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Climate change is altering river temperature regimes, modifying the dynamics of temperature‐sensitive fishes. The ability to map river temperature is therefore important for understanding the impacts of future warming. Thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing has proven effective for river temperature mapping, but TIR surveys of rivers remain expensive. Recent drone‐based TIR systems present a potential solution to this problem. However, information regarding the utility of these miniaturised systems for surveying rivers is limited. Here, we present the results of several drone‐based TIR surveys conducted with a view to understanding their suitability for characterising river temperature heterogeneity. We find that drone‐based TIR data are able to clearly reveal the location and extent of discrete thermal inputs to rivers, but thermal imagery suffers from temperature drift‐induced bias, which prevents the extraction of accurate temperature data. Statistical analysis of the causes of this drift reveals that drone flight characteristics and environmental conditions at the time of acquisition explain ~66% of the variance in TIR sensor drift. These results shed important light on the factors influencing drone‐based TIR data quality and suggest that further technological development is required to enable the extraction of robust river temperature data. Nonetheless, this technology represents a promising approach for augmenting in situ sensor capabilities and improved quantification of advective inputs to rivers at intermediate spatial scales between point measurements and “conventional” airborne or satellite remote sensing.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to investigate the variation of geomorphology and runoff characteristics in saturated areas under different partial contributing area (PCA) conditions. Geomorphologic information and hydrologic records from two mid‐size watersheds in northern Taiwan were selected for analysis. The PCA ratio in the watershed during a storm was assumed equal to the ratio of the surface‐flow volume to the direct runoff volume from measured hydrologic data. The extents of PCA regions were then determined by using a topographic‐index threshold. Consequently, the geomorphologic factors in saturated and unsaturated areas could be calculated using a digital elevation model, and these factors could then be linked to a geomorphology‐based IUH model for runoff simulation, which can consider both the surface‐ and subsurface‐flow processes in saturated and unsaturated areas, respectively. The results show that geomorphologic characteristics in the saturated areas vary significantly with different PCA ratios especially for higher order streams. A large PCA ratio results in a sharp hydrograph because the quick surface flow dominates the runoff process, whereas the hydrologic response in a low PCA case is dominated by the delayed subsurface flow. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Verification of distributed hydrologic models is rare owing to the lack of spatially detailed field measurements and a common mismatch between the scale at which soil hydraulic properties are measured and the scale of a single modelling unit. In this study, two of the most commonly calibrated parameters, i.e. soil depth and the vertical distribution of lateral saturated hydraulic conductivity Ks, were eliminated by a spatially detailed soil characterization and results of a hillslope‐scale field experiment. The soil moisture routing (SMR) model, a geographic information system‐based hydrologic model, was modified to represent the dominant hydrologic processes for the Palouse region of northern Idaho. Modifications included Ks as a double exponential function of depth in a single soil layer, a snow accumulation and melt algorithm, and a simple relationship between storage and perched water depth (PWD) using the drainable porosity. The model was applied to a 2 ha catchment without calibration to measured data. Distributed responses were compared with observed PWD over a 3‐year period on a 10 m × 15 m grid. Integrated responses were compared with observed surface runoff at the catchment outlet. The modified SMR model simulated the PWD fluctuations remarkably well, especially considering the shallow soils in this catchment: a 0·20 m error in PWD is equivalent to only a 1·6% error in predicted soil moisture content. Simulations also captured PWD fluctuations during a year with high spatial variability of snow accumulation and snowmelt rates at upslope, mid‐slope, and toe slope positions with errors as low as 0·09 m, 0·12 m, and 0·12 m respectively. Errors in distributed and integrated model simulations were attributed mostly to misrepresentation of rain events and snowmelt timing problems. In one location in the catchment, simulated PWD was consistently greater than observed PWD, indicating a localized recharge zone, which was not identified by the soil morphological survey. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to examine the applicability of ground‐shaking mapping techniques to a near‐field earthquake, a peak ground velocity map of the 1995 Hyogo‐ken Nanbu, Japan earthquake computed from seismic zoning methods that consider the effects of geological conditions is compared with the actual observed intensity map. When computing the ground‐shaking map, the site amplification at each site is calculated in terms of the average shear‐wave velocity of the ground estimated from the corresponding geomorphological conditions. This map shows a relatively good agreement with the observed intensity map. However, the computations provide smaller values for certain disastrous areas of the earthquake, where the effects on ground motion of a deep, irregular underground structure have been reported. The effect of such structures on site response is examined implementing 2D FEM analyses, thereby being also incorporated into the method. Results considering the effect of the irregular underground structure show better agreement with the observed intensity map. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bruno Ambroise 《水文研究》2016,30(20):3560-3577
