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Previous estimates of the composition of the EPB have tacitly assumed chondritic abundances of refractory LIL elements. A model is presented here which utilizes refractory element ratios instead. Consideration of these ratios and of known olivine-liquid partition coefficients for Sc, Mg and Si imply that the EPB mantle may be accurately modeled as a simple mixture of 25% eucrite + 75% olivine. The model also implies that eucrites such as Juvinas and Sioux County were derived by large degrees of partial melting (20–30%). Comparison of the model EPB mantle to known meteorite classes indicates a similarity between the element abundances of the EPB and C3 chondrites.  相似文献   

We have undertaken petrologic and SHRIMP U-Th-Pb isotopic studies on zircons from basaltic eucrites (Yamato [Y]-75011, Y-792510, Asuka [A]-881388, A-881467 and Padvarninkai) with different thermal and shock histories. Eucritic zircons are associated with ilmenite in most cases and have subhedral shapes in unmetamorphosed and metamorphosed eucrites. Some zircons in highly metamorphosed eucrites with granulitic texture occur alone in pyroxene, and typically have rounded to subrounded shapes due to recrystallization. Superchondritic Zr/Hf ratios of eucritic zircons indicate that they crystallized from incompatible element-rich melts after crystallization of ilmenite. Concentrations of uranium and thorium in zircons in the unmetamorphosed eucrite Y-75011 are higher than those in metamorphosed eucrites.The U-Pb systems of eucritic zircons are almost concordant but some zircon grains show reverse discordance. Radiogenic lead-loss up to 48% from zircons is observed in the shock-melted eucrite Padvarninkai. The 207Pb-206Pb ages of zircon in Y-75011 (4550 ± 9 Ma, n = 5) are nearly identical, within analytical uncertainty, to the ages of zircons from the metamorphosed eucrite Y-792510 (4545 ± 15 Ma, n = 13), the highly metamorphosed eucrites A-881388 (4555 ± 54 Ma, n = 5) and A-881467 (4558 ± 13 Ma, n = 8), and the shock-melted eucrite Padvarninkai (4555 ± 13 Ma, n = 18). The averaged 207Pb-206Pb age of zircon from five eucrites analyzed in this study is 4554 ± 7 Ma (95% confidence limits, n = 49), indistinguishable from the averaged U-Pb age (4552 ± 9 Ma) of the same samples. Because of the high closure temperature of lead in zircon (Tclosure = ∼1050°C with a cooling rate of 0.2°C/yr), the 207Pb-206Pb ages of eucritic zircon do not represent metamorphic ages but crystallization ages of extrusive lavas.This fact strongly suggests that volcanism of the eucrite parent body occurred at a very early stage of the Solar System history, 7-20 Ma after CAI formation (4567.2 ± 0.6 Ma), thus basaltic eucrites crystallized from parental magmas within a short interval following the differentiation of their parent body. The U-Pb ages of eucritic zircons are older than the U-Pb, Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr ages of some basaltic eucrites, which is consistent with differences in closure temperatures of each isotopic system, and suggests that thermal and shock metamorphism affected the isotopic systems of pyroxene, plagioclase and phosphates.  相似文献   

Eucrites are extraterrestrial plagioclase-pigeonite basalts. Experimental studies suggest that they were produced by partial melting of an olivine (Fo65)-pigeonite (Wo5En65)-plagioclase (An94)-spinel-metal source region. Quantitative modeling of the evolution of REE abundances in the eucrites indicates that the main group of eucrites (e.g. Juvinas) may be produced by approximately 10% equilibrium partial melting of a source region with initial REE abundances which were chondritic relative and absolute. Other eucrites appear to represent greater (e.g. Sioux County—15%) or smaller (e.g. Stannern—4%) degrees of melting. Moore County and Serra de Magé appear to be cumulates of pyroxene and plagioclase produced by fractional crystallization of a Juvinas-like melt. Nuevo Laredo may represent a residual liquid after such fractional crystallization. Our calculations are consistent with the conclusion that the eucrites were derived from a single type of source region. The close correspondence of the age of the eucrites (? 4.6 AE) to the age of the solar system appears to preclude the possibility of extensive chemical differentiation of the eucrite parent body prior to the event which produced the eucritic melts. Thus our calculations have yielded not only the mode of the source region but, assuming homogeneous accretion, the mode and hence the bulk composition of the eucrite parent body as well. We are unable to estimate quantitatively the ratio of metal to olivine in the parent body. If no metal is present, the bulk composition (in oxide wt%) is Na2O—0.04, MgO—29.7, Al2O3—1.8, SiO2—39.0, CaO—1.2, FeO—28.3. If, in contrast, the parent body contained 30% metal, the bulk composition of the silicate portion of the eucrite parent body is Na2O—0.06, MgO—28.0, Al2O3—2.6, SiO2—41.3, CaO—1.9, FeO—26.3. Relative abundances of the meteorites suggest that the eucrite parent body is still intact. The solar system object most closely resembling the eucrites is asteroid 4 Vesta. Because Vesta is unique among the asteroids, we have license to conclude that it is the source of the eucrites and its bulk composition is close to the analyses given above.  相似文献   

