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Clay mineral composition and geotechnical index properties of marine clays collected from Singapore, Korea, and Japan were investigated, and the correlation of clay mineral composition with the consistency limits and activity of the clays was examined. Predominant clay minerals were kaolinite for Singapore clay, kaolinite, vermiculite, and illite for Pusan clay, and smectite for Hachirogata and Ariake clay from Japan. The activity of clay indicates that Singapore clay is classified as normal or inactive, Pusan clay as normal, and Hachirogata and Ariake clays mostly as active. Significant positive correlations were found between smectite percentage in bulk soil and the liquid and plastic limits of the clays.  相似文献   

Rapid industrial growth and increasing population has resulted in the discharge of wastes into the ocean, wastes which ultimately reach the seabed and contaminate the marine sediments. The soil-contaminants interaction, and their associated physico chemical properties with sediments control the behavior of marine clays. Marine clay deposits of low strength and high compressibility are located in many coastal and offshore areas. There are several foundation problems encountered in these weak marine clays. In this study, experimental work was carried out in the laboratory to stabilize soft marine clays using the lime column technique. Also the lime-induced effects on the physical and engineering behavior of marine clays in sulfate-contaminated marine environment was investigated. Consolidation tests indicate that compressibility of the lime-treated samples was reduced to 1/2-1/3 of the virgin soil after 45 days treatment. The test results also suggest that the lime column technique can be conveniently used to improve the behavior of contaminated marine clay deposits.  相似文献   

Degradation in Cemented Marine Clay Subjected to Cyclic Compressive Loading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of cyclic loading on the strength and deformation behavior of cemented marine clay has been studied. This marine clay is of recent Pleistocene origin and deposited in a shallow water marine environment. Open pits were dug in sheeted enclosures and from these pits, undisturbed samples were taken for strength testing. A series of standard triaxial shear tests and stress controlled one-way cyclic load tests were conducted at consolidation stress ranges below and above the preconsolidation pressure. For the stress levels below the preconsolidation pressure, the cyclic loading has brought about the collapse of the cementation bond through an increase in strains, and at higher pressure ranges, the soil behaves like typical soft clay. This experiment studied the rate of development of strain and pore water pressure and shows that rate is a function of number of cycles, applied stress, and stress history. In addition, soil degradation during cyclic loading is studied in terms of Degradation Index. Attempt has been made to predict stain, pore water pressure, and degradation index through an empirical model.  相似文献   

根据7个岩芯粘土矿物的研究,马里亚纳海槽晚更新世以来的沉积物中主要粘土矿物是蒙皂石,其次是少量FeMg绿泥石和伊利石.蒙皂石和FeMg绿泥石主要是海底基性火山物质蚀变形成的自生矿物,伊利石主要是来自海槽北面和西北面陆上岩石的风化产物.蒙皂石由海槽北部向南部呈增加趋势,而伊利石则呈减少趋势.此外,在距今大约45ka~10ka形成的地层中蒙皂石呈减少趋势,伊利石则呈增加趋势.上述粘土矿物组成及分布主要与物质来源、火山活动、海底浊流以及古气候变化的影响有关.  相似文献   


Despite a number of geotechnical investigations that have been carried out in the Busan new port area of South Korea, the local practicing engineers have been unable to deduce successfully the geotechnical properties of the clays due to their spatial variation. In the area, clay deposits, so-called Pusan clays, are unusually thick, varying from 20 m to 70 m in thickness. For this study, comprehensive geological and geotechnical investigations were carried out with sophisticated sampling techniques, in situ and laboratory tests as well as geological analyses at an additional three locations. As a result of the investigations, it was found that depositional environments are closely related to the relative changes in sea level and have different features depending on location and depth. The clays consist of soft and stiff clays in the upper and the lower layers, respectively, which are classified as normally consolidated and cemented clay. Moreover, most of the geotechnical properties undergo small changes due to their depositional environment. Information about these effects would be quite helpful to understand the spatial variation of geotechnical properties as well as the effect of sample disturbance. Some correlations which reflect the geological history of the deposts were conducted for physical indexes and mechanical properties.  相似文献   

