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The volumes, rates and grain size distributions of sediment supplied from hillslopes represent the initial input of sediment delivered from upland areas and propagated through sediment routing systems. Moreover, hillslope sediment supply has a significant impact on landscape response time to tectonic and climatic perturbations. However, there are very few detailed field studies characterizing hillslope sediment supply as a function of lithology and delivery process. Here, we present new empirical data from tectonically‐active areas in southern Italy that quantifies how lithology and rock strength control the landslide fluxes and grain size distributions supplied from hillslopes. Landslides are the major source of hillslope sediment supply in this area, and our inventory of ~2800 landslides reveals that landslide sediment flux is dominated by small, shallow landslides. We find that lithology and rock strength modulate the abundance of steep slopes and landslides, and the distribution of landslide sizes. Outcrop‐scale rock strength also controls the grain sizes supplied by bedrock weathering, and influences the degree of coarsening of landslide supply with respect to weathering supply. Finally, we show that hillslope sediment supply largely determines the grain sizes of fluvial export, from catchments and that catchments with greater long‐term landslide rates deliver coarser material. Therefore, our results demonstrate a dual control of lithology on hillslope sediment supply, by modulating both the sediment fluxes from landslides and the grain sizes supplied by hillslopes to the fluvial system. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

From Yulin, which is located in the transitional zone between the Loess Plateau and the Mu Us desert, to Weinan in the southernmost part of the Loess Plateau, 9 loess sections were studied. Grain size analyses show that the advance-retreat changes of the deserts in northern China may be the most important factor controlling changes in the sand particle percentage of the loess-soil sequences during the last glacial-interglacial period. It is thus suggegted to use the sand grain content of loess deposits as a proxy indicator of desert variations. Applying this indicator to the last glacial loess deposits in the northwestern part of the Loess Plateau reveals that there were many millennial-scale cycles of the desert environments. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49525230)  相似文献   

This study explores linkages between the microbial composition and hydrochemical variables of pristine groundwater to identify active redox conditions and processes. Two confined aquifers underlying the city of Qianjiang in the Jianghan Plain in China were selected for this study, having different recharge sources and strong hydrochemical gradients. Typical methods for establishing redox processes according to threshold concentration criteria for geochemical parameters suggest iron or sulphate reduction processes. High‐throughput 16S rRNA sequencing was used to obtain diversity and taxonomic information on microbial communities. Instead of revealing iron‐ and sulphate‐reducing bacteria, salt‐ and alkali‐tolerant bacteria, such as the phylum Firmicutes and the class Gammaproteobacteria, and in particular, the family Bacillaceae, were dominant in the downstream groundwater of the first aquifer that had high ion concentrations caused by the dissolution of calcite and dolomite; meanwhile, the heterotrophic microaerophilic families Comamonadaceae and Rhodocyclaceae prevailed in the upstream groundwater of the first aquifer. Sulphate‐reducing bacteria were extremely abundant in the upstream groundwater of the second aquifer, as the SO42? concentration was especially high. Methanogens and methanotrophs were predominant in the downstream groundwater of the second aquifer even though the concentration of SO42? was much higher than 0.5 mg L?1. The microbial communities, together with the geochemical parameters, indicated that the upstream region of the first aquifer was suboxic, that Fe(III) and Mn(IV) reductions were not the main redox processes in the downstream groundwater of the first aquifer with high Fe and Mn concentrations, and that the redox processes in the upstream and downstream regions of the second confined aquifer were SO42? reduction and methanogenesis, respectively. This study expands understanding of the linkages between microbial communities and hydrogeochemistry in pristine groundwaters and provides more evidence for identifying active redox conditions and processes.  相似文献   