The solid metal/silicate melt partition coefficient for W has been determined experimentally to have a value of 25 ± 5 at 1190°C and an oxygen fugacity of 10?13.4, the temperature and oxygen fugacity conditions at which eucritic basalts formed. Given this partition coefficient, scenarios for the metal content and evolution of the eucrite parent body (EPB) are constructed to explain the reduction by a factor of 30, relative to the chondrites, of the WLa ratio in the eucrites.A possible model for the early geologic history of the EPB begins with accretion of a parent body, chondritic in composition with respect to nonvolatile siderophile and lithophile elements. The solid metal content was between 2% and 10%, which is within the range observed in the ordinary chondrites. Subsequent heating of the EPB caused the metal phase to separate and become isolated from the silicate phases before the degree of partial melting of the silicates reached 4% to 5%. Equilibrium partitioning of most of the W into the solid metal phase at low degrees of partial melting reduced the WLa ratio in the remaining silicates. Continued partial melting of the silicates generated primary eucritic magmas which recorded the reduced WLa ratio.  相似文献   

A few eucrites have anomalous oxygen isotopic compositions. To help understand their origin and identify additional samples, we have analyzed the oxygen isotopic compositions of 18 eucrites and four diogenites. Except for five eucrites, these meteorites have Δ17O values that lie within 2σ of their mean value viz., −0.242 ± 0.016‰, consistent with igneous isotopic homogenization of Vesta. The five exceptional eucrites—NWA 1240, Pasamonte (both clast and matrix samples), PCA 91007, A-881394, and Ibitira—have Δ17O values that lie, respectively, 4σ, 5σ, 5σ, 15σ, and 21σ away from this mean value. NWA 1240 has a δ18O value that is 5σ below the mean eucrite value. Four of the five outliers are unbrecciated and unshocked basaltic eucrites, like NWA 011, the first eucrite found to have an anomalous oxygen isotopic composition. The fifth outlier, Pasamonte, is composed almost entirely of unequilibrated basaltic clasts. Published chemical data for the six eucrites with anomalous oxygen isotopic compositions (including NWA 011) exclude contamination by chondritic projectiles as a source of the oxygen anomalies. Only NWA 011 has an anomalous Fe/Mn ratio, but several anomalous eucrites have exceptional Na, Ti, or Cr concentrations. We infer that the six anomalous eucrites are probably derived from five distinct Vesta-like parent bodies (Pasamonte and PCA 91007 could come from one body). These anomalous eucrites, like the isotopically normal, unbrecciated eucrites with 4.48 Gyr Ar-Ar ages, are probably deficient in brecciation and shock effects because they were sequestered in small asteroids (10 km diameter) during the Late Heavy Bombardment following ejection from Vesta-like bodies. The preservation of Vesta’s crust and the lack of deeply buried samples from the hypothesized Vesta-like bodies are consistent with the removal of these bodies from the asteroid belt by gravitational perturbations from planets and protoplanets, rather than by collisional grinding.  相似文献   