In the small Ringelbach research catchment, where studies on the water cycle components in a granitic mountainous environment have been conducted since 1976, the water‐saturated areas that are hydraulically connected to the outlet play a major role in the streamflow generation, as it is here that complex interactions between atmosphere, surface and ground waters take place. During baseflow recession periods, which may last several months between two groundwater recharge events, the atmospheric inputs of water and energy on these contributing areas only explain the streamflow fluctuations observed around the master recession curve, which defines the groundwater contribution: fluctuating above it in the case of precipitation input on these areas, below it in the case of evaporation output from these areas. Streamflow may therefore largely deviate from the master recession curve in the case of long, hot, dry spells. Detailed mapping has shown that their variable extent is well related to baseflow by a loglinear curve. On the other hand, a synthetic master recession curve, well fitted by a second‐order hyperbolic function, has been obtained from numerous pure recession periods. Both based on these two curves, a simple procedure and a simple model have been used to (i) validate the hypothesis that the connected saturated areas are the only permanent variable contributing areas and (ii) simulate the daily streamflow volumes over long baseflow recession periods by a water balance of the aquifer below these areas only. The storm runoff ratio for small to moderate rainfall events is indeed corresponding to the catchment saturated fraction at that time. The volume of daily streamflow oscillations is indeed corresponding to the evaporation at the potential rate from the saturated areas only. In both cases, streamflow naturally tends towards the master recession curve after the end of any atmospheric perturbation. Introducing these findings into TOPMODEL led to significantly improved simulation results during baseflow recession periods. The master recession curve may therefore be considered as a dynamic equilibrium curve. Together with the relationship between saturated extent and baseflow, it provides the main characteristics necessary to understand and model the interactions at this complex interface and the resulting daily streamflow variations during baseflow recession periods in this type of catchment. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

C. Soulsby  C. Birkel  D. Tetzlaff 《水文研究》2016,30(14):2482-2497
The importance of conceptualizing the dynamics of storage‐driven saturation area connectivity in runoff generation has been central to the development of TOPMODEL and similar low parameterized rainfall–runoff models. In this contribution, we show how we developed a 40‐year hydrometric data base to simulate storage–discharge relationships in the Girnock catchment in the Scottish Highlands using a simple conceptual model. The catchment is a unique fisheries reference site where Atlantic salmon populations have been monitored since 1966. The modelling allowed us to track storage dynamics in hillslopes, the riparian zone and groundwater, and explicitly link non‐linear changes of streamflows to landscape storage and connectivity dynamics. This provides a fundamental basis for understanding how the landscape and riverscape are hydrologically connected and how this regulates in‐stream hydraulic conditions that directly influence salmonids. We use the model to simulate storage and discharge dynamics over the 40‐year period of fisheries records. The modelled storage‐driven connectivity provides an ecohydological context for understanding the dynamics in stream flow generation which determine habitat hydraulics for different life stages of salmon population. This new, long‐term modelling now sets this variability in the riverscape in a more fundamental context of the inter‐relationships between storage in the landscape and stream flow generation. This provides a simple, robust framework for future ecohydrological modelling at this site, which is an alternative to more increasingly popular but highly parameterized and uncertain commercial ecohydrological models. It also provides a wider, novel context that is a prerequisite for any model‐based scenario assessment of likely impacts resulting from climate or land use change. Copyright © 2016 The Authors Hydrological Processes Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Copyright © 2016 The Authors Hydrological Processes Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Daily actual evapotranspiration (AET) and seasonal AET values are of great practical importance in the management of regional water resources and hydrological modelling. Remotely sensed AET models and Landsat satellite images have been used widely in producing AET estimates at the field scale. However, the lack of validation at a high spatial frequency under different soil water conditions and vegetation coverages limits their operational applications. To assess the accuracies of remote sensing‐based AET in an oasis‐desert region, a total of 59 local‐scale daily AET time series, simulated using HYDRUS‐1D