Despite a number of geotechnical investigations that have been carried out in the Busan new port area of South Korea, the local practicing engineers have been unable to deduce successfully the geotechnical properties of the clays due to their spatial variation. In the area, clay deposits, so-called Pusan clays, are unusually thick, varying from 20 m to 70 m in thickness. For this study, comprehensive geological and geotechnical investigations were carried out with sophisticated sampling techniques, in situ and laboratory tests as well as geological analyses at an additional three locations. As a result of the investigations, it was found that depositional environments are closely related to the relative changes in sea level and have different features depending on location and depth. The clays consist of soft and stiff clays in the upper and the lower layers, respectively, which are classified as normally consolidated and cemented clay. Moreover, most of the geotechnical properties undergo small changes due to their depositional environment. Information about these effects would be quite helpful to understand the spatial variation of geotechnical properties as well as the effect of sample disturbance. Some correlations which reflect the geological history of the deposts were conducted for physical indexes and mechanical properties.  相似文献   

If problems of ocean management are to be solved the seas must be divided up into appropriate regions. Regional boundaries can be based on factors of physical geography or on economic, political or management principles. South-east Asia, with complicated land-sea boundaries, provides a number of examples of different types of marine regions, which can be used as case study examples of problems and solutions in regionalizing the oceans. Eight regional types and locations are described and discussed, and it is concluded that regional arrangements for management or the solution of problems are at present limited to three: the Malacca-Singapore Straits, Andaman Sea and Celebes Sea.  相似文献   

The Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary sequence of the Vøring and Møre Basins from the Norwegian Sea has been examined with respect to mineralogy based on 319 cutting samples from five wells. A clear relationship between mineralogy and well log data is demonstrated. A significant change with respect to velocity, porosity and density occurs within the depth interval corresponding to 80–90 °C. At shallow depths/temperatures (<2.0 km/70 °C), compaction is mainly mechanical and the physical properties are similar to what has been measured by experimental compaction of mudstones. At greater depths, however, the log derived velocities and densities are higher than those produced by experimental compaction indicating significant chemical compaction. XRD analyses show a progressive alteration of smectite to illite (S–I) within this depth/temperature interval which results in the release of significant amounts of silica into solution. Detrital silt and fine-grained quartz showed no secondary quartz overgrowths. These grains are isolated within a clay matrix and surrounded by clay minerals, thus limiting the available surface area and pore space for quartz overgrowths. Chemical analyses (XRF) indicate that silica is conserved within this depth interval, and the amount released from S–I alteration was locally precipitated. Field emission gun-scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM) and cathode luminescence (CL) identified authigenic micro-crystalline quartz cement within the clay matrix at temperatures above ∼85 °C. This is accompanied by an increase in velocity and density indicating that the S–I reaction and the precipitation of authigenic quartz caused a significant change in the rock stiffness.  相似文献   

The granulometry of 21 box core sediments from five selected sites in the Central Indian Basin (CIB) have been studied to understand the sediment size characteristics in the Pioneer area before the benthic disturbance experiment. The sediments are predominantly clayey silt. Statistical parameters were determined to understand the control and variations in the grain size. The mean grain size (M z φ) ranged from 7.0 to 8.6 for the surface and from 6.6 to 8.6 for the subsurface sediments, indicating deposition of very fine fractions during the Neogene period. The sediments were poorly sorted as revealed from the higher σI values (2.7 to 2.9). Higher and negative values of skewness (SK I ) indicated a winnowing action of prevailing currents in the area. Average kurtosis (K G ) values for the surface (0.4 to 0.8) and subsurface (0.5 to 1.2) showed that sediments were very platykurtic and leptokurtic. Clay mineralogical studies showed that smectite had a wider range (from 6% to 55%) and decreased southward because of its terrigenous origin. The terrigenous influence of the sediments could be documented as far as 12°S. Smectite and kaolinite increased eastward and chlorite decreased southward. This observation positively correlated with the mean current direction in the area. However, the influence of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) in the area could be predicted from the southward increase in chlorite content.  相似文献   

