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Patterns in groundwater chemistry resulting from groundwater flow   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:11  
 Groundwater flow influences hydrochemical patterns because flow reduces mixing by diffusion, carries the chemical imprints of biological and anthropogenic changes in the recharge area, and leaches the aquifer system. Global patterns are mainly dictated by differences in the flux of meteoric water passing through the subsoil. Within individual hydrosomes (water bodies with a specific origin), the following prograde evolution lines (facies sequence) normally develop in the direction of groundwater flow: from strong to no fluctuations in water quality, from polluted to unpolluted, from acidic to basic, from oxic to anoxic–methanogenic, from no to significant base exchange, and from fresh to brackish. This is demonstrated for fresh coastal-dune groundwater in the Netherlands. In this hydrosome, the leaching of calcium carbonate as much as 15 m and of adsorbed marine cations (Na+, K+, and Mg2+) as much as 2500 m in the flow direction is shown to correspond with about 5000 yr of flushing since the beach barrier with dunes developed. Recharge focus areas in the dunes are evidenced by groundwater displaying a lower prograde quality evolution than the surrounding dune groundwater. Artificially recharged Rhine River water in the dunes provides distinct hydrochemical patterns, which display groundwater flow, mixing, and groundwater ages. Received, May 1998 · Revised, August 1998 · Accepted, October 1998  相似文献   

The thermal diffusivity of Upper Chalk from the Micraster coranguinum zone had been calculated from 8 year temperature data obtained from depths between 30 cm and 21.34 m at Harestock, near Winchester, Hampshire.Amplitudes and phase lags were calculated from these data using Fourier analysis.Values of thermal diffusivity were calculated from the variation of amplitude with depth and phase lag with depth for the first harmonic using the Fourier heat flow equation.Agreement between the two methods was very good between 30 cm and 914 cm depth. An overall mean value is 0.004489 ± 0.00052cm?2s?1.Using appropriate values of porosity (47%) and density the mean thermal conductivity is 1.519W m?1°C?1± 0.326, for the water saturated state.  相似文献   

In this study, groundwater quality information collected in 1896 (well waters), 1980/1981 (piezometric and seepage samples) and 2002/2003 (seepage samples) in the regions centered by the Mid-Levels area, Hong Kong Island, was compared to illustrate how groundwater quality has changed over a century and the processes controlling it. As shown by saline ammonia and nitrate levels in the late nineteenth century, groundwater was severely polluted by widespread and obvious leakage from poorly designed wastewater collection systems, although groundwater was still a drinking water source for local residents. The extremely high residual chlorines in groundwater demonstrated that large doses of disinfection agents were added to wells at that time. In view of the decline in saline ammonia and nitrate levels, groundwater became less organically polluted in the 1980s probably due to significant improvement of the design of underground sewers. However, more leakage from sources such as salty flushing water and fresh water pipes emerged in the past few decades which added complexity to groundwater chemical systems. Some chemicals were used to identify possible locations of leakages. The temporal variations of the distribution of these chemicals over the area may shed light on the rate of leakage. Leakage from service pipes seems to have improved from the early 1980s to 2002/2003. However, the area is still suffering from widespread and small-scale leakage from service pipes. More efforts should be paid to control small leakages in the future. The findings will be instructive to various government organizations such as the Water Supplies Department and Drainage Services Department to identify possible locations of unobvious leakages in the area.  相似文献   

Shallow groundwater in the northern Negev desert of Israel flows preferentially through a complex system of discontinuities. These discontinuities intersect what would otherwise be a massive, low-conductivity, high-porosity Eocene chalk. Vertical fractures and horizontal bedding planes were observed and mapped along approximately 1,200 m of scanline, 600 m of core and 30 two-dimensional trace planes. A bimodal distribution of size exists for the vertical fractures which occur as both single-layer fractures and multi-layer fractures. A bimodal distribution of log transmissivity was observed from slug tests conducted in packed-off, vertical intervals within the saturated zone. The different flow characteristics between the horizontal bedding planes and vertical-type fractures appear to be the cause of the bimodality. Two distinct conceptual models (discrete fracture network) were developed based on the fracture orientation, size, intensity and transmissivity statistics derived from field data. A correlation between fracture size and hydraulic aperture was established as the basis for calibrating the simulated model transmissivity to the field observations. This method of defining transmissivity statistically based on prior information is shown to be a reasonable and workable alternative to the usual conjecture approach towards defining transmissivity in a fractured-rock environment.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous age Chalk of south east England forms an important aquifer. Within chalk the storage and transmission of groundwater is enhanced by subsurface karstic weathering. The case study presented in this paper demonstrates that current approaches to assessing groundwater vulnerability to pollution and delineating source protection zones are flawed, as they do not take proper account of the karstic nature of chalk.Improved techniques, based on understanding the geological and geomorphological controls of karst development in chalk, are proposed to overcome the shortcomings of published groundwater vulnerability maps. The results also demonstrate the inadequacies of current groundwater modelling approaches for defining source protection zones. The techniques follow European Commission research recommendations by taking account of recharge, presence of overlying cover deposits, the nature of chalk karst and the way in which it influences the flow of groundwater. The approach described allows for better informed decisions to be made about chalk aquifer management to ensure adequate protection and conservation of groundwater. For example, the published groundwater vulnerability map shows Lambeth Group deposits classified as being a minor aquifer of low groundwater vulnerability in the chosen study area. However, by applying the new techniques, they are classified as having an Aquifer Vulnerability Rating of moderate to very high, when taking the karstic development of the underlying chalk into account.  相似文献   

