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长白山火山最新监测信息   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
刘国明  孙鸿雁  郭峰 《岩石学报》2011,27(10):2905-2911
长白山火山最新监测结果显示,自2010年5月份开始,聚龙温泉2个泉点水温同步上升了3℃;2010年长白山北坡垂直位移量打破了火山锥体每年升高4mm左右的规律:与2009年相比,火山锥体的位移在垂向上发生逆转,海拔最高的水准点在1年内突降12.72mm.本文针对上述2个最新的火山监测信息进行了报道,并对造成这种变化的可能原因进行了讨论.火山活动进入活跃时段的标志是大量火山地震、震群的发生,以及幔源岩浆气体He含量的大幅度上升.然而,现阶段长白山火山区并未出现这2种现象.因此,本文讨论的2个异常还不足以作为长白山火山已经进入新的活跃时段的证据,准确的预测应该密切关注火山地震和幔源气体含量的变化.最后通过N2-He-CO2三角图解初步研究了天池火山气体来源,结果显示:2002~2005年火山出现“初始扰动”,深部气体He含量升高,三角图解中气体向He角运移;2005年后火山转入平静状态,气体组份又开始向N2角运移.He浓度的变化特征反应了岩浆房内岩浆成分的变化过程.  相似文献   

长白山火山区是我国具有潜在喷发危险的活火山,在2002~2005年火山活动性增强出现了岩浆房扰动。利用卫星遥感技术具有观测范围大、观测时间长且连续的优势。因此,本文利用对流层污染探测仪(MOPITT)和大气红外探测仪(AIRS)高光谱遥感数据提取了2002~2005年长白山天池火山区CO总量、O3总量、水汽总量和地表温度异常信息,讨论了高光谱遥感气体地球化学异常信息与火山活动性之间的关系,并对2002~2005年长白山天池火山区火山活动性进行了研究。结果表明,高光谱遥感数据观测到的气体地球化学(CO、O3、水汽)异常与地震、形变监测结果以及地面流体(CO2、He、H2)观测结果相一致,表明MOPITT和AIRS高光谱遥感卫星观测到的气体异常变化较好地反映了2002~2005年大规模的深部岩浆局部扰动。在2002~2005年火山活动期间,CO总量、O3总量、水汽总量和地表温度均出现了显著异常且异常出现时段相应准偏差显著增大,反映了气体逸出量在时间上具有不均一性,可能与火山、地震活动过程中地应力的作用和变化有关。从气体异常持续的时间以及地面观测结果综合分析,2002~2005年岩浆房扰动并没有产生长时间的地幔物质流的上升和迁移。在火山活动性增强的时间段内,地表温度出现异常低值,这可能与太平洋板块俯冲过程中引起的断裂拉张增强有关。此外,火山活动过程中逸出的气体进入大气圈产生大气化学反应也会导致高光谱遥感所观测到的气体地球化学异常。研究结果为2002~2005年长白山火山活动性的研究提供了来自高光谱遥感数据的气体地球化学新证据,也对高光谱分辨率遥感数据在火山活动规律的研究以及火山监测中的应用具有一定意义。  相似文献   

长白山天池火山监测工作进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长白山天池火山是我国最具有潜在喷发危险的活火山。本文介绍了天池火山监测系统建设的基本情况,报道了近些年在火山地震监测、大地形变监测以及地球化学监测等方面的工作进展。  相似文献   

基于对长白山天池及邻区火山地质和次生火山灾害的编图结果,从岩性、断裂、地形地貌和水系等方面,分析火山喷出物的地质特征与这些火山物质所导致的次生火山灾害之间的相关性。研究表明,崩塌发生在柱状节理发育的硬质岩中,多期火山喷发以及伴生的地震活动剥蚀掏空坚硬岩层间的松散堆积体,使岩体失稳发生崩塌,局部陡崖地貌在地震影响下亦会发生崩塌灾害。软质岩和松散堆积体受流水侵蚀,河谷下切,河流两岸斜坡前缘形成开阔的滑动空间,火山地震引起山体变形,斜坡岩体结构遭到破坏发生滑坡灾害。火山先期喷出的碎屑物和崩塌滑坡产生的碎石是火山泥石流的重要物质来源,火山喷发或强地震引发的洪水灾害以及地形地貌对火山泥石流的形成、搬运和分布范围起关键性作用。  相似文献   

