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A non-colloidal fraction separated by physical means from an HFHCl-resistant residue of the Allende carbonaceous meteorite exhibits a ratio of isotopically “normal” (Q-type) xenon to “anomalous” xenon (X-type) that is ~4 times larger than usually observed. Coincidentally this fraction contains carbon that is isotopically heavier by ~10%. than bulk Allende residue samples. ESCA analyses of companion colloidal separates show that the major portion of the S contained in our HFHCl-residues is elemental rather than a sulfide. They also confirm earlier observations that no elementally distinct surface coating is present, in accord with the absence of a surface-sited sulfur-bearing gas carrier, and that the oxygen content is increased after etching with nitric acid. For these separates noble gas data coupled with the ESCA data for nitrogen and the isotopic data for carbon point to the existence of heterogeneities among the noble gas-, carbon- and nitrogen-bearing phases and, thus, preservation of discrete components from the variety of source regions (or production mechanisms, or both) sampled by the Allende parent body. In sharp contrast to the success of physical and chemical methods in yielding samples in which one of the major noble gas components predominates to an extraordinary degree over the other, carbon isotopic compositions that have been inferred for the respective carrier phases in these same samples are strongly contradictory. Mass and isotope balance considerations lead us to conclude that a major fraction of the carbonaceous matter in Allende is noble-gas-poor, a result that could be confirmed by direct isolation of a sample, the carbon in which is dominated by this variety; and for that reason no simple relationship is discernable yet between observed isotopic compositions and either major noble gas component. Similar ambiguities may exist for nitrogen. The possible relationship between carbon-rich phases in ureilites and carbonaceous chondrites is considered.  相似文献   

Noble gases, C and S are lost from Allende samples heated for 1 week at temperatures of 400–1000°C in a low pressure environment. In the extreme, losses of 3He and 4He are ~ 100 × while for C. S and Ne, Ar and Kr isotopes and 132Xe. these are ≤10 ×. Except for He, these losses are less severe than those of Bi or Tl from samples heated in the same runs. Significant He. Ne and Ar isotopic fractionation during heating indicates preferential outgassing of specific reservoirs. Apparent activation energies for all species generally indicate loss controlled by a diffusive process. Next to He, 40Ar is the most labile of those species considered here but still less so than Bi or Tl. L-group (but not H- or LL-group) chondrites may have lost mobile elements like Tl while being outgassed after late impact-associated heating. A less likely alternative possibility involving a collateral relation between condensation conditions and depth in a parent object may also explain the L-group trend.  相似文献   

We describe the analytical techniques developed for the precise measurement of the titanium isotope abundances using a TiO+ ion beam. Terrestrial, lunar, and bulk meteorite samples yield identical results. Using a normalization to 46Ti48Ti for mass dependent isotope fractionation, we obtain the normal Ti composition: 46Ti48Ti = 0.108548; 47Ti48Ti = 0.099315 ± 0.000005; 49Ti48Ti = 0.074463 ± 0.000004; 50Ti48Ti = 0.072418 ± 0.000004 (2σ grand mean), taking 18O16O = 0.002045 and 17O16O = 0.00037. Measurements on thirteen coarse-grained and fine-grained Ca-Al-Ti-rich inclusions from the Allende and Leoville meteorites show the presence of widespread, significant, nonlinear isotope anomalies in the Ti isotopes which were not used for normalization. The data require the addition of at least three exotic components. The distinct correlation of non-linear effects for the most neutron-rich isotopes of Ca and Ti and the absence of substantial effects at 46Ca in the FUN samples EK-1-4-1 and C-1 indicate that the effects reflect neutron-rich equilibrium or quasi-equilibrium nucleosynthetic processes in the outer layers of a supernova core. The results on Ca and Ti in conjunction with the isotopic effects on other elements (Mg, Sr, Ba, Nd, Sm) show that the samples represent mixtures of different nucleosynthetic components from distinctive processes (‘e’, ‘r’, ‘p’) which do not appear to be related to processes in the same stellar sites.  相似文献   

