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The Villa Olmo Conglomerate (lower member of the Como Conglomerate Formation, Gonfolite Lombarda Group, Southern Alps, Italy) represents the first coarse clastic inputs into the Oligocene Southalpine Foredeep. A number of techniques including sedimentary lithofacies analyses, clast counts on turbidite conglomerate bodies, sandstone petrography through Gazzi–Dickinson point‐count method and XRF analyses, and optical and minero‐chemical analyses on single clasts have been performed, in order to better define the sediment source area and geodynamic conditions which promoted sedimentation in the Southalpine Foredeep at the end of the Oligocene. The Villa Olmo Conglomerate interdigitates with the upper part of the Chiasso Formation, and gradually passes upward into the overlying Como Conglomerate Formation. Provenance analyses (conglomerate clast counts and sandstone petrography) reveal a strong metamorphic provenance signal, likely sourced from eroded Southalpine basement. An increase in igneous plutonic clasts reflects sediment supply from the Southern Steep Belt and a decrease of volcano‐sedimentary Mesozoic cover sequences. Optical and minero‐chemical analyses on volcanic detritus detect the presence of sub‐intrusive to effusive, andesite to rhyolite products, ascribable to the Varese‐Lugano Permian volcanoclastic suite, as well as Oligocene andesite products. Plutonic clasts document the presence of tonalites, granites, and brittle deformed granodiorites (with two micas), being likely sourced from the tonalite tail of the Bergell Pluton and the plutonic units of the Bellinzona‐Dascio Zone. The identification of this provenance suite implies palaeo‐drainage from the region between Varese (Southern Alps) and the Bellinzona‐Dascio Zone (Central Alps). The Villa Olmo Conglomerate is the first depositional record of the onset of tectonically driven erosion in the Alpine belt. We infer that the previous low sediment budget regime (Eocene–Middle Oligocene) was a consequence of a tectonically controlled melting phase, during which tectonic events promoted magmatic production in the middle crust of the Central Alps at rates higher than those of crustal deformation, so inhibiting sediment production. We conclude that changes in the deep structures of the Alpine Orogenic chain have controlled the main geodynamic processes during Oligocene–Neogene times, and have controlled sediment composition and supply into the Southalpine Foredeep. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Monte Orfano Conglomerate (MOC), exposed in the foothills of the Southern Alps (northern Italy), is one of the few outcrops of sediments documenting the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Alpine retrowedge. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy allowed us to constrain the upper part of the MOC, formerly attributed to the Early-Middle Miocene in the type-locality, to the earliest Miocene (Neogene part of the NN1 nannofossil zone). A likely latest Oligocene age is therefore suggested for the bulk of the underlying conglomerates, whose base is not exposed. Deposition of the MOC can be placed within the post-collisional tectonic uplift of the Alps, documented in the Lake Como area by the Como Conglomerate (CC) at the base of the Gonfolite Lombarda Group, and supports the correlation with Upper Oligocene clastic sediments cropping out further to the East, in the Lake Garda and in the Veneto-Friuli areas (“molassa”). The remarkable difference in petrographic composition between the western (CC) and eastern (MOC) clastics deposited in the Alpine retro-foreland basin highlights the synchronous tectonic activity of two structural domains involving different crustal levels. Whilst the bulk of the CC, that straddles the Oligocene/Miocene boundary, records largely the tectonic exhumation of the Alpine axial chain crystalline complexes, the coeval MOC consists of detritus derived from the superficial crustal section (Triassic to Paleogene sedimentary rocks) of the Alpine retrowedge and constrains the onset of the post-collisional deformation phase of the Southern Alps as not younger than the Late Oligocene.  相似文献   