薛艳  程佳  刘杰  杨文 《地球科学》2014,39(4):481-491
巽他海沟西侧地壳北向运动的差异性是2012年苏门答腊地震发生的动力学成因.库仑应力计算表明,2004年和2005年苏门答腊2次特大逆冲型地震对本次地震具有显著的触发作用.有记录以来至2011年,本次地震的发震断裂带没有发生过7级以上地震,震源区附近存在5级地震空区,2004年大震后该空区被打破.震前6年、4.5年和3个月发生了3组前震活动,其中最显著的是震前3个月发生的7.2级直接前震.   相似文献   

火山喷发过程所伴生的地震活动会诱发大量的崩塌滑坡次生灾害,其所造成的人员财产损失甚至超过火山活动本身。2002年以来长白山天池火山区地震活动的异常,表明火山深部的岩浆正在发生变化,天池火山存在喷发的危险。地震崩塌滑坡的危险性区划是降低生命财产损失的有效手段。将火山伴生地震作为崩塌滑坡灾害的诱发因素并据此设置地震参数,利用简化的Newmark累积位移模型,考虑地形因素对地震的放大效应,对长白山地区天池火山喷发下次生崩塌、滑坡灾害的危险性进行评价。通过探讨不同地震震级下的危险性分区结果,认为不同地震参数的设置对危险性分区结果没有影响。将研究区划分为极高、高、中等、低、极低等5个危险等级,其中,极高危险区主要分布在3个区域:以天池口为中心,40km为半径的范围内;沿江乡—两江镇—松江镇条带区域;长白县境内鸭绿江沿岸区域。  相似文献   

我国存在活火山,而且还存在像长白山天池火山这样具有潜在灾害性大喷发危险的活火山[1~3],并已引起有关方面的高度重视。目前,正在组织对长白山天池火山、云南腾冲火山和黑龙江五大连池新期火山的监测与研究。这是我国第一次开展对活火山的监测,为了使监测更为有...  相似文献   

2005年度闽台地区的地震活动水平均较上一年度有所减弱,而台湾海峡南部的地震活动水平与上一年度相比则有较明显的增强。一、福建及其近海地区地震活动据福建地震台网测定,2005年1月至12月福建及其近海地区共发生ML2.0级以上地震49次(图1),其中2.0-2.9级44次,3.0-3.9级5次,最大地震为8月9日晋江海域ML3.6级。3级以上地震均发生在沿海一带(表1)。与上一年度该区域ML2.0级以上地震89次、最大震级ML4.5级相比较,2005年度福建及其近海地区的地震频次和强度均出现了较明显的减弱。图12005年度闽台地区地震震中分布图(ML≥2.0)表12005年度福建…  相似文献   

2004年度华南地区地震活动引人关注,共发生ML4.0级以上地震7次,显著地震有所增强,其中2004年1月16日广东澄海ML4.2级、2004年5月30日厦门海域ML4.5级、2004年7月30日海南陵水海域ML4.3级和2004年9月17日广东阳江Ms4.9级等地震发生时当地均有感,广东阳江Ms4.9级地震还造成了当地  相似文献   