For the last 15 a, SKB (the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company) has been using the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (HRL) as the main test site for the development of suitable tools and methods for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel. Major achievements have been made in the development of a new groundwater modelling technique. The technique described in this paper is used within the ongoing site investigations of Forsmark and Simpevarp in Sweden.  相似文献   

Knowledge of compactant behavior and the associated subsidence for high porosity carbonate formations is crucial in applications such as enhanced oil recovery. To gain insights into inelastic compaction and failure modes of a porous chalk under different loading histories, triaxial compression experiments were conducted on a high porosity (45 %) chalk, tested using three stress paths: no precompaction (virgin rock), precompacted to 30 MPa, and precompacted to 60 MPa. For the virgin chalk with no precompaction under triaxial compression, the transition from axial splitting to shear fracturing to compaction banding was observed. By precompacting the specimens to mean stresses of 30 and 60 MPa, the brittle failure regime expanded. In 60 MPa precompacted specimens, shear fracture was observed over a larger range of mean stress. Furthermore, precompaction increased the internal friction angle due to permanent volume change, but the cohesion decreased due to damage.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the role of groundwater and sea weathering on the strength of the chalk rocks exposed on the coastline of the English Channel in Normandy, NW France. We present a study of the rock strength variations of three representative chalk units (Lewes Chalk, Seaford Chalk and Newhaven Chalk) exposed at various locations on the coastal chalk cliffs. The combination of UCS tests and SEM observations have been used (1) on dry natural chalk samples, (2) on chalk samples at various moisture contents, (3) on dry chalk samples submitted to a 10-day cycle of alternating wetting and drying by distilled water and by sea water. Dry chalk samples show low UCS strength (3.46–4 MPa) indicative of very weak rocks. When chalk samples are submitted to progressive water wetting, they present a decrease of UCS strength and Young's modulus of 40% to 50%. This behaviour begins at low values of water content within the chalk, i.e., for a degree of water saturation ranging between 10% and 17%. When chalk samples are submitted to an artificial weathering cycle with distilled water, a decrease in strength is observed, whereas the Young's modulus increases. SEM observations indicate the occurrence of microcracks and particle aggregates in the sample. When chalk samples are submitted to an artificial weathering with sea water, the decrease of UCS strength and Young's modulus achieves a minimum. SEM observations indicate salt crystals within the chalk. On the coastal cliffs of NW France, weathering processes depend both on chalk lithology, which show a range of sensitivity to weathering and on the location of the chalk in the coastal area. Processes allied to the degree of weathering (e.g., salt crystallisation or fresh water disaggregation) differ in the chalk massif, on the cliff face and on the shore platform.  相似文献   

Geochemical processes were identified as controlling factors of groundwater chemistry, including chemical weathering, salinization from seawater and dry sea-salt deposition, nitrate contamination, and rainfall recharge. These geochemical processes were identified using principal component analysis of major element chemistry of groundwater from basaltic aquifers in Jeju Island, South Korea, a volcanic island with intense agricultural activities. The contribution of the geochemical processes to groundwater chemistry was quantified by a simple mass-balance approach. The geochemical effects due to seawater were considered based on Cl contributions, whereas the effects due to natural chemical weathering were based on alkalinity. Nitrogenous fertilizers, and especially the associated nitrification processes, appear to significantly affect groundwater chemistry. A strong correlation was observed between Na, Mg, Ca, SO4 and Cl, and nitrate concentrations in groundwater. Correspondingly, the total major cations, Cl, and SO4 in groundwater were assessed to estimate relative effect of N-fertilizer use on groundwater chemistry. Cl originates more from nitrate sources than from seawater, whereas SO4 originates mostly from rainwater. N-fertilizer use has shown the greatest effect on groundwater chemistry, particularly when nitrate concentrations exceed 6–7 mg/L NO3–N. Nitrate contamination significantly affects groundwater quality and 18% of groundwater samples have contamination-dominated chemistry.  相似文献   