We performed instrumental neutron activation analysis on a large suite of antarctic and nonantarctic eucrites, including unbrecciated, brecciated, and polymict eucrites and cumulate and noncumulate eucrites. We evaluate the use of Hf and Ta, two highly incompatible elements, as sensitive indicators of partial melting or fractional crystallization processes. Comparison with rare earth element (REE) data from nonantarctic and antarctic eucrites shows that Hf and Ta are unaffected by the terrestrial alteration that has modified the REE contents and patterns of some antarctic eucrites. The major host phases for Hf and Ta—zircon, baddeleyite, ilmenite, and titanite—are much less susceptible to terrestrial alteration than the phosphate hosts of REEs. The host phases for Hf and Ta are minor or trace phases, so sample heterogeneity is a serious concern for obtaining representative compositions. The trace lithophile and siderophile element contents of noncumulate eucrites do not allow for a single, simple model for the petrogenesis of the howardite-eucrite-diogenite suite. Fractional crystallization models cannot reproduce the compositional relationship between eucrites of the main group-Nuevo Laredo trend and those of the Stannern trend. Equilibrium crystallization models cannot explain the trace element diversity observed among diogenites. Partial melting models cannot explain the W variations among eucrites, unless source regions had different metal contents. We suggest that slight variations in oxygen fugacity of eucrite source regions during partial melting can explain the W variations without requiring different metal contents. This hypothesis may fail to account for eucrite Co contents, however.  相似文献   

We investigate petrologic and physical aspects of melt extraction on the parent asteroid of the ureilite meteorites (UPB). We first develop a petrologic model for simultaneous melting and smelting (reduction of FeO by C) at various depths. For a model starting composition, determined from petrologic constraints to have been CV-like except for elevated Ca/Al (2.5 × CI), we determine (1) degree of melting, (2) the evolution of mg, (3) production of CO + CO2 gas and (4) the evolution of mineralogy in the residue as a function of temperature and pressure. We then use these relationships to examine implications of fractional vs. batch melt extraction.In the shallowest source regions (∼30 bars), melting and smelting begin simultaneously at ∼1050 °C, so that mg and the abundance of low-Ca pyroxene (initially pigeonite, ultimately pigeonite + orthopyroxene) begin to increase immediately. However, in the deepest source regions (∼100 bars), smelting does not begin until ∼1200 °C, so that mg begins to increase and low-Ca pyroxene (pigeonite) appears only after ∼21% melting. The final residues in these two cases, obtained just after the demise of augite, match the end-members of the ureilite mg range (∼94-76) in pyroxene abundance and type. In all source regions, production of CO + CO2 by smelting varies over the course of melting. The onset of smelting results in a burst of gas production and very high incremental gas/melt ratios (up to ∼2.5 by mass); after a few % (s)melting, however, these values drastically decline (to <0.05 in the final increments).Physical modelling based on these relationships indicates that melts would begin to migrate upwards after only ∼1-2% melting, and thereafter would migrate continuously (fractionally) and rapidly (reaching the surface in < a year) in a network of veins/dikes. All melts produced during the smelting stage in each source region have gas contents sufficient to cause them to erupt explosively and be lost. However, since in all but the shallowest source regions part of the melting sequence occurs without smelting, fractional melting implies that a significant fraction of UPB melts may have erupted more placidly to form a thin crust (∼3.3 km thick for a 100 km radius body).Our calculations suggest that melt extraction was so rapid that equilibrium trace element partitioning may not have been attained. We present a model for disequilibrium fractional melting (in which REE partitioning is limited by diffusion) on the UPB, and demonstrate that it produces a good match to the ureilite data. The disequilibrium model may also apply to trace siderophile elements, and might help explain the “overabundance” of these elements in ureilites relative to predictions from the smelting model.Our results suggest that melt extraction on the UPB was a rapid, fractional process, which can explain the preservation of a primitive oxygen isotopic signature on the UPB.  相似文献   

大辽河口存留时间和暴露时间数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究河口的物质输运机制,采用一个基于有限体积海岸海洋模式(FVCOM)的三维对流-扩散模式对大辽河口5个分区典型径流条件下的存留时间和暴露时间进行计算,得到了示踪物从河道第1次输送至入海河口的时间,以及随后返回河道里往复运动的时间,并据此统计得到回复系数以及表征各个分区之间相互影响的分区暴露时间矩阵。结果显示:潮汐、径流之间的相互作用控制着大辽河口的存留时间;暴露时间与存留时间的变化趋势一致,但大小差别很大,在枯、平、丰水期,暴露时间比存留时间分别多8 d、3 d、1 d;枯水期入海口河段回复系数可以达到0.94,示踪物会在这个区域多次回荡;除了涨急时刻的入海口河段,其他情况下大辽河下游分区对上游分区影响较小。  相似文献   

