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Natural Hazards - Although climate change vulnerability research in general has increased over the last decade, Latin American countries have more directed more limited efforts toward vulnerability...  相似文献   

This article examines changing water governance modalities in the context of the neoliberalization of nature. Specifically, it focuses on Brazilian water sector reforms passed in 1997 that mandate decentralized and participatory decision-making at the river basin scale. Critics have suggested that rescaling, decentralization, and participatory governance mechanisms – supposedly intended to render decision-making more equitable, accessible, and relevant – can serve to legitimate, facilitate, and thus further embed processes of neoliberalization. Examining the impact of Brazil’s water sector reforms on the state–society relationship, this article presents a case study of water governance in the São Francisco River Basin and finds that the reforms – despite their neoliberalizing potential – have not significantly contributed to the neoliberalization of governance therein. Instead, water governance continues to be characterized by longstanding patterns of traditional elite control. Through an institutional and socio-natural analysis, this article describes and accounts for the continued dominance of these patterns relative to neoliberalization and explores activists’ efforts to use water sector reforms to pursue more progressive possibilities. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications for variegation and contestation in ongoing debates over neoliberal natures.  相似文献   

Geophysics has been shown to be effective in identifying areas contaminated by waste disposal, contributing to the greater efficiency of soundings programs and the installation of monitoring wells. In the study area, four trenches were constructed with a total volume of about 25,000 m3. They were almost totally filled with re-refined lubricating oil waste for approximately 25 years. No protection liners were used in the bottoms and laterals of the disposal trenches. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the potential of the resistivity and ground penetrating radar (GPR) methods in characterizing the contamination of this lubricant oil waste disposal area in Ribeirão Preto, SP, situated on the geological domain of the basalt spills of the Serra Geral Formation and the sandstones of the Botucatu Formation. Geophysical results were shown in 2D profiles. The geophysical methods used enabled the identification of geophysical anomalies, which characterized the contamination produced by the trenches filled with lubricant oil waste. Conductive anomalies (smaller than 185 Ωm) immediately below the trenches suggest the action of bacteria in the hydrocarbons, as has been observed in several sites contaminated by hydrocarbons in previously reported cases in the literature. It was also possible to define the geometry of the trenches, as evidenced by the GPR method. Direct sampling (chemical analysis of the soil and the water in the monitoring well) confirmed the contamination. In the soil analysis, low concentrations of several polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were found, mainly naphthalene and phenanthrene. In the water samples, an analysis verified contamination of the groundwater by lead (Pb). The geophysical methods used in the investigation provided an excellent tool for environmental characterization in this study of a lubricant oil waste disposal area, and could be applied in the study of similar areas.  相似文献   

Sparsely populated areas, or peripheral communities commonly lack access to a public water supply and sewerage systems. The inhabitants of these areas must make use of excavated wells to provide their water needs, and cesspits for domestic wastewater disposal. These on-site sanitation systems can release pathogens and nutrients into shallow groundwater. These poor communities urgently require cheap and efficient techniques for the detection of sanitary conditions, in order to prevent contamination of the water resources supplied by dug wells. The sanitary risk assessment methodology, applied in an irregular settlement south of the city of São Paulo, was based on a questionnaire with yes/no questions (risk factors), which allowed the identification of problems related to the well construction and operation, and the presence of potential contamination sources in its vicinity. These risk factors were compared against nitrate and bacterial analysis using the clustering statistical method, to verify the relationship between contamination and certain aspects surveyed in the questionnaire. Questions that were more related to contaminated wells were those concerning the presence of cover and its integrity; gaps between mouth and cover; the surrounding pavement and presence of ground irregularities; infiltration in the well casing; water-suspended materials; and proximity to contamination sources. Contamination models based on variograms allowed to observe that bacterial contamination presented a strong localized component, which was associated frequently with the way residents handled the wells, whereas nitrate contamination was related more to a regional (spatial) component; that is, the distance between wells and cesspits.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of electrical resistivity methods in the area delineation that was potentially contaminated by liquefaction products, which are also called putrefactive liquids in Vila Rezende municipal cemetery, Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil. The results indicate a depth of water table between 3.1 and 5.1 m, with two groundwater direction flows, one to the SW and another to the SE. Due to the contamination plumes, which have the same groundwater direction flow, as well the conductive anomalies observed in the geoelectric sections, the contamination suspicions in the area were confirmed. The probable plume to the SE extends beyond the limits of the cemetery. The location of the conductive anomalies and the probable contamination plumes showed that the contamination is linked with the depth of the water table and the burial time. Mapping using the geostatistical method of ordinary kriging applied to the work drew structural characteristics of the regional phenomenon and spatial behavior of the electrical resistivity data, resulting in continued surfaces. Thus, this method has proved to be an important tool for mapping contamination plumes in cemeteries.  相似文献   