Atmospheric Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe are observed in fluids occurring in deep basins. Modifications of their abundance patterns reveal modes of recharge and brine formation, phase separations during boiling, and association of natural gas with water or oil. Radiogenic 4He and 40Ar serve as age indicators of entrapped fluids, effective over a significant portion of the geological time scale. Simultaneous application of δ13C, atmospheric noble gases and radiogenic 4He and 40Ar, is recommended to identify: (a) recent bacterial natural gas formation, not accompanied by oil, and (b) natural gas formed along with oil in a mature source rock.  相似文献   

Meteorite “finds” from the terrestrial hot deserts have become a major contributor to the inventory of Martian meteorites. In order to understand their nitrogen and noble gas components, we have carried out stepped heating experiments on samples from two Martian meteorites collected from hot deserts. We measured interior and surface bulk samples, glassy and non-glassy portions of Dar al Gani 476 and Sayh al Uhaymir 005. We have also analyzed noble gases released from the Antarctic shergottite Lewis Cliff 88516 by crushing and stepped heating. For the hot desert meteorites significant terrestrial Ar, Kr, Xe contamination is observed, with an elementally fractionated air (EFA) component dominating the low temperature releases. The extremely low Ar/Kr/Xe ratios of EFA may be the result of multiple episodes of trapping/loss during terrestrial alteration involving aqueous fluids. We suggest fractionation processes similar to those in hot deserts to have acted on Mars, with acidic weathering on the latter possibly even more effective in producing elementally fractionated components. Addition from fission xenon is apparent in DaG 476 and SaU 005. The Ar-Kr-Xe patterns for LEW 88516 show trends as typically observed in shergottites - including evidence for a crush-released component similar to that observed in EETA 79001. A trapped Ne component most prominent in the surface sample of DaG 476 may represent air contamination. It is accompanied by little trapped Ar (20Ne/36Ar > 50) and literature data suggest its presence also in some Antarctic finds. Data for LEW 88516 and literature data, on the other hand, suggest the presence of two trapped Ne components of Martian origin characterized by different 20Ne/22Ne, possibly related to the atmosphere and the interior. Caution is recommended in interpreting nitrogen and noble gas isotopic signatures of Martian meteorites from hot deserts in terms of extraterrestrial sources and processes. Nevertheless our results provide hope that vice-versa, via noble gases and nitrogen in meteorites and other relevant samples from terrestrial deserts, Martian secondary processes can be studied.  相似文献   

There are two types of white, coarse-grained, Ca-Al-rich inclusions in Allende. Type A inclusions contain 80–85 per cent melilite, 15–20 per cent spinel, 1–2 per cent perovskite and rare plagioclase, hibonite, wollastonite and grossularite. Clinopyroxene, if present, is restricted to thin rims around inclusions or cavities in their interiors. Type B inclusions contain 35–60 per cent pyroxene, 15–30 per cent spinel, 5–25 per cent plagioclase and 5–20 per cent melilite. The coarse pyroxene crystals in Type B's contain >15 per cent Al2O3 and >1.8 per cent Ti, some of which is trivalent. Type A pyroxenes contain <9 per cent Al2O3 and <0.7 per cent Ti.Electron microprobe analyses of 600 melilite, 39 pyroxene, 35 plagioelase, 33 spinel and 20 perovskite grains were performed in 16 Type A, 1 intermediate and 9 Type B inclusions in Allende and 1 Type A in Grosnaja. Melilite composition histograms from individual Type A inclusions are usually peaked between Ak10 and Ak30 and are 15–20 mole % wide while those from Type B inclusions are broader, unpeaked and displaced to higher åkermanite contents. Most pyroxenes contain < 1 per cent FeO. All plagioclase is An 98 to An 100. Spinel is almost pure MgAl2O4. Perovskite contains small (< 1 per cent) but significant amounts of Mg, Al, Fe, Y, Zr and Nb.Inferred bulk chemical compositions of Type A inclusions are rather close to those expected for high-temperature condensates. Those of Type B inclusions suggest slightly lower temperatures but their Ca/Al ratio seems less than the Type A's, indicating that the Type B's may not be their direct descendants. Some textural features suggest that the inclusions are primordial solid condensetes while others indicate that they may have been melted after condensation. Fragmentation and metamorphism may have also occurred after condensation.  相似文献   