We develop a physical model of the thermal history of the ureilite parent body (UPB) that numerically tracks the history of its heating, hydration, dehydration, partial melting and smelting as a function of its formation time and the initial values of its composition, formation temperature and water ice content. Petrologic and chemical data from the main group (non-polymict) ureilite meteorites, which sample the interior of the UPB between depths corresponding to pressures in the range 3-10 MPa, are used to constrain the model. We find that to achieve the ∼30% melting inferred for ureilites from all sampled depths, the UPB must have had a radius between ∼80 and ∼130 km and must have accreted about 0.55 Ma after CAI formation. Melting began in the body at ∼1 Ma after CAI, and the time at which 30% melting was reached varied with depth in the asteroid but was always between ∼4.5 and ∼5.8 Ma after CAI. The total rate at which melt was produced in the UPB varied from more than 100 m3 s−1 in the very early stages of melting at ∼1 Ma after CAI to ∼5 m3 s−1 between 2 and 3 Ma after CAI, decreasing to extremely small values as the end of melting was approached beyond ∼5 Ma. Although the initial period of high melt production occupied only a short time around 1 Ma after CAI, it corresponded to ∼half (16%) of total silicate melting, and all strictly basaltic (i.e. plagioclase-saturated) melts must have been produced during this period.A very efficient melt transport network, consisting of a hierarchy of veins and larger pathways (dikes), developed quickly at the start of melting, ensuring rapid (timescales of months) transport of any single parcel of melt to shallow levels, thus ensuring that chemical interaction between melts and the rocks through which they subsequently passed was negligible. Volatile (mainly carbon monoxide) production due to smelting began at the start of silicate melting in the shallowest parts of the UPB and at later times at greater depths. Except at the very start and very end of melting, the volatile content of the melts produced was always high - generally between 15 and 35 mass % - and most of the melt produced was erupted at the surface of the UPB with speeds well in excess of the escape velocity and was lost into space. However, we show that 30% melting at the 3 MPa pressure level was only possible if ∼15% of the total melt produced in the asteroid was retained as a small number (∼5) of very extensive, sill-like intrusions centered at a depth of ∼7 km below the surface, near the base of the ∼8 km thick outer crust of the asteroid that was maintained at temperatures below the basalt solidus by conductive heat loss to the surface. The horizontal extents of these sills occupied about 75% of the surface area of the UPB, and the sills acted as buffers between the steady supply of melt from depth and the intermittent explosive eruption of the melt into space. We infer that samples from these intrusions are preserved as the rare feldspathic (loosely basaltic) clasts in polymict ureilites, and show that the cooling histories of the sills are consistent with these clasts reaching isotopic closure at ∼5 Ma after CAI, as given by 26Al-26Mg, 53Mn-53Cr and Pb-Pb age dates.  相似文献   

A brief discussion on the mean oceanic residence time of elements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mean oceanic residence times of elements obtained from deposition rates in deep-sea sediments are more representative than those obtained from river-input rates. The average concentration data of dissolved S, Au, Ag, Se, As, Hg, Sb, Zn, Sn, Cu and Pb in rivers contain large pollution and/or contamination components.  相似文献   