Large isolated gravity flows (debrites) are widely present in the stratigraphic record of the northern Apennines foreland-basin system. These strata may be useful for provenance signals and dispersal pathways during foreland evolution. This paper examines a cohesive debris flow bed interbedded with turbidite strata of the Macigno Formation (Late Oligocene, Tuscany, Italy), in order to obtain new data on the provenance of the clastic material. Clasts in the debris flow are predominantly plutonic (granodiorite, tonalite, and S-granite) and subordinately metamorphic (gneiss and schist) and sedimentary calcareous clasts. The composition of the clasts within the debris flow is similar to the clastic composition of the interbedded turbidite sandstones of the "Macigno costiero." The depositional features of the debris flow suggest that it traveled for a short distance within the basin before it was deposited not far from the slope. The absence of a high-pressure/low-temperature (HP/LT) paragenesis in the plutonic and metamorphic clasts of the debris flow indicates a provenance from a crystalline basement not involved in the high-pressure phases of the Alpine Orogenesis. Previous studies have indicated the Central-Western Alps as potential source areas for the Macigno Formation sediments. The lack of HP/LT metamorphic signatures in our studied samples excludes the Pennidic and Austroalpine nappes of the Western Alps as possible sources for the debris flows of the "Macigno costiero." These new data (sedimentological, petrographical, and microstructural) suggest that the Corsica-Sardinia Hercynian basement, lacking a HP/LT paragenesis, is the more accredited source area of the debris flow and of the related turbidite sandstones of the "Macigno costiero" succession. These foredeep-feeding sediments were probably before deposited within an episutural basin developed close to the northern Apennines orogenic wedge.  相似文献   

Abstract Oligocene to Miocene fluvial sandstones from the Swiss Molasse Basin were analysed for sandstone framework composition, heavy minerals, whole‐rock geochemistry and detrital chrome spinel chemistry. Samples were taken from the proximal part of the basin close to the Alpine main thrust and are chronostratigraphically calibrated between 31 and 13 Ma. Sandstone composition allows the identification of different source rocks, and their variation in time and space place constraints on the Oligocene to Miocene evolution of the Central Alps. In the eastern part of the basin, sandstones document a normal unroofing sequence with the downcutting from Austroalpine sedimentary cover into Austroalpine crystalline rocks and, slightly later at ≈ 21 Ma, into Penninic ophiolites. In the central part, downcutting into crystalline basement rocks occurred at ≈ 25 Ma, and the removal of the sedimentary cover was much more advanced than in the east. This may be interpreted as a first signal from the doming of the Lepontine area. At ≈ 20 Ma, extensional tectonics in the hinterland led to the first exposure of low‐grade metamorphic rocks from the footwall of the Simplon Fault in the Central Alps. Erosion of these rocks persisted up to the youngest sediments at ≈ 13 Ma. In the western part of the basin, a contribution from granitoid and (ultra)mafic rocks is documented as early as ≈ 28 Ma. The source for the (ultra)mafic detritus is Penninic ophiolites from the Piemonte zone of the western Alps, which were already exposed at the surface at that time.  相似文献   

The Crocker Fan of Sabah was deposited during subduction of the Proto-South China Sea between the Eocene and Early Miocene. Collision of South China microcontinental blocks with Borneo in the Early Miocene terminated deep water sedimentation and resulted in the major regional Top Crocker Unconformity (TCU). Sedimentation of fluvio-deltaic and shallow marine character resumed in the late Early Miocene. The Crocker Fan sandstones were derived from nearby sources in Borneo and nearby SE Asia, rather than distant Asian and Himalayan sources. The Crocker Fan sandstones have a mature composition, but their textures and heavy mineralogy indicate they are first-cycle sandstones, mostly derived from nearby granitic source rocks, with some input of metamorphic, sedimentary and ophiolitic material. The discrepancy between compositional maturity and textural immaturity is attributed to the effects of tropical weathering. U–Pb ages of detrital zircons are predominantly Mesozoic. In the Eocene sandstones Cretaceous zircons dominate and suggest derivation from granites of the Schwaner Mountains of southern Borneo. In Oligocene sandstones Permian–Triassic and Palaeoproterozoic zircons become more important, and are interpreted to be derived from Permian–Triassic granites and Proterozoic basement of the Malay Tin Belt. Miocene fluvio-deltaic and shallow marine sandstones above the TCU were mostly recycled from the deformed Crocker Fan in the rising central mountain range of Borneo. The provenance of the Tajau Sandstone Member of the Lower Miocene Kudat Formation in north Sabah is strikingly different from other Miocene and older sandstones. Sediment was derived mainly from granitic and high-grade metamorphic source rocks. No such rocks existed in Borneo during the Early Miocene, but potential sources are present on Palawan, to the north of Borneo. They represent continental crust from South China and subduction-related metamorphic rocks which formed an elevated region in the Early Miocene which briefly supplied sediment to north Sabah.  相似文献   