Suspended sediment concentrations in the meltwater of Pindari Glacier were determined at regular intervals in four ablation seasons. The late ablation periods (September 1994 and October 1995) were characterized by a reduced level of sediment concentration, while the sampling periods of early ablation (May 1994 and July 1995) showed very high concentrations of suspended sediment in the meltwater. Grain size distribution shows the dominance of medium and coarse silt fractions of the mean size of the suspended sediments between 4.35 and 5.82 ø. Clay size constitutes about 7% of the total size population. The majority of the samples are poorly sorted, symmetrically to finely skewed and mesokurtic in nature. The grain shows texture of mechanical and chemical origin, in which mechanical texture is predominant on most of the grains. It was observed that the grains were mostly subangular to subrounded in shape with variable size ranges. Bulk sediment chemistry consists mostly (>70%) of the five elements, Si, Al, K, Fe and Mg. Iron (Fe) and Mn are dominant heavy metals and sediments show the elemental abundance in the order of Fe > Mn > Zn > Cu > Ni > Pb. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) of suspended sediments (57) is relatively higher than in the case of average unweathered upper continental crust (~50) indicating a higher degree of weathering due to glacier grinding and crushing action. Quartz is the most dominant mineral, followed by mica, illite, feldspar and kaolinite.  相似文献   

The role of microbial sulfate reduction on organic matter oxidation was studied quantitatively in temperate intertidal surface sediments of the German Wadden Sea (southern North Sea) on a seasonal base in the years 1998–2007. The sampling sites represent the range of sediments found in the back-barrier tidal area of Spiekeroog Island: sands, mixed and muddy flats. The correspondingly different contents in organic matter, metals, and porosities lead to significant differences in the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria with volumetric sulfate reduction rates (SRR) in the top 15 cm of up to 1.4 μmol cm?3 day?1. Depth-integrated areal SRR ranged between 0.9 and 106 mmol m?2 day?1, with the highest values found in the mudflat sediments and lower rates measured in sands at the same time, demonstrating the impact of both temperature and organic matter load. According to a modeling approach for a 154-km2 large tidal area, about 39, 122, and 285 tons of sulfate are reduced per day, during winter, spring/autumn, and summer, respectively. Hence, the importance of areal benthic organic matter mineralization by microbial sulfate reduction increases during spring/autumn and summer by factors of about 2 and 7, respectively, when compared to winter time. The combined results correspond to an estimated benthic organic carbon mineralization rate via sulfate reduction of 78 g C m?2 year?1.  相似文献   

To investigate the source, flow paths, and chemistry of rich resources of high‐quality, shallow groundwater in the alluvial fan between the Tedori and Sai rivers in central Japan, we analysed stable isotope ratios of H, O, and Sr and concentrations of major dissolved ions and trace elements in groundwater, river water, and paddy water. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the groundwater are related to near‐surface geology: groundwater in sediment from the Tedori River has high 87Sr/86Sr ratios (>0.711), whereas that from the Sai River in the north of the fan has low 87Sr/86Sr ratios (<0.711). δ2H and δ18O values and 87Sr/86Sr ratios indicate that groundwater in the central and southern fans is recharged by the Tedori River, whereas recharge in the north is from the Sai River. Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, HCO3?, and SO42? concentrations and δ2H and δ18O values in the groundwater are high in the central fan and, except for the northern area, tend to increase with distance from the Tedori River. There are linear relationships between 87Sr/86Sr ratio and the reciprocal concentrations of Sr2+, Mg2+, and Ca2+. These geochemical characteristics suggest that as groundwater recharged from the Tedori River flows towards the central fan, it mixes with waters derived from precipitation and paddy water that have become enriched in these components during downward infiltration. These results are consistent with our hydrological analysis and numerical simulation of groundwater flow, thus verifying the validity of the model we used in our simulation of groundwater flow. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To identify the groundwater flow system in the North China Plain, the chemical and stable isotopes of the groundwater and surface water were analysed along the Chaobai River and Yongding River basin. According to the field survey, the study area in the North China Plain was classified hydrogeologically into three parts: mountain, piedmont alluvial fan and lowland areas. The change of electrical conductance and pH values coincided with groundwater flow from mountain to lowland areas. The following groundwater types are recognized: Ca? HCO3 and Ca? Mg? HCO3 in mountain areas, Ca? Mg? HCO3 and Na? K? HCO3 in piedmont alluvial fan areas, and HCO3? Na in lowland areas. The stable isotope distribution of groundwater in the study area also has a good corresponding relation with other chemical characteristics. Stable isotope signatures reveal a major recharge from precipitation and surface water in the mountain areas. Chemical and stable isotope analysis data suggest that mountain and piedmont alluvial fan areas were the major recharge zones and the lowland areas belong to the main discharge zone. Precipitation and surface water were the major sources for groundwater in the North China Plain. Stable isotopic enrichment of groundwater near the dam area in front of the piedmont alluvial fan areas shows that the dam water infiltrated to the ground after evaporation. As a result, from the stable isotope analysis, isotope value of groundwater tends to deplete from sea level (horizontal ground surface) to both top of the mountain and the bottom of the lowland areas in symmetrically. This suggests that groundwater in the study area is controlled by the altitude effect. Shallow groundwater in the study area belongs to the local flow system and deep groundwater part of the regional flow system. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

