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Tertiary-Recent Tasmanian and Newer (Victoria/South Australia) basalts range from quartz tholeiite to olivine melilitite and show systematic increases in their incompatible element abundances with increasing degree of silica undersaturation. These two basalt provinces show similar relative abundances of rare earth elements (REE), differences in the relative concentrations of Rb, Ba, Th, K and Nb, and distinct, restricted isotopic compositions. The Tasmanian basalts have 87Sr86Sr from 0.7026 to 0.7034, and ?Nd from + 7.5 to + 5.8; the Newer basalts have higher 87Sr86Sr from 0.7038 to 0.7045, and lower ?Nd from +4.2 to + 1.7. The range in Sr and Nd isotope compositions can be denned by primary magma compositions for both provinces, using Mg-values, Ni content and the presence of spinel lherzolite nodules. Major and trace element and Sr, Nd and Pb isotope compositions are uniform on a scale of up to 50 km for four separate Newer basanite centers. The chemical and isotopic data are consistent with a model whereby tholeiitic basalts are derived by large degrees of partial melting from a chemically uniform but isotopically variable source, and generation of undersaturated, alkaline basalts by smaller degrees of partial melting of the same source. No isotopic or geochemical evidence was found which would suggest that the more evolved basalts have been contaminated by continental crust.In contrast to tholeiitic and alkalic basalts from Hawaii, there is a continuous spectrum of isotope compositions for the Newer tholeiitic to alkalic basalts. A model is proposed for the generation of these basalts involving mixtures of hotspot mantle plume-derived melt and lithospheric mantle-derived melt, where observed differences between ocean island and continental alkaline basalts are attributed to differences between the sub-oceanic and sub-continental lithospheric mantles. Isotopic differences between tholeiitic and alkalic basalts are interpreted to be due to varying degrees of exchange and mixing between the hotspot plume and lithospheric mantle melt components. The model is consistent with the generation of these basalts from a source which has been recently enriched in the LREE.  相似文献   

Sixty-three samples from the granitic core of the Vredefort ring structure have been analyzed for K, Rb, and Sr. The Sr87Sr86 ratios were determined for thirteen of these. An isochron yielding an age of 2.85 × 109 yr was obtained. The RbSr and KRb ratios exhibit a ‘bulls-eye’ pattern in the granite suggesting the central portion has been extruded from depth. Diapiric flow and subsequent erosion has exposed a section of the continental crust within the Vredefort core.  相似文献   

The Luna 16 materials were dated by the Rb-Sr method.An internal isochron age of 3.4 ± 0.2 has been determined for a 6 mg fragment.The Luna 16 total soil is poorer in radiogenic Sr than any other analyzed soil from the Moon. Apollo 14 and 15 soils have also been studied; all of them fall nearly on a 4.65 b.y. isochron with the ADOR initial 87Sr86Sr ratio.A comparison of the integrated RbSr of the basalt source region and the RbSr of the rocks suggests that these basaltic fragments have been generated with only minor RbSr fractionation.The existence of an old Rb-rich subcrust which contaminated the basalts is also in agreement with the present results.  相似文献   

RbSr whole rock analyses have been performed on 2 CI and 3 CM chondrites. Four of these stones (Ivuna, Orgueil, Cold Bokkeveld and Erakot) were previously studied in this laboratory and were shown to be discordant from a 4.6 Gyr isochron. The fifth, Murchison, was not previously studied. The new data support the discordance of the first four stones, and indicate that Murchison is also discordant. Studies of Sr isotope ratios in unspiked Orgueil show that the discordance is not due to inhomogeneities in the Sr84Sr86 ratio caused by incomplete mixing of nucleosynthesis products.In order to gauge the effects of weathering, two leaching experiments were performed on fresh, interior samples of Murchison; one for a period of 1.5 hr and the other for 117 hr. The results indicate that the relative solubility of nonradiogenic Sr is approximately twice that of Rb and radiogenic Sr is more soluble than the nonradiogenic Sr. This gives the residue a lower model age than the whole rock both by increasing the RbSr ratio and by decreasing the Sr87Sr86 ratio. This result is in contrast to that expected from studies of ordinary chondrite finds, which generally show higher model ages than falls. The constancy of KRb and KSr ratios between the two leaching experiments, and their difference from the unaltered whole rock ratios suggest that the bulk ratios are produced by dissolution of a single phase, and the higher radiogenic Sr content by selective leaching of other phases.  相似文献   