The Malaguide-Ghomaride Complex is capped by Upper Oligocene-Aquitanian clastic deposits postdating early Alpine orogenesis but predating the main tectonic-metamorphic evolution, end of nappe emplacement, unroofing, and exhumation of the metamorphic units of the Betic-Rif Orogen. Two conglomerate intervals within these deposits are characterized by clasts of sedimentary, epimetamorphic, and mafic volcanic rocks derived from Malaguide-Ghomaride units and by clasts of acidic magmatic and orthogneissic rocks of unknown provenance, here studied. Magmatic rocks originated from late-Variscan two-mica cordierite-bearing granitoids and, subordinately, from aplitic dikes. Orthogneisses derive from similar plutonic rocks but are affected by an Alpine metamorphic overprint evolving from greenschist (T=510&j0;-530 degrees C and P=5-6 kbar) to low-temperature amphibolite facies (T>550&j0;C and P<3 kbar). Such a plutonic rock suite is unknown in any Betic-Rif unit or in the basement of the Alboran Sea, and the metamorphic evolution in the orthogneisses is different from (and older than) that of Alpujarride-Sebtide rocks to which they were formerly ascribed. Magmatic and metamorphic rocks very similar to those studied characterize the basements of some Kabylia and Calabria-Peloritani units. Therefore, the source area is a currently lost continental-crust realm of Calabria-Peloritani-Kabylia type, located to the ESE of the Malaguide-Ghomaride Domain and affected by a pre-latest Oligocene Alpine metamorphism. Increasingly active tectonics transformed this realm into rising areas from which erosion fed small subsiding synorogenic basins formed on the Malaguide-Ghomaride Complex. This provenance analysis demonstrates that all these domains constituted a single continental-crust block until Aquitanian-Burdigalian times, before its dispersal around nascent western Mediterranean basins.  相似文献   

The main steps of the sedimentary evolution of the west Lombardian South Alpine foredeep between the Eocene and the Early Miocene are described. The oldest is a Bartonian carbonate decrease in hemipelagic sediments linked with an increase in terrigenous input, possibly related to a rainfall increase in the Alps. Between the Middle Eocene and the early Chattian, a volcanoclastic input is associated with an extensional tectonic regime, coeval with magma emplacement in the southern-central Alps, and with volcanogenic deposits of the European foredeep and Apennines, suggesting a regional extensional tectonic phase leading to the ascent of magma. During Late Eocene to Early Oligocene, two periods of coarse clastic sedimentation occurred, probably controlled by eustasy. The first, during Late Eocene, fed by a local South Alpine source, the second, earliest Oligocene in age, supplied by the Central Alps. In the Chattian, a strong increase in coarse supply records the massive erosion of Central Alps, coupled with a structures growth phase in the subsurface; it was followed by an Aquitanian rearrangement of the Alpine drainage systems suggested by both petrography of clastic sediments and retreat of depositional systems, while subsurface sheet-like geometry of Aquitanian turbidites marks a strong decrease in tectonic activity.  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar single-grain laserprobe dating of detrital white micas from early Oligocene to middle Miocene (31–14 Ma) sedimentary rocks of the central Swiss Molasse basin reveals three distinct clusters of cooling ages for the hinterland. Two Palaeozoic age clusters reflect cooling after the Variscan orogeny with only limited reheating during the Alpine orogeny. The third Tertiary age cluster reflecting late Alpine cooling is restricted to sediments younger than 20 Myr old. Micas with cooling ages < 30 Myr are interpreted to originate from the footwall of the Simplon detachment fault, thus representing formerly exposed upper levels of the present-day Lepontine metamorphic dome. Erosion of these levels is reflected by an increase of low-grade metamorphic lithic grains in the sandstones. This interpretation puts constraints on the timing of exhumation as well as on the evolution of the drainage pattern of the Central Alps.  相似文献   


The origin of the Oligocene turbidites from the Cerro Pelón area in south Gulf Mexico proposed by Ortega-Flores et al. (2018) is in disagree with the interpretations made by Molina-Garza et al. (2019), which main criticism is based on U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from the matrix of a conglomerate unit, which they refer to as ‘Nanchital Conglomerate’, as well as on the presence of limestone, gabbros, and mafic protolith-derived clasts. Molina-Garza et al. (2019) basically interpret the Nanchital Conglomerate as Miocene in age, which was sourced mainly from metamorphic complexes including their sedimentary covers located to the west and south of the Cerro Pelón area. For some reason, Molina-Garza et al. (2019) suppose that the Nanchital Conglomerate should have the same provenance sources that the Oligocene turbidites from Cerro Pelón area, reported by Ortega-Flores et al. (2018). Based on the foregoing, we strongly disagree with Molina-Garza et al. (2019) considering that, from the beginning, they intend to compare two units of different age. Additionally, the scarce data reported from both the matrix and the clasts of the Nanchital Conglomerate are not determinant for interpreting the provenance of this conglomeratic unit and subsequently, to consider the same rock sources from the Oligocene through Miocene time.  相似文献   