长白山天池火山是世界著名的火山之一,是我国规模最大、最具有潜在喷发危险的一座近代活动火山。目前,国内外许多火山学者为了研究天池火山最近一次大喷发年代问题,做了大量工作,并取得了一些年代资料,但一直没取得有关这次大喷发历史记载的证实。笔者等再次收集和查阅了一亿七千万字的文史古籍资料,通过整理、筛选、考证、对比和分析处理, 发现了长白山天池火山,于公元1199~1201年一次大喷发的历史记录。这对于长白山天池火山未来喷发危险性的研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Earthquake swarms of Mt Cameroon, West Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Historical and recent instrumental studies of the central region of the Cameroon Volcanic Line clearly indicate the occurrence of earthquake swarms of volcanic origin. Analyses of more than 3000 micro-earthquakes recorded between 1985 and 1992 show a well-defined seismic pattern characterised by single and swarm events with duration magnitudes between 2 and 3 at depths down to 20 km. On average, the earthquakes here occur at the rate of about 2 events every 3 days with occasional earthquake swarms, which greatly increase this number. The seismic swarms comprising felt earthquakes are shown to be sometimes preceded by, simultaneous with, or followed by swarms from Bimbia and Equatorial Guinea. Mapped epicentres of some of these swarms correspond to regions of volcanic gas emissions and are parallel to the fissures on Mt Cameroon and to the inferred direction of the underlying shear zone.The quiescent periods between swarms are seen to double each year since 1986. This observation was used to predict a major seismic swarm which occurred in 1993. The data coupled with historical data, are used to infer the involvement of a magma chamber in the generation of the earthquake swarms in the region. Since the installation of the network, no eruption has been observed on Mt Cameroon. This warrants more observation in order to study the seismicity that may precede, accompany or follow an eruption of the mountain.  相似文献   

The volcanic arc of the Hellenic subduction zone with its four volcanic centers is of major relevance when evaluating the seismovolcanic hazard for the Aegean region. We present results from a 22-station temporary seismic network (CYCNET) in the central Hellenic Volcanic Arc (HVA). CYCNET recordings allow to analyze the level and spatio-temporal evolution of microseismic activity in this region for the first time. A total of 2175 events recorded between September 2002 and July 2004 are analyzed using statistical methods, cluster analysis and relative relocation techniques. We identify distinct regions with significantly varying spatio-temporal behavior of microseismicity. A large portion of the seismic activity within the upper crust is associated with the presence of islands representing horst structures that were generated during the major Oligocene extensional phase. In contrast, the central part of the Cyclades metamorphic core complex remains aseismic considering our magnitude threshold of 1.8 except one spot where events occur swarm-like and with highly similar waveforms.The highest activity in the study area was identified along the SW–NE striking Santorini–Amorgos zone. Within this zone the submarine Columbo volcano exhibits strong temporal variations of seismic activity on a high background level. This activity is interpreted to be directly linked to the magma reservoir and therein the migration of magma and fluids towards the surface. NE of Columbo where no volcanic activity has yet been reported we observe a similar seismicity pattern with small-scaled activity spots that might represent local pathways of upward migrating fluids or even developing volcanic activity within this zone of crustal weakness. In contrast, the Santorini and Milos volcanic complexes do not show significant temporal variations and low to moderate background activity, respectively. Relating our results to the distribution of historical earthquakes and the GPS-derived horizontal velocity field we conclude that the Santorini–Amorgos zone is presently in the state of right-lateral transtension reflecting a major structural boundary of the volcanic arc subdividing it into a seismically and volcanically quiet western and an active eastern part.  相似文献   

In order to better constrain and define the microseismic activity at the north Evoikos Gulf and its surrounding area we deployed an onshore/offshore seismic array consisting of 31 three-component seismic digital stations. The array was active from 30 June to 24 October 2003, and covered an area of 2500 km2. We located more than 2000 seismic events ranging from 0.7 to 4.5 ML by using six stations as a minimum in order to define the foci parameters. Recorded seismicity delineated three major zones of deformation: from south to north, the Eretria–Parnis–eastern Corinthiakos zone, the Psachna–Viotia zone, and the Northern Sporades–North Evia–Bralos zone. Alignments of the recorded seismicity follow the tectonic trends and their orientation in the above zones. The whole area accommodates the stress field between the North Aegean Trough and the Corinthiakos Gulf. Rate of deformation intensifies from north to south, as revealed also by historical and instrumental seismicity. The successive change of orientation between the two stress fields fragments the crust in relatively small units and the fault systems developed do not permit the generation of major earthquakes in the north Evoikos area and its immediate vicinity. This is also supported by the instrumental seismicity of the last century. Larger events reported in historical times are probably overestimated.Most seismic activity is crustal. Subcrustal events were recorded mainly below the Lichades area and are interpreted as the consequence of the subduction of the Ionian oceanic lithosphere below the Hellenides. The Lichades volcano is the most northern end of the Hellenic volcanic arc.At present the highest seismic activity is associated with the Psachna region of north Evia that has been continuously active since 2001. Considering, however, the development of the seismic activity during the last decade, there has been a sequence of large events, i.e., Parnis in 1999, Skyros in 2001 and Psachna in 2001–2003. This demonstrates the fact that the tectonic deformation in all this area is intense and important for the accommodation of the stress field of the North Aegean Trough to that of the Corinthiakos Rift.  相似文献   

