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利用镜质体反射率恢复地层剥蚀厚度的新方法   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
Dow在1977年提出的利用上下构造层镜质体反射率 (Ro) 差值来估算不整合面地层剥蚀厚度的方法,在国内仍有广泛的应用。但国内有些学者已认识到了该方法的不合理性并提出了一些改进方法,其中最高古地温法因其思想合理而具有代表性。为了能更合理和更简便地利用Ro数据来估算不整合面地层剥蚀厚度,对最高古地温法作了改进,得到了一种利用Ro数据恢复剥蚀厚度的新方法。新方法不仅继承了最高古地温法的合理思想,而且大大简化了具体操作过程。对某一构造层恢复其顶面剥蚀厚度时,在使用Ro数据恢复剥蚀厚度的前提条件得到满足的情况下,直接将该构造层的ln (Ro)-H线性回归关系外推至ln (0.2) 处而得到近似的古地表位置,古地表位置和不整合面位置的差值即为剥蚀厚度。用最高古地温法和新方法对Dow (1977) 的实例数据进行了重新计算,分别得到2 735 m和2 537 m的剥蚀厚度,相近的结果说明了新方法的实际可行性,并且相比之下新方法操作起来更加简便。但与Dow (1977) 得出的500m剥蚀厚度相差甚远。从多个方面讨论了Dow (1977) 结果和原理的不合理性。新方法将广泛应用于多个地质分支学科中。  相似文献   

Precision, accuracy and practical aspects of quantifying macerals have been investigated based on a series of round-robin analyses by the Canadian Coal Petrography Group (CCPG) using fabricated coal samples. The precision of point-count analysis progressively increases with points counted, however, the accuracy of most operators shows little or no improvement after relatively few points (200–300) and the difference in accuracy between analysis is very large. The stepping distance used during routine point-count analyses is important; the stepping distance must exceed the maximum particle size of the coal, otherwise a greater random variation and possible systematic error is introduced. Visual estimates of the relative abundance of macerals are highly variable and there is little correlation between the analysis' experience and their accuracy. Visual estimates of some operators are more accurate than the point-count results of others.Image analyses and autocounting (specimen plane scanning) with construction and dissection of reflectograms yields mixed results. One image analyzer/operator obtained good results comparable to point-counting by the best analysis whereas a second image analyzer/operator obtained results poorer than average. An autocounting system using 5 μm stepping distance obtained poor results whereas using a 50 μm stepping distance the results were comparable to point-counting by the average analyst. The poorer results with small stepping distances is a product of the loss of independency between successive points (i.e., a particle may be counted more than once). Both the image analysis systems and the autocounter are plagued with problems of mineral matter and reflections below the polished surface which may lead to a systematic error (Holmes effect) and problems in differentiating binder from liptinite or very low reflecting vitrinite.The published standards for maceral analyses currently followed by most organic petrographers are not satisfactory. Recommended point-counting stepping distances do not exceed the maximum particle size, recommended sample preparation procedures yield particles too coarse for an adequate sample on the average-sized polished section and the number of points recommended are greatly in excess of those needed for reasonable accuracy. The number of points required for a reasonable accuracy is study-dependent and is best determined by replicate analyses in conjunction with a plot of variation in relative proportion of the macerals with number of points counted. Even when analyzing a single pellet replicate analyses should be performed by dividing the sample into separate sets.  相似文献   

对1:2.5万化探数据生成等值线图的各种方法进行分析,指出各种方法生成等值线图存在的优缺点,提出实际工作中的一些应用经验。  相似文献   

The reflectance of vitrinite (collotelinite) particles is a widely used parameter as a geothermometer for the estimation of the thermal maturity of organic matter enclosed in rocks. However, several problems have occurred during the last decades, which can be traced back to basically three causes: human mistakes, technical problems, and problems associated with the structural and compositional inhomogeneity of organic matter. Whilst in most cases the first two types of uncertainties can be handled by standardization, the third can cause significant problems during interpretation due to its generally inestimable character. The suppression of vitrinite reflectance and statistical problems originated from small sample size, and outliers belong to this latter type.International standards, such as the ASTM and the ISO, define the vitrinite reflectance parameter as a statistical average of measured data, disregarding the fact that the average is an unresisting and unrobust statistical parameter. In other words, the average is very sensitive to outliers and distribution.The aim of this research was to find and test a better, more resistant, and robust statistical parameter used by traditional parametric and nonparametric statistics, which can be applied in practice instead of the average. Three categories of statistical problems were studied on coal and disperse organic matter (DOM) samples: the distribution of measured values, the effect of data number, and the effect of outliers on statistical parameters. The statistical experiments carried out on numerous original and generated sample sets show that the median (med) and the most frequent value (Mn), a special weighted average, are better parameters to estimate the thermal maturity of organic matter especially above 1% reflectance value.  相似文献   