This study Investigates a tracing method using dissolved noble gases to survey the groundwater flow in a large groundwater basin. The tracing method is based on measuring the concentrations of noble gases and the ratio of helium isotopes in groundwater samples. Since it is very difficult to detect trace amounts of noble gases and helium with high accuracy in a 15-ml groundwater sample, dissolved gases were extracted and purified, then a high-resolution mass spectrometer was used for measurement and comparison with standard samples. We used this method with samples from a confined aquifer formed by the deposition of pyroclastic flow in the Kumamoto Plain on the west side of Mt. Aso in central Kyushu, Japan. The groundwater basin under the plain is divided into four small basins, based on the helium concentrations and isotope ratios, with two major groundwater flows. One flow is buried by the Aso pyroclastic flow along the old Kase River; the other is along the Tsuboi River Valley. These two groundwater flows were identified from the different helium isotope-ratios. The helium component from the deep mantle is mixed into the groundwater under the Kumamoto Plain. Finally, data on the concentrations and ratios of3He to4He in groundwater samples were used to determine the location of faults in the volcanic aquifer.  相似文献   

Abundances and isotopic compositions of Ne (in bulk samples only), Ar, Kr, and Xe have been investigated in 6 monomict, 3 polymict, and the diamond-free ureilite ALH78019 and their acid-resistant, C-rich residues. Isotopic ratios of Kr and Xe are very uniform and agree with data for ureilites from the literature. The measured ratio 38Ar/36Ar showed large variations due to an experimental artifact. This is shown to be connected to the pressure dependence of the instrumental mass discrimination, which for ureilites with their low abundance of 40Ar is different from that of the usual air standard. This observation necessitates a reassessment for the recently reported 36Ar excesses due to possible decay of extinct 36Cl in the Efremovka meteorite.Trapped 22Ne in the range of (1.4-2.5) × 10−8 cc STP/g is present in bulk ureilites. A Ne three-isotope plot for polymict ureilites indicates the presence of solar Ne. 21Ne-based cosmic ray exposure ages for the 10 ureilites studied range from 0.1 Ma (for ALH78019) to 46.8 Ma (for EET83309)All ureilites may have started with nearly the same initial elemental ratio (132Xe/36Ar)0, established in the nebula during gas trapping into their carbon carrier phases (diamond, amorphous C) by ion implantation. Whereas diamonds are highly retentive, amorphous C has suffered gas loss due to parent body metamorphism. The correlation of the elemental ratios 132Xe/36Ar and 84Kr/36Ar along the mass fractionation line could be understood as a two-component mixture of the unaffected diamond gases and the fractionated (to varying degrees) gases from amorphous C. In this view, the initial ratio (132Xe/36Ar)0 is a measure of the plasma temperature in the nebula at the formation location of the carbon phases. Its lack of correlation with Δ17O (a signature of the silicate formation location) indicates that carbon phases and silicates formed independently in the nebula, and not from a carbon-rich magmaThe elemental ratios 132Xe/36Ar and 84Kr/36Ar in carbon-rich acid residues show a decreasing trend with depth (inferred from carbon consumption during combustion), which can be interpreted as a consequence of the ion implantation mechanism of gas trapping that leads to greater depth of implantation for lighter mass ionThe similarity between trapped gases in phase Q in primitive chondrites and the C phases in ureilites—for both elemental and isotopic compositions—strongly suggests that phase Q might also have received its noble gases by ion implantation from the nebula. The slight differences in the elemental ratios can be explained by a plasma temperature at the location of phase Q gas loading that was about 2000 K lower than for ureilite C phases. This inference is also consistent with the finding that the trapped ratio 129Xe/132Xe (1.042 ± 0.002) in phase Q is slightly higher, compared to that of ureilite C phases (1.035 ± 0.002), as a consequence of in situ decay of 129I, and becomes observable due to higher value of I/Xe in phase Q as a result of ion implantation at about 2000 K lower plasma temperature.  相似文献   