Seismicity and volcanism of Jan Mayen Island   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The small, arctic Jan Mayen Island, site of the World's northernmost active volcano, Beerenberg, is part of the mid-Atlantic ridge system and located along the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone (JMFZ). Recent data from the local seismic network, and fault plane solutions from the global network, indicate that the island is located at a ridge-crest intersection, which might explain the origin of the island and the associated volcanism. Moreover, the new data suggest a series of offset segments of the Mohn's Ridge, overlapping in an en echelon pattern. In January 1985, a flank eruption was for the first time observed with the local seismic network. Volcanic tremors and low-frequency events were observed on 5 January at 2230 h and 10 hours later the first large earthquake occurred. No visual confirmation of the eruption was made until 6 January at 1630 h. The seismic observations rule out the possibility that the large earthquake caused the eruption; it seems more likely that the changes in local stress conditions triggered the earthquake and that the eruption started before the first large earthquake. Recent observations show that the local network provides an efficient tool for monitoring and warning of volcanic activity. However, since there was no change in the local seismicity in the days or months before the 1985 eruption, it seems to be difficult to make long-term predictions of Beerenberg flank eruptions without using other techniques such as observations of tilt.  相似文献   

The integral results of a seismic forecasting experiment for the powerful M > 7 earthquakes in the Kamchatka region are presented. According to the empirical scheme of the short-term earthquake prediction, since 2002 all officially recorded forecasts, including five deep-focus earthquakes in the Sea of Okhotsk, have been predicted without missing events. The specific character of the features of the earthquake preparation and the annular cloud structures that began to be observed in satellite images near the coast of Japan at the boundary of the Okhotsk plate are analyzed.  相似文献   

Benford’s analysis is applied to the recurrence times of approximately 17,000 seismic events in different geological contexts of Italy over the last 6 years, including the Mt. Etna volcanic area and the seismic series associated with the destructive M w 6.3, 2009 L’Aquila earthquake. A close conformity to Benford’s law and a power-law probability distribution for the recurrence times of consecutive events is found, as typical of random multiplicative processes. The application of Benford’s law to the recurrence event times in seismic series of specific seismogenic regions represents a novel approach, which enlarges the occurrence and relevance of Benford-like asymmetries, with implications on the physics of natural systems approaching a power law behaviour. Moreover, we propose that the shift from a close conformity of Benford’s law to Brownian dynamics, observed for time separations among non-consecutive events in the study seismic series, may be ruled by a periodical noise factor, such as the effects of Earth tides on seismicity tuning.  相似文献   