The São Francisco Craton, in Brazil, together with adjacent orogenic systems formed during Gondwana assemblage, are well-suited for the study of crustal growth processes. The region's geological history is marked by a series of complete tectono-metamorphic cycles, from the Archean to late Neoproterozoic, comprising arc-related magmatism followed by continental collisions and ultimately post-tectonic igneous events and rifting. In this contribution, a comprehensive isotopic database was compiled from the literature, composed mainly of high-quality U-Pb magmatic and metamorphic ages (ca. 1000), together with Lu-Hf (ca. 1300) and Sm-Nd (ca. 300) data. Using this database, combined with a tectonic/geochemical synthesized review of the region, it is possible to test which of the available contending models can better explain the apparent periodicity in the formation of the continental crustal. Some interpreted the peaks and troughs in the crustal age record as periods of increased magmatic production, controlled by periodic mantellic events. Another hypothesis is that subduction-related rocks are shielded from tectonic erosion after continental amalgamation, the peaks thus reflecting enhanced preservation potential. The latter hypothesis is favored, as the variability regarding the timing of arc-related peak magmatic production (U-Pb age peaks) from different tectonic provinces around the globe and in the considered regions, coupled to the fact that peak arc-production is always closely followed in time by major continental amalgamations (supercontinent formation), precludes a unified global causation effect, such as mantellic overturns or slab avalanches, and supports the preservation bias hypothesis. Furthermore, the worldwide (including the São Francisco Craton) occurrence of plume-related magmatism is concentrated during the periods of supercontinent break-up (i.e. after major collisions), which better relates to a top-down control on mantle convection and opposes most of the models that advocate for the primary periodicity of magmatic production, which predict enhanced plume activity slightly prior or concomitant to supercontinent formation events.  相似文献   

The increase in the frequency and magnitude of disasters triggered by earthquakes in different regions of the Earth is a major challenge to contemporary societies. The awareness that disasters and risk are processes structured on spatial?Ctemporal interactions maintained at the social-ecological system between the natural hazards and the vulnerabilities of socioeconomic, political and physical nature becomes utterly important in the increase of social systems?? resilience. Thus, the assessment of social vulnerability plays a decisive role in understanding the factors that distinguishes individuals, households and communities, in terms of their ability to anticipate, cope with, resist to and recover from the impact of disasters triggered by natural hazards. This article presents a geographic information system (GIS)-based approach model to assess the social vulnerability to seismic risk using multicriteria analysis (MCA) techniques, in a group decision-making process. The methodology applied to the municipality of Vila Franca do Campo (S?o Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal) identified moderate social vulnerability values at the neighbourhood level and higher social vulnerability values for the built environment and demographic characteristics of the social groups. The social vulnerability patterns make a clear distinction between the older/historical urban cores and the new urban areas. In the first case, the presence of ancient buildings constructed with materials of low resistance to earthquakes coupled with a higher population density and the traits of demographic and socioeconomic frailties of the social groups, results in higher vulnerability values. This pattern is common in the historic centre of S. Miguel district, Ribeira das Taínhas, northern areas of água de Alto and western and eastern neighbourhoods of Ponta Gar?a. The new urban areas, mainly found in S. Pedro, central areas of água de Alto, S. Miguel and Ponta Gar?a districts, have lower values of social vulnerability due to changes in the built, demographic and socioeconomic environments. Results recommend the integration of social vulnerability indexes into seismic risk mitigation policies and emergency management planning.  相似文献   