tWe analyse continuous measurements of groundwater level in two deep wells VS-3 and V-28 at the experimental hydro-meteorological station situated on the NE margin of the Bohemian Massif, central Europe, characterized by the weak intraplate seismic activity. The aim of our study is to examine the relationships between changes in the groundwater level and earthquake occurrence. Based on the tidal and barometric response of the water level, we estimated selected elastic parameters of the observed aquifers: the shear modulus G, the Skempton ratio B, the drained matrix compressibility β and the undrained compressibility βu. Using these parameters and assuming the homogeneous poroelastic material, we derived the sensitivity of the wells to the crustal volume strain. During the observation period from November 1998 to December 2005 we detected in the VS-3 well two pre-seismic steps, related to August 10, 2005 (M = 2.4) and October 25, 2005 (M = 3.3) earthquakes. Amplitudes of the recorded precursory changes (+6 cm and +15 cm) are several times higher than the values predicted from the theoretical precursory crustal strain and the strain sensitivity of the well. Therefore, we presume that the observed pre-seismic water level steps can be attributed to heterogeneity of poroelastic material. We consequently propose the hypothesis of the origin of precursory events based on the presumption of a sensitive site, at which the well is situated.  相似文献   

通过对水体中及附着在藻类上的细荫数量、代谢活性细菌、Chl.a浓度等的研究,探讨了藻类与细菌之间的代谢耦联关系,结果表明:1)水体中细菌的丰度随着Chl.a浓度的增加而逐渐增大(r2=0.466,P<0.05),但其峰值滞后于Chl.a;附在藻体表面上的细菌也呈现出相似的变化规律;2)水体中代谢活性细菌数量与总细菌数量显著相关(r2=0.678,P<0.05);附着在藻体上的代谢活性细菌虽然总数量低于水体中的代谢活性细菌,但二者之间亦存在显著的相关性(r2=0.836,P<0.05).3)藻类表面附着细菌的数量取决与藻类的生长状况,附着在藻类体上的代谢活性细菌的比率均高于水体中代谢活性细菌的比率,且在水华盛行期间呈逐渐增加的趋势.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatio-temporal variability in groundwater recharge is a prerequisite to sustainable management of aquifers. Spatial analysis of groundwater stable isotopes uncovered predominant controls on groundwater recharge in the Nairobi aquifer system (NAS) and the South Coast aquifer (SC), two exemplar East African aquifers relied upon by 7 million people. We analysed 368 samples for stable isotopes and basic physico-chemical parameters. The NAS groundwater isotopes are controlled by precipitation orographic effects and enriched recharge from impounded lakes/wetlands; the SC isotopes are correlated with water-table depth influencing evapotranspiration. Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) data revealed groundwater recharge during months of heavy rains in the NAS, whilst the SC experiences spatio-temporally diffuse recharge. Inferred “isoscapes” show: in the NAS, (1) direct, rapid recharge favoured by faults, well-drained soils and ample rainfall in uplands, (2) delayed recharge from impounded lakes and wetlands in mid-lands, and (3) focused, event-based recharge in floodplains; and in the SC, diffuse recharge complicated by significant water-table evapotranspiration processes.  相似文献   