Seventy-two basalts from 58 dredge stations located along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 29°N to 59°N have been analyzed for 87Sr86Sr and for K, Rb, Cc, Sr and Ba. The Sr-isotope profile along the ridge has three distinct maxima, one coinciding with the Azores platform (0.70345), one at 45°N (0.70340) and the third at 35°N, in the vicinity of the Oceanographer Fracture Zone. Basalts from ridge segments between 29°N and 33°N, and 49°N and 59°N have 87Sr86Sr ratios typical of ‘normal’ mid-ocean ridge basalts (0.70230–0.70280). Profiles of K, Rb, Cs, Sr, Bz, Rb/Sr and Ba/Sr are similar to the 87Sr86Sr profile, but Rb/K, Cs/K and Ba/K show broad maxima between 35°N and 45°N.These variations result from chemical and isotopic heterogeneity in the mantle, and are interpreted as caused by a mantle plume beneath the Azores which mixes with the LIL-element-depleted asthenosphere. Additional plumes may exist beneath 45°N and 35°N.Compared to the LIL-element-depleted asthenosphere, the Azores mantle plume is 10 to 30 times enriched in LIL elements with very small (? 0.1) bulk crystal/melt partition coefficients (Rb, Cs, Ba, La). Mildly incompatible elements (0.1 < D < 1) (Sr, Sm, Yb) are only 0.8–3 times enriched. These, observations suggest that LIL element differences between these two mantle reservoirs resulted from processes involving solid-liquid equilibria and not vapor-solid or vapor-liquid equilibria. Isotope systematics indicate that neither mantle reservoir remained a closed system since the formation of the Earth, but it is not possible to determine the time at which heterogeneity first developed.  相似文献   

Twelve samples of mid-Tertiary felsic volcanic rocks from Zacatecas and San Luis Potosí (both belonging to the Sierra Madre Occidental) and one sample of Lower Tertiary porphyritic andesite from Zacatecas are analyzed for 87Sr86Sr, K, Rb, and Sr. Eight selected samples are also analyzed for 143Nd144Nd. A linear regression of the present-day 87Sr86Srand87Rb86Sr of the felsic volcanic rocks in Zacatecas gives an approximate date of 30 ± 8 Ma. The initial 87Sr86Sr ratios are high and widely distributed (from 0.705 to 0.712 or higher) whereas the initial 143Nd144Nd ratios are somewhat low and show a narrow range (0.5125–0.5127). The available isotopic and trace-element data are best explained in terms of a binary mixing model in which the magmas derived from a slightly depleted-mantle fractionate and mix with varying proportions of the overlying middle/upper continental crust and undergo further shallow-level fractional crystallization before eruption. This model is also compatible with the trace-element and Sr isotopic data published from other areas of the Sierra Madre Occidental for which a purely mantle origin has been proposed.  相似文献   