In this study, environmental and natural vulnerability maps developed for a Brazilian coastal region at São Sebastião City in São Paulo State helped to address a better understanding of the ecosystem fragility. Intense anthropogenic activities take place in the site that are mainly related to the petroleum industry and involve the operation of refineries and storage/transport of gas/oil by pipelines. A Geographical Information System (GIS) allowed the maps elaboration and analysis, where the region vulnerability was classified into five indexes: very low, low, medium, high and very high. The results depicted well the most vulnerable areas in the site, which should receive special care for their preservation. They include the coastal zones, the fluvial marine plain, the mangrove and the urban area of São Sebastião City. The results reported herein also show that the approach utilized may provide the decision makers with tools to develop an integrated coastal zone management for preserving the environmental resources in São Sebastião municipality. The methodology adopted is of easy implementation and adaptation to other areas, only taking into account the decision rules fitting diverse criteria imposed by the new reality.  相似文献   

We report cloudy micro- and nano-inclusions in a superdeep diamond from São-Luiz, Brazil which contains inclusions of ferropericlase (Mg, Fe)O and former bridgmanite (Mg, Fe)SiO3 and ringwoodite (Mg, Fe)2SiO4. Field emission-SEM and TEM observations showed that the cloudy inclusions were composed of euhedral micro-inclusions with grain sizes ranging from tens nanometers to submicrometers. Infrared absorption spectra of the cloudy inclusions showed that water, carbonate, and silicates were not major components of these micro- and nano-inclusions and suggested that the main constituent of the inclusions was infrared-inactive. Some inclusions were suggested to contain material with lower atomic numbers than that of carbon. Mineral phase of nano- and micro-inclusions is unclear at present. Microbeam X-ray fluorescence analysis clarified that the micro-inclusions contained transition metals (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) possibly as metallic or sulfide phases. The cloudy inclusions provide an important information on the growth environment of superdeep diamonds in the transition zone or the lower mantle.  相似文献   

The south São Francisco craton (SSFC) in Brazil is one of the few areas that are key to unveiling the Archean evolution of South America. Despite economic interest since the 18th century, the SSFC was not studied in detail until the beginning of the present decade. The two main greenstone belts in the SSFC, namely, the Rio das Velhas (RVGB) and the Pitangui (PGB), have traditionally been considered to represent a single Archean basin. Here, new geochemistry and geochronology data from both greenstone and TTG-granite rocks are integrated and suggest that these belts evolved as separate domains. These are marked by distinct basal komatiite geochemistry, indicating that the PGB evolved as a back-arc rift on a thick lithosphere section at 2.86 Ga, in contrast to the RVGB basin, which developed near an exotic juvenile TTG terrain. Approximately 100 Ma later, the PGB basin transitioned to a calc-alkaline dominated setting, coeval with the emplacement of two large TTG igneous bodies at the margins of a poly-recycled ancient terrain. This protracted recycling is marked by extremely negative ƐHf values, which are not common for Archean terrains. The dominant strong crustal signature of the SSFC Archean rocks implies the existence of an anomalous overthickened crust or a Meso- to Neoarchean protocontinent. This thickened crust developed by continuous magmatism, delamination and differentiation in a flat-subduction setting. These mechanisms suggest that modern-style plate tectonics or a similar process such as “dripduction” was operating in this area prior to 3.0 Ga, the time at which a thick continental crust regime and horizontal tectonics were thought to have been established. Late TTG magmatism in the PGB suggests the western SSFC experienced an episode of late crustal thickening at ~2.71 Ga in response to collision, while coeval shallower K-rich magmatism in the RVGB corroborates the diachronous evolution of both belts and the surrounding crystalline terrains.  相似文献   