calibrated with soil moisture profiles, were used as ground truth values. Of 59 sampling sites, 31 sites were located in the oasis subarea and 28 sites were located in the desert subarea. Additionally, the locally validated mapping evapotranspiration at high resolution with internalized calibration surface energy balance model was employed to estimate instantaneous AET values in the area containing all 59 of the sampling sites using seven Landsat subimages acquired from June 5 to August 24 in 2011. Daily AET was obtained using extrapolation and interpolation methods with the instantaneous AET maps. Compared against HYDRUS‐1D, the remote sensing‐based method produced reasonably similar daily AET values for the oasis sites, while no correlation was observed for daily AET estimated using these two methods for the desert sites. Nevertheless, a reasonable monthly AET could be estimated. The correlation analysis between HYDRUS‐1D‐simulated and remote sensing‐estimated monthly AET values showed relative root‐mean‐square error values of 15.1%, 12.1%, and 12.3% for June, July, and August, respectively. The root mean square error of the summer AET was 10.0%. Overall, remotely sensed models can provide reasonable monthly and seasonal AET estimates based on periodic snapshots from Landsat images in this arid oasis‐desert region.  相似文献   

Owing to the fixed design parameters in traditional isolation systems, the optimal isolation performance may not always be achieved when a structure is subjected to a nondesign earthquake. At the same time, even though an active isolation system (AIS) can offer a better reduction for different seismic waves, in practice the control energy required still constrains its application. To solve this problem, a novel semi‐active isolation system called the Leverage‐type Stiffness Controllable Isolation System (LSCIS) is proposed in this paper. By utilizing a simple leverage mechanism, the isolation stiffness and the isolation period of the LSCIS can be easily controlled by adjusting the position of the pivot point of the leverage arm. The theoretical basis and the control law for the proposed system were first explained in this work, and then a shaking table test was conducted to verify the theory and the feasibility of the LSCIS. As shown in the experiment, the seismic behavior of the LSCIS can be successfully simulated by the theoretical model, and the isolation stiffness can be properly adjusted to reduce the seismic energy input in the LSCIS system. A comparison of the LSCIS with the other systems including passive isolation and AISs has demonstrated that based on the same limitation of base displacement, better acceleration reduction can be achieved by the LSCIS than by any of the other isolation systems. In addition, the control energy required by the LSCIS is lower than that for an AIS using the traditional LQR control algorithm. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Various remote‐sensing methods are available to estimate soil moisture, but few address the fine spatial resolutions (e.g. 30‐m grid cells) and root‐zone depth requirements of agricultural and other similar applications. One approach that has been previously proposed to estimate fine‐resolution soil moisture is to first estimate the evaporative fraction from an energy balance that is inferred from optical and thermal remote‐sensing images [e.g. using the Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration (ReSET) algorithm] and then estimate soil moisture through an empirical relationship to evaporative fraction. A similar approach has also been proposed to estimate the degree of saturation. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate these methods for estimating soil moisture and degree of saturation, particularly for a semi‐arid grassland with relatively dry conditions. Soil moisture was monitored at 28 field locations in south‐eastern Colorado with herbaceous vegetation during the summer months of 3 years. In situ soil moisture and degree of saturation observations are compared with estimates calculated from Landsat imagery using the ReSET algorithm. The in situ observations suggest that the empirical relationships with evaporative fraction that have been proposed in previous studies typically provide overestimates of soil moisture and degree of saturation in this region. However, calibrated functions produce estimates with an accuracy that may be adequate for various applications. The estimates produced by this approach are more reliable for degree of saturation than for soil moisture, and the method is more successful at identifying temporal variability than spatial variability in degree of saturation for this region. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated rainfall, run‐off, and sediment transport dynamics (414 run‐off events and 231 events with sediment information) of a humid mountain badland area—the Araguás catchment (Central Pyrenees, Spain)—from October 2005 to September 2016. Use of this long‐term database allows characterization of the hydrological response, which consist of low‐magnitude/high‐frequency events and high‐magnitude/low‐frequency events, and identification of seasonal dynamics and rainfall‐run‐off thresholds. Our results indicate that the Araguás catchment, similarly to other humid badlands, had high hydrological responsiveness (mean annual run‐off coefficient: 0.52), a non‐linear relationship of rainfall with run‐off (common in Mediterranean environments), and seasonal hydrological and sedimentological dynamics. We created and validated a multivariate regression model to characterize the hydrological variables (stormflow and peak discharge) and sedimentological