Concentrations of the REE, Sc, Co, Fe, Zn, Ir, Na and Cr were determined by instrumental neutron activation and mass spectrometric isotope dilution analysis for mineral separates of the coarseand fine-grained types (group I and II of Martin and Mason's classification) of the Allende inclusions.These data, combined with data on mineral/liquid partition coefficients, oxygen isotope distributions and diffusion calculations, suggest the following: (1) Minerals in the coarse-grained inclusions (group I) crystallized in a closed system with respect to refractory elements. On the other hand, differences in oxygen isotope distributions among minerals preclude a totally molten stage in the history of the inclusion. Group I inclusions were formed by rapid condensation (either to liquid or solid) in a supercooled solar nebula; extrasolar pyroxene and spinel dust were included but not melted in the condensing inclusions, thus preserving their extrasolar oxygen isotope composition. REE were distributed by diffusion during the subsequent heating at subsolidus temperatures; because oxygen diffuses much more slowly at these temperatures, the oxygen isotope anomalies were preserved. (2) The fine-grained (group II) inclusions were also formed by condensation from a super-cooled nebular gas; however, REE-rich clinopyroxene and spinel were formed early and REE-poor sodalite and nepheline were formed later and mechanically mixed with clinopyroxene and spinel to form the inclusions. The REE patterns of the bulk inclusions and the mineral separates are fractionated, indicating that REE abundances in the gaseous phase were already fractionated at the time of condensation of the minerals. (3) Pre-existing Mg isotope anomalies in the coarse-grained inclusions must have been erased during the heating stage thus resetting the 26Al-26Mg chronometer.  相似文献   

Aubrites are achondritic meteorites (enstatite pyroxenites) that were formed in highly reduced magmatic environments on a differentiated parent body sharing a common oxygen isotope reservoir with enstatite chondrites (EC), Earth and Moon, and could be considered as a geochemical model of the early proto-Earth. Some pyroxenes of the Pesyanoe aubrite have high abundance of gaseous inclusions, captured during the crystallization of the rocks. Investigation of the inclusions by IR spectroscopy reveals presence of OH groups and C–H bonds. The former are assigned to protonated point defects in enstatite lattice and the latter to compounds occupying void walls. Molecular water and CO2 were not observed. Volatile components released from the samples of the Pesyanoe enstatite by stepwise crushing and heating are composed of CO2, H2O and a non-condensable phase. Hydrogen isotopic composition of volatiles extracted in form of molecular water in Px-separates varies in the range δD = −61 – −84‰ with mean value of δD = −73 ± 16‰ VSMOW and is within the ranges of ECs and Earth’s mantle. The total abundance of H2 in the pyroxene of Pesyanoe were estimated as at least 0.047 ppm that is too low in comparison with that of enstatite chondrites (≥30 ppm H2) and could indicate nearly complete degassing of the Pesyanoe primitive precursor material during the Pesyanoe parent body accretion or a mantle degassing in igneous differentiation process. In a last case a primitive precursor could have D/H ratio different from that of enstatite chondrites.  相似文献   

The 26Al, light rare gas and major and minor element contents of Al-rich and poor samples separated from Allende. Bereba and Junivas have been measured. The production rate of 21Ne from Al (21PAl) is (1.9 ± 0.6) × 21PSi and 2221PAl = 1.4 ± 0.4. The 3He, 21Ne and 38Ar exposure ages of the eucritic pyroxenes agree suggesting complete cosmogenic gas retention. The eucritic feldspars have lost virtually all 3He and most radiogenic 4He. The equation 26Al = 0.42 ± 0.41 Mg + 2.74 ± 0.21 Si + 4.92 ± 0.51 Al + 1.33 S + 0.24 Ca + 0.03 Fe reproduces within 15% our 26Al measurements and the average values measured in ordinary chondrites without recourse to unusual cosmic-ray effects.  相似文献   