A very soft ground constructed by dredging and hydraulic fill has characteristics such as high water content, high initial void ratio, and very little effective stress. Estimating, with thorough considerations about consolidation properties and the initial stress associated with each layer's distinctive stress history, is essential in order to predict a reasonable consolidation settlement of soft ground. By investigating a construction project for national industrial complexes at a coastal area in southern Korea that experienced reclamation and ground improvement adapting PVD, various laboratory tests to find consolidation properties were performed with undisturbed samples collected from the entire depth of the marine clay fill layer and original clay layer. Through the investigation, this report suggests relationships of heterogeneity of permeability in both vertical and horizontal directions, void ratio-effective stress, and void ratio-permeability. Considering the fact that the original clay layer was under the process of consolidation by load due to hydraulic fill from the top, estimating the appropriate initial stress of each layer is critical to predict the future process of consolidation settlement determined by time. In order to obtain the initial stresses of two layers with different stress histories related to consolidation, cone penetration and dissipation tests were conducted.  相似文献   

莱州湾西部海域海洋生态系统健康评价的结构功能指标法   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
海洋生态系统健康属于一个新的领域,目前尚没有十分明确的定义。生态系统健康评价需要基于生态系统的结构、功能过程来确定指标。本文采用结构功能指标评价分析方法,以莱州湾西部海域为研究对象,利用层次分析法确定了评价因子的层次关系和重要度,建立了海洋生态系统健康综合评价指数模型。评价结果显示,莱州湾西部海域生态系统健康程度总体属一般,部分海域已达较差状态。经过屿实际情况在空间以及时间上的对比,说明评价结果基本是合理的,证明了所采用的方法具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

The unique material properties of volcanic soils may cause stability problems within the soil. However, few studies have examined the composition and engineering characteristics of volcanic soils below sea level. The objective of this study is to investigate the engineering properties of volcanic soils sampled from Ulleung Island. For the volcanic soils, the index properties, particle geometry, and mineralogy are analyzed in the laboratory. An oedometer cell incorporated with bender elements is used to measure the small-strain stiffness and compressibility of the volcanic soils. To obtain the large strain strength parameter and hydraulic conductivity of the volcanic soils, direct shear tests, and constant head permeability tests are performed. The experimental results show that the basic index properties of volcanic soils sampled from Ulleung Island are very similar to the values of previously published reference data: poorly graded with a median grain size, very low fine fraction, and slightly high specific gravity. In addition, the particle surface texture features and elementary analysis indicates a dark grain color, small pits or holes in the grain, and relatively low SiO2 and high Fe2O3 contents. The friction angle of the volcanic soils depends on the relative density, and the hydraulic conductivity varies according to e3/(1 + e) and D102. The characterization of the electrical properties in Ulleung Island needs to be conducted with caution due to the high Fe2O3 content in the volcanic soils.  相似文献   

本文系将我国几十年来在黄海、渤海和东海北部,开展海洋环境调查的情况与主要结果,作一简要回顾。  相似文献   

人类对海洋的青睐和倚重日益凸显为实现海洋未来可持续发展建立海洋保护区是一种有效的预防性海洋综合管理方式。文章根据日照海洋保护区当前发展状况,分析保护区发展中存在的问题,并相应的提出相关建议及对策。希望这些对策能够进一步提高保护区的保护价值。  相似文献   

澳大利亚是传统的海洋国家,也是典型的外向型海洋经济国家。文章通过对澳大利亚海洋经济发展环境、发展规模、发展战略进行分析,认为澳大利亚海洋经济发展优势来自资源、科技和政策,其海洋油气业和海洋旅游业在国际上具有领先优势。针对澳大利亚海洋经济发展的特性,对我国海洋经济发展做出如下建议:完善法律法规体系,保障海洋经济发展;加强海洋科技投入,推动海洋经济发展;加强海洋环境保护,提升全球海洋治理能力;避免过度依赖国际市场,局限海洋经济发展。  相似文献   

