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In the present paper, we have obtained some exact analytic self-similar solutions for a zero-temperature gradient behind a magnetogasdynamic shock wave produced by stellar explosions. The initial density of the medium is taken to vary as some power of the distance from the point of explosion. The solutions are obtained for the cases when the energy of the shocked gas is constant, the energy is varying, and the shock velocity is constant. General solutions are also obtained. We have also analytically obtained the position of the singular surface behind the shock wave.  相似文献   

Based on a self-consistent solution of the equations of gas dynamics, kinetics of hydrogen atomic level populations, and radiative transfer, we analyze the structure of a shock wave that propagates in a partially ionized hydrogen gas. We consider the radiative transfer at the frequencies of spectral lines by taking into account the effects of a moving medium in the observer's frame of reference. The flux in Balmer lines is shown to be formed behind the shock discontinuity at the initial hydrogen recombination stage. The Doppler shift of the emission-line profile is approximately one and a half times smaller than the gas flow velocity in the Balmer emission region, because the radiation field of the shock wave is anisotropic. At Mach numbers M1?10 and unperturbed gas densities σ1=10?10 g cm?3, the Doppler shift is approximately one third of the shock velocity U1. The FWHM of the emission-line profile δ ? is related to the shock velocity by δ ? k ? U1, where k ? = 1, 0.6, and 0.65 for the Hα, Hβ, and Hγ lines, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper we have obtained a similarity solution for a spherical magneto-gas dynamic shock wave in a self-gravitating system. It is observed that the total energy of the shock wave is not a constant, but it decreases with time. A remarkable change in radiation flux is also being observed here because of the presence of the magnetic field while there is no change in density, velocity and pressure.  相似文献   

An exact similarity solution for a spherical magneto-gas dynamic shock wave is obtained in the case when the loss of energy due to radiation escape is significant. The total energy of the shock wave is not constant but decreases with time. We have shown that due to the magnetic field, the radiation flux changes considerably.  相似文献   

The effect of the disturbance behind a strong plane shock wave propagating in a medium with exponentially varying density in the presence of magnetic field is investigated. The similarity solution is used to find the two interaction terms at all points of the flow. A method has been developed to determine the similarity exponent in magnetogasdynamics.  相似文献   

A version of the stars stellar evolution code has been developed that uses a non-simultaneous solution of the equations of stellar structure and evolution. In all other respects it is identical to the normal, fully simultaneous version. It is therefore possible to test the dependence of the solution on how the equations are solved. Two cases are investigated: a 5- and a  3-M  star, both of metallicity   Z = 0.02  . Prior to the asymptotic giant branch, the models are almost identical. However, once thermal pulses start, the two methods of solution yield diverging results with the non-simultaneous technique predicting longer interpulse periods. This is traced to difficulties associated with hydrogen burning caused by the use of a moving mesh. It is shown that, with careful control of the temporal resolution, the results of the simultaneous technique can be recovered.  相似文献   

This article applies nonstandard analysis to derive jump conditions for one-dimensional, diverging, magnetogasdynamic shock waves emerging on the surface of a star. It is assumed that the shock thickness occurs on an infinitesimal interval and the jump functions for the flow parameters occur smoothly across this interval. Predistributions of the Heaviside function and the Dirac delta measure are used to model the flow variables across a shock wave. The equations of motion expressed in nonconservative form are then applied to derive unambiguous relationships between the jump functions for the flow parameters. It is shown here that the equations modeling a family of magnetogasdynamic shock waves yield products of generalized functions that may be analyzed consistently using nonstandard predistributions.  相似文献   

An analytical solution for a self-similar isothermal flow behind a radiation driven shock wave in non-uniform medium at rest is investigated using the method of Laumbach and Probstein (1969).  相似文献   

An exact similarity solution for a spherical magnetogasdynamic shock is obtained in the case when radiation energy, radiation pressure and radiative heat flux are important. The total energy of the shock wave increase with time. We have shown that due to the magnetic field the flow variables are considerably changed. Also, due to increases in radiation pressure number the radiation flux is increased.  相似文献   

The quasisimilar theory is used to investigate the solution of the blast wave problem with generalized geometries in a non-ideal gas satisfying the equation of state of the Van der Waals type. Here it is assumed that the distribution of normalized velocity, pressure and density are nearly similar in the narrow range of the shock strength. A comparison between approximate analytical solution and numerical solution of the problem is presented for the cylindrical geometry. The numerical solutions are presented for the generalized geometry in a non-ideal gas. It is also assessed as to how the non-idealness of the gas affects the behavior of the flow parameters.  相似文献   

A class of equilibrium solutions of the Vlasov equation for self-gravitating systems is discussed. The density and the potential are derived in form of Jacobi polynomials, which in a special case give rise to a model with uniform density.  相似文献   

B, V observations of the eclipsing binary RS CVn have been presented. A dip around 0 p . I appears to be a wave minimum which fits well in the Wave minimum phase-time relation, but deviates from the Wave aplitude-time relation, derived for the RS CVn. Either, the Wave amplitude-time relation requires a modification or the amplitude of the wave minmum appears masked by the intrinsic variability of one of the components or by the Sun-spot activity of the system. The colour exhibits variation. The secondary component appears active.  相似文献   

A rotating disc galaxy is modelled as a composite system consisting of thin stellar and gaseous discs, which are described by a two-fluid modal formalism. The composite disc system is assumed to retain axisymmetry in the background equilibrium. General density-wave perturbations in the two discs are coupled through the mutual gravitational interaction. We study the basic properties of open and tight spiral density-wave modes in such a composite disc system. Within the Lindblad resonances, perturbation enhancements of surface mass density in stellar and gaseous discs are in phase; this is also true during the initial growth phase of density-wave perturbations. Outside the Lindblad resonances, there exists a possible spiral density-wave branch for which perturbation enhancements of surface mass density in stellar and gaseous discs are out of phase. We discuss implications of these results on the critical parameters for global star formation in barred and normal spiral galaxies and on magnetohydrodynamic density waves within the Lindblad resonances.  相似文献   

An analytic expression for the velocity of magnetogasdynamic shock wave, propagating in rotating inter stellar atmosphere has been obtained by using the method of characteristics and considering the effect of coriolis force. It has been shown that in the outer convective layer of the star Coriolis force and magnetic field both have significant effect on the shock velocity.  相似文献   

We present V -band surface photometry and major-axis kinematics of stars and ionized gas of three early-type spiral galaxies, namely NGC 772, 3898 and 7782. For each galaxy we present a self-consistent Jeans model for the stellar kinematics, adopting the light distribution of bulge and disc derived by means of a two-dimensional parametric photometric decomposition. This allows us to investigate the presence of non-circular gas motions, and derive the mass distribution of luminous and dark matter in these objects.
NGC 772 and 7782 have apparently normal kinematics with the ionized gas tracing the gravitational equilibrium circular speed. This is not true in the innermost region (| r |≲8 arcsec) of NGC 3898, where the ionized gas is rotating more slowly than the circular velocity predicted by dynamical modelling. This phenomenon is common in the bulge-dominated galaxies for which dynamical modelling enables us to make the direct comparison between the gas velocity and the circular speed, and it poses questions about the reliability of galaxy mass distributions derived by the direct decomposition of the observed ionized-gas rotation curve into the contributions of luminous and dark matter.  相似文献   

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