Non-perennial streams comprise over half of the global stream network and impact downstream water quality. Although aridity is a primary driver of stream drying globally, surface flow permanence varies spatially and temporally within many headwater streams, suggesting that these complex drying patterns may be driven by topographic and subsurface factors. Indeed, these factors affect shallow groundwater flows in perennial systems, but there has been only limited characterisation of shallow groundwater residence times and groundwater contributions to intermittent streams. Here, we asked how groundwater residence times, shallow groundwater contributions to streamflow, and topography interact to control stream drying in headwater streams. We evaluated this overarching question in eight semi-arid headwater catchments based on surface flow observations during the low-flow period, coupled with tracer-based groundwater residence times. For one headwater catchment, we analysed stream drying during the seasonal flow recession and rewetting period using a sensor network that was interspersed between groundwater monitoring locations, and linked drying patterns to groundwater inputs and topography. We found a poor relationship between groundwater residence times and flowing network extent (R2 < 0.24). Although groundwater residence times indicated that old groundwater was present in all headwater streams, surface drying also occurred in each of them, suggesting old, deep flowpaths are insufficient to sustain surface flows. Indeed, the timing of stream drying at any given point typically coincided with a decrease in the contribution from near-surface sources and an increased relative contribution of groundwater to streamflow at that location, whereas the spatial pattern of drying within the stream network typically correlated with locations where groundwater inputs were most seasonally variable. Topographic metrics only explained ~30% of the variability in seasonal flow permanence, and surprisingly, we found no correlation with seasonal drying and down-valley subsurface storage area. Because we found complex spatial patterns, future studies should pair dense spatial observations of subsurface properties, such as hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity, to observations of seasonal flow permanence.  相似文献   