The Monteregian Hills and younger White Mountain alkaline intrusions were emplaced into the Cambro-Ordovician sediments of the St. Lawrence Lowlands and the folded and thrusted Lower Paleozoic sequence of the Appalachian orogen. Age relations indicate that there is a fine-scale structure to the igneous activity, with slightly undersaturated to critically saturated rocks emplaced between 141 and 128 Ma and strongly undersaturated rocks emplaced between 121 and 117 Ma.Sr and Pb isotopic data for the mantle-derived alkali picrite, alkali olivine basalt and basanite magmas, indicate derivation from a depleted mantle similar to that which produces present-day oceanic island basalts. For the most isotopically primitive samples, decay-corrected 87Sr86Sr = 0.7030–0.7037, 206Pb204Pb = 19.05–19.72, 207Pb204Pb = 15.56–15.65, and 208Pb204Pb = 38.64–39.26. On Pb-Sr isotope correlation diagrams the data define trends similar to those for MOR basalts, implying mantle heterogeneity which requires the presence of a component enriched in radiogenic Pb relative to Sr. The interaction of these isotopically primitive magmas with the crust can be defined in terms of a three component system: depleted mantle-Grenville age crust-Lower Paleozoic age crust. The granitic magmas were apparently derived from the Lower Paleozoic crust of the Appalachian orogen.For the mantle-derived magmas, Th/U ratios vary from 2.5 (estimated ratio for MORB source) to 5.1, with the mean value near that of the bulk earth. The variations in Th/U suggest mantle heterogeneity on a local scale, and the high Th/U of some samples suggests that the mantle was enriched in incompatible elements shortly before melting. The magmas derived by partial melting of the crust have Th/U of 3.3 to 8.7, and the higher ratios are associated with rocks crystallized from magmas that originated by melting of Lower Paleozoic sediments.The Sr and Pb isotopic data support the conclusion of Bellet al. (1982) that the subcontinental mantle under eastern Canada underwent a Precambrian depletion event. This depleted mantle apparently extends under the White Mountain province and is isotopically similar to the mantle which gives rise to oceanic island basalts. In contrast, Pb isotopic ratios for the New England Seamount chain (TARAS and HART, 1983), which apparently represents the oceanic extension of this magmatic activity, are significantly more radiogenic. It is possible that a mantle plume provided the heat energy, and perhaps metasomatic fluids, to trigger melting in the subcontinental mantle, whereas in the case of the oceanic extension the plume directly contributed to the observed magmatism, as reflected in the more radiogenic Pb ratios.  相似文献   

143Nd144Nd ratios measured in Quaternary lavas from Java and the Banda arc of Indonesia range from 0.51242 to 0.51280 and exhibit an inverse correlation with 87Sr86Sr. Isotopically, the Indonesian samples resemble Andean rather than island arc lavas. The samples from Java plot either within, or adjacent to the mantle array, towards higher 87Sr86Sr ratios. Samples from the Banda arc and the anomalous calc-alkaline volcano Papandajan are characterized by relatively low 143Nd144Nd and high 87Sr86Sr ratios. These characteristics are consistent with the interpretation that subducted terrigenous material was involved in the genesis of these lavas. Furthermore the Banda arc samples appear to lie on a mixing line between isotopic compositions characteristic of the mantle and upper continental crust. A high-K trachyte from the alkaline volcano Muriah, Java, has isotopic characteristics of the mantle (143Nd144Nd = 0.51270, 87Sr86Sr = 0.70424), which implies that the extreme enrichment in large-ion-lithophile elements in its source must have occurred only shortly before its formation. The inferred 143Nd144Nd ratio of the unmodified mantle beneath Java and the Banda arc is lower than that observed in mid-ocean ridge basalt, which may have important implications for a better understanding of the geochemical structure of the mantle.  相似文献   

Basalts dredged from the Bouvet triple junction (South Atlantic), from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near the triple junction, and from a spreading center east of Bouvet Island differ from normal mid-ocean ridge tholeiites by having higher concentrations of K and other large-ion-lithophile elements, higher 87Sr:86Sr ratios, and rare earth element distributions which show relative enrichment in the lighter rare earths. The basalts are more fractionated than typical oceanic tholeiites, however, fractional crystallization does not fully account for their chemical characteristics, and it appears that they were derived from special source materials, contaminated perhaps by a mantle plume rising beneath Bouvet Island.  相似文献   