The raised beach sediments revealed in the cliffs at Sewerby, East Yorkshire are widely regarded as Ipswichian in age. Previously reported evidence for this dating is reviewed and new results from a range of luminescence dating techniques applied to the blown sand deposit overlying the raised beach are reported. These provide the first absolute date for the Sewerby site of 120.84 ± 11.82 ka, which places the blown sand at the boundary between oxygen isotope stages (OIS) 5e and 5d. As the underlying raised beach is little older than the blown sand, it probably formed during OIS Stage 5e as suggested by the faunal evidence.  相似文献   

Underlying the site of a proposed development is a chalk aquifer, groundwater levels are close to the surface. The storm water from the development is to be drained into a lake in the center of the development. Because of the high groundwater levels the effect of this lake has been studied by means of a simple localized mathematical model. It is shown that such a model can give results of sufficient accuracy with regard to probable changes in groundwater levels caused by the development.  相似文献   

Major ion geochemistry is used to qualitatively interpret groundwater residence times within an aquifer, and the extent of mixing between aquifers with distinctive mineralogy. In conjunction with hydraulic heads and stable isotope geochemistry, flow paths and inter-aquifer exchange are defined in a fractured-rock aquifer system in the Dandenong Ranges, southeast Australia. Stable isotopes indicate modern seasonal recharge throughout the system. At high elevations in the sub-catchment, which includes both marine Silurian-Devonian sedimentary and Tertiary basalt aquifers, Cl is derived primarily from cyclic salts, and differences in mineralogy result in groundwater from the basalt aquifer having higher TDS contents (123–262 mg/L) and (Ca+Mg)/Na ratios (0.9–1.3) than groundwater from the sedimentary aquifer (TDS: 55–79 mg/L; (Ca+Mg)/Na: 0.1–0.2). At low elevations, in areas of local groundwater discharge, the more regional flow system in the Silurian-Devonian sediments contains additional Cl from water–rock interaction and has distinctly higher TDS contents (517–537 mg/L). Differences in groundwater chemistry between the aquifers and between shallower and deeper flow systems highlights areas of inter-aquifer mixing. This is particularly important for aquifer vulnerability where groundwater quality in the deeper aquifer may be impacted by surface activities.
Resumen Se ha utilizado geoquímica de iones mayores para interpretar cualitativamente los tiempos de residencia del agua subterránea dentro de un acuífero, y el grado de mezcla entre acuíferos con mineralogía característica. De manera conjunta con presiones hidráulicas y geoquímica de isótopos estables, se han definido trayectorias de flujo e intercambio entre acuíferos en un sistema de acuífero de roca fracturada en las Sierras Dandenong, sureste de Australia. Los isótopos estables indican recarga estacional moderada a través del sistema. A elevaciones altas en la sub-cuenca que incluye acuíferos sedimentarios Silúrico-Devónicos y acuíferos basálticos Terciarios, Cl se deriva principalmente de sales cíclicas. Las diferencias en mineralogía resultan en agua subterránea del acuífero basáltico que tiene mayores contenidos TDS (123–262 mg/L) y mayor relación (Ca+Mg)/Na (0.9–1.3) que el agua subterránea de los acuíferos sedimentarios (TDS:55–79 mg/L; (Ca+Mg)/Na: 0.1–0.2). A elevaciones bajas, en áreas de recarga local de agua subterránea, el sistema de flujo más regional en los sedimentos Silúrico-Devónicos contiene Cl adicional que se deriva de la interacción roca-agua y típico contenido TDS más alto (517–537 mg L). Las diferencias en la química del agua subterránea entre los acuíferos y entre los sistemas de flujo más profundo y más somero resalta áreas de mezcla entre acuíferos. Esto es particularmente importante para la vulnerabilidad del acuífero donde la calidad del agua subterránea en el acuífero más profundo puede ser impactada por las actividades superficiales.

Résumé Les ions majeurs sont utilisés pour interpréter quantitativement les temps de résidence des eaux souterraines dans les aquifères, et létendue des zones de mélange entre les aquifères de différentes minéralogies. En regard de la répartition des charges hydrauliques et des informations données par les isotopes stables, les écoulements et les échanges inter-aquifères sont définis dans un aquifère fracturé dans le Dandenong Ranges, SE de lAustralie. Les isotopes stables indiquent des recharges modernes et saisonnières à travers le système aquifère. A haute altitude dans le sous-bassin versant, qui inclut des sédiments du Siluro-Dévonien et des basaltes du Tertiaire, le chlore est dabord dérivé des sels cycliques, et des différences minéralogiques dans les eaux souterraines sont observées selon laquifère : basalte tertiaire (TDS: 123–262 mg/L; Ca+Mg/Ca: 0.9 à 1.3) et sédiments primaires (TDS: 55–79 mg/L; Ca+Mg/Ca: 0.1–0.2). Aux basses altitudes, dans les zones locales de décharge des eaux souterraines, les écoulements les plus régionaux possèdent des teneurs plus élevées en Chlore en provenance des interactions eau—roche, et des TDS plus élevées (515–537 mg/L). Des différences dans la chimie des eaux souterraines entre les aquifères et entre les systèmes découlement de surface et les écoulements profonds mettent en lumière les zones de mélange inter-aquifère. Ceci est particulièrement important pour la définition de la vulnérabilité où la qualité des eaux souterraines en profondeur peuvent subir les impacts des activités de surface.

