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Seismic hazard maps of central-southern Africa where hazard has been expressed in terms of peak ground acceleration for an annual probability in excess of 10-1 show relatively high values that distinguish the seismic hazard potential of the Deka fault zone, the mid-Zambezi basin-Luangwa rift and western central Mozambique. In areas such as central-southern Africa where little is known about the geology of the region and the fault systems have not been fully mapped, seismic hazard potential may be estimated from seismicity and broad-scale fault features. For this region, such potential is based on earthquake magnitude Ms ≥ 6. Events of such magnitude have recently occurred in the mid-Zambezi basin, southern Zimbabwe and western-central Mozambique. This paper follows the conventional probabilistic hazard analysis procedure, defining seismic source zones from seismicity based on instrumental records from a cataloque that spans a period of 83 years. Geological and geomorphological features in the region are described on the mesoscale and are correlated with the seismicity as broad fault zones. The scarcity of strong-motion accelerogram data necessitated the formulation of attenuation values based on random vibration theory (RVT).  相似文献   

Effects of fractures on seismic-wave velocity and attenuation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of fractures on the seismic velocity and attenuation of a rock are investigated using theoretical results and experimental data. Fractures in a rock mass influence the traveltimes and amplitudes of seismic waves that have propagated through them. The displacement discontinuity model, recently employed in fracture investigations, is modified to describe the effect of fractures on seismic-wave velocity and attenuation. This new model, the modified displacement discontinuity model (MDD), is formulated in a way analogous to transmission-line analysis. The fractures are treated as transmission lines for the passage of seismic waves. The MDD takes into consideration realistic fracture parameters which include the fracture length, the fractional area of a fracture surface in contact, and the nature of the infilling material. A single fracture of varying geometric and material properties is shown to affect dramatically the transmission properties of a propagating waveform, and hence the seismic velocity and attenuation. These effects have been shown to result in a frequency-dependent velocity and attenuation. The sensitivity of the fracture parameters to seismic-wave velocity and attenuation was investigated and interesting results were obtained. Fracture parameters used in designing experimental models consisting of synthetically manufactured cracks were fed into the MDD and a well-known crack model, Hudson's model, for comparison. Velocities as a function of the incident-wave angle were obtained from both numerical models and were compared with the results from the experimental modelling. For P waves, the MDD model results show better agreement with those of the experimental model for all crack densities investigated than those from Hudson's model.  相似文献   

The Kirchhoff-Helmholtz (KH) integration has been used to model the reflected and the diving waves from an interface with a positive velocity gradient. The modelling is carried out for a spherical boundary and for a sinusoidal topography with a long-scale wavelength.
An artefact, which is a major problem in modelling the seismic response using the KH integration, has been reduced by introducing a Hilbert transform sign manipulation. Cleaner synthetic seismograms with correct amplitudes have been produced by this method. A discretization in larger surface elements has been made possible by introducing a smoothing factor that suppresses the noise that normally follows the constructed signal if a large element size is taken.  相似文献   

The intensity of rotational remanent magnetization (RRM) acquired by single-domain greigite at a rotation frequency of 5 rps was combined with measurements of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) to calculate the effective biasing field ( Bg ) that produced the RRM. Samples of single-domain greigite had Bg values between -137 and -84 μT, and a MDFRRM of c. 80 mT. By contrast, a suite of natural and synthetic ferrimagnetic iron oxide samples, including single-domain magnetite and y Fe3O4 tape particles, acquired Bg values between -3 and -14 μT, and MDFRRM ranged between 43 and 68 mT (when RRM was acquired). Multidomain magnetite did not acquire a RRM. Bg values at 5 rps were calculated from previously published data for magnetite particles of different grain sizes, which revealed a minimum Bg value of -24 μT and a MDFRRM of 57 mT for the finest fraction (0.2-0.8 μm in diameter). In a geological example, measurements of Bg and MDFRRM were used to detect the presence of greigite in a 4 m long Late Weichselian sediment core. Variations in inclination, declination and the intensity of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) correlate with changes in magnetic mineralogy.  相似文献   

