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 Two test cases from Israel are presented herein employing the decay rate of radon along the flow path to assess groundwater flow velocities. Groundwater flow reaching the fault zone emerges in several places along the rift fault zone as thermal springs because of deep water confinement. The high water temperature of the surface is indicative of high vertical flow velocities, which maintains the original high temperatures. Knowing the Rn content at a source point and at a given down-gradient, and assuming no Rn addition from the water itself or along the flow path, one can calculate the flow velocity based on the Rn half-life time. The decay of Rn in western Galilee was found to be ∼570–150 pCi/l, and in the Dead Sea area from 5000–2000 pCi/l along a respective flow path of 1000 and 200 m, Based on the above, the calculated flow velocities were compared with those obtained from pumping tests in the study area. The method is applicable, because of the short Rn half-life, to cases of high Rn contents, short distances and high flow velocities. Received: 18 January 2000 · Accepted: 21 March 2000  相似文献   

The interplay between fault zone cataclasis and cementation is important since both processes can drastically reduce the permeability of faults in porous sandstones. Yet the prediction of fault cementation in high-porosity sandstone reservoirs remains elusive. Nevertheless, this process has rarely been investigated in shallowly buried faults (<2 km; T°<80 °C) where its sealing capacity could be acquired early in the geological history of a reservoir. In this paper, the macro- and microscopic analysis of a fault zone in the porous Cenomanian quartz arenite sands of Provence (France) shows that silica diagenesis occurs in the most intensely-deformed cataclastic parts of the fault zone. This fault zone shows 19–48% of its total thickness occupied by low-porosity quartz-cemented cataclastic shear bands whose porosities range from 0 – ca. 5%. The analysis of the weathering profile around the fault zone reveals the presence of groundwater silcretes in the form of tabular, tightly silicified concretions cross-cut by the fault. Detailed transmitted light, cold-cathodoluminescence and scanning electron microscopy analyses of the silica cements (from the fault and the silcrete) reveal that all the silica cements originate from groundwater diagenetic processes. This study therefore shows that silica cementation can occur specifically in fault zones and as groundwater silcrete in the shallow context of a groundwater system, generated at the vicinity of an erosional unconformity.  相似文献   

Multiple age tracers were measured to estimate groundwater residence times in the regional aquifer system underlying southwestern Oman. This area, known as the Najd, is one of the most arid areas in the world and is planned to be the main agricultural center of the Sultanate of Oman in the near future. The three isotopic age tracers 4He, 14C and 36Cl were measured in waters collected from wells along a line that extended roughly from the Dhofar Mountains near the Arabian Sea northward 400 km into the Empty Quarter of the Arabian Peninsula. The wells sampled were mostly open to the Umm Er Radhuma confined aquifer, although, some were completed in the mostly unconfined Rus aquifer. The combined results from the three tracers indicate the age of the confined groundwater is < 40 ka in the recharge area in the Dhofar Mountains, > 100 ka in the central section north of the mountains, and up to and > one Ma in the Empty Quarter. The 14C data were used to help calibrate the 4He and 36Cl data. Mixing models suggest that long open boreholes north of the mountains compromise 14C-only interpretations there, in contrast to 4He and 36Cl calculations that are less sensitive to borehole mixing. Thus, only the latter two tracers from these more distant wells were considered reliable. In addition to the age tracers, δ2H and δ18O data suggest that seasonal monsoon and infrequent tropical cyclones are both substantial contributors to the recharge. The study highlights the advantages of using multiple chemical and isotopic data when estimating groundwater travel times and recharge rates, and differentiating recharge mechanisms.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to explain the origin of 234U–238U fractionation in groundwater from sedimentary aquifers of the St. Lawrence Lowlands (Quebec, Canada), and its relationship with 3He/4He ratios, to gain insight regarding the evolution of groundwater in the region. (234U/238U) activity ratios, or (234U/238U)act, were measured in 23 groundwater samples from shallow Quaternary unconsolidated sediments and from the deeper fractured regional aquifer of the Becancour River watershed. The lowest (234U/238U)act, 1.14 ± 0.01, was measured in Ca–HCO3-type freshwater from the Quaternary Shallower Aquifer, where bulk dissolution of the carbonate allows U to migrate into water with little 234U–238U isotopic fractionation. The (234U/238U)act increases to 6.07 ± 0.14 in Na–HCO3–Cl-type groundwater. Preferential migration of 234U into water by α-recoil is the underlying process responsible for this isotopic fractionation. An inverse relationship between (234U/238U)act and 3He/4He ratios has been observed. This relationship reflects the mixing of newly recharged water, with (234U/238U)act close to the secular equilibrium and containing atmospheric/tritiogenic helium, and mildly-mineralized older water (14C ages of 6.6 kyrs), with (234U/238U)act of ≥6.07 and large amounts of radiogenic 4He, in excess of the steady-state amount produced in situ. The simultaneous fractionation of (234U/238U)act and the addition of excess 4He could be locally controlled by stress-induced rock fracturing. This process increases the surface area of the aquifer matrix exposed to pore water, from which produced 4He and 234U can be released by α-recoil and diffusion. This process would also facilitate the release of radiogenic helium at rates greater than those supported by steady-state U–Th production in the rock. Consequently, sources internal to the aquifers could cause the radiogenic 4He excesses measured in groundwater.  相似文献   