New sandstone petrology and petrostratigraphy provide insights on Palaeogene (Middle Eocene to Oligocene) clastics of the Thrace Basin in Greece, which developed synchronously with post‐Cretaceous collision and subsequent Tertiary extension. Sandstone petrofacies are used as a tool to unravel complex geodynamic changes that occurred at the southern continental margin of the European plate, identifying detrital signals of the accretionary processes of the Rhodope orogen, as well as subsequent partitioning related to extension of the Rhodope area, followed by Oligocene to present Aegean extension and wide magmatic activity starting during the Early Oligocene. Sandstone detrital modes include three distinctive petrofacies: quartzolithic, quartzofeldspathic and feldspatholithic. Major contributions are from metamorphic basement units, represented mostly by low to medium‐grade lithic fragments for the quartzolithic petrofacies and high‐grade metamorphic rock fragments for the quartzofeldspathic petrofacies. Volcaniclastic sandstones were derived from different volcanic areas, with a composition varying from dominantly silicic to subordinate intermediate products (mainly rhyolitic glass, spherulites and felsitic lithics). Evolution of detrital modes documents contributions from three key source areas corresponding to the two main crystalline tectonic units: (i) the Variegated Complex (ultramafic complex), in the initial stage of accretion (quartzolithic petrofacies); (ii) the Gneiss–Migmatite Complex (quartzofeldspathic petrofacies); and (iii) the Circum‐Rhodope Belt. The volcaniclastic petrofacies is interbedded with quartzofeldspathic petrofacies, reflecting superposition of active volcanic activity on regional erosion. The three key petrofacies reflect complex provenance from different tectonic settings, from collisional orogenic terranes to local basement uplift and volcanic activity. The composition and stratigraphic relations of sandstones derived from erosion of the Rhodope orogenic belt and superposed magmatism after the extensional phase in northern Greece provide constraints for palaeogeographic and palaeotectonic models of the Eocene to Oligocene western portions of the Thrace Basin. Clastic detritus in the following sedimentary assemblages was derived mainly from provenance terranes of the Palaeozoic section within the strongly deformed Rhodope Massif of northern Greece and south‐east Bulgaria, from the epimetamorphic units of the Circum‐Rhodope Belt and from superposed Late Eocene to Early Oligocene magmatism related to orogenic collapse of the Rhodope orogen. The sedimentary provenance of the Rhodope Palaeogene sandstones documents the changing nature of this orogenic belt through time, and may contribute to a general understanding of similar geodynamic settings.  相似文献   

Fission track dating on detrital zircons of Alpine debris in the Swiss molasse basin provides information about the erosion history of the Central Alps and the thermal evolution of source terrains. During Oligocene times, only sedimentary cover nappes, and Austroalpine basement units were eroded. Incision into Austroalpine basement units is indicated by increasing importance of Cretaceous cooling ages in granite pebbles upsection. Erosion of Penninic basement units started between 25 and 20 Ma. Early Oligocene zircon FT ages show that Penninic basement units were exposed at ∼20 Ma. Deeper Penninic units of the Lepontine Dome became exposed first at ∼14 Ma, contemporaneously with the opening of the Tauern window in the Eastern Alps. A middle Miocene cooling rate of 40 °C Myr−1 is deduced for the Lower Penninic units of the Lepontine Dome.  相似文献   

The volcano–clastic sequence of Trompia Valley, which caps the Tre Valli Bresciane Variscan basement (TVB), comprises the Dosso dei Galli Conglomerate (DGC), the oldest deposit containing up to metre-sized metamorphic pebbles. This Lower Permian formation of the Trompia Basin was fed by the erosion products of the Variscan chain. We used microstructural and mineral chemical data on metamorphic pebbles of the DGC to infer a quantitative tectono-thermal evolution of the eroded pre-Permian basement and to compare them with those of TVB and the surrounding Southalpine basement units (tectono-metamorphic units = TMUs). Metapelitic and metaintrusive pebbles record a polyphase metamorphism with two metamorphic re-equilibrations: the first under epidote amphibolite facies (M1, ) and the second under greenschist facies (M2) conditions. Rock types and metamorphic data largely match those of TVB basement unit. The structural and metamorphic records in the pebbles are pre-Permian, and the conglomerate matrix is non-metamorphic. The DGC deposition age (283 ± 1–280.5 ± 2 Ma) constrains the minimal exhumation age of its basement source. The lack of staurolite bearing assemblages in metamorphic pebbles suggests that the DGC basement source was already exhumed to shallow structural levels (greenschist facies conditions) before the thermal equilibration consequent upon continental crust thickening induced by the Variscan collision.  相似文献   