21世纪是海洋的世纪,广东海洋经济连续多年位居第一,随着海洋强国强省等重大战略的实施,广东海洋经济发展面临着新的机遇与挑战。鉴于目前很少有学者对广东海洋经济发展质量构建评价指标体系进行分析,并基于原有数据对最近几年进行预测,以开展深层次的研究来对广东海洋经济高质量发展提出建议。因此文章根据2007—2016年相关统计数据,建立海洋经济发展质量评价指标体系,通过熵权法计算指标权重与最后的综合得分,并通过指数平滑法预测未来3年各一级指标以及综合得分的变化情况,以进行更加全面的分析。针对产业结构分配不合理、海洋科技创新支撑能力不足、生态环境保护力度有待加强等问题,提出将新发展理念贯穿海洋经济高质量发展的全过程、提高科技创新力、加大对生态环境的保护力度等建议。  相似文献   

海洋中存在着大量的颗粒,包括大型聚合颗粒(即海雪,粒径>500μm)、小型聚合颗粒(1~500μm)和亚微米颗粒粒径(<1μm)等。颗粒在海水中营造了不同于纯海水的小生境,其中生活着与自然海水中不同的生物。异养细菌、蓝细菌、真核藻类、鞭毛虫、纤毛虫等微食物网生物可以黏附在海洋颗粒上,或生活在颗粒内部,其丰度高于周围水体中的自由生活生物,这可能是由于颗粒提供了更适宜生长的营养环境。本文综述了海洋浮游微食物网生物在海洋颗粒形成和沉降中的作用。微食物网生物在颗粒物的形成过程中起到很重要的作用,它们可以直接促进颗粒形成,也可以彼此结合成颗粒,或微型浮游动物排粪形成颗粒。微食物网生物还可以对颗粒进行转化,影响颗粒的大小、沉降速度、或对颗粒及其黏附生物进行摄食。微食物网生物由于本身较小,沉降较慢,但这些生物和颗粒的结合使得微食物网生物在碳通量中发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

沿海各省、市、自治区在区位、资源禀赋、经济发展方式及科技发展水平等方面存在差异,致使海洋生态文明呈现不同的发展态势。因此,全面评价海洋生态文明建设进程,对促进沿海各省、市、自治区海洋生态文明优化发展具有重要的现实意义。文章通过构建海洋生态文明进程评价指标体系,运用时序动态综合评价方法和熵值法,测算了2006-2015年中国沿海11个省、市、自治区海洋生态文明建设状况。结果表明:从分指标来看,海洋资源有序开发成果显著,促进了海洋生态文明建设进程,但科研成果转化效率低,海洋产业开发多为中低水平,生态环境改善存在下行压力。从整体来看,沿海11个省、市、自治区海洋生态文明建设存在空间差异。基于以上结论,应从增加海洋产业科技研发投入、合理开发海洋资源、提高海洋生态环境保护意识、加快海洋科技创新等方面着手,以促进海洋生态文明建设的全面、协调和可持续发展。  相似文献   

海洋倾废是海洋空间资源环境效益的重要体现,对其进行科学有效的管理,是保护海洋环境及海洋资源的一项重要内容和主要任务。文章对我国海洋倾倒区分布及使用现状进行了分析,对目前海洋倾倒区使用与监管中存在的海洋空间资源利用不合理、倾倒区空间布局与已有区划冲突、部分省、市倾倒需求得不到满足、倾废记录仪利用效率不高、倾倒执法监察与监管效率低下等问题进行了研究,并在此基础上提出海洋倾倒管理应加强法制化管理;科学合理地规划、设置和使用海洋倾倒区;加强对海洋倾倒区审批后的监视监控;加快构建海洋倾废综合管理信息平台等对策建议。  相似文献   

海洋标准化是国家标准化体系和国家海洋事业发展的重要组成部分,对推动我国海洋科技进步、促进海洋科技成果转化、规范海洋行政管理都起着重要的支撑和保障作用。文章对当前我国海洋标准化的工作情况进行了总结,分析了我国海洋标准化工作出现的主要问题,探讨了海洋标准化战略未来的趋势和方向,为我国海洋标准化工作又好又快地发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

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