In a confined alluvial aquifer located between two rivers, discrete zones of anomalously high concentrations of redox species such as iron, are thought to be a result of groundwater flow dynamics rather than a chemical evolution along continuous flow paths. This new hypothesis was confirmed at a study site located between Nan and Yom rivers in Phitsanulok, Thailand, by analyzing concentrations of redox species in comparison with dynamic groundwater flow patterns. River incision into the confined alluvial aquifer and seasonally varying river stages result in truncated flow paths. The groundwater flow dynamics between two rivers has four phases that are cyclic, including: aquifer discharge into both rivers, direct flow from one river toward another, aquifer recharge from both rivers, and reverse of river-to-river flow. The resulting groundwater flow direction has a zigzag pattern and its general trend is almost parallel to the river flow. High iron anomaly appears as discrete zones in the transition areas of the confined alluvial aquifer because the lateral recharge from rivers penetrates into the aquifer only by tens of meters. The high iron anomaly, which is nearly constant in space and time, is a result of groundwater/surface-water interactions and related groundwater flow dynamics.  相似文献   

Gravity and magnetic data of the Kachchh basin and surrounding regions have delineated major E–W and NW–SE oriented lineaments and faults, which are even extending up to plate boundaries in the north Arabian Sea and western boundary of the Indian plate, respectively. The epicentral zone of Bhuj earthquake and its aftershocks is located over the junction of Rann of Kachchh and median uplifts viz. Kachchh mainland and Wagad uplifts, which are separated by thrust faults. Gravity data with constraints from the results of the seismic studies along a profile suggest that the basement is uplifted towards the north along thrust faults dipping 40–60° south. Similarly gravity and magnetic modeling along a profile across Wagad uplift suggest south dipping (50–60°) basement contacts separating rocks of high susceptibility and density towards the north. One of these contacts coincides with the fault plane of the Bhuj earthquake as inferred from seismological studies and its projection on the surface coincides with the E–W oriented north Wagad thrust fault. A circular gravity high in contact with the fault in northern part of the Wagad uplift along with high amplitude magnetic anomaly suggests plug type mafic intrusive in this region. Several such gravity anomalies are observed over the island belt in the Rann of Kachchh indicating their association with mafic intrusions. The contact of these intrusives with the country rock demarcates shallow crustal inhomogeneities, which provides excellent sites for the accumulation of regional stress. A regional gravity anomaly map based on the concept of isostasy presents two centers of gravity lows of −11 to −13 mGal (10−5 m/s2) representing mass deficiency in the epicentral region. Their best-fit model constrained from the receiver function analysis and seismic refraction studies suggest crustal root of 7–8 km (deep crustal inhomogeneity) under them for a standard density contrast of −400 kg/m3. It is, therefore, suggested that significant amount of stress get concentrated in this region due to (a) buoyant crustal root, (b) regional stress due to plate tectonic forces, and (c) mafic intrusives as stress concentrators and the same might be responsible for the frequent and large magnitude earthquakes in this region including the Bhuj earthquake of January 26, 2001.  相似文献   