The provenance of Eocene–Oligocene turbidites from the Pindos Foreland Basin, SW Greece, has been constrained using petrographical and geochemical techniques. Modal petrographic analysis of the studied sandstones shows that the source area comprises sedimentary, metamorphic, and plutonic igneous rocks deposited in a recycled orogenic environment and in magmatic arc province. The relative proportions of the detrital components indicate that the Late Eocene–Early Oligocene sandstones of West Peloponnesus are quartz-rich and were primarily derived from granitic and metamorphic basement rocks typically of a tectonically active area. Major, trace, and rare earth element (REE) concentrations in both sandstones and mudstones complement the petrographical data indicating an active continental margin/continental island arc signature. All the samples are light REE, enriched relative to heavy REE (HREE), with flat HREE pattern and positive Eu anomalies, suggesting that the processes of intra-crustal differentiation (involving plagioclase fractionation) were not of great importance. The results derived from the multi-element diagrams also suggest an active margin character and a mafic/ultramafic source rock composition.  相似文献   


This article presents detailed mapping results and the first U–Pb zircon dating and sedimentological characterization of the Zacatecas Conglomerate, which belongs to the Palaeogene red beds of central Mexico, deposited in fault-bounded basins during the Late Cretaceous to Eocene Laramide orogeny. The conglomerate was divided into five depositional facies associations according to their clast-type abundances and interlayered volcanic rocks. The lowermost member has a maximum depositional age based on young zircon grain ages varying from ca. 63 to 81 Ma. It is unconformably overlain by a continuous sequence characterized by a conglomerate rich in granite clasts at the bottom, with an interlayered tuff dated at 37.64 ± 0.36 Ma. Near the top, another tuff was dated at 30.84 ± 0.47 Ma, and a sandstone has a maximum depositional age of ca. 31.5 Ma. Normal grading, massive textures, channels, channel-form sandstone bodies, and upward-finning successions suggest that the Zacatecas Conglomerate is of fluvial origin. Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous ages from zircons in plutonic rocks and sandstones bracket possible source regions for the Zacatecas Conglomerate. One possible source is Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous granite derived from the Alisitos-Guerrero arc of western Mexico. Another possible source is the Tuna Manza Diorite, now exposed 250 km southeast of the study area. The lack of pre-Jurassic grains implies that possible sources such as the Nazas arc or the Potosí fan were not cropping out at that time, or at least that these areas were not affected by the fluvial system feeding the Zacatecas Conglomerate. It is possible that during the Palaeocene-early Oligocene the fluvial systems drained from west to east and from southeast to north, according to the above-mentioned constraints.  相似文献   

The provenance of igneous clasts and arenitic sediment enclosed within the Bakony Molasse was studied using geochemical and geochronological methods. The majority of igneous clasts were eroded from the Oligocene Periadriatic magmatic belt. A part of the andesite material has Eocene formation age. Rhyolitic pebbles originated from Permian sequences of the Greywacke zone or the Gurktal Alps. Apatite fission track (FT) ages from the sandstone matrix (age clusters at ~75 and ~30 Ma) are typical for the Austroalpine nappe pile and for the cooling ages of Periadriatic magmatic belt. Variscan detrital zircon FT ages indicate source areas that had not suffered Alpine metamorphism, such as the Bakony Mountains, Drauzug and the Southern Alps. Another group of detrital zircon grains of Late Triassic-Jurassic FT age (mean: ~183 Ma) marks source zones with Mesozoic thermal overprint such as the Gurktal Alps and some Austroalpine regions. Zircon grains with Oligocene FT age (mean: ~34.7 Ma) were derived from the Periadriatic intrusives and their contact zones. On the basis of the new data, we propose that the ancestor of the recent Drava River had already existed in Oligo-Miocene time and distributed eroded material of the southern Eastern Alps to the east.  相似文献   