利用镜质体反射率趋势线法对南堡凹陷高柳地区、柳赞构造带、林雀次凹、柳南次凹等地区的地层剥蚀厚度进行了恢复;结合泥岩声波时差法和地层对比法,恢复了南堡凹陷东营组地层剥蚀厚度.认为利用镜质体反射率法来求取剥蚀厚度的前提是选取合适的Ro数据.当缺乏足够的单井Ro数据时,位于同一构造单元内、具有相同埋藏史的不同井的Ro位数据可以整合利用以恢复剥蚀厚度.作出了研究区地层剥蚀厚度等值线图,南堡凹陷东营组的剥蚀强度大致可分为两个区:东北部为强剥蚀区、中部为弱剥蚀区.  相似文献   

三维地质建模是一项学科交叉的研究内容,也是学界的研究热点。针对目前三维地质建模方法中建模效率差、自动化程度低以及对地层尖灭、夹层识别不足的问题,提出一种基于钻孔平面点集Voronoi图的三维地层自动建模方法。首先分析处理钻孔数据,按地层块体属性归类,而后通过平面连通性与高程连通性判定,确立基于Voronoi图的地层边界,最后将地层块体分为普通地层和夹层两种地层块体,分层构建地质模型。该方法在南京某地下工程中应用结果表明,文中建模适用于沉积地层的建模,能够较好地识别地层分布中常见的尖灭和夹层现象,实现,无需人工干预的自动化快速建模。  相似文献   

The Py-GC/MS results of the study carried out on two groups of vitrinites (perhydrous and non-perhydrous) of different age and properties and on a trimaceralic coal associated with one of the perhydrous group are discussed. Such a study provides information about the effect of natural hydrogen enrichment on vitrinite structure at the molecular level. Moreover, the influence of the different conditions in the sedimentary environment on the chemical structure of the vitrinite is also discussed. This influence is inferred through differences in the distribution and relative amount of phenolic compounds found in the pyrolysates from two samples of two different coal-beds in the same basin but formed under different paleoenvironmental conditions. For vitrinites with a high H/C atomic ratio, despite having a strong perhydrous character, their pyrolysates exhibit the highly phenolic signature typical of lignin-derived material with only minor aliphatic compounds. Thus, the major chemical structural elements in these vitrinites are simple phenols with a high contribution of para alkyl-substituted derivatives. However, there is no parallel relationship between the evolution of the oxygenated functionalities and the reflectance values. From the results obtained a coalification pathway where hydrogenation processes predominate over thermal ones is proposed. The presence of resin-like substances and/or oils (which are two of the causes of natural hydrogen enrichment) in the molecular structure of vitrinites have, therefore, affected the normal evolution of the lignin and contributed to the special properties of this type of materials.  相似文献   

海相镜质体反射率用作早古生代烃源岩成熟度指标研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
中国早古生代烃源岩由于缺乏镜质组,加之成熟度较高,常现成熟度指标较难应用,长期以来,对这套烃源岩成熟度评价一直存在问题。塔里木盆地是中国最大的以早古生代地层为主的含油气盆地,在寒武系和奥陶系生油岩中发育有海相镜质体。应用有机岩石学方法主要对塔里木盆地四口深井岩芯样品进行了研究,发现海相镜质体反射率与孔深呈正相关,且其相关性优于沥青反射率,人工热模拟实验结果进一步表明,海相镜质体成熟作用轨迹不同于镜质组。在R<1.5%时,其反射率比镜质组低;在R>1.5%时,其反射率比镜质组高。结合天然剖面与热模拟系列样品研究成果,发现R与Ro的相关性可划分为三个阶段,可分别近似用三个直线方程表示:根据海相镜质体反射率实测结果,应用这些方程计算出等价Ro,可较客观地评价早古生代烃源岩成熟度。  相似文献   