Cities have a negative impact on the quality of shallow groundwater. Many of Lithuania's urban residents drink water from dug wells. Moreover, polluted shallow groundwater contaminates deeper aquifers of fresh drinking water. Therefore, this situation should be controlled and managed, as far as possible. In order to evaluate the quality of shallow groundwater in an urban area and to create an optimal monitoring system, an original methodology for groundwater mapping has been proposed. It resembles the GIS (geographical information system) technologies. The set of maps, laid one over another, consists of the following: (1) urbanization map, (2) geological-hydrogeological map, (3) groundwater chemistry map, (4) resulting groundwater chemistry factorial analysis map, and (5) pollution and pollutant transport map. The data obtained from studies on dug and geotechnical wells have been used for compilation of the maps. The system for shallow groundwater monitoring in the city with an area of 70 sq km and a population of 140,000 is proposed to consist of about 30 monitoring wells and several dug wells.  相似文献   

Study of the groundwater samples from Tajarak area, western Iran, was carried out in order to assess their chemical compositions and suitability for agricultural purposes. All of the groundwaters are grouped into two categories: relatively low mineralized of Ca–HCO3 and Na–HCO3 types and high mineralized waters of Na–SO4 and Na–Cl types. The chemical evolution of groundwater is primarily controlled by water–rock interactions mainly weathering of aluminosilicates, dissolution of carbonate minerals and cation exchange reactions. Calculated values of pCO2 for the groundwater samples range from 2.34 × 10−4 to 1.07 × 10−1 with a mean value of 1.41 × 10−2 (atm), which is above the pCO2 of the earth’s atmosphere (10−3.5). The groundwater is oversaturated with respect to calcite, aragonite and dolomite and undersaturated with respect to gypsum, anhydrite and halite. According to the EC and SAR the most dominant classes (C3-S1, C4-S1 and C4-S2) were found. With respect to adjusted SAR (adj SAR), the sodium (Na+) content in 90% of water samples in group A is regarded as low and can be used for irrigation in almost all soils with little danger of the development of harmful levels of exchangeable Na+, while in 40 and 37% of water samples in group B the intensity of problem is moderate and high, respectively. Such water, when used for irrigation will lead to cation exchange and Na+ is adsorbed on clay minerals while calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+) are released to the liquid phase. The salinity hazard is regarded as medium to high and special management for salinity control is required. Thus, the water quality for irrigation is low, providing the necessary drainage to avoid the build-up of toxic salt concentrations.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(3):377-388
Delingha is located in the northeast margin of Qaidam Basin. Bayin River alluvial proluvial fan is the main aquifer of Delingha, in which groundwater generally flows from north to south. The hydrochemistry results showed that two different hydrochemical evolution paths formed along southeast and southwest directions, respectively. Cl-Na type groundwater was formed in front of Gahai Lake, and SO4·HCO3-Na·Ca type groundwater was formed in front of Keluke Lake. The results of deuterium (D) and 18O revealed that the groundwater mainly originated from the continuous accumulation of precipitation during geological history under cold and humid climate conditions. In addition, results of 14C indicated that the groundwater age was more than 1140 years, implying relatively poor renewal capability of regional groundwater. Moreover, our numerical modeling results showed that the regional groundwater level will continue to rise under the warm and humid climate conditions.© 2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

This article reviews and discusses environmental aspects related to vertical upward and downward groundwater flow. Flow systems are an important tool to understand groundwater functioning as related to the environment, in terms of obtaining indicators of human impact and solving specific questions about a groundwater-environment system that has been influenced by anthropogenic means. This involves two broad processes. First, groundwater changes due to activities of man in the surrounding environment as a result of: (1) alteration of recharge by modification of native vegetation and original soil cover; (2) reduction of groundwater discharge to coastal areas and to inland water bodies producing desiccation of wetlands, lakes and springs; (3) groundwater contamination from sewage looses and uncontrolled waste disposal locations, and (4) up-welling of undesirable water quality induced by extraction. Second, environmental alterations due to changes in the groundwater regime produce: (1) increase in soil erosion through the disappearance of vegetation due to water-table decline, (2) water-table rise due to unplanned artificial recharge resulting from water imports to a catchment, (3) decline in water levels for improper extraction regime, (4) soil subsidence due to extraction mismanagement, and (5) disappearance of phreatofites caused by excessive extraction. Unless further understanding between groundwater and the other components of the environment is sought, the relationship between people and its environment will be subject to some of these effects, potentially endangering adequate human development and sustainable water management.  相似文献   