variables (mean and maximum suspended sediment concentrations and total suspended sediment load). In summer and at the beginning of autumn, the response was mainly related to rainfall intensity, suggesting a predomination of Hortonian flows. In contrast, in spring and winter, the responses were mainly related to the antecedent conditions (previous rainfall and baseflow), suggesting the occurrence of saturated excess flow processes, and the contribution of neighbouring vegetated areas. The multivariate analysis also showed that total sediment load is better predicted by a multivariate regression model that integrates pre‐event, rainfall, and run‐off variables. In general, our models provided more accurate predictions of small‐magnitude/high‐frequency events than high‐magnitude/low‐frequency events. This study highlights the high inter‐ and intra‐annual variability response in humid badland areas and that long‐term records are needed to reduce the uncertainty of hydrological and sedimentological responses in Mediterranean badland areas.  相似文献   

Chemical Th–U–total Pb isochron method (CHIME) monazite dating was carried out for pelitic–psammitic migmatites and the Ao granite (one of the Younger Ryoke granites) from the Aoyama area, Ryoke metamorphic belt, Southwest Japan. The Ao granite gives an unequivocal age of 79.8 ± 3.9 Ma. The monazite grains in migmatites yield an age of 96.5 ± 1.9 Ma with rims and patchy domains of 83.5 ± 2.4 Ma. The 83.5 ± 2.4‐Ma overprinting on migmatites over the garnet–cordierite zone suggests a wide and combined effect of thermal input and fluid activity on the monazite grains caused by the contact metamorphism by the Younger Ryoke granites including the Ao granite. This contact metamorphism has not been detected from the major metamorphic mineral assemblage previously, possibly because the migmatites already possessed the high‐temperature mineral assemblage before the granite intrusions and were immune from contact metamorphism in terms of major metamorphic minerals. However, monazite records contact metamorphism clearly. Therefore, the field mapping of the CHIME monazite age is a powerful tool for recognition of polymetamorphism in high‐temperature metamorphic terrains where later thermal effects can not be easily detected by the growth of new major metamorphic minerals.  相似文献   

Currently, the distribution areas of aquatic species are studied by using air temperature as a proxy of water temperature, which is not available at a regional scale. To simulate water temperature at a regional scale, a physically based model using the equilibrium temperature concept and including upstream‐downstream propagation of the thermal signal is proposed. This model, called Temperature‐NETwork (T‐NET), is based on a hydrographical network topology and was tested at the Loire basin scale (105 km2). The T‐NET model obtained a mean root mean square error of 1.6 °C at a daily time step on the basis of 128 water temperature stations (2008–2012). The model obtained excellent performance at stations located on small and medium rivers (distance from headwater <100 km) that are strongly influenced by headwater conditions (median root mean square error of 1.8 °C). The shading factor and the headwater temperature were the most important variables on the mean simulated temperature, while the river discharge influenced the daily temperature variation and diurnal amplitude. The T‐NET model simulates specific events, such as temperature of the Loire during the floods of June 1992 and the thermal regime response of streams during the heatwave of August 2003, much more efficiently than a simple point‐scale heat balance model. The T‐NET model is very consistent at a regional scale and could easily be transposed to changing forcing conditions and to other catchments. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Due to shortage of rainfall and its increasing variability, moisture stress is identified to be one of the most critical factors affecting agricultural productivity in the drylands of Ethiopia. To circumvent this problem, a strategy of supplemental irrigation through surface water harvesting was adopted by the government and several micro‐dams have been built in the semi‐arid parts of the country. However, the benefits from the water harvesting schemes are not sustainable because of rapid water storage loss due to siltation. There is, therefore, an urgent need for improved catchment‐based erosion control and sediment management strategies. The design and implementation of such strategies require data on the rate and magnitude of sediment deposition. To this end, reservoir surveys were conducted to estimate sediment deposition rate for 11 reservoirs identified to be representative of catchments in the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia. Two approaches were employed during the survey: one was based on measurement of sediment thickness in reservoirs while the other was based on comparing the original and existing topography of the reservoir‐beds. The average annual sediment yield estimated for the study sites was about 19 t ha?1 y?1. An equation of the type SSY = 3á36A0á67 (with SSY = area specific sediment yield in t ha?1 y?1 and A = catchment area in km2) was also established for the study region, which is opposite to the ‘universal’ SSY–A relationship. In order to improve the sediment yield predictive capability of A, it was integrated with a factorial index that assesses the catchment's propensity to erosion and potential sediment yield. The effect of accelerated sediment deposition on water storage loss of reservoirs and possible controlling factors of the SSY–A relationship are outlined. The potential semi‐quantitative scoring approach to characterize catchments in terms of erosion sensitivity and the significance of the A‐index approach to predict SSY of similar catchments are also highlighted. