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A semi-analytical solution to the problem of the motion of a satellite of the moon is presented. Perturbative effects which are considered include those due to the attraction of the moon, earth, and sun, the non-sphericity of the moon's gravitational field, coupling of lower-order terms, solar radiation pressure, and physical libration. Short-period terms and intermediate-period terms, terms with the period of the moon's longitude, are produced by means of von Zeipel's method; it is proposed to obtain the secular perturbations, and those depending only on the argument of perilune, by numerical integration of the equations of motions. The short-period terms and intermediate-period terms are developed up to second order, where first order is 10–2. The secular perturbations and perturbations dependent on the argument of perilune are obtained to third order.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to derive from the fundamental equations of hydrodynamics the explicit form of the Eulerian equations which govern the motion about the centre of gravity of self-gravitating bodies, consisting of compressible fluid of arbitrary viscosity, in an arbitrary external field of force. If the problem is particularized so that the external field of force represents the attaction of the sun and the moon, this motion would represent the luni-solar precession and nutation of a fluid viscous earth; if, on the other hand, the external field of force were governed by the earth (and the sun), the motion would define the physical librations of the moon regarded as a deformable body. The same equations are, moreover, equally applicable to the phenomena of precession and nutation of rotating fluid components in close binary systems, distorted by mutual tidal action; and the present paper contains the first formulation of the effects of viscosity on such phenomena.Investigation supported in part by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract No. NASW-1470.  相似文献   

Long arc gravity analysis of lunar orbiter tracking data in the past has been carried out with the help of averaged equations of motion, in which short period effects have been suppressed. This procedure has required that the harmonic terms in the gravity potential be averaged over an orbital period. In the present paper, we extend this technique to mass points and mass discs in the gravity field. This required the evaluation of expressions for the mean rates of the orbit elements for a satellite perturbed by a lens shaped mass concentration. Corresponding expressions for the perturbations due to a mass point are obtained in the limit as the lens radius goes to zero. The derived equations have been programmed on the UNIVAC 1108 computer, and the results checked by numerical differencing.  相似文献   

Theory for the motion of a satellite in a near-circular orbit and perturbed by zonal and resonance terms in the Earth's gravity field is developed. Commensurability with respect to both primary and secondary terms is considered with the solution dependent on the depths of the resonances. The theory is applied to the motion of COSMOS 1603 (1984-106A) which approached 14 : 1 resonance in 1987. Values of lumped harmonics derived from least-squares analysis are in close agreement with previous studies of 1984-106A and global gravity field models. The theory is finally extended to incorporate the effects of air drag.  相似文献   

A theory is developed for the perturbations to the orbit of a spherically symmetric satellite which accounts for the changes in the perigee and nodal positions and the variations of the Sun-Earth distance and direction over an orbital revolution. The theory is semi-analytical, the equations of motion being integrated with respect to time over the sunlit period of each orbital revolution. Long-periodic and short-periodic perturbations may be treated separately, and this is important for long-term analyses in terms of mean elements where short-period terms are averaged or omitted.  相似文献   

Luni-solar perturbations of an Earth satellite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Luni-solar perturbations of the orbit of an artificial Earth satellite are given by modifying the analytical theory of an artificial lunar satellite derived by the author in recent papers. Expressions for the first-order changes, both secular and periodic, in the elements of the geocentric Keplerian orbit of the earth satellite are given, the moon's geocentric orbit, including solar perturbations in it, being found by using Brown's lunar theory.The effects of Sun and Moon on the satellite orbit are described to a high order of accuracy so that the theory may be used for distant earth satellites.  相似文献   

The literal solution of the restricted three body problem obtained by the authors up to the eleventh order with respect to the minor parameter is applied to the investigation of the motion of Phoebe, the ninth satellite of Saturn. As distinct from the existing analytical theories of the motion of the satellite, in the present paper the planetary perturbations are taken into account. A comparison with the modern numerical theory of the motion of Phoebe has shown that the new analytical theory of the satellite motion represents observations with the same degree of accuracy.  相似文献   