Mediterranean Spain is a region with intensive agricultural production combined with an important seasonal water demand for water supply. High application rates of inorganic nitrogen fertiliser, input of plant protection products and intensive irrigation, sometimes with treated wastewater, is a common practice. As a result, most aquifers show nitrate contamination problems of agricultural origin. Data on pesticide residues is scarce, as systematic monitoring is not currently done. In Majorca Island, values up to 700 mg/l of nitrate in groundwater have been observed. To analyse the current situation derived from non-point pollution, several actions have been taken at different scales: declaration of a nitrate vulnerable zone, field experiments to evaluate nitrogen transport to the aquifer and the development of a GIS-simulation model to generate nitrate risk maps.  相似文献   

The microstructures and microtexture of omphacite spherulites from an eclogite-facies pseudotachylyte from central Zambia was studied by electron backscattered diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. The spherulitic growth is characteristic for fast growth rates at high undercoolings resulting from quenching a melt of seismic origin to the eclogite-facies conditions. Its preservation constrains that no significant deformation was present after the seismic event and during uplift. The analysis of grain misorientations in spherulites indicates – in addition to the overall radial alignment of grains – that crystallization took place in a highly viscous medium, which does not allow grain reorientation during growth. The microstructure of omphacite is diverse and ambiguous: Grain contacts appear both curved and with 120° triple junctions with few recrystallized grains. Dislocations are frequent, but heterogeneously distributed and occur in dislocations networks, subgrain boundaries and as free dislocations with locally high densities. Planar defects (chain multiplicity faults parallel (0 1 0) ending at partial dislocations) are abundant, while twinning parallel to (1 0 0) is rare. Anti-phase domains with variable domain sizes within a single grain and the disappearance of domain walls around the planar defects constrain that most of the microstructure must be formed during or shortly after crystallization.Omphacite microstructures are commonly discussed as result of deformational stresses due to a tectonic forcing. Here, we hypothesize that thermal stress during growth also can provide a feasible explanation for this melt-grown omphacite followed with partial recovery under static conditions. The observation does not exclude repeated stress loading of the shear veins in general, but suggest that only the latest seismic event is preserved in the studied samples as fine-grained texture of the spherulites. Moreover, anti-phase domain sizes constrain that the rock must be uplifted rather shortly after the seismic event.  相似文献   

Groundwater is an important and readily available source of fresh water in the Mekong-Lancang River Basin. With a rapid population growth and increasing human activities, an increasing number of countries in the Mekong-Lancang River Basin are experiencing depleted and degraded groundwater supplies. In transboundary river basins, such as the Mekong-Lancang River, prioritizing the use of the shared aquifer by one riparian government may affect the opportunities of other riparian governments and lead to potential water conflicts between neighboring countries. To promote the sharing of strategies and information for the sustainable and equitable use of water resources of the shared basin, international collaborative workshops on groundwater resources have been organized for all Mekong-Lancang River countries. These workshops provide an opportunity to communicate and discuss nationally sensitive issues on groundwater by the associated countries, with topics covering multiple aspects of groundwater, such as the groundwater status in the basin, quality issues, water use conflicts, hydrological information gaps, management policies and capacity building for successful water resource management. Consensus has been reached by all countries on the importance of catchment-based groundwater management and the need for close communication among the countries. Strategies for managing transboundary aquifer issues must foster international collaboration based on the regional network, influence national networks and enhance the capacity to building maps and monitoring systems based on associated databases. The sustainability of water resources cannot be achieved without the integrated involvement and contributions by multiple countries and various stakeholders. Therefore, collaborative workshops provide a great opportunity to further our understanding of the hydrologic processes of the Mekong River Basin, share the benefits of the aquifer and provide a strategy and vision for sustainable water resource management in the Mekong-Lancang River countries.  相似文献   