Coal, as an initial source of energy, requires a detailed investigation in terms of ultimate analysis, proximate analysis, and its biological constituents (macerals). The rank and calorific value of each type of coal are managed by the mentioned properties. In contrast to ultimate and proximate analyses, determining the macerals in coal requires sophisticated microscopic instrumentation and expertise. This study emphasizes the estimation of the concentration of macerals of Indian coals based on a hybrid imperialism competitive algorithm (ICA)–artificial neural network (ANN). Here, ICA is utilized to adjust the weight and bias of ANNs for enhancing their performance capacity. For comparison purposes, a pre-developed ANN model is also proposed. Checking the performance prediction of the developed models is performed through several performance indices, i.e., coefficient of determination (R 2), root mean square error and variance account for. The obtained results revealed higher accuracy of the proposed hybrid ICA-ANN model in estimating macerals contents of Indian coals compared to the pre-developed ANN technique. Results of the developed ANN model based on R 2 values of training datasets were obtained as 0.961, 0.955, and 0.961 for predicting vitrinite, liptinite, and inertinite, respectively, whereas these values were achieved as 0.948, 0.947, and 0.957, respectively, for testing datasets. Similarly, R 2 values of 0.988, 0.983, and 0.991 for training datasets and 0.989, 0.982, and 0.985 for testing datasets were obtained from developed ICA-ANN model.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was conducted to assess the effect of heat-up to high diagenetic to low metamorphic temperatures on vitrinite reflectance (VR) at high pressures using the same heat-up processes, apparatus and starting material as those employed in prior experimental studies on huminite/vitrinite maturation. ??Heat-up?? is the isobaric increase in temperature of an organic matter maturation experiment from room temperature to the desired run temperature T ehu (T ehu ?=?temperature at the end of heat-up). The experiments were performed on xylite of swamp cypress and used a heating rate of 50?°C/min. These confined system maturation experiments were carried out at 10?kbar and involved temperatures T ehu ranging from 175 to 450?°C. Additional experiments were conducted at pressures of 5, 20 and 25?kbar to evaluate the influence of pressure on the effect of heat-up on VR. At 10?kbar, results of this study show that heat-up does not influence VR for T ehu ?< ~270?°C. This absence of maturation is viewed as the result of an activation time delaying vitrinite maturation at these diagenetic to very low metamorphic temperatures. For T ehu ?> ~270?°C, heat-up has a significant effect on VR at 10?kbar: VR greatly increases with T ehu during the short heat-up event. This effect of heat-up on VR points out the rapid kinetics of the initial VR increase. Increasing pressure reduces VR increase gained during heat-up. Obviously, pressure retards the initial VR increase and thus controls organic matter maturation. In addition to temperature, the formulation of VR evolution rate equation must consider pressure, activation time and VR gained during heat-up.  相似文献   

The elemental composition of the individual macerals in a suite of Australian coals has been determined in polished sections using light-element electron microprobe techniques. The analyses of the individual macerals in each coal were combined with data on maceral abundance to produce an inferred chemical composition for the organic matter of the respective whole-coal samples, and this was compared, for each sample, to the respective whole-coal ultimate analysis data, corrected to a dry, ash-free (daf) basis. Except for slightly lower values in some lower-rank coals, the inferred percentages of whole-coal C estimated from the microprobe data were found to be very close to the respective whole-coal C percentages as determined by conventional ultimate analysis. The proportion of O in the coals indicated by the microprobe study, however, appears to be as much as 2% higher than that derived from the ultimate analysis data, especially in the lower-rank coal samples. The difference it may represent errors in calculating the O percentages in ultimate analysis, errors in the microprobe analysis due to difficulties in calibration or measurement, or increased proportions of O in the coals due to factors such as take-up with storage of the polished sections. The percentages of whole-coal N calculated from the microprobe data are up to 0.5% (absolute) below the proportion of N determined directly by whole-coal ultimate analysis. This may reflect the inherent difficulty of dealing with a light element at low concentrations by the microprobe technique, or it may indicate that some of the N occurs in the coals in mineral form. The percentages of whole-coal (organic) S calculated from the microprobe study are close to the percentages of organic S determined for each sample by more conventional techniques. With the exception of (organic) O, which may be affected by other factors, and also possibly of N, the electron microprobe technique appears from the study to provide results that are consistent with ultimate analysis over a wide rank range.  相似文献   

The kinetics of coalification are still debatable; the role of time has not been conclusively assigned. If accepting the importance of time, we have not reached consensus in formulation of the kinetics.Here we show that estimation of burial depth is possible under some conditions using vitrinite reflectance neither with computation of a specific kinetic equation of organic metamorphism nor with postulating plausible geothermal gradients of the past. The present technique is based only on empirical linear relations between vitrinite reflectance and burial depth, and is demonstrated to be effective for investigation of syn-depositional tectonics. The authors applied the technique to Miocene coals of the Chichibu Basin, Central Japan, and this study indicates that the sedimentary basin was formed by tilting of the basement rocks.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(10-13):1367-1372
An additional method of coupled ESR/U-series dating is developed for teeth showing post-depositional U-loss. The fundamental parameter for the dose rate calculation is the present-day 230Th-activity because of the geochemical immobility of thorium. Uranium and thorium concentrations are measured by thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS). Due to the unknown uranium history an average saturation uptake of uranium is assumed leading to an average development of U-series activities. Therewith an internal dose rate and the age T can be calculated on condition that the modelled 230Th-activity at time T corresponds with the measured value. Using this new method, teeth, found in archaeological sites in France (Gramat, Bramefond), could be dated even though they show U-loss after U-uptake. Two teeth from Gramat could be dated to 128.3±8.6 and 130.5±10 ka. Two teeth from Bramefond have ages of 104.4±8.4 and 115.1±10.2 ka. Both sites can be ascribed to oxygen isotope stage 5.  相似文献   