We have prepared a HF-HCl residue and its oxidized residue of the Allende meteorite and have measured the elemental concentrations and the isotopic compositions of noble gases. In the HF-HCl reside, noble gases are enriched in colloidal fraction compared to the non-colloidal fraction by a factor of 2-4. The heavy noble gases were evidently lost after the oxidization, indicating that phase Q (carrier of planetary heavy noble gases) was removed by the oxidation. The Raman spectroscopic parameters show that the colloidal fraction of the HF-HCl residue is more amorphous compared to the non-colloidal fraction. As the ion irradiation converts carbon into a more amorphous form, our result indicates that the “plasma model” is more plausible than the “labyrinth model” as the origin of phase Q. TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope) observations also show such a trace of ion irradiation. While the TEM observations did not show any large difference between the HF-HCl residue and its oxidized residue, the Raman spectroscopic parameters changed discretely resulting from the oxidization. This observation indicates that the oxidization not only dissolved and removed oxidized carbon, but also changed the carbon structure itself to a more amorphous (disordered) state. The Raman spectroscopic results indicate the possibility that release of Q-gas during oxidation is not accompanied by mass loss and that the release of Q-gas simply resulted from rearrangement of carbon structure during oxidation.  相似文献   

The two textural varieties of olivine-rich Allende inclusions (rimmed and unrimmed olivine aggregates) consist primarily of a porous, fine-grained mafic constituent (inclusion matrix) that differs from the opaque meteorite matrix of CV3 chondrites by being relatively depleted in sulfides, metal grains, and (perhaps) carbonaceous material. Olivine is the most abundant mineral in Allende inclusion matrix; clinopyroxene, nepheline, sodalite, and Ti-Al-pyroxene occur in lesser amounts. Olivine in unrimmed olivine aggregates (Type 1A inclusions) is ferrous and has a narrow compositional range (Fo50–65). Olivine in rimmed olivine aggregates (Type 1B inclusions) is, on average, more magnesian, with a wider compositional range (Fo53–96). Olivine grains in the granular rims of Type 1B inclusions are zoned, with magnesian cores (Fo>80) and ferrous rinds (Fo<70). Ferrous olivines (Fo<65) in both varieties of inclusions commonly contain significant amounts of Al2O3 (as much as ~0.7 wt%), CaO (as much as ~0.4 wt%), and TiO2 (as much as ~0.2 wt%), refractory elements that probably occur in submicroscopic inclusions of Ca,Al,Ti-rich glass (rather than in the olivine crystal structure). Defocussed beam analyses of Allende matrix materials demonstrate that: (1) inclusion matrix in Type 1A inclusions is more enriched in olivine and FeO than inclusion matrix in the cores of Type 1B inclusions; (2) opaque matrix materials are depleted in feldspathoids and enriched in sulfides and metal grains relative to inclusion matrix; (3) the bulk compositions of Type 1A and Type 1B inclusions overlap; and (4) excluding sulfides and metal, the bulk compositions of Allende matrix materials cluster in a complementary pattern around the bulk composition of C1 chondrites.Inclusion matrix and meteorite matrix in Allende and other CV3 chondrites are probably relatively primitive nebular material, but a careful evaluation of the equilibrium condensation model suggests that these matrix materials do not consist of crystalline phases that formed under equilibrium conditions in a relatively cool gas of solar composition. Allende inclusion matrix is interpreted as an aggregate of condensates that formed under relatively oxidizing, non-equilibrium conditions from supercooled, supersaturated vapors produced during the vaporization of interstellar dust by aerodynamic drag heating in the solar nebula; CV3 meteorite matrix contains, in addition, a proportion of interstellar material that was heated (but not vaporized) in the nebula. Granular olivine in rimmed olivine aggregates may have formed during the recrystallization and incipient melting of aggregates of inclusion matrix in the nebula. The mineral chemistry of matrix olivine in Allende seems to have been established by three different processes: non-equilibrium vapor → solid condensation; recrystallization and partial melting in the nebula; and FeMg equilibration (without textural homogenization) in the meteorite parent body.  相似文献   