Clinopyroxenes in the metamorphic alpine peridotites from Ronda, Béni Bouchera, Lanzo and Othris have 87Sr86Sr ratios in the range of 0.70228 – 0.70370, similar to ocean ridge tholeiitic rock. Insofar as these lherzolites represent mantle sources, the present data allows simple evolutionary models relating basalt genesis and alpine peridotite. The highly radiogenic Sr reported in many whole rock alpine peridotites may be due to contamination in olivine and thus, earlier models that deny a simple relationship between alpine peridotite and the oceanic gabbros and basalts need a re-evaluation.  相似文献   

Strontium isotopic studies on twenty three whole rock kimberlites from two petrographic provinces in India show variation of initial 87Sr86Sr ratios from 0.7027 to 0.7102. The variation is unrelated to the degree of alteration. Between the micaceous and basaltic varieties there is some overlap in the Sr isotopic ratios. Leaching experiments on whole rock samples showed more highly radiogenic Sr in leaches compared to the bulk samples.In two diatremes, the initial 87Sr86Sr ratios show a positive correlation with RbSr which is believed to reflect a source event earlier than the formation of the kimberlites. The observed Sr isotopic data can be caused by (i) melting of a heterogeneous source or (ii) disequilibrium partial melting in the source region. In the former case, variable isotopic composition would be a necessary consequence of melting in small subsystems.  相似文献   

Pleistocene and Recent lavas from the Sunda arc range from those showing affinities with the island arc tholeiitic series, through a spectrum of calc-alkaline to high-K alkaline rocks. The tholeiitic rocks have relatively low 87Sr86Sr ratios averaging 0–7043; the calc-alkaline rocks show a wide range (from 0.7038 to 0.7059, averaging 0.7048); the high-K alkaline rocks average 0.7045. A rhyolitic ignimbrite from Sumatra has an 87Sr86Sr ratio of 0.7139.The relationship between 87Sr86Sr and major and trace element geochemistry is variable and complex. Lavas from the same volcano sometimes show significant differences in 87Sr86Sr despite close geochemical relationships. Rocks of the calc-alkaline suite show a regular decrease in 87Sr86Sr from West Java to Bali and there is some evidence for increasing 87Sr86Sr with increasing depth to the Benioff zone. Calc-alkaline and tholeiitic rocks from the Sunda arc have significantly higher 87Sr86Sr ratios than those from other island arcs, except from those arcs where continental crustal involvement has been inferred (e.g. New Zealand).A model of 87Sr enrichment due to isotopic equilibration of oceanic crust with sea water and disequilibrium melting in the slab and/or mantle is favoured to explain the Sr isotopic composition of the tholeiitic and normal calc-alkaline lavas. Calc-alkaline lavas with high 87Sr86Sr ratios are best explained by either sialic contamination, or the presence of alkali basalt as a component of the downgoing slab. The Sr isotopic data for the high-K alkaline lavas suggest a mantle origin. The high 87Sr86Sr ratio in the Lake Toba rhyolite implies a crustal origin.  相似文献   

We have analyzed samples from the Adirondack Marcy massif for Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopes in an attempt to determine directly the primary crystallization age of a Proterozoic massif-type anorthosite rock suite. The oldest age obtained (1288 ± 36Ma) is from a 4 point Sm-Nd isochron defined by igneous-textured whole-rock and mineral separate data from a local layered sequence gradational from oxiderich pyroxenite to leuconorite. This age is older than Silver's (1969) 1113 Ma zircon age of associated charnockites, but is within the window of permissible anorthosite ages based on previous geochronology and field relationships. As such, 1288 Ma may represent the time of crystallization of the massif. For the most part, however, both Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopic systems did not survive granulite facies metamorphism. Internal isochrons based on whole rocks and minerals yield ages between 995 and 919 Ma. These isotopic data suggest that the granulite fades metamorphism experienced by the massif was a prograde event that occurred a minimum of 100 Ma and as much as 350 Ma after crystallization of the massif. The relatively large range in Rb abundance, and in calculated initial 87Sr86Sr (0.7039–0.7050) and 143Nd144Nd ratios among anorthosite suite rocks, particularly those at or near the contacts of the Marcy massif is explicable by variable contamination with “crustal” materials and/or fluids, derived from surrounding acidic metaplutonic rocks, paragneisses, and marbles. Despite uncertainies caused by crustal contamination and metamorphic resetting of primary ages, Marcy samples have epsilon Nd values between +0.44 and +5.08, implying a source for the massif with long-term depletion in light rare earth elements. A probable source material would be depleted mantle.  相似文献   