In a recent paper O'Brien, Nakazawa & Tokuhashi (1980) summarized observations of clay fabric in some Pliocene and Holocene siltstones and silts. They demonstrated that clay fabric could be used, in combination with other sedimentary features, to distinguish hemipelagic sediments and turbidites.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to characterize changes of reflectance, reflectance anisotropy and reflectance indicating surface (RIS) shape of vitrinite, sporinite and semifusinite subjected to thermal treatment under inert conditions. Examination was performed on vitrinite, liptinite and inertinite concentrates prepared from channel samples of steam coal (Rr = 0.70%) and coking coal (Rr = 1.25%), collected from seam 405 of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. The concentrates were heated at temperatures of 400–1200 °C for 1 h time in an argon atmosphere.All components examined in this study: vitrinite, sporinite and semifusinite as well as matrix of vitrinite and liptinite cokes, despite of rank of their parent coal, show, in general, the most important changes of reflectance value and optical anisotropy when heated at 500 °C, 800 °C (with the exception of bireflectance value of sporinite) and 1200 °C.After heating the steam coal at 1200 °C, the vitrinite and the semifusinite reveal similar reflectances, whereas the latter a slightly stronger anisotropy. Sporinite and matrix of liptinite coke have lower reflectances but anisotropy (Rbi and Ram values) similar to those observed for vitrinite and semifusinite. However, at 1000 °C sporinite and matrix of liptinite coke have the highest reflectivity of the studied components. The RIS at 1200 °C is the same for all components.The optical properties of the three macerals in the coking coal become similar after heating at 1000 °C. Coke obtained at 1200 °C did not contain distinguishable vitrinite grains. At 1200 °C semifusinite and vitrinite coke matrix have highest Rr values among the examined components. Maximum reflectance (Rmax) reach similar values for vitrinite and sporinite, slightly lower for semifusinite. Matrix of liptinite coke and matrix of vitrinite coke have considerably stronger anisotropy (Rbi and Ram values) than other components. RIS at 1200 °C is also similar for all components.  相似文献   

利用镜质体反射率(Ro)和磷灰石裂变径迹(AFT)数据,对四川盆地东部不同地区的古地温梯度、古热流、剥蚀量进行了研究。AFT模拟结果表明,四川盆地东部在晚白垩世早期(100~80 Ma)开始抬升,抬升剥蚀过程具有一定的阶段性且不同地区存在差异:以约30 Ma为界,重庆北碚地区表现为两期冷却,先期冷却缓慢,后期冷却迅速;川东北持续的冷却过程虽有波动但冷却速率差别较小。依据重建的最高古地温剖面恢复了侏罗系顶部不整合面的剥蚀量,川东北普光地区剥蚀量在2.45~2.85km,鄂西渝东地区齐岳山复背斜北部剥蚀量较大,达3.65km,齐岳山复背斜南部剥蚀量2.67km,川东南地区剥蚀量2.05km。研究区的构造热演化表现为既存在抬升剥蚀又存在盆地冷却效应的双重作用:由三叠纪至今,研究区地温梯度和热流持续降低,地温梯度由30~38℃/km降低至20~23℃/km;热流由70~85mW/m2降低至50~55mW/m2。  相似文献   

显微组分物理化学性质是影响煤炭清洁高效利用和煤储层物性的重要因素,已经认识到决定显微组分性质的根本原因在于其大分子结构.为了揭示显微组分大分子结构演化特征及其控制因素,从显微组分大分子化学结构与物理结构、大分子结构演化的构造应力效应、煤变质全阶段大分子结构演化特征等方面,总结了国内外研究进展,分析了存在的不足.指出由于...  相似文献   

Pliocene and Holocene siltstones and silts in outcrops from the Boso Peninsula, Japan and in cores from the East China were studied to determine distinctive characteristics of the turbiditic (Bouma E-Division) and hemipelagic siltstones and silts. Weathering characteristics, colour, grain size, and organic carbon-organic nitrogen ratio, plus clay fabric proved valuable in characterizing each unit. Clay and non-clay mineral content was uniform throughout. Clay fabric differences are pronounced. Random clay flake orientation prevails in the turbiditic interval while the hemipelagic unit has more preferred orientation. The fabric reflects different conditions of sedimentation. The turbiditic clay was deposited more rapidly in the flocculated state while the interturbidite hemipelagic clay may have formed from more slowly sedimented dominantly dispersed clay. Results suggest that clay fabric may be useful in combination with other sedimentary features in the study of mud-turbidite sedimentation.  相似文献   

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