凡口铅锌矿闪锌矿样品40Ar/39Ar真空击碎实验释出较高的39Ark,电子探针分析证实了闪锌矿中含有丰富的钾矿物微晶,因此对该闪锌矿真空击碎分析后的固体粉末继续进行40Ar/39Ar阶段加热分析.真空击碎分析获得了两条明显分开的等时线,对应的等时线年龄~235 Ma和~270 Ma分别代表了次生、原生流体包裹体的形成年龄.固体粉末阶段加热分析获得了闪锌矿中钾矿物微晶的年龄为~271 Ma,与该闪锌矿原生包裹体年龄一致,代表了闪锌矿的成矿年龄.真空击碎和阶段加热实验得到截然不同的K/Ca比值,表明真空击碎法提取的气体主要来自流体包裹体,而加热法释出的气体则主要来自钾矿物微晶.闪锌矿40Ar/39At真空击碎与阶段加热分析技术将为探索铅锌矿床直接定年提供新的技术手段.  相似文献   

We have made a detailed examination of the mineralogy, textures and assemblages of six calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAI) in the Allende meteorite. They can be classified into four types—hibonite-bearing, fassaite- and olivine-bearing, feldspathoid-bearing and fassaite-bearing CAI that are hibonite and olivine free. Examples of each type appear to have crystallized from a liquid rather than by agglomeration of solid nebular condensates. Some lines of evidence for a liquid origin are (1) the presence of spherical and ovoid shapes, (2) rims containing minerals (e.g. hibonite, perovskite) that are more refractory than minerals inside the inclusion, (3) eutectic and poikilitic textures, (4) minerals that are completely enclosed by more refractory minerals and (5) glass and fine-grained grossular stringers.Thermodynamic calculations and comparisons with liquidus phase diagrams indicate that the CAI could have been produced by direct condensation to metastable subcooled liquids that subsequently crystallized (blander and Katz, 1967) or by remelting of an equilibrium high-temperature condensate by impact. The diopside rims in some hibonite-bearing CAI and the paucity of metal in fassaite-olivinebearing CAI are more consistent with direct condensation of a liquid. The sluggishness of solid-solid reactions at the relatively high temperatures at which the CAI formed argues against assuming equilibrium in calculations at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

The hydrogeological conditions in Uludag (Nilufer River catchment, Bursa, Turkey) were assessed, using time-domain electromagnetic soundings, electrical resistivity and induced polarisation tomography, to detect the most promising zones for new water-well siting, in order to increase the quantity of water for bottling. The hydrogeological model is quite complex: deep mineral and thermal water rises from a main vertical fault which separates two lithological complexes. The highly mineralised (deep) water is naturally mixed with low mineralised water at a shallow depth, 30–40 m; the mixed mineral water is found in some surface springs and shallow wells, while the highly mineralised water is found at depth in some unused deep wells located close to the main fault. All the water points (springs and wells) are located inside a “mineral water belt” on the north side of the Nilufer River. The geophysical survey confirmed the hydrogeological model and highlighted four promising zones for well siting (zones with very low electrical resistivity and high induced polarisation anomalies, corresponding to the main water-bearing faults). One of the geophysical anomalies, the furthest from the exploited sources, was verified by means of a test well; the drilling results have confirmed the water mixing model.  相似文献   

Azraq Oasis in the eastern Jordanian desert is an important freshwater resource of the country. Shallow groundwater reserves are heavily exploited since the 1980s and in consequence the groundwater table dropped significantly. Furthermore, some wells of the major well field drilled into the shallow aquifer show an increasing mineralization over the past 20 years. A previous study using conventional tracers did not result in a satisfactory explanation, from where the salt originates and why only a few wells are affected. In this study, the application of dissolved noble gases in combination with other tracer methods reveals a complex mixing pattern leading to the very localized salinization within the well field. It is found that primarily the wells affected by salinization 1) contain distinctly more radiogenic 4He than the other wells, indicating higher groundwater age, and 2) exhibit 3He/4He ratios that argue for an imprint of deep fluids from the Earth's mantle.However, the saline middle aquifer below is virtually free of mantle helium, which infers an upstream from an even deeper source through a nearby conductive fault. The local restriction of the salinization process is explained by the wide range of permeabilities of the involved geologic units. As the wells abstract water from the whole depth profile, they initially pump water mainly from the well conductive top rock layer. As the groundwater table dropped, this layer fell progressively dry and, depending on the local conductivity profile, some wells began to incorporate more water from the deeper part of the shallow aquifer into the discharge. These are the wells affected by salinization, because according to the presented scheme the deep part of the shallow aquifer is enriched in both salt and mantle fluids.  相似文献   