The Jacurici Complex, located in the NE part of the São Francisco Craton, hosts the largest chromite deposit in Brazil. The mineralized intrusion is considered to be a single N-S elongated layered body, disrupted into many segments by subsequent deformation. The ore is hosted in a thick, massive layer. Two segments, Ipueira and Medrado, have been previously studied. We provide new geological information, and chromite composition results from the Monte Alegre Sul and Várzea do Macaco segments located farther north, and integrate these with previous results. The aim of this study is to determine and discuss the magma chamber process that could explain the formation of the thick chromitite layer. All segments exhibit similar stratigraphic successions with an ultramafic zone (250 m thick) hosting a 5–8 m thick main chromitite layer (MCL), and a mafic zone (40 m thick). The chromite composition of the MCL, Mg-numbers (0.48–0.72) and Cr-numbers (0.59–0.68), is similar to chromites from layered intrusions and other thick chromitites. Previous work concluded that the parental magma of the mineralized intrusion was very primitive based on olivine composition (up to Fo93) and orthopyroxene composition (up to En94) from harzburgite samples, and that it originated from an old subcontinental lithospheric mantle. We estimate that the melt from which the massive chromitite layer crystallized was similar to a boninite, or low siliceous high-Mg basalt, with a higher Fe/Mg ratio. The petrologic evidence from the mafic-ultramafic rocks suggests that a high volume of magma flowed through the sill, which acted as a dynamic conduit. Crustal contamination has previously been considered as the trigger for the chromite crystallization, based on isotope studies, as the more radiogenic signatures correlate with an increase in the volumetric percentage of amphibole (up to 20%). The abundant inclusions of hydrous silicate phases in the chromites from the massive ore suggest that the magma was hydrated during chromite crystallization. Fluids may have played an important role in the chromite formation and/or accumulation. However, the trigger for chromite crystallization remains debatable. The anomalous thickness of the chromitite is a difficult feature to explain. We suggest a combined model where chromite crystallized along the margins of the magma conduit, producing a semi-consolidated chromite slurry that slumped through the conduit forming a thick chromitite layer in the magma chamber where layered ultramafic rocks were previously formed. Subsequently, the conduit was obstructed and the resident magma fractionated to produce a more evolved composition.  相似文献   

Qi  Wenhua  Su  Guiwu  Sun  Lei  Yang  Fan  Wu  Yang 《Natural Hazards》2016,86(1):107-139

This paper presents the development of an “Internet+” approach to mapping exposure and seismic vulnerability of buildings in a context of rapid socioeconomic growth. This approach is a combination of the following interdependent components: (1) extraction of footprint areas of a large number of buildings from high-resolution Google Earth images; (2) estimation of floor numbers of these buildings with an integrated use of high-resolution Google Earth images, Tencent/Baidu Street Views, crowdsourcing data, and associated building-relevant local knowledge; and (3) identification of structural types of these buildings by a combined use of crowdsourcing data and associated building-relevant local knowledge. The efficacy of this “Internet+” approach was demonstrated through an application in Tangshan, China. Field-based verification indicated that the overall mean absolute percentage error of the proposed “Internet+” approach in assessing the total floor area of the addressed buildings was 4.64 %. The verification also showed that the overall consistency between the estimated structural types using the proposed approach and the actual structural types of the buildings with structural type uncertainties could reach 97.54 %, with a kappa coefficient of 0.94. Because of its good accuracy, noteworthy speed, substantial labor savings, negligible cost and distinctive capability in covering large areas in near real time, this “Internet+” approach might have promising prospects in actual seismic loss risk reduction challenges.


《Applied Geochemistry》2004,19(4):575-591
The weathering rate of rocks and chemical dynamics of the Corumbataı́ River basin, São Paulo State, Brazil, were evaluated using major elements as natural tracers. This basin has serious environmental problems in terms of quality of surface and rainwater, which affect the determination of weathering rate. The Corumbataı́ River, downstream from Rio Claro City, receives several elements/compounds through anthropogenic activities, with only K, SO42− and alkalinity yielding positive flux values. The negative flux of some anions/cations can be attributed to atmospheric loading mainly related to anthropogenic inputs, providing K a value of 16.7 ton/km−2a−1 for the material removed by weathering in the Corumbataı́ River basin. This is equivalent to 26×106 kg of rock being removed each year by the Corumbataı́ River. The instantaneous flux was found to be a function of discharge, with the majority of dry residue (dissolved load) being transported during the summer (wet) months. The removed material in Corumbataı́ River basin derives mainly from two sub-basins (Cabeças River and Passa Cinco River), where the sandstones weather more easily than siltstones and claystones in the basin.  相似文献   