Combined elemental and Sr, Nd, Pb and O isotopic data for late Cenozoic olivine tholeiite lavas from the northwestern Great Basin indicate derivation from at least two chemically and isotopically distinct mantle source regions with no significant modification by interaction with continental crust. The lack of crustal involvement is a direct reflection of the extensional tectonic environment which favors rapid ascent of magmas, minimal residence time in crustal magma chambers and scattered fissure eruptions.The observed chemical and isotopic variations in the tholeiite suite are attributed to mixing between depleted oceanic type mantle (87Sr86Sr ~ 0.7030 and 143Nd144Nd ~ 0.51305) and old, chemically heterogeneous, isotopically enriched subcontinental mantle (87Sr86Sr ~ 0.7078 and 143Nd144Nd ~ 0.51233). Model incompatible element concentrations suggest strong similarities between the depleted mantle and the mantles beneath normal oceanic ridge segments and back-arc basins and between the enriched mantle and the mantle beneath enriched oceanic ridge segments such as the Azores. Superimposed upon the characteristics derived from the two component mixing model may be the effects of a third mantle source which is identifiable only by its apparent radiogenic 206Pb204Pb ratios. If present, this third source may reflect a component derived from the downgoing slab of an ancient subduction zone.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of Pb and Sr and the abundances of Rb, Sr, U, Th, and Pb were determined for whole rock samples from all major volcanic centres of the Cenozoic alkaline volcanism of Central and South Italy, together with some samples from the contemporaneous anatectic Tuscan volcanism. The Sr and Pb isotopic compositions of the alkaline rocks show a negative correlation combined with a regional trend: the 87Sr86Sr ratios decrease from 0.711 in the north-west to 0.704 in the south-east, while the 206Pb204Pb ratios increase from 18.7 to 20.0. Variations in both isotopic compositions are generally small throughout erupted rock sequences for any volcanic centre.The Pb and Sr isotopic abundance variations are interpreted on the basis of two alternative models, which correspond to two groups of geological processes: variations can result (i) from a time dependent development in subsystems with different RbSr or U(Th)Pb ratios or, (ii) from mixing of Sr or Pb with different isotopic compositions. Combining both Pb and Sr isotope abundance measurements it is shown that the source of each volcanic centre is formed by various degrees of mixing between two components. One component and the most southern Tuscan anatectic rocks most likely have a common source, whereas the other component of the mixing process is suggested to be a liquid fraction derived from a small degree of partial fusion of a hydrous mantle. Thus at least a two-stage evolution of the Italian alkaline rocks is indicated: first a mixing process leading to the formation of the parental material followed by differentiation processes leading to the formation of the erupted rock sequences.The geodynamic model which explains the data best is that of a lateral inhomogeneous mantle. The lateral inhomogeneities in the mantle would be the result of mixing between originally mantle and crustal derived material. The mixing process itself would not have any primary connection with the Quarternary volcanic activity.  相似文献   