An understanding of groundwater flow and chemistry is important to operate underground storage caverns. Groundwater flow is mainly affected by cavern operating conditions. Groundwater chemistry is modified by disinfection activities for removing possible biological clogging and by mixing with cement pore water. It is important to discern these two effects, because wells affected by the disinfection activities may have hydrological connections with water curtains used to inject the disinfectant. However, it is difficult to separate these two effects using graphical methods because of their similar chemical characteristics. Instead, multivariate statistical analysis, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and factor analysis (FA), can be used. Groundwater samples for chemical analysis were obtained from four surveys in 1999–2000. Based on the results from PCA and FA, it appears that there were temporal variations of seepage water into the propane area when the cavern operation fluctuated, but we could not observe such variation in the butane area. These changes may occur mainly at depth, where water flow is slow and water renewal in the cavern surrounding is limited. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An extensive survey and topographic analysis of five watersheds draining the Luquillo Mountains in north‐eastern Puerto Rico was conducted to decouple the relative influences of lithologic and hydraulic forces in shaping the morphology of tropical montane stream channels. The Luquillo Mountains are a steep landscape composed of volcaniclastic and igneous rocks that exert a localized lithologic influence on the stream channels. However, the stream channels also experience strong hydraulic forcing due to high unit discharge in the humid rainforest environment. GIS‐based topographic analysis was used to examine channel profiles, and survey data were used to analyze downstream changes in channel geometry, grain sizes, stream power, and shear stresses. Results indicate that the longitudinal profiles are generally well graded but have concavities that reflect the influence of multiple rock types and colluvial‐alluvial transitions. Non‐fluvial processes, such as landslides, deliver coarse boulder‐sized sediment to the channels and may locally determine channel gradient and geometry. Median grain size is strongly related to drainage area and slope, and coarsens in the headwaters before fining in the downstream reaches; a pattern associated with a mid‐basin transition between colluvial and fluvial processes. Downstream hydraulic geometry relationships between discharge, width and velocity (although not depth) are well developed for all watersheds. Stream power displays a mid‐basin maximum in all basins, although the ratio of stream power to coarse grain size (indicative of hydraulic forcing) increases downstream. Excess dimensionless shear stress at bankfull flow wavers around the threshold for sediment mobility of the median grain size, and does not vary systematically with bankfull discharge; a common characteristic in self‐forming ‘threshold’ alluvial channels. The results suggest that although there is apparent bedrock and lithologic control on local reach‐scale channel morphology, strong fluvial forces acting over time have been sufficient to override boundary resistance and give rise to systematic basin‐scale patterns. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Groundwater that bypasses the riparian zone by travelling along deep flow paths may deliver high concentrations of fertilizer‐derived NO3? to streams, or it may be impacted by the NO3? removal process of denitrification in streambed sediments. In a study of a small agricultural catchment on the Atlantic coastal plain of Virginia's eastern shore, we used seepage meters deployed in the streambed to measure specific discharge of groundwater and its solute concentrations for various locations and dates. We used values of Cl? concentration to discriminate between bypass water recharged distal to the stream and that contained high NO3? but low Cl? concentrations and riparian‐influenced water recharged proximal to the stream that contained low NO3? and high Cl? concentrations. The travel time required for bypass water to transit the 30‐cm‐thick, microbially active denitrifying zone in the streambed determined the extent of NO3? removal, and hydraulic conductivity determined travel time through the streambed sediments. At all travel times greater than 2 days, NO3? removal was virtually complete. Comparison of the timescales for reaction and transport through the streambed sediments in this system confirmed that the predominant control on nitrate flux was travel time rather than denitrification rate coefficients. We conclude that extensive denitrification can occur in groundwater that bypasses the riparian zone, but a residence time in biologically active streambed sediments sufficient to remove a large fraction of the NO3? is only achieved in relatively low‐conductivity porous media. Instead of viewing them as separate, the streambed and riparian zone should be considered an integrated NO3? removal unit. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

G. Stamatis  K. Voudouris 《水文研究》2003,17(12):2327-2345
In this paper the groundwater quality of the southern part of Korinthos region (north‐east Peloponnese) is discussed. The geology is characterized by a thick sequence of Neogene marls alternating with sandstones, overlain by superficial Quaternary deposits. The latter consist of a mixture of loose materials such as conglomerates, marly sandstones, sands and clay to silty sands. The area is crossed by a fault system parallel to the coastline, and the Quaternary sediments have formed extended Tyrrhenian marine terraces. Two aquifers have been identified in the area. The first is unconfined and occurs within the Quaternary sediments whereas the other is a deep confined aquifer occurring within the underlying Neogene marl series. Analysis of hydrochemical evolution over the past 30 years has indicated significant deterioration of quality owing to seawater intrusion and nitrate pollution. The various sources of pollution have rendered, to a large extent, shallow groundwater unsuitable not only for potable water supply but also for irrigation purposes. However, this is not the case for the deeper confined aquifer. Statistical analysis was used to explore the evolution of salinization during the years 1968 and 1998. In view of the alarming conditions caused by the documented groundwater quality deterioration, the need for integrated water resources management is stressed to maintain the socio‐economic growth of the region studied. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Controls on the spatio‐temporal extent of groundwater flooding are poorly understood, despite the long duration of groundwater flood events and distinct social and economic impacts. We developed a novel approach using statistical analysis of groundwater level hydrographs and impulse response functions (IRFs) and applied it to the 2013/2014 Chalk groundwater flooding in the English Lowlands. We proposed a standardized index of groundwater flooding which we calculated for monthly groundwater levels for 26 boreholes in the Chalk. We grouped these standardized series using k‐means cluster analysis and cross‐correlated the cluster centroids with the Standardized Precipitation Index accumulated over time intervals between 1 and 60 months. This analysis reveals 2 spatially coherent groups of standardized hydrographs that responded to precipitation over different timescales. We estimated IRF models of the groundwater level response to effective precipitation for 3 boreholes in each group. The IRF models corroborate the Standardized Precipitation Index analysis showing different response functions between the groups. We applied identical effective precipitation inputs to each of the IRF models and observed differences between the hydrographs from each group. It is suggested this is due to the hydrogeological properties of the Chalk and of overlying relatively low permeability superficial deposits (recent unconsolidated sediments overlying the bedrock, such as clays and tills), which are extensive over 1 of the groups. The overarching controls on groundwater flood response are concluded to be a complex combination of antecedent conditions, rainfall, and catchment hydrogeological properties. These controls should be taken into consideration when anticipating and managing future groundwater flood events. The approach presented is generic and parsimonious and can be easily applied where sufficient groundwater level and rainfall data are available.  相似文献   