Mineral chemistry, 40Ar/39Ar geochronology on white micas and Apatite Fission Track Thermochronology (AFTT), are applied here to study the provenance of the synorogenic Molare Formation (lowermost unit of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin clastic sequence). The Molare Formation was deposited during transgression onto the Ligurian Alps nappe stack in the Early Oligocene. Depositional facies show that clastic distribution remained transversal, with local sources located just landward from the coastline. Phengite mineral chemistry together with 40Ar/39Ar data clearly shows two distinctive source areas, each one mirroring the composition of the basement directly beneath the clastic sequence. Amphibole mineral chemistry allows second order provenance distinctions within each sector, reflecting heterogeneous metamorphic evolution of the bedrock complexes. Integrated 40Ar/39Ar dating and AFTT suggest that, following a fast cooling/exhumation episode of the Ligurian Alps during the Oligocene, very little net uplift has since occurred. This is due to a period of general subsidence from the Oligocene–Late Miocene followed by comparable uplift from Late Miocene–Pliocene to the present. In general our data provide an image of the Ligurian Alps during the Oligocene, which is very similar to the present-day one.This revised version was published online in September 2003.  相似文献   

The Asmari Formation deposited in the Zagros foreland basin during the OligoceneMiocene. Lithologically, the Asmari Formation consists of limestone, dolomitic limestone, dolomite, argillaceous limestone, some anhydrite(Kalhur Member) and sandstones(Ahwaz Member). This study is based on the analysis of core samples from four subsurface sections(wells Mn-68, Mn-281, Mn-292 and Mn-312) in the Marun Oilfield in the Dezful embayment subzone in order to infer their provenance and tectonic setting of the Ahwaz Sandstone Member. Petrographical data reveal that the Ahwaz Sandstone comprises 97.5% quartz, 1.6% feldspar, and 0.9% rock fragments and all samples are classified as quartz arenites. The provenance and tectonic setting of the Ahwaz Sandstone have been assessed using integrated petrographic and geochemical studies. Petrographic analysis reveals that mono- and poly-crystalline quartz grains from metamorphic and igneous rocks of a craton interior setting were the dominant sources. Chemically, major and trace element concentrations in the rocks of the Ahwaz Sandstone indicate deposition in a passive continental margin setting. As indicated by the CIW′ index(chemical index of weathering) of the Ahwaz Sandstone(average value of 82) their source area underwent "intense" recycling but "moderate to high" degree of chemical weathering. The petrography and geochemistry results are consistent with a tropical, humid climate and low-relief highlands.  相似文献   

阿尔金山脉新生代剥露历史——前陆盆地沉积记录   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
新疆且末县江尕勒萨依盆地位于阿尔金山脉的北西山前,其内连续沉积了中生代一新生代地层。盆地内古新统一始新统为河流相沉积;渐新统至中新统为山麓河流相灰色砾岩和棕色砂岩;上新统为山麓洪积相砾岩夹泥岩;下更新统全为砾岩层。岩性组合特征及其砂岩碎屑、砾石组分变化规律,反映出阿尔金山脉的新生代剥蚀历史:古近纪早、中期,阿尔金山脉的地形高差小,古生界双峰式火山岩首先被剥蚀;至渐新世末一中新世早期,山脉高差加大,基底元古宇开始出露地表被剥蚀;中新世末期,山脉高差进一步加大,剥蚀速率加快;至第四纪早期西域砾岩开始沉积时,地形高差加剧,中、古元古界开始暴露被剥蚀。区域资料分析表明,阿尔金山脉在新生代具有多期次阶段性隆升的特征,存在3期次快速隆升事件:渐新世末一中新世早期、中新世晚期(大约8Ma)和第四纪早期。  相似文献   

老君山砾岩是一套由砾岩和杂砂岩组成的陆相粗碎屑岩.砾岩由来自下伏基底的超镁铁岩、中-基性火山岩、硅质岩、花岗岩等碎屑组成.杂砂岩中岩屑含量大于70%,石英约10%,长石约15%.岩屑以中基性火山岩和花岗岩为主;硅质岩屑是主要的沉积岩屑.锆石、磷灰石、磁铁矿是杂砂岩中最为丰富的重矿物,同时还有铬铁矿、石榴子石、电气石、金红石、黄铁矿.这些事实说明,老君山砾岩的源区曾出露有超镁铁岩、中基性火山岩、变质岩等类型的岩石.砂岩碎屑模式和粉砂岩、泥岩的地球化学成分均表明,老君山砾岩源区为大陆边缘弧和大洋岛弧,形成于活动大陆边缘与岛弧相关的沉积盆地中.  相似文献   

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