorite and limestone were tested inside magnetic field free space (MFFS) at room temperature. We arranged evenly 20 EME antennas whose resonance frequencies range from 2.5 kHz to 540 kHz close to rock specimens. Our experimental results strongly indicate that detectable EMEs could generate during dilating fracture of a rock. They were recorded only associated with some but not all phases of fracture. Their waveforms often took on the trend that a peak arrived at first and then attenuated sharply and followed by a series of low-amplitude oscillations. The electromagnetic (EM) signals after eliminating the effects of EME antennae via deconvolution had the maximum peak-to-peak amplitudes of about 80.0 mV and 40.5 mV for granodiorite and limestone, respectively. Their main spectral components often concentrated in the band of several kHz to ∼60 kHz and of several kHz to ∼280 kHz. The emission of electrons and charged particles from fracture surfaces and/or micro-fracture electrification could be possible mechanisms for our experimental results.  相似文献   

岩体风化程度的划分对岩体质量的准确分级及建基面的确定具有重要意义。但定性划分岩体风化程度往往受到主观因素的制约,存在评价时的任意性,且不能客观反映岩体风化的本质特征。而选取一些能反映岩体风化特征的指标对岩体进行风化量化分级,则较为准确、客观。论文结合西南某大型电站基本情况,根据国内外的研究成果,选取岩石质量指标(RQD)、裂隙间距(D)、波速比(Bv)、完整性系数(Kv)、岩石单轴抗压强度及2m硐段裂隙数等适合坝区岩体定量风化分带的特征指标,对主要指标进行相关性分析。最后根据选定指标定量划分出坝区岩体风化分带,以期对类似工程有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

桩端岩土强度提高对超长桩桩身总侧阻力的强化效应研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蒋建平  高广运  章杨松 《岩土力学》2009,30(9):2609-2615
基于5个场地中共15根超长桩的现场对比试验和2根超长桩的对比弹塑性数值模拟,分析了超长桩桩端岩土强度提高对桩身总侧阻力的影响。发现桩端沉渣厚度减小或无沉渣,超长桩桩身总侧阻力提高29.86 %~112.17 %;桩端注浆后,超长桩桩身总侧阻力提高33.07 %~66.95 %;桩端入硬层或基岩后,超长桩桩身总侧阻力提高23.34 %~235.65 %。结果表明,和一般桩(即短桩和中长桩)一样,桩端岩土强度提高同样能使超长桩的桩身总侧阻力得到强化。  相似文献   

Damage in the form of cracks is predicted to assess the susceptibility of a tunnel to failure due to a blast. The material‐point method is used in conjunction with a decohesive failure model as the basis for the numerical simulations. The assumption of a cylindrical charge as the source for the blast allows the restriction of plane strain and two‐dimensional analyses. In the simulation, a further restriction of a single pressure pulse is used as the source of stress waves that are reflected and refracted after reaching the free surface of the tunnel wall. Three critical zones of significant cracking in the vicinity of a tunnel are identified as potential contributors to tunnel failure. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A comparison of experimental and numerical results is presented addressing two-phase immiscible displacement in rough fractures. Quasi-static, capillary displacement in a rough fracture is modeled using the modified invasion percolation approach proposed by Glass et al (1998), and the results are compared against experimental observations obtained from two-phase flow through a rock fracture using x-ray computed-tomography scanning. The model is based on an algorithm seeking the least resistant pathway for the advancement of the invading fluid using the Young-Laplace equation and accounting for local in-plane curvature of the advancing fluid front. The saturation distribution map generated by the model yields good agreement with the experimental phase distribution and presents more realistic phase structures than those obtained from the conventional invasion percolation approach. The improvement in the results obtained with the modified invasion percolation approach is attributed to the contribution of the in-plane curvature term, which captures the effect of regionalized apertures, rather than single-point apertures, on the shape of the invading front. Glass RJ, Nicholl MJ, Yarrington L (1998) A modified invasion percolation model for low-capillary number immiscible displacements in horizontal rough-walled fractures: influence of local in-plane curvature. Water Resour Res 34:3215–3234  相似文献   