The concentrations of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC-11, CFC-12, and CFC-113) and tritium were determined in groundwater in fractured crystalline bedrock at Finnsjön, Sweden. The specific goal was to investigate the accuracy of CFC dating in such an environment, taking potential degradation and mixing of water into consideration. The water was sampled to a depth of 42 m in three boreholes along an 800-m transect, from a recharge area to a local discharge area. The CFC-113 concentration was at the detection limit in most samples. The apparent recharge date obtained from CFC-11 was earlier than from CFC-12 for all samples, with a difference of over 20 years for some samples. The difference was probably caused by degradation of CFC-11. The CFC-12 dating of the samples ranged from before 1945 to 1975, with the exception of a sample from the water table, which had a present-day concentration. Conclusions about flow paths or groundwater velocity could not be drawn from the CFCs. The comparison between CFC-12 and tritium concentrations showed that most samples could be unmixed or mixtures of waters with different ages, and the binary mixtures that matched the measured concentrations were determined. The mixing model approach can be extended with additional tracers.
Resumen Precisión en la datación de aguas subterráneas utilizando CFC en un acuífero de rocas cristalinas: datos provenientes de un sitio al sur de Suecia.Se determinaron las concentraciones de clorofluorucarbonos (CFC-11, CFC-12, y CFC-113) y de tritio en aguas subterráneas alojadas en rocas cristalinas fracturadas de Finnsjön, Suecia. El objetivo específico consistió en investigar la precisión de la datación de aguas subterráneas con CFC en este tipo de ambiente, tomando en consideración la degradación potencial y la mezcla de agua. Las muestras de agua se tomaron a una profundidad de 42 m en tres pozos ubicados a lo largo de una línea de 800 m transversal a una zona de recarga y de zona de descarga local. En la mayoría de las muestras se encontró que la concentración de CFC-113 estuvo en el límite de detección. La edad que se estimó en todas las muestras para la recarga aparente en base a CFC-11 fue más joven que la edad proveniente de CFC-12, con una diferencia de más de 20 años para algunas muestras. Esta diferencia fue causada probablemente por la degradación del CFC-11. La datación CFC-12 de las muestras varió de antes de 1945 a 1975, con la excepción de una muestra tomada en el nivel freático, la cual presentó concentración actual. No fue posible obtener conclusiones acerca de las trayectorias de flujo o la velocidad de agua subterránea a partir de los CFCs. La comparación entre las concentraciones de CFC-12 y tritio mostró que la mayoría de las muestras pueden tener composición sencilla o bien consistir de mezclas de aguas de diferentes edades. Esta comparación también permitió determinar las mezclas binarias que corresponden a las concentraciones medidas. Pueden utilizarse trazadores adicionales para ampliar el modelo de mezclas propuesto.

Résumé Précision de la datation au CFC dans un aquifère rocheux-fracturé: données dun site du sud de la Suède.Les concentrations en chlorofluorocarbones (CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113) et entritium ont été déterminées dans leau souterraine dun massif fracturé à Finnsjön en Suède. Le but de cette étude est de mieux cerner la précision de la méthode de datation au CFC dans ce type denvironnement hydrogéologique, tout en considérant déventuels phénomènes de dégradation et de mélange deaux. Leau a été échantillonnée à une profondeur de 42 mètres dans trois forages alignés sur 800 mètres entre une zone de recharge et une zone de déversement. Les concentrations en CFC-113 sont dans la plupart des échantillons à la limite de détection. Pour tous les échantillons, la date de la recharge établie avec le CFC-11 est antérieure à la date établie avec le CFC-12. La différence entre les deux dates peut dépasser 20 ans et sexplique—probablement—par la dégradation du CFC-11. Les dates de recharge de la nappe mesurées au CFC-12 sont comprises entre 1945 et 1975, excepté pour un échantillon qui possède une concentration actuelle. Il nest pas possible de tirer des conclusions concernant la direction des écoulements et la vitesse de leau souterraine. La comparaison entre CFC-12 et tritium montre que des échantillons pourraient être soit le résultat du mélange deaux dâges différents, soit des échantillons non-mélangés. Dans le cas dun mélange binaire, les rapports du mélange composant la concentration mesurée sont déterminés. Lapproche par modèle de mélange peut être étendue à des traceurs additionnels.