Differential equations describing the tidal evolution of the earth's rotation and of the lunar orbital motion are presented in a simple close form. The equations differ in form for orbits fixed to the terrestrial equator and for orbits with the nodes precessing along the ecliptic due to solar perturbations. Analytical considerations show that if the contemporary lunar orbit were equatorial the evolution would develop from an unstable geosynchronous orbit of the period about 4.42 h (in the past) to a stable geosynchronous orbit of the period about 44.8 days (in the future). It is also demonstrated that at the contemporary epoch the orbital plane of the fictitious equatorial moon would be unstable in the Liapunov's sense, being asymptotically stable at early stages of the evolution. Evolution of the currently near-ecliptical lunar orbit and of the terrestrial rotation is traced backward in time by numerical integration of the evolutional equations. It is confirmed that about 1.8 billion years ago a critical phase of the evolution took place when the equatorial inclination of the moon reached small values and the moon was in a near vicinity of the earth. Before the critical epoch t cr two types of the evolution are possible, which at present cannot be unambiguously distinguished with the help of the purely dynamical considerations. In the scenario that seems to be the most realistic from the physical point of view, the evolution also has started from a geosynchronous equatorial lunar orbit of the period 4.19 h. At t < t cr the lunar orbit has been fixed to the precessing terrestrial equator by strong perturbations from the earth's flattening and by tidal effects; at the critical epoch the solar perturbations begin to dominate and transfer the moon to its contemporary near-ecliptical orbit which evolves now to the stable geosynchronous state. Probably this scenario is in favour of the Darwin's hypothesis about originating the moon by its separation from the earth. Too much short time scale of the evolution in this model might be enlarged if the dissipative Q factor had somewhat larger values in the past than in the present epoch. Values of the length of day and the length of month, estimated from paleontological data, are confronted with the results of the developed model.  相似文献   

Kaula's celebrated solution to the problem of satellite motion in the gravitational field of a rigid body is transformed to give the perturbation spectra in both position and velocity in the radial, transverse and normal directions of the orbital reference frame. This work is an extension and a refinement of the theory of orbital perturbations due to the geopotential previously published by Rosborough and Tapley (1987).  相似文献   

Using Hill's variables, an analytical solution of a canonical system of six differential equations describing the motion of a satellite in the gravitational field of the earth is derived. The gravity field, expanded into spherical harmonics, has to be expressed as a function of the Hill variables. The intermediary is chosen to include the main secular terms. The first order solution retains the highly practical formal structure of Kaula's linear solution, but is valid for circular orbits and provides of course a spectral decomposition of radius vector and radial velocity. The resulting eccentricity functions are much simpler than the Hansen functions, since a series evaluation of the Kepler equation is avoided. The present solution may be extended to higher order solutions by Hori's perturbation method.  相似文献   

The heating of a spinning artificial satellite by natural radiation sources such as the Sun and the Earth results in temperature gradients arising across the satellite's surface. The corresponding anisotropic emission of thermal radiation leads to a recoil force, commonly referred to as “thermal force”. A quantitative theory of this effect is developed, based on more general assumptions than used so far, to model such radiation forces on spherically symmetric LAGEOS-like satellites. In particular, the theory holds for any ratio of the three basic timescales of the problem: the rotation period of the satellite, the orbital period around the Earth, and the relaxation time for the thermal processes. Thus, the simplifying assumption of a comparatively fast rotational motion is avoided, which will fail for LAGEOS within the next decade, owing to magnetic dissipation effects. A number of predictions about the future behaviour of non-gravitational long-term orbital perturbations of LAGEOS become possible with the new theory. In particular the Yarkovsky-Schach thermal force effects are studied arising as a consequence of the solar radiation flux onto the satellite, periodically interrupted by eclipses. Starting on about year 2005, the orbital perturbation effects predicted by the new theory are substantially different from those inferred in the fast-rotation case. This holds not only for the long-term semimajor axis effects, but also for eccentricity and inclination perturbations.  相似文献   

This paper considers the ground trace of an artificial earth satellite. It determines the effects of the trace caused by perturbations due to atmospheric drag, the oblateness of the earth, and the moon and the sun as a third body.The necessary mathematical relations giving these perturbations which are available in literature are utilized (Betz, 1967; Brouwer and Clemence, 1961; Brouwer and Hori, 1961; Danby, 1962; Escobal, 1965; Kentet al., 1963; Kozai, 1962). Those relations unavailable elsewhere are derived.The computation was done by programming in FORTRAN language and utilizing an IBM 360/65.Captain, USAF  相似文献   

In this paper we present an analytical theory with numerical simulations to study the orbital motion of lunar artificial satellites. We consider the problem of an artificial satellite perturbed by the non-uniform distribution of mass of the Moon and by a third-body in elliptical orbit (Earth is considered). Legendre polynomials are expanded in powers of the eccentricity up to the degree four and are used for the disturbing potential due to the third-body. We show a new approximated equation to compute the critical semi-major axis for the orbit of the satellite. Lie-Hori perturbation method up to the second-order is applied to eliminate the terms of short-period of the disturbing potential. Coupling terms are analyzed. Emphasis is given to the case of frozen orbits and critical inclination. Numerical simulations for hypothetical lunar artificial satellites are performed, considering that the perturbations are acting together or one at a time.  相似文献   