Acta Geochimica - Groundwater samples were evaluated throughout Turkana County (Kenya, East Africa) while looking for drinking water sources. Some samples showed high concentrations of fluoride...  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) has adopted directives requiring that Member States take measures to reach a “good” chemical status of water resources by the year 2015 (Water Framework Directive: WFD). In order to achieve the environmental objectives for groundwater, the identification and reversal of significant upward trends in pollutant concentrations are required. A very detailed dataset available for the Hesbaye chalk aquifer in Belgium is used to evaluate tools and to propose efficient methodologies for identifying and quantifying nitrate trends in groundwater. Results indicate that the parametric linear regression and the non-parametric Mann-Kendall tests are robust; however, the latter test seems more adequate as it does not require verification of the normality of the dataset and it provides calculated nitrate trends very comparable to those obtained using linear regression. From a hydrogeological point of view, results highlight a general upward trend in the whole groundwater basin. The extrapolation of the trend analysis results indicates that measures have to be taken urgently in order to avoid further major degradation of groundwater quality within the next 10–70 years. However, a good groundwater quality status cannot be expected in the Hesbaye aquifer for the 2015 EU WFD deadline.  相似文献   

Thin section petrographical analysis of chalk tesserae at Brading Roman Villa, Isle of Wight, England, identifies a range of planktonic foraminifera and the calcareous algal cyst Pithonella that identify the Late Cenomanian Rotalipora cushmani Biozone (BGS Foraminiferal Biozones 4iii to 7). The local chalk crop to the north of the villa includes rocks of R. cushmani Biozone age, and indicates a likely local, rather than long distance, source for the tesserae. Microfossils provide a powerful tool for identifying the provenance of artefacts in Roman Britain.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in the quantity and chemical status of groundwater resources must be accurately quantified to aid sustainable management of aquifers. Monitoring data show that the groundwater level in Shahrood alluvial aquifer, northeastern Iran, continuously declined from 1993 to 2009, falling 11.4 m in 16 years. This constitutes a loss of 216 million m3 from the aquifer’s stored groundwater reserve. Overexploitation and reduction in rainfall intensified the declining trend. In contrast, the reduced abstraction rate, the result of reduced borehole productivity (related to the reduction in saturated-zone thickness over time), slowed down the declining trend. Groundwater salinity varied substantially showing a minor rising trend. For the same 16-year period, increases were recorded in the order of 24% for electrical conductivity, 12.4% for major ions, and 9.9% for pH. This research shows that the groundwater-level declining trend was not interrupted by fluctuation in rainfall and it does not necessarily lead to water-quality deterioration. Water-level drop is greater near the aquifer’s recharging boundary, while greater rates of salinity rise occur around the end of groundwater flow lines. Also, fresher groundwater experiences a greater rate of salinity increase. These findings are of significance for predicting the groundwater level and salinity of exhausted aquifers.  相似文献   

Major ion chemistry of groundwater in a river basin: a study from India   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
Groundwater is the prime source in the area of Varaha River Basin, Andhra Pradesh, India. Groundwater samples collected during pre- and post-monsoon were analyzed for major ion chemistry to understand the operating mechanism of geochemical processes for variation of groundwater quality. Low ionic concentration is observed in the groundwater occurring at topographic-highs and towards the river compared to the rest of the area. This is caused by the influence of recharge water. Geochemistry of groundwater is observed to be mainly controlled by the rock-weathering, mineral dissolution, leaching, ion exchange and evaporation, and is subsequently modified by the anthropogenic and marine activities. Contribution of residual soluble salts below the depth of 5 m from the ground surface is high, while it is low beyond the depth of 5 m. Anthropogenic activities cause an accumulation of excess residual soluble salts in the former depth and the content of this soluble matter is reduced by the clay products beyond the latter depth. Seasonal ionic concentration of groundwater is greatly influenced by the recharge process with reference to topographical features, lithological characteristics and anthropogenic activities. Groundwater quality is classified as mixed and non-carbonate alkali groups due to a combined action of geogenic/anthropogenic and marine sources, respectively. The groundwater quality is above the adequacy level for both drinking and irrigation, and appropriate management measures are recommended for sustainable development.  相似文献   

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