Just like contemporary sediments, peat itself is a good repository of information about climate change, the effects of volcanic activity on climate change have been truly recorded in peat, since it is a major archive of volcanic eruption incidents. A section of sand was identified as tephra from the Jinchuan peat, Jilin Province, China, for the grains look like slag with surface bubbles and pits, characterized by high porosity, and loose structure with irregular edges and corners. According to the peat characteristics of uniform deposition, the tephra was dated at 2002–1976 a B.P. by way of linear interpolation, so the time of volcanic eruption was 15 B.C.–26 A.D. (the calibrated age). While the geochemical characteristics of tephra in this study are quite the same as those of tephra from the Jinlongdingzi volcano at Longgang and from alkaline basaltic magma, with the contents of SiO2<55%, and the similar contents to Al2O3 and Fe, but the contents of Na2O>K2O. We speculated that the tephra in this study came from the Longgang volcano group. Compared with 11 recorded volcanic eruption events as shown on the carbon and oxygen isotope curves of the Jinchuan peat cellulose, it is obviously seen that adjacent or large-scale volcanic eruptions are precisely corresponding to the minimum temperature and humidity. It seems that these volcanic eruptions indeed affected the local climate, leading to the drop of regional temperature and humidity. As a result, there was prevailing a cold and dry climate there, and all these changes can be well recorded in peat. So the comparison of volcanic eruption events with information about climate change developed from peat, can provide strong evidence for the impact of volcanism on climate change.  相似文献   

Tilt-strain measurements have been collected since 1977 by several underground stations in the Friuli seismic area (NE Italy) with the aim of detecting seismotectonic deformations. In the work, meteorological effects are initially considered as being able to obscure possible tectonic signals. Two middle-term anomalous signals (tilt and areal strain), not correlated with atmospheric changes, are successively selected for the analysis. They are the strongest and more evident signals recorded in the area after the 1976 destructive seismic events and also are the only two cases of epicentres very near to the recording stations (M = 4.1 and M = 3.9 at 1.8 and 2.9 km, respectively). Evaluations on the basis of micro-cracking and fault creep are carried out. Estimates based on trivial rheological models furnishes crustal viscosity values in agreement with those obtained in the analysis of the silent earthquakes recorded in the same area before the 1976–1977 seismic events. Our data support the hypothesis that prominent precursory signals can be detected only within a distance few times the dimensions of the source area.  相似文献   

历史地震可靠性检验分析显示,安徽省及邻区MS 5及以上地震完整记录起自1336年,这以前地震记载大部分丢失。近年来,地震和考古部门利用大规模考古和工程开挖契机,编录识别分析了晚第四纪尤其是新石器时代以来构造变形遗迹。结果表明,在皖西南的西周-春秋期和皖北大汶口晚期及豫南东周期文化层中分别发现史前地震遗迹。郯庐断裂带苏皖交界地区段落,自晚更新世以来曾发生数次以斜向平移逆冲为主要方式的快速变形事件,后者得到微观研究方面的证实。研究结果一定程度上弥补了地震史料记载的局限,并丰富了考古和史前地震乃至地震预测的研究方法。  相似文献   

长江中下游庐江-枞阳火山岩矿集区深部结构与成矿作用   总被引:32,自引:16,他引:16  
为探测长江中下游成矿带庐江-枞阳白垩纪火山岩盆地和铁、硫矿集区深部构造和地壳结构,探讨成矿深部控制条件,作者完成了穿越火山岩盆地的深反射地震剖面(150km,记录30s)和罗河铁矿区浅层高分辨反射地震剖面(20km),以及平行剖面的大地电磁、高精度重磁剖面,揭示了矿集区全地壳精细结构和电磁结构,同时开展区域构造测量和火山岩年代学研究,获得了新的认识。证实"耳状"的庐-枞火山岩盆地是一个沿北东向罗河断裂向东侧发育的非对称火山盆地,排除了另一半被断在西侧红层之下的判断;罗河断裂是一条切穿MOHO的深断裂,倾向南东,是引导地幔流体和岩浆上涌和喷发的通道,在中地壳形成岩浆房(反射亮斑);鉴别出多层界面,火山岩-侏罗系厚度约4~5km(其中火山岩厚度约3km),三叠系-震旦系变形层底界深度大致18~20km,变质基底组成中下地壳,MOHO平缓向北西倾,深度33~31km;追踪郯-庐断裂带的深部产状,陡立延伸到MOHO,宽约10km。从而揭示了早白垩系(132~127Ma)庐-枞火山岩矿集区深部过程与成矿、控矿作用。  相似文献   

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