We invert ISC PcP and PKP absolute and differential traveltimes in an attempt to infer the long-wavelength topography of the core-mantle boundary (CMB). The data selection and processing methods are described and evaluated. These travel-time data are very noisy and the geographic distribution of the data is highly non-uniform, inhibiting reliable inference of CMB topography. Spatial averaging enhances the coherent component of the residual variance (related to heterogeneity), however, the random component of the variance is much larger than the coherent component. We show that for PcP data the coherent signal due to mantle heterogeneity overshadows that arising from the CMB, and that the effects of mantle heterogeneity are mapped into our inferred CMB solutions. The PcP data are not correlated across the spatial averaging bins and seem to have a strong bias due to small-scale structure and/or noise. The non-uniform geographic sampling of the data plays a role in the mapping of mantle heterogeneity onto the CMB. Spatial patterns of CMB models inferred from different phases do not agree. Amplitudes of seismically inferred CMB undulations vary greatly. The sensitivity of inferred CMB models to the processing, spatial averaging procedure, and inversion techniques are investigated. Topographic amplitudes increase strongly with increasing input residual variance. The power spectrum of inferred topography indicates that there are unmodelled heterogeneities that must be described with spherical harmonics of degree 6 and higher. Based on this work, we conclude that reliable inference of long-wavelength CMB topography is not likely with the current ISC data set or with a spherical harmonic expansion truncated to degree and order 6.  相似文献   

Envelopes of scalar waves are simulated at various distances from an instant point source embedded in a random uniformly scattering medium by means of direct Monte-Carlo modelling of wave-energy transport. Three types of scattering radiation pattern ('indicatrix') are studied, for media specified by (1) a Gaussian autocorrelation function of inhomogeneities, (2) a power-law ('fractal', k -α) inhomogeneity spectrum and (3) the mix of case (1) and the isotropic indicatrix (very small + large inhomogeneities). We look for a model that can qualitatively reproduce the two most characteristic features of real S-wave envelopes of near earthquakes, namely (1) the broadening of the 'direct' wave group with distance and (2) the monotonously decaying shape of the coda envelope that does not deviate strongly from that expected in the isotropic scattering case. Both properties are observed for any band over a wide frequency range (1-40 Hz). The well-studied isotropic scattering model realistically predicts the appearance of codas but fails to predict pulse broadening. The model of large-scale inhomogeneity realistically predicts the mode of pulse broadening but fails to predict codas. We have found that, for a particular frequency band, within each class of inhomogeneity studied, both requirements can be qualitatively satisfied by a certain choice of parameters. In the Gaussian-ACF case, however, this match can be obtained only for a narrow frequency range. In contrast, the fractal case (with a value of exponent a of about 3.5-4) reproduces qualitatively the observed wide-band behaviour, and we consider it a reasonable representation of the gross properties of the earth medium.  相似文献   

Wavepath traveltime tomography   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The elastic-wave equation is used to construct sensitivity kernels relating perturbations in elastic parameters to traveltime deviations. Computation of the functions requires a correlation of the forward-propagating seismic wavefield with a backward propagation of the residual wavefield. The computation of the wavefields is accomplished using a finite difference algorithm and is efficiently executed on a CM-2 parallel processor. The source and receiver locations have maximum sensitivity to velocity structure. The sensitivity kernels or wavepaths are well suited for transmission traveltime inversion such as cross-borehole tomography and vertical seismic profiling. Conventional ray tomography and wavepath tomography are applied to a set of P -wave arrival times, from a cross-borehole experiment at Kesterson, California. Because the wavepaths have increased sensitivity near the source and receiver there are differences in resolution of the velocity structure. Both techniques recover the same relative variations in velocity where the coverage is adequate. The wavepath solution is more laterally continuous and the dominant variation is vertical, as is expected for the layered sediments in this region.  相似文献   

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