Diogenites are orthopyroxenites and harzburgites that are petrogenetically associated with basaltic magmatism linked to the earliest stages of asteroidal melting on the parent body for the howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) meteorites. There are several models proposed for their origin: (1) accumulation of orthopyroxene (OPX) + chromite (CHR) ± olivine (OL) during the crystallization of a magma ocean during the initial stages of asteroidal differentiation, (2) accumulation of OPX + CHR ± OL during the crystallization of compositionally distinct basaltic magmas emplaced into the crust of the HED parent body, and (3) the orthopyroxenites formed by the crystallization of basaltic magmas within the HED parent body crust, whereas the harzburgites represent the mantle of the HED parent body. Although OL and OPX experienced varying degrees of subsolidus reequilibration (1100-700 °C), their minor and trace element characteristics appear to partially preserve magmatic signatures that provide insights into distinguishing among different models for the origin of diogenites. The OPX exhibits a continuous and very systematic variation in incompatible elements such as Al, Ti, Zr, Y, and Yb. Polymict diogenites (i.e. Roda, EET 79002) can contain distinct lithologies with both different incompatible element characteristics and different model abundances of OL. There appears to be no relationship between the appearance and abundance of OL and the incompatible element characteristics of the OPX. The OL exhibits a range in Mg# and systematic variations Ni, Co, Ni/Co, and Mn. For examples, low Ni/Co appears to be closely associated with the harzburgites and Ni and Mn exhibit a negative correlation. Surprisingly, incompatible element concentrations in OPX are not negatively correlated to Ni concentrations in OL. The continuous nature of the minor and trace element characteristics of the OPX and OL is consistent with the all the diogenite lithologies forming through a single process such as crystallization within a magma ocean or a series of layered intrusions. Further, the range in incompatible element variability in the OPX, the Ni and Co systematics in the OL, and the association of distinctly different lithologies within polymict diogenites are most consistent with the diogenites representing lithologies from diverse layered intrusions. Alternatively, they may represent crystallization products of a magma ocean much more complex than has been thus far proposed (i.e. multiple MOs). There are some distinct differences between diogenites and the OL-rich achondrite QUE 93148 that was also analyzed during this study. These differences (such as Ni/Co in OL, estimated conditions of fO2) suggest that QUE 93148 is closely related to main-group pallasites rather than the parent bodies for the HED meteorites.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(6):1016-1029
Nitrate concentrations approaching and greater than the maximum contaminant level are impairing the viability of many groundwater basins as drinking water sources. Nitrate isotope data are effective in determining contaminant sources, especially when combined with other isotopic tracers such as stable isotopes of water and 3H–He ages to give insight into the routes and timing of NO3 inputs to the flow system. This combination of techniques is demonstrated in Livermore, CA, where it is determined that low NO3 reclaimed wastewater predominates in the NW, while two flowpaths with distinct NO3 sources originate in the SE. Along the eastern flowpath, δ15N values greater than 10‰ indicate that animal waste is the primary source. Diminishing concentrations over time suggest that contamination results from historical land use practices. The other flowpath begins in an area where rapid recharge, primarily of low-NO3 imported water (identified by stable isotopes of water and a 3H–He residence time of <1 year), mobilizes a significant local NO3 source, bringing groundwater concentrations up to 53 mg NO3 L−1. In this area, artificial recharge of imported water via local arroyos increases the flux of NO3 to the regional aquifer. The low δ15N value (3.1‰) in this location implicates synthetic fertilizer. In addition to these anthropogenic sources, natural NO3 background levels between 15 and 20 mg NO3 L−1 are found in deep wells with residence times greater than 50 a.  相似文献   

A simple model of annual average response of an estuary to mean nitrogen loading rate and freshwater residence time was developed and tested. It uses nitrogen inputs from land, deposition from the atmosphere, and first-order calculations of internal loss rate and net export to perform a steady-state analysis over a yearly cycle. The model calculates the fraction of total nitrogen input from land and the atmosphere that is exported and the fraction that is denitrified or lost to other processes within the estuary. The model was tested against data from the literature for 11 North American and European estuaries having a wide range of physical characteristics, nitrogen loading rates, and geographical and climatic settings. The model shows that the fraction of nitrogen entering an estuary that is exported or denitrified can be predicted from the freshwater residence time. The first-order rate constant for nitrogen loss within an estuary, as a fraction of total nitrogen in the water column, is 0.30 mo−1. Denitrification typically accounts for 69–75% of the total annual net nitrogen removal from the water column by processes within the estuary. The model makes explicit the dependence of nitrogen concentration in the water column on the loading rate of nitrogen, water residence time, estuary volume, and the rate constant for loss within the estuary.  相似文献   

Reconstructions of the early thermal history of the H-chondrite parent body have focused on two competing hypotheses. The first posits an undisturbed thermal evolution in which the degree of metamorphism increases with depth, yielding an “onion-shell” structure. The second posits an early fragmentation-reassembly event that interrupted this orderly cooling process. Here, we test these hypotheses by collecting a large number of previously published closure age and cooling rate data and comparing them to a suite of numerical models of thermal evolution in an idealized parent body. We find that the onion-shell hypothesis, when applied to a parent body of radius 75-130 km with a thermally insulating regolith, is able to explain 20 of the 21 closure age data and 62 of the 71 cooling rates. Furthermore, six of the eight meteorites for which multiple data (at different temperatures) are available, can be accounted for by onion-shell thermal histories. We therefore conclude that no catastrophic disruption of the H-chondrite parent body occurred during its early thermal history. The relatively small number of data not explained by the onion-shell hypothesis may indicate the formation of impact craters on the parent body which, while large enough to excavate all petrologic types, were small enough to leave the parent body largely intact. Impact events fulfilling these requirements would likely have produced transient crater diameters at least 30% of the parent body diameter.  相似文献   