Draining through industrial areas of the Minas Gerais mining state (Brazil), some tributaries of the São Francisco River constitute a potential environmental hazard for this great river and threaten the quality of the regional soils for agriculture and other activities. Extensive geochemistry and mineralogy of sediments, soils and alluvial plains from six selected areas within the Consciência drainage basin close to an important Zn-extraction plant, have been carried out. In this report, detailed mineralogy of those samples and supporting geochemical data are discussed, taking into account their specific climactic and environmental context. Petrographic and electron microprobe characterization of the sand-grained fraction of these materials was complemented by XRD on their finer fraction: the main contaminant minerals are willemite (one of the Zn ores used in the industrial plant) and jarosite, though their contents are quite variable in the studied areas and also with depth; minor amounts of Zn-, Pb-, Cd-, and Mn-bearing mineral phases are also frequent, usually as inclusions in willemite or in polycrystalline clasts, or adsorbed on the finer materials, such as clay minerals and associated Fe-hydroxides. Mineralogical contamination is responsible for high metal contents in the soils and sediments of the areas closer to the plant (e.g. Zn ? 2000 mg kg?1 and Cd ? 20 mg kg?1, which are the Intervention Values for Industrial Areas) and the greatest contamination risks are related to the more labile phases that circulate throughout the alluvial plains, the shallow sediments and the stream bed. Monitoring the mineral/chemical contamination and its extent also constitutes a useful basis for future proposals to remediate and recover this industrial area in order to decrease medium- and long-term negative impacts of metal contamination on the local and downstream environments.  相似文献   

Bertioga Channel is a partially mixed (type 2) tidal estuary on the coastal plain of São Paulo, Brazil. Hourly current and salinity measurements during neap and spring tides in July 1991 yielded information about the physical structure of the system. Peak along-channel velocities varied from 40 cm s?1 to 60 cm s?1 during flood tides and from 70 cm s?1 to 100 cm s?1 during ebb tides. Net vertical velocity profiles indicate that the net current reverses directions at a depth of 2.5–3.0 m in the halocline. Due to appreciable fortnightly tidal modulation, the estuary alternates from being highly stratified (type 2b) during neap tides, with advection and diffusion contributing equally to the net upstream salt flux, to being moderately stratified (type 2a) during spring tides, when 90% of the net upstream salt transport is the result of effective tidal diffusion. Decomposition of the salt flux indicates that the relative contribution to the upstream salt transport by gravitational circulation shear is greater than the oscillatory tidal flux by a factor of 2.6 during neap tides. The oscillatory tidal flux is generated by the correlation of the tidal components of the u-velocity and salinity and is responsible for approximately the same amount of upstream salt transport, during neap and spring tides. However, during spring tides, this oscillatory term is greater than the other salt flux terms by a factor of 1.4. The total salt transport, through a unit width of the section perpendicular to the flow, was within 2% of the sum of the seven major decomposed, advective and dispersive terms. On the assumption that the Bertioga Channel is laterally homogeneous, the results also indicate that the estuary is not in steady state with respect to salt flux.  相似文献   