The rapid expansion in agricultural groundwater use in the last few decades has transformed rural economies in large parts of the developing world, in particular South Asia and North China. There has been no such “Groundwater Revolution” in most of sub-Saharan Africa and little is known about the actual role of groundwater use in supporting agricultural livelihoods in the region or opportunities to expand this role in the future. Published literature has been reviewed to paint a preliminary, region-wide picture of the contribution groundwater makes to agriculture, and in turn to rural livelihoods, within sub-Saharan Africa. The findings indicate that groundwater is used on only 1–2 million hectares of cropped area, directly contributing to the livelihoods of 1.5–3% of the rural population. Groundwater also plays a critical role in the vital livestock sector as well as an important indirect role in the supply of domestic water to agricultural households. While data are lacking, these latter two roles likely surpass the direct importance of groundwater to crop production. This suggests that an understanding of the value of agricultural groundwater use in support of rural livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa should be based on different models than have typically been applied in Asia.
Mark GiordanoEmail: Phone: +94-11-2787404Fax: +94-11-2786854

The irreversible water–rock mass exchanges leading to the production of the Fiume Grande valley (Calabria, Italy) stream waters and groundwaters, starting from local rainwaters, were simulated through reaction path modeling in reaction progress (stoichiometric) mode. The simulations assumed bulk dissolution of a phyllitic rock and calcite and precipitation of gibbsite, kaolinite, amorphous silica, illite, a smectite solid mixture, a hydroxide solid mixture, and a trigonal carbonate solid mixture. The analytical contents of major and trace elements in stream waters and groundwaters were satisfactorily reproduced. However, further investigations are necessary to clarify the fate of As in this natural systems.
Rosanna De RosaEmail:

An innovative approach to solve the problem of lowering water table was carried out in a quarry lake south of the city of Milan (northern Italy): the project, based upon pumping out water at a rate of 1,000 L/s can be considered a strategic medium to long-term solution to hinder the rise of groundwater level interfering with underground structures (foundation, construction, subway) in urban areas. The basic idea is to pump a high groundwater rate as close as possible to the stagnation point of the piezometric depression located in the city. After a pilot-test was carried out in November 1998, experimental activities started in July 2001 and lasted one year; water withdrawal was discharged into artificial channels used in agricultural practice. Maximum drawdowns measured in the quarry lake by the monitoring network resulted in more than 5 m, and a significant drawdown was registered up to 1.5 km of distance from the quarry in the important historical site of Chiaravalle Abbey, threatened by groundwater rise. The results of this pumping activity confirm the importance of the project, its lower cost compared with traditional solutions (such as drainage by wells) and remarkable effects on the improvement of surface water quality. A groundwater model was implemented to evaluate further scenarios of discharge rate and pumping location, too.  相似文献   

The assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution aims at highlighting areas at a high risk of being polluted. This study presents a methodology, to estimate the risk of an aquifer to be polluted from concentrated and/or dispersed sources, which applies an overlay and index method involving several parameters. The parameters are categorized into three factor groups: factor group 1 includes parameters relevant to the internal aquifer system’s properties, thus determining the intrinsic aquifer vulnerability to pollution; factor group 2 comprises parameters relevant to the external stresses to the system, such as human activities and rainfall effects; factor group 3 incorporates specific geological settings, such as the presence of geothermal fields or salt intrusion zones, into the computation process. Geographical information systems have been used for data acquisition and processing, coupled with a multicriteria evaluation technique enhanced with fuzzy factor standardization. Moreover, besides assigning weights to factors, a second set of weights, i.e., order weights, has been applied to factors on a pixel by pixel basis, thus allowing control of the level of risk in the vulnerability determination and the enhancement of local site characteristics. Individual analysis of each factor group resulted in three intermediate groundwater vulnerability to pollution maps, which were combined in order to produce the final composite groundwater vulnerability map for the study area. The method has been applied in the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace (Northern Greece), an area of approximately 14,000 km2. The methodology has been tested and calibrated against the measured nitrate concentration in wells, in the northwest part of the study area, providing results related to the aggregation and weighting procedure.  相似文献   

2001-2012年新疆融雪型洪水时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
利用2001-2012年新疆区域内发生的融雪型洪水资料,分析研究了近12 a新疆融雪型洪水时空分布特征.结果表明:新疆融雪型洪水与前一年10月至当年3月新疆全站总累计降水量大小相关,降水量大的年份,对应的融雪型洪水发生次数也多;冬末至夏季融雪型洪水在北疆地区基本上是从西向东、从南向北的先后顺序出现,而在南疆地区的融雪洪水基本上是从西向东、从北向南先后顺序出现.新疆融雪型洪水主要集中出现在春夏季,其中,北疆地区在3月,南疆地区在7月发生较多;伊犁河谷、昌吉、阿勒泰、和田等地区及青河、乌鲁木齐、阿克陶、民丰等市县是新疆融雪型洪水的高发区.  相似文献   

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