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The processes involved in the development of high‐altitude, low‐relief areas (HLAs) are still poorly understood. Although cosmogenic nuclides have provided insights into the evolution of HLAs interpreted as paleo‐surfaces, most studies focus on estimating how slowly they erode and thereby their relative stability. To understand actual development processes of HLAs, we applied several techniques of cosmogenic nuclides in the Daegwanryeong Plateau, a well‐known HLA in the Korean Peninsula. Our denudation data from strath terraces, riverine sediments, soils, and tors provide the following conclusions: (1) bedrock incision rate in the plateau (~127 m Myr?1) is controlled by the incision rate of the western part of the Korean Peninsula, and is similar to the catchment‐wide denudation rate of the plateau (~93 m Myr?1); (2) the soil production function we observed shows weak depth dependency that may result from highly weathered bedrock coupled with frequent frost action driven by alpine climate; (3) a discrepancy between the soil production and catchment‐wide denudation rates implies morphological disequilibrium in the plateau; (4) the tors once regarded as fossil landforms of the Tertiary do not reflect Tertiary processes; and (5) when compared with those of global paleo‐surfaces (<20 m Myr?1), our rapid denudation rates suggest that the plateau cannot have maintained its probable initial paleo landscape, and thus is not a paleo‐surface. Our data contribute to understanding the surface processes of actively eroding upland landscapes as well as call into question conventional interpretations of supposed paleo‐surfaces around the world. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We want to develop a dialogue between geophysicists and hydrologists interested in synergistically advancing process based watershed research. We identify recent advances in geophysical instrumentation, and provide a vision for the use of electrical and magnetic geophysical instrumentation in watershed scale hydrology. The focus of the paper is to identify instrumentation that could significantly advance this vision for geophysics and hydrology during the next 3–5 years. We acknowledge that this is one of a number of possible ways forward and seek only to offer a relatively narrow and achievable vision. The vision focuses on the measurement of geological structure and identification of flow paths using electrical and magnetic methods. The paper identifies instruments, provides examples of their use, and describes how synergy between measurement and modelling could be achieved. Of specific interest are the airborne systems that can cover large areas and are appropriate for watershed studies. Although airborne geophysics has been around for some time, only in the last few years have systems designed exclusively for hydrological applications begun to emerge. These systems, such as airborne electromagnetic (EM) and transient electromagnetic (TEM), could revolutionize hydrogeological interpretations. Our vision centers on developing nested and cross scale electrical and magnetic measurements that can be used to construct a three‐dimensional (3D) electrical or magnetic model of the subsurface in watersheds. The methodological framework assumes a ‘top down’ approach using airborne methods to identify the large scale, dominant architecture of the subsurface. We recognize that the integration of geophysical measurement methods, and data, into watershed process characterization and modelling can only be achieved through dialogue. Especially, through the development of partnerships between geophysicists and hydrologists, partnerships that explore how the application of geophysics can answer critical hydrological science questions, and conversely provide an understanding of the limitations of geophysical measurements and interpretation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The accurate measurement of suspended sediment (<200 μm) in aquatic environments is essential to understand and effectively manage changes to sediment, nutrient, and contaminant concentrations on both temporal and spatial scales. Commonly used sampling techniques for suspended sediment either lack the ability to accurately measure sediment concentration (e.g., passive sediment samplers) or are too expensive to deploy in sufficient number to provide landscape‐scale information (e.g., automated discrete samplers). Here, we evaluate a time‐integrated suspended sediment sampling technique, the pumped active suspended sediment (PASS) sampler, which collects a sample that can be used for the accurate measurement of time‐weighted average (TWA) suspended sediment concentration and sediment particle size distribution. The sampler was evaluated against an established passive time‐integrated suspended sediment sampling technique (i.e., Phillips sampler) and the standard discrete sampling method (i.e., manual discrete sampling). The PASS sampler collected a sample representative of TWA suspended sediment concentration and particle size distribution of a control sediment under laboratory conditions. Field application of the PASS sampler showed that it collected a representative TWA suspended sediment concentration and particle size distribution during high flow events in an urban stream. The particle size distribution of sediment collected by the PASS and Phillips samplers were comparable and the TWA suspended sediment concentration of the samples collected using the PASS and discrete sampling techniques agreed well, differing by only 4% and 6% for two different high flow events. We should note that the current configuration of the PASS sampler does not provide a flow‐weighted measurement and, therefore, is not suitable for the determination of sediment loads. The PASS sampler is a simple, inexpensive, and robust in situ sampling technique for the accurate measurement of TWA suspended sediment concentration and particle size distribution.  相似文献   