An updated analysis of geothermal data from the highland area of eastern Brazil has been carried out and the characteristics of regional variations in geothermal gradients and heat flow examined. The database employed includes results of geothermal measurements at 45 localities. The results indicate that the Salvador craton and the adjacent metamorphic fold belts northeastern parts of the study area are characterized by geothermal gradients in the range of 6–17°C/km. The estimated heat flow values fall in the range of 28–53 mW/m2, with low values in the cratonic area relative to the fold belts. On the other hand, the São Francisco craton and the intracratonic São Francisco sedimentary basin in the southwestern parts are characterized by relatively higher gradient values, in the range of 14–42°C/km, with the corresponding heat flow values falling in the range of 36–89 mW/m2. Maps of regional variations indicate that high heat flow anomaly in the São Francisco craton is limited to areas of sedimentary cover, to the west of the Espinhaço mountain belt. Crustal thermal models have been developed to examine the implications of the observed intracratonic variations in heat flow. The thermal models take into consideration variation of thermal conductivity with temperature as well as change of radiogenic heat generation with depth. Vertical distributions of seismic velocities were used in obtaining estimates of radiogenic heat production in crustal layers. Crustal temperatures are calculated based on a procedure that makes simultaneous use of the Kirchoff and Generalized Integral Transforms, providing thereby analytical solutions in 2D and 3D geometry. The results point to temperature variations of up to 300°C at the Moho depth, between the northern Salvador and southern São Francisco cratons. There are indications that differences in rheological properties, related to thermal field, are responsible for the contrasting styles of deformation patterns in the adjacent metamorphic fold belts.  相似文献   

The southern portion of the Sao Francisco Palaeocontinent in Brazil is denoted by Archean nuclei and Paleoproterozoic magmatic arcs that were amalgamated during Siderian to Orosirian orogenic processes(ca.2.4-2.1 Ga).New isotopic U-Pb in zircon and Sm-Nd whole rock combined with major and trace element composition analyses constrain the crystallization history of the Neoarchean Piedade block(at ca.2.6 Ga) and the Paleoproterozoic Mantiqueira Complex(ca.2.1-1.9 Ga).These therefore display quite different magmatic histories prior to their amalgamation at ca.2.05 Ga.Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopes imply a mixed mantle-crustal origin for the samples in both units.A complete Palaeoproterozoic orogenic cycle,from subduction to collision and collapse,is recorded in the Piedade Block and the Mantiqueira Complex.Rhyacian to Orosirian subduction processes(ca.2.2-2.1 Ga) led to the generation of coeval(ca.2.16 Ga)TTG suites and sanukitoids,followed by late(2.10-2.02 Ga) high-K granitoids that mark the collisional stage.The collisional accretion of the Mantiqueira Complex against the Piedade Block at 2.08-2.04 Ga is also recorded by granulite facies metamorphism in the latter terrane,along the Ponte Nova suture zone.The collisional stage was closely followed by the emplacement of within-plate tholeiites at ca.2.04 Ga and by alkaline rocks(syenites and enriched basic rocks) at ca.1.98 Ga,marking the transition to an extensional tectonic regime.The discovery of two episodes of TTG and sanukitoid magmatism,one during the Neoarchean in the Piedade Complex and another during the Rhyacian in the Mantiqueira Complex,indicates that the onset of subduction-related melting of metasomatized mantle was not restricted to Neoarchean times,as generally believed,but persisted much later into the Paleoproterozoic.  相似文献   

In this paper, the extent to which the potentially transit-dependent portion of the population is vulnerable to the effects of a hurricane is estimated. The vulnerability of an area is defined as a composite measure of the proportion of disadvantaged persons, distance to transit, and flooding potential of people within an area. Unlike past studies which have focused on the vulnerability of the population in relatively large geographic areas, this study estimates the vulnerability of the population in 30 m × 30 m areas as defined in the National Land Cover Database. Population estimates from the national census at block level are disaggregated to the 30 m × 30 m units using a modified dasymetric mapping method in ArcGIS. The modified mapping method assigns population to each small areal unit using weights estimated by regressing the area of each land use in a census block against the population in that block. The coefficients in the regression analysis are “weights” associating population with each land use, and are used to distribute the population in each census block to the small geographic units based on their land use. In a case study of New Orleans, the results show that some areas are not well served by the existing transit pickup locations, as evidenced by their high vulnerability scores. Reassignment of pickup point locations to cover higher vulnerability score areas was investigated using integer linear programming. The results show that the optimally located pickup points serve areas with a larger average vulnerability score than the current pickup points in the study area. The method appears to be helpful in identifying vulnerable areas that, subsequently, could receive improved hurricane evacuation service in the future.  相似文献   

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