Cameronet al. (1981) proposed a “Free Line Model” for calculating formation ages for rock systems that have undergone local scale homogenization by 87Sr migration. This model is valid only if the variation in the 87Rb86Sr ratio is independent of the variation in Sr-content within the rock system. If Sr increases linearly with increasing 87Rb86Sr the calculated age will be too high. If Sr decreases linearly with increasing 87Rb86Sr, the calculated age will be systematically too low. If the rate of change in Sr with increasing 87Rb86Sr varies systematically through a rock system the “isochron” will be curved and the calculated ages will be younger or older than the real age, depending on the position of samples in relation to the curvature of the “isochron.” This problem with the “Free Line Model” is inherited in both the “Bulk Earth Model 1” and the “Bulk Earth Model 2.”  相似文献   

The 87Sr86Sr ratios and Sr concentrations of the non-carbonate fractions of sediment from two cores taken in the median valley of the Red Sea indicate that the detrital fractions are mixtures of two components originating from old sialic and young volcanic rocks of the surrounding land areas. The mixing equations were derived from the data and were used to estimate the Sr concentrations of the two components. The volcanogenic detritus has a Sr content between 770 and 800 ppm while the component derived from old sialic rocks contains from 50 to 70 ppm. The volcanic component consists primarily of unweathered particles of alkali basalt and volcanic glass while the sialic component is represented by clay minerals and X-ray amorphous material. Systematic variations of the concentration of volcanogenic detritus were used to define layers of sediment which correlate over a distance of about 200 km separating the two cores. The concentrations of quartz, feldspar, amphibole, illite, kaolinite and chlorite were found to vary systematically with the content of volcanogenic detritus as calculated from the Sr data. The carbonate concentrations of the sediment range from 33 to 87% and appear to increase in a southerly direction. The rate of carbonate deposition increased at times of more efficient input of sediment derived from old sialic rocks. This relationship is explained by the hypothesis that both were influenced indirectly by brief warming trends during the Würm glaciation. The occurrence of sediment layers enriched in sediment derived from old sialic rocks correlates approximately with interstadials of the Würm glaciation in northern Europe. Increased input of volcanogenic detritus occurred around 37,000 and 26,000yr ago and during the past 5000 yr. A plot of 87Sr86Sr and 87Rb86Sr ratios defines a line on the Rb-Sr isochron diagram yielding a fictitious date of about 230 million yr.  相似文献   

Rapid sea floor spreading has taken place over the last 8 Myr behind the South Sandwich island arc, producing a regular set of magnetic lineations. Suites of fresh basalts have been dredged from four widely separated localities along the spreading axis. Dredges 20 and 23 yielded sub-alkaline olivine tholeiites, dredge 22 recovered vesicular tholeiites with minor normative olivine, while dredge 24 contained a fractionated suite of highly vesicular quartz-normative basalts with higher FeMg. The concentrations of the incompatible elements Ti, P, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, Y and the REE increase systematically from dredge 24 through dredges 22 and 20 to dredge 23 and there is a comparable increase in CeNYbN. Quantitative modelling suggests that all the basalts can be derived from an essentially similar mantle source (with respect to these elements) through varying degrees of partial melting, but involving some residual clinopyroxene. Basalts from dredge 24 have unusually low concentrations of Ti, P, Zr, Nb, Y, REE and Ni, similar to the values in arc tholeiites, and the more primitive dredge 24 liquids seem to have been generated through high degrees of partial melting (~ 30%) leaving a dunitic residue. Transitional arc tholeiite characteristics are also apparent in the relatively high K, Rb, Ba contents and 87Sr86Sr ratios of dredge 24 and 22 basalts, though Nd isotope ratios are uniform. It is considered that fluids derived from the dehydrating subducted slab may have locally penetrated the source regions of the back-arc basalts, carrying K, Rb, Ba and seawater-enriched 87Sr, and producing conditions of magma generation similar to that of arc tholeiites. However, it is unlikely that the sources for these and other marginal basin basalts differ fundamentally from the range of mantle sources feeding normal mid-ocean ridges.  相似文献   

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