Wildfire effects on soil‐physical and ‐hydraulic properties as a function of burn severity are poorly characterized, especially several years after wildfire. A stratified random sampling approach was used in 2015 to sample seven sites representing a spectrum of remotely sensed burn severity in the area impacted by the 2011 Las Conchas Fire in New Mexico, USA. Replicate samples from each site were analysed in the laboratory. Linear and linear indicator regression were used to assess thresholds in soil‐physical and ‐hydraulic properties and functional relations with remotely sensed burn severity. Significant thresholds were present for initial soil‐water content (θi) at 0–6 cm depth between the change in the Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) equal to 618–802, for bulk density (ρb) at 3–6 cm between dNBR equal to 416–533, for gravel fraction at 0–1 cm between dNBR equal to 416–533, for fines (the silt + clay fraction) at 0–1 cm for dNBR equal to 416–533, and for fines at 3–6 cm for dNBR equal to 293–416. Significant linear relations with dNBR were present between ρb at 0–1 cm, loss on ignition (LOI) at 0–1 cm, gravel fraction at 0–1 cm, and the large organic fraction at 1–3 cm. No thresholds or effects on soil‐hydraulic properties of field‐saturated hydraulic conductivity or sorptivity were observed. These results suggest that ρb and LOI at 0–1 cm have residual direct impacts from the wildfire heat impulse. The θi threshold is most likely from delayed groundcover/vegetation recovery that increases evaporation at the highest burn severity sites. Gravel and silt + clay thresholds at 0–1 cm at the transition to high burn severity suggest surface gravel lag development from hydraulic erosion. Thresholds in ρb from 3 to 6 cm and in silt + clay fraction from 3 to 6 cm appear to be the result of soil variability between sites rather than wildfire impacts. This work suggests that gravel‐rich soils may have increased resilience to sustained surface runoff generation and erosion following wildfire, with implications for assessments of postwildfire hydrologic and erosion recovery potential.  相似文献   

The extent to which movement on major faults causes long term shear heating is a contentious issue and an important aspect in the debate about the strength of major faults in the crust. Comparing the results of experimental work on the kinetics of crystallization of carbonaceous material with results of thermal modeling show that the Raman carbonaceous material (CM) geothermometer is well suited to studying shear heating on geological time scales in suitable lithologies exposed around exhumed major fault zones. The Median Tectonic Line (MTL), SW Japan, is the largest on‐land fault in Japan with a length of > 800 km. Application of Raman CM thermometry to pelitic schist adjacent to the fault reveals the presence of a rise in peak temperature of around 60 °C over a distance of around 150 m perpendicular to the MTL fault plane. The spatial association of this thermal anomaly with the fault implies it is due to shear heating. Thermal modeling shows the recorded thermal anomaly and steep temperature gradient is compatible with very high rates of displacement over time scales of a few thousand years. However, the implied displacement rates lie outside those generally observed. An alternative explanation is that an originally broader thermal anomaly that developed during strike slip faulting was shortened due to the effects of normal faulting. Constraints on displacement rate, width of the original anomaly, duration of heating and peak temperature imply a coefficient of friction, μ, greater than 0.4.  相似文献   

The velocity and dynamic pressure of debris flows are critical determinants of the impact of these natural phenomena on infrastructure. Therefore, the prediction of these parameters is critical for hazard assessment and vulnerability analysis. We present here an approach to predict the velocity of debris flows on the basis of the energy line concept. First, we obtained empirically and field‐based estimates of debris flow peak discharge, mean velocity at peak discharge and velocity, at channel bends and within the fans of ten of the debris flow events that occurred in May 1998 in the area of Sarno, Southern Italy. We used this data to calibrate regression models that enable the prediction of velocity as a function of the vertical distance between the energy line and the surface. Despite the complexity in morphology and behaviour of these flows, the statistical fits were good and the debris flow velocities can be predicted with an associated uncertainty of less than 30% and less than 3 m s?1. We wrote code in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) that runs within ArcGIS® to implement the results of these calibrations and enable the automatic production of velocity and dynamic pressure maps. The collected data and resulting empirical models constitute a realistic basis for more complex numerical modelling. In addition, the GIS implementation constitutes a useful decision‐support tool for real‐time hazard mitigation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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