Although space geodetic observing systems have been advanced recently to such a revolutionary level that low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites can now be tracked almost continuously and at the unprecedented high accuracy, none of the three basic methods for mapping the Earth’s gravity field, namely, Kaula linear perturbation, the numerical integration method and the orbit energy-based method, could meet the demand of these challenging data. Some theoretical effort has been made in order to establish comparable mathematical modellings for these measurements, notably by Mayer-Gürr et al. (J Geod 78:462–480, 2005). Although the numerical integration method has been routinely used to produce models of the Earth’s gravity field, for example, from recent satellite gravity missions CHAMP and GRACE, the modelling error of the method increases with the increase of the length of an arc. In order to best exploit the almost continuity and unprecedented high accuracy provided by modern space observing technology for the determination of the Earth’s gravity field, we propose using measured orbits as approximate values and derive the corresponding coordinate and velocity perturbations. The perturbations derived are quasi-linear, linear and of second-order approximation. Unlike conventional perturbation techniques which are only valid in the vicinity of reference mean values, our coordinate and velocity perturbations are mathematically valid uniformly through a whole orbital arc of any length. In particular, the derived coordinate and velocity perturbations are free of singularity due to the critical inclination and resonance inherent in the solution of artificial satellite motion by using various types of orbital elements. We then transform the coordinate and velocity perturbations into those of the six Keplerian orbital elements. For completeness, we also briefly outline how to use the derived coordinate and velocity perturbations to establish observation equations of space geodetic measurements for the determination of geopotential.  相似文献   

A theory of the libration of the Moon, completely analytical with respect to the harmonic coefficients of the lunar gravity field, was recently built (Moons, 1982). The Lie transforms method was used to reduce the Hamiltonian of the main problem of the libration of the Moon and to produce the usual libration series p1, p2 and . This main problem takes into account the perturbations due to the Sun and the Earth on the rotation of a rigid Moon about its center of mass. In complement to this theory, we have now computed the planetary effects on the libration, the planetary terms being added to the mean Hamiltonian of the main problem before a last elimination of the angles. For the main problem, as well as for the planetary perturbations, the motion of the center of mass of the Moon is described by the ELP 2000 solution (Chapront and Chapront-Touze, 1983).  相似文献   

A.W. Harris 《Icarus》1978,34(1):128-145
The satellite formation model of Harris and Kaula (Icarus24, 516–524, 1975) is extended to include evolution of planetary ring material and elliptic orbital motion. This model is more satisfactory than the previous one in that the formation of the moon begins at a later time in the growth of the earth, and that a significant fraction of the lunar material is processed through a circumterrestrial debris cloud where volatiles might have been lost. Thus the chemical differences between the earth and moon are more plausibly accounted for. Satellites of the outer planets probably formed in large numbers throughout the growth of those planets. Because of rapid inward evolution of the orbits of small satellites, the present satellite systems represent only satellites formed in the last few percent of the growths of their primaries. The rings of Saturn and Uranus are most plausibly explained as the debris of satellites disrupted within the Roche limit. Because such a ring would collapse onto the planet in the course of any significant further accretion by the planet, the rings must have formed very near or even after the conclusion of accretion.  相似文献   

Saturn's satellite Hyperion experiences large perturbations by Titan, the largest of Saturn's satellites, because of the closeness of Hyperion's orbital period to three-quarters of that of Titan.The motion of Hyperion is a superposition of periodic fluctuations (both free and forced) onto a motion which is periodic in a suitable uniformly rotating frame of reference, and in which Hyperion would be at a maximum distance from Saturn at each conjunction with Titan.Successive attempts to determine the mass of Titan from observed perturbations of Hyperion have suffered from omissions in the theory of terms subsequently found to be significant.An attempt is in progress which, it is believed, comprises all long-period changes in the osculating elements which are of second degree in the mass of Titan, and of third degree in the eccentricity of its orbit. Results so far obtained indicate that the period of the free motion of the orbit plane of Hyperion is better determined by Woltjer's reduction of the observations than by his theoretical calculations.Presented at the Conference on Celestial Mechanics, Oberwolfach, Germany, August 27–September 2, 1972.  相似文献   

月球物理天平动对环月轨道器运动的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张巍  刘林 《天文学报》2005,46(2):196-206
月球物理天平动是月球赤道在空间真实的摆动,会导致月球引力场在空间坐标系中的变化,从而引起环月轨道器(以下称为月球卫星)的轨道变化,这与地球的岁差章动现象对地球卫星轨道的影响类似.采用类似对地球岁差章动的处理方法,讨论月球物理天平动对月球卫星轨道的影响,给出相应的引力位的变化及卫星轨道的摄动解,清楚地表明了月球卫星轨道的变化规律,并和数值解进行了比对,从定性和定量方面作一讨论.  相似文献   

A new second-order solution to the two-point boundary value problem for relative motion about orbital rendezvous in one orbit period is proposed. First, nonlinear differential equations to describe the relative motion between a chaser and a target are presented considering the second-order terms in the gravity. Then, by regarding the second-order terms as external accelerations, we establish second-order state transition equations. Moreover, the J2 perturbations effects can also be considered in the state transition equations. Last, the initial relative velocity to fulfill a rendezvous is determined by solving the state transition equations. Numerical simulations show that the new second-order state transition equations are accurate. The second-order solution to the two-point boundary value problem on eccentric orbits is valid even if the relative range is farther than 500 km.  相似文献   

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