Two sections subsequently sawed from meteorite fragment Kaidun #d(4–5)C were examined under an optical and scanning electron microscope. The major minerals of the fragment are pigeonite and anorthite; the accessory minerals are spinels and occasional grains of ilmenite, Ca phosphate, and Fe sulfide. The compositions of the minerals broadly vary. The texture of the fragment, its mineralogy, and mineral chemistries definitely indicate that the fragment originated from a crystalline rock affected by partial melting during an impact event. The chemical compositions of both minerals (the concentration of the anorthite end member of plagioclase An99 and the Fe/Mn atomic ratio of 44 in the pyroxenes) differ from those in other known meteorite samples and suggest that fragment d(4–5)C of the Kaidun meteorite represents a new differentiated parent body that has never been sampled before.  相似文献   

潜流驻留时间是反映潜流交换、溶质迁移转化、生物组成、生态过程的重要特征变量。应用双循环可控式河岸带模型,以NaCl为示踪剂,深入研究了河岸带蜿蜒性与植被密度对潜流驻留时间的复合效应;应用量纲分析和主成分分析法,探析了潜流驻留时间的关键影响因子及其作用程度和敏感性。结果表明:①河岸带植被密度对潜流驻留时间具有促进作用,但存在一定的阈值。②潜流驻留时间分布与河岸蜿蜒形态呈类镜像效应;潜流驻留时间在河岸带蜿蜒波不同位置差异明显,迎水面平均驻留时间约为背水面的1/2。③河岸带蜿蜒性与植被密度是影响潜流驻留时间的关键因子,总作用程度达91.07%。潜流驻留时间对蜿蜒性最敏感,对植被密度敏感性较弱,对复合因子的敏感性介于两者之间;迎水面内组合因子对潜流驻留时间具有共同促进效应,背水面内组合因子对潜流驻留时间具有抑制和促进双重效应。  相似文献   

High levels of fluoride concentration were observed in deep groundwater of the Mizunami area in Central Japan. Fluoride occurs mainly due to the reaction between granitic basement rock and groundwater. Granites were collected, crushed to powder, and then allowed to react with purified water for 80 days. Water–rock interaction results showed that the major factor affecting fluoride concentration is the residence time of the groundwater. Coexisting ions have also some contribution toward fluoride concentration. The groundwater residence time in the Mizunami area was estimated by applying results of water–rock interaction to correspond with field data. A regression model relating fluoride concentration, residence time, and coexisting ions was developed. The parameters of the regression model were determined using the genetic algorithms technique. Residence time was estimated by extrapolating experimental data to correspond with filed data. Near the recharge area, residence times in the potential fluoride source rock varied between 1 and 2,000 years, whereas near the discharge area residence times were in excess of tens of thousands of years. The groundwater residence time was also estimated by the groundwater particle-tracking-flow model. The estimates of groundwater residence time based on geochemical regression model were often larger than estimates of groundwater residence time developed by particle-tracking analysis using a groundwater flow model. There were large uncertainties—on the order of 10–10,000 years—in the estimates based on geochemical data.  相似文献   

潜流驻留时间是反映潜流交换、溶质迁移转化、生物组成、生态过程的重要特征变量。应用双循环可控式河岸带模型,以NaCl为示踪剂,深入研究了河岸带蜿蜒性与植被密度对潜流驻留时间的复合效应;应用量纲分析和主成分分析法,探析了潜流驻留时间的关键影响因子及其作用程度和敏感性。结果表明:①河岸带植被密度对潜流驻留时间具有促进作用,但存在一定的阈值。②潜流驻留时间分布与河岸蜿蜒形态呈类镜像效应;潜流驻留时间在河岸带蜿蜒波不同位置差异明显,迎水面平均驻留时间约为背水面的1/2。③河岸带蜿蜒性与植被密度是影响潜流驻留时间的关键因子,总作用程度达91.07%。潜流驻留时间对蜿蜒性最敏感,对植被密度敏感性较弱,对复合因子的敏感性介于两者之间;迎水面内组合因子对潜流驻留时间具有共同促进效应,背水面内组合因子对潜流驻留时间具有抑制和促进双重效应。  相似文献   

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