朱星  许强  汤明高  付小敏  周建斌 《岩土力学》2013,34(5):1306-1312
在刚性材料试验压力机上对花岗岩、灰岩、红砂岩、砂岩、千枚岩及泥岩6种典型的岩石试样进行了单轴全过程加载试验,通过自主研制的数字化次声波探测系统对加载过程中的岩石破裂发射出的次声波信号进行了实时探测。为了研究岩石微破裂过程是否存在发射低频次声波现象及其频率分布等特性,通过小波阈值去噪、短时傅立叶变换(STFT)时-频分析和时域累计振铃计数的方法对数字次声波信号进行了处理与分析。研究结果表明:①岩石在破坏前加载过程中存在明显的发射次声波现象;②岩石破裂产生突出次声信号的频率主要分布在2.0~6.0 Hz之间;③在结构较完整的情况下,硬岩(如花岗岩、灰岩)在变形破裂过程中产生的次声信号数量要比软岩(如泥岩)多。与一般声波相比,因次声波具有不容易衰减,不易被水和空气吸收,波长很长可绕开大型障碍物等独特性质,结合其他方法对岩石破裂产生次声波现象的进一步研究可为岩石(体)稳定性监测提供重要的研究方法和技术手段。  相似文献   

严成增  孙冠华  郑宏  葛修润 《岩土力学》2015,36(8):2419-2425
在原有有限元/离散元(FEM/DEM)耦合分析方法中,实现了一种新的爆破计算模型。该模型考虑了在爆生气体的作用下,随着裂隙的扩展,气体占据的体积不断增大,气体压力逐渐减小这一问题。同时考虑了气体嵌入与爆腔联通的裂隙对裂隙的作用力。克服了原有FEM/DEM方法中的爆破模型仅仅将压力施加于爆腔四周的岩壁上,无法考虑爆生气体嵌入生成的裂隙对裂隙的作用。提出了一种新颖的贯通裂隙网络形成的递归搜索算法,只需通过编写一个简单的递归函数,即可实现复杂裂隙网络的搜索,采用一种简洁的方法完成了对复杂问题的处理。最后通过一个爆破算例,结果表明FEM/DEM方法可以对爆炸过程中应力波的传播及岩体中裂纹的萌生、扩展进行全程捕捉,展现了该方法用于爆破模拟的潜力。  相似文献   

Simulating a rock fracture distribution is an important problem common to various fields in geosciences. This paper presents GEOFRAC, a geostatistical method to simulate a fracture distribution by incorporating the directions (strikes and dips) of the sampled fracture data into the simulation. Fracture locations are generated randomly following fracture densities assigned by a sequential Gaussian simulation. Fracture directions are transformed into an indicator set consisting of several binary (0 and 1) variables and the variables are compressed using the principal component analysis. Ordinary kriging is then employed to estimate the distributions of these principal values and the results are back-transformed into the coordinate system of the original indicator set. Fracture directions are generated randomly using their histograms within the defined directional interval. Finally, facets (fracture elements) are determined from the simulated locations and directions, and the fractures within the angle and distance tolerances are connected to form a fracture plane. From a case study of applying GEOFRAC to the fracture data in Kikuma granite, southwest Japan, GEOFRAC was shown to be able to depict a plausible fracture system because the simulated directions corresponded well to those measured. Furthermore, the simulated fracture system was available to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of the study site, which was roughly in agreement with the average of hydraulic test results.  相似文献   

In jointed rock masses the instability of individuals, discrete blocks is a concern. In underground excavations it is necessary to know how much support is required for “key blocks” in the roof. As these blocks fall, dilatancy of the block's bounding joints tends to keep the block in contact with the surrounding rock mass. Shear stresses devloped along the joints as a result of this contact and help to support the block. By knowing the initial stress field and the shear properties of the joint, as a function of stress and displacement, a non-linear analysis can determine the normal and shear stresses on the bounding joints as a function of the displacement path. The amont of support required to keep the block in the roof can then be determined as a function of displacement.  相似文献   

某水电站地下厂房洞室群围岩稳定分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
余卫平  耿克勤  汪小刚 《岩土力学》2004,25(12):1955-1960
采用有限元方法反演某水电站地下厂房厂区初始地应力场。采用Zienkiewicz-Pande的双曲线屈服准则,对某水电站地下厂房洞室群的开挖过程进行了三维弹塑性有限元模拟。为反映锚固支护对围岩的加固作用和评价地下厂房洞室群支护参数的合理性,提出了可以考虑抗剪作用的隐式锚杆单元和可以考虑预应力效果隐式锚索单元。计算结果表明,该洞室群在洞室布局、开挖顺序和支护参数等方面是合理的,各主要洞室群的稳定性总体较好。  相似文献   

隋斌  朱维申  张欣  王刚 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):416-420
对某水电站地下厂房采用有限元方法反演厂区初始地应力场。分别对地下厂房洞室群3个平行洞室的不同间距、洞室开挖的不同顺序以及施加锚杆和锚索后的方案与毛洞方案进行了分析比较。计算结果表明,经过适当优化后该洞室群在洞室布局、开挖顺序和支护参数等方面是安全可行的,各主要洞室群的稳定性总体较好。  相似文献   

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