An 8-m continuous sediment core, approximately 250-ky-old at the bottom, from Academician Ridge in Lake Baikal, has been analyzed for the stable isotopes of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur, in order to study the paleoclimatic and paleobiological changes that occurred in the Eurasian continental interior. These isotopic changes are closely related to changes in vertical lake-water circulation between glacial and interglacial periods. Sedimentary organic carbon in cool periods is more enriched in 13C (−23.8‰ on average) than that in warm periods (−27.0‰ on average). The 13C-enrichment of organic carbon suggests a decrease of land-derived organic matter influx to the lake, less precipitation, and loss of terrestrial vegetation around Lake Baikal in cool periods. Pyrite in high total sulfur/total organic carbon (TS/TOC) layers shows strong depletion in 34S (−20.8‰ to −32.4‰) during climate transitions from glacial to interglacial periods at the beginning of oxygen isotope stages (OIS) 1, 5 and 7. The 34S-depleted pyrite indicates augmentation of dissimilatory sulfate reduction by sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) at the sediment-water interface. Enhancement of aqueous sulfate concentrations and limitation of oxygen circulation to the surface sediments might also occur in the climate transition periods. The δ15N values of total nitrogen increase abruptly by ∼2‰ just after the δ34S negative peaks, which may result from low nutrient concentrations in the euphotic zone associated with water circulation changes in Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

Most hillslope studies examining the interplay between climate and earth surface processes tend to be biased towards eroding parts of landscapes. This limitation makes it difficult to assess how entire upland landscapes, which are mosaics of eroding and depositional areas, evolve physio‐chemically as a function of climate. Here we combine new soil geochemical data and published 10Be‐derived soil production rates to estimate variations in chemical weathering across two eroding‐to‐depositional hillslopes spanning a climate gradient in southeastern Australia. At the warmer and wetter Nunnock River (NR) site, rates of total soil (–3 to –14 g m‐2 yr‐1; negative sign indicates mass loss) and saprolite (–18 to –32 g m‐2 yr‐1) chemical weathering are uniform across the hillslope transect. Alternatively, the drier hillslope at Frog's Hollow (FH) is characterized by contrasting weathering patterns in eroding soils (–30 to –53 g m‐2 yr‐1) vs. depositional soils (+91 g m‐2 yr‐1; positive sign indicates mass addition). This difference partly reflects mineral grain size sorting as a result of upslope bioturbation coupled with water‐driven soil erosion, as well as greater vegetative productivity in moister depositional soils. Both of these processes are magnified in the drier climate. The data reveal the importance of linking the erosion–deposition continuum in hillslope weathering studies in order to fully capture the coupled roles of biota and erosion in driving the physical and chemical evolution of hillslopes. Our findings also highlight the potential limitations of applying current weathering models to landscapes where particle‐sorting erosion processes are active. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文通过野外地震地质考察和系统的年代学样品的采集与测试,对长岭-半边山断裂带的第四纪活动性进行了讨论。在探讨川东地区发震构造条件的基础上,笔者结合长岭-半边山断裂带的基本特征和年代学特征,认为该断裂具有发生最大潜在地震为5.0~6.0级的发震能力。  相似文献   

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