Trapped and cosmogenic Ne and Ar were measured in Ca,Al-rich aggregates and chondrules, mafic chondrules, and bulk and matrix samples from the Allende C3V chondritic meteorite to investigate the possible occurrence of anomalous isotopic compositions of noble gases that would correlate with oxygen or magnesium isotopic anomalies previously found in this meteorite.Large enrichments of both 22Ne and 36Ar were observed in low-temperature release fractions from several Ca,Al-rich inclusions, but the enrichments are consistent with galactic cosmic-ray production of 22Ne by spallation from sodium and 36Ar by neutron capture on chlorine. Trapped neon in matrix samples is comprised of two distinctive compositions, with (20Ne/22Ne)t equal to 8.7 ± 0.1 and 10.4 ± 1.0, that appear to correlate with the two gas-rich trace phases chromite/carbon and ‘Q’ described by Lewis et al. (1975). Several Ca,Al-rich aggregates which have high contents of the volatile elements Na, Cl, K, and Rb also contain trapped neon. However, no neon-E has been identified in any of the samples studied, including samples of several inclusions known to contain isotopically anomalous oxygen and magnesium.  相似文献   

To simulate trapping of noble gases by meteorites, we reacted 15 FeCr or FeCrNi alloy samples with CO, H2O or H2S at 350–720 K, in the presence of noble gases. The reaction products, including (Fe,Cr)2O3, FeCr2S4, FeS, C, and Fe3C, were analyzed by mass spectrometry, usually after chemical separation by selective solvents. Three carbon samples were prepared by catalytic decomposition of CO or by dehydration of carbohydrates with H2SO4.The spinel and carbon samples were similar to those of earlier studies (Yang et al., 1982 and Yang and Anders, 1982), with only minor effects attributable to the presence of Ni. All samples sorted substantial amounts of noble gases, with distribution coefficients of 10?1–10?2 cm3 STP/g atm for Xe. On the basis of release temperature three gas components were distinguished: a generally dominant physisorbed component (20–80% of total), and two more strongly bound, chemisorbed and trapped components. Judging from the elemental pattern, the adsorbed components were acquired at the highest noble gas partial pressure encountered by the sample—atmosphere or synthesis vessel.Sulfides, particularly daubréelite, showed three distinctive trends relative to chromite or magnetite: the high-T component was larger, 30–70% of the total; NeXe ratios were higher, by up to 102, possibly due to preferential diffusion of Ne during synthesis. In one synthesis, at relatively high P, the gases were sorbed with only minimal elemental fractionation, presumably by occlusion.Most of the features of primordial noble gases can be explained in terms of the data and concepts presented in the three papers of this series. The elemental fractionation pattern of Ar, Kr, Xe in meteorites, terrestrial rocks, and planets resembles the adsorption pattern on the solids studied: carbon, spinels, Sulfides, etc. The variation in NeAr ratio may be explained by preferential diffusion of Ne. The high release temperature of meteoritic noble gases may be explained by transformation of physisorbed to chemisorbed gas, as observed in some experiments. The ready loss of meteoritic heavy gases on surficial oxidation (“Phase Q”) is consistent with adsorption, as is the high abundance. Extrapolation of the limited laboratory data suggests that the observed amounts of noble gases could have been adsorbed from a solar gas at 160–170 K and 10?6–10?5 atm, i.e. in the early contraction stages of the solar nebula. The principal unsolved problem is the origin of isotopically anomalous, apparently mass-fractionated noble gases in the Earth's atmosphere and in meteoritic carbon and chromite.  相似文献   

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